Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 23, 1913, Image 3

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    T , It. f,.i' lfltillr-lt
Jllll"lt "--ii.
, mHOjlcd cIiccUh
111 ..I UU...
..or. i"1 m,,m"
IUW..C Now Ilk KU
jtfl,v ni ton ImttiiiK m
iov i wi' nin.
Iliit Nl '' '
lut i t nets, nil
' f..i tuc 1 1 v Hold II lot
Now t lor Jfc
i . I
;rvtU .1 III! m
.1 ,il mill I'Mhi'llllt'H'.
,i'tn to ncII nt "it)c
Now LTu-
New Goods Arriving Daily
IViiVH lire fulliiiK in the EnsU-rn mnrlcclH. We KjVc you
the benefit til" our oihIi hnviiiK. if you want losnve
money vihil our Hin- mi l visit ,,s U. H(J ..OII will
I. ...... , I .! . '.l.i .
iuij iii whu'H Willi t lie ll W ohh.
7 Spools Clark's Cotton 25c
7c Calico 5c yd.
JOc Outing Flannel 7c yd.
ClilUm.'i School Hot 2 IValr Wc.
Children's black heavy ribbed
school hose. 2 pair 2fk
15c Fancy Droi Ginghams 10c yd.
Fancy dress inhains suit,
able for children's school
dresses, also ladies' house
dresses; formerly sold ai Ific.
'Now 10c yd.
24erWS Now 10c Pair
Men's fancy sox in stripes,
cheeks and mottled designs,
ood 2fc value, now 10c pr.
75c and JlO Mtn't Fine Dress Shifts 50e
In stripis. solid color?, and
fancy ij,Mires,plniunnd pleat
ed, the kind wc sold for 7.V
and $1.00. Now ."0c each.
...iilMNMl i.m., li.- ii l ..... i
.it:.HHiiHlHi( ! wlntl nw luftttml in Hxithvrii OriHin.
fll rr-" a II. I-'-Imi' a Vaiatl..H at W.l.M. uk.,n
v j ,n linn b Ho Mtlc. Il will lm
I .i . ........ .....i.-
,imncuiii; lrtjliir. Iluy your rhMl titjuVi ami ih kiI )
.t . .,w 1 lillo. nt thn Tillamook Druif Htorn.
f ' "l with tfhrode. Wml t rhsnn, House ml lot
rli on M.vday fur a W0.UM1. Or,, for TlliW,it proem-
a.l ... h.wW fl .lliwl UlfT W
,01 i.imM,V DtUK Slofe. ' Olrml of ewurarwu M M.khlor I.
, ,. ., ,., ., , In rlty ri b ulmti lh wk of
"Wv " .Uyli.Klh-l.ikW. U. .m OUmllr
M - ru). j Ctwh. n.hfteV rn mtJ of wttimii.
t,-i, m-M llttf Of l,
11 i ) Minll Mm fnr Mln' KnVnH liul r lul.i.
ve ; '.. won. ! ' -
.(.... mill tall. lor !.
.1- - U u.1 a. .11.., 17 11 lt4.llli.
...... I . 1 'lwi m.H I'll. I.I.I j...irw.
)l K llnkfiit. (
... ,1 i.,, l.Wtfa UMtl I urn U. B. ."ivy,
(4 HK' It-ifctf !(
loavtta far ft l'rn?tteo WnlfMNMiny to
I Aln lBrtiitftitM iiullavi ifliir an IS
i.if ?t c -1 lit I'MftlafMl
fH ' ' n.nKir.. . II a Itirmuvu tnatfll III (Mri'lU
. ... .1 Kit imI Mm Innm H li.rM n( fhlft llv
I,- urmh- i UI1KH-;
v .1.. . til hU ffllllllV llOfo. I t-'Mn.l.li kli.b fnr I. hil all
. ... t ' t i 1. . j ......11...
.i-it niici imhi sur mioi 1 inua 111 rvnnni wr iiimn ith-iwiiiik
WT Moat V, ll. 1 1 lay!"? of ftimltiofl bimI Wc
rtr.i r ihc (riMiwlv mi Mom-I ,r Cno aJ DleV WIIIUtnof tli
I ctrfMini ntiKlixxrlfii: l?MrUnl ;
. . !f rrrlft; for Uifl w Jmy nt Uio!
... Il.t .H..flk.ut. fur r r I
tV m will viil far stwrl
Vktitti. etnnbtfV nleVnn, siwltiir .
sif 1. h - I UxiKb bdI cliol
1 lk. . !. .
ac 1 mown.. liriiK n.wic.
m --l rurtmt J. .ror of
tm T a tvik liuiltip" vUlli.r
KtV-t i hmami'n Yp1 si Itsy
It Ma. Vcluploy owl Frl-
.f mml
for emwif, ti. AtklnMi. Saixllatif.
til. lli)W Ml 8irlMr inornlnnj
for I'orJlaml flflnx no(hor Font nutfi- i
tiHsWW. Il flrovn Uo or In fromj
I'ofllamJ liavliu: tJiiif p 3mJny mrn-1
liiK Bfrlvtiiff iurt ot two o'eloV Uic
iiih nflrffHain,
. 'v nilaimmk vtUorn
K .--rn-llwu Ii.U fur lo.
( 1 nt tPfiBon kl Um Till-
Saiih w, . u oiiiilu)vil on Uic?
:ic r I'.n win r a 1 it mi rii'
I II ....f.jw. ...llB II . I itlUBB
AOtcr h I'lllninooW CilUtllV.
qtOvari HI IM lilUlllc. I . U.
ll . . . . . ...
fwi, x jiimnUHi uy timuttUKii-
IUr ( nt Mr. A. I . tiv-
Kt i L.ri .i Mj.ittlr.i iiidriilfiL
" ''1 tMlJ l""'"""
' 1 k 1 . . . a . . I . a I . a..
"v 11 in iiuii 111 ninii
n o , i 1 . ui..t n.r..,!
'f" f llmnlork, took th
'tt M n.inv iniiriiliiL' for Cor-
1 nil irl tliuu.
Ill IfH. I. .ml ..rail. Ml
f " 1 1 1 1 w WHIIIIV
fVllw II. hl wlfo mi I iliiuithto r
ni'iMl n 1 nnii" -I
-j mum IIMK " VJi'inHii"i
Thi'i viHitttfl m the tilnit imo
Whmt vi fl?l wir tint oi wnt
a ftt. t f.. . I
brief jcir J OaviiI Huttfrt tl(l , , . tV , .
Ocu. (ilovor lm l mil m I Uio larttl ho
on Bt Poirview for ranch at SVlilto
8lmon tirsr tll Uivur. Oro. HI
lrc on Urn llmilor lllneo xtlr K v
tut ami ho will lmiiHoiily move to
ht nnu'ly aiNtiitrwl ranch.
Wanl.il; a woman to do K.trwrnI
lnWwor or man anil wlfo tti ki t''ii
oral imttorwork ami fnrmwork on rnnfh
rnc inllo from town. Atjly to Frunk
Si'vuranrc, Tilliimonk.
Hjyl Jono- wont to tho Nrholom
poiinliv un S-iturtlay to vUlt with hi
Wrnon. itincln. lid ,l.lii'la'. J. I- Jom "f"1
wlfp ami ). M. Ollvur mm who wont
up on Sunday moriilni;' troln aial re
toriHMl homo on tho iiflornoon train.
Wnntrd to liorrow for 11 ti-rm of
thrrn I" 11 vo vonra, Inlnront l;ihl iinnu
ally nt 7 pur coot. 1'ir.l pIhm nocurlly
on phii In dairy ranch, otto mlto from
olty of 'nilainook.
Minn Myrllii l.tmt. oikI Mm. Mahol
Unntx I'otttiv will shortly optiii
mimical "tu.lio lo I. C Howloy'H roal
Mitt l.ant kivIhk iiwtruetlon
. M....uy mornlm; for -or- U i(m Mff ,)Uoy, ,,
M 0., .-r VMy Hot, whroh.- . Th ,,, wl,h MlHfI
'I i t a Mwrl t 1110. ... . 1 in,,u.. H miiihI.mi1
I'llirullO l.lllll.l.l.i nuiKK
ni-xt TuMlny nvonlnu nt tho Clirintimi
C. A. Cornforth. iroirlntor of tin
now HpimlHli Kitojimi Iimh tiikon l ho
nii.tncy for KiiMturn .SouUhlnl O.wtor.
Ho m' Hulllnic thuiti t ' ''Howim;
prli'o: lox. -towafic, J doz. rnw
Wr., i do, frlod H5c. oyster cocktnlln
Wo will noil i n prlvnlo Hiiln t tho
I'MKiir Muiison riwldonoi', till Ikiiiko
hold Ki)ln. poiwltillm: "I" "IK". H"""-)'
tnhlo. Hoctlotml hook cioio, comltimitlon
hook i-iiMO. piano. K'lilhur coiirh mid
rlinlr, foldliiR Iron I.j.Ih, II ilroHorii
H coiitor tiihlon, diniiiK' room tnhlo nml
HinlrH. chlmi Ho.ii't, nw InK cluiirs,
MurrlH chair, kitchen rnuRO, hontliiK'
lov... iiIho fruit jn.H, cooklnR iiIoiibIIh
mi(1 ,Mliny other ..rticlfi to numurom.
to mention. Ourl I'atxluf
a I
uh rnrofin
Whllti koIiik to hcIiooI tlmro
'1 niithini; hotter iind moro
"dlnfylnK titan to own a
ood fnuntulit on; 0110 that
' nlwiiyH roudy to wrlto
"J doe not Howl or noil
O'IU'h flllKiirtl.a J J
Wo handle nil In 11 REXALL
PEN, mild 011 trial, HHtlHfiic
I'fii Kuuruntooil. J
I'tlcn ringing from
C. I.CIough Co.
J5, 25 n.ul 40 Watt, 35c
M Walt ... - c
100 Walt -
150 Wall - - - - SI-
250 Wall 2.00
Pio.lril l.ani' fc llf'
.lfll.r l-Miil't to '!
.. . 'iVInilionc n. "
hMciU wlin K "
MI.....I 111
Tillaxaoc iuis6u. rt UK
A lari;e daorlng (Million at Netnru
has Ihtoii inovod frum lu former lorn
Uon on U idebtll to n moro canvcii
loot plBtn nitar Um hrrtrh on tho south
ond of Hapity Cmn. M. m. ShnrHj
and Klhm had a larne force at work
tho lut two wtmks awl many Improve
moots will . nuUnl when plonsuro
ookrif ai;an vlull thli plnro.
Tho l'rohytrln Ouild who V
wlllcly otpriwB KraUltnlc to all who
BwUtml In maklnif tho Harveil Supper
awl KflturUlnmetit n i;roat silccusi.
To oaeh oim who foroUhed ootnliifrs on
th proKramme, tKlal thanks are due,
also to tho filler I'l&no C .. for the uo
of two pluiKM, the I'liiyer I'iano and
tho one used for aeompatiylnr: and
solo work.
SpImwI days with tho nocoiuary study
ly artificial light tu oye strain's,
with tho usual hrrndnclic, uy0 aches,
smartifiK' wl iHirolm; of t-yo. Now Is
tho time to havp ihc-oyo examimnl,
txafore Irreparable damage is done, by
omiKHieMho iiodurstawls diseasvs of
ho eyes as unll as unlorstawl when
and Imj.v to fit Klaitftm.. Dr. Wondl ia
Uio only I'.yc Specialist In Tillamook
when you ncwl them Any style or
kind, at reasonable price. Aosulutely
Tho in irked ronttast in veKelntion
botwopn Tillamook County ami that on
tilr other aide of the coast ratine Is
nullrod and commcntial on by ev.ry
TillanHNiker colni; ouuide, oi i.uuider
eonlnu' In. t he many local.'pvoplc who
wro out to the Uouticl-Up hove r.--turnoil
with renewed enthoslasm over
natoros rich county in which they live,
where the crass is as xreon iixluy ns it
is In June and has not the fode-nwny,
dried-up disPouraRini; appearance as in
other tairtiotis of the country where
thoy have vlsitvd. What is said of
veKotallun ran also be said of the nlr
ami climate.
fviany Buying Pianos.
Four More Pianos Sold Lail Saturday.
Tint li I'iano Buying Time.
In the last Issue of this paper wu pub
llshed the names of four parties lo
whom wc sold pianos the previous .Sat
urday, and this Saturday we sold f jjr
more betidos three sold ilurin tho
week. The salos Saturday last wore lo
.Mr. Dennis of lloavor and Mr. DeUrnan.
Mr. Fltmerald and .Mr. Krskine of
Tillamook. Wc have only four pianos '
and the player piano left, bcs:dcs "no
orRan, and If you arc the h-nsl bit in
tcrosliwl you had better invcitfato In
previous hdvertisini; w.- have expfained
tne reason tor such sensational price .
cuillntj. You intRht as well profit by
this sate. As usual the highest priced '
pianos remain until the last. See the
Hllm OooIchuI PUno- Ihc finot uf-righl
pUno vrr ihif fJ Iwrc.
Vou can have easy terms n little
ench t.o .th line rent. Onl 3 rr-l days
It) old i'atslaf atore opjiosite Uio Hole'
The Tillamook Ice utvd Cold Storage ,
Ci is vxcewlliiKly busy these days.
The company had u larRc force of men
womiiii: overtime thn tint of t i.- wce.t
Relttni; a carload of mild cured nalmon
ready lor shipment to Hnmburt;, C,er
ma;i). Tho company also h.i a irro.il
demand for ice. which Is shlped to all
'purls of the county. The demand fori
ice is to irreul taut the rumpiiny can
nut make oixuuh to till nil orders. j
The Hsrvt'itt Home supper ami En- i
tTtniumenl Riven by the Ladies
(Juild of the I'resbyterlun Church lust,
Friday evening vvns n sueecss in every
win, the proceeds iiiiiountilli; to $74 00.
The unteitiunment riven in tho
biiililloK' In which tho I'illnmook Coun
ty Fair had been held, und the ladies
hud spar.il no pains in tleonitiiiK the
plnco witn vines, uutumn lenvoi an i
diihliui until it presented a moil beau
tiful siK'ht. After a bountiful supper
had been served a lino musical proRM'n
was rendered, each number of tho pro
Knun receivin heart nppl.iuso. Tnis
program deinonstrate.1 the fact Hint
Tillamook Inn at tho present time,
sumo rare niin-ical talent in her miiUt.
After tho proirra it the harvest queen,
Miss Allegro Mason, und her two little
maids. Marv and I'miline Lamar, pre
sented the Keys of tho hall to tho
midionco and tho remainder uf tho
ovonlne; was upont in Raines and a jron
oral Kood tune by all.
Mth. Koch has studied under tho beat
teacherH in Portland prior to nttendink'
Chicago Musical CoUcro and Oborlln
Conservatory of Musir. She Iiiib had a
teaching experience of ton years. Ar-
rniiKemiinta nro now beliiR inaile tor
I..UU....U .t tho studio Cor. 7th. mid
Stlllwell Avo; In tho Iteea roHldonce.
Kecltnls and Musicnlea will bo Riven
for tho bciullt of tho pupils.
i ...in m,.II at nubile aalc. on Friday,
Sept! With at 10 h. in., at Hemlock: 8
a ' two venr old heifers, 2 helfor
enlvoB, (I tons hay1, milk cans, ono old
3 In. wiiRon, 170 foot wlru cable, ami
inimurmis other nrtlclos. Terms, cash.
I'luco for rout.
K, G. Andorson.
INl k ik i . ii
A well equipped s.n.itjiriam for the (
cure of all kii. is of diseases. Compe
tent nurses in charge.
Df. S. M. Wcnai. Medical Supcilntcndent.
The Most Important
Business of Yours
Is where you Invest your money.
The Western Loan & Savimrs Co. of
Salt Lake City.Utiih.a tried nml proved
comp-.ny. is now ready for business in
Tillamook and Tillamook Co. To loan
you money or build yo a home on small
monthly payments, at a low rate of
ntere t. Write or see
A. C. EVERSON, Loan Agt.
A. M'NAlit. President.
I). L. SHUOnS. Vice President.
CAN.ADA EVUUSOK, Secy. & Troas
Hoard of Apprnisors.
E. M. Hales. F. II. Minick,
It. F. Zachman. E. J. Claussen.
Hoard of Trustees.
John Lolaud Hen
derson. H. L. Honls.
L. C. Smith W. G. McGcu.
Notice of Executor's Sale of Real
by virturo of nn OK I) Eli OF SALE
duly made and entered by tho Hon.
Homer Mason, Judiio of tho County
Court of tho State of Oregon, for Till
amook County, in the records of said
court. I will, from and nf or the 22nd
day of October, 1!I3, at my residence
on tho Miami River, in 'lilUvnook
Ciumtv. Oreiron. soil, at orivato sale
for cash In hand to tho person pnyint
tho hlirhest price therefor, subject to
tho confirmation of the said judiro of
said court, tho real property b:la.i;i:u
to tho estate of Harry T. Crane,
deceased, describe! as folio .va to-.vit:
Tha iast half of tho njrthwe.U uunr-
tcr of section Si, in township 2 north
of rniiRO 9 woit of tho Willamette
Meridian : and tho southeast iriarter of
tho northeast quarter and tho south
east qimrtor of the southeast quarter
of sectian 35, in township 2 north of
range 10 west of the Willamette .Merid
Dated Sept. 23rd 1913,
Executor of the Last Will and Tes
tament of Harry T, Crane, D-eotiscd.
Best Grade
Highest Quality
25c to SOc
Tillamook Drug Store:
r.. r. Koch, n, r. KOCH 86 HILL
1'l.onai- Hll ami
Mutual, Main I
Hand Made Logger
From French
and Domestic Kip
Curren Green
Ap A. PENNINGTON exclude agent
A Small Monthly Saving
Takes You to San Francisco and the Exposition
EverythitiK reserved everything first class and cheaper than if you
pay when you ko. Tickets prcided for every purpose -side
trips, special attrac ions, etc. Hotels and rail
road accommodations reserved.
Find out about this unique offer. Send the coupon today
E. J. CLAUSSEN, Tillamook. Oregon
You may send me FREE particulars about the San Francisco Exposi
tion Tours.
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
Cement : Coal : Lime : Brick
Shingles : Plaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
J 're si (I i)i I
See' '"'I was.
Attoror y at Law and Notary Public
TTI IL..L A MOfl &
Both Phones
Tillamook, Oregon
Sidewalks. Floors. Foundations, Chimneys,
Building Blocks. Septic Tanks, Etc.