Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, October 03, 1913, Image 1

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-EST vIRCULATION r .NY Paper in TillamookTCounty
TWamook, OmkoonOctuiikk ii, 1913.
NO. 73
It in the aim of thin Imnlc to jivc
thcbcHt banking service possible
-and we do it.
It in also our aim to have the
very best equipment nueh as
Modern Fire I'roof Hanking
Koom, Fire I'roof Vault, Uv
jlar I'roof Safe. Modern Safe
Deposit Boxes and we have
Hair Brushes
Shaving Brushes
Clothes Brushes
All Kinds of Brushes
t( tlw Lowest Prices in the City.
Hitch Uiw (Uutmiitvcil.
ft a a a a. I . .
in I s. nw I I Will
Albany, N V -Tin, trnl of Mr Hl)(
r IwMrt) tlm high court of Impeach
runnt wbo rontimnl nt I o'clock Moil
day afternoon, mill It Kt,ruy bo
llovd that (IiIr i..k i rlon may
wfflce for the irinuitlon of nit the
lrtirf mfort'it direct vlduc
Btwuld Mr. Hulr persist In bl pur
l'o. to toko the stand In hl own bv
liulf. hownvirr, the Imixi l not unlikely
10 uc protracted. That h will Uo no
I now Kirnxrully conceded.,
Th Innn-NclilitK mnnaicrr hn?o sue
e,....).,) In placing In evidence coutrlb
utlniu bkrickmIiik not only the 15460
nuvnowlr.lr.wl In Mr BuU.-r'n iwura
report to ilm secretary of ut. not
only Urn additional Items aggregating
IS680 which wr suppressed by Mr.
HtiUor a IUwj in ih formal arti
cles of Impeachment, but. under the
court ruling permitting the widest
latitude, they linvn already IncreniM'd
tlm lmtr figure to m.2o in check
MeMnlous Healtr K.lled in Her Office.
1.0 AiiKf. Willi a piece of gas
pipe fi foot iiml n half Iomk. ntn one
battered tht llfn out of Mm, Hehecen
P 0y, a rullKtou b"i!ih practitioner.
In liwr offlc. and nficr a futile nt
'mpt lo throw the lx(y from the fifth
tor- of the oftoo building, loft the
dead woman rowed with cople of
n rnli)jiou nownimii.jr.
i'.rw. KOCH & HILL mZX m" :i
Hcecunt of Mint Millions Ordered.
Ban Pmnrtocy. Cl. Becauiw seven
nlher dollrr have tnj lost In thi
Inituano" heard of 'coin stored In th
vtiulu of the l.'n'twl HtBtort mint i
thl city, nil )ntl.-i' rnnt of thw $G1.
IHS.ooo In ntlvor ttneknl uji In tin
lmtmnt -f tin ImiUHnK on KlfO
ntriMt. tin b!n onlpr-i by tlm trout
ury lonartiaint t WnshlnRtanf IV-O-
Perfirlo OUi Ordered Home.
Motico Oily Oftncral I'orflrlo Dlnx.
ft vroMldcn. Unt Imon MimmoiH'd by
thr wr driMirtiiu'til to rttturn to Mex
ico for iictlvti nrmy torvlc.
rtr i ,il
,SVc lrrts.
AlMnry l Law nd Notiry t'oblle
COlfl I AX
TlHainook, Oregon
A Small Monthly Saving
Takes Vou to San Francisco and tin-. Exposition
i R
"ft l-l" I Ml ll JI (III 111 llP , 1 .
wiion yon K. TlcknW irt"KloU ir rvrry .-.w
lriui, hkcIiiI iiltrncllons, vie. Hoti-U mill mil
ronil iiocoiiiiiHxlHtlon rcnorvod.
find out about tl.U unliii offrr. Scml lb" ccni)im tmUy
E. J. CLAUSSF-N, TllUinooU, Oregon
wiiiinv Hi'iul . I.MIKH ourtlfii urn nltout IM h fruncmco v.i-
Pec lo in the News
, Tin' vnlm of thit 'tnt of the Inte
I Mayor (Inynor of Now York U oittl
I matiHl m ;,ooo,ouo.
1 HiMinlor m K'olli'tto drnlfs thu ru
mor t'tuanntiitK from 1'ortlnnd tlmt In;
liitrmU JolniiiK th" rtitil'llcnn Mirty.
Suit for l l.ooo.ooo for hIIoiiiiIIoh of
her htmttund's sfftllcu lins bven bt
Kim by Mri. Cntlicrlna Kt'lclmm Iiniki
nKnlnm Mrn. Cliin-nco II. Mnckay.
AitibitHHinlor WlUon iHh-h not Intend
to rt'turn to Mnxlco boforo hln torm
rxplroH, Ociobcr H. Hla rccont vllt
to WiiKhliiKton wnn tnkfit for lirlvuto
biuliiKHN nwiuiiiH, bo ili'eliirt'B.
It h ruinori'il (lint JumoH llryco, for
mnr HrlllHli umtmHiindor to Itiu United
1 BlntoH. bortly will bvcomu lord llou
KMiii"t of Ireland.
I Kilty td dityx f f'ltttlni; to euro a
' im-Miil diwirder li Ikwii ronorti'il to
1 b) Mtm I). II. Kohh. wlfo of u wealthy
l'nlo Alto tl'ttl.) uonlnu'tor.
iiv u iilnrn Ity of Cij, mth. . 1..
I Pnvldnon, fuporlntomlenl of hcIiooIh of
KliiKi county, Cnl., In victorious In th
lentil eleotlon. The election wiih tho
flrNl of the Mud hold In tho state
nRiihiHt a woniiin oftli'lul.
John I'urroy Mltehtl, fusion enndb
date for nm)nr, hat) accepted tho In
depeudeiiee leattuo Indorxeiuent, after
boleotlnK Itobert AUtinihoii. secretary
to the late Mayor Onynor, na ht cam
paign tnaniiiiPr.
t'nuuMol Mr Hurry K. Thaw recolvod
formal aHsuranreM fronr fiovornor
ker of Now Hampshire) that tho rov
ernor would Binnt tho requent for an
exieaalon to October 0 of tho tlmo for
fllhu; hrlofB In tho extradition pro-OeedlllKH.
Colored Brothers Lynched in
Mississippi After Killing
'3 in Strftfits.
Ifirr'.xtoti. MUi. Two drucmivd
mubitto boyii, bnithorn, ber.nn n relsn
of tsunlnr Imro early Sunday that und
! nly after threo wblto men, lour
negro nieu and n ucKro womnn had
Ueri killed, mtvernl pvrxona woundt-d
nndltlut two boy lynched. A terlouii
claii betwwn tho rrcc wn provtml
dly tliw nn-lval on a upec'nl train
of .a company of national cunrdnm:n
frort Nntchei.
Tho troublu utarted at about 2
o'cbjfb in tho mornliiK. c6iitlnucd In
torrtlttfeittly until 10 o'clock, when
Walter Jones, tho oldeut of tno two
boy, who Htarled tho flt'n:, wux
lynched junt after tho notdlens arrived.
Itulbrothur, Will Jone. had been nhot
nnttl lvflrhinl hv rlfivt.iiM f-itrllf-r In ttin
Twenty pontoon wero Injured, 16 of
them tieRroen. None of thu necroen
wiii) dmiKerouiily hurt.
TJte Rhoollng wn started by Walter
Joue, axed '.'0, In tho negro quarter
where Johanna Aiken, n neRreaH, nnd
Th r ml (1 ray Ron, colored, uvro nliot
nntjl killed. Walter then wont home,
arointed bin 18-yeur-old brother nnd
tORetber they proceeded through tho
nmili itreet of the little town flrliiR
nt everyoim In night.
Intuit to Flag and Murder at Nanking
j Condoned.
I'ekln. The npoiOB)' of Ocnernl
Clmiin lUun to tho Jnpnnvito consulate
nt NunkluH hn cleared the air, ru
umllm; lo-the Jnpaneife ctf'xlula Uera
und reiuovett the da:u;er of compllca
tlotiw for lVc present.
The Jnpanoso location emph'itlcnl!;
denied thai nn tiltluntum had buttit
mini by the Jnpnnotu government !
China. Tho legntlon slated that tb'
Chtni.o nuthorltlca nt Hankow an
Shantung h.id compiled fully with tie1
Jnpnuofto demands.
On September tho Jnpanoao ml;
Inter proccntcd China with an ult
malum, nllowliiR China three days t
comply with Jnpnn'a demands tu co.
nectlon with tho recent nttacka o
Japnuem) nt Nnuklng.
Events Occurring Throughout
the State During tho Past
j Portland. The aocnlkd Medford
( rato bill, which wan adopted by tin:
peoplo under tho Initiative on Novem
ber 5, 1612, nnd which made BwccplnR
chanKca In fr!;ht rate In the tate,
ha been declared unconstitutional
and rold In a decUlon by Judges Wol-I Organize Protective Association.
na-i nnd IJean, of the United Btateii I KuRcnu. The Iane county farmers
dUtrlct court In Portland, and Judce i ,O0,t "rsl "f"!"1 'or mutual pro-
Cllbert, of the United Hlnt- court 0f lcc,lon trom the ravaRes of the hunt-
appeala In San Franclco, before j er (lurfn the approaching hunting
whom, slttliiB en banc, It was argued I Be"on wben the Farmers Protective
11 little more than ttoven months aco. i aolntion of I-ane county was orpan
Tho decision was announced In nn ixoii ''ere, scores of representative
opinion written and delivered from j 'arn,crs, with Prof. John Bovard and
the bench by Judge Wolvcrton. All Irof- c- K- "odj of tho university
three judKes fully concurred In every j a"1nnK, met and adopted a consti-
aspect of the decision.
ent : Coa
Root Paint
Lime : Brick
Drain Tile
j ... . . 1 u 1A Av West
no warehouse rront at. oeiween
Canal May Make Dcef Cheaper.
Wanlilnr.ton.--A mensnKo of hope
for a reduction of tho price of beof
to lens tliuu onohnlf of what It 18
today haa been broiiBht to tho Amori
can pooplo by Augusto n. LAgula, for
mer president of Porn, now In thle
city. H nindo tho deolarutlon tlmt
With tho oponlnft ef th Paiwim cauul
and u rmluctlon of 4000 mljoa In dls
tanco between tho UuUert Stat8 nni
Peru, btf could bo dollver4 In Nv
York for 10 cants a pouud from hi
John F. Uaeey Dropi Dead.
OakalooHa, la, John K. I.acoy. ?
roiircaontivtlvo from tho sixth low,
connrt'iisloimi dlmriot, droppod dt- .i
horo of lioitrt dloase.
State to Trade Books.
Snlo.111. Or. The state prlntlr
bo-iril haa entered Into n contract wit
tho Bancroft Whitney company, -San
I'ynnclaro, to publish thu aupren
court roporta for flvo years, It Ccli
the bouef of the board that at 1c:
J25.000 will be saved annually. J.
Morelaud, clerk of the hupreme coir
saya thuro Is about $10,000 of "dt:.
Ktock," conslstiHK of old reports, t
possession of the state which U cr:
not dispone of. These will be trade
to the company for now books.
Governor West Asks Return of Mon..
Spent In Crusade.
F !oin, Or. (Soveruor West lool
upon tho results of tho meeting of th
einersoncy board Saturday as a "vU
tory." Tho board created a dotlcloncj
of $5000 for uso us rowards for the
capture of felons, and another of $15ui'
for uso by tho governor in his vice
Action on a motion recommending
that tho loRlBlnturo rolmburso tho gov
ernor for the $1500 ho spent person
ally In tho nntl-vlco crusndo was de
ferred until next mooting of tho bonrd.
Mr. West promised all tho members
Itemized bills of his expenditure and
Invited thorn to como to his office and
look over any papers ho niny hnve
In connection with tho work.
The mensuro has been generally re
ferred to as the "Medford" rate bill
because of charges that It was pre
pared and placed on the ballot In the
selfish Interests of Medford rtvr
chants. Appealed to by railroad men and
shippers for relief against what It was
declared would be a disaster to the
state If permitted to go Into effect.
the federal court granted a temporary
Injunction against the operation of
the xict shortly after Its passage. The
court directs that the Injunction be
inndo permceent
tutlon. The purposes of the organi
zation as outlined Is to enforce and
Improve bird and game laws of the
state and protect the farmers against
Tug Goes Through Big Gatun Locki
Panntna. Tho most Important stc
thus far' toward the operation of tl.
Panama canal took place when tt -seagoing
tugboat Gatun, drawing 2
feel of water, was passed successful
through the Gatun locks nnd 11;
floats on tho bo;om of Gitun Iike.
Ashland Work Is to Start.
Ashland. Material has arrived here
for the preliminary work, on the Foot
hills Irrigation company's project, and
In a few days operations are ptanned
to begin on tho first unit of the Hyatt
Prairie dam, northeast of Ashland,
the breast of the dam will bo nearly
60 feet high. It will be over 300 feet
wide and will flood approximately
1C00 acres to an average depth of 23
feet. The backwater created by this
dam will reach nearly two miles.
,Bc?k Companies, Most Pay License.
bntenu corporation Commissioner
Watkon btntes that the publishing
firms which have made contracts to
furnish school books In this stnte must
qctllfy to do business in this state us
Sor the laws regulating foreign ccr
pomtlons. They must each'pay a II
cense of $100.
Medford Has $25,000 Fire.
Medford. Fire destroyed the Unlor
livery stable, two dwellings nearly
five horets and about twenty sets o
harness. For fouriours Medford was
In darkness, and the telephone service
wns out of commission. The loes It
csti.iKitoil at $25,000, partially covcrc
by Insurance,
Hansel Is Guilty.
Astoria. Guilty of murder In the
first degree was tho verdict renderej
by a jury in the circuit court In tin
case of oswaiu t. Hr.nsei for tc
murder of Judge Taylor on Sund-
moniiug. September 14.
Thousands Lose in Locating on Ore
gon Lands.
Hoseburg. That thousands of per
sons throughout the United States
Jiave parted with various sums of cash
through fraudulent locations on lands
of the Oregon & California railway,
was the statement- made by rtegister
Jones of the Itoseburg United States
land office.
"Hundreds of persons write to this
office asking for Information regard
ing these lands," said Mr. Jones,
"many of them after they have parted
with their money. We have always
sent out a circular letter to people
making inquiries about lands In this,
district, giving the amount of vacant
laud by counties, the character of the
land, a general description of the
j country, and last but not least, the
climatic conditions that prevail.
"A number of persons who were
1 victimized by these locators have filed
regular homestead applications In this
office, all of which we rejected. Some
of them appealed from our decision to
the general land office, claiming that
they would win tho land In the end."
Man Shot for Wi'dcat.
ltofcburg. Mistaken for n wlldr
Preston Wilson of Wl'Ftoi' was r'
through the left leg Sati:rJaj by F.
Plndr'l while hunting In ti e r.u
talus 30 miles from Camns vnliey.
Blxby Declared Not Guilty.
Los Angolos. Tho Jury'a verdict,
"not guilty," sot tho mllllonalru. Geo
11, Blxby, free, and oiulod tho enso of
tho Jonquil, with its parade of younc
girls before grand jury nnd courts, Its
indictments charging offenses against
morality nnd Uh counter chnrgoa of
blackmail und tho maintenance of a
tnnntrnp by u cotorlo qf young mo:
for tho catching ot wealthy men.
Brief News of the Week
Wilson men were victorious In the
recent elections at Now Jersey.
Tho Spanish government decided
finally to participate In tho Punama
Pacific exposition In San Francisco
in 1915.
Forty-two policemen nnd"strlko riot
ers wore sent to the hospital as a re
sult of serious fights in Dublin.
At n secrot conferouco of 600 nnti
homo rulers at Belfast, with Lord Lon
donderry presiding, It was agreed to
form n provisional constitutional gov
ernment to rule Ulster If homo rule
State Controllor Schmeer of New
York received a check for $2,500,000
In payment of the Inheritance tax on
a part ot the estate ot the late J, Pier
pont Morgan.
A report has been read at the fifth
session of the Pacific Logging con
gress at Spokane, recommending that
loggers ot the Pacific northwest raise
a fund of (600,000 for the endowment
of chairs of logging engineering In the
universities ot Oregon, Washington,
California, Idaho, Montana u4 Brit
ish Columbia.
Officials from the principal cities
and towns of the Pacific northwest nt-
Free Wool Causes Sales.
I-a Grande. On account of the
changing of the tariff on wool many
sheep are being marketed from this
section, as the sheep men fear the ani
mals will not pay to keep for wool.
In tho last week two train loads of
sheep have been shipped out of Union
and Wallown counties, the first train
load from Joseph, In Wallown county,
and one from Elgin. In Union county.
Pope In III Health" Again,
nome. The condition f Pop Plus
la living rise to some anxiety, Al-1 tended the annual convention of ttu
though not suffering from any specific League of Northwest Municipalities
malady the btato ef his health tt un- held in tho council chamber at tin
satisfactory. It Is believed; hswever, j city hull In Portland, Wednesday urn!
tho rust hero win rentbrJlin Thursday.
Powder River Operations
Sumpter. Since Jnnuary , the gold
dredge of tho Powder Blver Geld
Dredging company at this place has
been In operation day and night, be
ing run In three eight-hour shifts. The
rich return derived from this boat has
been one of the shining successes met
this year In mining in eastern Oregon.
This work Is paying beyond even
the expectation of the owners at tho
tlmo of building. The riffles are
cleaned up once a week, and the gold
retorted' nt tho company's laboratory
in Sumpter. The gold bricks from this
retort are expressed to tho United
States mtut at San Francisco.
Tillamook, Otc.