Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 23, 1913, Image 1

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Tillamook, Oiujgo.n, Shpthmiihk 2.'5,
NO. 70
Uy of this WfkDoobIe Gold Bond Trading Stamps with EacMJOc Purchase
New Fall Merchandise
Arriving Daily
Correct, Authoritative Styles from the World's Best Designers
Many Houses Being
Hut of prizca
U I'.c boitht this
vc.r as never before
ami we are showing
un i.iunense line of the
r.cwi -i imported awl
(Ii ti'isne Inbries in the
now hI weaves (tin I
u 1 1 uv.h in Miitinji,
cuv. muterialf and
,U .1 );;. AhU to hre
ii 4. iiw Scotch mix-
.teliivy, dinn
series nnil nit
till ut popular
,V before sneh a
jt ' . his showint--a
it 'miii ol exclusive
t elegant pnt
U i tin! tailored ef
It. Mwuies design
cd made to ciiilrr
nt tM sbortcHt'Miotietv
t 1 - Jk
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Just arrived in an endless
variety of all wool fabrics to
Heleet from, in the new mod
els lor men and voting men
u; the new forays, browns,
Scotch mixtures and bines.
We Know they will .appeal
to (Ml.
Ladies', Men's and Chil
dren's Shoes
Never before was the assort
ment just so varied. For
ladies tlx heels are somewhat
lower. Tans are aain very
popular, with the laonte
medium weight gun metal,
p.'tenteolt and viei leathers
with hand turned and welt
soles. Our men's and Inns'
lines were never so complete
in the-heavy and dress styles"1
in all widths.
New Fall Suits and
Coats Just Arrived
Anil when you see these Suits and Coats you will immediately
notiee what weeaunot pieture to you in print their elever style
touehes wdiieh set them above and apart from the unusually low
prices we ask Smart full and three-quarter length styles in
coats in the new rough materials which are so popular this
season. The new 5 li ami 'M- in. coats; in suits, the three and four
button cutawav st vies; also plain tailored c fleets in all the new
est materials. ' -BALCONY DEPARTMENT
We deliver free of charge by parcel post purchases amounting to
."TfjiTfi or over loany point in Tillamook Count v.-This is the home
of Aiuei iea7iT;a(ly and Nemo Corsetsaud I lome Journal Patterns.
- l sci i iii urn ii i mi
"V Hi i K vvi'n r I in I IllSt
r'i I in jabots, collais
"'l fl.iintv little bows.
New dress trimmings in
Bulgarian bands, edgings,
millings and ribbons just
Tim editors of tho county arc muh-
Imr ii triit mii till lAJiill tf tint fmlllt
li is the aim of this bank to give
the best banking service possible
and we do it.
It is also our aim to have the
very best equipment such as
Modern Tire Proof Hanking
Room, Fire Proof Vault, Bur
glar Proof Safe. Modern Sale
Deposit Boxes and we have
thin week. On Mommy Editors Eirou-
j liurgur of tlio Wheeler Reporter, Hak
ur of tins Headlight mid Tmmbloy of
' thu llcralil wont smith In company
j with Judge Mason, to tho Cloverdnlo
I country whore they were jqlncd by
j Kditoi Taylor of tho Clovurdalo Cour
I lor ami Commissioner Farmer. Chns.
! Hay ami Mr. Logus of Clovordale ao-
i .... t
companion mo party to 1110 uuw roan
anil draw bridge between Union school
house mid Oretown. Tjiu editors In
company with tho Hay City newspaper
men are taking In the country to the
north today and will go as far us Noah-kah-ilio
mountain, A more detailed
report of these trips will appear in
our next issue.
Will Hell my ranch consisting of KiO
acres at a very reasonable price. 10
ucres Irrigation project under way;
good IniprovementH.
See or uddiess,
C, J. niarchard,
Hemlock, Ore.
Following I the
(fiwiirlwl hy the sehixil department of
the Tillamook County Fair, Sept., 4, L
and C, 11)1.1:
CIhm ., children twelve years of aire
or over. Claw 11, children under 12
Garden Producti.
Cla A.
Mntt prize. Irwin Guinea, Medn
, school f nr
Hecond prlre, Cordia Hlalock.Heav-
er. 1.00
CIhiih H
Flrat prize, Mlhrs lllnlock. kvc by
Tillsinook fount v Hank, 2.
U. I 1 t I ... ,
.-jrrwm inxi.-, iju n o(jJ, KavO oy
TillamiKik County ilinfc 1.00
Clnaa li.
Kirt prize, Mlloa lllnlock, cavoby
. '.ii i. . J .... .
v MiniiitiuK vAiuniy natiK V.Vi
duns H.
First prize. Henry Donaldson,
Fnlrvlew School J2.00
Clna A.
First prize, Brneat Font, Wilaon
Klver School ;.. J'00
Se-otd prize, Margaret Halmer,
Jraak Hiver School $1.00
Cl'tiw H.
Firat prize. Henry Donaldson,
P'nirvlew ScIkmI $2.00
ClttHE II.
Firat tirixe. .Mile nialock. llenor Pl.M
Secomr prize. Henrv Donaldson
Fairvlevv ScIkmI $1.00
Clan R.
First prize. Joseph Maxwell, Fair-
n ) view
j( (Second prize. Mary Banotn, $1.00
Claa A.
Firt prize, Chester J nen, Houl-
Ui r ureck School $2.00
Class A.
First I'rize, Gale Huoll $2.00
Class A.
First prize. Krncal Fori). Wilson
Kiver School S2.M
Second prize, dale Huel, Tilla
tnook $1.00
f!l,,H4 it. -
1 Firet prir G.-W. I.ucas, Tilla
mook $2.00
Clas A.
First prize, Gale Huol. Tillamook $2.00
Cluvss II.
Firs', prize. Henry Donaldson
Fairview School, $2.00
Hit BAD.
Class A.
First prize Lillian Kueer, eave by
Tillamook heed Co $2.00
Second prize Mildred Severance,
Gave by Tillamook Feed Co $1.00
Chins A.
First prize Mav Neyman $2.00
I Second prize, Grace Wade, Rave
by Chas. I Clonal, Atssortinent
j Flavor Bxtracts $1.00
I Class II.
! First prize Acnes Hunter. Kve
I by H. D. I.nmar. Doll $2.00
I Second prize, Doris Knight, Gave
i by K. I Haltom $1.00
I Canned Fruit and Vegetables.
j Class A.
First prize. Mildred Severance. $2.00
M-ronti prize, i.iiuau aoverance,
Gave by W. A. Williams $1.00
Class A.
First prize. Mildred Severance $2.00
Second prize, Blizabeth Halmer,
Trask Kiver School $1.00
Class 11.
First prize, Ruby Anderson,.. ......$2.00
Heifer Calves.
Class A,
First prize, Lyle Tilden, Gave bv
First National Hank .'Sa.OO
Second prize, Bmerald Tilden $2.00
Class II.
First prize, Joseph Maxwell, Gave
by Urst National Hank $3.00
; Class H.
First prize Elta Sheets, Tillamook $2.00
Second prize, Jessio Jensen. Houl-
der School $1.00
Class A.
Fiiat prize. Gladys Snodprass. Til
lamook $2.00
becoml prize, Ella Ulauu, Wilson
River School $1.00
Clans A. ,
First prize, Crystal Dunstan, two
Holiy Trees, unvo by Win A
Squires $2.00
Second prize Ruth Severence,
Guvo by Grant Mills $1.00
Class B.
First prize, Init Weston, liavo by
A. II. Harris, Gold Filled or
Silver Thimble
Class A.
FirU prizo Lucllo Rowo $2.00
Second prizo, Rosella Hurt, $1,00
Built In Tillamook
What has In-come of the proposed fiah
hatchery that was to have been located
on the Wili-on river. It l honed bv
Renters Are Fail Takinc The New , lhv ,0P,e al""K the river that tho
t !(... k. Tt.. r I-..J lauthoritioa have abandoned tho nro.
. .uu.a nm iiicy lie tUUJUICICQ. ' ...
Carpenters Are All Busy.
portion to build It at thc rnouth of the
Mnrl'n tVrL- ,..t ...III ....:.. .1 . .. .
) v. n,,.j wniuurin inc winter
. when the river is at its worst, investi
s Rate different places with a view of
W e are pleaicl to note the many fine '
residences and comfortable homes that
are being erected in Tillamook. The
very fact that the new residences and !
other empty houses arc Peine fast
taken up by renters, denotes pros- J nct'on of the state tcame com-
penty. ! mission in Increasing the bounty on
W. O. Kflburn is building a fine ' Pa,t'ers ai:d wildcats fs receivcl with
residence of the bungalow type for M. , Ratification ly the trappers herc
R. Hanenkratt. which will be rented alx,utfl- To corner a panther retpjires
to Mr. Miller who is associated with ' ev-,ra' days of hard work with dog3
the Coates Lumber Co. This new resi-' aml the former bounty of ten dollars
Belting a suitable site that will with
stand the waters force when the river
is up.
was not sufficient recompense. It is
predicted many more will be captured
this winter, which will haea tendency
to inrrcae the number of deer, now
very scarce.
Howard Reecher made a trip to the
county seat thb week, returning with
a load of supplies.
d;nce is of modern construction and
will hnvef rooms on the first floor with
buth and woodshed. There will also be
rooms on the second floor. The new '
structure will have wide roomy porches
that will add much to its comforts. i
Mr. Kilburn also built a 5 room
bungalow for Mr. Hanenkratt which
is now occupied by Oscar Schultz of
the Coates Lumber Co. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Atkins of Gales
Other work which Mr. Kilburn is doing Creek spent several days on their Wil
is the addition of some apartments at 'son River ranch. They went on Sun
the McGee apartment hous and some day to Nctarts for a few days recrea
Improvemcnts on thu A. G. Heals pro-. tion by th sea, accompanied bv Mn?
perty at the end of Stillwell Ave
David O'Donnell or.e of progressive
citizens is doing some good work in the
lire of buildii.g. He is now building a
aix.sa two story house in the west end
of town, tfie second floor of which will
be divided into apartments. This build
ing will have the bath and other
modern improvements.
Mr. O'Donnell recently completed
two fine residences In the east part of
town and says he expects to build two
or three more houses next season. Mr.
O'Donnell is Tftbtvlnfc the" t-lsht s'pJrifrpm
and is a good man to have in the com
munity. Ira Smith is building a line residence
on Second Ave. East that will ne an
ornament to that part of the city.
Harry Loomis and Miss De Young and
Tob Smith of Portland.
Let- Rush caught the prize trout the
other day measuring 23 inches and
weighing four pounds. He has been
after him for some time finally land
ing him last Friday.
C. A. Lyons has returned from Port
land and is busy clearing up their
Wm. Ryan is spending several dftys
McMinnville News-Reporter.:
ProL.F. G. Houghton, of.McMinnville
College, read the service at the mar
riage.of Miss Eliza V. Dawson to Mr.
Wilbur A. Hurdiek, which took place
Monday September 15, at two o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Julia Seitters, in
the presence of u delightful little
wedding party.
The wedding march was played by
Miss Norma Seitters, and the bride
and groom were accompanied by Miss
Violet Laufman, of this city and Mc
Minnville College, and Mr. C. O.
Dawson, a brother of the bride of Til
lamook, and the University of Oregon.
The impressive ring ceremony was
After congratulations very enjoyable
refreshments were served bv the
bride's sister, Mrs. Julia Seitters. as
sisted by her niece, Miss Morgan.
Relatives nntl friends were present.
During the afternoon the bride and
groom, iy menus of a car. made a ca
or two on aged relatives who could not
be at tho wedding, then departed on
tho 6:00 train the same evening for
their future homo at Gardner, Oregon.
1 lie tiride is favorably known in
Yamhill and Tillamook counties as a1
student of -McMinnville College and a
teacher in the public schools. Mr. Bur-1
dlcic is a druggist in tlie growing Uoos , Georire
li.... rri l i. . . - r .. 'h
iit- iuwii. i uu very ut'si wisiies ui a
large company of friends are following
them to their now home in Southern
The section of the Wilson river rosd
between Frank Hester's place and John
Little's is to be improved by culverts
and fills that will require a large
amount of grading and the removal, of
logs and stumps. Mr. Tinnerstet and
son Adolph have taken the contract for
SSO0 and at once placed a gang of men
at work burning and grubbing. The
improvement will replace two old
bridges, discontinue two bad hills and
straighten the road.
The heavy rain storm that raised the
Wilson River several feet at Joe Don
aldson's place where the rock crusher
was at work, made it impracticable to
further use the crusher and it was re
moved and the work of macadamizing
the rond along the Fairview fwtory
was discontinued for a short time.
Road work has now, however, been re
sumed under supervision of Jack Rupp
who has a force of men and teams haul
ing the river bed gravel and will con
tinue as long as the weather permits.
John Little, Cyrus Randall, and
Jack Rupp and Chris Wiess have their
teams hauling gravel on the Fairview
road work at present. During the work
there the past summer manv outside
teams were employed while the neigh
boring rancher's teams stood idle, a
practice very unfair to them who are
among the heaviest tax payers.
John Kirsch made final proof on his
homestead before clerk of court Hold
en last Saturday. James Hughey and
Kiehm appearing as wit
nesses. The land is located in section
IS, T 1 south and R. S west, about S
miles from Tillamook.
On Your Own Account
havt you any money In tho bank? A part of your arnlngs ought
to be, placed there, anyway. Everybody can afford to save some-,
thing, however little. Have a bank account of your own and you
will feel happier, hotter, more Independent. Make your little
monny earn more; and so grow bigger, Better than hoarding it
whore fire or thieves can reach It. Your bank-book la a receipt,
and an ovidenco of your wise economy, "Jj
Tillamook County Bank
(Continued on I'ago 4.)