ISSUED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Largest Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook;County xx. Tillamook, Okhc.o.v, Octoiikk 10, 191.'5. NO. '5 It is the aim of this batik tofefvq the best banking jcrvlee pdBtbla mid we do it. It is also our aim to have the very be.Nt equipment Mich ay Mnderu Fire Proof Hanking Room. Imi'C Proof Vnultr lhir jlar Proof Safe. Modern Safe Pcponit Poxes unci wc have them. FIRST NATIONAL BANK TILLAMOOK. ORLCON Dike's Hepatic Salts wok k nu; livi-k They Help Your Cold Dike's Cherry Cough Syrup MlvNTHOl.VrKP Snips, the CMi$;h TRY THEM. GUARANTEED LLAMOOK DRUG STORE n..... 4 t todi n. c KOCM &. HILL M...O. ' . . . un- a v r Mfimarv I't'-.-trnt Surve re JOHN LKLAND HHNDERSON Altonirr Lj- anJ Notary Public TILLAMOOK ITLE AiI AIWTKACT COMIMXV tlNl iiKfKHATIil" I.WV : A 1 1ST K. ACTS : MM. I2STATK SrUVI-YINC, ; INSfKANCH TUUtnook, Oregon Shingles Root Paint Lime : Brick Plaster Drain Tile A t or-i io a ni?i? r COMPANY l. ... . - . ni l-j ')A nA Ave. West t t li i ...... .nMff nri wrr M 4.14 um" - - 'TV a war a A v Ml I iir iv. ii i a re i m it k .i . ww Abnmwn KREBS BROS., Props. IV. 1 of brick and aram ready for the market at- tlie ionu...b j BRICK," . 0.00 PER THOUSAND 3-IN. DRAINJILE, SI 6.00 PER THOUSA i-'N- DIUlirflLE, 20.00,PERllO"Si JoeJed 0 miles south of Tillamook on main traveled road Mtrtu wwf NATIONAL GUARD I DEMANDS VOICE I C'liteago -1'lea for 0Ve to the! rtUblbbttinnt of Ihr military policy I of thf t'tttcrvj stat-. .tirrwj tt lm af ih National r;ni Afx-ui UM o( the United State. In COtit.t) tll bnr Tb mUllUing aaarrtrd lltaj MMrxl Mckl rB rrtrr tate that of the feoUr army to birr owHting to ay a to tb aa'loti' aallitarj affair Thry deplored Un (act tha I ell meh question ar left 1H U arbitrary fudffteal of tb tee riiry tf r ami bl department Tl Wailoe adopts rnolu ltd oi proWi i'rlott OrmUr S i of th r i-(artJtM. SileJ prortrfra In Ihit tb to'TJimrnt "111 not rccular x-taj to orcUUon. ra taU iMt dlM-ipilt, of !-lr orKin) t Alloa iutrc rlj obtrr-4 AmOit rottio prorMni fr a UM Ui tm aakaiitt to eoti r tUae for tioaswt for n'Blcfi e! tbe aaHnia r i-nkf at hoar tlx tton. tkr btll t fcntr to Uh Vttf ltal tlu f t kx of tkr otab-r la lis rt of r or crate vHrst- GIANTS LOSE FIRST GAME Mjrtjufd l Ortvfff Frr Bo. But 5tn3cr CtKi full OUtance. :.' Yo?k Onthlltlsc u4 ootrl'VJ )( Uir Nw York Caaal ta tir otrs toe oamr of U k-otWI wrv-, tar N'atlOMxJ LaK rrrltl- b- a cor of to C Kucb t'.iin RsUx-rni 11 Mu tres tli l!vr7 of t- rlnl tiH-r. bet thr .vthMlc drt -.' ar. Urar lf aJ of crtT IxacUk. Tb- Claala K3thrr-J li fraw inrtr II Mt. SiIl llt AlAkOca' tUl a sa Tir- Otxat IoWai rjyrtj ti rol of Athk-tlr kliWi. Mrmant. CrvneiiH an4 Trr trattwd out tn ortlT !!( oi sir tar, oal; tbr Uttrr -oajJ b ctttfcle latart On tb- othrr aaad, Ba4cr. li trier an hidtun. mAU; of Maci deli' i-rj rouatrr. t lb fil o1taac OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAUNTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. County Mutt Rl Cleetlon Date. trot .ttora7 O'-B-nl rrafard. In as opCstoc on thr rjujtlon of tb -lCitoa bieh th Crook county eoan rrciretly eallrl for S'eabr 4. u tl low tb pnjple lo lWf on lb turn Ins of a tl9jrW oo4 roouia UmmJ la nu. boitla that tb ordr a laraHd In aassocb at it t tb dat for thr rice lloft r- t&an 4 tia) bene. He tntfrprnla tbr ijte taw to O'la that tb! oiJUas of tb 9ttlon ts)at b aajr at aaorr lauu: ( dayt sr lra Una 31 Uj bar tb dzla it', for taction. WMI AV Parten for Taylsr. Sakttat Atxomry M V Weaxarr falsi wf Attany aatt tbat vitbln a ! day a petition for tte paraon oi Jobs Tair wrrtac x Hi M-loe In tb SJtectUry for tif V.lllta; of A- H f'T7 in Haray eoaaty. will b pr aald lo OoTor WnH Taylor li Oi tb Hie tnes wfco ver co3 dratawi to Snr bai;e( oa Ies:b4r 12. 1911. loOotax tbr recUas at potVi of a )rapo4t eoatatattocaJ assalatl abotasbiai: cartul ;ssUb-raest. BRANCHES OF PARTY AIM TOWARD UNITY Waabinstoa. Senator Cvammt oat llnl is part tb reform pUtia of the to-called "ooacillalion comeBitte of K?pobllcan aa-i i'rotr-84Te which bepa to brln itcral the haMtajc of a Bj&Uona! H-ptjbHean coaTestion early in 1914. Tbe chxat in tbe rpretnlatlon oi aoaLberm ilat- in the aatioajl coa testion la a lecoadary matter in the programme of tb" eocsaltt With Ibe ppcrt of rcaay K.epubHcan lftadera who 1M not prtcipate la it print in the "Kevtosetber" confer rc In Cateao, they will iaaiat that the control of the RepQtfecas natkral eoauniUe crter xsatinc of delegates In a satlesal eoavenUon b atiotUbed. "MiTser itat have prtoary la that corem the election of del "! it will be aa eay nutter to proriie by party rale that the certificate le by local election ofrtcialf thall b ftoal rrideace entltHac the dele cata to aeata la the coaTenxlcm. Where sch If i lo sot exHt, how eTer. I bHeT that Hpebitcan aa UfrerUle In each Jtit aboaVd pass on ail cont'-aU and teule the eUjd bfUty of iMexatloa before they so ta the oataoaai coTeatioa. RoaS Dii Called Scsn. yedford Atirr a mlas lrfa Sutt Knclt-.- Bovlby. AMduxat K Clams- i' W KUtrMse. aad neaabrs of lb eoanty oort. U t-J aaaocacea" thai aa the aorrry OTer the SUklyoef ha l coaaptelr-d bld for the coa of two cttoa of the re cently aalhoriied penaisesi hlchiriy till be rpjccted at osc. Ceman-Amerieani Osnste Prshlbltlon St. LocU. The Xatlosal Cffais AstrricaLn Alliance at tu conTentioa here adopted a rr&olntloa oondeaBine the altecpt to eccre the esactiaenl of a national prchJbltioa law. FIRE AND BLIZZARD DEVASTATES NOME Fire Fighting Apparatus De troyed and Water Works Out of Commission. .S'oae, Alatka. Fire hat completed the destraetios of bliiiard-wrecked Xorae. rotkrwin? a nlht aad day of lerror, 24 hours of the wont Arctic terJ that erer rinlted AUiU'i rsoit fa xbocs niiate camp, name rtarted In the nslaa of wrecked bttildiaa aad iwept the city. It waa lapeiilbie to eo;e with the name AO of the flre-nshUn; ap paratus tu destroyed by the alarm and the waterworka lo It on t of coscBSMtoa. The firehocs aad their cfet-nt were iwept away by the pai. esdrd oi hoseleti pron3 strasIed aaiaat wind aad ware in an etfort to collect esoajtb food Irons the debri to ia:taln life 'or iha--vfi &sm2 aiHea tor a day or two. It U etlrated that the k will reach UaM. So preat was the dettraetioe at prorisioaa that it is feered that a famtae will foiicw. Roitvelt Sail for Untri WHda. New York Throlor' Rooret RcJ (varty boond far Saatb Aaaerica. whre thr rotosel til flrt lecsare and Ikes cipiorr prtioa of Ibe CO ttaeat fcKherto aatroJ by he raaa .-jld oa 'hi teaaralp Vaa Drei. Seattle Tint I Oamajtd y Fire. Stattle. Wah f"Ur Saaday dia fear larse prra aad destroyed li nsotora ta the firerwi of the aVattle T1ta. la the ba-a3et ai the Ttw baildias. caurfaj; of JTS. j . luiij iauarrc. 'oJoal A14 J Hlethea. editor of the Ttaae. aad C4ara a Wlhea. i naaias 4Mr. ald they - ere lacd U Ore a af tnealary uristu R z tit rj Alan, i FaUe. HeaUafloa. Farsetttsc where the had pUacd a daH bat ctaininx tbe ; ;nlalVK- fesda. Mrt Elher Kir. arviy apf-otsted potxnltr-M of tbi tac-. cave aa alams at rabUrry, which cxzA no little eieltemeat. The i ssaaey tu Sosad later la iv.e pottof- , fice ife. Lane's He? Crss Kajene. Lane county's bop crop, now nearly all barTeated. I etimated at 7C"J bale, or approztsatety UiSSr CK posnda. Thtt i the Uraeat yield yet recorded la the cocnty Tbre car lead were loadd lor hiptnent to London. La Grande C-.octtj Ecin. Grande. Th chzrtr electloe : prortded for aa elrtle f connitj-! ilor.T wtehla daya. October J ; ha k r j-t t the tirse for the eke-1 Una oi three coaralMteseTi. tire KJe ' electire body ender new po-emirst. CHIP NEAR CAUSES TRAGEDY Trouble Ojt tn Brt sf W&ad Hsldi.-.g Sea Ceck Opn. Seattle, "W'ah. The iteanship Spo kaae. which eat oat fraatic dbrt'ess Mcr.alt while he was c'f the tast eofeft oi VaacoBTer iiland. arriTed hers eadaaaa;ed aad with all her pas Ma rers wiL She did aet ran arocad as report ed. Vit narrowly escaped tarnins tar tie from aa larah of water Into the head frwa her nain discharge becaaae a chip of w-&oi caught aad heid opa the a coca. The steamship i ftop;-ed to pic? the tube tn the main condenser. he saddealy tcct a rSo leat lis: to jort. whea a distrt fis cal was seat oct. r. .ra Joepftlrtc County Crapes Flit. Cranit Pa. The crap crop ca Jo"phlne cocnty will t-e cd an eacel ieot guilty a well as eaorazocs in CcaatUy thl fill The asos has bej Weal for th r.p-nl.ii; ct the crape, and the pjeM?nt warns weather aad bricht reabne ar STtaK the Ja ncf Tokay a b-eaatlfal pcrpie ninth. Wtit. Oiostt ar.a Kay Are Sued. SAUm. Or Carwalt J4ee Kelly baTic walae4 the oaaaarrrr to the twit of AtloraM -CwiifirtJ Crawford j ataiaat Gc-rraor Wt. Secretary of Stat Oteott aad State Trrvmrr.- Kay for aUC-l roacfal eipe-adltare of afeowt t I1 PKaM7 toriac fond, the at:ara-y-caeral ha ni is xnded cacsplalat. charclac , tbat tae Uale had be-pa dacaced la that uteat Leaain; leanean Oie. Boae. JdAho -V!r. R Z. Jahnn arr.ied at tr home la ae cnex;ct aad fare bar two wii, leadins florae?, tae frt new of the death a Ceraaaaj f i czr ot ltt 'oreaxnt oiUiea oJ liabe. -o eiptr r4 spSBit- If footnc a paralytic troke tixt day btiiare. tfln Lilt Tariff BML Loaaoa The sw? -rr M t aait sa prautn ti AiaarKat FAIR PAYS GOOD PROFIT Ore Best Agrfcunural Exhiert End After Breakin; AH RetsrSs. SaJeta Orewa preatet iate fair caae to a cce Saturday nlsbt Per fect we-ather. exot-llent exhibit and Mate prde hare filled the ccCfer oi tie aftcctauoiL and fcr the first Use tn it blitory It 1 o! ot Jbs- "There m'.ll I a sreater eihlbttloa next year, for the niaaaseaeat already ha taad arranjwnieai to ealarce tu epe-. Secretary Mere.dlth iy tht i the am tine the fair ha paid ex;nM-J. The total atte-ndaace this year was between 9.W tni The larse: ialty crowd was Wedaeday. Saleas diy. when were pretest. Award la the children A Industrial derartsaeat at the tatt fair show a larce p-pcod trance of tirl mic; the 111 of prite winaera. This cra ;tiUa. ladndlajr prodacu of the tardea, needle aad ;ttltiT hoaw. broasht est peptti la the ttate pnlBc (Chcol froa almost trrj Mctiaa lo coai-ete. Sectary Cimfti Frtt Corf man. watea-Secretary uamKw ( rea4t:e4 the ntac of Private Wal do li Coilmt. of the waety-thirw .riUtr who was dUboaoraWy ditciarsed ti a lo lt :atliiar I . . . r -f . Icrtaarr btid that Uf CTideace he tor je cesmauxial At ran Steieni Or. w it-KsmcStil to ntaWlfh the ciftif. The J ha atmxtfi wide-sjirea-i attention on teeoreel c elurrr that ibe Kldlf " ton: 4 ec awxwsa t hl x1a1c k' Barrcom Gor".t Bait Rciars. The rtoa cUIued aa a barrowa in the HtKti McOefiaa when ncebsrs was -wet" wa raided by Sheriff Qaine and two barrel of tr. one barre-1 of aiceilane!n: wiaet and Lboct ftftea barrel of jty bottle tilt netted. Wet" Ton WanU ESertls-i. RtMbcrc. Thinj-two rotr) of Sctherfln. one cf Docclis coanty'i threw wet tow-sa, hara filtd a tit ion with the eosaty eoart aakiac far a Ucal cptiaa lctk thare aa liaraaa bar 4 a a l t r a r I IXaw Fl D LA l Jj W pLlt(a. H'- V.'sV aad CaklM 1 sua lux Crfc-x.3 - ' -t9 v" ur at tht pre tit Utae lhaa fc a avsabwr af yexr. "!" li awi w aa ot aa! Kkwte f BaV Brief News of the Week A department of besiae efficiency ben added to the pebttc school syttesa of Lo Aafelea. Creece s preparin? for war with Turkey. rerTe ha ring be-f-a called to th colors. The lamaedlate ertcsa taon of Dfdacalch hat bra ordered. Tie anion itaiica at St Paul. aed by erery road entering the city, was destroyed by fire, caciter daaiase cf si4.e? to i The state exejistive oononilie of the .Vail-Saiooa 1 of oihers CaM forala ii op;oed to the ?r?;oirl inl tiatlTf canspaiES far prohXbttion tn Caiifamia in 1J14- Sf-ealer at the ustsiaa of the Na ttooal Vho5eale Grocers" at-wwlafSoa la Chiciro crped the enactment of Baifoms pere fcoi law a oe sate tloa for the prot tlit ven of Hrtas prohlena. The CnlTerrtty of Ktaa has rt a baa os the tAApo dasce aaic other late femas af daaetac IeotS the er eaainatiea of a latac dab by the ontit-t aad fraterniu. Dmrirr. the its which ha Jnit ended. 14.l .merieaa Kler are ad to have cense to westers Curt.i The aastKtsnfnt ii twoed by Brae Walker. coaaaataeser of taaricratiea. lacreas-e oxer tsrft year i hown People in the News Secretary of the Interior Lane, crtatfy teajfOTed la health, has llt Calif oraia for Wtsblrcion. D. C. He ii accttnpatued by his wile. John D Roelitiriaer ovm mar per aanal property than any otter jerwn ia Sw Yort. Ht ast-eatzaeat lor liir was J5.M nepreatAtiT Gardner. repabiScas caaddxte lor governor of Muiachn itiu. declare lhai he to c; ;oitd to woman tnlfrace. Usrint the Ul of his lather, the Crown Prince- of Sweden wOl aiasme Ut datfe of Kirr Gcttaf, whe to tnf- frtnt frets tffeda ot an o; ratios j fjsw a; ;-ei: lid tit. . Ea Prealdeat Txft ha accepted the J tewltatfes of the Voard of traKe-e of ' rYtacetoa nalTersity to attend the sedicatic f tht Grover CltTeiand ave3oriaJ. October 1- , John C- lsfax-ui. ui tn Cai- caco, ada.'j i 1JK 18 blackea the rt4--u.uoa ' uvset S. ysrV. fors&erty seneral maaactr tit tk jsstTiTlTi1 at a-lai Cdiaar, Sslier"a Secretary Takes Blame. Albany. N T. Gore-raor Salier re erntly attempted to necKiate a tcr-cil- with Cbarle F. ilarphy. leader cf Tammany Hafl. to haTt his im peachmtnt trial 'called off," so .Una A. Ryan, ten of th .ew Torfc finan cier and trtctioa magnate, teifit! at the trial Sareciy. a yonth of -', shonJdered the blame for the emistion of unre ported contribctlons from the scer aor's campatfn statement, testifying ; was prepared wjthort the taowl-e-ige of Salter as to details. CHECK PUT ON COURT Crrtmsf Lister JnJna Bench In Leo tare ts Jurist. St-atUe. Wash. -1 won"! resign Thry eociinl pall me off the bench with a irfoi." decUrtd S-pric-.- Jcdse John E. Hamphr.e foOowing a tar chamber coafeivac with Governor Litter and memttrs of the saptrior eocrt. "Th- trwcbl has been smoothed ovtr. ad Govtraer Litter. -There wta te so extra niea of the lgi laaare ts dtorobe Jcdge Hamphri." It was alleged that the governor and tverai otiers at tie meeting severely lectcred Jsdgtr Hamphrae and that tfce latter prcid to b gcoi" aad ctihsonanae hat soeeieor trom in bnci- The cosifereac ai the dtmax of a s-frt of jirotests et lo Govemcr LiMr apaaast the higi-ntadtd man ntr in whach Jodge has dealt wtth lb eat cf Sorts lifts trngi tare him lor ccntept The protft were mei by Pcptr Jer Joigea. the Kittor of tire lead ing sewipaitr in Seattle aad by accr cf battsets ad rcfesional men cf this city and throngtont the LAMAR'S VARIETY STORE i TiUaxnook, Ore. DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND"