Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, October 21, 1913, Image 1

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    ISSUED TWICE A WEEK TUFsn a v A Km tmmi vr
k?I:u!i?rAHr Paper in t,llaMook;county
Tillamook, Okkgon, Gctohkr 21, 1913.
NO. .8
"i,! ... ' -
flfinbrr Friday we gre
St Amp wllh erry 10c
.ct us show vou one
m mm
ui l.ady or Nemo Corset, designed in the latest
htxlc I producing the "long lithe lines"
fthcj tiscul vogue. Priced from $1.00 to
It is the aim of this haul to give
the best hanking service possible
and we do it.
It is also our aim to have the
very best equipment such as
Modern Fire I 'roof Hanking
Kooin, Fire Proof Vault, Hur
glar Proof Safe, Modern Safe
Deposit Hoxes and we have
ki:kal h
See Us for Prices Before Ordering EUewher.
Sidewalk, Floors. Foundations, Chimneys,
Buildinf Blocks, Septic Tanks, Etc.
double Gold Bond Trading
ch porch or over.
Just Arrived
The New Models in
American Lady
and Nemo
American Lady Cornets satisfy
r. all types of figure, slender, me-
and stout, and we have
received all the newest mod-
(f el and have ju.st the riht model
for yonr individual limine Ke-
member the fit of your gown
depends almost entirely upon
the corset you wear, as the cor
set is the foundation of yout
dress, in fact your whole appear-
of the season's models in the
akd wabi
mat i tv Nrwc True I
From liny t'.Uy Examiner; -
Mr. I'urvU h ljcn v-ry III thd
wopk.suliwrlng from chronic heart tro
ubla. ll wu frared for while she
would nut recover hut at ,t report
tin I Improving.
(Jeo. Vaughn, flre warden, rturm-d
U Hay City wll), ,. family, after
pending the summer on the umcr
Tillamook, whi-ra ho was stationed In
curincctlnn with hi dutira.
Mr. K. U. Williams expert glaxlcr
for th W. Fuller Co. of Portland.
"(writ Friday of Ut week vlslttnir with
his old friend Homer I'rovooit In this
city. Mr. Williams Is In charge of tho
work of placing hi largo plate gin"
windows for thtt Masonic Mock at Till
atnixik. It. J. Hrndricks, Editor and owner
of tho Pm-ilic llomrttnari ami Dally
Oregon Statesman at Salem, together
with Mr. Scott Itotorth were In town
Saturday ltAlng after business Inter-
. i i.i, i
rm aim sriftking llMUls Wllh DM ac-
Uo McCllirtiKk. a nephew of Or. W.
C. Ilswk ?nt Inst week In Bay City
looking up a good location for n home.
He was favorably Impressed with the
country and will be hack In tho spring
to Invest.
Mr. Homer Provoosl suffered an ac
cidcntal scalding while attending to
houehold duties Wednesday morning.
Jloth arm were severely burned and
she will not have the ue of them
fur wing time.
Two pallcnU, l It. Shoemaker and
Harry Malarvler, were brought to thu
hospital from the Wheeler mill Mon
day. Mr Shoemaker Is suffering from
rheumatism and Mr. Malander with
congestion of the lung.
Mm. N. II. Stcadman, who wu
brought to the hospital laat week
from Hockaway, recovered sufficiently,
tu return to her homo in Ci.sm0oli,
SVushlngton. She wni accompanied by
Mr. Stcadmnn.
Floyd F. Trowbridge former lessee
of tho Hxamincr arrived home from
San Frnnclieo, Friday on thirty dnyn
furlough from the Navy, which he will
upend visttfriK his parents near Hob
antiville and friend in thin vicinity.
Mr. Trowbridge left liny City In June,
when he enlisted with the navy and
was assigned foi duty at the Goat Is
anti Station near Snn Frnncinco. Mr.
Trott bridge is employed in tho printing
epnrtmcnt and Is much Impressed
wllh the service.
Manager I'iku of tho Tillamook liny
Fish Co. was given positive assurance
y Dr. Moore tho government agunt
when ho was here Tuesday,, the AI-
bti trans would tniiko n complete survuy
ot the halibut banks from Newport all
the way up to Tillamook Itay.Thls prac
tically flinches tho addition of h new
fishing concern hero next spring. Plans
are now nearly all formulated for a
fcai.000 company. The survey will
tart in April and will determine tho
xtent of tho bunks and tho length of
siting season that may bo depended
From Courier:
I M. Krnner is arranging thb upper
lortlon of his block into residence
Alox Imluh mudo u trip to tho vitlley
this week with nbout 1000 jwunds of
As a result of being painfully scald
ed on tho limb this week Ollvo Shear-
wood is confined to her homo.
Mr. Walters anil family, who have
boon tho gucta of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
VVorthlngton tho past six weeks, left
Sunday last for their home in Nehalem.
Wedding invitations wero received
hero Wednesday announcing, the wed
dlntf of Jumrs Inilah, of this place, to
Miss Bertha Cochran, of Amity, at tho
bride's home, October 24.
J. II, Rcdwlno Is so thoroughly con
vinced that the cheese made by tho
Clovenlule factory is superior to any
mudo In state, that Tuesday ho sent a
"YounK American" by parcels post to
a friend at Hotchkiss, Colorado.
Will sell niy ranch conslitlnir of 160
acres at a very reasonable prico. 40
acres Irrigation projtct under way;
good improvements.
See or addwss, . .
C, J. Blnnchard,
Hemlock, Ore.
You Should Take Trio
ArOUnd the World.
Preibyteri... Will Tike Tkeir AiboaI
r . - . .
excursion bq tnjoy may Poiab
of lelerctt.
Price 50c.
f f'f'O'I tor First Clasa Passage when
y uciaiiy sinmpeu awj presntJ with
Checks attached. No stopovers. Must
farry all baggage on your back. No
paggagc checked.
First train Uavas PratlirUrian Station
Friday. Oct. 24, 1913. at 6:30 P. M.
Train leaves every 30 minutes.
TilUasook to ALulu via Si
Spceiiil brBtxl of seasickness gunrun
teei, Faat leforc taking your life In
your hands as those who have tried it
will tell you that sometimes the ocean
It not a millKnd.
Alaska to Switzerland.
The happy travellers will be person
ally conducted ovcrlainl to New York
from whence they will sail on a pri
vatc yacht. No flirtations will be
allowed. All lovers will have to take
a scat by themselves.
SwitzerUad to the Pkilippiaes.
Here tho party will learn the ways
of the jolly Swiss and will telegraph
ahead for the great (lying machine re
ccntly chartered by Tillamook citiicns
Jo give its, maiden flight here and
which la now taking parties from the
summit of ML Wane. Thit machine
will transport them all to Manilla.
Philippine! to Deuairk.
The same machine will carry you to
the home of tho Dant. An interesting
item on this trip will be n short stop
over on the planet Mars where you
can take observations on their new
Denmark to Ireland-
As extremes are muoh appreciated
In this ago of the world, it has been
decided to exchange the flying machine
for a submarine Iwat which will carry
you under the channel, thereby saving
you from seasickness. You will be
greeted in old Ireland with plenty of
song and laughter.
As the personal conductor wilt have
business of importance which will de
tain him for some time in the Emer
ald Isle. You will all bo left at liber
ty to return home in any manner you
may sco fit.
State Game Warden Finley, who is
also federal commissioner to see to
the enforcement of federal law rela
tive to migratory birds has had pre
pared the following table, indicating
the hours between which it is lawful
to shoot:
Sunrise Sunset
OctoborS 6:15 6:44
October 12 C:2I 5.31
October 19 o:33 5:19
October 20 -0:43 5.07
November 2 0:53 4:56
November 9..... 7:03 4:47
November 10 7 :13 4 :39
Novcmbrr23 7:23 4:33
November 30 7:32 4:28
December 7 7h0 4:26
December 14 7:46 4:26
December 21 7:50, 4:23
December 28 7:53 4:33
January 4 7:53 :w
January 11 7;51 4:46
January 18 7:47 4:75
Titbunook, Ore.
lortl.rvi, Ore ," 21. (SpeeUI)- So
, attractive have Icen the reports of the
uper'or ''"'" ?f 0rcKn 'fp,e ihui
a party of oiiirrimi came all th
1 . : . . "-1
from Johannesburg, South Africa, to
Portland in order V see for themselves
whether or not Oregon fruit was so
much better than that from other parts
of the world. They came, they saw,
and they -left orders to the extent nf
carload of the finest apples Oregon
could produce.
This purchase is merely the entering
wedge. In the past thebulk of apples for
tho South African trade have been pur-
chased In Nova Scotia and other east
ern sections, but acquaintance with the
wonderful coloring, quality Hnd long
keeping characteristics of the Oregon
apples will undoubtedly result in
diverting practically all future orders
to the Pueific Northwest, a movement
which will bo greatly stimulated when
the Panama Canal is in operation.
On October 15 a meeting was held at
Medford for the purpose of perfecting
plans for the Installation of an All
Oregon exhibit at Ashland for the en
tertainment, information and education
of the host of tourisU which will visit
that section of the state during 1915.
It is announced that in making up this
exhibit every part of the state will be
given an equal chance. Kastern Oregon
will have as good u show as Western
Oregon and the Deschutes Valley will
be as welcome to make a display as the
Urnpqua Valley or the Willamette. The
central idea Is to secure settlers for
Oregon lands.
The fcxecutive Committee of the
Oregon Dairyman's Association has
fixed upon Wednesday and Thursday
October 29-30, as the dates for the
annual meeting to be heid at Tilla
mook. A strong program has been
prepared for the occasion and dairymen
from all over the state are r.rged to
make a special effort to be present.
Those who expect to attend the con
vention are instructed to secure a re
ceipt from the railroad company for
their fare in order to secure a reduced
rate for the return trip.
Polk County Piuncs are prized for
their quality in many parts of the
world. Last week one carload of the
dried fruit was shipped to England
another to Sweden and a third to
France. This week a carload will be
shipped from the same point for St.
Petersburg, Russia. Each car contaii s
1,500 boxes weighing 25 pounds each,
The packing plant at Dallas is employ-
ng 60 women and 25 men and running
day and night shifts In order to keep
up with orders.
Shipments of livestock from eastern
points to tho Pacific International
Livestock exposition at North Portland,
December 8-13, are to be handled at
one-half the usual freight rates. This
concession has been made by 29 rail
roads represented in the transcontinen
tal freight bureau and will become ef
fectivc November 1. The exhibitor
making shipments under this tariff is
expected to pay the full one-way rate
on his stock, und if it is not sold during
the exposition, it may be returned at
owners risk free of charge within 30
days after the closo of the show.
The registration books closed at the
clerk's otlice on Oct. 20. Those who
have not heretofore registered will
rind it necessary to swear in their vote
it they wish to voto at the election in
November. We were informed at the
clerk's otttce that the old registration
holds good.
On Your Own Account
have you any money in tho bank? A part of your arnlngt ought
to bo placed there, anyway. Everybody can afford to save some
thing,' however little. Have a bank account of your own andSyou
will feel happier, better, more Independent. Make your little
money earn more, and so grow bigger. Better than hoarding It
where fire or thieves can reach It Your bank-book is a receipt
and an evidence of your wise economy.
Tillamook County Bank
Fair Association
May Disband.
Attorney General Advises That Ajm
ciatioa Dissolve And Tom Fair
Over To Coaatjr Board.
On the advice of the Attorney Gen
eral of the State of Oregon. The fair
board of the Tillamook County Fair
Association, met on Monday and passed
the following resolution :
"As the board has demonstrated to
the people of Tillamook county that a
successful fair can be run in this
county, and m the county court is al
lowed by law to appropriate money to
run a fair, the board recommends that
the Tillamook County Fair Association
Is organized independent of the County
Fair Board, dissolve and leave the mat
ter of a county fair in the hands of the
County Fair Hoard."
A meeting of the stockholders of the
County Fair Association will be held
at the court house on Saturday after
noon at one o'clock, Nov. 1st, for the
purpose of considering this matter.
At the meeting of the association
fair board Mr. Dunstan, Pres., report
ed an expense of ?290 for getting and
handling the County exhibit at the
State Fair. He also reported an In
come of $00 for premiums received, our
county winning sixth place.
Lisle Ross, of this city, who was
workin? for the Sunset Timber Co.
near Timber, was killed last Friday
evening, Oct. 17th, by a tre falling on
him, a limb of the tree penetrated near
the hip severing an artery, causing a
beramorhage from which he died. The
tree struck hirn abjjt six o'clock- In
and be died at 8 :30.
The body whs brought to Tillamook
on Sunday and on Monday morning at
10:30 the funeral services were held at
the M. E. Church, Rev. Weber.- pastor.
officiating. Interment took place at
the I. O. O F. cemetery.
Lisle Melville Ross was born in The
Dalles. Jan. 20, 1S90. He was one of
four children born to Margaret and
John Even Ross. A sister. Jessie Eve
lyn Ross, now in Vuncouver, B. C, a
brother, Bruce Wallace Ross of the U.
Navy, and a sister, Morna Clark:
Parkhurst, and his mother survive him.
From Astoria Budget:
Captain Charles H. Deane. muter
and part ownr of the gasoline schoon
er. Gerald C, died at his home in
Warrento.i shortly before 12 o'clock
Oct. 13, after several weeks' illness
with typhoid fever. The deceased was
a native of Tillamook county. 47 years
of age and had resided in this county
for several years. He left a widow
and four children, as well as four sis
ters and one brother. Captain Deane
had been identified with the Elmore
fleet for about ten years and was one
of the best known mariners plying in
the Oregon coast trade. He was a
member of the local lodges of Elks, I.
O. F. and Woodmen of the World.
The funeral will be held from the fam
ily residence in Warrenton at 1 :30 Sun
day afternoon and the interment will
be in the family plot at Ocean View