Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, October 13, 1913, Image 2

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    Cbc Cillamook Rcrald
e. . Cromblty, Editor
Cudv nd Friday
Notice of tlx cv-u tor's Sale ul Ken I
HVEN, th;
Issued Cwicc a Week
Entered a scvond-claM matter Mav 17, 1910. at the jxtU oIlW at Tillamook,
Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879."
SfnscRirTiox si.sn a vkak in advvnck
.Hdvcrtlslnu Rates
1 era! Advertisements
l"trt Insertion, per lino $ .10
Each Mibr"wit in.ortion, lino .OR
' Homester d K lic - 5.P0
Timber Claims - - - W.W
Notices, nor lint1 ... ,06
Cards of thanks per lin .06
Locals, Hr lirw, first insertion .7
Each subsoqtient insertion, line .06
Resolutions of ( omlolonce and
Uxlo notice, ior line .0&
Business Professional eards.nni. 1. 00
Display Advertisement. per inch .'.'
Al.l. Display Ail must bo in this of
fice on Monday and Thursday Morn
ills' to insure publication in follow,
in Tuesday and Friday issues.
Reasons are "imperative.
TiHwV Hrr..M. Ihiihl Smii-mrklT nt TtllwoV. CU ltr
Kdltor. ' K. TTmWT rnhli.her C K Tr.hlr . I' K Tmwl'lrt
Mrtr Fiw Sml.inl l.nl MUnwV ''m, Or,
rn-sn.w. octohkk i t-. ioi;t.
One of the stock arguments by the ( do think the club should Ins in a po-si-advocates
of the Imjuot tratllc is that ; tion to hohl out sono real encourage
the manufacture Rives employment to ment and aid to the prospective settler,
a large number of people at hi(th wan
pes, ami in this manner is nn industrial
factor of preat importance. The fol
lowing statement, compileii by the
Si-ientinc Temperance Journal from the
last census retorts, shows that the re-
so that he will not come here and look
around for a few days ami because of
the high price of our bottom lands,
turn from us in discouragement. Til
laitook County has some irood hill
lands that are reasonably cheap, ami
vvrse is true: "For each $1,000 capital j this fact should be brought to the
invested, brewing ami distilling indus-j knowledge of the prospective buyer.
tries pay in wages only $61 ami $-12.50. j :
respectively, as $ls5 the average for 1
industries in generl. For each $100.-; HOW THE NEW TARIFF LAW
Ol capital invested they employ only
S. 1 and S.S men while the average in-du-try
employs So. On the other hand,
while making the smallest proportion
ate return in labor, theavirnge brew
ing capitalist has $1,050,325; the manl
ier, $I2S,00. while the average capital
ist in other industries has only JS7,137."
Here is how the new tarill law aff
ect you, Mr. Consumer:
First -it won't reduce the cost of
living perceptibly at first A good
many other things go to make up your
cost of living.
Second The new tarilT does untax a
lot of thi.igs you use. A small frac
tion of a cent was added by the old
tarilT t nearly everything you oat,
wear and use. This new law takes off
this small fraction of a cent.
Third You share the benefit of this
fact : That $39,000,000, formerly paid
by you and other consumers, will bo
raised by a tax on incomes. Bachelors
will be taxed on incomes of $3,000 ami
upward", and married men will be taxed
; on inrnm. nf 1 fWI nrul tlnu'nnl
able nature, and still we have only j Foimh VoUf prl()Clpa, ncc9uie,
begun; we have only been gettins ready i haVL. .. ml. nn tho - T. ..
are, therefore, exempt from any fur-
I ther taritf tax. These articles are moat.
cattle, sheep, hogs, eg'S, lard, white
Hour, buckwheat, potatoes, shrimps.
lobsters, fuh, lumber, raw wool, tea.
With the completion of the Panama
Canal comes the realization that all
arrangements have been completed for
the imp ovemcnt of our harbor am1
that we i!l nn be in the midst of
things conducted on a big scale. Til
lamook City for a year past has felt
the impetus of the impending Improve
ments, through the introduction of
much outside capital in our midst. The
changes that have taken place here
during the past year are of a remark-
fnr the hie hint-. t
Tillamookers have always had faith !
in their town, but now that outside
capital has become so active, that faith j
has been doubly strengthened, with I
.1 . . . . ... i ii i.j t
me resuu mat our eo.e .unu snoum- j hefbs fm SQ,U ,eatherf a
er to shoulder for any sane policy of , ufacturers of ea,her including
and fhues, harness and saddles, r'ugli
advancement. While the unpleasant-
no ... m.n , n toe "wren fa, pig iron, typewriters, cement.
vuusiruciiuu ai. mis ix.-t.-n unrwj ing cocoa
anu cosily, mere is some consolation
hvvlrturo of an ORDER OF SALE
duly made ami cnlervtl by the Hon.
Homer Mason, Judgo of the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for Till-
J amook County, In the rvconU of ald j
'court, I will, from ami after the iE!nd
I lny of October, 1918, at my rvsidence (
on the Miami liivor. In Tillamook!
' County, Oregon, sell, at private sale I
for cash In hand to the person paying
the hlghet price therefor, subject to
to ronflrmalion of the said judge of
said court, the rval provrty iKflonglng
tu tho mUto of Harry T. Crane,
l.i 1 .1 .I....I ..o r .l I .....ii-
The east half of the northwest nunr
Irr nf xoi-tiim SI. in inwi'sblit 2 north
jof range lJ west of the W'llamette
j Moildian; and the soiithent iitlarter of
I the northeast ijuarler k! the south
i east tpiwrter of the southenst quarter
I of scett n :iS, in townnhip il north of
! range 10 west of the Willamette Mend.
Datisl Sept. 23rd 1113.
Executor if the Last Will ami Tes
tament of Harry T. Crane, lo
In the County Court of the State of
Orfgon. for TillannxV County, In the
matter of the estate of William J,
West, Deceased.
Whereas the. undersigned has been
duly appointed by the above named
Court, 'administrator of said estate,
now therefore, all ersona having
claims against '. the estate aforesaid
; win present tho same to me with pro'
per voucher within six months from
the date of.thls notice at the office of
I Janus . Walton, Jr.. 10OI-2 Spakllng
lluildlng. Port 'ami. Oregon, or at m
ntlicc. Commercial lluildlng. Tillamook
City. Oregon.
Dated at TillamtH)k, Oregon, this 7th
day of October. li13.
Tbos. Coate. Administrator.
In tho County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Tillamook County, in the
matter of the estate of Edwjrd High,
Whereas the undersigned has been
djly nppointed by the abjvc, named
Court, lulmiutslratur of said Estate,
now therefore, all person having
claims against the rstnte aforesaid
will preicnt the same to mc with tho
proper vouchers within six months
from the date of this notice at the
oirico of James Walton. Jr., 1001-2
. Spalding lluilding, Purllaml, Oregon,
; or at my ollice. Commercial lluilding.
jTillamcxjk City, Oregon.
Dated at TillumDok, Oregon,
day of October, 1913.
If You Can Manufacture Anything
Come to
To Do The Manufacturing
Freo Nift'M and Npeelal
IlKllKH'IIK'lltH lo those
who will hrliip pay
rolls lo - -
I II 4
inasi nf act ib rlii jc
oa Akliahkin Hay
Nehalem Harbor Co.
Wheeler, Oregon
Portland Officei 327 rilin nM
TUUmnalt Offk. Cmx V H. IUaU
in the fact that we have learned ome
thir.gs that may be of assistance to us
in solving the larger problems that are
sure to confront us in the near future.
There is not a town in the state that
has a brighter future than Tillamook.
It is now up to us to take advantage of
our opportunities.
The steamship companies which are
preparing to ply between European
ports and Pacific Coast ports are en
couraging, through a system of selling
steamship tickets on the installment
plan, a very large immigration to this
country as soon as the Panama Canal
is ready for use. Tnis means that we
will soon be face to face with some very
serious problems, as many of the for
eigners who will come to our bhores
will be without necessary means. We
are now able to take care of a fair
amount cf this class of immigration,
but it is a serious question as to what
we will be able to do with a great in
flux of thii kind of people.
The people coming from Europe will
be looking for cheap lands. They will
b; looking for an opportunity to be
come owners of homes and tillers of
the soil. The thing that we should
now be thinking about is, what have
we got to olfer them? In those local
ities where lumbering has been carried
on to considerable extent cheap logged
lands will be ready to receive them. It
will be some time before Tillamook
county can offer this opportunity as it
will be a year or more before lumber
ing operations on a bin scale will begin
here. In the meantime wo must do
the best we can in eucouraging the
use and settlement of our cheap hill
lands and the cutting up of the large
dairy farms into smaller tracts. With
the inauguration of harbor improve
ments and the development of our tim
ber resources, there will came a local
demand for vegetables and small fruits
to feed the thousands who will be em
ployed in forest, mill and factory. This
demand can be met by the tilling of
our hillsides which are especially
aJapted for the production of these
kinds of products. Our commercial
club should make an investigation and
fi id out how much bottom lands may
ba available to be cut up Into smaller
tracts and their price and how much
cheap hill lands may be for th nur.et
and their price, so that we can give a
newcomer Intelligent and reliable in-
formation should tho occasion demand.
We do not bulievu the club should go
into the real estate business, but we
looks, cheap engravings and
(cheap pictures, cash registers, nail,
I print paper, moving picture films, lan
niig materials, barbed wire and all
agricultural implement.
Fifth -For the benefit of the famer
who loses his protection on wheat,
eggs, flour, etc., the new law removes
the duty on all articles used by
him, including wagons, plows, harrows,
discs, fencing, cotton bagging, etc.
By making farming less expensive food
will, it is hoped, eventually be made
less cotly.
Sixth -Sugar will be on the free list
in three years. It pay the present
taritf duties until nex t March, and then
it begins paying 1 cent a pound until
191G, when it becomes free of duty.
Seventh Other articles will have the
tax reduced on them nearly one-half.
At present they are taxed on the basis
of 20 to 50 per cent of their valuation
at the customs houses. The present
bill reduces this to 20 per cent.
Eighth For the benefit of mother
and the home the duty on h-isiery has
been reduced to 25 per cent; blankets
Tho. Coatcs. Administrator.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Tillamook county, in the
matter of the estate of William Walton,
Whereas the undersigned has been
duly apfiointed by the above named
Court, udminintrator of said cm t ate,
now therefore, all persons having
claims against the estate aforesaid will
present the same to me with the pro-
per vouchers within six months from
the date of this notice at the otHcc of
James Walton, Jr., 1001-2 Spalding
uuiHiing. roruanu, uregon, or at my
office, Commercial Building, Tillamook
City. Oreggn.
Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this 7th
day of October, 1913.
Tho. Coatt-H, Administrator.
f by virtue of decree of foreclosure made
Nnmrriic meetings am held In the
old Christian Church on Tuesday aivl
Friday evening ami on Sunday nl 3 p.
m. arxJ h p. m, .Sunday School at 2
p. in.
sixty acres on Wilson Klver. n part
of what is known n the Peter Brant
place, Mth or without stock. I want
$C000 or more down anil will give
plenty of time for the balance at G per
cent interest. See N. P. Hanson,
Hebo, Ore.
Last issue Octoler f.
Will sell my ranch consisting of ICQ
acres at a very reasonable price. -10
acres Irrigation proieel under wnv
good improvements.
See or address,
C. J. Blanchnrd,
Hemlock, Ore.
Or. L. I. Hewitt
Ohntt-trlral ,Sprclllt
Both Phonr
Itcs. and Ollice: Whn,i,iu.o Br.tdrncr
Orfic In Sturgeon IIM.
All Work OnuMiilrrd.
nhnilM hf utrrwu;liat nL.-.fu.. Tl ....
were not out on the free list, hut ' I ''ti th, Circuit Court of tho
duty has been materially reduced on ' hla . f Ur,-'Kr"ii for illamook County,
them. A cut in cotton goods amounts
Ui about 25 per cent. From the con
sumers point of view this III mean
more importations from Faance, Aus
tria, Germany and England of the
higher grade cotton material uied in
making children's clothes and stock-
ings, cotton and woolen.
Ninth The amount of revenue which
it is estimated the new tarilT bill will
produce is $2-17,780,000. The income
tax provision is expected to add this
The reduction in the cost of living
resulting from this tariff will be a ten
dency rather than anything ehowing
itself In immediate change of prices.
There should be a marked downward
tendency of price and a marked check
on trust control! of the necessities of
life. But before MR. ULTIMATE
CONSUMER can be relieved of his
- ...
rmil... f!tl. I fill' J I
mi mv h ui uuuiiitT, i'Jiii. anu an i r h wni r...i--i.,.. i
i .. wMiitnnnii (jug LMVt'n
...... ...w .U,U u,j iBHiivi) nr. Moagposltlvo Instruct ona to .hut
out of said Court on the Kith dav uf flff Wilt ffftrti 1l ...1.. t.
I " ' - niiu MM V C
ucioucr, JIJKS In tho cause wherein
Tillamook County Bank, a corporation,
was piaintlir, anil Kile Patterson and
I-red Wheeler are defendants, said ex
ecution being to rne duly directed un
der the seal of said Court, I have lev
ied upon the following described real
property, situate in 'lillamook Couity,
The Southeast quarter of tho South
west quarter, and the South half of the
j Southeast quarter of Section 23, and
tho bouthwest quarter of the South
west quarter of Section 2i, in Town-
ship 1 South of Range 9 West of Villa-
menu Meridian, containing 1B2.M
acres, and I will on Monday, tho 24th
day of November, 1913, at tho hour of
10 o'clock A. M. at tho Court House
door in Tillamook City. Tillamook
not paid their water rent by the 10th
of each month.
By order of Water Commission.
frlftll nil fit tit Hufrw nvriliij. m fll
have to be much other legislation. I ?.f"n 'v t public
- m niiiob umucr lor casri
t .
iim Loc.led ir the Commercial BIJr..
aucceedinf h. V. J. Slurp.
nil won Uturjnl.rd. Ik.il, Plwrw.
Oilier Ii,,, ? J" J2'-'
I to iilO p. m.
Orn Hvrnlnt! Irom 7 uulll 8 o'chk
lr. Jack Olson
Office Hours from 9 a. m. to fi p, m.
Over F R. Rea E.UI. OU'ut
Both Phones,
J. E. REEDY, D. V. M.
JtBoth Phones)
imamooK i , Or.
H. T. B0HS,
At. npn
I I W T rlr
. r ww n
ltd1 . . . k ..... mjii
U. S. ConminiMM
OfpMitt Courlhsw
m mmrrm w w w iiii
Tillamook Block
Room 202
i'i iiiiom iiiki i ri niir nn
iiiiivwi iiiiii itifvi
Contnicts Tikcn
Estimates iMiniislicA
All Work GunniiiUc'l,
breaking big monopolies, eliminating
the extortion of the middleman, reduc
ing land rents and regulating transpor
tation charges and facilities.
A mueicale will
evening, Oct. 17, at
b given Friday
8 P. m. at the
jsnajajftsw s apis s Ss"sA,s
tempt you.
amount awarded Ui plaintiff therein by
per cent per annum, tho sum of $100 00'w'" not.on,y Impovo the nppearanco
as attorney's fees, 'and th" cists and il.h "-nlrlbuti'to you?
uisoursernenis amounting to Ul.m """"y." runaway cou d
safety as well.
high school auditorium, by the students ' 'nK interest at tho rate of 0 per dTscarded In tlmo
of the school assist by Prof. Warren S ,X m;h A' '" .nU d..
Glaze. A fine program will be ren- Dated this October M, 19ia.
dered. Admission 35c. . II. Crenshaw.
i Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. Tillamook
Attorney at Law
Office In Commercial Building
Tillamook County Bank Bldg.
r mneer i ransici
G. L. DfOC & SON, Pr
Both Plum"
vnv i,u,r- Wi.hl of lukorr.
E- J. Claussen
Dhutsciirr Advokat
Tillamoolt Ulock
aii ronrF.RS