Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 26, 1913, Image 3

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j coc.il Happenings, j
p j n, rnini"ted bu.lnr. nt
, for miki wiiit fitmeio.
, . f the Miami wot til hi
a I bur-day.
. ,.,1 mOV. X '(HP
. iiUtmk IimIk Htflie.
i r.ii ami wife nf tlarb
t ridy,
r.i-h Willi H IIUf tif pta.
JIMIKn MHlmm nlH wlo roUlrhed
irum .MKMiimvlllp, ,r ,
The first of th weok n complaint
Presbyterian Church Nolei.
Sunday School nt 10 a. rn. Wc have
lit" '
...If. ' I
ti uf K
itw '
Uarrelt rourt .rasher, r.,urn,l " ,,,7 T VI " " W "f',,
"it I n'Iay evmilntf "'""K"1 mm now wi navo ri.s-es an'J teacher-
I Mr. (1 T Jm,vi.iM . ... w i T y. T(U,'lw '"""new on f()r nn,l ,.r(j(.,. mImc. Fnrker
JtJfa. U. T. Jenkins In wimp-ny with Wednesday and on Tburaday a hwtrlntf and Gavlord are In ,K.fW f th- II-
Mr Jenk rtrf.IT..,la,M,w. lv,r. hldn, winch M In J n L Mr w, Set carl
Ink fiom l'(ir(ln.i .k-,- i.-j i hi. u i . . .. . . K,r"wt ' "rKe wiiiett tcrtt
" -' " iji Miriir iciiifn inai i. tt.1 w
m, a kriotM OfwriHo. 1h I. mneli owtnee there w no vMen, to ru, ,,,. .,.., '
Improved m UmM. 1 ittwtt thai Shokian hul itmiitwl t. txoa.
-(. hi on jnMjny wiui a mr
a. rn. I limine of Uu tttn,n "Tu.
Jntm ILiv.tr uL. I... i .1 (Vymtnlrtl Vn Ml. .Inn if Mrii.." tin.
. .,1 u . .-"v pv m i m i. i irnrn mi! ,
...i ui f,riiiprit ajty w,e, w
iXMltitv am) tsrMiM tin I. tflli thinl In a m-rioa on "Tho Orcat MAa
nifvj in hU iv'arxJon narn Utk Mtuon. mii. il .j-... , ., of lh l!ihl "
. - . -. k.T iwht ininimr 141 tj
' ."U Mim tw Am Linroln 0,Bt, n. f( i Ul!, efty I'ralMr and GoH Sorvtec at 7 45
...... f Mcavor, w.. H , N' t r UMMitty alr, Tiwday In auto, rvimpni. l.y hU Subject of the normon '-nit-
a? Wflrirklay, .1 A. W. Attr-tUarT hM piitvtuiM a fatf. who U mt iKhty ytr of ait. 5'"rl f tho W'wkllnK Oarrnsnt."
... ,. with all', tm W at A.hUml, Or?., what h awl Ma aun, 'Hwy maiW tlic trip ovor VUlUira anil oloirni!r! in th- r fy
Hand Made Logger
From French
and Domestic Kip
Curren Green
A. A. PENNINGTON exclave agent
SI I.- liotmnVmH.
it h
Mai KWin r tl bnAt hi .. hr f.r fh ii mu. r ..i.. aro fonllhlly Invitcl to attftxl our
( lufai'i hrtaJiH tvlto t auirr1nK with f-umy ermrt In' roifani t) ama "irfl. wrvlci-a.
i UHwrratoifi. V HfMltnUmi that twW Owy are harlm with tV U I). A. MarKimilis. U.D.. i'ador. 1
. I u I L. il . . . . . i ild. i. a . . v ... . .
Kims "vuiuiu rnMijr, itkiu mi lire ion roail, inc.
Uirutun thurch Nolei.
a Tllla
n. italar ihI 1'ilitay.
. .i ,
, .....,.,. C. A. trfrUi. MtttHi(or of Uh Wrt rUnni with Hwin on Wiiwh.'
,-..nat, CiHiruh Mbk nv, SfMnU), KlUti ha. takn the ,U' u,",( t" "Itnatten. . '
t im-ni i uwBfc' ui
Httf iur Itulin. ib.hM.1 n..i... ! . . '" "'' nave eiawr. .
II. ulHn, ot M ' J., S"', aralto-cWfora... If yo. ,lo n.t
AiaV . iwtd. . l -4, l .(. , . . mv,.i.; fW(1 0Cwhore we want you here A
ik. j iac iUw J d. rw Ut from a tr Id ocuklrt. To tim ,r. , ...
hom ., J itM. frM SSr . oyatur roekUlk pr. of bU friwmU horc he wa acrom- n . . t......-i.i-.. c i . '
IMniMi on Mi rrtorn by Mr. Itiorluin, ,n wfei (1 .-What Ju Said of Him '
- pilt t!1!
,ain'ti Moot Cm.
, rl In Irani I'rillllHf j
fe ........ u. l.. t If x-tik. . . I ..... ..
irt wtfo of Orrtawnt" WHHraeUM3.swihglW.ru. In mg. of Mr. nl Mr. Danlnl L. HmlJ of i),,. rn. chrlatian KwJeavor
vultort, WwlBsnlaj- tlX M Afif W(l imlny for Hand I'olot, hlaho. The wlJlnS cure- 7:4a p. ,'. I'rr-achloK'. S.nd tn
w' ey "i..r, -Groat Ouctiom 6f the
ft (M. .rnlii for ?T""K .7" ,ww sw,w uw"' . . " ' WC." Solmct: My father, if the
will vl.ll fr .hert I r. W ihi will .f tpt - -r pr0(lhut hw, bW thwf do Mrac KrMt
. rwwwoa. .r 7 ., - thlnif. wooWtst thou not have .lone if"
" .w.i i I Ch. KrMlv 0w T.Jr cMI -uU w tdl b- J'1 r n,J f- " ,,BV lh,;, SV would U- lad to wc you at the
,ttT, .,.. awi m in n, M, .M The flnt of ll)o.wcrV Jan. MeDouald K. K. Jow?. I'aUir
.1 A v
' -i
1 IT
turner Han l U'ln.bu.' ....-.l.l Mhi two lot. : OtM t .MIm Itia Gut- - -
.,1 uV awl .wml .01 w j, Aatw, K. j. CUw b-r of IM city and on, to Wtn. Van J United Brethren Church Nolei.
i.tik Urwit Store
! daughter 'lfofV9i of
.i.tttNK old frtttml.
I Hy Cly.
f.m.rin'. Yfltail at liay
.oe rifn.lnl t(H dodsnt. Tar ravor 01 rortiana. ihc tou wrre
juuter rfioV74 a vmlt l.. favor of W ehflP- Howiircr. Mr. MeDonaW
lh pfalnlltl. th proforty at a fair raiw i val-
f,;V Ali.Jr .f t. ai!l.V afwrhokHns it twu year.. He hai
r.jnirjr waa In Dm rlty Thuraitay. Ho
tit mure aU that ho will traik) 00 arxl
WiiM4ny an4 I'H- wpnruhavlnjtunn i.fay to- " monthly in-
.1 i.H y. "Ullmrnl plan. Tho lou which Mr.
1Vr aro out fn- nlarw McDaW ld . tecaUd on the r
t wh,. umu. will r f'rt. 8i lhl
mattMM ami wnl n.rn un hi. plti
(hit ao(i.
in thi? ruunty
rim awl tHr RandlaVa eon o try U ono
of thaw plocnm,
; 0. F, HueV arritrml hro from Va.
, oouvwr. Wa.h.. Ut SiimitiY. driving in
A huhlm.fi Wft on V.. ' Wilm ltr rwad. Mr. Hoek
Ml I
fr(.rt thfi Wtth Bf a
M- nn.1 Mr. M. If. Oh
!, ot ll wti,
.ir tt tr hit fur wtlo.
1 hrftoi.oM bl tfc T1IU
vnat port of town. It it antJeipatc-d I ,j
; that th twytr will Imiid on them at
Sunday School 10 A, M.
Morning Womhip and Sermon 11 A.
M. Subjcct-'Thc Urd'a I'art "
rhrlatian Kndcavor -7:00 l'. M. Top
ic Mtsnonar)' lUsentUli. Home arxl
Abroad. Giving.
Iadcr J. 1'. Turker.
the Kvrnln: Service ami Sermon -SfV.
All are welcomed at thwe cerMrvx.
taw man. It wtti Mav nil ouwc wu
Mr. i-:rot " IU will run a wood ow
On ThunUy evening J. J.
!Umin. mly Rr.t
r .11 TilUmooV County,
m th Uitlno". I'. O.
! .imI il llrfKl mnind wotk Thoae wih- : feturnad from Selaii. Vh.. where h
'la . .1. 1 ' rt. ll... .. il. ' L..I k L-I ki, Ik. .n..
inr urn. BBI 1 ITfl ri'l HIVI il V ..mv .M.n?4 wu iiiuii..
.Saznrene meettnirs ars heid in the
old Chrutlan Church on Tuesday and
Johtwon Friday everrfnh- and on Sunday at 3 p.
m. and p. m. Sunday School at 2
p. m.
tr.t a
! I uILIiihI a new tmmta
. a MltltMi an.1 Mr, Fot U
rw trvUlnnre In Thayer'.
!frrWi pine 00 or noturv et. lot. hit father Hiram H. Johnoon. who
Mr. II I.. Wlhwiof IHmUI ro. ' d'"1
eenuai: the Faeifle Coa.t Huwn II. Johrwon wa born in New
Koplety. wblh I. WK awh " Kr-t , St,t Ao- ,7 ,SS2 and dit'd
0 fTOc. nrotoetion ami defme Aced SI year, ore
alani? ur FarlftV ConaL a in tho month and i,dayt.
IT '
J city Uiia week making eollettno for
will iw i?ve ly (h benollt of that oily. She roeolr.
1 all at Mr.. A. C. Kv
Kiwi h.ik. and ettl .up
L.tamooV, lnU Store.
1 .n iaj Holla are Iran
i at Itiwkaway tlly.
1 on TlHima.. aeeolfl-
He waa married to
Marr K. Turner.: teU 21.. 1830 To
thu union twelve children were horn,
nine of whom are living ; one aon arxl
tliroo daucbtors in North DaWoU and
one aon neC three daughter in Yakima
County. Vah.. ami one eon in Tilla
mook, Ore.
He lived in Adam County. Iowa, for
thirty year, and nine year in North
. t-
ltd '
U8 1
ly made a trip In Clovpr
. ti Monday. He KxiV
f the N'oatucca Valley
0rr h h Ml.
Uted t t i-i ane, a hoe ainl wl
ot) a very llboral contribution at till.
plMfl, for which aim frM tineexe
gelt! uaya with the nocewary M
by artlfteial hltht cauae oy atr in.,
with th uaual headaeho.. e:e ache.
amattlnKand burnin of )ca. Now l I)tkuUt Sine May 1610. he b livwd
the time to have Um tyea eamind. , yftkimn County, Wnhincton.
heforit iireparwhlo dautniie la dao. by c jj tJbe Dunk.nJ cbarch in
.unworie w W uiidrtnd diwiM of , VU Ktna Iowa, and ha. Hved
tho eyoa well a unlertnd lwi(B thSt fihlW unco. He leave a
to fit kIb.i wbn ym nod them. Dr. j wif(J to nKMrn hi ,jeath.
Wemlt the only oy peioliat p.ir-: m
.. . 1 . .1 1- T.ll-.t .ml u-lll
inanniiuy m 1 " -
ni ft t f... Tiiin.n.iV tirMtuir
SU tr at Herald oltko. ,lJl ku of tlle 111 r"-M
' .i .ri.d i..hImikIv miarantuoii.
I ... 1 ll. 1. MImI.
Enfri 1 ,r p.l Wn.h uhnfn 1 Jin. au o nm nmwi
alllv.. i w ih hrr .la.iL.htor Mm. i brother of Wall Wooda. of Hay City.
I. It? , t... .. n.., ! h. tuuiH n Tillamook Ckninty vUltor
. .. ... I.... . .1. 1...1 u,.k On Thurwdav
t in 11 inn jnniiir rimii lit 1 - - -
Mr. Koch ba tolit-d under the Ih1
NsUcniJ Capital Brevitlea.
Navlei of lb worW will be Invited
Jc. . .ia rcait demonstration at
.Uim; ' . - R ' i to celebrate thr open
in" ' t ' : 'jnama caaai.
1 o' ,.-t- haso in the new nickel
r-r W r-.y people to believe that
r tj.i . re eoiitorfelt. The United
j; w ire. --iry department elves -wrarce
ttat the new nickel Is genu
Ine. The eurreacy bill has pased the
'.out h a vote of JS" to St. The
wea.ore to to the eaate with Pr-s-ii
nt VVilaon'a endorsement. All
treBdmeu offered by the minority
are rejected.
A campaign to raise ihe Protrret
ie jj rty ttrength in the bouse has
boon aurtvd. Ntnetnou ;;roresf iTet
of thr house and Senator Miles F01.1
dexter ww named on the committee,
with ReprerenUiUvo Iticebauch r.s
Kxhibiu intended for the Fanama
i'ncltU ex -osHton of 1U may now en-
lr the United Slate dot' tree. Frel
teacher, in Fort land prior to atu-odini- J 4nl Wile 1 1 :ned the bill nacticg
t'hicace Moaieal Colhfj;e and Oberlin
w 11 kivo dinner at
"' " .. . . . ... ... 1 . . V liKv
th ; f urnuof Wil nnfl nt prmnrr v nm, CoftJlt.rvon- of Music. Sbe ha nad a
1 . ...1.1. 11. v.uuia muni
1 ih the rtveiilt.K thf ' e,,l",n5r, wn" " , ' . ' UfchinS exnrience o( t- yoai. Ar-
tf.vrnDlraoclnl. j T.IUmook t.Uy mil. JJr,f JJJ j ranBm.mU are now beinK made for
MUM. now !oc(l,rti'WoyliWMlUithelluirof Uw llrnU fciodu. Cor. 7th. and
ralo Mill U now locaietl .-11i,. i it I, the v .itor from, ....... . .. ..... 1......
m bi inin" ( aLiiiwen .-vr, in ikt v-auwvv-.
'Imi w
' dr.
ra 1 M . V, wheie nil kind. f
. tW vtl-tft IMI IIHinii w -
ray Kiltie Mill Co.
W(!,r block, for .lllit and all
W n ent work dolio inrluilinK
I'l' tr' if foundatlona and ldr
lui A r. I)f..ri.i.
MichiKitn, wlwlum carrioilon lumlmnnj;
operation oxtenaively In tbitt lnte for
11 number of yonr.
1 Mr. T. II. Coyne enterlatntHJ ine
Slmkoipearo Club nt her bomo on
! Thiirwlwy "ftermHin. Tho momjxra
ire.ont woro Mendnmea, A MeNoir,
T l . .. . . -1 . .. ... ...... ... umijii f. I ' Tloti.
"win h i.e and ground U receiv- j Rni Mm. droat. T. H. Ooym; nral II.
. .-midemeiita theto ! I Cronnhuw. Mr. C. It Tn mhloy win
' f the I .plemlid coimIUIoii I" ' m Invited utnt. A dullKhtfnl after-
tn HL'iMiinir (fill in nil. ' IUU1I1 Willi niruiia ".-
. v . iMnchifoii wit forvwl by the Imhwms
"tnywj ,reet y,,ur hut you wmit , ""C'l,ru" . ,n", . c,.. f:,ivm,
ofth.i, i,. Iml. hihI ' l-rtl ny m
KeciuU and Muficalox will be given
for the bmrftl of the arpiU.
nto Uv. .cepUon to the existing
lar'tf !nw
Tit war department been aVed
by flri.;.-..i! iferestii of Wall street
o tnc-.ie tie number of aoWlers on
'Joi crt :!iad It is feared that
;?. re ni rotvll flora mobs &ad
r . . . 'The IrJacd U near
'. ...ar -I te i.er.
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
Sidewalks. Floors, Foundations, Chimneys,
Building Blocks, Septic Tanks, Etc.
liu hct inuillly. U'CotnltiK
i- mm jtxiii.dii 1. iiiu in.i
i 1111
While K'olriK to ichool there
l nnlhliiK bettor "l '"("u
utlBiyiiuf thiin to own
Kood foiintnln pon; one that
I" nlwiiya roiidy to write
iloen not flood or noil
"nu'i llnneri.J J
Wu hmidle all In n REX ALL
PEN, mild on trlul, aatUfuc
""n (luurnnlcod. J
I'rlcn r.nglng from
iM to iJM
? !, dough Co.
and Allt'Krii Mnion,
Curl PiiUUf n'l f"m".v nrtf i,Uul
toleavo TllliinuH.k. They have fold
. . 1 . .1 ... nnw
their hnuseliolil k'ikhis ..
wtillln tor Mr. I'nl.lnf ,a,n ,,or
Htrfiith m that he will bo able to
travel. She r-cently underwent two
nperiitlo'i '""I '" " rttthvT WCh
eondllion h yet Tho Pntxlnf re un-
,m,(,Ml where ihev wl" K. '
poet to vinll Oreuon K)lnui for n time
before llllnB down Hr.nrinently.
Tho lft wl"' of mu,,y ti
Ko with them.
15,25 4nd iO Will, 3Sc
(rO VffM "
100 V
150 Watt - 50
250 Walt '
I'roilfl Lamp ' LH'a
Wr .trllvrr I .inr ' "
TlUamoot Slcctrlc v.,"' Xt
Lleht ft rusl Co. i-
Corrallls. A baby show. Judgfd by
NOTICB IS HBftEBY GIVEN, that(ol(1 baciior,. Is to be a feature of
tho partnerahip heretofore existing, tl)r jjeaton county flr September IS.
between the uideri;ned under Ihe 1S KtJj jq The babies are to be urn
mime of Godsey & Ayer Is this dsy db-, r j .ar 0( nge ttni judged on beau-
1 tr alone.
V. E. Godiey j Re, in.;r ,t-ves 510.000,000.
F. J. Ayer , j.hiJadelphia. Ua: Q T. Siait. a
ZZZZZZZZZ broker here, will i.iherit 10.00.0(K.
The money UI ccme to him from
Mis Julia Oarr;. Pennsylvania's
rlchenl spinster, whose Investments
Starr has looked after for years.
wived. Sept 3, 1913.
at the
Oregon State Fab
September 29 to October 4
Tbc EtpouticaLis. 19 15-"
will have in etlect from all stations Main Line and Branches the following low
You'll Have to Hurry
to Get this Snap
70 acres of rich river bottom
land 5 miles from Seaside,
Oregon. 25 acres slashed and
seeded, (jtoJ 7 room house,
barn 30 x 40, 2-story; will
hold 20 head of cattle. Water
system. Wire fenced and cedar
posts. House and tmprov
The Most Important
Business of Yours
Is where vott Invest your money.
The Western Loan L Saving Co. of
Salt Lake City.Utah.a tried and proved
company. Is now ready for business in
menu cost 3100.00. it is Tsi,flMW,v and Tillamook Co. To loan
priced at JLW.OO - 30:O.00 vou money or build yon a home on small
low rate of
. ... i
casn am waimnrc uu w.. j-.!, .. payments, at a
cood macadam road and close nterv?u writc or gec
to cheese factory. Q gysQ Agf
You know this Is nn unusual, A M.j-AjRf irMidenL
snap. If you want it and have D Sm:oDE. Vice President,
the money anil mean busineis CANZADA EVERSON', Secy. &Treas
come here at once, otherwise o A,,praf0r..
don't bother me. Buys like M Bttg P H Minetf
this don't often happen. r. p. Zachman, E. J. Clauwen.
. , . Hoard of Trustees.
John uhoil
J. S. RANKIN , B. L. Reals.
L. C. Smith W. G. McGec.
Whtcler, Oregon
Round Trip Fares
Woodburn . . 5 .70 Harrisburg
Albany. . . 1. 1 0 Junction City .
Corvallis . . 1.55 Eugene . ,
All other points
One and One - Third Fare
September 25 to October 4 inclusive. Final return
limit October 8, 1 91 3.
All Trains Direct to Fair Grounds
Further particulars relation to fares, train service, etc.from any S.P.Agent.
JOHN M. SCOn, General futntr A-ent, rVtkaW.
Read it in The Herald