Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, October 24, 1913, Image 4

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    Whetlnr you are going in February or in Novomlvcr, tho lime to
prepare for your visit to the
Panama-Pacific International Exposition
is NOW. Mv plan assures you of a pleasant trip. No worries about
tickets transportation hotel accommodation. Kverythlng reserved
and cvcr tiling first class.
Find out About lhi unique offer. end the coupon today
E. J. CLAUSSEN. Tillamook. Oregon
You may send me FUEK particulars about the San Fraucl.co Kxposi
lion Tour.
Addr. ..
.fliifES "presemtT vl
iASi; -Olympic- Wheat Heart. ,'ifi
- "rUJTRjTlflUS"" - r--"'-Vtiiiy
Doctors Feared Lung Trouble,
Restored to Health by VinoL
The medical profession does not b
Here that lung troubles are Inherited,
but a person may inherit a weakness
or tendency to them.
Mrs. Kate Heckroan, Springfield.
Ohio, says: "A few years ago I was
In a Tery bad run-down condition, and
the physician told mo I had consump
tion. I tried another physician, and
he told mo I had ulcers on my right
lung. I quit the physicians and
started on 'VlnoL' Today I am
perfectly healthy, and that la why I
rerommend 'VinolV
VInol soothes and heals tho Inflam
ed surfaces and allays tho cough,
Vinol creates an appetite, strengthens
the digestive organs and gives tho
patient strength to throw off In
cipient pulmonary diseases.
Try a bottle of Vlnol with the un
derstanding that your money will be
returned If it does not help you.
P. S. For any skin trouble try our
Saxo Salve. Wo guarantee It.
CHAs. I. fLOl'GH CO. .
Tillamook, Ore.
.llis.itton ot School t District,
fount Di.-ttru-tK. Cute mill 1'i-rt.- f
Till.unutik County Oregon, for the
yenr 1U13.
School Ditt. No.
Tilhiinook .
Unfamlllarity with tho lues to ho
voted on at tho eclal roforondu'n
election of November I ha boon found
k! tniltu general throughout Otegou. Some
voter have an uiidortandlng of one,
ome of two or three of tho lue, but
few of the entire gtvup. The live is
sues are a follows-
Shall nil nnnmnrlntliin of ft 00. 000.
I ! made by the I'.MU legislature, to con
struct and eiulp an administration and
classnHiui building for the University
of Oregon and to extend the heating
plant through it, beKirmlttod to stand?
$75,000 Needed.
Shall an appropriation of $76,000,
made by the UH.1 legislature, for addi
tions and repairs to three University
of Oregon buildings am! to the univer
ally's ce tral plan, be permitted to
Shall tho Sterilization Act. passed
by the 11I3 legislature, to protect tho
public from habitual criminals and
moral degenerates bo ermittcd t
Shall the act of the I'JlIl legislature,
providing a county attorney for ouch
county ami (Wing salaries, stand?
Shall the Workmen's Compensation
Act stand?
Get Much Attention.
Chief interest ntpar to enter
around the fate of the two University
appropriations and that of the Compon
sation Act. Helievers in education
throughout the state are considerably
wrought up over this latest attack
ujion the University's progress. They
s'ate the case in part a follows:
N'o new building ha been erected at
the university for six year, during
which period attendance has doubled
As far tuek a I'.HO instruction was be
me smeii under extreme ilfihcultie.
Tie 1311 legislature came to the rescue
by appropriating money for two now
buildings. IVrsoii.il enemies of the
university resorted to the rofercmlum
and no building could be erected. It
then became necessary to begin holding
classes in basemenu, in hallways and
in temporary places hastily thrown to
gether ami substantial enough only to
keep out the wind and rain.
The 1913 legislature attempted
second rescue. It appropriated fund
for one new structure, but added in a
second bill $75,000 for repairs and addi
lion as follows: To the library build
ing. MU.OOy; engineering building
.mo.vw; ucauy I tail, jiu.UW; men
dotmitory. $10,0C0; heating plant. $10,
From Journal !
All lel voter roillnK within the.
cortornte limit of Tillamook Ulty nrt!
llrniUtrvot'a in a recent review of fr.ptlred to l ieltrs at the guyj
the woolen Industry said the new tarlir Uecorder' olllee In order to vote at tho '
had forced American manufacturer to ' cdinlin: City Kleellnn Tin I In d
improve the ipialltv of their output. jdltton to the relUtluu with the
Tills I bolus done, smIiI llradstrvel's, , County Clerk for County A Hlat" lec
btvau'e maker of winilen Kood in till lion.
country now (Iml It necewary to meet, lienor! Law of Oregon 1113 Hec
foreign iMinin'tltlon, and the new ob Hon i Chapter Xil.
Prsldont Will Accept J
mums to Uiirrcncy B
You choose from
big variety
whi n Vjj I J
3 1
Bay City.
here. All of the bttcr
mak-,3, ir,eluuir; tho
popular BUHL Tinne
Stc-tl S&nitary Deliv
ery Cans.
Get the complete catalog of dairy
and creamery supplies.
Fitp:: ur jn request: sont;
book f'r taming words and music
of over M favorite bongs.
io :tiii,ti)
51 '
.vi '
57 '
Nrlinlfin Pily
City of Wlieek-r...
liny City ,
i'illiiuiook City. . .
I'ort of .Nehiileni.
l'ort of Hay City.
I'ort of TiJIiimook
Ko!i(l IJiHt No, 1
Ko.id Dint. No. 2..
Ko:ul Dint No. 3. .
Neliiilem .
. . aA7lo
.. S5I.fl.-S
... I17.oI5
.. .M7.075
. 2V,0Vi
. 2y.',75
.. 70,uO.'
. lll.i:
. TTi.OI.I
!.--. 75
. 'JI3.t'i()
.. il),5i)
116. SKI
. f)7i.s:r
. 'Mi, HJ
. 13, iV)
. l,lil7,(W)
. i:n7.-i
. 51 f
. 33, (M)
. 510. 1IO
.. o3 XC
. li,7i,0
. 3 1 7, h35
. :i03,'jt
.. t'OJ 15
. -'7, 110
. x).tii:
0. 72Ti
. L'fl,70-
. 111.3,700
. 50,0.7)
31.-. -JTS)
. 3-17,510
. 201.170
. 115, 1 ho
. I5,lifl
. ;m i55
5,570, 135
, (ZIJ.KhO
Under Strain.
Again the referendum has been invoked.
and again the university Is put under
tho utmost strain to handle the incom
Ing students, who this fall will pruba
bly number S50 in the colleges of liberal
arts and engineering alone. The $175,-
OOO is avail.iblu nt the statu treniury.
ami construction of the one building
and repairs and addition. to the others
will be begun at once if the voters tin
hold the two appropriations. To uphoM
the appropriations will enable the uni
versity io nccoinpusn its worK more
satisfactorily until the mllhige bill
takes effect and removes both Univer
sity of Oregon and Oregon Agricultural
College from politics.
He May Appeal.
The Sterilization Act is "referended"
by the Anti - Stenl'zati'in Loaguu,
which pleads the individual's private
rights and the probability of unjust
operation. Authority to order sturll-
izrtion is vested in the state board of
health. The intended patient Is per
mitted an appeal to tho courts.
District attorneys now often hold
oflice for several counties. The County
Attorney Act provides for one uttorney
in each county and fixes salaries, which
rarifje from $-i,0Ov) a year in Multnomnh
to fGW each in Curry and Lincoln
I counties.
Tho Workmen's Compensation Act
with which most voters aro familiar,
created a state industrial commission
and provides an industrial accident
fund, made up from assessment! upon
employer. In chho of accident, the
employee's compensation cornea from
this fund, in an amount fixed by tho
commission. Personal damage suits
are expected to bo eliminated under
this act.
Icy is better md and lower prices at
the (Kiint of manufacture.
The Dry timl Itoportor, uritan
the trade In Chicago, hold out no
strong hope of an early reduction In
prices to the consumer, hut My the
consumer may Ih'k for a Iwttor piatlty
of gtHx! at the auie price. A a rule,
say the Keporter, Kuropeon manufact
urer have found It IhhU to oll their
higher elan. morvhomllo In Amcrlfa.
a tat the Immediate result will lnt that
American manufrtcturr will thai how
competition for quality on their hettvr
grade of merchmli.
Heretofore the American Uat had to
compote only with his nvlghhor. On
ipinlity he mutt now eoiumto iwt only
with hi nelghlNir latt aUu with the
foreigner. Not only on quality nwt
he comtx'te, but he must aknt match up
the new fabrics, new putteriM, new
styles and new Invention! that aro
being brought out ami develop! by
the mixlorn munu'acturer.
The retailer will have a greater op"
Ikirtuntty .to dial value In hi merchin
dle, ami thi will in turn U) re Mr ted
to the consumer In Inuter prwlucu.
Americans will Ikj eomiwltml to furnlolt
the most interesting pattern and fab
ric., ami at tho ame Hum put Into
thvlr im'rchamlltu the same or better
material than do moMt European manufacturer.
The merchant I the lal man to pww
giHkU to the eontumor: h tnnt boar
the bunleu of bUnw If M nrku ar
not reduced. Ho may not linvn an
easy time expluinlmc, but buyer houbJ
not cxect too much In too atwrt a
time. If ipiallly Improves and ptte9
remain tattonary the cot to the
surncnt l.i In fart roijticml.
From Telegram:
Keacln ihu hpoi
hir.pi pa ii i-i ,ianilr
The Gf it 1'ile Htm
My, I' K uiici miImt
wiOj rectal nuda
una (Ioch not includu rnilroada
and other piiblic? acrvice conom
uuiih wiiicm are imhi-khhi i.k i,,.
Mtnte tax coiiiinHHioii. All Hiiecial
IC1,CT ii ne tiled with the nnocKeit by a wave from a small
oiintyLierk niul County AHaoHHor t'"t in which, with two comnanI.i,
on or before Dccciiilicr lat. he was trying to reach Twin Rocks, off
KocKaway Heach, Saturday afternoon.
MAPLE LEAF. puy "oa. 23, of Portland was drowned
in mo ocean. His Jody was recov-
Wm. 'I'hanb.r i.f W.l,L.l r I ere,,
WIL'l'. I (..
is visiting his sister, Mrs. Jesse Earl J w W, "8H '" 1,0 boat weru m
lit reports tliu hea th of hia ni,,, mi0 """"i'"r, anu u, nyurs.
Meta Karl as much Improved. Krncory store owner of Rockaway. Tho
On w,.,i,.., i .L. . .. puny fnu(,n no trip to Twin Rocks.
ed, severely scalding Rarl Pr,ru iw K. . , . ' 01 n,oul was
leariui or a storm which threatened to
ed, severely scalding Earl Ford, a fire
. i .. .
j esse r.ari nun iiih rninri-nr.
navo one or nis grays badly lacerated
by a kick from the other one.
1'aBcal Fraser of finn i.uu,n i,.
..:..i.t i...t "t,,,, "o
YiomiiK ruiunves on wuson Ulver.
corno up, and insisted upon being taken
to snore again.
After lundlng him safely the trio
started back to tho rock, and when an
unusually heavy wave hit tholr boat,
Iteforc everything lic, William Jen
nings Ilryan l a preacher. The moral
quality of the man tower above evr.ry
other; uiul he hokls that It Is the chief
quality Uon which tho world should
Mr. Bryan iiki tafore a religious
gathering eoinool of 'votnen in the
City of Washington, ami a a matter of
course mo occasion (lemamiril a srr-!
mon. Tho subject, a it apxuir, was
the good which would rosull from more
general familiarity witn the lilbln, but
an incidental remark in the eoure of
his nddrc serves a a plondld text
for the thought which ha to do with
tho education and the ieinl better
ment of the peopl. That remark
runs : "A good heart can uie very
dull mind serviceable to ociely, but a
bad heart cannot make uu of a mind
however brilliant.
There is a marked tendency In tho
teaching of the lime and In all the kh-
ve ellorts of social science to lay
iirt and greatest stress Uon tho devel
opment of the Intellect. Tito theme
of it all seems to bo what wo shall
do. We are prone to eslabllih
nrd fur the Individual that is a combin
ation of physical and mental excellence ;
and whflu we aru not unmindful of the
rn.iral quality, It is treated more or less
as an incident in human development
railicr than an esjential.
To this tendency Mr. Bryan's moral
phiioiophv is opposed. Ho holds that
the fundamental fact In each life is the
right puroc, to bu achluved with the
most beneficial and far-reaehlig elfcct
by the help of tho flno Intellect that Is
well trained. It Is a sound philosophy
and wc ought to havo more of It.
It is a philwuopliy that has a hearing
on our social and political life at every
point. If this philosophy wero to bo
applied in practice In our social rula
lions Homo of tho most vox log problem
that wo now havo to deal with would
l(lllfult . I...... I .1 . I
' "" " muni Wlljy WOUIII no SO
far Holved that they would glvo us no
great concern. So, too, In tho conduct
or our political alfalrs, whero the mor
al purpose to servo with benefit to thu
greutor number Is paramount: wl,..r..
justice is held to bo the first of political
viriuea, mere wo have tho nearest .,.
proach to the policy that will nhnltui.
class hatred; that will mako graft the
more umreputublo and therefore n,
more rare, and In every rcsnect will
bring tho jwditlcal machinery Into moru
beneficial service to tho entlro people.
1 he most widely read Amorl.! ,...
omlst oncu said that moral progress
must keep pacu with material and In
tollcctual progress or tho social fabric
that wo now aro building un woul.l ...
.1... .... .... . .-- .
uay go io pieces, Ati J tho fact that
gives mis teaching thu asnect nf
perauve aumirallon Is the lnen,..i,.
t.,.M.f.null.llt. .... a
..riimuiiHji mui, reaia upon lliillvldu
at mombora of society In tho multiplied
and mom complex functions wMni. u.
clcty Itnlf must assume. All nlfort tn
I', W TOD I), Uty Itwitder.
Nr VorW Mia Liuuialln I'ank
!uitt. itin militant sutfrnaettn Irallrr,
allowed to land on .Manhattan !
Uiul frviat Kill Ulaud he had
t,crii ttntalnmt by the lltlltllcrstloil KU
thoHllmi Htl had wn ordfrwl d.
pwrtrit a an uudealrable allru, but
rfidnt WIUuh and H'rar of
IjtUni WIUou Inter uit on hr at"
il (torn thl it'lloii and Itotruciml
ttihooy (Vmlfiettl. rommilour
.rnl nt InimtKrwllon. to release hr
.i her tftttt rcoKnliiiiicn and lttumt
Hhortl; after h tndei Mt I'alik'
humt wot tak on In an atiiomnblla to
ih rtMmn uf Mr. U It i' M
hi wit
Th Amortcn pitdo did It It (
lhlr will." oahl. "What will Iho
KnglUu ayt Ttmn h paid her
(HPfti tartly tu Itrcluald Mriirnua.
thn llrttuh Imw ooorrtary. character
utn bim a "the ahief torturer ot
Kftland" 9km aM It not hr
partMM it prnaeh mtltuacy In ihl
ro iatry. but that jjn oitU eonttn
orvelf in a rutUHw 0( lh trt
mat corli th" sudrafotlr In Hnt
I. nd
Uitrtmr I'tnsUj of tlqu alltleatlon
Unjnlmouil Withlithl
AlUanj. N V William Halier fa
o4 to Im eorernur ot the lat of New
York n n rettom Ifom ottlc
hy the hlKh vttuti ot imtcliiiicnt
Ur a virtually anaulmoti iuie alio
th lmi"wrhtuofit tribunal tWiacil that
t?nler huuhl not be tMiUh! br dl
iUflliflrnlHa to hohl offk'e t honor
and trvt in thu et& In llio (niur.
In KolnK mil uf office H.iltcr Utiirt
a statenmnt In hlch tm tlnuinnecl
the tribunal bob rmor.l him a
"Murphy4 high murt o( infamy" It
awmrtml he bad not takrn the tand
la hi own infent Waoau U" foju.
J that hi tory ntucklne tho Tain,
many loader vroubt no til oui,
Sulrer NomlnaUii In Atrmbly IUc.
Nw Vork. William Itutjnr. Itu
jtchiMl a eotnraor uf the tnte. a
uomluatiHl lor Ui AMKntMy by th
proBrnwilirn of thn lith a.nrrnbly
dtatrtct. Mr ttuUor ha aurcwl to
acor.pt thn nomliiMlliiu
Componatloti Act Ordered on lUllot
Kalum, Or DrelarliiK that the rr
Ity of th name on Iho petition was
not quiullonott and Ihat only fault
In tlm deaiitiiation of rrr( r.l
dencn In the main rrn urned, th
upreuie court slulalnr.l the detiUloti
of JudKe (lalloway. of the circuit
court for this district. In i!lmllitK
a suit trtatliutcl to restrain HeriUry
of Htatn )ro(t from rnfrrrlnit tho
workman's compensation not to a
vote of the people.
15. 2'j j,ki iO Will. Jic
M) Wit . . . . yJC
100 M'411 - . . . Vic
IW) Will .... it, 20
250 WaII - ... 2.00
l'r.,cl .,imi, Itilln
Wr ilrlivcr Ini.!,,. I., f
tl.r cur Telt, , ,. Wr d.
wlrln a; iIt i,.r., ,..,..,,:
Tlllaaook Electric win
U7hi St Fuel Co. ''C"''
Wa.hliiKtou ( , ,.f
on wIIIIhb ( t rm
-H..M. Milium, ui tt,H iia,!,.,
currency bill In boi
union on ll,rt Wh,n
enato cuiumlttue. ut.Wft,f,
..... . ,. nir ux j,
IUertUrn bnfotn l,o rnj
raiiTit oi conere
Tho pr.det tile.. elf , fcJ
.vaiuiuy irader I i !rrti ,
d hi wllllnBtir. t ,mHil
poai ior a itc. t
nau.o. no aiu. confeeM
til llellcihri IIim 1. 1.1 w ... . l
III tun ltaln Ilia flj,i wml .
Ur ami p..rd ,t0 ltttttx 1
llepubllcan tnnntxf, ( U jj
tr ami tiouaior II tv,
liraika. rfo Inrltr.ri Ijj L-l
ihu plan a ii nj.iiwutit
i...iti i.. i. .i. . I
i,,.-. iu i' uwiu (o 4j im
plnai)nl tnKlnii r,
V riueiion in . twt$Ui .
cr bank, (lied t, ih
tlun bill at 17, ami i: rv&wttli
rtaty ui atfWtf.'.t tJs4 Hi
trullor uf (tin eorre'.i t Ui
al rf lKifd h niy,
b known ho wrui4 . t t-M.
Cj"'Iu" lIM I Dft.t m (JJ
Th rift dlfrcl ttJtJ J
Craluna lto(t4' -x ot fUtJ
eipentliur ram ,J
hci rtntur i uii (rsiiJ
(bo ondll of rati.(,ajfa fU"
oho toto la otiotticf
It lllr ltoU Att let lit
It will MI field Hi.. U'la4, UI j
(III Ilia aCIHKIr fref f,
hlrcla, bUt AtftO it, ' VMttfi
of iaitUalltitia a lltr Sit;iM
lion f Manufacturer h
tv.lnrution ot t.Ur o! tt&i.wJ
iuelatiun ut W..n nKrml
Tho bill prohlbi' n.-fji-J
wMdlng Of fund r -i rtflt mi
anmnor 10 po ui tisi
prmldattt, tli pfr !." ftHiJ
lfif or mintr ( rttttivii
The prmHod ftn a- wit
r'foh'btt iho iiffoom kctttifl
:wlHIi Minmtt- oftl
maie publte rvxr' ' nil KKM
lion fm-ln and Bijiiisnt
Lane to In.Ul on 1100,0,011!
Itwjrotary tno. heal of i&ht9
dapartinnnl. Itilond ' V i i
tn In ml flfiht tifor. i tnittUt
nt. nitn tn uro '. Usw
Uun h advocate. ' h t3 :
.iinllablo H00.00O' ' r tottn
Irricatlnn ami dri- j 6tt a
m. To that ond U ii ad4
In contor tho atlo-.it i of tU i
country on the Irrlisatrd
Itin wr
Oneo iho general 'utt!c m-
hat Irritation ha dono 4 c
for lh doaort refits
thoro will b lllllo i.,;laa Ull
to the reclamation fund eicalll
for tho um named It u totl
fiatnl land that Iho t 'ty met I
fur It lucroaarxt ur ! tlos 1
product. In the ojiiii ot it' 1
larv. and It IIOO,t)0"it a ii&m
ainounl now avalall ' -. t'H
"d for IrrlKatlnii and 'lrinK
tho noit decado. HMfo'arr Ul
Hove tho problem of lush rwl
I lie will be nt loat patiullf 1
National Capital MrfvltlM-
Hecmtary McAdiai ate lM
no liitniitlnit of rrs Klltll! "w 1
I'ostmaatortlonoral iliirhe9
forred with a donation of AtmM
railway nroaldents necklnc p11"!
fur I ri HHliirl luif tlinll
lr.,Nl,l.,Ml M'llnflll Wl I tO 10
delphla Valtirday to "fk l f'J
dn.llcallon of Congroi b.
nlKht ho will leave for MotH.J
whero ho la to deliver an oilJf'M
foro tho Houtheni ('ommort111
Tho wholo west ha felt bll'"J
ward tho Interior di'isrlliifBl
Hi...r..lnrv l ull.. mi ill rVtUrt- I
nr.. ..i.i.. ....... ...... i i darn
n aniiiiiHiuu, iiim .
nxli iIk.iikIiI iuiiI HI 11(1 V 10 (
ii... r...,ui I linvn rinc luded Iu" .
bltternesa la due partially ' 'b'
I I.lnillllll 01 lfl
...i. ....a . (lis tilrtlfl
booauaii tharo hi too much in
Aolivo prnparallon by 'u' . J
take Immodluto udvauiuita
of tb
Vr.A rJ.eh.,,,,. . , ..... o8, who was standing up. was k,.,k Z I:.. "ZZT : u 'nif .,,ocl ' uvo
Wicklund accoVnpatded by M family ,nto ' In well n,' u )Z ' .i"," f!UU 11
has moved on to the i.t ,X An all ,M .....,..,., "Well y.,jn metaphor thu fiiNdnmen.
I'V keeolnv lid.. I.. -1...1.1 .. . . ..
Wo are M,7ll n IKtnieHS,
best stnek P "'!r"UHH .,nmlu ' '
Kpt"SS Mt l"'lcc', u,i,t f
roty swul MmnunLnJS' 4 trouiid Capa Hum l
, iinni lima uhuuii - - ,
U A Ita . , . . , ..t,.. (I.- ,. rwuV in
WW ' . n&JBIl . m '111. .. . . . . . " ' - " - '
... I.w I
baiif nlaiian of the new lnrin .
.....I i. it.. lln,u Hlull'S lr
4vu.n tfi wt't'i w ' .Jill
A, D. Mnlvlii, chief of lh f .
nlmal hiSimlril wllO llV '
I Cl..il. liimrlCS,
iiiriu-ii iruin nuiiiii ...i
H.,iri.P. iwniiiis hn form'" '
nounood thai tho lltorls ' .
Oiwuoii, whloh iiwda the fu .
In tii
I 115.
here. I tu "u . V" "' worm or ourn Ih not
I ni.wiivwk, muv blu Henri,