6 SAVE Hy Somlini; Your Mail Oulors to HOWARD WAHLEN J 02 Grand Ave. PORTLAND, OREGON Following are a low of many out prices. Others too uuinoiou to mention: Injicrsoll Si.m Watches 75c 55. 00 Oiltcttc Salctv K'nor 5.t.75 . $15.00 Hamilton Watches 5 7 75 tft l:l.uin Watches (thin model) $1.50 $io.oo llimnrd Watches Jjo.oo Miir Reduction on Ml IWmard Watches i-.l Off on Waterman Ideal, Parker. ConMin and Hoore Fountain Pens U'atches Cleaned $1.00 .Mainsprings 50c Italance Staffs Ji. J5 $ CIRCUIT COURT JURY DRAWN. ' The jury for the I'iuult Court, $, which will coin one on (he Oth Octo ber, the time hnvltijf heen chunked I from .N'oveiiil'ei, wok ilmwn on j ,' Weilni'f duy, ax (nllms : ! I). A. Siimuonw Hay City, former. II, V. Alley, NVltnlciii. fiirmer. WbeitCniuford, Nchtilom.ftu inor. j I. ,M. Kmtici, Clin t'ululf farmer. J O. Kitapiitrick. TllhumioV, litinirt. , M. li Oruhor. May City, Ilvcryimm. ' N. I'. Chimee. TillumooK. fitntirr I h'rmik Tone, Tillamook, funnel. CJtttr. I'l-iiinDii, Tilhimooli, (miner. J. M. I Iodic. Hay Cit . cut pettier. P. J. Uivwn. niluitiooV. v-iit ten'.er. J, II. JohttHoo, rillitinooV, liiiniiT. li. D. Hull. Hemlock, (mm it. Chuc. Kunae. Tilliiiiimik, (aimer. EDITORS TRAVEL ROADS OF THE COUNTY. party tu Ncah-knh-nle. whurn Hi" ! pltalHy of S. (. Ui'l, ptoprMor uf Hint unlnttdld reutt. wa enjoyed. Olio 'of the tiiimy i'HJiydile f'tur' of the Monday and Tuovlay of thl v'"1 , vlt wa a trip up the mountain aide wrt spent by the odltor of the county' WMI,r,l0 of the i;i&imIi1 vlewa lin In looking over the county nwl In aKtttnldo ohlulurtd, Mr. Heed ha a eompativ with Jiiile Mimon inul Coin ,1.,,, mv at til roort which fur- I l miimhwm Parmer nod Kdner. On . Monday Judge Manna took IMltor Kf fenhergur of the Nctmtotn Knterprtno. Milter ll.ikorof th' Headlight, and Bd (tor frvuiibley of the Herald i fur ri.ivnnl.iU', where they urre joined by Coimuiixloner Farmer and rMllnr Tay lor of the Olovenlalo t'oorler. On Ttietuluy the party wtii joined hy Com- J mUnioner Kdnor and a trip made into the northern part of th county. Hdl tor Mirnt and HitiniltiMt of tht liny C'ltv Examiner were not aide to make the trip on account of lllm. South End' Improvement!. i 'lh flrit Improvement noted in the ooth etui of tho ettuntv were 1 ho building of the bridge over I ho Noatucra river on the Maine trmtl. S s S S f M. I. ltiuicnKtxtt. rillnitUHik, fa rut e i' O. H. Waul. Tillamook. eMutiv I' . Avur, I leaver, farmet. J. V. .Mncl.liix, Tillamo.ik. fanner, f ,-hrt e,mtruotton of two new hrlil it 1. 1 rmoiMt. ll.iy City, inrrw , nnd rtmmrw In thl-i rAJ wtH fncilttt nlnhtvi every wnnfutt lo the tourltt. Its nrehltoeture I ple!lnf tit the e iumI It i leenlwl 0Mt Hoe vlnw of th neeun enn lm nhtnlned ftolll IU lirtxol veriUlH. Wltrrlrr Ami It Wit Mill. After Ukliw Iiuh-Iuhim b! Nenhknh- iilt. the party returmxl to Nehalmt ml Ivef la town f NVhi-1.,,,, tXt tW. (5.:l)wlht . M ,. oT7mVof HWJkre. HTftH in Is W iete, flU. " i W. 0, lllit lo A M li . Ni of mVI tee !ln 1 .1 w 1, . ' .,4' nete. Mil. W' V. O. Ilwleht tu A M ii .. li'- of SKI of of KVVi', w .!H to W. Lit Ill M tl" 1; . ... . 1., ... I. ..It'll III i f l Vof m iifHWlw 14 l SHItllJ Itrluhtim )uvo(.ii.t 1 1 1 ("ruin lot I hikI m 14 leAei. ff-). tit a n v iiuiiritfinttiiU uf thai u'ntwltiu' ! L.i - I f. n I. IV, tl t . eity were siel t tiler Hitiout: i" lmtmvmont Hint rw t proetit u. tier vsv U th Urt'e new mill that U 11 1, it jf. ri 11 ,. . .. WJl r ., pr iv. SI 141 Abstracts on Short Notice! !Y I'HE Pacific Abstract Company r. i:m:rh kit. xlw.ci Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of Tillamook County, Oregon OFFICE GROUND FLOOR TODD HOTEL ;uh Hull 1 WTo"i BOTH PHONES: Mi in 533 - Abo Mutual P. O. BOX M7 TILLAMOOK, OREGON Chollt. Claude Aeklcy, Tillamook, far. mer ClwiK. (mete. Tllliunosk, former. ?l. Ahphmolp, I'alrvfow, fantier. C. K Imimoiii, Mohlci, fat mer. Fred l.ewullen, HelMi, farmer. John l.ownmce, Clovertlate. far. mer A C. Oniiiel-, Midiler, (muter. Lewi- S. Jolitirtnii, P'titrvtcw, fat. mer. J J. Kupji, Fnirvtew, fat mar. CIiiip. .IcKilli,CKve.nliile, fantier. I). C. Pcreoy, Nchnlem. met-chant. T. Dovt-, Itrtivcr, furmer. J NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ALEX. M'NAIR & CO. & E' JEK 1 la A KI5 W A 11 K KITCHEN RANGES and HEATING STOVES See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere A. Lirjbi-k pmrvii ilenlyr fruro I'ortlnnd. Oregon, i nuw n reaiilutit of the eity in Tilrnmo-ik, sellintr flrw line of hiifh uritde pmnon of the old re Imble firm, Khler A ChM Ptiino Co of PortUnd. Oretn. n (trm with hlijh reomtn?n.lati)p. thruuirhuut id I tJj. Stnte of Orofon for their honvtt untl square dealings with the (H-o.le. 1 am selling hign Kmle now piantw of -dd reliublo make, whieh U reKJlur ly prtenl at J37V0O. vihieh now enn lr Iwueht for $31.00. A $850 00, now f,,r S2A.r..oo; SaiS.W piano for $2n5)0; $3.oi puino, now $2i5.UO; hImi 11 new i&0 ml pmrio, with the exemption of a little th .( wnrn. for $M. We ell the murkelin of thv prtKlurU of one tXk) k.'im of fertile linil. and "ill ellm innte vme bad Krmlo. 'l"here are iaiprovitiMnt of ullnn- tint nnture all ttlunt,- until we nrrlve at Ilebo whr a eontraet Iik lmn let to .NUrtiu Jrnek and A. Aratsll for th eorwtruetiun of rout! froin llebo to Clovwnlale on a much Uitt.r RrutJo than i now trnvnlnil. Thl rwtd will etimliiate the hllb ami will be a Am tuvul road. It completion itMatta much to Iho-ie travhni; froit Covr da he to tin- North. At Clovrdtihs wc fwind Mr. K.M nchnu puttlnt; in n cement ulrurturv over Uie nmnll ttrwam which run through the town. Wn umWrntand that Chun. Hay t nUimilni; a prt of the expense of this brldt,i which in iiulewi quite nn Improvement to the town. Mr. KvkhM-hftu I ittlnwr eotutiilorable work to do about ClowrdaW In the way of cement hnptovemtmU. Horn An roaldene- .r now under construction j at 1 lovenlale and Uiat plaee li now tnkinir on uttu a eltyftwl pprarne w ith tu rww wtw and eUrcuic lighltn ayntetnu. On the trip to the rww pie of roi between ttw ehoid Itootv am Urn nover th. tiil flau. Cluia. Hay ami Mr. Unju of Cluverdnhj aeeoro pnnld th edltuw. 'I hi new ptoe. of rond i one of the Mat improvement i on eaiy term ami will take your orirun 11a (art payment. We invite the Kumi 1 thl hn bn mdo in th connty for (K-jple uf TilUtmooK itml eounty It t. 19 miU lon ! mk r li. rotter lltmity 1 ( k I Ahtmt lot at Idk, 3 ll..r., . . i 1 .1 ii-.. .1... 1 ..... i . - - 1.11 iHitni; eonirwii oy mi " iivi.'i I...-M-1 r, j. iiautell t" nK, r J'.i.. I 1. l- U'U II. t. milt Milll'i .. u ml II .1 .. .. ' !l employ lW men and It wl tnke ) v t uy UmUu Y m ,.v . meninllie oed to (Utpply the Wtf Tr, Co. to K II, lmiai.t.i, w, .. I 1, li Ikl, ... t..,rt .Mill . . .1 1 ' mi n. "- ,111) i.rmrni (vmn to imt it Hen ho rt Urj;. nmnlwf of JrV rtwl loV-1 Jo.,,,,), . iMt. , u ,u . I kepn In eowmclton wltlt th mill nd j y j, vj f N. K. 1 f , tt. ''I I0V IIU. t"" Artlmr C. I)ei rt mi 1. lwU'. tl "'!., I. 1 w a I in i. t . 1 . tlD. Prlti lltihrvw to t hat . aree in He T 3 M 'J r t'nlted Ktitr A . ItMtdawAt W t f II SX yV oh.) K ..f i of the I. I . f , OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST ;vont3 Occurring Through& tlio Stalu Durliiy tho Pal Wcok, cninv urnl see nml ect the low prtret of Dr. L. E. Hewitt El- J - Claussen OSTKOPATHP PHYSICIAN lAWVEIR ANDSCfEUN UKfTSCIIEK Al)VOKAT Obstetrical Specialist Both Phones lies, and Ofllce: Vhitehouse Residence. TILLAMOOK ORE. yar. ... . i. .. - n . truvs n tnmm whirh mtv nnu- .... U iubiibuiuct ikmij otb ioilw tnoruir I And before purcbdtinK a pinno .Im- than thi road that lm been lnivthU 'where, don't full u runie and nee me fit U10 tsuH. Ihwroml i 11 very Menle monov ,,,"""'j4j:m! w'" ',vo yu , one iiwl when completed will b much Mv'ommirc Keir;m sih Si,.i ' enjoyed by the tourwlfl. It will lo ' and 2ml Ave. K., in rny privute home, I he of vum benefit to the pNple IWint; no extr i rrnt 10 oy rnr kiore room. in th. vmiH purl of the county. Th. .hiT " the littl. NVtaee. 1 I have been in the pinm buninew for al tM lwml ' flno "no ,,nd ' t 2U year. I know the limine from A I j"Ck kntf tyw and u onily rAiaed by ... V -...I 1 1 .,.. . . ' hi hiio woo i ov uiHiemoi.i. jii 1 aaa mo im 01 weihU. 1 come nml ace me before purchn.mK pino. I will treat you riKht. The Krcbb Brick Yard (Jur tilaef of hninaM n ...i.n .f,. ink'a u-tilO. ' On their return fruin ('loverdnlv, te I make my nionoy hero and spoud it editor vtait.J the Krebtw brick yanl Tillamook Block R. A. D. PERKINSj. KBSIUB.VT DKNTIST Office m Stnrceon Hldg. All Work Guaranteed. TILLAMOOK. - OREGON H. T. B0TTS, LAWYER COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT. tJtiice 2o:;-20-l-, Tillamook Hlock Tillamook - Ore. here. A. LINKUACK. Mna(ir. Mil til n I Phone. LAND FOR SALE. Sixty acre on WiUon River, a part of what U known ui the Peter Hrant j place, with or without utoek. I wimt i?WX) or more down and will tvo plenty of time for the Imlnnce at t per jcent intereit. See N. P. Ilnmon, 1 Hebo, Ore. I Lust itikuu Oetober fi. DR. ELMER D. ALLEN, Dentist, Has Located in the Commercial Bldg., Succeeding Dr. P. J. Sharp. All Work Guaranteed, Both Phones. 9 to J2 a. m. Office Hours: J to 1:20 p. m. Open Eveninei from 7 until 3 o'clock T. H. G0YNE Attorney-at-Law and U. S. Commiuioner Opposite Courthouse Dr. Jack Olson Geo. P. Winslow DAIRY RANCH FOR SALE BY OWNER. Will sell rny ranch connUtini; of IfX) Hcre at a very rea.oniib!u price. 40 aero irrigation project under way; good improvements. j 3eu or .Hlibu.Hg, I C. J. lihmcliiml, j i loin lock, Ore. ATTOUNKY-AT-LAW Tillamook Rloi-k RESIDENT DENTIST Room 202 Office Hours Irom 'J a. rn. to 5 p. m. j Tillamook, Oregon Over F R. Beals' Real Estate Office .... . Uoth Phanea. J. E. REEDY, D. V. M VETERINARIAN '(Roth Phones) Tillamook : : Oregon E. N. CRUS0N. ; Painter and Paper Hanger Contracts Taken Bs t i 1 n a tes F u r n i s h ed . All Work Guaranteed, Tillamook, Or. J ...yX r 1 B7- . . i - till I IV GEORGE WILLETT Attorney at Law Office In Commercial Building HARNESS DON'T SPOIL A GOOD HORHK jy kceplntr him In Hhiihby old llarnuhH. K nnPOrlrancfpr fn 'Wo "ro i";1H'K Hanies made of tho riuneer i ransTer vo.,i,tat suick at prices that ouKht to tempt you. JOHN LELAN0 HENDLKSON Attorney-atdaw Abstracter Tillamook County Bank Bldg. G. L. DICK & SON, Props. Both Phonei 1 he Same Price to Everyone A WELL MADE HAUNESS TILLAflOOK UNDURTAkINO CO. K. N. Ifl'.N'KLH. Mk. Four Doorn WeHt of Hakory, Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Ladv Assistant When Kequeatud, , which u locHtol about mvmii inile south of Tillamook. Thuy fun. Mr, j E. G, Kruhh, U10 iimniiHur of Ihu ynnl, 1 husily at work niakini,' tlh'. Tho I Kruhh Ilro. hao 11 flno ufuipmni j awl have the bwit llwl of clay for tho product which thoy aro jiuttlnk' out. which aro at proaunt hrlek, tile awl buildliiK hlocka. Lator on a faring hlock will h pro Juctxl. With Inn prj!nt oipilpiiittiit Mr t." .... 1 . 1 . . . . .... r rr t i . muuwa tun lllB.o dll.uw uricK a day. On Thursday uf hiit week w tiirtol tiro in riia llrtt kiln of brick which contalne .'15,000 hric. He aiitlcipaton that tho brick will ho rmnly for mar kut on Saturday of Hilt wu!c. lit giaioa mi 0110 parly Miii olitred to tak ovory brick of hi lint kiln, hut ho could not lot him havo thorn hoeauai. 30 many other havo luion waiting; fur brick ami havo their orilura in ahond. Ttiuru in a (,'ri'at dcmarwl for thia kind of huildiiiK material, anil tlmru in no mioation but that tho Kroblm Ilro. will do lira. Milk Sugar Factory. On TucHday morning buforu atartlni; for tho Nchalun country, tho uditorn viHltcd thu milk BUKar faciury which I in locati.il at thu Mnpln Leaf checno factory. I'ho milk Hiit'iir factory ix utilizing tho whov from tho cIucmo factoricrt and in at primont turnlnu out law i(Uai,titli-n of tho onulo product I Machlnory for rollnlnt; thu crudo pro duct IH about to no imitallod and It Ih only a ipiontlon of a Hhort limo until tho markcta of tho I'aciflc Count and . tho huBt will bo Huppllml with our pro duct. Road Improvemenli North. After looking over tho auifar facto-y tho party proceeded north to Garibaldi where thov wore Jolnuil by Commlinilon. or Kdnorand proceeded from Garibaldi on to Nehalom and Nuah-knli-nlu Moun tain. On tho way wo noticed conalder. ublo work dono in Mr, Kdner'H dlHtrict, A lino Iinprovomont la tho ntrutch of th co in pony Mr. KreO I'aUhel txV it about biif mill ami etptaliHnJ mnnv of worklnc". It will hdve Kvn pb""1 ihI Wire boiler whirh will ptoitft ( Mi h. P.. am) a.-h of thv lnalltr ilia- j ehitwf will lr run h) imllvWu-l chKtri lltotur A Urr Ivincl w wlllrwl tip trm U$ upn their flr.1 nttlittiire inl tiie mill and the material fruiii the hue vlll in turn lie rut up by not altar twml mwi. Everything haa been planned ti eliminate unite A Urge cuiMiimer 107 fitl hih ami to fet in diameter la twin; ronatnwtAl, the outer wall uf hlch will be .heot irn ami In inner wall oncv . t-e;i the two walla feflr lll be onatrcted and the wat prodttf I Mll 'm uilluwl in neiAttnic water for. thi. UlLer and for uae ahuul the litvn . It 14 oatimalcd that about thetitt' j er uf a mile of dock Mill 0 built ffofli lioii w ihemiH toH the mouth of the hr I uivn . owl., ,. . bur. for the handling of lumW. ' rk..rr' eai ,. Ttw comiany U pfiarin oool for ; m-tto, . u,j i,1t . buiUlnit ptirte by iMinit atr frw , ae,r,9r, n. , up in the Ml! By thia pnxeaa one ,rlr, ir a man with a hoe can da nufe m a - mt j. ltn r,t .. t hundred under rrdinry condlllona. j trT,f,t tnt fund in The aluirmie pr- raa baa th adMlc '. .,.,c, au,,, , , t( rauatnr; Uie dirt to wh down MM ! tf.: ttaied ttt the nil in the low place white the hlftb pl.icea are belnn lorn damn Many new ttfehtunce are t- t n - )rcrlexl at Wheeler id there are many oviamc that that city will gruw a thriving Uiwn uf large prtpriiui in a (hurt time, i Tl r.,:i..l.i: 1 . ' Cacw tt C-e M-Mhrioiii '- . On tholr return from the north tho to ,,,r, Hl , party went ovrr the .mp,ucmeuU iafg,.il eril 0, tlx the Miami iJaribald' rud, where tAe rr 1Ad Tb. row) I. beln .tra.hUnt ami Ualt , . hH!h, h'mde ei,e.. It will lake WNtj r t,-.,in .imiftti.) n dy nv.re of nice weather to complete j mPn ,,, rih.r lh i l'",r,d- N..I .., I. IMilon Wrll Treated f,h" " lnu'u Wherever the edlter wont they wer ,rta trvnti with every ruurteay, whirb' fact thoy greatly apprecUM. It , ! hopul that at om future date they will lo abtn to luuk over Uie impro.,- j rnonw on tho Dolph rtaid ind othr roada of t V county. iu.i rt IJtn, '.. I rlhiualnl an! hlc law ififit. r -ur al ifr a'H hi?r I a ileltrir rjr a f Mm ' ' "fVftt Ot til Mill " lis rKr lv M illwj.'fl hiS ti will not only Improve the appearance j improvornoui ih no atretch of of your horao, but contribute to your ''""V0'1 ro'111 1'"H"K Into Nehalein. aarety as woll. Many a runawuy could rou,ls lflu Worth Fork of tho ho avo men ir uio old llornc-SH had been Nohalotn havo also beon Improved con. discarded In tirno, i.i..i,io h,.u .1 ,1 ... m....i. IIIUbtM'Mj H !( MUI IU ilUltll W. A. WILLIAMS, Tillamook - . Oregon kah-nlo, Comidurablo itnnrovenient Jhih alno been dono on thu road botweun Mohler und Wheeler, Henry Tohl, ono of Nuhulom'a pon eer buslncaa men, accompanied thu DAILY CURRENT TILINGS AT COURT II0USK, FurniihcJ by Parific Abitract Co. W. W. Condt-r ,t wf to Cha. ta. t aern tract i-i Townahlp ft South Itani;., IDWoat, JI.V), Juhn Wlialln nJ wf to John Olmni Yoiiiik. lot 5 Sec. 20 T i 8 11 lo W 7. 1" acrti. A leu properly In loetlon SO ami 31 T ."I 8 It 10 W. (J. II. WanJ to. I. I'. Ciiwixm). lata I to 0 inc. a.al IS toM inc. 11 IV . 71 HuaU Addition to Lake Lytlu. I'. It. Cutlaral to Tillamook Countv Honk, Tnutou, Tract in Truman llarria I). L. C. r 2 S K 10 W, l. quit l. la I in. Ihomai llohorLi. ot al. to KxeruUirn of Will of Ulla U, yM) weeo. 10 niaino It. Hay. Tract In I'd. rick Thoma 1); L. 0. In Tillamook ,'ity, Oruijuii. H. A. Unhurt to John II I Jit Imur Iract in Thayur'a Second Addn. to nilainook, 41. Niihalum Harbor Co, to J. T. Dono. van, tract in (,u I and T block - Whi olur, tva. Nehal.im Hay Laud C. to Leola Mar tin lot Id bll 17 Nehalom lloaoh, fGU, John K. Huuhler and wife to llrlnh. ton Dovolopninnt Co, Iota I and li hik 71 Hriuhton Ileach, $1. Tranii-rlpt of I'n.bato procoe.liiiKH, Gook Co. Ill,, In thu m,ittur of tlm o. tale of 1'orcival K. Fuller. KllunMiiHlp lloiiHo. to Cha, Hluo. fher, lot 21 hlock 12 Ocean Lake Park. Chaii.niucchur. to Geo. W Km, 1... WOMAN KILLS INTRUDER Victim In tlnd Hnmt fountf (land 'TtllllO tral;.r . . - bt u4 allied h Mm IVlr li 1. r.itt & "Umalnitcna vhlrli ar hl llln to thn ill. r!' li Ui tururnl to dinner an.l f. . .1 rtiff t.mii mi tho fliMir. hu ! ira If hot and hi brad t.'.i.o- 1 o I W fn. Mm Itltd B.1I1I Hit farm for ninkliiK impr-ti-' rmrUt hor. nflar whlnh. aho i "A imhy and fl.-d. Itiid ..- 1 'inC aa imtlor tho ulaiii m r4J krl Hit noioriHl thn rtMim . '"'MJ ihp eliwan'l know h' ' ,trft To Meet Death on tloske Urnljt- Onlurlii (In Iiit un 'ii oaaa Ihn id i-til with fri(f!- a'trf tondliiK tho fair hen M John j will. Ilvtltif mi. from llroiian. . Or. and lur ion luatll Whim a WtfUlbuund 'rrlfcllt Ir18- iroioiliitr 1I1.. llmikii river hr ilK'. f lowu thn woman inul h-r "' c" iron. Tim iliiuuliK-r Da'u S '"I na mirlniiHly Injured ' North nsntl lilentllioi Mn. North lliiuil.-"('hlof of I'"''' I..--,... I..... 1.1 IJI.,,1 I 1 lllCI I'' f.'intin Uin llllllll II l.'.l ' ' " diouo, who wna awati'd In Ha lr,t Jlnen ritoniilly on 11 v.i hiiruii. iiu I. A l.'ruv. a f' "lll''r 1 rud enuuDllmiin unit lottnK d('4'" ttattrf tiort Splko on the T.a-K Winrn. Hnllroad looklnK for tho pirHon i r placed a alx Inch Mplko on track elKht inllea from 1 nppaniut purpoao of wn .11 ,1111 r lire1 for l . irsU- SJ1 hll; 12 Ocean Lake I'ark. ild. minor I'ark Co., to G. W. Hwallow. ouat a of u 17 & IK 1,1k 7 Klmore I'ark, $10. HrlKhtou Development Go, to Joaeph KeHHel lot 21, lift and 20 I.Ik (17 iirl.,i,. ton Hoach, $1000, Hrlnhton Dovelonment fv. o. i.,i... Hhea. lot Hi blk 81 Ilrlihion n i. $250. " '""' Application to nurchiiHo. Wm k..i.. Dlckaon to 0. and (Jul. Kit, Co, WK of WJ hoe. 7 T !1 S K (1 Weat. iiui Vucatutlon of lllocka 17, to 30 1CUH. I Tillamook Baker's Bte& FOR SALIv AT ALL GROCERS