II I r r r i In t., IHMU'VI, O.ih.wov "of Aloha, I 1 i , M.ninl wm In lon .m itlf paid for rhlca- fill"' " ""' t)r.wMHii i..jiciai. lat. Kiu i;Uri any prkoa. Tim (Jriy MID I now located II rawrnlt Creek, whm nil kl traard lilllilter la bunt mi hand. reaaonahk (ry Kagte Mill Co, BRITISH SHIP GLKNE5SUN PURCHASED AT AUCTION. The llrltlih thin (:i,,....ii ..i. i ..i. ' " "im.il drr..rd lumUr I. kept im hand. I',e.. ' . ,R"k 7rr llV Aim llr.,...r ....I 1.1... t . , .. , ,, JWin v ainntn 'if Atlir1fl. 1)11 TllntuUv (..r tfJVl n Ml.. Margaret C Wlillr. who Ima were, four litl aul,itiiii.t been tpililln' hrtn t Ihn home of her Tho Hirernicr do tmi l " - ' ' i " n iw mil lian VII uo uicir. Mfi. (.. WIIIpK, for yuln with the bull. but , IlkMtl M Wftft. Ull 'll.ftt...f . ... . . ft. - tI.Uu II... - t . . i U...I ..... ii . . . . . . . i .- . r .. 1 1 iiiir k w v iim i ii i .. i . . . .. i ..i....ii. ...... 1 I.. II. . . .1 .. . . r .......... ,H ' i..-i-- mmr" imme in .nanaarmiaeua, mrniiurc ,.i.,rUy. 8'm vtilt ndrtlvoi In Hi. liti)., i lrm, wagon and Imf. . 'r Wjr nil, . ji: t llnrM itlllff. f v f M" 1 I l.f I , ., ,.f SIMlUko W It) ttltlotu: tHHo IttHH Ihn MHltll IMfl f r. jllmroMBty who HMI cllnd M h wit fnioll Of I Of ( Ut Wlitr V i , ..it lm.tii. wlniinln Hollow h Mit I llf.lfl H M. t I .. - t ...I. . llflaVMf lcr.o l"""- - k " o I'l.HASA.N'l' VAl.l.liV. 0. II. frtBo I ( VnlMo(liy, Httflt In Tlll.rri..l .... io hnv Mf. W. II. AmJurvon of Tillmmiok j ifXttttitni; a fvr vlMtinx lifr OhlfMHflT .t. will iurhiin. Um'lt,r ' llr5fw,W f l'Wntt o,i,oity HI l'fl r4 at 'MeMalt'a tiaritwarit atOfcj, Ke iJm ohl man (, ma.lc a Uuln JlHt'" Man liwtay Ifwrrlol Mim . ) NVhoelnf tixlay, ; Knty l'nori CwnUrmn to John M. a rtllfbo ttu i ; Mr lltifton rqildiii In Unrolti ( vHinly nd the bttd fhlt lit lllla. imcmV. C'UMly. 'tllHr pmloUkr art Itctia I. on.. .la hay al frl In ton t jj,, I ti.f iii uuver yi- pa, fr "f'y aJHar . t,a I ..'?... , . a'll.iu. Hi .. I f.. . I.I.I , -tf f 'lrjr l Kinf ! tlc h tri ltadiy awl i.o S,Kf a' .. 1 llamlnt. iMtly Ural ftl t . , 4 r. . i u i ,! in the txialheaa. I'. U. Lu' '). fur Mflfo W frl Wantnl, man ami wit tn worV. on ranch, woman to Vook aftT lour orV ami man tn look aftr euUld wV. UtHlf of A. 0. Ilnala. C. A, CarnforUt. prnprltor of tb new Snlili Kllfii"n haa taktm lllr for ISMttn H-alliipt Oylr-. Valhry. Mr. Ilonry Ilolh of I'ortlam! ii vta Inv at he hwtm of lit alalera Mr famm HchiUi, and SfhUptii. C, II IVarwMi ruturnwl SaluMay fron a tk vlalt nith rulntivra in Salrm aH Kewlmrv:. A jwrty eom.atink' of Mr atdl Mm. Prod Ilium, Don Turner, Adolpd S-h IWa, U. A. HrnUm nit to Samllakf. nuckti; Iwrrylnj; Siimlay. A uinl-?rof Mr. ItubiUrl.'a fripiKU from Ttllatuook, South i'ralilc am lluaaarit Valtoy kkvc her jlcaaant ortir.m Turwlav, th txraiion Ix-ini: hqr WrtiaJav. Mr. and Mr. Cha DratrMirvl viailcJ TAKE YOUR NEIGHBOR'S WORD oil tho -jurat i, .n of a cream cpar ator Ui to the fnl one who haa ui a Simplex Separator llr'll tvll you Il'i ?ay tc otn-ralp, wpar ttr-ll, altniilr ami caay to Vf-,i -l-an ntxl thm It (Jot Thr Cfram K I a ' lairr I f II. ,l n tiwnrt ihr foil. t lhc iftiju, ,meoKtlorr ... i atw9tV.. i Jo. fw . Soml.. IIW . i tiot. f rio4 Ma., orlar eockuil C, A irtttiWak wJH I Klvcn PrWay nnllttr fVl 17 at S tt m. at tile Ufr.l atafk In TlHatt.""lk j ahool atnllUlHliW. by QP aWdonU inl tno acnooi aattauM uy crm. warren l a lMr H Thor-,ol",!- A Pram will Ik ron- , .aa thn f 4tmL Aimi.lon JV. T0 attfmala hotr twn laknn III thr Of-lia Hatllry v. K. lladlity faa, Attortpy Oak N'olan alitwaVa fiom th Irrlairm nf Jwlirr CampOvll of the 'ir mil Court, who lrWU that he hail no eai, ami atturfirya for liadlny havo aMHalrl lh raac on th L'ttMltal that tin iMrrwJalit ilnilM have liron Klvott a ilcrrrc (orfinU ami dlauuraciurtita In the late caa. i r ' 'tti -i t ,t t it M l'l I angr. a hntia afal lot f.ir TllU'wA poi5r- Moral I IlltWc. haa t-JUhl ISO ft 'i uan by tbo tlfr Jo 11 f the a runty ChHatlan fair ami So.) -1 i U. lef t a raiwsh of to 10 sj ! i; -. ui uuymt iv, trtf Hif i. thr hcrtiio tnovrr, la tw foundation utwlcr Iho , t Met. antilfi l!g.;Slnrc . t l iKn afiH.1 tilnrh at jl ii a iiii. w rttiiiraiiar. uri. . . M I i?H i. r'fa;r. r.rxjUlfv al ill- . . . f I, .1.1 I a-u Alirac( lAt., iniipi .m.1 II I- ll.ilxv urn. ... . . .. , ..in CI Ilio t rvala latl virv win . .. . f . ", U t w .rk aa Uaual. Tholr of- iU at tho City Transfer Olilfr. . Kav. i i inViiniaKi. waa in inn A . . . . , . t I ..I I- bmi t.l the wroK wniio on Ilia Salrm whcru hp traiiaartr,! rttlt, a ntr room with heal ami Iruirr at ilcrahl Olllcn. uunclio Mr.Salr anil Mra, i- iit this monilitK lor I'nruaiMi ...V. ,l.Hu uilll via It rdnrwlay Dr. Iloala 1rfiirmHl nrcrntion on Mr. C. A K.llott. "fy nirply, . ,ut tr i li iri iIiIm .mi,. i, n, jvirv.ni ft; ,., ..- ft mr At, nit, LU,iMr.i iiinv wi'iit h tho rlou IIIiicm of Mm. ef that place. . t a a 'r J"l f I. OTWaVH C, jir tnl loan on frni, orchard lamia, Hty rcaKloni or txialnraa pro. crlv. tnUiy. Iwtll, Improve, mUnil r refuial iinrti;', or othnr acfurltlra ; tftirui rpaa,mab.c: aiwelal privllcf" ; forrnantipnr Invltni, Drp't. I., fils Cotuimmwcalth HWk-.. Denver. Uilo. or Drp't. I. "'.' Henry IIMk., SjhUIc. Waah. Mm. Mae llohlriaon and Mlfa I.uey Manrheater of Yamhill walkel from that city to thl pUcr arrlvln,: hen la. I KfUlay. They walked to Netarlx and Hayoeean on Wrtlncaday. They have been vlaltlnK t tb home of Mm. A. S. Illirto'i ami othur relatlvea while here. They came In over the Traak Klvrr mute am. will walk to Wheeler where they will take the train for home. EARLY MORNING BLAZE. On vVednenday nuirnlnK B"er five o'clock, tho CrynUl l.mindry, owndliy !v. M. ; nml II K. lUlley. wna dUcovereil to bo on lire. The lire niual have U'en irok'r'lnk' for 'itne time before dlacovcry. ahortly after ll wan diacovcmt the bulldliik' ' maaa of Hume' Aa iikumI the tiro lwy riaomll promptly ii"l "X"1 ''"d two utrouma triilnixl on tho llmnc. Iholnaaof tin) liiundry l rok'rett-I l.tt iit'ftwrvi itit HM It waa a much neilnl " . Irutltutlon. KittlmntiHl loan partly covcnil by liwurunco. It i the itileiitlon of th propriutom of tho Idiindry to rebuild if miuu In laat Sttttday. "ra. W. O. Chorehill vUite.1 her fathr Mr. Ilanaonof llrl.j, the laal of the wefk. A n Svioaci ia undr con I roc lion on the Dr. Mill plnc. Mr. and Mr. John Simmon of Willamlna. wre viaiting rolativea In the part laal l-'rtday arid Saturday, frturnioi; to Uwiir home Sunday. United Brethren Church Nntci. Sunday Seliool 10 A. M. MornlfK Wnrahip ami Sermon -11 M. Sttuit: "B flllod with Spirit." Christian Kinhwivor GSW ('. M. Topic - "Kavorile vcr In the Kpii I Cir. 13:1-13. Under II. C. I lumen. Hvvnlni. Service ami Sermon 7:30 P. M. Official Hoard Mi-clinic on Monday nt 7 .10 P. M. Wceordlallv Invite the Ken- eral public to worahip wilh u at lhi-ae Surwlay Service. H. F. White. PnaUir. A. the Chritlian Church Notes. 10 A. M. Hibl School n place for young and old. Claimo for all with coiiiti!iit teiichora. 11 A. M. Pronchliik' t'J" the paftor. Subject : Knllowifik' Christ." 3 P. M; Junior Kndcavor. fiUSP. M. Senior Christian Kndcav or. 7:1s. Iti'krular ovc-nlnc cvanKeliKtlc aervice. muiijoci oi sermon: jmiu what nhall thin man do?" Fourth fer mon in aeries on iuetioti of the Bible. You are cordially invited to any or all of theo services. Our revival Hurvlce will begin in nbout three weeks. It. K. Jope. Paittor. GERMAN IN PUBLIC SCHOOL "cy will carry lrK flock of the city. They will bo found ut the ' ..... mi i ..,11.. ...I...r.. Iiiiimlre will "V ftd Mra, fn KlnnaniMi ro trio lrMUa of a baby rlrl Imimi on - ..L m rM"L 111 . ountain ens gillie ko.mk to ichool thnro k nothliiK liottor ami moro tinrylnK thmi to own a Ifooii fountHln Hin ; ono tlmt alwiiya rumly to wrlto fl tlocs tiot Hood or oll "He' fliiKer.J J J w UhIIv nil In n REXAIX "EN, Bold on trlul, iatlnfiic Hon KUHMnteed. PflcM ranging Iron) JI.00 to M C. I.CIough Co. Univerjilty of Oren, Kugene, Oct. I. i Ii,, iinlill.. ui'linnl iMinll Iihi vounir $41,500, , tut,0 foreign language? In Europo lie in not; in Amerieo, lie In act consiu-i-red bccaUKe tlie llrt grade i-tudies in i ,.,,,1,.. nt tier than KiiL'Imli are given nu iuuiiui ft,, - . .,,.....p - it.. i .minitine thev will endeavor , . tho hluh bcIkhiI, III I,V - .. to take care ol the laundry buitinenn of , F.ugetie, however, under the aus pices of the university oi uregon lnu educational exiH-riment is to be tried of giving German to aoventh und eighth grade Imijh and girls. Tho Idea ia to bo extended to other Oregon cities if successful in Eugene. The languago is to bo taught na an "extra" and pupils will not be requir ed to lake It. Instructor will come (illtallltl tho tiiiniU' regular school Mm. uocn una sum"" , . ......i i ...i Liniiim, . l,.i Tim teiiehinir w be largely in teac hern in roriiiiim I'm'! k r. n, ....... " -- - hlcago Musical College and Oberli.i Hurman ho the pupil can acquire he C nservatory of Music She has t.ad a language aa nearly aa possible by tho U MimWmcotUnycn. Ar- natural method. University of Oregon , m Siits aro now being made for professors will do the teaching. Prof, m at the studio Cor. 7th. and Ayer, head of the department of cdu, . . i.. .i... ii....- roaldmu'e inn ..ml Dr. Fr wir ch Georg G. t llli.i I I AVI1 III IIIU LIIVI'III - - - ' City Tranafer otllce where laundry wi be taken. MRS. EDWIN E. KOCH TEACHER OF PIANO. Mm. Koch haa studied under tho best i....ti.ilri and Musicalo will be given 1 for tho beiicllt nf tin. pupils. ASOIIU H CUT , IN MAZDA (1UNC SltN aJamif 15, 25 sod 40 Wslt, 35c 60 Wall - 100 Wslt fOc 150 Wslt 250 Wslt . 2.00 I'roalnl l.am,i Ac lUlra. We .Ullver lainn to any I'A'J' J, ;.Z cliy TrlrpliiMir u. f ' TllUmooK uoww Bl,i,i.iK. ft.UV,',l ,.i,.,i,lt nrofessor of tho Germun lan guage 'and literature, bellevo Gorman Hhoulu bo undertaken before tho high school is reached, Teacher over Oregon generally aro expected to watch the experiment with keen Interest. FOR RENT. A five room houae partially furnished utflOper month; a largo two story tore building on paved street 50x100 j three olllco rooms over F. H. Heal's ....i .win to ofllcu: a cheap ware house ,v, . - Concerning Major Hendershot Who Conies lo Tillamook Oct. 31st Lrtlrf from Horace Grcrlty lo Major Hrnicithoi't tnolhcr: Mm. HfnJcnhot. 1 have imt rrcfvl your Irlter tnd rhoto-;raph- I mjit you tbc little wr did loe your ton in fcurntlnij hlni -ith a drum wai promrrJ !Iy by admiration lor hii bro bi it-d by bopet ol hit future irtrfulnru which are itltl ilronj anJ hleh. In tlx firm trvnl that he will live to favor and com loft you, I remain, youn tru.'y, HORACE GREELEY'. Major Henienhol brinfi with him (or u:r In entrrlainment the drum referred to. GOOD ROADS CHEAPEST From Journal : In the agitation for gool roads it should ever be torno in mind that it is a waste of money to build anything that will not Ik-enduring-mid perman ent. The old macadam road is n.n ac counted the Inst. Practically every government reort iiijued the past five ears on the subject of road building has told of the failure of the ordinary macadam road. In the state of New York It Is estimated that the mainten ance nxpenese of macadsm roads has run as high as J1000 p;r mile per year. Probably the best example of con crete rouds is found in Wayne county, Michigan, in which Detroit is located. The average cost of these concrete roads in this county is between $12, 000 and $1S,0CJ per mile. All the ma terial has to bo shipped from abroad. Wayne county has over 100 miles of concrete road and the annual upkeep expense is leis than live dollars per mile. This Is a practical lit monst ration of the great economical value of hard surface roads. The first cost may seem high but the saving in upkeep makes for cheapness in tho end. NOTICE. A stray heifer two years old came to my premises the 20th of September. The animal was black with line back, no marks. Tho owner can have same by paying for expenses of keeping and advertising. l. C. Quick, South Prairie. NOTICE TO HUNTERS Notice is hereby given that I have leased the Mark Harmon place on the Trask River ana forbid any and all from hunting on the place without a written permit. E. N. CUUSON. The Most Important Business of Yours i Is wliere you Invest your money. The Western Ixian & Saving Co. of Salt Lake Clty.Utah.a tried and proved enmonnv. la now ready for business in Tillamook and Tillamook Co. To loan you money or buHil yon a home on small monthly payments, at a low rate of ntorest. Write or see A. C. EVERSON,Lon Agt. A. M'NAIR, President. D. L. SHRODE. Vice Presidont. CANZADA EVERSON, Secy. & Treas. Hoard of Appraisom, B. M. Halts, F. H. Mlnlck, R. F. Zachman, E. J. Claussen. Board of Trustees. John Loland Hen- demon, B. L. Reals, L, C. Smith W. G. McGee. Hand Made Logger From French and Domestic Kip The Curren Green CALL ON A. A. PENNINGTON LiXLi ALEX. M'NAIR & CO. sJFi:3t-L llKIVAKi: KITCHEN RANGES and HEATING STOVES See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere Eureka Harness Oil will keep your harness soft and pliable keep it jet black and "new looking" lengthen its life and prevent any possible ac cident due to an old dried out tug or breeching. Aak for Eureka Harness Oil. Dealers everywhere. Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) SAN FRANCISCO DELSMAN & DO LAN QENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTORS Sidewalks, Floors. Foundations, Chimneys. Building Blocks,. Septic Tanks, Etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED OFFICE OLD TILLAMOOK CO. BANK BLDG. BOTH PHONES CR AT CEMENT BLOCK FACTORY A Small Monthly Saving Takes You to San Francisco and the Exposition Everything reserved everything first class -and cheaper than if you pay when you go. Tickets prouided for every purpose side trips, spicial attractions, etc. Hotels and rail road accommodations reserved. Find out about thia unique offer. Send the coupon today E. J. CLAUSSEN, Tillamook, Oregon You may send me FREE particulars about the San Francisco Exposi tion Tours. Name Address. Abstracts on Short Notice! BY THE Pacific Abstract Company L, V. EBERUARDT, Mmuigvt Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of Tillamook County, Oregon OFFICE GROUND FLOOR TODD HOTEL" .'.; 3(Vit!i Kolui: Watson) BOTH PHONE& Main 533 Also Mutual P. O. BOXSM7 TILLAMOOK, OREGON and ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD Garage. See W. G. Dwlght. storage room oposiio mu vo