Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, October 17, 1913, Image 1

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    II 'v
t tr ;a
LRGEis-r Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook'County
Tillamook, Omioton, Octoiikm 17, HHX
NO. 77
It is the nim of thin lnnl to pve
tltc lu'Ht bunking hcrvicc pot-stlilc
mid we tlu it.
Ut in also our nim to have the
' cry licst c(tiiiiH'iii stieli us
Modern Imi'c Proof Unnlidf
t. a . I I IF.. . . II.. .
lWWIII, I'llV I I Will I lllllli IMH
jjliu Proof Safe. Modern Safe
Ucpoitit Hoses and we have
Dike's Hepatic Salts
W'OKK Tllli 1,1 VI-U
They Help Vour Colli
Dike's Cherry Cough Syrup
Stops the Con'li
11 . it i
. ft, m. I J I n rw. I 1 I 1 I MUU1. MAIM I
iitf i wr Bm mm aatmrntmrnmrmm r mmn mamrw iMma-im aw maw a a mm a am a maa a aawa. m
r fy m'naip Rr m
mi A MH A K Mf M n IT1.
Sec U for Pricei Before Ordering Elsewhere
M. - . a .
V..J II.- Ll.i ImiinHntinnc I himnflVS
UIUCWOIKS. IlUUId. 1 UUIluauuiiai vihiuhw-,
Building Blocks, Septic Tanks, Etc.
If . I I.. r ttnliilr t twl t tn 111
111 k n s I t rt t I I.I Iliril'HI'l III. LHU IW1IWII iHK
Located 0 miles south of Tillamook on main
traveled road.
WanhltiKto. -HeprmiinlBtlr Hleh
mofitl t'nan-on Hob. on, rnpri-smilntlvn
tif AMImiim. Mini III. :oIIcih;uii, Ma
jority Li-adnr Uudi-rwood. iinKagiMl In
a hlti?r debato on (tin floor of dio
.hum mrr th Ronnlorlnl conti-it In
Ihidr mtt, In whlcli duty t rlvnl
iiantlllltiUii". 'I'll ct oratorical ilunl wn
jirm'liillalI liy Mr. Ilolmon rvUnrnt
ItiK lUlrranrm m rnniln Itinl wrrk In
jk!i nl Wntumpkn, Aln., Indmst-
Believe President WHI Ask Con
gress to Repeal Canal Tolls
on American Shipping.
Vnchlm;ton.- H.jorf nubllnJufd In
l;don that J'rmloVnt Wibwui noon
wotiltl link conKrr lo ruivU the rx
einpUon of Airrlcnn hlj?!as ttom
toll In thn 1'nnittnn camil hroueht
n dml 'Mr. diitliTooil wn "dm lool ! 'rom ,',l liouno dm brlt-f etalc-
of -WaII r-n( niiil dm liquor lnrr- I ,"""t l,,nt ny announct nmit of the
nix; ami tihArKlm; di lm Imd Knin- ' n1""l"trtlorii jKjIlcy on that nub-
rd AJiUMina'" utipt'ort In dn Imiii jircn.
Ill 11111111 'rmmtmlKn undnr fnl.o pro
trtiwft. t'lmi-m Jrnni Drinocmt anil Hnuul).
Ile.iu (twiml Mr Umli-rwoixl n h
r o iiy. anil luirr, hrn Mr.
Ilphnon trW-d u liilcrnipt, dtern wi-ru
louil crim uf "HU dovin, nil down;
you'vi hmJ jotir tnrm."
Jim Thorpe Wed. Indian Olrl.
Carl!Ip. !, Jiittio Thorpe, dm
Hm and Koi InUinn from Oklahoma,
world'i Kfal'! adili'tr and n HK'tnlxT
of tlm Nw York National t -ji;u
tNinntMill Iphih. vtn' mnrrid hern In
MMorfr- 81. I'ntrltai'n church to Mnr
Knrri Ivn Miller, a uittlvo of Oklnhomn
mid r (omirr tiiilwii at the ("nrllitlo
Itutliiii M'hodl. t.limh Thorpn attRndod.
Athletic. Are Champions.
.SVw York. Tim I'hlladplphla Ath
ttc ou the iHi.nhnll rlinniplonlil
of th world for 1913 at dm l'olc
ground by dfntlnfi thr- Now York
Olnnln. 3 to 1. Ill tho fifth and dccldlili.
CBiim of tlm I'nrip.
People in tho News
. A il pi h Uj. lUM li. .mulll'HilltlptiaJre
fit. i.oulii hio'r. dlrd In (irrmauy,
aKml "fi.
I'rlno" Tnro Kntaura, ox-promlor of
Jnpau nnd n clon trlciid of thn cm-
pvror, dliul aftrr nil uxtmuli'd lllncK.
JntnoH M. Sullivan. American mlnlo
lutxr to tho Dominican rt:piitllc, ha
llid tic-ftl thi) wnrrliiR factlona In that
country to hIkii ti ppaco pact.
Knlluro of dovurnor Jolinnou of Cal
ifornia to UMini! ti nnw mt-dlcnl hoiinl
In lii'cplliK &00 yoilliK plijKlclnim from
Ki'lUllK llcmihi'8 to lirnctlci1.
Mm Kmnt!illn rnnkhtimt. Urn fain-
ouh militant HuffruKctto leadnr, nnllnd 1 had
from Havre for dm United Stntcn
Milliard tho liner l.a Provence. '
Mr. Jennie May Katun wan placed '
on trial at Plymouth, Mnmi., Monday,
on nn Indictment clmrlnR her with 1
Jee,t Ht thin time was unauthorized.
Official declined to amplify that
In other admlnlatrntlon qimrtern,
however, tlm belief wait uxprepd that
Intt-r uch a repeal would bo recom
mended to conRrenii, but thouc who
Ioke dUclalmed any official know!
rdfin of I're.ldeut Wllnon'i intention.
Thorn) cloel to the prrcldent pre
dicted that any announcement of pol
Icy ould not be made until the lefil
Intlvo ltuatlon In ronrji oi op
portune. Unt ncKotlntlon over Oroat Ilrit-
n!n' diplomatic protest aKfllnt the
allesed illrcrlmlnntlon wore conducted
by former Ambaador Ilrlce bat Feb
niary. He Mlnqurtihed hi pout after
havlnK announceil he would not do
o until the matter wa on the way
to etdement. Sir Cecil Spriiic-Ulcc.
the new nmhaador, has la ken no
Mop In the question and (llplom.-ttfrtr
lime coiiEtrucd this Incctlon nn an In
dioaltoti thn rutiafaetory nnsunince
have been plven by WnahlnBton tt.
London of a settlement of the dlsputu
Huert Tcld Election Not Recognized.
The United Stales government In
(onnod I'rovUiouuI Prvvldent llucrl.
that It looked with nlitinrrenre nn.!
nnuzomnnt on IiIm nsKUinption of both
exi-cuthe arid teKlitlntlve powers In
Mexico and that In view of hl course
could not ri';;nnl a coiutltutlonal the
Iectlonn planned for October 26.
Two nolo were sunt, tho one
tru:isly phrased and written by Soc
retrry IJry;n, Inquiring alout tho
safety of the imprlnoned mombera of
the Mexican congress, and the other
drawn In for cot ill humiing'! by I'rosl
dnnt Wlitiou himxelf.
CharRe O'ShaiiKhnessy reported he
conveyed both communlcatlona
Mfxlrut City. Declaring boll
branch'- of coni;roK uxpu:ided, I'ro
vlnlonnl I'M-Kldent llucrta practically
aanumed n dlctaurahip here. Ills for
ma! proclamation dleolvlm; the na
tlonal lenlslature jnnouncod that ne
Mcnalom and del .tlce would bo choer
.it th election Octobur 2C.
The Mesican caj .inl mt terrorized
by the boidnc of i"rorglonal I'ree!
!enl Huerta's coup when he had IK
members of the chamber of deputtc
locked up for falling to drop an In
vesication of the death of Oenaloi
DomliiRUez of Chiapas, who was re
ported to have been kilted after mak-
Ins a speech asalnit Uucrta.
The provisional president had ask
ed, through Minister Aldnpe In an
address before the chamber, the re
consideration of tho vote to Investi
gate, saying the deputies had not the
jowcr to Investigate a matter upon
which the justice department had al
ready paKbt-d.
and hnd boon assured with respect to
the Imprisoned deputK-s that no vio
lence would bo done them, but that
they would be tried for sedition.
Administration officials hold that
the murder of her husband, Head Ad- i Wtli most of the members of the Mex
tiilrnl Joimph O. Katon, U. S. N., re- ' Can conKress In Jail, n prominent
tired. j member of congress who dared to
The petition to hnve IajIh Norris I speak ndvorsuly to tho lluerta ndtnln-
nuil Marslm WarriiiKton, who eloped
to Uouo with Dings nnd Cumlimttl,
declnreil ili'imndents, was denied by
JiiiIko Slileldii on the recommendation
of the probation commit lee.
Brief News of the Week
aprlnsfluld, Mo., defeated the pro
poiirfd founiiiHsloii form of government
ch i-ier.
ArKiiinontn In dm BoVemment'H and
triiHt su't ngulnst the Internatlotmi
lliu vi'sler compiuty were scheduled to
ht'Kln Monday In St. Paul.
The California railroad commission
has ordeied transportation lines to
put In Individual snultary drinking
cups which will tell to tho public for
1 cent each.
Huffragoites In London Interrupted
oiuvlces in the Westminster Abbey,
with chniitH for suffragettes now In
prison, when dio clursy failed to men
tion tho womoii In their prayers.
Tlur concerted yells of 3000 faiiB at
the Tomplo auditorium, Los Angeles,
where thoy wuro watching tho base
ball scorn, Hpllt sovcrnl pipes In the
$30,000 pipe organ.
Hereafter a matron nnd n policeman
must stand guard with a watchful eyo
In every public dwneo hnll lu Boston
to ae that tho tango, turkoy trot, and
other dances of n similar character
nru not attempted.
Strong opposition to nbatement of
tho snverlty of oxamluutlonB at the
West Point military aendwuy l voic
ed by tho superintendent, Colonel
TowiiHloy, In hla mutual report
Commissioner of Mediation Stew,
art, of tho federal department of labor,
will roi'ommond forthwith a congres
sional Investigation o th strike of
Colorado cool mlnert,
Mrs, (Jus Nolaon of liny City whs In
town Thursday,
Istrntlon still mysteriously concealed
nd the congress dissolved. It Is Im
possible for the civilized world to be
lieve the lluerta group callable of es
tablishing constitutional authority In
the southern republic.
(lormany's decision to dispatch
warship to Mexican waters attracted
wide nttentlon in offlclaj circles hen.
Commerce Judges Kept on Rolls.
Tho United States commerce court
created lu UU2 to have Jurlsdlctlor
over appeals from tho Ir.torstnto com
morco commission, will go out of ex
istenco on December 31, if President
Wilson signs the deficiency appropria
don bill as It repnsscd tho house. Tho
positions of Its Judges, however, were
finally saved whon tho house accepted
the somite's amendment continuing
tho present Judges as additional clr
oult Judges of the United States until
they resign or rotlrt.
The senate's nmendment was ac
cepted because of tho belief that the
deficiency bill would be Indefinitely
held up by tho senate if the house In
sisted on legislating tho present com
merce court Judges out of office.
National Capital Brevities
Jefferson McCarn, of Nashville,
Tctm., has been selected by President
Wilson and Attorney-General McKey
nobis for Uulted States attorney for
L. F. Speor of Ilaugor, Me., chief of
the corporation tax division of tho
treasury 'department, has beou named
by Secretary McAdoo as deputy com
mlsslouer of internal revenue in
charge of tho Income, tax administra
tion. Propositions whereby the railroads
may avoid prosecution under the Shor
man law were uiado to tho attorney
general by President Elliott, T. D.
Qulylor, and President Hadley f Yale,
directors of tho NuW Hivb foail.
Wllklnt Tells of Winters' Murder.
Portlond, Or. In a confeszion to
District Attorney Kvans, Lloyd Holmes
Wllklns told of striking the blow that
cauised the death of Lou Winters, n
real estate dealer, last Sunday. Wil
kin, who was arrested in Vancouver,
Wash., said it was not his first in
tention to kill Winters. Ho suspected
Winters of knowing the whereabouts
of Mrs. Wllklns, from whom he war
separated, and It was the intention o'
the husband to force him to lei."
where Mrs. Wllklns could be found.
Terrific Storm Prevents Other
Vessels Rendering Much
Timothy Woodruff Dies of Apopl:;v
New York. Timothy L. Woodru:
former lieutenant-governor of Nl
York stato. Is dead . . i
Belief That Extensive Territory Lie
North of Siberia is Confirmed.
St, Micha.ei. Alaska. The Russia
government steamers Taimyr n;
Waygatch, under Commander Wila
sky, which bnve been engaged in Arc
tic exploration north of Siberia for
three years, arrived here for coal.
Captain Wllltsky reports the d'
covery of a body of land as large .
Greenland extending beyond latitui
81 north and longitude 102 east.
Commander Wllltsky says that thi
shore of the new country where thi
cxpedltlo'j landed and along whicL
fins vessels traveled Is rocky, with
high, abrupt cliffs, farmed evidently
from volcanic activity.
In July and August the expedition
saw much evidence of the presence on
the land of reindeer. Many walrus
wero seen nnd bird life was plentiful.
Liverpool. One hundred and thlrty
slx persons !ett tretr lives when the
steamer VoJturno of the Uranium line
was destroyed at sea aftor having
been on fire for 24 hours.
Ten steamships called by wireless
to tho burning chip surrounded the
Volturno for IC hours while tho fire
raged at Its height, but none of the
rescue fleet was able to lend assist
ance owing to the terrific storm.
The Volturno sailed from Hottefdam
for New York via Halifax on October
2. She carried 24 cabin passccgers.
540 steerage and a crew of 33. Of
the 657 known to have been ot board.
521 have been reported iaved by the
10 vessels.
The greatest Ions of life occurred
when four of the Volturno's sir life
boats were dashed to pieces against
the side of the vessel a few moments
after thoy were launched. Other life
boats launched from the rescue liect
were also crushed by the waves.
Never before has such a disaster
been witnessed by so many spectators.
Huddled on the eight ocean liners, a
German tramp and a Standard Oil
tank steamer which heard the Voitur-
no's "S. O. S." distress call by wire
less, unmindful of the biting cold of
the gale and the danger from the huge
waves which crashed over the vessels.
those on board the waiting ships re
mained on deck throughout the after
noon and night watching the fire.
Daring American Aeronauts Safe.
London. Safo and happy, Ralph
Upson, Americnn aeronaut, and his
aide, Preston, stepped from the bal
loon Goodyear near tho little town ot
Bridlington In Yorkshire, nfter a per
ilous flight across the English chan
nel and out over tho North Sea. Tho
men are tho winners of the James
Gordon Dennett cup for which bal
looulsts of all tho great nations have
been striving.
Victors Declare That Campaign Was
Fought on Tariff Act.
Wheeling, W. Va. M. M. Neely,
democrat, was elected to congress in
the special election in the first dis
trict, held to fill a vacancy caused
by the resignation of John W. Davis,
democrat, now solicitor-general of the
United States.
J. G. Hearne, republican, made a
close fight, with G. A. McLaughlin
progressive, running third.
Mr. Neely's plurality was 3300. Wi.1
ter D. Nelton, socialist candidate, poll
ed a surprising vote, aggregating more
than 3000.
The vote was about 60 per cent of
the normal.
The campaign was fought on the
new tariff act, the election being the
first since the passige of the tariff
measure. Hearne and Laughlin ad
vocated protection, and Mr. Hearne
said tho presence of progressive can
didates In tho race defeated him. Tho
democrats refused to accept such an
explanation and said the result Is a
vote of confidence for the administration.
B. F. O'Nell Is In Prison,
nolso, Idaho. 11. F. O'Nell, convict
ed ot making false reports to tho stat'
bank examiner of the condition o
tho Rank of Commerce while Its pres'
dent, arrived hero In company wit'
tour other convicts from north Idaho,
and Immediately began his term c
two to ten years lu the penlteuttar.
Arkansas Is to Go Dry.
Little Rock. Ark. The state su
preino court sustained the validity o.
tho Going prohibition bill and Arkan
sab will become dry after January
1 next.
It Is possible tnat tho government
will not start its suit undor the anti
trust law against the American -Telephone
ft Telegraph company for sev
eral months yet, pendlug outcome ot
the suit to separate the "trust" from
Its PaclNo coast holdings, now under
way M Portland.
By the closest vote of the session,
HI to 108, the house voted to recedv
from Its conference disagreement tj
concur lu the aenate aiueadmeat tc
the urgent dtttclanoy au-proprlatlou
bill, which provides for the removal
of deputy Internal revenue oolUctors
and deputy marshals from otvll serv
ice vegulatlouii.
Test Suit Begun on Minimum Wage.
Portland. Or. Suit attacking the
constitutionality of the minimum wage
law was filed against Edwin V. O'H.v
ra, Bertha Moores and Amedes M.
Smith, members of tho Industrial Wel
fare commission, nnd the court was
asked to restrain tho defendants and
each of them from putting Into effect
tho statute.
Lone Robber Rifles Mall Bag.
San Francisco. A masked bandit'
entered the mall car of Southern Pa
cific train No. 23 at Burllngame and
at tho muzzle of a gun compelled two
mall clerks to crawl under a table.
The registered mall then was rifled.
The robber made his escape when
the train slowed down in the San
Francisco yards. An examlnatloa of
tho rifled pouches by postal Inspect
ors showed that the loss will not be
Tillamook, Ote.