Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 19, 1913, Image 1

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issued twice a week tuesday and friday
Largest Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook County
Tillamook, Okhoon, Siji'Tkmiikk 11), 191, 'I.
NO. G9
Stunning and Beautiful
&rp trif Npw Suite arm Innfc
A v I I K It'IfllC 111 I1IIL' KlVtMlMI WJIS ('( VI 1 1 1' 1 1 II I'll I' I'fllllll- III t v iu Ill I ILMtu
Ill aut Stitt tuul yon II lititi cvirv cotucivublc sivlc. color niul nintcrm! here.
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nrmui lor linn iirititfc. or it n rich into ham sonic dress LOirmciiL. we re sure von
ami in! wnnt yon nrc kmmuhh lor in our luirment nepnrtineut.
Fetching New
. Fall
A VISIT to our Millinery
Dept. will iitlrrwi you
j real I v. We've ju.st
nvcl a full line of stun
: hi; direct and dress huts
nl there's a splendid assort
ii i ut of all the popular styles
"id colors.
The Best Possible
Values in the
Dress Goods
COMI'LliTIv new stocks
of the most worthy
soi ts uf frill and winter
weight wofls arc now in,
and as usual we promise von
the best possible values
values that you will find
dilHeult to equal elsewhere.
New Ncckwcnr Arrivin
Ask to sec the new
Brocaded Velvet Trim
mings, Just Arrived
Attempt on Lite of General Otis
Is Second In Three Years
Explosive Powerful. j
' i
IO AfiKi-li-K. For this second tlmo
within itircn years a bomb placed in
Jeopardy tlm life of General Harrison
Gray Otis, owner of tin !o Angeles
Times building, which was destroyed i
by dyr.amlte October 10, JS10. That j
lie whs not blown to pieces was prob
ably duo to tho watchful eye of hl
Japanese servant, who received from
till) j ostium) nn liifonia! machine mall- '
ed In thin city, 11 in! called tit employ
er's attention to It.
The attempt on his life was atlrl- j
billed by the general to agencies I
friendly to those for and whom con
splnioy evuniualed In the destruction
of hu newspaper plant nnd the killing
of W men three yearn ago. Hut thu
jollr and poftnl authorities believed
ililr.f; might be devt'oped from
tin- ih-ory that tho Mexican question
had an impelling pari In It.
General Otla I heavily Interested
m and In the MuxIpjm turrttor of '
i.owur California, where, two yoarsago
Industrial Worker of the World Joined
the direct action" element of Mexi
cans In an effort to establish a soel.il
11 1c commonwealth.
It is the aim of this bank to jivc
the best banking service possible
and we do it.
It is also our aim to have the
very best equipment such as
Modern Fire Proof Hanking
Room, Fire Proof Vault, Hur
glar Proof Safe, Modern Safe
Deposit lloxes ami wo have
Best Grade
Highest Quality
25c to 60c
. . crriRF
Tillamook drus v-
-IJ. KOCH, ffc. O. OCH OL MIL-1- mr . rssFAOT9KY
rir40ro muATto. ecrv "
- . - m?D at n
People in the News
Kranklln K. Ijiiih. sorretary of tk
Interior, who cotluphed durliiK AJuils
slon day celebnitlon In Oakland, Cat.,
U repiirlid to be ImprovltiK.
Mrn. Hiihhi'II SaKe, widow of the
Kreat financier, has Just celebrated '
her elKhty flfth birthday. She has
Klveii away $30,000,000 since the death
of her husband.
JeHmt 1'omeroy, sentenced when 18
years old for torturltiK aud murdering
little, children, has beKtin tho thirty
seventh year of his solitary confine
meat at the state prison of Mussachu
uelts, Thomas A. Kdlson, tho Inventor, Is
ImprovInK at his home t West
Oranne, N. his recovery from
his Indisposition Is expected U follow
with proper care aud rest.
Manuel de Zamacona, former Mexi
can ambassador to the United States,
has arrived In this country ostensibly
on private business, iiIUioukIi It hits
been rumored that he Is here as a
special roproseutatlvn of Huerts.
The duke of KoxburRlm declares
that his wife, who was Miss May
Cloelet of Now York, Kve, birth to n
sou becauso she ate no sugar for four
months, on advice of u speclullst, who
said If his Instructions were followed,
thu baby would bo a boy.
Foundation Laid for Succenlve Pro
ceeolncs Tlircuoh Federal Courts
Littleton. N. 11. Counsel for Harry
TUnw laid tho foundations for plans
o carry hla case to the Supreme
Court of tho United Statos.
"When-tht-Kovenior of New Hamp
shire panne on the matter of tho OX'
radltlon of Thaw to New York, at
the liearlnK to be held at Concord on
Tuesday mist, tho finding. If adverse
to Thaw, will be reviewed by the
flitted S'ntes District Court and.
should n 'decision nKalnst him then be
reuden.'d. successive appeals will be
taken until tho case reaches ".he high
est court In tlu land.
This was thu announcement made
by the Thaw lawyers after a hearing
on the federal writ of bVicns corpus
obtained In Thaw's behalf and Invok
ing tho fourteenth amendment to the
constitution had been suspended In
definitely until such time as counsel
caw fit to begin arguments after the
extradition matter had been decided.
Murder Trial Delayed.
MoMlnnvlllo. The churge ' mur
der In the first dears, preferred by
the Yamhill county rsnd Jury against
Jnmo Hutohlns, alleged slayer of
Walter A. Hodgers, as well aa the
churn of assault with a dangerous
weapon, also preferred against Hutch
tns for alleged shooting of Trank Wil
bur, havo been continued to the De
cember terro of tho circuit court on
motion of District Attornsr UJoha.
Special Surveys For Watsr Rights.
Halem. Three surrey parties
been engsgsd since June In the mess
urlng of all Irrigate lands on the
Malheur river and IU tributaries and
In determining the location ad ca
t.nclty of all ditches diverting water
rom public streams. This work has
been carried ou under the direction
f tlu. state engineer to secure Infor
mation ss a basis for an adjudication
of water rights by the stats water
Rancher Shoots Oregon Ex-Judtje.
Astoria. Or. Kx-Clrcult Judge
Knink J. Taylor, president of the
state bonnl of pilot commissioners
aud one of the leading members of
legal fraternity In western Oregon,
was slain by Oswald C. Hansel, a
Clatsop rialns rancher, on Commer
cial street, near the Spokane. Portland
A Seattle railroad depot, at 9 o'clock
Sunday morning.
Tho shooting came as the climax
of a fancied grievance which Hansel
had had for years against his victim.
Now York. -At tho request of his
widow, who said she knew he would
have wished It so, the funeral of May
or William J. Qaynor, who died at sea.
will be marked by simplicity, without
orchestra, or band music or military
pomp. Tho funeral service will be
held September 21 In Old Trinity
At Mrs. Oaynor's request the only
escort of the mayor's body will be
mounted pollcomen. There will be no
military accompaniment. Though num
erous orchestras have volunteered to
play the funeral music, Mrs. Oaynor
asked that only the regular choir of
Old Trinity sing. She naked thnt
Gounod's "Ave Msrla" be sung,
Husrta Would Tsll Warships ts Lsavs
Mexico City. The only striking
feature of the message of PreaWsBt
Husrta, "rsad to congress, ws Ut
elaratlon that ho did not faTor a re
newal of the permission to warships
of other nations to remain In Mexican
waters later than next month. Tin
limit nllowed by Mexican law wrf
originally 30 days, but tfte Mexican
oongross recently Increased It to six
months. This limit expires next
New Haven, Conn Thro employes
of the New York. New Haven ft Hart
ford railroad are h-Id by Coronet till
Mix to bu criminally responsible for (
the disastrous wreck at North Haven ,
on 8-pt!inbt'r 2, when the White
Mountain Kxprcss plunged through
the second section of the standing liar
Harbor Express, exacting a toll of 21
Those held to be responsible are
Augustus Miller, engineer of tho j
White Mountain tixpress, and Hruce
C. Adams and Charles H. Murray, con
ductor and flagman, respectively, of
the liar Harbor train.
The Coronrr neither blames r.or ab
solves the New Haven roa. Ho finds
the signals wen In perfect working
order, "and whether the banjo signals
are obsolete or not the accident would
have been prevented If the company's
rules had not been violated."
Eve; j Occurring Throughout
the Staio During tho Past
China Will Employ 200 Germans.
Peking. The exclusion of arrange
ments were rep., ii here by which
China will emp! i a CJerman lieuten
ant gf-neral with a utaff of six, and
200 other (Serin.'" cl.'lcers to reorgan
ize Its army. It waB said the Kruppa
will pay 25 per ..jnt of the Germans'
Livestock Eniry Free.
Salem. In the livestock depart
ment of tho Oregon state fair, which
-Pens .Monday, Septernlrr 23, and
c1obs Saturday. Octobar , no entry
fees will be charged. Those exhibit
ing will be charged the low rental of
52 fcr tho week for double or box
stalls and fl for single stalls. For
hog or fcheep pens II will be charged
for thu week. So fur as possible stock
will b grouped In breeds., classes and
families Stails ar.d pens with tho
first bedding of straw will be furnish
ed free to exhibition stock. When ex
hibits of any character are shipped
to tho secretary', he should be Inform
ed at tho time In order that proper
attention may be given.
Almost Consigned to a Pauper's Grave
When Found.
New York. The body of "Big Tim"
Sullivan, member of congress from the
thlrtt. Tib New York district and a
local Tammany leader, was identified
by chance in a Kordham morgue,
where It !.?d lain for 13 days. Sulli
van disappeared August 31. when he j
eluded one of hltf nurses, set to attend
him becauc? of a mental malady, and
ever since t;.e-. his friends had search
ed for him In vain. His body was on
Its way to t.;e potter's field when the
chance obs.vvatton of a policeman
who had known him intimately check
ed Its course.
Wild Horsej Ordered.
The Dalles. Sen Taylor, a promi
nent rancher of the Antelope district,
was In the city conferring with offi
cials of the Wasco county fair and
was commissioned to secure from tho
numerous bands of wild horses near
Antelope 50 animals that have never
known the "feel" of eaddle, bridle or
halter. The horses will he brought to
this city for use at the "Rodeo," which
will be one of the many big features
of tho twenty-third annual exhibition
of the local fair, October 8 to 11, in
the grounds of the Driving Park association.
Sulier Has No Pardon Power.
Kingston. N. Y. The exact status
of Governor William Sulzer of New
York, impeached by the state legis
lature, was definitely determined here
when Justice Hasbrouck ruled that
Sulzer is powerless to pardon Joseph
O. Kobln, former New York banker,
convicted of misappropriating bank
deposits, pending the result of his
trial before tho impeachment court.
Accused Priest Believed Intane.
New York. Hans Schmidt, the
priest who confessed that he killed
Anna Aumuller and cut up her body
nnd cast It piece by piece Into the
Hudson river, "as a sacrifice to be
consummated In blood," Is In the ob
servation ward of the Tombs prison
under the watchful eye of Dr. McGulre
the prison physician. Warden Fallon,
of the Tombs, declares tho man Is In
sane one of the most dangerous men
ever confined In tho prison, and In
this view ho was upheld by Deputy
Commissioner of Corrections Wright.
National Encampment Begins Near
Scenes of Famous Battles.
Chattanooga, Tenn. Held for the
first tlmo In real southern territory
and In close proximity to some of the
most famous battlefields of the Civil
war, the forty-seventh annual national
encampment of the Grand Army of
tho Uepubllc was officially opened
here with a reception at the Hotel Pat-
Not only Is this the red letter en
eamument of the Q. "A. R. because it
la the first meeting south of the Ma
son and Dixon line, but the present
year also marks the seml-centennlnl
of the battle of Chlckamauga, Look
out Mountain and Missionary Xldge,
all within a short distance of this city.
In fact, ttos exact anniversary of the
battle of Chlckamauga falls on the last
two days of the encampment, Septem
ber 19 and 20.
Women Burn Railroad Station.
London. Women suffragettes burn
ed the railroad station at Kenton.
They left the'vtclnlty placarded with
votes for women literature.
Would Governor of Oregon
nnrfinrf rnlonel Robert A. Mil
ler, of Portland, has formally an
nounced his candldscy for tho damo
eratlo nomination for governor.
Bad Smash-up on Sumpter Valley.
Daker. A mistake on the part of
a train dispatcher caused a head-on
collision between two freight trains
on the Sumpter Valley railroad, result
ing In completely demolishing one en
gine, damage to the other and derail
ment of a dozen cars, but no fatalities
or Injuries. Firemen and engineers
Jumped to safety when they saw that
a collision was Inevitable. The en
gines met on a heavy grade, one going
down hill, traveling at a high rate of
speed, the other one traveling slowly.
Agricultural College Will Exhibit at
Corvallis. On a scale larger than
ever before the Oregon agricultural
college Is preparing an educational ex
hibit for the state fair. The exhibit
Is designed to show approved methods
of Industrial and technical work In
the departments of agriculture, the
school of domestic science and art,
the engineering school and the crop
pests and zoological departments, as
well as the experiment stations. An
exhibit of grains and grasses from the
eastern Oregon station will prove an
Interesting and valuable feature.
Among the new features will be
aalmal exhibits from the college herds
and demonstration of the best method
of handling. There will also be exhib
its showing approved methods of silo
construction. There will be other de
monstrations and illustrated lectures.
The principal exhibit will occupy
the space previously assigned In the
large audltoilum and will be arranged
with a view to give practical Instruc
tion In the latest methods applied to
agriculture, home economics and engineering.
S. P. Asks Reduced Assessment.
Eugene. The tax department of the
Southern Pacific railroad has asked
the Lane county board of equalization
to tax the personal property of the
company used In the construction of
the Oakridge extension and the W'H
lametts Pacific railways In this coun
ty, at 50 psr cent of Its actual cash
ralus. Tk aaembera of the board
Tillamook, Ore.