Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, October 24, 1913, Image 2

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    CiK Ciflamook Berald
C. G. Cromblcy, Editor
Issued Civlcc a Ulcck CucsUav n Frtdav
Entered as sct-ond-clas mat tor May 17, HMO. at tho pot
Oinni, under tho not of March 9, 187V.
oHU'o at Tillamook,
fldvcrtlslrifl Hates
I ccal Advertisements
First Insertion, per lino - $
Each subexwient insertion, lino
Homestead Notices
Timber Claims
Notices, per line
Card? of thank, per line
Iocals, 'er line, first insertion
Tillamook Hrr.iM. rbhhl Sent-wUj at TilUmool CH.v. Ore
lMitor. '. K TroroWe. lNNiter C K Trumhtey. r.C H. Tntmlilcv.
MortKt. l1tmt National hunk. TIUiV ( . Or.
j Each sulwequcnt insertion, line
Resolutions of Condolence ami
lodgo notices, per lino .05
W ltuines. ."e Frofessioual canls.mo. 1. 00
w Display Advertisement, per inch ."ft
i' Al.I. Oisplav Avis must ho in this of
" fice on Monday ami Thursday Morn-
.05 ings to insure publication in follow -
ft! inn Tuesday and Friday issues.
,7J ! Reasons arc Imporativo.
FRIDAY, OCT01U-K I'-., 191 It.
Col. Goo. H.
I'orto Rico, says
Colton, governor of ' arc already indicating that they will
that after a three support the now low tarilT campaign.
years' fight, tho lottery swindle which
has robbed the people of that island of
12,000.000 a ear has been effectively
suppressed. Only another indication
of tho bonefieient effects of United
States rule in I'orto Rico.
President Wilson is now reported as
saving that the passage of the tariff
law only half completes the emancipa
tion of the American people from in
dustrial bondage that the enactment
of the currency reform bill must fol
low. To th -1-ittor tho president has
set bimelf with tho same resolution
he showed over the tariff legislation.
For a little quiet man. Woodrow Wilson
Foremost among these arc the Ottawa
Citizen and Toronto World. The new
tariff law in the United States, by re
moving the duty on food stuffs, has
greatly stimulated shipments across
the bonier- so much so us to raise per
ceptibly prices off the Canadian side.
Free traders argue that this prove
that reciprocity or the removal of tar
iff barriers would bcnetU Canada. High
' tariff advocates, however, will insit
that tho present condition is best for
Canada -free trade in what she has to
sell, but protection against the pro
ducts of the Unite.! States.
Dr. Wilbur F. Crafts, who was prcs-
has Theodore Kooevelt beaten for per- lent throughtout The lla'-ue Interna
tional Opium Conference, and has Kept
posted on the progress of the move
ment for a worldwide treaty to end the
opium traffic, reports that since the
close of the conference in July three
sistent strenuosity ami bull dog tenacity.
The conventions which will hold forth
at the Commercial Club rooms in this j
a gTeat deal avut
in a general way
the dairy business'
Some splendid lee-
I of the ten governments which had up
! to that time refused or failed to sign
added their signatures, namely.
Norway und Sweden, leaving
seven yet to sign Austria-Hun-
jects relative to the dairy industry, all . ., . ...
t v.- u .-ii k t u.i i'i I Servia. Roumania, Montenegro, rise
Ui . uilii ..til yj . muni aiut tv (- . , i.
lamooVers. A special invitation
given to every rancher in Tillamook
city next week will give our farmers
and town people an opportunity to learn , av
) Peru.
i only
tures will be given on different sub-
i Int.. trt itii'k .(Lintinn ui...t, ,,,.
County, whether he belongs to the as
sociations which will bo represented
here next week or not, to be present at
the meetings. Let everyone turn out
and help make the affair a grand success.
The growth of the automobile indus
try, and the use of these horseless ve
hides, in the United States, is shown ,
in some figures recently given out. j
During 1912 automobiles in this country :
paid in registration and license fees
$5,63S,S7S a figure which exceeded the ,
value of our exports of automobiles in
1906. In 1911 we exported automobile
to the value S16.921,331, and in the fol- '
lowing year the totul reached 123,703,
9S9. In 1912 we ha'i nearly as many
automobiles in New York State as
there were in France and Germany
combined. Finally, the total numoer,
of automobiles on our highways in 1912
was a round million. And Detroit is
the chief center of the automobile
manufacturing industry in the United
States and in the whole world!
The onlv Balkan states having large
commercial interests in either opium or
cocaine are Turkey and Greece. After
these signatures are all in there must
be ratification by forty-five govern
ments and then a period of diplomatic
correspondence as to when the treaty
shall be put in force. Hecausc of the
I great public revenues and greater
I profits involved, says Dr. Crafts.
' there is sure to be need of a strong
i driving power of international moral
: sentiment to get the treaty through
these stages.
An important advance toward self
government, and jwrhaps independence,
has been made in the Philippines, since
Francis liurton Ha rison went out as
governor-gem ral. The natives are to
Among the bills th.it have been re
ferred to the people to be voted on in
November is the County Attorney bill,
which provides that each county shall
have an attorney, instead of a district
attorney doing the work for several
counties, with deputies to assist, as
has been the case in the past.
We believe the county attorney idea
is a good one. It is in vogue in nearly
every other state in the union. Under
the present method there is too much
opportunity to shift responsibility; the
county attorney would do away with
this, as he would be directly responsi
ble to the people.
1 he expense for a county attorney
j would be very little more than what is
Melhotliit Church Notes.
Sunday School at 10 A, M.
Preaching Service ut U A. M. ntb
joct; "Tho Greatest Revolution."
Epworth League at 0 :5trt P. M.
Evening Service at 7:10. Theme;
"Nothing for Something."
W. J. Weber.
Christian Church Notet.
10 A. M. Hiblo School with elnsrcs
for all. This Is a gvnnl place to apontl
an hour.
11 A. M. Preaching by tho pastor.
3 P. M, Jumoi Endeavor.
1". :45 P. M. Christian Endeavor.
7:45 P. M. Regular eve.ling Evimg
elistic service. Fifth senium hi aerie
of questions of the bible, 'The Great
est Question of them all."
Wo extend to you an Invitation to'
any or all of these services.
Our evangelistic campaign will begin '
Sunday Nov. 9th and continue through'
tho mouth.
It, li, Jopo, Paittor,
Presbyterian Church Note.
The Hiblc School is growing with
leaps am! hounds. We havj regular
and qualified teachers for every class.
We have two adult Hiblo classes one
for married eople. and the other for
young unmarried people of both sexes.
Morning Worship at tl a. in. Tho
p.tstor will speak on the thcmi : "The
ancient prophets of Israel and the
modern preachers of righteousness
similar In their function--Goda SoWes
men." People's praise and gospel service at
7:30p m. The sermon will have for
its theme: "Four great religious fact
that cannot bo denied."
The Guild Home which Is being
erected on the west side of the church
is not a residence for the pastor and
his family as some have supposed, but
a house for the congregation. It will
consist of three rooms : a Urge front
room, 15x30, and two rear rooms, each
15x17, one for a parlor and the uthor a
kitchen with all modern appliance for
serving supjHTs. It is our aim to make
this new building the social centre of
thu parish. The front room will be
fitted up with chairs and a stereopllcon
for educational and missionary lectures.
strangers sojourning In our city are
ext"ndetl a coniial welcome to all the
services of the church.
Donald MacKcnzie, Minister.
United Brethren Church Notes.
Sunday School -10 A. M,
Morning Worship ami Sermon 11 A.
M. Subject: "A Courageous Declar
ation." Christian Endeavor -0 .'M P. M. To
pic: "Missionary Essentials at Homo
and Abroad; Going" Matt 2: 1-10
Evening Service and Sermon -7:30
1'. M. All are cordially invited to at
tend these service.
II. F. White. Pastor.
If Yoa Can Wantif actaf e iy thing
Come to
To Do The Manufacturing
will hold office until 1916 if the bill
carries. We understand that the ap-
be rrivrm n mai.rife ,.f h,.th ,.rv,a . now pam ior uisinct ai lorneys,
of the PhiliDDine Wislatme. Th..v I'e0,Ic re finding objections to the
have controlled the nor.olar as-mblv U" "" Gov. West's appointees
but the American commission or "Sen
ate" has had the veto uower and has
been the actual t-overrwnent. Two POintments were made to hold until
American eommmoner are soon to ! . "L'caU8(i t lnc fact that the dis
retire, a..d natives and not Americans t a(trtorne'8.I have ,,,een c!ect-'(1 t0
Will be nam.-,! t,. M,rn,...,l fl,nm A I ho,1 fI5cC Untl' the new
transfer of power and control will thus T" i . ."'' "- "'"r'" attorney
Le quietly effected, the natives getting
six out of the nine comrniBsionershipg.
Upon the use they make of this new
power will very much depend thu fur
ther steps toward complete autonomy
of the Philippines.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, "the old man
eloquent of Canada, undaunted by his
crushing defeat two years ago on the
question of reciprocity with the United
States, has returned to the charge. In
a speech last week at Ottawa, which
was enthusiastically received, he aur
prised his opponents and many of his
supporters by reviving reciprocity and
tariff issues. Sir Wilfred and his prin
cipal advisers, including all his old
ministers, assert that the new United
States tariff will have the effect of
making the lowering of the tariff the
prime issue in Canadian politics. Sev
eral old time Conservative newspaper
Skin On fire?
. Just the mild, simple tub, th wll
known D.D.D. Prescription for EcMmt
and th itch la rose.
A trial will prove it.
We nava sold other 'rtmedlea for akin
trouble but non that we could uaxan
tee m we can the D.P.D. remedy. If
the Bret regular alze tl.00 bottle doe
not do exactly we aay, it will set
ewat you at.
Tillamook, Ore.
the county in which he resides, and
setting the appointive date to 1916 will
give district attorneys an opportunity
to hold office during tho time for which
they were elected, and will cause all
the appointments to terminate at the
same time.
In most cases this arrangement may
be satisfactory, but where the gover
nor has arbitrarily made an appoint
ment not satisfactory to the people,
the people of the county so affected
will undoubtedly feel that an Injustice
has been done thern by appointing
man that they do not want and then
not give thern an opportunity to vote
on the question for so long a time.
The bill in the main is a good one,
and we believe one desired by the
people as a whole, but the long terms
granted the appointeea will undoubted
ly be the cause of many voting against
Notice is hereby given that I have
leased the Mark Harrison place
on the Trask River and forbid any and
all from hunting on the place without
a written permit.
E. N. Wagy and H. K. Halley pro
prietoraof the Crystal laundry will
still call for work as usual. Their of.
I lice w ill be at the City Transfer Office 1
Nazarene meetings are held in the
old Christian Church or. Tuesday and
Friday evenings and on Sunday at 3 p.
m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 2
p. m.
Oregon Agricultural College, .Cor
vallis, Ore., Oct. 20, -Farmers' Week
as conducted this year will be a eon-
centratcd and developed farmers' Insti
tute, with all tho machinery of the
Oregon Agricultural College available
for the farmers' use. The work will
be Intensive, practical and objective.
The students of the Farmers' Week
will havu the use of all tho advantages
supplied by the State--instructors,
ouiidings, lahoratories, experiment
plota, orchards, fields, gardens, live
stock and machinery.
One of the most important phases of
the work will bu rural organization,
cooperation and credits. Farmers who
see the necessity of something more
than largo crops to make their work as
successful as it should le will ho in
formed of successful methods of organ
ization and direct marketing, as prac
ticed in most European and in a few
American countries, European farmers
are making better piogress than
American farmers. The chief causes
of this are the better cooperative,
credit and marketing methods of the
European farmers. These systems
will be explained by l)r, Hector Mac
pherson who went to Europe to Investi
gate them, and recomendatlons for
rural organization in Oregon will be
made by himself and other experts.
An opportunity will also be given
farmers to examine the approved ma
chinery and tools of the College col
lection, and as far as possible to test
their merits.
The dairy demonstrations will Include
election, feed and management of the
dairy herd; sanitary methods of milk.
Free SUvs ami Niwclail
Ill4lll4'4'lll4llt lO lllINe
who will brlii pay
rolls to - -
t ll 4'
man uf a luring
on clinic in Buy
Nehalem Harbo Co.
Wheeler, Oregon
Port Und OMi
TilUmook Offkfi
327 ':Uin fUdj
Oft r. it. iwiu
The Water Commllon lm given ,
Mr. Hoag potilive Instructions to shut
off water frrmi all consumers who have
not paid their water rent by the lUth
of each mouth,
lly order of Water CommUnlon.
i National Hank, ami axitul mid de
I feudaiit, Iwr. nrc K Saiwl-r tA
tirrtriuie A hnrr, ninotmilttt? to
the sum of (afl.Oi, together with In
tcrrt thrrron at ih ruin of H jr cml,
per annum from th 2.1th day of Jiiiip.
1010, the further mun of tu uj altnr
ncy's fee, ami llito ewe la and die.
huocrnrntt, recovered in ai mutton
wic mn uy ut .Novemtwr, lUlti. ami
Will sell my ranch conltlng of IU)
acres at a very rcanonnhle pricu. 40
acres Irrigation project under way;
good Improvements.
Sec or add i ess,
C. J. Hlanchanl,
Hemlock, Ore.
by an order duly made and entered by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gun for Tillamook County, the under
signed, A. N. Marolf, has been duly
appointed administrator of the estate
of John Claud Marolf, deceased,
and all peraona having clalmn against
the said estate are hereby notified anil
required to present the Haine, with
vouchers, duly verified to the under
signed, or to his attorney, 8. S. John
son, at Tillamook, Oregon, within six
mouths from thin date.
A. N, Marolf,
Administrator aforcsa'd.
Dated Aug. 2C, 1813.
County, Oregon, al iht
rhclj covering oail iwprty,
in neurit IM iiayrix) t di mm
which mortgage l freonW A
MiifU'agre of TllUrmwV Cwtf.
run. im urcc m - n
.. .
amounts c lainiei lit t uiana.
alo the cots and exptruce of I hie such other niwl further ttp.ef U
m, i win, un uic -i-fxi nay of .Nnvein
Iter. 101.1, nt.thehourof lOo cl-xk ,m .
at the front lxir of the C nnlv C.i.i
, houee in Tillamook City, OreKuit. e.
oi (luiine nuriion, to llm lilglmet bidder,
for cn in haial, the real property Ix?.
longing to until tlefemlanu, Lawrence
E. Hamler ami Cerlrude A. Hnndere,
situated In Tillamook. Courtly, Oregon,
described pe follows ;
The northeast quarter of eertlun
four, In township four routh of range
nine went of the WllUmciie Meridian,
cnntalr log IM H7 arre, m.iro or le.
Dated Uctola-r2tlh. IMI.1.
Hherllf of TlllaiiKMik Count v Oregon.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Real
by virtue of an Execution and Order of
Sale issued out of the Circuit Court of
elwk Oli.ti. it M i in .
iiiu .jiiimj mi uregon, lor llllamook
County, dated the 18th day of October,
If 13, in the cause wherein D. F, Trow
bridgo was plaintiff and Lawrence E.
Sanders and Gertrude A. Sanders, The
rirot National Hank, a corporation,
and L. h. Dye, were defendants, upon
a judument and decreu wiiil,.r..,i ,i
docketed in said court and cause against
said defendants, Lawrence E. Samlers
and Gertrude A. Sanders, and In favor
of said plaintiff, amounting to H0T..00
with Interest thereon from ll.,. .tk
day of April, 1909, at tho rate of 7 per
S2nt;'M,r nu' i the further sum of
f05.62 taxes: the further sum of $100.00
attorney's fees; and $29. GO costs and
disbursements, by tho sale of thu real
property belonging to said defendants,
Ing and handling milk: and separating. ZxJtt A.
.i.m,k i,u iiiaiiuiuciuring cream, . "w, iiiivnbruHr;, in order to
-SI A I H Ol ORI-OON, l:OR Till!
Clark County Investment Company, a
Srcthna S. I'helps and Lucrctla J, Kll
bourne, Defendants,
'I o Srcthna S. I'helps and Lucrctla J.
You are hereby required to appear
and answer tho complaint (lied against
you In the above entitled cause on or
oeiore mo expiration of six weeks
from the date of the drat publication of
this .Summons, and if you fall t so
appear and answer for want thereof
the plaintlir will apply to the court for
the relief demanded I II Hill, I rnniiiLI.,1 1
which Is that It he decreed that plain'
;;; , . v tvcur the sum of
a .,w lniereHt ,horco"
April 16th, 1910, at tho rate of 0 per
CTr ,!m"n' 1,10 turn f
l7,'n,:'rZ T,n&. lVn at the
iiiiu uuno iwin. loia on
oTtmm rU thS driller 'sum
aceo, , V " '"It, on
I I tT I it . .
dressing a request tJZ AX 1 S&flf Wfitt fe t
No. 88 to Professor R D, Jletzel, ld defendants, laiwrenio E HaS. Sk Trt,( ,l,Mt
Exlension Director, CorvallU, Ore Certrodtf A. Sanders, In said cause mU 2 aTt' fi W1; Al1 '
Reduced ratei for this course will be uml ,,tno "nunt due orCtho judgment xulUw Kik,atkt,'
Jsr swaassftii t&jzffif vast
trourt tllaV eem eilLlU' t.
Tills eunimum U eprnl tl
thin in the Tillamook HereVl.1
M .1 It
Homer Moeon, ( Jiunly JuJfiU
II I'lln .Alumni u
. . - K , . Illl.Vllllk -t I 1 1 IT--'"
tnrvrtl Utmii the licfr Jenti.
..----M. I ......1 l i
i ,
la once a week for sis ifti
ami defemlanU arr rcqilrtd U
ami aiuwer the com) lainl on
date of Urn first I jhllrsucw
aid summons l mailc on
uf Kolltnlu.r llll.'t
Ll. I A ,11 .1 H 1
Attorneve for I'UlnUt
... i
Administrator's Noiict
Notice Is hereby given Hut
derslgncd AdmlnUtrator uf tl
. . . . ... . . ,u
hi oinry a. i.ihiimk' ',
filed with the County Court
State of Oregon, for THUmool
10th day of November, IJIJ.
. I i. a. mm a t. ..... Mftstil
lime, and the Court llvw
mook County, Oregon, as th
the hearing of thu said A"'
(hit aal,l Anal aofolllll HTO htti
lied und reuulreil to present t"
... Ml
In the mill fViurt on or ooisix"
Ing aforesaid.
Dated this 30th day or
1 9111.
uuuerK r.iciuiiKi'i, -
of thu Eatatu of Mury A.
... . . ..A.
notice oi rinm
imiiiikk la hnr.iliu 1IVI 11 v
uer?igneu naa nieu wun - ,
mo isuunur ouri m m .
. . . . .- , . kie
iron rnr 'I I I latnmik iiunir.
eikiinf t. A anlnlel rut or of t
of said Court Saturday, thW
Nnu-mliar Klt.'l at. till) lwf
.. Il 1. t fea 1 ul iM
u giock r, m,, is ii1" "--ji
tn i aunty uouri roum
as tha nlaea for the Il0rll(
V. Win ;
, nueuruer or