Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 26, 1913, Image 2

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    C. e. Cromblcy, Editor
Issued Civic; j lUccU CucsJay And Friday
Entered se.-o:ii ein. matter Muv 17. 19U at tlie pot o lice
Urvfrnn. under the net of Msrvh tt, IS?.)."
sruv.-RirrioN si 50 v vi-u tN .u wen
at Tillamook,
Atlrtrttftlna Kales
1 rvs! .VKerti-MfawnU
firt lv.Ttion, per line $ .10
Fm-h tub nt insertion, litw .05
Mo Hrtf. :d N AktO ' S.'10
Timixi. M - - - 10 00
N" tivs per law ... .i&
rnU of thnk. per line .0s
l.vats, -xt line, first insertion .71 ;
Keh subu,uent insertion, line .05
ltosurution? of t ondolewe ami
Led notice. pr line .00
RustiwM X- Professional ermls.me, 1. 00
Display Advertisement, per inch .28
ALL Disphv A.ls rnvnt he In this of
fice on Monday nnd TfrurdHy Marn
ng t insure nublicnthm in felkv
In Tuedy ami Fridtty isiw.
Reasons r imperative.
Clrk Cmu.ty
The rv-v-riic currency bill hwt
ih .-"w by fi eversrhehrininsr
msjcntv f 2S t S4, 2- Renblcn
nd It iTTstv vctinjr with the
Iemeert. the wl on h eunewv
bill is another denwwtrsti of Wil
son' way of citin thtnr and of th
solidilv f the prnt Deiwoerstic of.
jlnj.itmn.- Thre-mrh mueh car
th,.uwht President Wfkw and hi
vi.r r-sve brmurM forth eurrercyj Production, 1019, 20.00O. POO
bill testis a erest imrv-erMwnt overt 1912. 1S.000.000; 19U. U.0OO.CC0.
the presert v tem no.' we are plesd; Value, 91X 37.000,00): 1912. 55.010.-
tonottt t'ere hive b-en Republi-, 000 ; 1911. jS.4Q0.C0O.
can a:sJ I'rojre vo who have been A long with the increase in the pro-
been compelled to purchase thi bulk
of its requirement of butter "from tho
mtddlevcest am east, but a few more
jeiwotvs of prog ows such a ha leen
made recently, .vill tako this section
oat of the importing claw and nmko it
,tn exporter of dairy products.
Tho mnke of butter nml vnlue for
and I euch of tho lust throe yenr is ostb
al-: mated :
lt. :
patriotic n imrh totnd with the Oem
ocrat on thi tn. It h one of the
poV. of the time to see men in
consre plv" the we'fare of their
country above rartv.
We hae been enjoying very settled
weather daring the jwwt three month,
and everything has been (rolnK on very
nicely with us. The resort have been
well patronized and the business of the
county has been transacted without any
serious handicap. It will -odn be time
for the rains, and then later on the biir
florin will follow which may or may
not tie up truffle to some extent. It is
thoueht however, that traffic will not
be tied up as it was last year by the
slides on the railroad. During the pat
summer the Steamer Elmore, the only
boat which now enters this port, ha
been well patrorised, especially by the
farmers, who have made all their
cheese shipments by that bout. The
inerchsnts, however, have ;hippJ
most of their goods by rail, and if they
continue to do so the Elmore may be
compelled to lay olT for the season as
soon as the heavy eh'eesg shipments
are oxr, for this reason our merchants
ought to give this matter some con
sideration. The Steamer Elmore ii at
present making this place a competi
tive shipping point, a id has during
the past year saved the farmer; nearly
10,000 in freights on cheese and feed.
For tflis reason we believe our mer
chants should give the Elmore some
consideration this winter and help keep
her on the run. If the Elmore is
otl the run this winter it may
rimental to our welfare as a
po.nt, for we must show the tonnage
shipped if we are to receive proper
consideration from the government.
duction of butter i announced n liberal
increase in the make of cheee. ltdth
the Tillnuwob ami Coo Hay section
showed rapid strides of dairy develop
ment during the last few yeurs, and
this hw hnd a direct etfect ii(mmi the
manufacture of cheese. The output
and the value follows with 1913 uU
mated :
Production, 1913. 9.00O.0O) lb . ; tOlX.
5,000,000: 1011. 5.000.000.
Value. I91S. Jl.tlO.OW; 1012, jl.t0.
000; 1911. J75S.00O.
, The prices obtained for milk and
cream bv Oregon dairymen are the
highest in the entire country. This
season's values to date are far the high
est ever known since the local industry
was given a stnrt. Hotter sanitary con
ditions are shown and the producer is
today receiving far better results from
his offerings nnd work in proportion to
what the consumer pays than ever be
fore. The estimated output of milk and
cream in the state for this year as com
pared with the previous two yours
show :
Milk-cream, 1913. 2G.0OO.0) gallons:
1912, 24.000.000; 1911, 17.WM,0X).
Milk-cream, value, 1913, il2.0O0,O0O;
1912. 10.000.0CO ; 1911. Jfi.OOO.OOO.
On Thursdn morning J. !l. Dunst'tn I
and wife and daughter t'rstal and Ira
Smith and w ife left fur Sulem for the
purpose of looking after the Tillamook
kept I County state fair exhibit. The car
be det-j containing all of the e-xmbit except 50
shipping! eases of Ked Clover Cherfe which was
I'A lUOFORltOON. FOR 111':
lnvetimnt Companv. i
Srothnn i". I'holps iiimI l.uorotin J. Kil
To Srthn S. I'holiw iiih! Luoretia
Kilbourne ;
You are berebv nntulrwl to tipir
j and anne th c uplnlnt fllwl i(cii''t
i nu in thw nb)xv entttlwl e.iUiie on er
from the date t the Ami publlettt' '" of
this Summon. rl If vu full to o
apjwar snd answer for want theitot
the plaintitf rlll npply to tho court :r
the relief demanded in said empl'''
whUh is, that it be decreed thnt pH",
tilT i entitled ti recover the sum f
Hr6.?R, with interest thereon lr ;m
Anril lfth. UU0, at ths ntte of i i-er
' cent m-r annum, the further sum f
PiJ 'J2, with intenst thereon st th.
iuiie rale from Jitue 80th, I0IS. on
ucivimt of taxen KkU, the further um
I of $125.00 a attorney's ftu ami th--
cost ami liburHk ments of thH ult, on
acttmnt of a mite ex-et'Ulvd by dsfe ib
unt Srethnn S. lhel dtel April Win.
1910. In fa or of plaintiff in the prio-i'
pul uuhnint ahu n.tmed. sml that the
?ahl amounts be decreed to be n lien
upon and ug4inst the followlnc de
criled real pniivrtv, situate
monk I ounlv. Oregon, Uv-wit
hta i 3, t. 5. ami 7. of Hloek
mrt Uay I'ark c.-ortling to th record
ed pUt thereof on file In the ofBer of
the tunt Kecnrder of TiltaHiouk
County, Oregon, ami that a tour Ignite
exeeuteii by defendant Srethnu S.
I'helps covering said property, kivch
to n-i ure the ruyment of aid note. aiMl
which mortirag" is recontml at pai:
30S. Hook "" of the Record of
Mortgage of riilnTinV. County. Ore
gon, t (oreet'weil and Haiti property
sold for the purpwe of satisfying tbo
amount claimed by plaintiif, awl for
uch other a -id further relief kr to the
Curt may seem eipiita'ile.
lhii summon is servtd by pubbes
lion in the i'llUm-K.k ller.ild, a weekly
newpper, by ortler of the Honorable
Homer Mustm. County Judge of Tilla
mook County, Oren, made Seplrin
11. 1913, directing tumtnons to Ik; m
fervwl ilxn the defendants. The time
prescrtbtni for publication of said order
is once a week fur six aucessive week.
and defendant are requiretl to appear
ami answer tho eoniplamt on or liefore
the expirnti m of six wr )ks from the
dute of the first :ublirijn of said
suinriKins. Tho llr-tt nublieiittun of
I said summon m made on the 12th day
ot .eptemtcr. IU13.
Stapleton & Sleight, nrnl 11 T llotls,
Attorneys for I'lainttlf.
If Yo Can Manf actare Anythi
Come to
To Do The Manttf acturing
llowlnc de- 3
e in I i U J
.vit: All of a
Iteek 5. Ne 1
ivOio will briii'X
rS!s lo - -
anil Special
t h v
!3Biai"iii Slaty
ct no
The oditors have made a trip over
the county and they have found much
good road work done and being done
by the present administration of county
affairs. It may be that some localities
are unduly neglectt-d in regard to the
matter of roads, and it may be that
the court ought to make more improve
ments at some points and less at others.
However that may be, we believe the
court ought to receive credit for the
good worK it has done. In considering
the needs of the whole county ami the
improvement of nearly 500 miles of
roads that have been laid out in this
ennnte the priori ia nnira unt tn IrV al ' frill t and six VarltieS
':.:,.. , :. .,i,r. ab'uS'
IJiwjAjBiiiuua wool a ijiuuicui view'
sent by boat, left Tillamook on Wed
nesday. The cheese exhibit which will consist
of 101 cases of cheese from the co
operative factories ami 60 cams from
the Red Clover factors, will be kept
separate from our other exhibits. Fred
Christensen and S. W. Elliott who will
lok after the cheese exhibit, left for
Salem this morning. Mr. Schmelzer
went out to look after the Ited Clover
j Tillamook County's exhibit is com-
posed of many kinds of vegetables and
fruits. The fishing industry is alio
well represented.
Salmon, crabs, clams and mussels
were sent in the ordinary glass cans as
well as a fine lot of honey which was
, tendered by John Theiler. Mrs. p.
Hillings sent nine varities of canned
of canned veget-
point than the individual does.
There was one thing in particular
which we noticed in looking ever the
roads and that was the improved ap
pearance' of the work that has been
done this summer, which goes to prove
that with time and experience om
people are learning more about road
Duii'ting. ana In consequence the ppople i fruit, 2 cases of canned salmon donat
are getting more for their money. t-'d by Mr. fddchalgh, and some other
At the present rate of road building. Pr"luct,,
i I..1.1 i . ... The people have responded well and
.v c.nuu.w a.,K.,la wiui uy consider nt? the faet that thorn.
' Pllfir .fii ViUf inlts tun fluiru
,t Lfi r. ...
C. E. Donaldson sent a fine exhibi
tion of vegetables, grasies, etc., mak
ing a total weight of nearly a ton. Mr.
Donaldhon is surely a booster when it
comes to making a showing for Tilla
mook County.
Kesides the 101 cases of cheese tho
car which was furnished by the rail
way company curried 3-1 boxes and 12
sacks of vegetables, 9 large kale
plants, .i largo boxes of glass canned
In the Circuit Court of the itntc
1 Oregon, for the County of
Mildred K. Small and
F. 0. Small, I'laintufs,
Annn flcrrs.ll. Charles
Herrall ami K-bert Her
rail. Defendants.
Notice is hereby given thnt the un
dersigned, J. C. lloiden. a referee ap
pointed by rhe Court to make thr mIc,
will pursuant to the order and decree
of the -laid Circuit court of the Stile
of Oregon, for the County of I illin .Hik,
made and entered on the 2'Hn d.iy
August, 1913, in the rase of Mildrl K
Small. F. D. Small. pluintitr.
vs. Anna Herrall. Charles Her
rall and Robert Herrall. de
fendants, on the 27lh day of Septem
ber. 19l: at 9.00 o'clock In Ihi fnr.i
noon of said day, at tho Court House '
door in Tillamook County, in nilnm-iok
City, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder for caih in hand, in the
manner required for the sale of real
property on execution, all the follow
ing described real property, to-wit :
Tide lota one (I), two (2). th.vc (3).
four (4), five (5), six (',), nevori (7)
and eight (8). in Still well's Addition!
to the town of Lincoln (now Tillnmook
Such sale shall be subject to conllr
mation by the Court and the property
will be sold in one parcel.
E. J. CLAIJSSKN Referee.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Nehalem Hayfeoy Co.
WHeelef. Oregon
Pod hnd Officri
TilUmooK Olllcci
327 lading t; d
Utr l: K lUii
I have just added to niv .shoe ii-paii s a fjoml
of heavy shoes lor men, hoys and little men.
i . .- . i i ...
buues are maiitiiacuireil Dv tlie well Known
Stilson & Kellogg
Tacomn, Washington
'I hese people know how to make
stand the wet weather. It is a
recommend to ive satisfaction.
he as low as can he sold anywhere.
Come in nnd let mo show von the
a shoe that will
shoe that I can
prices will
charge had only ten days in which to
gather the exhibit, we must hbv that
everyone taking purt have done fine.
Notice Of Ouardlan'.s
Real Property.
Sale Of
anoiuer mree years we win nave a
fine winter road from the southern line
of the county to the northern line.
Good roads are one of the most valua
ble assets a county can have and will
no doubt make Tillamook County head-
. . .' ; "- """! NOTICE IS HERDBY GIVEN, that
around, in the very near future. It is ; the undersigned, by virtue and author
i rather difficult to tell just how much , ity of an Orijer of tho County Court of
wealth is brought into the county now .tnu. State of Oregon made and entered
by the tourist,, hut it must be ennsid- SJA ofS
erablefor there have been many of ;(,f F, K. Heals, in Tillamook City, Ore
them this summer and they are as a , won, sell at private sale for one-third
rulo good spenders. !cusb down and balance on deferred
payments with interest at 7 per cent
i per annum, any portion or all or the
Within the period of three season? ! f.eul property situated in Tillamook
the dairy industry of Oregon has in. 0"'Kn, described as follows,
creased its production from $10,1G8,000 ; JJegi'nning at a point 1031 feet west
to ?20,44u,0O0. Every year is adding to , f the southwest corner of block num
the importance of dairyiii-' in tho etate. ',M!r,e'J Tillumook City, Oregon,
and each season recently has shown SSS. lJ?& sS
quite a material increase in tho hold- 210 feet; and thence east 103J feet to
Ings of cows. Duriri',' the last season ' l" place of beginning,
the increasu amounted to about M.OOOj Dated September 12th, 1913.
hpH,l I 0. II. VVurd. Guardian of
For years thu Pacific oorUiwest bus Haiti, Minors
by an order duly made and entered by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Tillamook County, the under
signed, A. N. Marolf, has been duly '
appointed administrator of the estate
fit John Claud Marolf, deceased,
and all persons having claims against,
the said estate are hereby notified and
required to present tlie same, with
vouchers, duly verified to the uniior-L
signed, or to his attorney, S. S. John-' '"'"nook County Hank
son, al rniarnook, Oregon, within six
months from this date.
A. N. Marolf,
Administrator aforesaid.
Dated Aug. 25, 1913.
P. A. FINNE, "The Shoe Man"
Notice of Assessment.
Miami Lumber Company, n corpora-
won, iiuviiik im oiiicc and
corporation, IMaintilf,
Kilo Patterson and Fred
Wheeler. Defendants
To Fnil Wheeler, one of tlis above
named defendants
In the name of the Statu of Oregon
You arc hereby reuulred
answer the complaint filed niiitiHt you
ilrMirtillll I I 4i SI... ill...!... II I I . i
nlace of iiuHinn. . Njf. uVo l!.... !. ' . ' i i eiiiineii i-ouriand cause
East i on or before the exnlrntl Mil lit Ml V lio.i.L .
Los An- from tho date of the first publication
NOTICF IS IIFRK Vv rtvrK! u . mmoii, auu u you fail so to
lh il.V,lv.,,y v'y'VN. that I appear and nnswer for w.mi n,...,.r
Directors the plalntlir will auiilv to the fiiii.l r..M i
il... ... .1 . . ." .
rust Street, in the City
geies, ,-jiate ualllomla
at a ineotintf of the Hoard f
oi sam .Miami Lumber
sessment of Jl.W) per share was Jvieil is that It S d r r . .1 I '., ,U'U c'""l'l''l''t sell to the
upon .he issued capital 1T,, right ullo'or I Z ifr .'LT ' . !"l
and n judgment iigaimil the defendant
I nlternnn for the amuiint of the said
note, together with Interest nnd nl
torneys fees.
I his auimiinni Is fitihliidicd and serv.
ed mion ymi by puhllcatl..., in the
lilli.mook Herald by an nnler of the
llonoralil,; ,,mer Mimou. County Judge
of lilliiimiok County, Oregon, dsted
August 2Ut. mis, requiring ymi to ,,p.
pear am answer the couijilalnt on or
I'efore the expiration of six weia
from th,, ,)lte f the frr.t puhlleatlon
of this summons, and tho first publlca.
I on of this Huminons Is mado on tlu
22nd day of Aiigusl, HUH.
II. T. llotls. Attonioy for
m Hiilnliir.
Notice 01 Stile ol JThiu L(IIUA.
imlnl'0 iHlhuu!y Klven that thu .State
; id Boar, of thu Statu of Oregon will
forlY'ratioii, pnyablo Immediately to
IL W. Jshain. secretary of said cor
poration, at No. 830 East First Street.
In the City Los Angeles, State of Call
fornia. Any stock upon which Uib assess
meni shall remain unpaid on thu 30th day
of September, 1913, will bo delinquent
and advertised for sale st public auc
lion, and unless payment Ih mado bo
fore, will ho sold on tho 18th day of
., , ciocK u. rn. on :
. .. - ...... .ui.li (iiiveniD
Ing and expenses of sale.
H. W. Isham,
.Sfft-i t wit
Locution of oinr-o,' 830 East
Street, Los Anglos, California.
""I nnu i iiiiuieni in or in two ror-
i "L,, "'r ,,w.isj eacii executed
j nun i nnersoii in t;. n, Jtoyno i m.
uiti'llr.i.l Iti. ........ '
HE1 of SWi. ii
and SWi of SWJ
If .. W IA .
... k- ... ... i.i, , wintn mortgage was
recorded at naio UVA nt u. .u ...
highest 1 1 Id d ur nl ( ,m ... !
"Pllol llulldlmr at H,.., . A...
17",V' Iftj. mt lOMi'ciSSl
rson to C. E. Joy m J " V. H tho State's int.
mortgage coverii.g t ,0 hor naft. r . ' I. "!"' 'Tt,l,w ''""I
nl SJ of SEj Sec. 23, to t 'i,,Pd "illUl1 Kvll howovnr
WJ Sou. 21, in wp. S ,ahi t 7! B Lr""1" "f. '"7 '"
L. which rnortgiigo was uv Sill f.. ."'' '. "'J iWo and
said date, to pay ihu del nimeTt , I hT" r. ",.(:,'l''!lX
meilt. tOlot her ultl, ..,.. '..r ... i ...... i . .-"" " nil" w
recorueu ih pago t or iii.ok "U" nt ,,, . , '. i,r"'ern ncu r ght to No O'lRrt.'! r, n'mn 1
SrmrtKi'r ot Tll,'";; s M." S l'Ww ?? "NZiu , rXi I
county, Oregon, which notes nni surh Jr ir L ,! ? ''"'''V'1;. J'rovl,ll VV llsniotto Merhlliin, lii
mortgage were thereafter assigned y ,, , , roW.l 'V ?,,'K0?,, ,f,,'l,l 1 of " Sii t.i wiko' Fi
said 0. E. Reynolds to you and by you 11 m t,! U"'1 tUii will not 'Hon r if U ostiilillsli
10W. of W. M..a' (he hiKti !"
mi the right Imnk uf the lim ""1
Klvor ; Ihence i
N. .W IV "7li. I feel iW
Water line . .
H. 43 oT W. t'.0.0fet 10 I1
S. W lU'K. 273.1 fc -lslonsj
N. -I3' f.7 E. 7I (I fed to
beelnnliiir. eontatiiliig VJi J
tldo lamriielug tide Isnd In lj
tract owned by ('has Hy In "J1"
I il III r LI II in II' nll. H.
iiiiii o, i. ii n. ii, in " "'. ii ill
Aiinlleiitliiiis and liliU shoUl'l cl
ilrimsed to 0. fi. Brown, W f
I nml ll.i.ir.l Cl,.l,,, QraWl
miirkud Application nnd W w
ciiiisu tldo Hinds.
m ih ii ....a
fll.irlf Slide I.IIIW
Dated July 'it, UUII.
Dcnnrtmciit of Hie t'Wi
U. S. LAND OFPK'B t j9
Oregon, Hupleinlwr J. 'Jj
Notlcn s hereliy given "'l,
. ivnniui, III llllfiveii ..n--' . r
July SSI, 11M2, mado MomtoJ
').l T .1,1., 'i l"ii, ItmiilD IV
In. r.ir..liip l.ii.-i.il .....l f. l.
. ..w ,.,.u,v. ....ivu nun iiirucio ieu
I right, title, inturostor estuto in
s t-oiiniy uanTt. i cent.,,1 ,.r . . . ' murmur nc-.li
iiiso, and that vm 1 1 1 m r. i .. .... .7.. . . lr were. 1 he Id
astato In rn- 'i ",. 's,,"l IiiikIh urn s luato In n
w liinilij 2L Townshlii ,'l .South, H"W 1
irov i in I wiiu i.. . ' i . i h,n tiled
: . i i. iiiwiuun-ii muii'iimi rrt.imfli
iiiiii K"m
in in iv
on uouvii iiascrinou, iu""v Y'iiisB
mi, County Clerk of Til
)l-.l..M ..I 'I'lllmnnnk (I t. QMM
tho sa d mortgaged property, nml tor t'rllie , l iii ,nty ami ,)es.
imcl, other unJ further relief h to thu ! I 1 ! Vrt' l,",w 1 :. "
court may suiJin equiiii i o, ne udlng u 21. 17- V, V" . "M9.f fuut N.
forecdoauro of tho 'aforesaid . UtJl7 5 41
Oruioii. at
till. "la.
i 21st day of Ootohor, if . ru
yiiuinunt luiiiui us win'"--- -) m
Ollliert, William N. Hnvfc,
bniigh, John Hulin all of 'j
Kun. il. K jg5Si