Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, October 13, 1913, Image 1

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    ilia m o n Jt
Tillamook, Omkcon, Ootoiikk II, HM.'I.
ifc .
NO. 70
Everything That's Desirable in the New
Dress Goods and Silks
AS, nil authority for fine Silks mid Dross
(loodn, this store is probably as widely
1 .'Civ lR
known ns any other establishment in
the whole state. It wants for nothing to
nnike it complete and comprehensive. If it
! a new and desirable effect in .Silk or Dress
(iood.s yon seek, this Stoic has it, and you'll
find -it priced as low, if not lower, than it is
priced elsewhere. This is our greatest Fall
find Winter display, mid its popularity is
proven by the great business we are doing.
Here ae a few new arrivals that bid you
showing of the popular Plaid Silks, Kuiiian
StnjM-s, Bulgarian Tapestries, etc.; exquisite
eohn eninbinations in exclusive designs,
moderately priced at the yard,
51.00 to
NEW SILK POPLINS Full inches wide,
shown in choice plain shades. It is a very
serviceable Silk that will not slip and when
washed it retains it brilliant lus
ter. A special value at, the yard
Ratines, (i ran iles. Novelty Uough
Wool Crenes. Pin-Striin-.l Fancies
Chrviois, Fitglish Diagonals, dte.rshnwn in
e popular .Balkan blues, new navys, gol.J-
lirowns and other fashionable shades;
uueipialed values at, the yard, o OC
SI.00 to J)J.J
THE NEW COATINGS Fashionable heavy-
.belines, Scotch Novelties, Chinchillas, Double Faced (ml! Coatings, Astra-
. lumi.mted IMaids, etc. These are the uuesl oi an won mm jo rrj
st weuves, weights and colors, at all prices Iron., the yard, 51.50 to f J. w
SERGES-Admitted bv all lo be the finest of all wool Serges. They come
to HO inches wide and are shown m an co.ors ,. ... v.,. nr
i, - ami in all wemhts, priced at, yard, 75c to - - - T"
BROCADED VELVETS The season's most favored trimming, shown
trv wanted shade at, yard
... .....ifc a r.i.L.nnltl.. fabric shown in stripes and
t, ...atcrns lor waists, dresses and dainty house gowns, priced at, yd.,
OOL SUITINGS--usl the thing for children's school dresses, in a variety
.. t ...1 i .
ins and colors, IHi in. wide, priced ai, aui
Knifhts of Pythias
Meet in Portland.
Rites Administered on Historic Bible;
First Time Book ii Brought to Coast
i la
ei I
as Wool
, Pebbled
Good Dressing Magazine of the Ladies
be Journal Patterns are here and free
the asking
On Your Own Account
h you any money In tb. tank! A .-to your n
i'o Placed thoro, anyway . rryouuy - .
lnir. however lit lo. Have a br.k account of your own m I you
"ill fool happier, better, moru Independent, Mk y " -nr,
wn ,!on. .o row blKKar. Hotter ' -""j
hi.r ii - ii.i'..a o,, rmicli It. Your bank-book ian rflcoipi
HIV Wl UIH'IK" " "
n,l an oviilmico of your wIho economy.
Tillamook County Bank
Kurnialiuil lliy Pacific Abstract Co.
Brighton l)ovolniinont Co. to J. W.
Cox lots II, 4& mix) 10 blk 07 llrlghton
Hcnch, $700.
llriutttoii Development Co. to Moses
I). & Uiootta Jnrdlno lots 1 & - block
!I5 llrlghton Reach, $7
Lillian Coodspeed to John It. Hurler
100 ft olT Houth tddu f lot f blk 3 H.
l Goodspeod mliln to Tillamook, ifGOO.
O. C. llcuter & wf to J. It. llnrtor
tract in S? 1 1 S 10 W ?10.
F. K. DoiIkiI wf to J K Hurler
tract in Sec lit 1 a 10 W $1.
T It Potter Itoalty Co to J M KIco
lot !I8 blk W Hayocenn I'urk, $10.
Ceo II llli:lna & wf to Harry ami
Kato Ileal lot 21 blk 21 Oeoanvlow $10.
I J & Krminla Kronnu to Luroy T
ilonnott lot 1 blk 10 I'lllmnook Hch $10.
Leroy T Ilonnott to Krminla Frenna
lot 1 blk 10 Tillomook Hcach, $10.
Chan. Kay to V H Hums lota 8 & 9
bile a Cloveiilulo, $100.
The Krntiil '""l" f the Knlht of
I'ythfiu of Ori'K"" WHI bold ftx thirty
nvroiiH nntiuul rvnMim in I'ortl.-tnd hc
kIihiIiik '.wl.ty. It in mild thin will he
the moit iriif HjrlitriL hcbrioii ever held
h)' Ibe nri"id lint in thin utale.
Thaxriind lotlije omio(j will Ix; held
In thOj hull of I vntihoo UxIkv, No. 1, of
Portland, nt nieventh and Alder xtrteU.
Probably the chief event of the con
vention nod one which linn attracted
hundred)! ( Knii:ht from till imrts of
the itliitx in addition to those who are
Uelccjitci l the Kraml Iwljjo ccurei
Mmulkv rViTiim' Ort. 1.'! in Su'lu hull.
J2S3J pird iitrcel.
i Tiirm wait an initiation In the lirnt
niokjof the onier at which the obliKti
' lion will lc itdininiteri.Hl on '.ho iiihle
which JoilUK 11. Huthbone, founder of
Iho tinier, ueetl in obli(,'itinK it first
tncinjrii almost DO yean ano. This
J is the first time Uiis Bible has ever
I teen brought west of the statu of Kan
;.!, arxi tho Oregon KniRhU, feeling
that they arc especially honored by
hnvifiK it at this convention, will have
' n lar:e rlawt of candidates on this oc
Those candidate will cotnc from
l(x!i!i all nvor Ort'Kun. l.nrKU num
! bent' of KniKhta will also come to Port-
lain! exvially to dee this historic relic
1 that Is iear to the liearU of S05,0
' ineihbor of this fraternity.
' This Bible is iiow in the custody of
I Frtll K. Whenton, Kiiiireme keener of
G , reconl and seal of the supreme lodj;e
of the onier. It wu lirouKht to I'ort
i hind by Mr. WhoaUm, whose pretence
, at this session ii a feature which will
i attract a itrent deal of attention in it-
tttf, Mr. Whenton personally, admin
' istcred the obltKHlion inlhis rank and
! this initiation ranked as the moat note
worthy event in the history of Pythiun
t ism in Oregon.
I Another feature of the Monday even-
iiik session was the presentation of
J veterans' jewels to 39 members of Ivan
hue lodiro of Portland. These jewels
typify at lend ilft year' continuous
mombersdiip in order, and the emblems
which will bo presented are all of solid
Bold. The presentation speech v.'ill be
made by Mr. Wheaton.
l'tio Brand lodjje ojieneil Tuesday
j morning ami will bo in session Tuesday
' and Wednesday and wssibly longer.
Tiio most important matter to come up
! is consideration of plans to secure the
1 sunremo loduo meets biennially and at
P the 1911 session the supreme longe will
E . mvitL'il to come to Portland in 1916.
jibe supreme Uljco meets biennially
and at the I9H session tno supremo
Ule will bo invited to cime to Port
land in 1910. llesides the supreme
keeper of reconls and seal, lialph W.
Sehoonovor, jfrand clinncellor of Cali
fornia, and Fred Tonkin. e.rnr.Il chan
cellor of WashinRton, will also be
present at the j;rand lodf;o.
While the Krand lodo of the KniKhts
is meetinu. the jjrand temple of the
Pythian Sisters will also bo in session
in Portland, and on Tuesday evening
the annual Rraml ceremonial session of
Dramatic Order of the Knights of
Khorassan will take place. This ortkr,
which is the fun-makinu; branch of
Pythianism. expects to hold the most
notable session in its history and mer.
from all parts of Oregon will bo Initi
ated that niKht to the Portland temple,
which is th6 only ono of the order in
tliis state.
Tiio attendance at this session of the
irrand Indue will bo by far the largest
in any session over held in this state.
There aro 80 Indues in Oregon now nnu
will lu untitled to from two to
llvo delegates each so there will be al
most 300 regular tlolegates ni tno granu
lodge session.
On Friday Kvcntng, Oct. 17, thp
pupils of the Tillamook High .School
will give a mnsicale at the ascmbly
room of the school. adrniMsfon X. The
entertainment will consist of some very
fine musical numbers.
Prof. Warren daze, Instructor of
the piano, will ni.nlst in the entertain
ment. In regard to some of Prof.
Glaze' work the Kugene Guard has
the following lo say:
"The musical entertainment of Mr.
Warren Glaze, awii-tod by tho choir, at
the Methodist church Wednesday eve- j
ning, whs iurgely attended, notwith
standing the inclement weather. Tho
demonstration given by Prof. Warren
Glaze was remarkable, he being blind
folded and led to the center of the
church edifice, where he quickly and
correctly announced every key struck
on a piano on the HMtrurn and on bot
tles, clttHscs, etc. Mr. Fimlley, an
exert piano tuner, who witnessed the
demonstration announced to the aud
ience that in all his travels he had only
met one person before, a blind musi
cian, who could txirform this font. He
said Unit only about one person in five
thousand manifested such acute hear
ing. The musical was highly pleasing
to the audience."
Program of Musical
Piano Trio, MIbsi-s Slam, Kbinger
and Mason.
Solo, John Ebintjor.
Mixed Quartette, .Missus Todd, Coyne.
Messrs. Stanley, and
Kbinger. J
Reading, Miss Worral. i
Piano Solo, I!rof. Warren Glaze.
Solo, Mrs. Ii. U. Moore.
Music on Ilottles, Prof. Warren Glaze.
Special, Prof. Warren Glaze.
Male Quartette Messrs. SUinley, H.
Ebinger, J. Kbinger
and Moore.
Ocarina and Gui
tar Duot. .Messrs. Glaze, and
Violin Solo, Miss I)e Bar.
Piano Solo, Fantasy-
Caverns of Luray, Prof. Warren Glaze.
Methodists Have
Sociable Gathering
Many MetbodlsU and Their Friends
Meet at Church Mocday Evening
On Monday even'ng several members
of tho Mcthoditt church and their
friend met at the church aud spent a
' few hours enfoying a social good lime.
The pastor, Rev. Weber gave a
splendid talk, very so : table for the
"occasion, after which District b'oper
intentlont Moore gave a hort talk.
Refreshments were served after
j which all departed for their homes.
During the early part of the evening,
t the first quarterly conference "as held
in the league room under the guidance
of District Superintendent Moore, at
which time many matters of import
ance were discued.
From all appearances the Methodist
church society of this city ha a very
promising year's work ahead of it, and
the membership feels much encourag
ed. District Superintendent Moore de
livered a splendid sermon oti Sunday
evening. Itcv. Moore is a hard worker
and is doing splendid work on the
Salem district.
On Sunday William H. Perry of A-
torla was united in marriage to Miss
Theresa A. Jennings, daughter o.' J.
W. Jennings, who resides on the KH
chis river, ami is one of the piore r
families of tho county.
The wedding was held at the home if
the bride and the services were on
ducted by Rev. D.'L. Shrode. After
the service a light luncheon was
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Moore, of Asto
ria, friends of the groom, were pre'jtnt.
The young people have the best,
wishes of manv friends. ,
The last legislature changed many
laws and made many new ones. One
of these is in reirard to illegal regis
tration voting. The penalty is severe.
Section 34f5 of the general laws of
Oregon provide that "any person who
: shall willfully or fraudulently register
i more than once, or register under any
but bis true name or attempt to vote
by impersonating another who is reg
istered, or knowingly register in any
,tr.rint vliiri !u is not a resident ai
j tho timo of registering, upon convic
tion shall be punished by imprison
ment in the penitentiary not less than
one year nor more thai! three years, or
by fine of not lets than $100 nor more
than $-.000, or both such fine and im
prisonment" may be imposed.
On Wednesday, Oct. 22, the Fairview
llirthday Club will be entertained by
Mosdnmes Jack Itupp, Mike Abplanalp
and Dolph Tinnerstett at the home of
Mis. Kupp.
i 5
Tillamook, Ore.
On Friday evening', Oct. 10. the Jun
ior girls of the High School gave a
Junior class party at the Drew home.
A pleasant evening was spsnt in
games and amusements, after which
refreshments were served.
Those present were : Freda Schnuel
le, Areta Everson, Margaret Coates,
Elva Hall, Myrtle Wallin. Helen Stain,
Pauline Heals, Lelia Drew, Sylvia
Rowe, Howard Lamar, ClilTonl Jope.
Frank Ebbeson, Thomas Coates Jr.,
Harold Jope, Perry De Lillies, Donald
Newman, Leslie Harrison and Henry
On Satunlay Judge Holmes adjourn
ed Circuit Court until Oct. 20th.
The last cases to be taken up for
consideration were ; EtTelena Erickson
vs Julius Erickson, for divorce; Alta
Sours vs H. V. Sours for divorce. Di
vorces were grnnted in each ease.
In the case State vs Orley Keliow,
wherein defendant was tried for assault
with a dangerous weapon, jury render
ed a venlict of guiltv after being out
for some hours. Judge Ilnlmes gave
the defendant n penalty of 5200 tine
und costs of tho suit.
It is the aim of this bank to give
the best banking service possible
and we do it.
It is also our aim to have. the
very best equipment such as
Modern Fire Proof Banking
Room, Fire Proof Vault, Bur
glar Proof Safe, Modern Safe
Deposit Boxes and we have
3 IB
W II Hums to Win A HiRh low b
0 blk 3 Cloverdalo, $400.