Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 26, 1913, Image 1

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Tillamook, Oimm-.ox, Sbimiikk 131.'!.
NO. 11
It in the nim of thilmtilt to five
tin- best ImuluhK acrvitx' poiblt;
iiitil wc do it.
It in nUo our nun to have the
vrry bent cquipim-nt nue n.s
MtMleni Ifire Proof IWyikin
K.h)h, l-Mrc Proof With, Hur
nl.tt Proof Safe. Modern iWc
Dvitonit Boxen niitl we have
, . ' ' I.'
,1 '
Hair Brushes
Shaving Brushes .
Clothes Brushes
All Kinds of Brushes
tt the lovct Prices in tin- City,
llamook Drug Store
! KOCH &. HIL.L.
icrioM auANAxrcio. matter bach tr nor ma fiMf a o tbh t
flbMtMl tUtt tni
Mlti, Mln I
A Small Monthly Saving
JiktJ Vflu to San 'Francisco and the OxpojWion
!t teiervcej everything At rii cheaper . than If you
trip, jHc attract pm, e Hotel ami rail-
Hi vwt ftWit IhU unlyi offer. Sml l,he coupon today
, , . .
E. J. CLAUS3KN, Tlll..md. Oron
vti mev ,im,I m. VUVF turrlriilnra boUl th Slid FrHllcUcO RxIHmI-
Ifer. far"
rr iVi
Attorney t I.' NoUry Public
A 1B4T! fed BU
Tillamook, Oregon
hent : (foal :' Lime : Brick
Shingles : Plaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
ib-schradi:r company
"id tfrehou front SI. between 2d "d 3d Ave. West
WaMiltiKto'i. Tim report that Iv-ar-'
arm A. Htm. Ibe Brent UjigUMi firm of
Mtitrarj6ra ariH rxplul(ira, wllh f'
inifcnnl rlM(loti to itm HrJtUli!
Kuverfiiti)t lf'lf. hnij ol.titlnwl n Rl.
rtttfo cdiiccmIwii for tli jxploltoiloii '
of Columbia' iititinil r-foUrcTt, In.
olvltifi Hie rlRht u conairucl tlocha,
Jiaaya, jn'iwnyn ntul canal, argum-H
Intftnpo lnti'fit, not lo ay kt'im co
Motion! of Counsel to Dismiss
Proceedings Overruled by
ja Voto of 51 to 1.
All, N V. -3ovcrnor William
8uIxVrjut co to trial. Tbl wua
ilt,"C(lt(f(ljy tbo hlftti court of Impmclu
tnnt wtor), by a voto of 61 to 1, Its
riifcipMty, 'overfulfil th motion of the
KtirrjitV counacl to illamlna tho pro-
nlflcmit wrr It no( for tbn fact that CfwUnA on th protmd tttat be wais
ijucbIJoii would not bo no
tbr concnlon aUo Incluilna tho con
atrtmlliui of rallwn), dwlt, juy
atnl "cawit," tb lam namd bflni: of
Kroalritl alKtilflcaticn. Tbnt f'
tut of tbo coticuKlon mlitbt b- con-lili,-vd
KiiKland'a anawor to tlm I'an
atna canal toll iiumtlort, 0i Aini'rt-
eu aitlttidt oitH'xrnliijj wjjich bn
eaturtl kern ttlnwtUfactlou In Orl
ontl IbuTt
untoiHiwuljartfiily Impencbtil by the
!CflU that body wa In
an when the tmpcaebmemi
vtViior'ti dfrat i?a tho'tcc?
tt nuirked tbn battle wuK-:d
tcmy to annihilate, 'a far
VOfHitoWf tbo Impeachment proceed
InK. fiiwt week the court thwarted
their Ttrteuipl to prevut fou." fienatori
from hU4k tin tntimber. Their re
rtiMtiltijl.atnrnnnltion conlt of arcu
meta to prove that' certain of the of
faiiaeit (chanced n;alruil- Una ci.veriior
sro nLfjmix'achnbla,
Thoilnlon In tiubsunce wai thai
Mexico cay --Not only would it'Desire to Talk Will Prolong the
ho an anomaly that the government ; , . -
rassage or currency Bin
ahon'J hav a candidate, but It can
b further aald that the novcrnment
hai no predilection for nor will It aid
any candidate.''
In thette word Provisional Preal
dent Hueru replied to the queitlon
whether he favored any candidate In
the coming preidcntlal election,
1'rCRldeut lluerta explained the alti
tude which the admlnlntratJon would
maintain a one of Absolute Impar
tiality, and added that it would take
precaution to prevent any disturb-
an o3 of public pence and order and
would uppre any effort in thai dT
reeiron. M .
'The -president ald ho weraM use
the army, If neceanary, to. keep order.
5onator Urady Oct Dclilnd Col-
tguv' Prtlctentljl Doom.
Ilof. Idaho I'nllfd State Sena-
of Idtilto. a o candidate for tbo Itiv ; ,.xtra ifcwlon to uch ubjt-cl a were
publican presidential nomination In i rccomAc nded to it by the Kovernoi
. . . . . . . .i .r
mr, at n lunciteon plven here by tbn :houldJbe given a rcnotmbio totutrue-
commercial club of thl city In hi tfoo.
r llrady. of Idaho, furthered the ' th0 vt&liion of the corutltution whtcfi
win for hi colleague. Senator I5orob. lihilloit! Ih act of tha IeKihture In.
I do not wnnt to leave the linpre- r MRS.?' Wll SflN nnNTFSTANT
tdon tliat Senator Uorult I a candl-l ti s . 1
ditto for (hi bitch' p(fic. wld Henator Error In Publication of Entry' I Dl-
....... . 'Si4r. , . ' . " ......
irimily pokiia.o( at VeahinRtoti a ! la'f,iigelc. "Mr. Wood row Wll-
Steak May Be $1 a Pound.
Chicago. I'nli'n there 1 an In
crease In the meat production in. .the
United State In the next ten yearn,
porterhouse teak will be selling nt
more thnn a dollar a pound, according
to Gimtar Hlnhclioff ,uT- St- Louis,
president of the American ieat Pack
ers' (ut&ocjiuton, which began Its nr.
luurl tneetlnfi here Monday.
at Special Session.
Wnbln)5ton-There 1 n'o'rcaoa to
loubt that congres will pas a cur
rency bill, in a form acceptable to
i'reildoflt Wilson, but there will be a
?rcat deal of surprise If the currency
bill paitcH a soon a the president
wushen; thAUla, af. tho prtSsent special
jcsxioti. Thpreiijent unquextion
xb)y ha tbeeraocratlc majority in
both senate and houno .jrorking fa .
tfomplete arrnony with hi legislative .
plans, nnd from that majority be can
Set exactly what he- wanta In the way
of legislation. The majority, how
tver, cannot fix the time for voting
In the senate, and for that rciuon tho
president I likely to be disappointed
over the delay in completing the
GLaas-Owcn bill.
Under the rules of the senate, de
bate In that body cannot be limited, ,
even by the party in power, . uhd -vole
cannot be forced except by unani
mous consent.
From preaoat indications a great"
many democrats, as well as most re-
publicans in the senate, wilt desire to
speak on the currency; bill. With the
general desire to talk It will be diffi
cult to Bet a vote on the currency
and there
bill withfn two months',
will not be two months
the logical candidate) of the Hepubll ' son,.; of, president of tho Unll
oti party for the presidency In 1016 eil Stale, wait a htc.rt entrymnn for
tvtll not b denied. Idaho can (nkt no n partpf tho dateilAuds in the Salton
JM-ri,l'PtyrJfy.Botniiii 'r' M-PtfttW" 1 h; dwri it durable or nece d States as oon as the new law. goe
utt e-Oiicty iw.num tm jnomo nonjute w.-notuieu ny tuo'locai land Jary had'aTouserCiTrTnWes
ror ill" niftn nonor.- ..orrico tnat tu entry naa neen can-Hrten he was nnnounccd the audience
.. i culjcd
Boot Wins Fight to fUo'roanlze Party. An error In ptibUcatlon of first
.NVw York. - Th? Heptibllcttn of entry wa discovered, nnd a correc
Vew Vark deolarcil In fvor of chan;- tlon waH ordered by tho land offlco,
las the party rult)H40 that iaca stnto but njaln Instructions were not fol-
may determine It own method of i loved.tand, In the course of tlra Mm
chiMne'iiK rtelRate to the tmllOtml 1 WlUptl w notiflel that the homo-
i roiiTewtlon find no that (tite , hlcl i Ieml had been cancelled,
Secretary Declares He Will Lecture
Whenever He Pleases.
Jamestown, Va. One of the largest
crowds this community ha ever suca ,
gathered here to hear Secretary Hrvan 1
deliver his last Chautauqua lecture of tho currency bill is reported to
tbo season. A previous statement of, the Benat0-
tho secretary in Washington answer-1 Tariff Bill May Bring Trade. War.
ns criticisms of his appearance on j Apprehension lest the Democratic
ho lecture platform and declaring his tariff bill lead foreign nations to Im
pose tariff penalties against the Unit-
,.arpoc to lecture in the future wnen-
i fitve the blK Itepubllcnn plurntltlt'
lmll Iwvn proportionately larfio powf r
in vtrctlnc condtdate for prt'sldent.
, I'or thf purpose the New Vork4Ile-
publican call for a Hpccinl natlor.nl
convention at an early elate.
fifteen HJured In Train Wreck.
Kxerelt, vah. JFI'tecn person
wor Injured. otw'i fatally, when an
txt cf the locomotive tender of Great
Northern caHtbottnd overland train
No, i broke v,htle the train was near
Mukltteo. a few mllea south, of K'er-
"t- ,
I530 Homettead; fxemptftj. -Salem.
Or Carpenters tarnl build
er of home were hKwhon tho u
p'reme court held, tbntn mechanic'
i on could not 1 enforced on "a home
stead v.tlnod tit $1500 or less unions
,X'roptlot ha been wulvtnl In favor of
Briof News of the Week
Spain may not participate In tho
I'annmn l'nelflo exposition because of
lack or funila caused by tho drain from
the African war.
The tut key trot will not bo permit
ted hi (ho future at tjio l'hlludelphla
navy yard, ltluejacketa who break
llie rule will bo subject to discipline.
The sovereign Brand lodgo, Indo
pmulent Onlor of Odd Fellows, voted
down the proposition of tho Kobekah
brunch to establish n geooral, assem
bly. " v
Thn initio maiinKcrB rejected propos
als of the federal department of. labor
for arbitration of tho MiclilRiin copper
miner' strike.
The aHsesaod. valuation of real h
late In Now York City thlH year is
$8,010,000,000. Thla la nu Increase
over hint year of UO,000,OOp.
A nlslit coiirso in gartlonln;. open
to all. to bo conilucted In one of the
uitv high school bulldlug, wa author-
'ed by the Kniwas City board of wdu-
' Lawronoo, Mass., hnn been chosen
a tile liei mrviiMB -
Sous, ut tho stiHslon In Han Francisco.
O. J. Von Kosonberij of L Orang.
Tox was chonon president,
The1 death of tho la to jrronoisco i.
.Madero and Vice Prosldeht' Jo Marin
Pino flunrox woro not brought about
,by a punishable crime, accor4ltuS to n
decision pronouacoa y me micu
military court.
In her petition filed hero W;i first
lady pf . tho land seek to gnlu posses
Ion of her date acreage through prop
er publication.
rPeople In the News
Frederick. Vlntbroy Thayer, Inrent
or of baseball catchers' masks, Is
Joseph W. Folk, formerly governor
of Missouri, ha beeu nppolntod solic
itor for the ttnto department.
Maury1 I. Dlggs and E. Drew Caml
nettl have detluttely decided to take
thejr. W(tlto slavery cases to tho fed
eral, cwrt of appeals.
A (tatu to former Governor John
A. Johnson of Minnesota, erected by
public subscriptions of the citizens of
St. Peter, wa unveiled Sum! a, t
The clotting business session nt thn
G. A. It. encampment at Chattanooga
elected Congressman Washington
Gardner of Albion, Mich., commander-Inchief.
It I reported that Mis Marie Peary,
daughter of Hear Admiral Peary, is en
gaged to marry Donald MacMlllati,
vl0 accompanied Penry on his dash
to tfiot north pole. Mss Peary wa
born farther north than any whlto
child, and Rsklmoa call her "Snowbird."
Instructions have' been sent by
President Iluertn to Gen. Follx Dlax,
who now Is In Kurope, to return to
Mexico Imruodlately.
bgn a demonstration tbnt those la
-harge had trouble quieting. On the
i.iatform wtth Mr. Iiryan were Sen:,
tor Uurton and Newlpads.
fen. Mile May Run For Congress.
FItc.hburg, Mas. Speaking of the t
;.nnounct-ment made by friends that
he would be a candidate for the Re
publican nomination for congress from
the third Massachusetts district, Gen
eral Nelson At Miles said:
"I have not seen tho published an
nouncement, but I will say that while
I am not seeking the office, If the
people of the district want me I will
r.erva them If they call me."
senate leaders to plan the Introduc
tion of a joint resolution in congress
making specific provision for th? cop
tlnuatfoa. of, existing relations with all
countries until President Wilson has
time to negotiate new trade agree
ments. -The
seriousness of the situation
j was Impressed on Chairman Simmons,
of the senate finance committee, by
state department officials. It was
pointed out that the trade relations
established by President Toft's pro
clamations under the Payne-Aldrich
law of 1909 would terminate as soon
as the new law becomes effective, and
that the ,'TTnlted States then would
! ace tho possibility of having higher
tariff rates applied against its exports
by many countries.
Alcohol Duty Favored.
The tariff conferees have agreed to
Senator Lane's proposal to make more
Man Contracts to Buy Horses, Cashes
Many Checks and Then Disappears.
The Dalles, One of the smoothest
bunco mon who ever operated here left liberal the regulations concerning the
Troops Guard City,
ricnton, III. All places of business
In thi, city wero ordered closed nt
G o'clock by the Mayor as a precaution
against repetition of rioting between
American nnd foreign minor. Com
pany P. of tho Illinois national guard.
Is patrr'lng tho streets and the con
gregation of citizens In any part of
the city has been forbidden.
Bible Barred Out of Public School.
Portland, Or. The lllble will not be
read luj'ttto public schools of Portland.
With few supporting and many opposr
Ing the petition from the Ministerial
Akuoclatlon asking that the reading
of tho Hlble, without comment, be In
stallodM a part of the public school
course, tho yoto of the board was
unanimously ngatnst grnntltiB tho petition.
this city with $G0, which he Is alleged
to have fraudulently secured from
prominent local business men by
means of worthless checks. Ho also
left 20 of the finest horses that could
bo found In this and Klickitat county.
Washington, at a feed yarti. lie or-
rnt tt'? norses uetivereu to mm ar,
:he feed yard, and somo of the ranch-,
ers went to the trouble and expense
of driving 16 miles, that they might
ieliver the animals and consummate
'.ho expected sales j-
Offlcers say the stranger nover had
ny Intention of buylug' the horses,
but negotiated for them in order to
gain the confidence of local business
men whom ho induced to cash his
worthless checks.
Silver Tea Set Is Trophy.
Salem. Isaac B, Staple of Port
land has offered n silver tea set to
tho exhibitor of the best equipped and
neatest appearing herd of five Jersey
cattle exhibited nt the Oregon State
fair, September 29 to October 4. The
exhibit must Include the herdsman,
blnnkots and genoral appearanco?,both
In the barn and In the show ring?51-
Indian Put on Show.
Fall City, John Williams nnd hi
band, of Slletz Indians gavo a real In
dian show In Wagner hall to a largo
audience. The performanco consisted
of a number of characteristic Indian
dances, songs, and other stunts In por
trayal of the Indian in his untlve state.
Bear Bother Bay City.
Bay City. Five bear In eight day
I the record capture made by saL
Shiftman oh his place, less than one
quarter mile froni the center of thl
town. Trap set In an orchard a abort
distance from the house were the
cause for brutn'a undoing.
manufacture of denatured alcohol,
with a view to facilitate Its manufac
ture by farmers from their waste prod
ucts. It Is also possible that a small duty,
for which Senator Lane has- contend
ed, may also be assessed. If this Is
done. Senator Lano bcliovcs importa
tions will provide a material amount
of revenue and considerably aid farm
ers and other lomestlc manufacturers
of the product.
, . -Slavery
Common in Philippine.
Secretary Garrison had before, him
a Philippine slavery report by w. H.
Phlpps, auditor for the Islands, back-'
Ing up the startling charges of Deas.,
Worcester. It cites details of mimf.f.
cases of boys and girls sold IntoiiIiiV!
cry at prices ranging from $60 to flOO.,.
and saysUhat heads of savage tarailiev :
sell their daughter? and, regard the
practice as -right.
"I have no hesitancy in saying thai'
I think tho charges of Secretary Worv
gester that slavery exists In the Ph'll-
ipp'nes are sustained," say Mr.
TUUmoot, Ore.
. . t