'EXTRA" 'FROM THE UNDERWRITER'S REPORT COUNTY COURT mOCEEDINGS. Cheap Insutancc a Dclaslon-Paclf.c Coast Inter-Insorers Give up the Battle the rsW Cowl Inter-In srers. the ctnsotioalt of the Retail ttnwy Un der ritors. Retail Hardware Under writers. Retail Ham Under 'rtter. Retail Merchants I rderwr tfr. Md Retail Prtitrcist l"rdrvir.tr. ha Wn ortiervd by the CaHforriw Stc lura- Department Jo cee writ:: lne Had cloe up it affair. U r dtc of October 1st. Secretary H. C. Fbr calWd epon the b-crtb.i to t4 the kiwiW wit the follow-. ( tetter; "Pacific Cos; lMer-lnsrt. "Milte BitUtec. Sac Pranciscw. Cat. Oct. 1. , With rrrd to the btssiaet of the Pacifte Coet liitor-irtfwntn. of aiea are sssbaeriber. On sveeont of eerve losses aad d m tsnir premium iocoaa, we have leo directed by the losaraae com-h-ixu ner cf California and authorised b. your iiory eoOMnittee to diseoss-t:-ae tuir ai eaecel even policy ir meoiatety . sbo to levy an assess ment against every subscriber amoant inc to cr annual premium, in oroi tr.at prefect ic may be paid. "Your art therefore notifted that your policy No. for J - ii ;aTtrby caoookd ind that an .vwcm- meot of $ which amount to ooe snnoal pcecthtcn. is htrtby lev ied acainst you. The aaount of this s-e5tnent is charted atraiiwt yoar ac count and when paid the uneafaea premium under your policy will be credited against it. "As toe e chance ha gor out of business, yoo are advised to rrotc-t ywrselves by securing other "-sura-.ee. a. xM3 are no longer protected under a policy of the P. 0, l.-l. "A w a the a.S'met are re-! eeived and all hje. ami itkifcteie are paid, a statement of year seeouat J will follow, j "la order that the bsino of the J C, may speedily be closed, yws are unred ta retarn Jtwr policy aixli wail a cheat fox the aatoant of year; 5aws! at owe. Yours truly. "PACIFIC COAST ! INTBRlNSURBR. ".MoreJwats Underwriters Exchange (Attarae io fact). "By (Sied) B. C. Fhr. '"Serctary. Teaaporary (k5k: 95T Trust and Sarinw BaiMinR. l Aoicrle. Cat "B. C. F-B. H." Ii wa. prooiid by it projector that pro(rty owner who partfci&atrd in lb concern wonk! mXc Unre amir -rr ta stock company plan of inr aaco. a pn&ls from ta ofx'.-xtiorw be divided eqoally ataooj; the partieitianu. Now it iteyboldr are witbuat insurance, and are codrv-tki'lto pay an assess meot cttit to ooe year's prewiita. Cancellation of policy doe not tcrxsdaatc liability for osnienL It is to be bo pod that Uk pobtie aa learned its !eot. .Kl4i skiiflU, ..... I'ttHl IHItlll Hentnti i K KiuV.. . . JacV JniMloe" ft 4 1 ' FianV KoynotUa.... I luirttM KMNrV ........ HermMH ScliifMipI T!.e IU,nl of County Conuni j HVm" : i T " .'.'"."V....- sionei, cui(Hel of County Jutlje! im Hlmii - Homer Moo uml ConmililoncT . yh'l ... 1'nuiirr tul KUnrr. xv in cr- ' lHJcV . . .... W l(U Itli " V v. n a urn f fi'lUmttit; Inincat It onleiel thnt tlic clulnt Oh. A. Jhnion lor P2r) oumRr be c)ectcJ. la the mutter of the petition n( Jame A. Hlor- "! othcrx fir u i i !til AcVlry iMMintv rd on the teiMHt of the lot mm lUwml of CVuntv Kotnl Viewer, n Mtx m favonible jj totlie kvrttton of the nl. wi.irli iuxeitcil rith niap uul firll note, filcl m.I the rott coiifuletevl a puWic hitfh siy lUds on llayocean Rbad. Hul- rlf ojcnetl for tlie Uu) ocean iimiI a folKw.; A. ArMill. ftotn station "W to otiition ' fV.. .Meud.V Sou. ilo.. f i.UV); T. It Potter Keolty Co.. .litlo. fl.UX The T. It Potter KValt) Co, ilo ilti Sl. VotW A .Miitfon. 1 aaw i'iiciiic ifi. ; rtiti 1'nflllo ivi. to . ft Ctt-l Hlll.Vi. Hrownlnu ui 3 (?-t "i1' ""1,,, mf .1 ill Junr CliilleiiM 111 til I4.rvi ;m i;.,.m ia i) OBITUARY OK I'KTKR BYROM. noennu iirui aa HPiiaBi ur ucncnAL m Tae larce number of polieybokWr will bow have to replace taoir iwcr ancc If yoo bare t-eeii iiwervd in tW past to toe Inter-Inorer. now i the time to set "Uki Line, ConflajrraUon Proof Poiieie." Such iworance t$ the suf'tt and the eh"f--t m the kw; rur.. Rollic W. Watson ' The Insurance Man " I1,VT? 14?i PRESEK k Ft - Mi TS -ni t -.1 t . ti V.tt Hrarti ad Portland Fiouring 4 Miu Co. sr..- : :y im;rted DR. KODG - WL. tX'LAl.V WHO FARMER'S FRIEND IS. L'niTeraity of Oreon, Eugene, 0t 15. -A matv bo uJ childrxn :. l the 'ronup. too the toereu of te toad. Uie bird, the mojuitr, tae bosr fly aad frr rne cf the onlarcel a-i-iral ere ire that are familiar :ghts on Ore"- farir.s or in Oregon woods, if Dr. Clifton Frewnont Hodge. tL eminent bioloost, whose services are lhi year at to dioosal of inaro$ and village of the tat. Dr. Hodge U for ose yr at lea t oo tr faeelty of the Univenity of Oresron. His rerrieos are frte to the eommuaity; tby are part of the uriversitr's extejwioo -de-partrsent iostraclion through the state. Dr. Hodge oes not tell the animal and bird and inect screts of Oregon merely to entertain, although hii talks are pronouncod most entertaining; he does it to teach. From him the child ren learn which bird is beneficial and should be protected to the utmost for the sake of Oregon crops. They are told which of tne insects should tfe roost feared and bow such insects should be tuunhu He tells them what to expect from the small animals, u hich ones can be domesticated and how to do it. Then he tjoes further, ic other lectures, and teaches the sav ing and planting of tree seeds, and of bacteria, of common sense cleanliness anu of the fungi of household, garden anrt fiatd. Dr. Hodge's time is pretty well tak en up between now und December 1. He was at Lakeview yesterday (14th) and will be at Klamath Falls tomorrow and Friday. Thereafter his proba'jl schedule until December 1 will be: GranU Pas, October -1 ; Roseburg, Octobe 22 tmd 23 ; Oakland, October 31 . Conrioi. November 5. Hood River, Nor. 7; Hiltthoro. November 12; Tillamoik, N veror H airi 14 Pond l too. No- vemNir IT arvi 22; La Grande, Norem ber 24 to 2; Mi lion. November 23 to 2s. Other cities desiring to secure toe- tores from Dr. Hodge may cwnmuni cate with Extension Department, Ur, iveraity of Oregon. Eugene, which makes the apwirsunent for him. One object of Dr. Hodze'a work is to briag the boys and girls closer to te larra with a view of keeping them there. There is a bo the view uoint that practical teach io- in town aod farm bioiogy means saving money for tae city dweller and increau-d receipts for the soil tiller. TILLAMOOK IMPROVEMENTS. i Some 4i0 feet of six foot board walk ! is being laid in front of the property of Mrs. Wailing on Fifth Street be tween First and Third avenues. About 120 J feet of six f -ot board walk is also being laid in King Adlitioa. 570 fest of concrete walk is being laid on the south side of the high school bulld- i M, R. Hanenkratt's new residence is njarin completion; W. O. Kilb-jrn has laid thv cement foundation for new eisrht room house in Hull well Park Addition; K V. Holland late of Aber deen, wco recently arrived here and is employed at the reeney shop, is build ing a small bungalow in Stillwell Park Audition, ' NAZARENc MEETINGS. Naz&rene meetings are held in ths old Christian Cn-Jrch on Tuesday and rriitay evur.'nj anu on bunaay at 3 p. in. and S p. m. .-unday School al '. p. m. l.ttl Swli..-. C Oyc " K NK . .... TImiI l.vtn NJ Dt'lpli rmHrftt A t. TlMltlK" . lul.n NaotfoM..'.,. K HcttM!;. C- H. Sanmrt" Prnok !i IIcuumI Woolfe.. I. u Viiol .. . Iu TwrVer . . . Uieii Woulfo ' t.w Mnaiihua . nbiitittrtl antthcr tml. troui i i irt,t tondy tioa 5 to U for .VV The t mu t ot Sattmltiy .Ircxlcil to nc ept the t.(VO td of the T. It lotter Kjnlt Civ and the coutmcl hal to te cnt to I'ortlanil to be ri-;nctl by tlw coinpony tefi)n: it could be U Ih-c1 of. und with tttwt in miuil the eoirt Uecidetl to mlkjurn until to tiny. I'rutH-rty owner mill b4iilncf men guanntccl 10 ;wy Icav utr twily torthc county to jy Road District No. t. 1) F Tbottion . i 1) H Thcuiiwou ." Ntlfon A Co McbJei Mcr Co Mk-VA Refeitlcrr i aiuj Straw , l.wca .- - M M Of coil ..ItMM" M M Meud A Son W I'tselt rhi.v Anttrtoon ia M N MmiI A So 185. S John Wall U-e A J'aimer '' Charbc Kn'om t5 Win Ibirkcr 11.29 A K BaiMjui 7 b ofthinton . K Kebbc Krbt- .. Martin Hart A K Kittenlou.o. Cill;rt Z.:ioib . Ka.co Barker . . Ilii'u Ktrm Art rchlappi Ait-eM Ka-itm . . . D etier . . K A Crawfortl Kacvla S MerUj A!-.- . -. Kubinson . . . Dan Alles: Onic l'm(rxl How TiJOcn . . K II Gury . ... ,lt Craac . V h Allen .it Knk'ht M lii.ck.t ... . A I.iwlkr . A TUJco Jin. Ttumioa . h Vltef , l Cfreicor- . . I' 1 ihi.r.it ... V i 1. FeUluri t r Thomftron . . . . l.cehc Hrfrlr.. . I. II Kinne) Ike ljrlin hrn Mo.on B 7hut5.-oti . t'Urctce Ivlner . Sjiii lohnn .. i. runt MarP)iH M Marie!l . . 1-r. .tin. striiby . . J Urck i-rtd l'a0t (.r H-Ufou I M Harrin . . . Wtii iiaiuilton I'aiil Iirli J4.0 T.S T. 91. :u M 730 I J.C0 w. SCO 5.t . 1 3S nut ;kaa si.a SXiO tso lA.73 Viit) 14.3ft it ar Mi. 5. So Z I A oacu '-..to .a l.B t:. m U3s) tea Am r.co u 75 1- 7 Frank lllingworlii 3kV lieu JrAtn ron 2). S) A Krutulauf 11.00 II I'rrrv ft.0) Koad District No. 2. Ai20 Vuho .. DAW Murion Idiby TiJore Hailges 4,1 Jl Pete Hiiuseu rl3 Ororee Vl &.51 Sii Donay W 02 H1 stark ... 2.50 Henry I.iviyiton "JS Si A Tinelson 4ll O Kerr iil A I. Uiglow I IS I. V Wilron 41 35 K Gotwl-peetJ Hi T K KJJiott SkOi W H Alderman lXU) Pacifir Tel A Tel Co A K Coat- Lumber Co ... 2Si&l W M Pettej- :00 Horley Wilt lf II He.. 27 (ft K M Pettcys Wi C D (iraiil (3QLW Marku Keut AW Frank Kklolf W H Sutton 3.75 C WelN 4s 12 K (lud laiil l IHIimcH Tom Ki 1is . . . ,-i Kon ... It i ji4mao ., Ru Hnwm . . II. Itraoki. Hull JoSiM'OU , ... Ik MnnnOH I. tv Ilvs rora lWwinl II. U. lottns ... Sum TutuilsMt K. Sta" K Mprk.... .... C. Weagel W L Vetrh ..... Cfl Vetcli I.i. tcV X4 Pttl . ... t-rank laul l.rjv Vattlttlil itrn IHsrby IX It Dwiby .. IcH WallMf lib NeUoi K Iji'cii . .. A itki A HWcM Gee roc Toe ... A ilt&k Gcortr Tote J lioderl ! lr J Solwisc 1 ,M Ufa.l B tussvna . H A KiaAamaa T W Lywcr Mr J htsc WUUrl Jolicto Anhor lloktea ... H ud DUttlct Ne 3. A Art nn4 M. J. JeacW , F. C FeW-baw . ... Ctoerttale Mr Co IV-aver Luubbvr Co . Yr?tw Fir Ijtttnber Co W. R- Rolwule .. i AtlMWtUoar Ijitsb4Khrdor Co iteadu, UrtdgcH, Hie. Feay Hrotncf David Martsay Frank ifudlrv .. K. F Zctimaa ttewll t C Ales. McNatr Co.. Ktast A Smith Co kittt CbrfttMlt u:g A S.itb C ii IX At kley H. S t ln W. A i:aniKH ,, . C. j. Baldwin i"harc Kltlaoa L IleeacaMt . .... Cho lay Juhnaoa ..... N bulem 1 . 1 very hd HtJir . j J Hnnk . , My cr A Son Harold Ma son it F. lUrretl. ltiirtltold Rarr Myrtle (). Mill- ........ Survcylay:. I'. C Jack. on Ii. Cochran S. K HrnderMin G. J Poys-ky St;tnlrj- Cuatr Mr. h. Jniknud ........ K. lidduxuw . , If. )t iin-in ..... .. C. 1 bm t). It. Hill C. McMillan s 7.1 S 1A !iU0 'flM Mr w iHim IVIulr '.', 1C In Demmuk AllKt ompl.-lim; In 4 lV ..... i... -..nun in liMitf lnimirV, I Petri H torn "en'! n MpptrM VUt t.-htiof Ihr W ni lr lldf W al MMmifNrtmitiK IoUiIm otatt liS'S !- AmbUbm. lo ruliUKP M" T "Mlvc -Hir. hr rul In llrtilitwttf Kil (frman . in -mitUi of employ iiirnl, ,UB,IJ und tlMir pukrwKI wIm1chIp ,5 metrh-ntdc lion mr 0icr yrui-. 1 In l,V! h A altNltM. f Astl maltUMB fi ' "rm 6"ifllv eniH)i uilnnttf uif "2 .tilt.. ImMuc from lh-tp Nrw 1 1 Jt'XeaUnd. Itr owllnttwl utilit (1f.?l( tj.r(tl.. twv ) . el 'H1P SOttt,,,,, Uo iiinkinK nm.ldcmblP mum"t ewHK.i mn l -v- II rUln 'he P Iftv wrn lo liltt-h 11 3 ! ( tdi.mM. bHiutMR t Victufi". on lV VaiKoavvf Itad MtfH lH Mr- Ilynmi cam. U Maplth Culled 'd M H-r tH-u a ieHUl of Ibptfon HJl hr Urtl in A-tofla ' d.y. u work that hr bdlownl Ojajmi.. Iwf of yaf I online to twti 5 " I baMi. rillnmuok t ul. in tTM. SS'ha bownht ht j.ffpul ptiffctty lU'd ha ims held cadt Ih-I-ItajliMl ttiMOHV he trrir. rtid pii leivr1ln ctUseii" of tltn ttloi. iS'l'otsiiituhrr of yr 0!C h la tiaribal.li. krrmn ittm 7 Ml la i hot wl cntitMcnl. d bc ,'totc widly himI lrtrt' ly kiMj! a mti-l srawl d ai.t.Mi.-dab . Mi Ht Hb built eett frl , ms 0nce m the to. and ! shhi ber of ypar ,el t"MtMilpr, poinually Mr Itymoi tn.jatt.l ' as, I he irtnctr ol th WriuiMlfrtti 8ut ortv. and had rrve.l a txhool dlrnrto KtwMraltjr be made .i a Maaoa i Actwr. Ore . h1 w. ilD'a charter mewtwi . fit amook t 00 ' lodtfc, A P. A. M. Krbicoiy betoasred b the Luthefwn lohu Hiinm W Hiner Paul Ilanmii ... Hartley Hanron... Hd Siuxljrrsisa .... O W Woiuer Prcalon M.irolf... 'augh:i Klate 1U(0 HktO 42...0 2101 t.Xtl 14.50 K D Ackley , tk00 IIS. Clamen W A Shannon.... CJ Halilivin Charley KllUon. . I. ISesitrnettc Albert Willi-imn.. O Tittle Joe Donaldson.... Alwin Hlmii John Ilium . ... . Clel l'tiiroti L Giltlawortliy J 1. Si union loh n Xiirllueli .. Karl Pe.irson .... A Gunner C I)eir.iMid... itW U)CX) fild) M M 45. ft) fti.r.j &7.I7 irtuu fcfSM 10. its il.ill avj& 43, i; 3 13 k : he Ss't'ltttfCn. imti Mr Ityrom ownviwl Mra. It1ir l.a iSoneaou) Hcrtn, wh a " !ltt K iff I holm lKdm, oo Kal( 5M Thttmlay, t.-fill. tad who dw 1 1 low 'iS'JOS. ATKINSON. U.S. is. a! (Lai' WRITES MOTHr.R. V. !i S. Cliwlnnatl. ,S'akin. Chtn, topi, , lU a few linos tab Co. I. HronbalL. W. I. M Kunc ........ SalnrtcH, A. I. McCarty J. Ii. Reedy J. t". HkWley T. Ii. Kimtett IL M. Fnruiar ... . . . rf. I. Sbrevc C A. J hiieon H L Ikwsia ... W. S Unci (). (i VtflloOil II. Crrtiidiaw Vidu A Millin K. MiMh J. C. lloldcn.... Homer Munou County Poor. I a Hahbcck Mohler Mer Co Tillamook Me.it Co W. K. South wick H. N Henklu W. I), (iladwell Tillamixik Feed Co Nrl-dii A Co H. T. H.i.iIh Ii. T. Haltum W. C. Hawk HJai.tW Uotlwr: IXU. i Will try sad writ i . -wrtnn aJ The batlW id all over hrw w rtiwl 12 i the ar ia tsfactically H of aa IbM I A '! mm la UsH otae of any imrVAfo held by thartbrU II ljU We ha Iwn irttm llbarty for a li.OJ, ' wda. and ina aai lor urly bring UO,back a liuneb of tourmtiir at tbo bat 2rp (tl. Nrljr ottrwnt) has a tiiwh of aTrd, bayonet ad alMilU of tblfnt- Lt U, Pfi kr U I nave a wort am uayo alilni.1 afid a law small shell. I wont tn J ' J' and them hotaa when we. c' to a e- lior. J" ome. 2 4o There sum vm f ttw hard ftghtini: ' done the day the rebeli envn up tho city. Them were l crui-r 1rlff on the plarn as well b the .Aekl uun. Tko ahelss burs I over U ttiUO un and kiihjd the men every timo they tried lo Art) their piM, anil they final ly l flra U the city and IcfL Thtrq is srurcely n wh.ile bolldin left In the nty now. The northern sofcllerti raptiirnl -v eral of the rebel and lliey rut the heads uff all tby eiUirnl. 1 ilwln't let tn see them cot any heads olf but sa- thv head hanging aluig tho nmd ga,! where thoy lu.il hung for hlbltln 15 00 1 A Rreat inony of the rebel Ihrtiw I to away tlwlr irun-i nml iinifnrmit rmtl elnimwl thoy wtiru kniIIpk to l(rep from being killcMl, nml thnrii ro sotnn of them buck In tho rnuuntaliia yi-t that haven t rrn captured. I whs in in of Urn forts on tho hill 1 J 13k l" 3 i.1 :ti i ill t" 12 la.:- I! 't VI II. ui .t. ... .IV". .Viij 1.1 (II h7 Hb l b) 7.T at IWUl TO. Si 6.-I.-CI i:xt 50.MJ 75.03 i:u xi iujui IU.1JU 700 7.00 i 10 20. wj ... Miscellaneous. Tillamook Iron Workn . Ii I). Iloair Ii. (. .Vmlerrmu.. 11 H. Arkley... Arthur Kins V S. Huel, cxpenxen IL C.'i'iiidinw..., j, K. GUI Co wherler Lumber Co... ;fi.lnm;ok Klectrle Uirh't Co." IllU.uo.ik (.u -Wiiler Woika . - ' h Ueni Id. ; Uxlsy, thry havo gunnls (toiled at the gnlo tn ih tiuln eritranco but wo wunt around and coino In thu back wny nnd was huldr brtoro thity know anytliing about it, but cnuldn't bring wnylhiiig j away tbougd wu got some picture of We got sovcrul pictures of tho ruins Mftor th tiro. It is sure Interesting to go through the pliice mu sou wlmro thu stiulls struck. And soino of them nmil.. milt. 12 (tt;ltg holes In llio walls whuru they ox 12.00 pMrd. io w . .. . ui wnvu iiuro Aioniiny lor ShntiKlml anil will only bo thoro for it fuvv wcuks and go to the Phllllplnoii for Hut wlninr, Wull I will ,nvo to close for this time. Write Soon. JOK. Cvinti Occurring uia aiaia inirin a.. . w wiiiib mm v week Thlr'y Dsvs Lnnsa. .. (Tmiulll . .. - , . " U Ifc . ii-., . . . . nappy f nr until aiui ....l utMin ninnii on niiihiv. January II isu jk oo HOI R"l imo IF.e t(, UttT fart nf th mu llM lux '(tdf r,ft pun riiMwi in inx nuibrr Moy Will t:.hlbi Muiutiuutli Jihnuy jl . ft.-.,.,....... . " A i.ii in i in. nil v L . . . - v 1WJ U, Uii.l tmny at lt (. f4if ntlilOII 01 lUralxV Mt a ehlld, has rece'vrtl m4 ijj Mill listn a rhuhin in .1 - ... ntai at llo nsiiotias turtle Ui t'llldeil U.ll al Ik. Ui l.o t ttUri - 1 , ku tiX MllfttllfSl star... - - YalaiiltAna ti Talnink e I . (ho J4t f 4oM iHo fit) t'ti; '"ii rTT in 19 ih rtomt'ter !' ' tt , ..... ... lrl ror m i---.i&s 1"9 CSK iriRine J6, rttin fur btt tl, tef si hijlr lUtt.lr vt It CUAtlJ fll rltfi ' a ttaa. i tsrhn In a f. t ryjt, TYt MM adet w e srt vta . . . . - . . . . , . . . .. .. ..... . ...... ... Untoptcf Vlrt f ri !uf pssTMl wiuva' ' f - vvj a( t Waev tt-o " mis aaxla aaalB . t4a !s mf and kitn " xten th,i U p4n -f '.r'fc oil Mi tar tvrl hvw Aa'ia-u'U'i' ltr- '. sS,t'St'' satMik nf Und If' i fri!f - - . I . i - . . t rilt A mrtean c.i. - ' J" the ajjrlOUltWM' ' 'f 0fp Mony Nsltd 'f t hl Maim ptl to trnpii. nnirm i the i!lBUthor i f .a .. . . . . ISielilll. C Mr aM tUMfaa at ' 1 f ' T IK'"" a . .a . jlil tJ.2B it a it lUkaaiiMii t ii ii ai s--' - ytti teAtwr . . . .wcf 'w WHil Ull Ilfff Hill ' J,H 1 ry. to onforra - itnuiif law. .4, . (joirrtior vm - entinml for an '." " " ,v . ....... ui.l. ,11 It OliitiltaStonni n ' l. UP with thr h'-l ; llltutlori 1.. a. ' ' r,t of insllitrr J ' . .. .... . i .4.1 d9 Is out hour, of I' ', ,.... lo lu' ' 11 " will consider cab" of tho leKlslalurn . J n . . ... .. i. Criesn. ! usnanon - - . n. .liiiisrWiMl .. th llrvr Clark timpW " ......... .i.- -,r bolni! W. nttil nboiit ' 0 tju V.n li.ialllDII " . - ' . .. n ..... . , ...nil olothrt. nn orrcoil ann clolhlnjj Is.ft'j f101 2.M 2;i. io 17 (X) 2.(11 lJ.bO IfUH) i;(.n,s. 2h) I'.OS (HI IX) I !fiWar:?.::v:::::..rt :. .iS Jtf.kr DAIRY RANCH FOR ALE BY OWNER. i?M,Pnill,,,l.lmyrttn,-'h ltlnn of IliO , , wirui at a verv r.n.iii... .fit,... m Hooor ailJiuss, 201.0.4, C. J. Itlnuclinnl. u-.. W.lsr Is W.nl' ii u ron Ahlai.d.-U" nm SUPI"' ' .i... .1... ....iiilrltml Hrthl ,, I V . .. ..rnnilll tt('0n"' Blvaii 1(1 lh WMUTdjT . "".. ..... on Drllb. Co.j..lll..-An Hri o - whher lnoilrtln I lpktl nl.l wltlllll l" . I l.v Uf ,y court to b hLhlTuc.' ber 4. - ... .)' ' uif. Traps trf,n ... ifi n.M....i.v. .... rry- - V I.,.nillin 0' " ... be u wrniuiy .. , ii iw :. 1 II an l.lilli"' ' .1. wusii.. " ...,.,i Lerr"? . I'ortlaiid, wr rn--Uf Qutue. Hemlock. Oro.