Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, October 07, 1913, Image 2

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    Che Cillamook fierald
G. Crombley, editor
lucri Cu'lcc a lUcch Cucdjy nd Frld.iV
Kntered a nvond-ckw matter Mnv 1", 1910. at the pot ollke .vt Tillamook.,
Oren, under the act of March 3, 1S7H."
Jldvcrtlsitni Kate
J ctril Advertisement
First lncrtin, per lino $ .10
Kach ubs-' "'nt Insertion, lino .OS
' llomtvd K 'lice - - S.
Timtxr C'im - - WW
Notice. per lino ... .(
t'ard of thank, nor line - .
lxval. -tcr lino, flrt mwrtion .7j
Kach uU.oouont insertion, lino .OS'
Koolution of omlolonce nl
Iod;!o notice, per lino .0$
Uusiiio t ProfcMional curd, nu. 1.00
Dlplny Advertisement, per Inch .'M
Al.l. Oi!lv .l mutt ho in thin of
fice on MomUy and Thurdny Morn
ing to Insure "publication in follow
inc Tudwitty ami Friilny iuo.
Reniw trctmpntiv
I) inn recent trios ovr the county
the editor of th HeraU has N-on n
form.! by different payer. tVnt
some of the men working on the road
arc rot nutting in full t'me. The rww
id, that rkmn on tSei
county road shall not work longer! h'd in
I contr.irr
have mule no
a n- cnniDena-
H iker' insinuation u th
notivithstan llni. I have
regard to
by them.
While on the ubjoct of public im
provement would .iy I am a momhor
of the Citijcn Cotmitte who have
ham! the litin.ttion regnrdini;
i . i . t . l
than eight hour a day. While thw jh rca-rrni . ..., -.Uv..i
i... . a i... r(-.in fr. committeeman, have pent muh ttmo
cumtnce. wo do not believe it i i and labor for which I
xi.t.r-r o.n in roontv w.vk. How-1 charge nor do I expect
...r thi tw it U not lifcelv there! ''on'
umivi im inv latiiinnmnc 10 snca ui
if the men emplovod worlte-i their full' come in for my .-hate of centre and
eiRhthoar. Those havinir road work j So t c hand of Mr. IUker.
in 'chart: should look into thi matter attitude 1 am unable to account
at once and e if there are any! " I nno' understand why a news-K-roond
for the complaint and lfP-Pr. living otr the citlrens of th-
there are the vi! ,hooM b corrected, j ? -immunity, (tho po-uibly I am mi-
taken in reanl to tliK which would
xpliitn the matter) .ihould lake uch a
The people of Sandlake are vcrv anx- stnm, a.anjlt movon,t backed liv
ious for a Koo,i road and we behove in,titutiwH , the School l)itnct.
they are justly entitled to one. TiefThe cMnty Uank tho o,llt Follow
Sandlake country i of conide-abl ex- j etc. and uch Individual a 11.
tent arl its deveiopTient win mean
much add! wealth to Tillamook
cood road
IUto it call -
, '5lcady tiorvea and cool head!''
That nation which oonuh th"
loa.it quantity of alcohol win. And
that you should ho, my., Kviitlomon !
And thtouch you an example ultudtd bo
IkU'cu tho crow. That work mmt
j with mankind.
I And in consequence of thl. I expect
Jof you that oven now at tho naval n.-d-t
emy aial on lKard hlp. In all comrade-
nip and friotullimMs in no( way ill
turbed, nimnit; yourselvo you like
1 heol thereto and provldo that the in
, dulonco tn tlcohol le nut counted ai
1 bthnt;tnK to y.wr privilonoi,
There ate ornnied In my
navy 5iod TompUr UhIch aiul Hluo
Cro ociotie. Indtvultial oilleor and
ovornt hundretl men hnvo jolneil. I
hope you will do all you can to aid
the Crvwa to join.
I need merely refer to tho typical
example of tho Knelt)! navy, where
wnrV I Hi), 000 men and olllcor have already
iIiia iUriihlv finite
obefiatl onto the city jJ'"l. th rea. advantaK of that
County The huiHintj of n
into the Snndlake coontrv will mean
imtrediate activity in the cultivation of
cranberrie. which houId in the eoure
of a few year Vim; this county an an
nual income o' from one to two hun
dred thousand dollar. The delvelop
ment of the Sandlnke country will aln
bring added wealth alone the line of
fteneral agricultural and dairy farminc.
i K. GooiNpeetl. VS. S. Hay, Ileal Hro.
and scores of other prominent citiien
and property owner. Hy iniinu.itton,
inuendi), arcam anl every direpu
taole mean at hi commarHl Mr. Baler
has made the utmost effort to ducredit
the movement against the Warren
Construction Company and lay obstruc
tions in the path of those who have a
right to expect his loyal support.
To any one who give the mutter any
I thought it would seem to behoove
It I a quetiou of the future for our
nav and for our people. If you edu
cate tho people lo ub-itnlii from alcohol,
I shall gain healthy and eniblo aub-jcct-.
It i a great question of tho future,
bccaue through the men who leave the
service, the idea will le brought upon
the laud.
When you spread these nrinciplcs,
my ptHiple will be murally upllftMl.
that i a work in which I bid you do
your share."
At the eighth annual convention of
American meat-packer in Chicago, on
September !nd, the executive com
mittee reported that the steady liimlni- 1
lion of live sliH-.k h no-v brought tho I
supply of cattle far below tho (lcmml.i I
of the home market. Different ieuk- (
ers suggested, by way of relief for the j
itu.ttion. that every small farmer
raise at least two beef cattle a year;
that the range in tne West be cut up
into small farms, so that all beef- j
raiser may entor the market on the
same fooling; that more corn and less
If You Can Manufacture Anything
Come to
To Do The Manufacturing
cotton bo raised in the Southern State.
vj. I in order to i upply feed for cattle ami
a there are thousands of acre? of fertile, h n,.Poml,lUhl o lim.. I hog ; and that the hills of the North
lands there to be brought under culti-! jn jft. anj jocsn. own a gf,,,, jn ' eastern States be made beof-produeing
vation. The people of that locn'ity I thc town, to pass a little less critic sm I rWn- On September 23rd the con
have become discouraged and feel that . on thu u'blic improvement which the ! vcnllon v,,UhI to "f1"'"' U.W1.)
other localities in the county of les .(,,.- f,.i(iw ha- tn mv fr m ..Jjear for live year to stimulate th
importance, have received consideration th ari..,.,. aifai 0f ,,,. f Ur re. ' attle-raising industry.
in preierence to mem. n is to oe
honed that s soon a
Fia iMvs and Mieclal
liHliirouiontM to lho.se
ho will lirlii pay
rolls lo - -
nun n ul a I n rl hi;
on A halo in liny
County Court will do something for the j ren Construction Company Pavement in
oanuiaKe people, i neir resource cer- fron. of hi. resWen, tzec o -hart,. to
our re
spected citizens. It would seem that
he should be satisfied by having a War
tainly justify an ample expenditure
the matter of a good road.
Editr- Herald:
In the Headlight of last week I notice
that the editor takes it upon himself to
score the City Councjl for laying h the cause of saloons
piece of plank road North of the City i election
connecting with the new Warrenite! G. H. Ward.
Courty Road at the city limits. Me
seems to be very much incensed that
there is some two hundred ami fifty EMPEROR WILHELM ON DRINK
flt1 nf K.i t Lis L.a iilim,.i nn.l
hi olace of business that is nnt iT.in.rl " QUESTION.
- rj ,
..-,.1 I,.. L. Il -" .
struction Company. He insinuates
that the City Council allowed thern-
him and allow the people who have to
foot the bills to say whether or not they
-lit... .1 -I 1
win my pianK roau or oituiiuiic pave . Attorney Dnnniw.y of Portland ha
ment or have sky-scrapers or shacks on , j-,e( :l j,uit r,)r chon district N' .. M
ineir own property, u seems uicreilioie i afBnj,i County Clerk J. C. H.-lden
U... l.. l t.l ...I... L. .1 ...
11 u 1IUUIU U.M.- UCN U SUI1U, (RMfll- j , 1 1 t Il C t tX) tl U 1 .1 T y iMI.Ifd, Cll1ltllg
oiy me iame subtle power is again at , of the county commissioner ami county
wor wnicn caused mm to renounce Up.:rintundent. in which he ace. 1
his prohibition principle and take up set ,i(ie lhu t,r,v...ulliriuM bv whi,-h a I
in uio last city :j,tilina territory was taken in by
'district No, 'J, and to prevent llold
selves to be dictated to by the uwners
of the property abutting the road in
question, which insinuation, we feel
Following is speech of Emperor Wil-
i hrlm before naval students advising
total abstinence
"Another little admonition I will give
Vou upon a question which He heavily
safe in saying, is absolutely false. 1 1 upon my heart for my nation. It is
am cne of the property owners referred . the question, the alcohol and the drink,
to and will say. in justice to th-r City ' I know very well that the pleasure
Council and myself, for the benefit (,f of drinking is an old heritage of
the few, if any, who might be iniluenc- the Germans. We must henceforth,
ed, unthinkingly, by anything Mr. however, through self-discipline, fiee
Baker would say, that the unreasonably ourselves from this evil in every con
large amount of paving done in the nection.
city last year brought embarrasrnent to
many of u and not having the neces
sary cash in hand to pay for paving my
part of this piece of road I suggested
to the City Council to put down crush
ed rock to a thickness of one foot and
which I supposed was going to be done
until advised by the city officials that
crushed rock was not to be had and
I can asure you that I in my twenty-two-year
reign have made tho obser
vation that the greater number of
criminal cases nubrnitted to rne for ad
judication up to nine-tenths are
traceable to the consequences of alco
hol. In earlier times it pasted for extra
ordinary cleverness in the youth for
trial tney nau decided to put dow.i i him to imbibe a large quantity of al
plank which, under the circumstances, cohol and bear it. 1 as a young officer.
was probably the only solution. If l.ad occasion to see such examples, but
uaner and tne bunch of selfstyled never myself to participate.
ooosiere wno iniest this town had not These are views that suited the
from extending the tax levied by Dis
trict No 9 on property formerly Inelud
ed in District No. 3.". Dunnlway claim
that since the constitutional uiuund
ment concerning the initiative and
referendum was passed that the statu
tory provisions concerning change of
school boundaries are ineffective and
that change must now be made by
initiative petition and that the people
in the district effected have an uppor
tunity to vote on it.
Rank of Vctr.r May be Doubled
Salftn That the etlfrntichlfomcnt
of womn may be double the lolnl rei;
lstrntlou In Oregon I the belief of the
men who have made a atiidy of regl
tratlon flpure In Bi-oretury nf Hint'
Oleott's offli-o. The conclusion arc
bacd on report nf reKltlratloiiH from
th'- various counties from June 3 tn
Auetmt 16.
boosted the city quite so deep in the
hole paving unused streets, back alleys
and cow-pastures, thus virtually bank
rupting the city, we would have had
more money to have carried on needed
improvements. He insinuates that J
am one of a bunch who are opposed to
civic Improvements and, if beinff op
posed to laying a bitulithic pavement,
(of the "Tillamook Special" brand)
especially on the portion of street re
ferred to, is to be bo construed, i
certainly plead guilty to the charge.
A ...III! ... I .......
nui willing io leave me mailer W any
iair-minded person who will investigate
the piece of road in question, note the
soft earth fill of five or six feet in
depth on a foundation of tide-land mud.
where the tide ebbs and flows twice
every day and thn winter freshets
cover the entire road for hours at u
time, read the specifications of bitull
thie pavement, noting the special in
structions us to drainage, and last, but
not least, our resent experience with
the Wurren Construe! ion Company in
thirty-year war, but now, no more.
Entirely apart from the consequen
ces, which 1 need not further prtray, I
desire to apprise you on one point for
your future career in thc first line
Ab you ourselves will oberve during
the course of your term of service on
board, the service in rnv navy has
reached Btich a height of trenuouBneso
as you can hardly surpass.
To endure these enormous peace ex
ertions without exhaustion and to be
fresh in tho event of reul seriousness
depends upon you.
The next war and the next sea battle
demand sound nerves of vou. Nerve
will decide. These will become under
mined through alcohol and from youth
up by the use of alcohol endangered.
Vou will later have opportunity to
see the target ships and the action of
the modern projections upon the ships,
and therefrom you can picture the con
ditions during battle. You will see
horrible destruction when you are upon
Masonic Brethren,
A full attendance in rvucstcad
and all visiting brothers are cor
dially invited.
K. T. HoAi.s, W. M.
C. IJ, Tkomiimiy, Secretary.
Tillamook, Ote.
Nehalem Harbor Co.
Wheeler, Oregon
PortUnd Omen 32? fiilinj ntdj
TllUroook Offiu, Cff l! K IWiI
Nnzareno nn-etlng are hid in the
o'd Christian Church on Tuesday and
Friday evening aixl on Sunday at .1 p.
in. and a p. m. .Sunday School at '1
p. in.
Sixty acre on Wilson Itiver. n part
of what i known a the IVter llrnnt
place, with or without lock. 1 want
J000O or more down and will wive
plenty of time for the balance al C p;r
cent interest. See N. I, anon.
Ilebo, Ore.
I.nl iue October fi.
Will sell my ranch cuimUting of MO
acre al a very reasonablu price. 10
acre Irrigation protect under wnv
good Improvement.
Jice or Jiild i t-H,
C. J. Illanchard,
Hemlock, Ore,
The Water CnrnrnUsinii hint given
Mr. Iloag poitlvo Instruction to shut
off water from all consumer who have
not paid their water rent liv thu 10th
of each month.
By order of Water Commission.
Dr. L. I. HcwittlH T ROTTS
OSTEOPATHIC .M.V.S,,AN ' ' ' ' . ,f
Ob.trtrlcal Sr.Bh.t LM TT I Ll
U. atMlOtllrc: Whilelm,,.- Itcldcncr. Ofl'lCC 20.; 'JO I , Tllbs
.. BltHK
1 1 jr. a. 0. i-KKKiNh. Tillamook' . -
omen .,, siorg.,,, ,d. j H. GOYNE
All Work (.luianirrd,
j I'll.LAMOOK. OkHOON AMafiwy-.l-Uw
- U. S. ComrauMftKf
DR. ELMER D. ALLEN, 0.iU Ccurt
Dentist, '
lUt Loc.led in the Commcrci.1 Bld., GcO. P. WlDSlOt
ah wSU""diD' P' 1 Sh"V- ATTOUNKY T U
All Wo,l 0MHi.cd, It.h 'Ho. Tlllm.-.k Illuck
OUlce Mwirn ? to 2' " lloom M
.otuoP.,. TlIUmookf On
Ori-u Hvr iilnC (mm 7 until 8 o'cIkI
Dr. Jack Olson . E' N' CRUS0!f'
HK8IDBNT DKNTLST l'"'" 1111(1 P.iptT Haq
Odlco Hour Irom . , , B . m. ' CoiltrUCtH Take..
0.p p tin ip hstiinatcs ImiiiiisIiw-
Over F R. Bel. R,. ElUle Office A Work ClllnmU,,1(
""th ,hft"- T.llamool,
J. E. REEDY, D. V. M,!pioncer Transfer
.'((loth I'hnnea)
Tillamook , , Oregon
by keeping him In Mhnbhy old Harne,
We are Helling HarncsH mudo of the
iKim hiock hi price that ought to
tempt you.
at price that
will not only Improve the appearance
of your horne, but contribute to your
yafety us well. Many a runaway could
lie avoided If the old I! amend had been
discarded In time.
-' Tillamook - Orenon
Atlorney at Law
Office In Commercial Building
G. L. DICK & SON, Pfr
Both I'lwiifi
1 he Same Price to fiver
k. N. IIKNKI.lt MHi.
Four I)xm Wetof
Fun.ral Dlr.clor and Llc.ro.dl
Lady Aaaiatant When Bequ"
Tillamook County Bank Blttg.
Dkutsuhkk Advokat
Tilluinuok Block