Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 30, 1913, Image 2

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    Cbc CsJIamook Rerald
C. G. CrmbUy, editor
Issued Cu'icc a Week Cuesilav "d FrldJV
Entered n. sis-ond-clnns matter May 17, 1910. at the Mt oWec lit
Owp'n, umler the act of March 3, IS?..
SIMISCRIPTION 51.50 A vkak in aovnnch
Hdvcrtisinfl Hates
J cgal Advertio:nent.
lirst Insertion, for line - i
Knch-!dki--" ""t insertion, line
Homestnad lice
Timber Pii n
Notion, per line
Cards of thanks, per line
UKb, ir lire, first insertion -
Bach suh'oquent insertion, line .03
Re-solution of t omlulonce and
Lodge notice, per line .03
RiHineM Profonsdonal canh.nio. LOO
Display Advertisement, per tin-h .US
ALL Display A.1 must be in this of
fice on Monday aral Thursday Morn
ings to irtMirc publication in follow
ing Tuesday ami Friday issues.
Kcasons arc "imperative.
Tn-SOAV. Sl-l'TKMlU-K 30. una.
price of cheese remains Arm with a
rise of a half cent during the past
week, making the price 15js Tilla
mook. Won't some mw pleato dig Bro.
Baker oat of the rubbish heap?
The Democratic tariff bill ha passed, board's powers to fi the reserve
e Home and the donate, ami still the 1 banks' rates of rediscount, to forve one
to accept another s painr. ami to sus
pood the reserve requirement?. It alo
provided for an advuory board, to be
chosen b the reserve banks. Hut the
Reserve Hoard remains the chief object
of hostility.
The bill would reform our currency
by gradually retiring all notes based
on United States bandit ami issuing a
new kind of Treasury notes to the re
serve banks, which must secure thorn .
by tfood commercial paper and a reserve 1
of gold equal to one-third of tho issue.
Many of the national banks at once
feared loss through the depreciation of
when the final blast
to i
' been the case when the parcel post
law Ihst went Into effect. ,
The toad from Nehnlem City tu tie
beach is boliiR graveled on the wt
fide of the hill und the incline on ti e
east fide has almost been planked to
tho top of the ridge so that there Is a ,
possibility that the road will bo in good
condition for winter travel. Thin wtll,
undoubtedly prove to W most rmtl fac
tory to those who live in the sandhills
eince they have hail to put up with a
grvnt many discomfort in tfoing hack ,
and forth to tow n during tho past.
Mr. and Mrs. David addnch, of Se-
attle. wer- visiting their brother Fred'
Zaddnch niul family of Mohler last (
week. They motored from Seattle to'
Portland ami came around viir Sheridan
to Tillamook and Nehatem, being most
fnrnhly impressed with the gixd ,
romts in this county especially. They j
declare that our roads are the equal of I
an) that they passed over during thulr
entire trip, which is saying a groat deal
fur Tillamook county when it is consld- j
ered that we have been isolated for so j
long a time previous to the coming of j
This is Dave Zuddach ;
"The biggest noise the world ha ev
er heard." is expected to. Ik. wade
alone the Pacific Coot from British I
Columbia to Inam at tho time the)
last rock barrier in the Panama Canal ,
i blown out ami the waters of the At
lantic ami Parifk oceans are united.
Arrangements are being made to have ,
'"''TY " -w V ; for the circulation privilege,
cxpioueu, ana it ! mi' inwiuivii
have every wheel in each town stopped
for a few minutes while bells, whistles,
and everv other km wn noise-ranking
device compete in the production of '
noise. As soon as the loose rocks and ;
debris can be removed from the canal i
after the explosion, which is expected
to take place October 10, the canal will
be open to the passage of vessels al-
though the official opening will not be
announced for several months. V ash- j
ington County News-Times.
So it has
been agreed to leave that privilege to
all these bonds until they are actually
retired. But there is still some un
easiness and controversy over this
The bill would meet the demand for
a plan of rediscounttng good commer
cial paper by making that a principal
function of the reserve banks. Only
two criticisms of this provision have
been urged. One is directed against
the Reserve Board's power to overrule
it was at first the power to fix absol
utely -the reserve banks' rates of re-
' the railroad
first visit to Nehalem for eighteen
.years, he having lived in Sail Francisco
and Seattle during this time after
i leaving these parts. He was greatly
: surprised to see such malketl improve
i ments in this valley in every way.
! Moat of the old, familiar land marks
that were to much in uvidcr.ee during
the early days having dinptearcd en
tirely. They let t Friday morning on
their return to Seattle.
At a special meeting held Tuesday
evening, the city council granted a
i-treet franchise to the Wheeler Lum
ber company fur putting in electric
lights into the city.
The work of putting in the ihjIi-s Is
now in full progress and they will bo
extended u the northern limits of the
city at once so that the ruculrnce sec
tion will also have the benefit of a few
street lights to illuminate their front
yards during the winter months.
The council contracted for ten SO
candle jwwer lights at first and more
will be added In case they arc needed.
A 12 hour service will be given accord
ing to the terms of the contract which
will no duubl oe pleasing to tl.ose who
keep late nours.
If You Can Manufacture Anything
Come to
Do The Manufacturing
Provisional President Huerta of ! discount. The other, made by country
Mexico has promised an impartial pre-, bunks, which deal in long-lime loans,
sidential electkH for Mexico, and he ! is against the rule limiting rediscounts
has also promised that he will not b a to paper with oaly a short time to run.
candidate for the presidency. This1 Of course there is a world of detail. DAILY CURREN T FILINGS
promise hi been made because of pres- which connot here be mentioned ; and
sure bro-.i.rh: to bear by our govern- there is hesitation and discussion a
ment. The present administration has mong the banks, Uth national and
been criticised severely by some be-j state, us to whether they will join the
cause of its attitude towards the Mexi- new system, even if the bill pusses,
cans, but after all, late events seem toj It seems, however, only fair to say
prove that President Wilson's plan has , that the changes already made have
been the right one. Huerta secured J strengthened the hope of a goon final
control of the Mexican government: outcome."
through chicanery and foul murder and
our government is fully justified in not i
recognizing him, though he secure '
an election which would undoubtedly i
be contr jllod y him and unfair. j
Throurh the present policy of our
government we are proving to Mexico
that we do not want to take that coun
try by conquest or any other means. '
All we are demanding is that Mexico
secure for hersolf a government based
in some decree on equity and fairness,
and not on murder and deceit. Our ,
neighbors to the south feel very bitter
towards us at the present time and
for this reason a policy should be pur
sued that will, after the turmoil is
oyer, leave us in close bonds of friend
ship. The policy now being pursued
by our government will no doubt bring
this about.
If the Mexicans can not arise to the
situation and appreciate our attitude
towards them, and in spite of all good
overtures, will continue to keep tneir
country in a state of brigandage we
may be f rce l to take a hand in the
matter. The policy which President
Wilson is now pursuing will no d"ubt
make for us friends in Mexico, who
will be a source of support in case we
find it necessary to send troops there.
Mexico's future lies in her own hands.
The world is now watching her to see
if she is equal to tho occasion.
From Western Farmer:
It pays to keep only those cows that
make a profit. It costs no more to
keep a good cow than a poor one, and
she will be two-fold more profitable.
You will never regret the extra money
it will cost to get good cows. The
breed to select is a question to be de
cided by the purchaser. This will de
pend largely upon the location and
product desired. A poor investment is
buying poor cows. They will never
meet your expectation, nor give satis
faction, and you will condemn them,
when the fault lies with yourself. The
majority of farmers keep and feed too
many poor cpws that don't pay for the
feed they consume. Sell your poor
cows, and begin anew with good stock.
Poor cows bring no income; they more
than eat up the profit and will jun the
owner in debt.
Too manv farmers do not appreciate
the difference between good and oor
cows as they should. In selecting the
dairy cow, look for dairy points; find
out about her ancestry, and learn if
she was started right, with the inten
tion of development along the dairy
line. While it requires the best dairy
joints for a god cow, still it requires
careful attention to feeding, milking,
watering, salting and neatness and
BILL cleanliness to be successful with her.
Keep a record of the milk yield of
Following is a brief outline of the 1 each cow and have the rnilk tested so
Banking and Currency bill that has that you may know what each animaj
passed the House and is now before the ' is doing. Another great point in rnak-
Senate for consideration:
"It would solve the problem of our
bank reserves by setting up, not one
central bank, but at least twelve "Fed
eral Reserve Hanks," each to serve a
particular district. In Borne one of
these, every national bunk must, and
every state bank may, become a share
holder. This proposal has been well
It would commit the general super
vision of the entire system to a "Fed
eral Reserve Board" of seven members,
two of thnrn to be Cabinet members,
one the Comptroller of the Currency,
and the other four named by the Presl
dent. Ah all seven would be President
ial appointees, and as their powers
would be very great, opposition to this
provision instantly arose. Bankers and
others objected that it would take the
system into politics, that only men
specially trained und experienced
should have such powers, that the
banks themselves should be represent
ed, The House committee made a few
concessions. It modified somewhat the
J ing a good cow is kind treatment.
With constant scolding and whipping
any cow will fail in quantity of milk.
A cow will not give down her milk to
one she dislikes or is afraid of, and the
milker should not be changed oftuner
I than is absolutely necessary. There
should always he a friendly feeling be
l tween cow and milker. No cow likes
rough treatment. Be kind and patient
with the cows for it will pay well in
the handling of them.
From Kejiorter:
Agent Cathers reports an exception
ally good express business for the
month August having forwarded 316
pieces of express matter from the
Wheeler office weiKhinK 29,713 pounds
and received 10G3 pieces representing a
total weight of 61,034 pounds. In view
of these figures it doesn't seem like the
parcel post is making any matcriul
difference in the amount of express at
the local office as was supposed to have
Furnished by Pacific Abstract Co.
Lucile & iUiwurd Meyers to J. 11!
Turner. JO acres in Sec 7 3 S 10 W, $1.
K B O'Neel & wf to W H I.ivengood
und i inl in tract in Sees 11 & 1.' 3 S
10 W, $10.
Chas W Sears wf to R Y Blalock
U acres in Sec tit 3 S i W, 76.
Goo W ClarK to Win K Pahle, lot 1"
blk 21 Sandlake 110.
Fred K Oobson tu Benj K Oobson tot
37 blk 9 Manhattan Beuch $33.
Fred E Oobson to Klla C Oobson lot
as blk 9 Manhattan Beach. $33.
Tillamook Beach Realty Co. to Cath
erine Bennett lots 1 & 2 blk S Tilla
mook Beach $43.
Tillamook Beach Realty Co to J A
Bennett lot 17 A: 18 blk 8 Tillamook
Beach 5.
Tillamook Beach Realty Co to Pearl
Bennett lots lit & 20 blk 8 Tillamook
Beach S-IQ.
Lestina & C W Scarff to Walter T
Scarff tract in Sec 18 3 N 8 W $1.
Walter T Scarff to Otto Hammar
gren tract In Sec 18 3 N 8 W $1200.
W. B. Klliott to C. F. Stone and C.
R. Dye, tract in Bay C ity, on West
side of 4th. Street 100 ft. square, $1.
James Walton, Jr., and wf. to W. S.
Walton, tracts in NVtkowin, $1.
Thos. B. Watt to Nelson McBrien,
lot 7 block G Brighton Beach, $20.
J. R. Harter and wf. to iieura Rog
ers, lot 9 blk. 31 Thayer's Fourth
Addn., $0000.
Henry Rogers anil wf. to Kva H.
Harter, lots 1, 2, 7, and 8 tlk. 3 Hayes
Addn. to Tillamook. $23,000.
A. M. II. Parson and H. B. Parson
toJ. W. Martinolich, EJ of SKJ of
of SWi and h'J of Wj of SKJ of SWJ
sec. 86 T 3 S R 10 West 30 acres, $10,-
frYtM ftifes and MM4liil
lc3lukiiHkii. to I hose
who will bring; pay
rolls to - -
t yi
it v
man ulat n ring;
on , hale m Hay
Nehalem Harbor Co.
Wheeler, Oregon
PoftUnd Oth, .127 t'sllinj bld,
THUmooH Olfuc Utt V k. tkiii
First Bank and TruU Co. to Thofnns
Bennett wf lot 10 blk 3.S Rockaway
Bach, $130.
W. K. Godsvy and wlfr to F. J. Ayer
tnnctiu; ft by j rod In size in town of
Beavi-r, $1.
William Fletcher and wfn to W. (J.
Dwight Ni of NF.t Sec 27 T 3 S It 10
W, and Ki of SKI "cc 22 T .1 S R 10 W.
Summit Timber Co., to Portland
Timber Co. WJ of NKJ and nil of WJ
of SKI see. 28 T 3 N R (5 W lying N of
the constructed line of the P. R. 4 N.
RR running over und across said Sec
Notice of Executor's Sale of Weal
by virturu of nn ORDKR OF SALK
duly made and entered by the lion.
Homer Mason, Judgo of the County
Court of the Statu of Oregon, for Till
amook County, In the records of Haiti
court, 1 will, from and aflir the 22nd
day of October, PJIII, fit my resilience
I Hp
Um( Lick Md Good Mli
Whin Scorned a Suitor.
Tin- (nr) ul I oil), or
Uiilmcnii; Mill." Iiaa tu ilu Willi
i. urn in i' of tl.v lit,, uf Jmia LkL.
Iiiimr of l tir I.I' V nlrvitlir.
In uriy life )"ibE Ucl. f.,ll In loro
a'UIi I tie Uuuchtui nf a h.'II to du
ullliir fur wliiim In worked When lie
juiilr known nit inc. willed was ro
IpriMnhil by Hi girl. Hie mlllor wn
lii:r. mid li hIi) to liar i. nllrd:
"lint )ou (x'uiir: Oar yon think
f hi) diiiiKlid'r. who will lniiTlt my
rlrli.- IIhvp you n mill ML.. Itil7
llniv jiio a uluclf p'tmy in your
To (lit Lick rr-pllrd tlmt ho bad
nothing ii yrt. but one day li- would
lmi. n mill iMvdilii wtilrh thU olio
would h a I'luMy.
In is. i ihc qiili-L imrlunuitoii
Jiiiiit- l.lck mirprlscd everybody by
building iniigiiliWw dour mill nrnr
inn .li,. The mill wit. flliUlinl trltti-
in In Miild inn Hominy, highly olUht-d.
Ho Ground for (lutiomc ISagu
health nlce dwlarr ) !. u
iiiuiii for ulnrm in it t'l'1-
bqbanlr plague at Mar
I cam- I r"ardtxl imi
' one. lint III H.I1J ttv a
j ilnllgrr of An rpldrmi.
J dun to ground squirrel
, doW-rat work lllo pU'
lc hk bot! maklllf
croAnril cl!ll) er.Blh'
on the Miami River, in Tillamook .hlnery po.Mblo. lie mado th., ground,
Lounty, Oregon, sell, at private sale nl-out (he mill v.-ry attnictUr. nml Im-
unti fiirlj to nut out trii both for
fruit und oriiniiii-ut.
Lick ciiiihi-iI n I Helmut mill (o he
photographed without nml within and
ent the picture to the miller who had
oriied him In hU youth,
iineieeii yenm after Mr. Lick built
and lots 43 blk 01 Bayoccan Park, f 10.
J. B. Thomas and wife to Win, M.
Powers SWJ of NKJ (also tracts by
metes and bounds) Sec. C T 2 S It U W,
Jnrnes I). Ward to Guy SUme, NWJ
of NKJ sec. 30 T 5 S It 10 W, 10 acres,
1 1,000.
Portland Timber Co. to Summit Tim
ber Co. S2 of SWJ Sec. and all that
part of the NJ of SWi and SJ, of NWi
of said sec. 28 lying south of the con
structed line of the P. R. & N. Co,
running over and across laid sec. 28 T 3
S U C W, also land in sec 33 T 3 N It C
West, in Washington County.
Klmorc Park ( o. to T. R. Dnris &
wf lot 4 blk. 5 Klmore Park $10.
Deed. F. R. Dealt as Trustee & F.
It. Heals individually & wf to II, F.
Wllkins, lots 29, 30 and 31 Blk 17 Sea
View Park and tract udjaccnt thereto.
W. J. Stephens & wf to James S.
Stephens tract CO by 105 feet in size In
Tillamook lylmr 270 ft, West of blk.
2 MuDcrmott's Addn., $2500.
Onus. T. Miles ond wf, to Walter C.
Lynch, lot 32 Blk(J6 Rockaway Beach.
for cash In hand to tho person navlnir
the highest price therefor, mibjut to
tho confirmation of the mid Judge of
said court, thu real propurty belonging
to tho estate of Harry T. Criiiio,
deceased, described hh follows to-wit'
Tim east half of tin,
tor of section 31, In township 2 north "'" IM3. he stirprlned thn
Willamette 1 1 " -'" br giving It
to the Pulue Memorhil Boclety of Hoc
ton. tin I f (he proeeeda of anle to b
lined for 0 memorial hull nml half tu
siiNtiilii u lecture course. Uxchauga.
T. n. Potter Realty Co. to 0-race N. YuJS Lm." f..t,,e . Will'"'"-,
i.ui. 1 . n, in n n .. . Mu"Ulan; and the hoiii. heast (iiiarter of
Ichols, Lot U blk. 41 Bayocean Park the northeast quarter and tie south-
east iiunrter of thu HinitliiiMi ,,,..,...
of section 33, in township 2 north of
rungc 10 west 01 tne Willamette Merit!
Ian. Dated Sept. 23rd 1013.
Executor of thu Last Will and Ten
lament of Marry T. Crane, Deceased,
Net Mysticism, but Mathtmatlea.
Mr. MadUon, whose latest hobby U
the psychology 11 ml the esoteric Influ
eine of colors, wan deeply gmtlflnl
v J. nn her husband admitted without
ir-liig Hint there might be something
.ti her theory after all.
"DiiWMOu put me ou to It today at
he fiirni." Mr. Madison continued.
DiiWHOti''" ipiextloned Mm. Madison,
iiiiii'.ed, for Diiwhoii l tho manager
of her liiiHluiiid'N stables and unkuown
.imoug pxyi'hologlNtH,
Mr MikIIhoii nodded. "Hit utyu th
Iih.vh ent moro than the icraya."
"Ili;illy!" It wns a humble victory,
hut Mr MndlMon's face glowed wild
trlutiiph. "How doe Dawson account
tor H r
''li-ic -ire tn moro bays than
Mr MndlHon Vouth'a
I 'II lllllllll'lll
Ooln0 In For Mthui.lh'o Rteerd.
An iimbltioint new clthiui. with the
luiblt of taking llternlly the erery day
eipri'SHlons of Aiimrifiins. obtained n
poNltlou ns train caller at thu Union
win 1 tun.
One day he hud Just called. "AIM-l
ilionrr rd for Raima City, Den-ver.
Salt Luke. Now Or-rleans, Chluclin.
natl, Uuffa-lo, llnltl-inore and Nn
York I"
A man rau up to him and almost
urcniiiiessiy asked. " waut the last
tmln out for Clovolandl"
Tho pcrpleird caller exrlalrufd.
"What, you should live so louirr'-HL
Uula PoNt Dbtputcb.
Tho Limit.
ft tvmi li... .ii.i. ...
.... .uiimiikii Hllip WHII Ml)
ciiKquii crew 11 mi mi American pneii.
bit IUI Two Htewnrda wont Imvlim
h-ned iilteiriiilon mid pouring forth
,,',M ,H 'ipoii ,.,iei miier'H heiuN
" hi ii ,m ,.,o.viii,u ,hii onoe mmIiI to
" "'". .M, ,., M ,i(,
"l '"I t r ' A biiii, nil '
lwe . ins I
lli'll ut ii ,.'M.- "i.
cot. and ihox- pUn Uot U
put Inlo rlrciltloll
National Capital Ilrtvlllt
Viilein." lttitirrrlitol if pdrC
MlnnrOta rlllrd
and uiruii roiiiuiltirc s rf"1
..... ...I. i.l...Minrrd
1 ne iimim rrirmiiii
hurraii of chomUlry U 'lactic
, ...... 1 ...H-r
nitruui'iii in lomni t
HibllnhuiellU to nsiUt '' l1'
or III CMIIIIIIIK prrieci rst,. iv. --
A eoi'llllxrvatlllll! lllllr Oil M
cnnilind fruit und c(i.it"l
. . .1 ...l.nl It
if.fiy rr.itii iiiKtritiiu 1.111 ivmim. ,-
I'Oiinty urniilrti to ino i-ii
,1... , .11.... ..r,, Mil 111
ed by ih irinury
Wlm nurn wlnr '
m nuT iiii uiiiivi " -
111 1 1 in tu. fifiniifiii 111 iir
. .... I lAf
Wiley, formrriy oiiim iin'mi"
ho Pomnreni' lUiiriHiinriu
hriiiniy used tu rortii) .
w ne ul the raU uf II iw i'"
ami also taxliia snurlous .
strlcknn from the larlii mil -
...... t.. .... inilii llllJ un'
Hindus Mrcklnic ndinl""" 10
Ullltml Htattis throlIKh nie
... 1... k .....rl,.un nuMtf
iw.l I.. lil,r,Mlll.il IO illlU HI""
push the examination uhut i
If -A t It-ill A Situ
(leneral din n of all Hi"'
I til
mm Qi-iiliml h in liV i oiuu'1 '
M. Mil ha of I a more i"
mvit-fi f-hir lnhftviMi for llir
Aiiannliillnii nt MutkUIMCtUrVl ,
Iwiiim.. Inhl,. Invi.nl uatlllk'
. J Iht D
A runvuiM nf iiiifinutirv "i ,M . .
PVIIHIH VVMH" - - - ..nli
I I I.... llK..I,lr,llt W'"
i i,. im
Msieruoii cuncvruina Milt
a 4n..rous lobby In w's'Jtln
Howtd (hat both reports "
II,. ll, rlit.f FirCUU",