Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 19, 1913, Image 4

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Choicest and Most Advantageously Situated of the
New Additions to the Famous Bayocean Beach Resort
All lots arc L'O to "0 feet above sea level, atVordini; the
most complete and I'caut.lul view to he had alonir the en
tijx beach, and are located rm.n at the famous Uayoceau
sea eaves and atuate beds.
Some of thco caves are quite la rue and eiu: be explored
at low tide. They are a source of never ending wonder,
earn new tide brinini: in ditVerent specimens of ocean life,
while theairate beds nave a reputation all over the state
for the beauty ami variety of their ofierintis.
Kaioi clams, mussels, crabs, sea-lish. and all kinds of
ocean food to be had in abundance ri.uht at your door,
while the bay. just behind you. affords six different kinds
of shell fish, as well as excellent salmon and trout fishing.
Good bear and deer huutintr in the hills near by which
also abound with smaller nnw.
Only a mile from the Cape Mears liht.
And listen the new Tillamook Hayocean road,
planned tobe the very finest of its kind in the country, and
which is to be built next summer, will come ritrht through
our property on its way to Bayoceun.
117 ihi increase the value of our hind, or won't it?
All lots are comparatively level, easily anil cheaply
cleared, have all kinds ol the best water, and you don't
have to pay Sl.uot) !r one either.
Our finest ocean front lots arc only $400 and we have
them as cheap as $50. A little down and a little a month
will buy you one.
IF YOU Tin- Most Bvautiiul Heach Property on the Coast BlU Y
ill AWT Make a Paying Investment UCDC
WANT To Double Your Money in a Year rlfcKt
LOTS 50 x 100-550 TO S450 $25 DOWN AND 510 A MONTH BUYS ONE
S 5
By Sending Your Mail Oi tiers to
102 Grand Ave.
Following are a few of many cut prices. Others
too numerous to mention:
Injjersoll Si.oo Watches 75c
$5.00 Gillette Safety Razors $3.75
$15.00 Hamilton Watches $7.75
16 Size Elgin Watches (thin model) S.j.50
' S40.00 Howard Watches $30.00
Big Reduction on All Howard Watches
1-3 Off on Waterman Ideal, Parker, Conklin and floore
Fountain Pens
Watches Cleaned $1.00
Mainsprings 50c Balance Staffs $1.25
$$$$$$$$$$$ I l$
Abstracts on Short Notice!
Pacific Abstract Company
L, V. mWRIIARDT, Mnnagei
Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of
Tillamook County, Oregon
;OVHh Kui.uk Wathoxj
Mjln 533 AUo Mutual
P. O. BOX 147
Brief News ol the Week
The hint lap ha h-en reached In th
cotiHtnictlon of the Panama canal, iitul
arnnll vcmcIh are expected to line the
IjIk ditch by Octolmr 10.
A Hcure of men were hurio-d, U
erlounJy, In a nurle .of extlnlnnn
that unaltered the walla of the Clover
Leaf .MIllInK company' plant at Iluf
In a fluht hctween United State
Holdlfsm and .Mexican hiiiiikkIith at
Cnrrizo Hprlto;, Texan, one .Mmlcnn
wan killed, xlx Mexican wounded und
11 captnrpd. v
DurltiK the pant Mix yearn there han
been a ate;uly lucreaati In the m:ale
3f wae paid American worklnKtnen,
according to the report of the depart
men of labor of the United StateH.
A bill appropriating' 1300,000 to pur
chaHe a location bnlldltiK In WanhltiK
ton wan panned by the Argentine
chamber of deputlen. The netiatu ul
ready had panned the bill.
The I'nllman company han been call
ed on the carpet by the California
railroad conimlnnlon, which IhhikmI an
order to the company to appear No
vember 19 and explain Itx "practice,
rule and reKUlatlona."
Editor Held In Contempt.
South Hend. WuhIi. Kdward II.
WrlKlit, JndKe of th .Superior Court
for I'aclflo county, haw found V. A.
Hardline, editor of the South Jlend
Journal, guilty of contempt of court
and han Imponed a fine; of $35 for pub
llnl'.liig factn about and making com
inctfln on a criminal cane pending In
that court in violation of Rule VII of
the court, adopted AUKimt
Wheat, Now Crop Club, 80c; blua
Btem, 88c: red Hunnlan, 7Uc.
Hay Timothy. 1C; alfalfa, $13.
Hulter- Creamery, IMc.
KgBH Candled, 34c; ranch, 27c.
Wool Kantero Oregon, 16c; Wlt
arnette valley, 19c.
Wheat, New Crop Hluentem, 8e;
lub, HOc; red ItUHHlan, 79c.
Ilay Timothy, S17 per ton; alfalfa,
13 por ton.
Uuttor C'routnury, 33c.
A Vcnrohl Uxkinin K I h ntllvwl
nt Wtorln mid U ati"l chtl hre
IVlice Chief KM haw, of Oreaon
fit h. onlerod that lb txmmtiiiti
tor kill nil unmuuled Uor on
A full KHIWU HOrOUPlntwnx Irt-mw-il
nn.l killed by itinmtti rn of thf in'l
ptiip force tit (hp hoHrt of ICuKt"
War nKIUt the apemlor IH
wuned b) tlt lortliuid tuiotiioil
ililb nHltul MoUtlM t eMry l'H
of trKiin
Clalnkntile roUlewtn ubcrtl
e. &oo urd th html for tlm ur
wy of the rtmt of lUo tirH'04Ht Co
luioblrt UtKh) throMKh Columbin
The ntfll liltlv OOtnittlttew
niimnl to inttit th jtowor poA
billtie of Kt MU rtW of "i
Columbia rhr t nt III I'ortlund
om to loimtder the prutMiattlun
The fut pii.Mjisr tmt u b run
mer the " KiiticHH Hy rH
. ryi't 4 m -orio from KtiReim
; to Not I tfumlfty. In i otnbrotUin of thu
jarrtnl of the nanil to Nott
:': tn-rnoun wore l ijurtKi. one pru
ab; fuiall). In rootny ner
OtikIm A part of 3 ttotUK lu
a hiprd titftl Uo hore bcm
rriKllteHMl wl tt dot rttld rll
In priKlMmHttoo luHt by Hovor
nor tt'imt the chtf iittotlv of th
trtte officially placed III plfol o
thv Mdtt tirvKOH day wovetnont.
and offw-uil) pttK'lwlmtKl .Monday a
tli.tt important day.
Kara of corn 11 t H Incite looK.
completely HIM with Julcr krnl
letif n to th) efficiency of dry
rtu.tittiK in Mnltmur county. U II
Jotinmn. a fartnr ol Hull ernV.
brouBltt atmd of tM cm to Vato
hi v.. application for the poollluu
I of uir1ntndnl of th Initltuttou
(for eebl ItllndeJ tmv teB rwrlml
b) the alAle txwrd of control 1'rank.
i K Smith nmlKlMlton hecumn (
i tltfe m tnbr 1
ttetiirni.ia after 10 yxtir fi i -'
lit cotl"e rounMI. C. C Hah. r '. t
lo )rnr ipTntond:.t ut i
., hoot At I .r turn on. arrived in i:n.'
( niih hi on to utr the t nu i.-..''.
lot 1 1 recoil Ikith tathrr fttut oii i.
j A(tetil iollrr. tb oll a a trctluu.r
. i the father c a tnlor
l.oUrt U (lmv. an attorney o'
t-title! 1, ha Imu-ii ordvred to t
pc.ir t-fur the (to auprftne .eir(
' (J. tuber 17 tO bOW Clle w .y tir
; should not be dlabnrred r ulicK-d
activity In ronnc(in wi dvu'it
lion of J W KdRwworth ui. two ott.i r
I. W W. June 16
The 1'ort of Portland cutntni(ou
ha offeritd to lh fiovMrnm-til tjoiiru
halt n mllluiu dollar lu aid of uik
on the north Jolty at the mouth of
the Columbia river. It a the t-fn'
unit of a program denlRtied o cut tl
Unix neceary lo couiplctuu) of 'tir
Jetty from nix to three )oar. n:id
rraillte within a year nlich benedlii to
bar channel deeponlnj; M pennit
free entrunce lo the turgor tee of
the I'auuma canal fleet
Twenty or more cltle and town
are prepnrltiK to vote thl fall on the
ijili'Mllori of nbolUhln't the almin un
tier the home rule amendment. I'lace
where the "dr" are KolnR to endeav
or to wrenl the control from the
"wetn" Include Haliun, Tht Dallen,
OreKon City. Hprlnxfleld, Jooph.
Meppuer, Kcho, .Monument, Hulhnrlln,
Orenham, 1 1 lllalxiro. Mnrahflnld, llau
don. Itiiltiler, HarrUburK. Oletidaln,
Dufur, Newport and Kail City.
The work of rvforentlntc from tUOO
to 500 ncren of denuded mountain
nlopen In Oregon and WanhliiKtou U
nbout to be undertaken by tlm United
Htaten forent nervlce f loth the direct
needlliK method, In which the tree
Heed I planted In npotn, and tan plant
ItiK of nurnrry'Krown trM will be
employed, and noumthliiK over 3000
pound of need and 800,000 plant will
b lined.
Co operation between the stale gov
ornmentn of Orexon and WanhliiKton
and the war and Interior department
of the federal Kovcrnmeut will be
noilRht by the committee created by
the Oregon leKlrilature to determlna
the feanlbllliy of, and to outline plan
for, the conatructlon of a publicly-
owned hydro electric power project on
the Columbia river near the HIk Kddy
In order that the men employed In
the nlnte printing office may be paid
weekly, an wan the cane under the
iidmlnlHtrAtlon of the Into ntnto print
er, W. 3. Dunlwny, and lu all other
prlntltiK otflcen, State I'rlnter llarrln
han made arratiKomuntH with the l.add
tc iiunh bnnk to borrow about $300,
or whatever amount In nocewmry, on
bin own note weekly to meet the pay.
Kvery available member of the tiicrl-
cultural taff and experiment Ntatlon
force of the OreKon Aurlcultural col-
feice are out In the field JudKlnic at
the county, anhool and Krange fain.
Tho demand hii been no ureal thU
yaar on tha collene force that it ha
been Impoaalblo to meet it, daaplte
the fact that more than 40 people have
bean put Into tha aervlct, The col
lege la raquaated to aend repreenta
tlvea to judge liveatock, horticultural
product, Kralna and craaies and other
field eropa, poultry, home economic
at lit
Oregon State Fai
September 29 to October
ffjfTlJNCT 9
illlmvclHMltpcl from Utalbm Main l.lno ami HranHuM thMloti,
Round Trip Fares
Albnny .
.70 Harrltburg
1. 10 Junction City
I.SS Eugene
All other point
One and One - Third Fi
St-ptembvr 25 to October 4 inclusive. Final
limit October fl, 19 13.
All Trains Direct to Fair Gr
Fur thcr iwMtruUr rrUtioo t frc, train ocrvl'e, c. ff 5,rM
JOHN M. SCOTT, Crnrral I'aiMOffr Acat, l'otU4.
Mien Axlo Gronao
the I'Kul catcf Pcaer yof llOfw
c- tfnlH ot the hafrCJa. IltC Mltrt doca It.
Eurckn Hnrnca Oil
AiUI life ami tfcrnjth to your linmro. I IU
Mtrs of tlie Icatlirr. kccpinn out moUturr a 1 K'tt
Kcc the traj. clem, bright, w.it ami m'i ,c
Hoih nic Maivianl (mckJucU of thru Mml M
by ilcalcr everywhere ami made by the
Standard Oil. Company
l At IroBMAl
Summary of the AHHcs.mncnt Holl of TlUumook Cl
for the year 1913.
Acre ill tllluldr tiiml t
Acie ill Nun Illliililc liiml
Iiiitriiriiieiit on itccilcil liiml ,,,
Towii ami city lol.
IuiinivciMcMt on liiml not tlrrilrtt or
imtrnlcil .... ,
Strttmtioiit, eullhoat, iiHiiltlfiHlliirliii;
tiiitt'liincry, rtc
MciftiiuidUc ami eliK'k in trmlr .,,,.,.,.
l-'tirillllltf imileiliriitn, Vt'lllclcn, r.lU .....
Sllurre of lot tney, ttolre, rli!
Hold mill IoiIkIiiit hoime (urultiirc
Moreen 1,3.'
Mule , , M
Cowe 7 .171
Cattle , '.',07.1
Hliitep mill tlontn , ".!
Hwinc M
Dokh , ,,
(iroi viilm; ol nil iiiopcrty
Nazaretii) ineotinuH tiro held In thu
old ClrUtlan f hurrh on Tticwlay and
Frlilav L'VL'nlnua and on Minuluv hi rt n
in. anil H p. m, .Sunday HchtMil at a
p. in.
Ull .. ., ...
aurcio on vv iikoii iiivur, a iiurt
of what Ih known an tho INitur Hrant
LI!"5U' wlt'' or without atock. I want
WM) or moro down anil will kIvo
lunty of tlmu for tho balance ut fi por
cent fntoroat. Sou N. 1'. Ilnminii.
lebo, Oru. -..Trrrti i
l.aHt Ihhiio Octobor T. ISLi' '
DON'T HPOIb A (500P m
by keeping him In ahabby oj
Wo arc aullinir Harnw J.V
buat atock at irlci "
tomtit you,
will not .only Improve i Um ipj
i or your riorao, uui ""m
...fotyaawell. M.ny. M
aa avoiueii u mo
UlicardeU in timu.
W. A
Read it in The Herald
xhlblta and evon the baby uhowa.