Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, October 03, 1913, Image 4

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TU October tcnn of the Circuit
Court will -HMir on Monthly tiovt.
with Circuit Jmlac Wcbeter I Inline
on the bench. Thie in hi tir.H tip
peiuamr on tlir bench lit a teirulnr
term iuiuc his appointment to that
honorable oMtion by Governor
Wet There are no eaeoe of ntiy
uilHrtnm-, with the exception of
th- ie of the Wurten Con.-lntction
Cv atntttft Tillamook Citv for the
iniKMtnt of money owini; the con
sumption oonieii for the pnve
ircnt nnu the iewer vtenw. This
.ice wdl not le tried until the in
jiru tion suit bromrht by prwpert
own etc is dicpol of. Attorney
V 11. I'pjohn. the unv district nl
tornf. will make hi appearance tit
ttnc term : comt, but thuc fur
there Hit? twit fen- criminal matter
t. attend to uniec.-. the srmml jmy
tdtonld unearth -ouiethiiic of u
rmtinnt nature. Foltowiun ic the
court docket.
Ktlieleiia Krick"n, plaiutill, vc.
Julio KricltjMcm, df fendaut. Pi
votve John K. Childer.-. el nl. plaintiff!,
s. A. I' Coate Lumber Co.. de
fendant. ctun tor money.
ClarX County lnvetaient Co..
c trehiia s. Phelps et al, defend
ant b'orevlOMir of mrur.
J. C Kriek-'ort. plaiutiti. v. Jul
ius A. Krick 'on ud Killeleno lirick
con. defendant. Fore k?tirv of
C U Atwond. plain! iff. vt J li.
Hollyfirttl and Brighton Mill- Co.,
d.lrmlaul, l-'oreclo-Mue of 'ien
Tillamook Conuty Hank, plaintiff
v.. V 1- Sappingtctt, defendant.
Action for money.
R A. Stewart. pluintiiT. vc. Chut.
I. el-on, el al, defendants Kor
chiMire of uior'.ga-e
Svln.i l Rice, plaintiff, vs. Karl
R. Rue. defetidaut. Divorce.
Krrd F. Bit no, plaintiff, ve. John
V. iloverund M. O. Boyer, defend-ant-
In junction.
I 'he matter of the litioii of
Jhi A Itenson, to become a cit
izen of the I'nited State? of Amer
ica. I he II. F. Norton Conipmiy, u
corporation, plaintiff, v. N IS.
Me t hiur. defendant. Action for
lilt JH'
irv't.i M. Bigne;l, plaintiff, vs.
I in - I Iiitruell. defentlitnt. Di-
..T '
('!. Daniel, plaintii, vs. J. D.
Jnliev. i t o.
defeadnnt. Action
f .r uton- .
Ma donabl Pott. pluintiQ, vc.
Rollir W.ttcon, dsf-ndaau Ac
tiuii or ni. '.ty.
S. A Ti.'.-iipcon et al, pinintiffe,
vc. Allen H Wil-tia ot al, tie fend -
at- l urn losure I
In Hi- matter of the petition of
.Mn'Mie Amler-on Sailden. T' Ie-
n)in a citizen of the I'uited attitei
t! Aniens i. f
- it. ii.! i. phu.-.tiff. vc. Frederic
Bu.'dv .-. ,ii de'eiidant-. Foreclo
8 r,.
t' (. ldi:i(;c, plaintiff, vh. Kate'
Cot. tle'eim.iut. Tax foreclocure. '
U-jrt A Mrecc, phiiutitf, vc
; rri.-on defendant. To set
a.-i'Ie deed. j
M R. Ha'ienkrntt, plnintifl.
Tho'iiac Uovpuden, et al, defend-
!-ntc. Foreclosure
Ichkc K Smith, plaintiff, vc. Dan
iel Ifcckey, tlefesdant Dniuaes.
Nellie Huhey, adminictrator of
th- c'.ate of Win. J. Huiiliey, le-ce.i-ed,
iiltiirvtiff, vs. W, C. TJiun,
defetidant. Action for money.
J.niies Ilusrhcy, plaintiff, vs. F. I'. ,
Tli mi. et ai, defendants. Action
for mom-y. j
B W. Xeilcon, plaintiff, vj.
I' c-pti Kutcher, ut al. dofeudaiitri.
V. S Grout, et al, plaintiff.-, va,
Jo'm U Barter, defendant. To
tjuiet title j
I 'e'er Byrom, pluiutifT, tt. The
farifalrj Beach Co., defendant. '
I'oroclosure. I
The French China 'Company, 1
plaintiff, vc Jainec Myer, et al,
defendant Action for money.
A. B. balmy, plaintiff, vh CharleH
Clialfft-, defendant. Action for
F. It. Bea'.c, et al, pluintiffe, vh.
Alden 1. JohiiKon, et al, defend
antc, J-'orecIocure.
J. IJ. Kllicou et el, plaintiffc, vh,
Ortiuan Royal, in pernon end un
niliiiitii-trntor, defendant. F'ore
cloa'.ire. f. ii . iteaic, et al, plaintillri, vh.
Warren CoiiHtructioii Company, et
nl, defendants Injunction.
I'eter Byrom, a executor of the
hist will and tectainent of Beniftha
Hyrolu. ilcceiiHed, plaintiff, vh.
Garibaldi Beach Co. et al, defend
nrita, Foreclouure.
(Jrace Johnbon, plaintiff, vh, J. C.
JohiUfon, defendant. Divorce.
Manns tut Bulger, plaintiff, vh.
William J1. Bulger, defendant, di
vorce. Martha M. Bauer, plaintiff, vh.
Helen Lottine Gildny, et al, defend-
ante. Foreclosure. j
Hek t Caok'H, pluintiff, va. Frank
lunff, et al. defendants. Foreclo.
cure. i
J. II. llntlinw.iy, plnfntill. vn. H.
N. Sptoiit, et u, tlelend.intc.
W'urivii ConctiiuMfon Cuinpniix.
plaintiff. c. Tillamook City, de
(eudiint Damage
In the mutter of the petition of
Victor l.ounder John on. To become
ii oitUon of the I'nited State t(
G. II. Kiley. plaintiff, vc A. II.
Henty, et nl. defendant. To iet
iiciile deed
rncitic Notthvvect Adjustment
Co.. phiiutilt. vc. KV T. YmV. et nl,
defenilutc. Action for iuone.
The llillcluirt) National Hank.
phiiutitf. vc. J. W. Moyer, tlefeml
ant. Action for money
Mildred Ii. Small, et vir. phtin
title, vc. Anna 1 let mil. et al, tie
(eudautc. To tptiet title
Rudolph Zttchmnn, plaintiff, vc.
Jotttec Vernon, et al, defendant.
Foi eclocurc of lieu.
The Fir-d National Bank of Tilla
mook, Oic-iron, plaiutill, vc. t A.
Coiuforth. et . tlefemlttnt. Ac
tion for money.
W. G. Dwltrht. plnititilf. vc J. K.
Corlett. tlefendai.t. Tav foreclo
cure. V. G. Dwi'
Klliott. Jr..
flit, plain tilt, v. F. T.
defendant Tax fmo-
V G. Owitrht, pluiutilf, vc.
Mount Vernon Cream Co., tlrleud
ant T foreclose u re.
K' F. Xnchimtmi, platntitl, v.- J.
R Barter, defendant. Action for
Francec Bailey Hunter, pli.intilf.
ve. (eorirc Hunter, defendant. Ii
vorve D. F. TrowbritlRe, daiutitf. vc.
Ijiwrence K. Sander.-, et al. defend-
ante. Foreclocure.
Getrsre t- Lench. plaintiff, vc.
W. O Chote, defeiidnnt. Daninu'cc.
1. W. Fnrrcll, plnititilf, vc. S. B.
Whitehouce, dcfeiidatit.
Action for
II A. Ynuituuim, ptaintitf, vc.
The Pacific Railway ami Naviga
tion Comptitiy. tlefe nihtnt. Dam
asrec. Frerl Kehhc. plaiutiiT, vc. I'cte
Ijinhardt itefetidnut. Action for
Well .Mitchell, plniMtiti, vc. Harry
Mitchol', defitHlnnt. Oivurce.
I) I- Shrode. et al, plaiutitfc, v-.
R. II. Achcroft, tlefnudaut. Ac.
tion for money.
I Alto Sourc, plaiutill, .- Harold
V. Soar-, tl-fetitlnnt. Oivurce.
Tillamook County
lank, n Cor-
Kile Filter-!
Kra iou, pUiinttrT. v-.
sou, et ul, defendant-. Foreclo--ure.
II F Gowlcpeetl, et at, Iniutitfc,
vc. M. R. Haueoknit:, tleff tidntit.
. Action for monoy.
W. G. Dwilit, plaintiff, v-. John
KreUc, et nl, defendant.-. Foreclo
sure. W. A. Davie. plaiutiiT. vc. Kdfth
1- Hart defendant. ForecRicitrc of
, ,,...,
A meccae from J. II. Dtinct.iu,
: i . t .,.-. i r.
I pre-tiiieni ai uie iiuamooK outity
Fair Aocintion, wa-
received on
Wednesday ac followc:
Tillamook Count
ount exhibit won
sixth prise,
Tillamrjok County Creamery Ac
twtcjiition, firrft x'vw, on dicplay of
ctiee-s; ; Rel Clover, cecoml.
"I.oiik' Prairie, firct on HCore
"Fielil and garden protluctc
ccore.l well, alo tpiality and ni
runifeijientjj, but were low on or
chord product n."
The cheese maker at the l.ontr
I'rairie, who won firnt iri.e on
score clitece, ic ('.orfri Burjie.
Thic ic hie firct year an cheese
maker and the tiinl time he made
an entry.
A subicrihor ask-f uh to tell him how
to dehorn his calves with caustic
potash. This method i one that in
practiced by many dairymen and stock
men. It is more hurnune to dehorn
calves than (frown Htock. Clip Iho hair
from top of rudimentary horns when
calf is from two to five days old.
Slightly rn.iisten tho end of a atlck of
potash, moisten top of horn also. Hub
the tip of earh horn firmly with jiotash
for about uvo seconds or until an irn
presfion is made on center of horn.
Treat this for from four to flvo times
at intervals of flvo minutes, if during
the treatment a little blood appears it
will only he necessary to iive another
slight rubbing. Caustic potash can bo
obtained from any druggist. When
not in use keep in corked bottle and
label "Poison."
Will . give, about eitfht thousand
pounds of rnllk in a year. Some excen
tlonal cows uro known Ui havo Klven
ahout Bixtoon tlioutaml poundn. Tho
proof of Iho amount of tho butter fat
in uuch milk i in the teitinK.
Neciirney .Mountain, Or., Del.
(Special.) - With iil men nbotrd the
Hritih three-uiKstcd uleol-hnlletl nail
imri'hlpGU'nenjillii, from Liverpool J for
I'ortlatul, via Smittv, Hrniil, Httuck
the furtherm!t ch of Neenrney
Mooutnln nlU:l!l o'oltH'k till afternoon
ami Is a total lo!n. The ollkern anl
erow were re.tctletl.
The .lilp wa in eharico f Captiiin
Owen William, who wan on (leek when
ho tnsok lieatl-on the rtK-k. wlteto
she i now pmuulin to piece. The
value of th craft l.t plaetnl WO.IHHI.
She earriwl no'carKo. having left Ura-
ill with caml ballaot for IVrtland, 1
vher lie va nntler charter to loud
wheat. At Santo she ualoailetl a car
Co of eonent for HamblitK. (lerniany.
All those aboard the vescel wore j
savetl, with their bKK"Kv. by Hhootlnn;
n nno trm tne imat to snore wnervi
the litiu was made fast to the bh: boul
der by S. G. lived, owner of Neah-kith-nle
Tavern; hi clerk, Thonia
William ; Waller Cain ami two labor
ers named Steel aid McFarlaml,
The ollicer ami erow who wero :ve ,
are Captain Owen William. Ktrl .MaUtJ
ilowanl. Second Mate Cothtleld. Sail-!
maker McMnion, Cnriientur mxliaiHl
ami Seamen OWuit, I'eterson, llelim,
Jono. F. Olctin, n.ttrersitu, Nollson.
Wilham. II. Ur. It. Judd. J. Herbert,
J. Wallare, C. (lain, J. Jortlan, Ker.(
tudkmnn ami Vulaney. i
Twenty minute after the craft hit
the rak Mr. Heetl, who wa formetly I
a Portland tanker ami former soertv
tnry of the Portland Klcetrtc Co..
with hi men, rushed to Ktvo. assist.
( anee 'o the ill fatetl viel. a mile
north of Necarney Tavern. The ltot
t' struck at hih tii ami is now Mux
j broken up by the sea.
Captnin William woukl not llk
tnueh of tho wreck.
v tictt intcrviuweil
he said :
"All that I can say is that
the boat
is ashore ami l a total hm."
"Who wa at the wheel when
struck?" wa asked.
"On of Uie seamen, I don't remutn
bor hie name." was William' reply.
When attted how he eame to be so
near the roek of Noearney, tho eap.
tain refused to reply ami eke oil the
One of Uie seame , who reclined to
niKht to k;ive hi name, said In an in.
tcrriu",' :
"Wit han been out from I trail I l2f
days and Inat niht at a o'clock wa
the first in that tune wo had ffod indi
cation of hind or ship, when u aivjht
ed tne Tillamook lihu. Maybe you
think they wuren't wulcomifl.
"We had tried to male the trip to
i'ortlun I ly way of the Horn, but con
trary wind made this Impossible, o
we put about ami took the pa.na)u
around the Cao of Gootl Hope.
Captain Williams had been drinUnir
o 1 ami on during the entire trip and
particularly so when wu wore at Snail
ers, off the New Zealand count. He
had the retaliation of getting intoxica
ted in bad weather or near hind. And
William wad one of tboae cnplabw
who watch you like a hawk and make
you work tike haded.
One of the seaman wnn nt the wheel.
The second mute was on deck aflor-
noon today and thu cnnUiin wa thare.
too, hut not in c mdition U m.inagu
tho ship. Tho first mate, next In com
mand, was below and Colliold, unable
to get Williami to put about to avoid
disa-Htur, rushed below an I call I How
ard, who hurried U the deck ail toi
commind, hut bio late to mini the
rocks at Necarney.
"The men were painting
the impending collision but
iuhI aaw
eo j M do
1 luxe who aided in the
reacuo of
Williami and hlj crow doeloro a too that
thu captain wnen taken oir, w is in
goid spirits, ammg them ht-ing Mr.
Tonight, ofHcially, Captain Wilbnms,
by telephone gave out tho flwt nuws
ot tho wreck, when he talked with
Vice-Constd Cherry at Astoria. Tnj
mossago said tho ship "struck tfia
rocks during a thick liaze and with a
heavy Hwell running. She is fast
breaking up. Tho crew, however,
reached shore safely and will be sent
to Astoria."
Captain Williams s well known at
Portland and Astoria, having visited
both places as master of tho British
hark Port Stanley, A spcciul truin,
carrying tho Tillamook life-saving
crew, was rushed heru when news of
tho wreck was heard, hut the train
arrived too late for tho crew to render
aid. '
Captain Williams will loavo tomor
row morning with the entire rn.iu ,,,.,1
will report to Vice-Consul Cherry, of
Astoria, who is agent for tho owners
of tho boat, B. I), Wolfe, of Liverpool,
l'"Y'" '",- ....... .
cause th Jisas er
pipy 4ftirrrghtTnrg
and, and says ho was unable to change
i.apiain wiiiiums later explained tho
his course.
The Water Commission bus given
Mr. Hoag positive instructions to shut
off wutur from all consumer who Imvo
not p-iid their water rent by tho 10th
of each month.
Uy order of Wuter Commission. ;
Conferees Adjust All Dlflor
enecs Except Cotton
Future Tax.
WttnliliiKtim Atlur murn Ihtui
of constant work bolihal olot
door. Hi" elcht thmioornU rH'rnt
Uik t'Mt ami UtMt.o an nioiubor of
the confernc eommlttfi ettlHl tlm
Int of tlmlr otltor illff.itxaen and
r-irhetl the final tlwlition that they
coulil not afire on lh Potion fulut.
lax. j
The nix rupuhtlenu mftiiUr of Iho j
oonfertinco eotaiuttti vi mitimmietl ,
to met al a full OMUittt iHoutliije at
to o'clock .Moda.
Th- rtanl dlffnr'iiiii
In the bill
or dJutH i follo:
Tbo Uuuio roeMtott from lt rain of
half a cent pound on lol or ami
aiffBtetl tb Muati rate of thioo
fourth of a ennt a nouad
Th nat recHl4 frota lw min of
jjVj r t.i ad alrtH o tho title
ore anil u.cit'td thn noun ram Of to
tmr cent.
The huiue Kuiu UP It datMaild that
the woolen urlff ralne to Into fleet
at ooc KKreetl to the datM ft4 t
the ienate. nntnel). oobn toou Jan
uary I. 191 1, raw wool, tot" and !
Uaetimbfr I. 1913
Thn hoito receded trow lu frotla
lon a to cotton tltrwad. yarn and
L'tuths. acclitln the lattale amnhd
mealit, m hick rovUcrf the chetlul on
a new tm of thread count
Income Tai Will HjI.o tnijrjs.ooo,
AerordlnK lo Htlaiiktc ty irvanurr
vtperta, CI. ooo Amortrmi rvitlnt
mutt report to th income tat coltm
tor netl prto eiaellr how much tbvy
o the Rovemwient under thu in
come tnx law, which l emtHidiwd in
ih tariff bill
The flret return do not have to be
made to the Internal revenue iIIkv
tore Wore Marrh I, lJI. Wtten Ibe
return are made the will cover the
lnronu- of citlteo from March t.
113. to timber 31. and the flr
payment of u will bi (or money r
rtflrml durtna thi prtod
Kvery ni.tglr jmrnon ictttmai or for
oiKnvr) wbcMH annual tmotfl f eMKt
tSuoo and rtvtj married pron with
an Income atmre Kvoo la eipcied lu
report Ida or her recolnia in ttetall to
the government aneat March I ol
cch jrmr, Th evtlmate completed
indicate mat tn income tat win pro
duce II,J95.0-hj To ltd will b
ndibid the jas.oco.OOg or more pro
duceiJ by the preeent eorporaitou tat.
which la continued a part or th law
Lltcraoy Test Up Ag.dn.
An aittnnpt will be mattw before the
adjournment of Uie prclal e4rtoa of
enngro to an Immigration hill
villi a literacy toil a Us leading fea
ture, such a wua vutnml by I'roahteni
Al a tiH'Dlltn: of lite houe eon tail
teo on ImmlKratlou tho old liurnett
nillinghnm hill, whleli umt Mr. Tafl
tllaapiiroval, was onlored roportmt to
the house. Democrata Iwck of the
meaaurn will kI to work liiiuifdlattdy
in ihiic in in lUKimniioa iiiiiormiii (I)
the ciiucii"". an action which Is nucoa
anry to Innure Its coinitdiirntlun nt tiio
printout nttanlou.
The bill came within rvon vntim of
IirtnKe over Mr. Tatt's veto and iho
complexion of tint lioimn him oIuuik.!
materially since then.
National Capital Drcvltlc.
rreHiuuni wiuou wmiiu be nutlior
Uml to dlrwct the eumuriiotlou of th,-
aovurnttiaul rullrtu..! It, Alr.L i.v
bill r.!porliid by the housn ludlcliirv
A urjilu of fnjtn 110,000,000 to IIC,
000,000 ovr current neuds of thu ijov
nrnmoni' will provided by tho new
tariff law, In tho opinion of Sonator
fllmmoiiH, chairman of tho Joint con
ference committee.
Customs officials estimated that
1 180.000.000 worth of Koods am la
bonded warehoused at tlm country's
porta of entry at preaent, waiting for
tlm lower dtitlos prorldml In thu tariff
HopreHuntntlvo Clayton of
,.. , . . . .. . .
mum win iwiiiaia in win rit'iii as a
caiidldalo for tho nnmdn from that
Htiito, oven If he has to contest against
Oscar W. Underwood, tho house load
er, for the nomination.
Congress, nt Its Incumber session,
will likely take up tl matler of safe
guarding liven of paHiengnrn on rail
road trains. Thu Interstate t.oiiimiirfo
eommlKHlon may bn mnpownri'd lo
tn'ut w,tl1 ""cl1 'lutmtlotis us stool cars
1,11,1 sfoty (iilpmimtH(
Tho miiiate
may not
"r,;0 " InilnlMtratlou currency
. - . w,o.. t :i
examined. Now Kngland bank.
ors urn protcstlnE itKalniit the bill. Tho
moaHiire may bo reported lo tho sen-
ato without recommendation,
New enmo to the state department
that tho Chilean had ad-
Journud without paii( a pendlnic bill
to Increase the tariff on lumber. Tho
proposed action would have arfecdj
ierlou.ly tho luinhur trad., betwnun
Wuahlnjstoii and OrcBou and CliHu.
1'HK SAI.lv AT
liuVl l"ll
i.i ' i itt itsi:
kc.-,... f
!. at the
tlU.tt t
brl ati-'t
tempt '
Jt ft r
will nul -fly the pprm-
of year hore. htt ctiiHtii to ywur
Mfvtr m weit. Many a ntnaeray emild
be avoided if the old Ilaraeea had been
dlecardad in time,
lilltunooK Ori'ttdfi
; , , ... , .,,
a( wh,t , ktwwn m ,V(vr
Idartp, with or without UM-k. I wat
or rnnfw down wlH giv
plrrtv f time for the balanee at pr
eanl Intereet, tee ,S'. P. Haftjon.
Ileho. Ore.
Irfil lenu (Vtofcor S.
Will ll my rn-h rniMUting of I CO
acre at a very rr.oilBbl. prt. 10
acre irrigatim pro j net uminr way;
gootl Imprnvninanla.
See or inldinM.
C. J. IManehard,
llomloek. Ore.
s-' Xv
Vl JL II ft f 3
II .
I s
KttrnlilHNl by Pnclfte Aira-t C,. ( 'JV-M I
I.. P. Cm St wf. to iri u'lin. LrA W I Li
.ir.jee. n i an it Vi. iV acre.'.,.. .
.... . . - -
tiwam ii. Clark, lot IK ths,. SBT 3 N -'
in iu ioi7ec. i i a n n wi t ... L
' t oi invtt.a r jk n o w ,v
tr,B" yt,'.",nu mt 1""l f"r right ' rillfllliool;
01 .1?V .f- .
I Hull li u l.iu 1 n..m. ...,
' " f it, ivmiu
A II Malant-y A wf tu Jammi II
Mei tl'-tdmll, InU I, IS, f), 7. IH, 10, -Ji)
and l hlk .1 tWine I itv, UW
Lulu IJ MaUi.ey to Inin.s , ,M,f,i
denim II, ld 8. o, o. IJ, 2 19 ii i
10 wmI 17 Idk !l IWIc City, J!.' ,R'
I.. Hpworth Kinnov A Walllnglon
Kliuiey to llrlggs H. Kinnov lot 18 I.Ik
U llavoceiin Park. $1.
i1,irm ""J & Tn,tl ('"- Aniin M,
. "v Ue:.J" 11 u'"1 if Itoekaway
Ileiich, $10.
Ai.naM I.invlllo & U, . Klnvlllo
to Ivlvt-ra V rtor. lata 11 and -IH l.lk G8
KnoknwMV llearb. tl'M.
1 First Hank nnd 'l rust Co. to Klhm
iHleel, lot 11 life M I(rk.iwny Hunch,
Nehalem Hay Park Land Co. to
lJ7',V,t'',,r,.'f,,,t 1 '""I ''fiic. lot
m "'m1 Ny,",'; "y irk,$iwi.
Nehiilem Hay Und Company lo John
I ryunt, tide lands fronting mid
ibuttlng on lot I and IV,U!. lot ,
hlk l Nclmlom Hay Park.
Park, $a).
Al.'rcement Wnllaco liivnstment Co.
I., l-m liiiKhiim, lot .1 Hlk. Hi Sunny
Hidu Addn, to Hay City. $300 '
.louph McDonald to W. II. W. Van-
Vm.v!!!!'. !)t;.,L'.lk' ' A.id... to
...,!.,u':).l.,,:rrllHt Investment Co. to
JT- ij. Walton, lot 2 I.Ik I Park Ad j i.
r&ii m
Matt Marom.v . n, i .... 'i.!'.. ....
jj,,njui' I1"" f I'd 3 Hoc. 2il VI NH 10
V(,'c,Mf PlUcU as part of Maronoy
Trtivu Jons n I r i i
nah Diil.nshmutt SEl Sec 3 TIU 'u
West. 100 ncrcii, $n, 3 1 3 N I)
., .''Iy",",',00!,''.' to Uohort Watt,
i R ' !?'J,t lfW .0 "!(.
liny Co. 1. 1 21 I iVj 05 U,M.kiw. lK
II. Hot Waway Hunch
i mn'i""'? H",," t Wilson River
i IC X 12 Jit 4 1. .11 A 111 W xjjfc
U for V rtcca Before Ordering FJicwhrre
ii- I i: ii v
- - mw I
llulh I'ht
tr t ' tit, iuiMitt. vt i. , ,
Vit. A, 0. I'HUKlNh
k.mucwt nmtrirr
()fi(0 III WU;m
All WoiV ttanMiiitfd.
T f t - , - , r-1 r . i . IIB
IUi Mx!rd br (.oatmtfriii
SuctrcJini Dr. I'. J. SUrf.
a t m I . . . i ....
' rt
Orn Kvilnf Itt ai4l'i54
Dr. Jack Olson
itK.sjtir.sr i-rsmr
OflWe our lroo J a ' Uif.s.
f at a Ilea le
I Ivef r M H e- 4 1 I tlili b
1Mb I I
J. E. REEDY, D. V.
virriitUNAi us-
Till L fl
Allorruy al Uw
rtm . . i a . -i
Mtoru-vit l
lilliMiiuok County flank
F" . I Clt a i mcsrw
Dl'.t'T.sCIIHH l)t)KAT
'K'll I 111 I
. ii ui i i i . . t
i it.
Atlotmey-t-Law nJ,
U. S. Cotntniiiioncf
Oppoiitr Ccurlliuuie
Geo. P. Winslow
Tillamook Illo. K
IUhiiii 20J
i miner ii in i r i ii. a
Contracts Taken
Estimates I'urni.slicd.
Work (ImiriiiUffl,
' 'i.iiM.iwink.Of
r IUMCCI I Iflliaivi "
G. L. DICK tc SON, rrof1
Bold Plionr '
I he Sam Price lo uvei--
u. n. iiitNiai: My-
Four Doom West of l'"l3l?,
Ludy AitUtant When oqo