Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 16, 1913, Image 4

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Long Beach
Choicest and Most Advantageously Situated of the
New Additions to the Famous Bayocean Beach Resort
All lots arc -0 to 30 feet above sea level, nlVordini; the
most complete awl henutiltil view to be had aloii.u the en
tire beach, ami are located rtirlu at the famous Bayocean
sea caves and ajiate beds.
Some of these caves are quite In rue and can be explored
at low tide. They are a source of never ending wonder,
eai'h new tide brin.yini: in dilVoreut specimens of ocean life,
while thea.yate beds have a reputation all over the state
for the beauty and variety of their oflerius.
Knzot clams, mussels, crabs, sea-fish, and all kinds of
ocean iood to be hail in abundance riirht. at your door,
while the bay. just behind you. affords six different kinds
of shell fih, as well as excellent salmon and trout tishini;.
Good bear and deer huntinu in the hills near by which
also Abound with smaller jjame.
Only a mile from the Cape Mears lijjht.
A tul listen the new Tillamook Hayoccan roncl,
planned to be the very finest of its' kind in the Country, ami
which is to be built next summer, will come riht through
our property on its way to Bnyoceun.
Will thi increase tiie value ofotirhmd, or won't ii?
All lots are comparatively level, easily and cheaply
cleared, have all kinds ot the best water, and you don't
have to pay SI. Olio for one either.
Our finest ocean front lots arc only $400 and we have
them as cheap as $50. A little down and a little a month
will boy you one.
The Mot Beautiful Beach Property on the Coast BUY
To .MaKea Paying Investment UCDC
T Double Your Money in a Year - - MLKL
LOTS 50 x 100550 TO S450
Hint. Il Ix'lUIVII NtUUt' iiumiiImt f the
mullein.- iiml K) rwot.'. wKiKhliiK
twat) eUlit ('iiiN ntlnlnliit.
mvl of .U'li r'Wlutlu
Am tluir (e.iltite !'' rt ileituin-
tntttu of tin' iiUHMirnll ear. n model
viir Mim iiilii'tll) oiit out In midair
on a shirk wlrn atuio olio of Uiualle
of tin auditorium
ftio ptmliK iuk of Imiidtwltlim" on tlm
wall by means of ill.' violet ray IH
tOliiMo Mill uiu'ther IiiUtciIIiu: J"ft
of rnfi"or Woed' prit.rniu. tlio rity
of ilk-lit tu-tlni: a crH.on. n tnnnl
tuiN ili'iiuii'trii(ti'ti
l'n'f"r Wo.nI I n Kind talker ntul
entertainer a well tlx h clMUlt.
Mns Alletie M. Vhm. I'rofe-isor
WikhIk only daUKttter. wlm ha l'on
tll v Orl.l'r Itllll rtltUllt fW several
jimm. will atHiiitn..ny him mot uWi
It I tn in liU fortUvsiuiliut tmiiNcviitl-
lifl.Ml tour. MU Wood In W KTttdHMl.'
Of .1 ttell klloHU UIUt"Hl eoltlBVi Of
t III. lltfl- mid l oilwrwliK tohwiwl. but
then- I- utlitne tu wUUli kiio m iiiikIi
ileltutits its M-trnlltlr Tile lmr
. i M.irh i hut sh corfornin with
t!- ultra Met rnv hn eiven ti.tr the
in.- f tumrr of einetrlrliy " Fa
ll.. - mid tiMtglitir Unroll thin iittm'
i i rn mi. tUy wuiiul the onilinry
kUs trie Ik-tit ir lortleo to MtloMt
11 iiit menu certain 'IwHtll
1 if WVrtiiuri. ai llrulb-r' nrf t'
i U'iK na In Itl fall of 't- ti i
III. ".i uc l!iriulHUI Mirtli-ii I.-"'
Id i iv i !-' Mi Klnl iiiiMiif
Tli ! h ii Wl rvof w (irr tint
if.-ir tti.it ilirr.' wit tin Wummll.il.- i
ii .mil f.T lUoiii lu u' ' Ur imtiih- o .
.in ..i.Hiii.i in nii'iinliiliii'iil. Hp
hImi II ili I'liot
tli nviiiil or llio iiil'iitiiri-i of Mm
J,,, i. mi, . Ill,, t.ooiio-1 HtlrtlUllMM'Hl of
noiiffii ftmiil oti'l uliu'o oxuiul. II U
Mini imtiil). foiiitlliiilloii to
till k ff MM-Illl Hlllt HIUU-II M'fOflll
III till till llltl'IO-tlHi: Hllll K.tflll
,,. -i , ;, Ho U lull iiml 'oiuitiiiiHl
It., iii-aotiititiit iiml coiiniHo nr ptoi"
Inii ii. .iniMoiiM'iil In III look mill li
Ii n .Ii U'tloila
Oiii lloul l o niio'lir (wlnl-r of llir
lMi.i. tint ilr iimii mil'. HI ro'lt
iu ti k.HHi nihI (loii.'tnUliii,' HotMfe
hi .ni. ii'iMi-n "Itli film Tlio) uli'-l
tiiHM lortrw ill III tiMi'lor kimii! iil
ImukIi iMiMnnnwti ut lil t1ili Of
HUllliniir HA0LI1V.
Oowriuir ll.rl..fl tt llmlloy of Ml
,t,ri I UU) of Ibo mt l't'l
ii.Mit fik-iirv" Im r utloit fiiiitli- nr.
l oiv tn.ui In lUo rvinl iMlloimi Ho
in.l.llVHti ...momlrtii l t'liUHB"
,ni.nl.l tfi.-otot ii.MtHu. hihI liU""
Hi.rv tnjii mti'iiUoii lh l fBel
. ukx uhu IMp tinilhii.if
mmilniw of Uw (MiinomHHi for li
irillii. i l oil" "I" WHiioii
I Ion ork
Ouiortfir I Initio) n l"Hni III !
(Ilittb U.l 'i'l !" Hif Uhn
i til II i . f"'' initr)
Hint ri-irwM'"t l"tti iho ifirth il tli"
uil!i til. f iihrf limliiif lt III
s..rth i-.im. Ihi tii'p nn'ihor
till' itrtOICltlrr -f I'rwal.i tMll llltlll
lor fioui i .inw'U,t
Mr I t ittle-. i-.MMiiH'.l tto oit1iltr
..mt. .i. Mw t i.n.i -if f Kurt ohil
it tHU k' timtr.1 'tlt ft-t honor of
1 1...
II l
i 1 .i rt ..
Ill .iitil.t..ti . -
r- In i (rn m.i-i r
. t ii. f..i t I'n i '.
. i ti , .... . , ti fi
in f
t 1 1 t
$ $ $ $
Bv Sending our Mail Orders to
i $ i $ $ $ i i
1 SLtJS::.
! rf i
I'liilluir it- t'Mi.r,,, kT?Tl
Muro tho Mini r .r ,,.,. "'4
! Hll lulil.ii, , .mll'ttl...
7. ". ' " ... "'""ni-
iiioim'om mi iht - , ,tl)(
.not lift ni.itiliM.' i, ... r .U"!
nil i...f .1..11 ii. ' f
loiuti-r of Mtiill in i'in ' 1
llrio- (null i"l . ito.i "
HIlO l H Ull.ll I l I
xlil'oa H lilt L-ltiu 1. . , . 'I
- . tj
iMitvi'it iim or i hi . cr ,i,aiJ
.i I.,n r ii.
DADriFD n nrriM.
w a . mm mm a mm a. i ..
T f n It n A G r..MM ... l. i .
" nBnwu wniiiiiiu ana i
Inn ln(n AiitMinnl,iu
Rushed Out ot Canidi
rT..iMTii..bL j it .1 u
......... ,T.a, (v imifT E
teAtlttntnat mIm.iiI II w Lilt.
inmui). a II. lur Mur kw,
IVpIiis thfii.t rtii. it(l rt
nr at ottltl Mm 44 ,u
I. UI..1I.. 11. J .
tif C.l..(ll. I l " - I,
l.tttln lktlUl'lllOtl.r f o
r()lMHa 1
Tliow ilin Ho rmiilir. Mj
llfiltlfirlll tlllHlt1.1lAta V I.. l'-.l.l .
Harry K that. mw
VMtillillll lL1ii1 f ..I K t u.
i.nb 114 41 t ti t I f o. W m m. -k. .
t. ""mi.ihh - ivir?
'l.t.M, l...l.,lrf.ll..l, . - .t
. mv' ii.nii.ei".".., . - ' . Iif
, no fiitiUimtiuti ti..,i 'Vu a,,
..... a -.k
; aciiiiE "iiimr m "t i-r. oi is
Ictr at Juallri. thi . .m ...
croaHl'l nun iiwj r t 4
Alt tb- A)
A Tlww lft ti'-' ..i',tioi i
un4r lltn 6mi.. ' tkijvi,
lie wtu triune a'v ' leititii
n -(! htm Iho' '
M V V w tw HUIJI 1 K.aul1. BUM! IT E
-. llll,(M lluit ll. ' Ml
f i ' .... i aMft aftia.t . 1 1 4ltk.
a . '(i n. th ." f ir.wi
' - Uwtll thi " v
tt.m alt KiSr'r f
I a
'i r
J 02 Grand Ave.
Following arc a few of many cut prices. Others
too numerous to mention: ?
Inc-rsoll Si.oo Watches 75c
S5.00 Qiilette Safety Razors 5.. 75
$15.00 Hamilton Watches 57.75
16 Size Elgin Watches (thin model) S4.50
S40.00 Howard Watches 530.00
(JiK Reduction on All Howard Watches
i-,l Off on Waterman Ideal, Parker, Conklin and Hoore
Fountain Pens
Watches Cleaned $1.00
Alainsprings 50c Balance Staffs $1.25
01 Lyceum Concerts, Lectures
and Entertainments.
Good Things In Store For Local
People Who Attend Lyceum
Movement Throughout
America Growing With
Marvelous Rapidity.
$$$$ $ $ $
Abstracts on Short Notice!
Pacific Abstract Company
L. V. EHIiItllAh'lJT, Mamigei
Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of
Tillamook County, Oregon
Main 533 Alio Mutual
P. O. BOX U7
Read it in The Herald
Tin. mriccrts. I tuivn mid rtiti;rtnln
munu which nro tictiiri-l mitl tlunrrlli
mI liuruu ltli ri..irt'.'iit it urmii of i;imhI
thlngH iilil'li am In nturif for tin: put
loim of Dim local I.ycuutii conriii) tliU
ftijiimui. Tlii'' nr Imoki'd tliroiiKh tli-j
olikul iiml lnri.'u.it liiirunu In tint Avorld
thu Itcilpntli n bureau ulilcli Kiuir
iinti'i.n uviiry onu of Itn nttnictl'inx to
In all parti of -1 1 1 4 AiihtIciiii cuii-tint-lit
tlio I.j-eiMiiii iiiovi-ini'iit in Krow-
llIK, mill IIH It J.TOUH In sl.u It lll!l'-
wls- Krowlnt: In initinrlty. TIhtd iim
today iiuiri' than Il'.ihk) I.yci.iiin courn-it
In tin- UiiUimI Stalin. Ih'nIiIi.h Hfiiiiii
l,Wt C'liaiitiiliitlaH. Itiflili'iilally It ll
of IntcriiHt tlmt inon; than CM of all
the CliaiitaiiiiiaH In tills country am
inannsuil by tlii niimc bnn-aii, from
wbli:li tlw iittrartloim h'iTlbii on thin
pat-'i' liU' boolii'il.
Lyct'inn Diiti'rtnlnnicntx dlffi-r from
any other type of public miiiiMi'ini-nU,
In that tin v Iinivu Hid coiiiinniilty ' llfo
hi'tter for their IiiivIiik coiiio mid koiik.
Kvery Lyi-ciuu lectun-r Iiiih n iiicxh.iko
willed he Ih'IIuvdh will bi'imllt IiIh hear
nr. Tlio aim of r.,v2riiin niimlcal com
paiiU or unlert.'ilni'iM Im to hi-lp main.
Uiln or raise Hut Htmnlard of tin art
tlioy ri'iren(int In nil tlm towns mid
ride tbl-y v'IhIi.
The following am tho ..vcenm courne
HttraetloiiK wlilcli mo to ho liwinl liuro
Onu of tlm blif featuren of Him J.y.
cuiim tbroiiKlioiit Ainmlni tlio comltiK'
m-UMoii will be tlm Mciontlllu lectuaii
mid ileiiioiiHtriitloiiH iiH prcHcntud by
1'iiifexnor .Moiittiivlllo WoimI. Mr.
Wood In 0110 of AiiiltIvu'h foreinoHt In
ventoiH. piirtlt'iiliiily In tbu uluctrlciil
Hold, Nearly 100 pa tout h Iuivo boon
.1 warded to .Mr. Wood, tlio majority of
vlilf-b 1110 In iiractlcal iiho today.
.Mr. Wood'H pioj,'iiim In iniiiln up of
tbliiKH eiiilri-'ly now to I.ycomn mull'
fiictu. 'J'liuio will bo a wrcHtlliitf
ujiu were nude M'inliy for t til
An to their kh nl u.irk. rt It four
brothers li.iw ilni' vo. en iiml tin t had
yenrx nf prm tl. e ti.etlier. Mlili'li linn
nwiiiiiHl in mn. t i client liur.iiiMiv
I Tliej linve nil been niihirnl itiimtelniia
fnilli tllelr lllfiiliey. iumI ii miliie inn
lin tltily wild. Tln-lr vulim huve 11
' dii.liled rmiilly bleml," A illllitlr fed-
1 line of'ilils nrKniilxiitloii In tlmt tticrr
I nro tmi reflilei-x tn tlm I'oiiipniiy,
1 " " "
Ople lleilil. wtm im tu .iiHtir here
tllU ieiiN.m U iiiii- nf Aluel'len fc'.'uilt
i out ililthuiM 11 wi ll im liK'l iiroi n. Ill
, power to Hiitertnlii ami iiwtiuci mi 11 it
dlenie In 111 ir e.m, mid bin i.Ml. uf
biviutlflll ICiikIUIi In efprntly uotnble.
Ills Anieibuii ntorliM Imvu miide fur
UlelllHolvtn 11 KiH'lire pliu-it n tile iliTee
(Ions of the Aiiierleini pis. pie. It ha
beon until tlnu hit nsulvisl tile hlu'lml
' rrktj for bl,s wrltlnu-s of any mitlior
lu Aiiiitrleii
(Jple Iteatl Is 1111 original thllllier Hit
Is aim) a line xoi-y telh-r and tells only
IiIm own HloiliM Me tells the 11 .is immi
oilier ran mid has dellchted llioiMiiuds
A prormii by Mr Iliad mum neee
1 t -.tn ltij .rlh. rli ' i.t . cfll 1
ii -ii nl 1 li. jwu l'ur )tmt
. m (.rHai4li(rt flrl uaXUbllti
n.. i,.rof r(n Cilj lu lt
. i .a-iwi .iu mtoe Riiitrtiity ut )
' n' lu ittt piMlUuti In-!
ii-i uti iivxnUattutua of Jor, 1
ml in . ! 1 1. I a uuiaW of!
- -t ii't. .';. nite lirtfc. r
.' In. inl a i.f..r.iu pnHtkt
1 .1! 'I .-V m.i.Miik III ll'l lie
. ..t.. h'i.iiiti criHtrnl lr n ma
4 l:ti. in itbirb iKHre he aUu
. - .fit.ii 1 ... l .etisl n Usui mrniiiot
n-.vrit hirue inula mihI nynliMt rfr
'r.i. k r uiitilliMC tn H".rS tie Uvnille
H i- Itrpiilith hn entiilliUte for troviirimr
f Mimuurl. wlik'h ttluii hv M
WO! It 4JH.
MoLIax.I I'll -.11 tl
a.& ..!.. .... it. : : rrttate
Uttax), and a . -
tMK IW rer tl. '--tl
Emu iiii rimi " 1
nr riwipni i " 1 '
iiruiiinr. rhi.i hi 1 .
BS ''lilf mmmmmm
1............. nnmiiiiiiiiiH
................B l'' iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH
kf 'w H
Mlw. (Jmy's xucintm lm t-eii In
tantmiisiii uu uiittunuil AlllniilKh
silll but H irJrl. nlie lias CnllitHl n rer
i)nl.il linn hi li-Kllliimt.. nrtUl
of llie IiIuIkhI rank lit tint hTimt mil
li ul iiuileri. of ibw CiiliiM KUtei. Vim
adii and ICurupe.
Mlm Cray su tier tlmt violin n
illl when un )w,r olit. m wldrli tliim
slut played lint Mofnlhu.ihu (.iinniriu,
i:m at tlmt iwrly nan lint Hmi I'rmi
elwo eiitlis iis-oKiiled Imr ludlvldiinb
I rnm tmrly hllilh(... bu linn won n
erb nf h bolnmblpH tlmt has ven
Iter mi oiniiirtuiilty in ftinly imdur tlio
urivttiMi innnlem of ihr wnt. New
Vrrrk mid Kin ope
Mls (inn piijs with a wiiruitb in
loiin and m freiMbim nf bowlin; Umt In
a not MXpertnl !' M.4
itvnr-Mork. ibe i" 'i
lint ncriinry ban illt 5
n r.
Perry's VletP'y CHtrt'
Mandiuk'. O l-'- ft
d within ("' '' "' '
.S'laimrn. (Tiiiiiliiixt' 'r r'tjrl
(UiQuhlp, lay at o ' '
Tuft, (imiftinl Nn
Adinlml Ciiflrlo K
ion, II, C, ami i
KolNr nf Hnrnu::i
ilrtfiuMMt at n menii
(rry'n victory if
la HatidiiK'xy
, ,-.d 1
0 ci
miimuilliu, in u brfiullh, mid yet with
ftuiiliilim ehuriii. Him In dUllnifiilnliod
ror Her iiiiroimeloim KracloiiHintHH of
mmiiier mid Hliupllclly an luiicti an for
hoi- iimrlt in an urtlHt.
MImh Kloroiifi. Crawford, planlsi,, f
IbU company, Iiiih i ..mat liable, ability
Him rapidly won favor In nw Vorlt
whom hIii. Htuilled and pluyH In vm
cit upuintilnu novvnil lliue, wltli tin.
K)!t Of
ut h
oatii-.ni ia.l1 r-kl liY OTUr
vi III U U U 1. 1 II II !'
C ilaapo Pallco fn '
Uonk" Tellloo V"itr'
I'll. Im Of
i elite were linked
iei or iln of r. iinlei '
" i v nrditil In a I''
found by tlm po"
I r a trull of the m
HIiir, a Cliluoiiit iiii-i
bad a while wife
CIiIiioho Interpti' ,lr'li
tin. I. (will llnli.il liui. I ll'H fOf
I in. kiiIi.u or i 1 1 1 1 1 ii iiimI tlml tfc
iillimrniilli' hail bin r. '' 101
Oblnemi official hit h l '0B'
t I ti If tl i ti
HI HIT ItHfMlllliil llV UO IIH-"',
t)it nil la ilui.ul lii llie "I""
iih "undiirisrouiid" ntii"on
...i iittt
laud, Han Krjim W" " 7 ,
(Jul.! Portland. Or. Hi'"1""
Vancoiivor, II. 0 .
tll..l. . AII...HU (1..
' . ' . . 1 MOW'
,.111111)1 IIIH", .lllinn. j,
luiiibla, M18M.J V1pnrl". M'
RiiHeiiiiiln, Mexico,
llmlriK.l1.1l Am.irlf.ltll COIltUl' 0
" . I Pill
ci to ftinilHli nrHttw
. .. ... 1. .1 ui.itfil 10
.1, 1. 11,.. .......Ill nil DC"' '
.A it
1U "
ndUKoim later rolmliur
moiit, If thoy lit" ',",i
HubBcrlbo for tho uti)l'WelJ'