r.iiro 5c Kcr Ynrd ,iHl,,n ilit ulu ltriiici ly , ni'W in: p'r yu hi 10c Outinu flannel 7c ,,),( I .! it It color unit t,. 1 1 " 'it jfowns find !(ll, It oMiilH in 7cyd flu'fy Comforter Cotton t Piiinrl Hnll O if. i( j . ni n comiui ur. i and Mcfinnllne Walt Now ?2.95 i Mini incsHiiliiit' I III' l.'l t l hIhiiIi I'M " ' Ui,, ilurl Irom .? I lu U)H ' We Mimniiiiiv t,e nrnvnl ntNcw Goods nl Prices Much Cheaper Th an Ever Before On mvouiit nl tin- min i (unity of the market lertniu IwiMtnii wIiuKh.iIiih ;in tmlcia'luiu at ixtretnclv low piiir TIiih cimlmH uiir liiiv.r who is in the ham mi piiMtrnt, to M utrxcepti. until Inv prices It Hour aim to wivc our cumotii. r- the- bt-ncli L of ihvxv ivdiu lioiiH on khh1s jiiHt rm-ivnl. GRAND LEADER Wc Ilavi- Innf.isttl Our Stock li A-Ming ti Com plete Line l It miIh ami SIhh-h foi Everyone. Ladles Work Waists Former ly 51.00 Now 25c Work vnitH lor ladies, made of dark and light percale, tfingluim, and Home of dark figured Hatine. lioc 7 Spools Clark's Cotton 25c Mlack and whitcnll nunibeiH, 200 yds on spool, 7 spools 2.c Pcquot Sheeting 35c Value 31c per yd Bleached peipioL .sheeting 2l t yds wide, .'tfe value now. 'tic Ladles' Bibbed Aprons 25p Hilihe'l aprons foj l.-nlus, light and flark colors foriiur v .'toe, now 2t")c each cc.il Ijnppciiliifls. : H i 3 , '.irthrl an tm 1 1 1! t i.i. I'luilpf rilum , ,,f HwtllltHjV Wa n ' t ! wtUi 8huR -. I-Uy, ' runt UkI mik lrK Siwf ih a lUl-f of plff, i..-.ol. i- eiet wttl far nlflV ., . k Meat Co. - : .i City f a Till. . if l'Uj, - I mai.it' Yat al IUy A oWtday ami rH ' I. .!. jlnl ittt .Ufv !.- Pnitf tltor. . fly. - .. i eric! sup--. Drug 8ur. I 'tola vn Idxitaftinv: . Monday. MT't.mi. only flrt elan T'lUitKMtk County. 'i i (ho biulno. 1'. O. WaMd, franWfy plrW MfiflUr fur famixn, II AUIiwoii. HsmlliiKc. W. H. Co of ll r iiy n n the rlly Mafwlay, ,fi.l OH RlUt. ly from IhmIihm trip i I'artlnml. Itirnitnifi for Mki; Scron rwn ulU awl iw., hlurhwt omUIu. Corntir Reowl aiwI 8tilt. r. J l'illi(. W, J. ItlMhvrti. thlr of ihn i'lntl i'i.i:aani vai.lijv. HcIkciI wiwiH-d lit lint gnirk Dlt. It Moiirfuy Willi Mm, Tnrry u tnnrlior. (!rtrui!o 8rl)lniii oi.'iii- arWil on I ni' I'rnlrln lail Mufwlity. Mr. VkIh lllttru ntnl Miti uf Xnlom nru vUHInif llio fiirmor imrniilx Mr. nji'l Mr. IVunciti. Mr. ml Mr. Wllholm r vUltir.g Uir Ulltir iwrt'iiu Mr. nrfl AJm. K tvrfiltiplri iijh winik. .S'oIImiuL loft an slumluv f, o,t ..hlworlhy moywl to fw limy will li'iich etiitilntr yir. A Mutunl toluittonit w pul Our MuttiKjn lnt MutMluy. Ml. Curat I'lillliiMof Forl tin? In for r - i. 1 1. li..m. fi.li. . . ... . ' .. .. . ... M . , iin iwir. vmiwK iir iier ,mi, Aiwin mum . . . ..r ..... .... .. ft.... . 1. . ...! ... 1. i prp an win nni menu ror a ilny W II. Iloiwy ami ImwkIii of (!. r v.t'.. ami hum Uhon Uio mi mi In . of I'll iiltieti. Jrf. ' " yUntr, PncUirv liiK-lnr vl- ........ ... 1 Hl U'mlmiiliiy ill Iho I'lfiunnl Vnlloy Ml MM Ooyiici kihI ltml llaln left, factory. an .Monday for Hlin lit ittn llrair . Ftora Itnt uf IVrtlmMl win the KUimiI of MiM Anno SrlnUI I tut wuuV. , TILLAMOOK SANITARIUM ' IS. iK KATi II A .vi It e HiintUirium fur the i enru of all Kl )H t f illnciiac. ( omin tunl .imti in rhtirui' Dr. S. M. Wtadl. MtJll Siipt.lolc.vdr ... Mr Norman I'hrinli'-un wnt luiiiunk Ihh.t TiH-wty. ii Til- Frank Barnes Buys Fine Piano. ii. 'i "in iiM.fd.iij? for IS , ailcy JuinU i UiiiuaeUt lml- -4-Im-b luiay. rljnil HalurUoy : Koiiti.U, tcliiriml on Momlny (-I,. outlcln. a ..hp i.f Ui0 l'evJI .lim lnt 'iV. It f.ir I'urllnml till rt vmit wllli frlcmti. l Uumvii I lrnnort- i nl Ia Itily twlny. ii I family of llio Mlii" - k vmltur Innl Stiiur- no(tt yir' t.ttrk Ml U'lllamintti Un lcrily. Jttitgn Maatw mtj CtmmimUttwt PtHr In rouiptiay wUj Cnmlluir Ulnef m4 n liiUon of mriii of thrt r,Mvb In Urn nofUi ! j Utc euutiiy on Ionday. Vof I'rtwrltwil. thtf pnltttUl, Hill l? at the Iwtl 1 1 .(!. TlllmiiiHiV. fur lwu wV. RivinR ivwdinx (wlmUiry. .Saturday We iold Four I'ianoi, nd Ihe r hn4 rwo.Jinn. Hoar 10 n. m. lo 5 I I'roplr of Tillamook Arc Beginning m Ucmllnc V. i n ..; Thai Now I. the Foundation bferlu for ato -ml Time lo Bur Piano. Wind. uf (wmhmiI work down Incluillnn j . Uio tajriBE ni fouwIntloiM nml klw Mr. II. I'. Slioldnti of Tillamook no walk. tW A. I. lor. . rurvd oor of tin dikihmi nml at trc- Arthur Htrnl of Claekniniu, who I imtndoon huvIdk. Mr. Frank n.irnM of tin bfl Ullln hrw( rturrJ t i , ItnrtMNKlalr (Mirrlmiwl nto did Mr. Ikmiip ,M'.lr H wt ioiiipjttiwl jWaltor M. IVilyn of Hy City und Mr. ly hi frlcod OmUv ILilmrlacli w! H. U. Turnorof llomlook. .no Mil. . Call mill nl Otonin F. It. 1 1 . 1! - I iKfl 1. W t . in mi . f ... r ftf'fr 1 I..I fr 'I. fxr.i ' ...... .... i ...ir.. iMfi . I I'ltIV llll.l I.M ' r (l fmv liny vlull with I i ' i 1 1 inml. in.. I F.ittiisr Vnn (Jliiriiii I 'rn tiU n tlu Month rl f,' ' mi Stitunluy. '''I .riiiuuji., a ttottKo nml lot itij. nr.. 'I'lHiimiutk iniiur- v itt'iitiii uiiikii yMi can luy now nt wholonaK, you tavtf all itKonti.' )iinniMUiiin, you hnvu m Ijuko utoek of the world' t.'Ht innkc of iiIiiihi to elccl from ; in fuel Iho UrKWt nixl fliu'nt Btixrk of jilnnoti over umlor one rwf in Tillunioo . It will In. miiny year lioforo you have audi nn opKtrtunity to tiny ii InrRti lxo Kimliall. Smith llurno or some othor unit known make nml buy it for tlio wholf'ile price nml on oany monthly One Hundred Dollars Not to be will (mI n Mk in Clnekntna A l a rpffwUr Utilno (nonllnt: of 'he moHibr of llir ChrUtian Church ll W4s doJldchl u, Imvti revival iniMtinu In tfi month of .N'ovnintKir. lly umin tmowi val Uio twtr' alnry w In frofllnl SNB0 Mr var. Htvev llafo who will UWml tho Ort Km AKrltnilturnl Collofjo nl C4nlll durlnK iho coinlnR ywr, loft for Ut ( ...... 1. . .... V t I M . i.n.HtMll I I it u ii ..i-i i .. tMiyiimnta if ymi wih wa arroiniwnitnl n fur Ht I'ortlund by r' , , ' . . Iila fallmr Af.1 llafl. I . I Sneezed At Wnl0l lo uorrnw ior n nrra thufti to fJ yonm. lnUrl ll nnnn tolly nl 7 wr enl. Fiml elaM wrurity on eloo in dairy ruwh. one mitt from rily of TillnmiMik. Mia ililmn Andron (UilK'htor of I Amlrow AwUrwon on ilwn rlvor. I lft for hot work in I'.wllnnd this mornint; nf tor montli vlail nt tho v.l fnmlly "of Ctovtff-, honui il. Her friomU gnve h pnrty ftk vUltom liver Son- n lcr htir Momlny ovenint:. j Mm. Jit. V. llerry dnnchtori will yl von hy Ml Ktilhln nml kuth lfl lint '."k fir ' Mm. A. C. !. j thoir horn in liny Cily. Mlrl . nflr j mi iiUiHiid vull with Mm. Horry's . or. loitinMi tu pun-: liroihr C. B. Tr.mi.ly of Uilt cily . ... . n LI... ti,... I. It !,, iiioul tttlM lin III MM Yk . I. IfJUiuioy ut WhiUihI; i wonmn t. A..M..r.n.'j nr Itlrtn ttlltl ornt hotmework mmI fnrmwoik on r.noh ' pinmw nnd m-h ony totins nl tliin time ono milo from town. Att,V l I rnnk. Uwn.tr onn ' Stivriinrt.. Tllh.i.iook. , Mr. SVnrrun Ctliuo or I'ortlnnu, ior ggvitnil no liwlnictor of pinmi. hrnM tnul tfinK lnrtlniiiiiut, nrrivt-.l In tho city Sntiinlny ovoninj;. H 1,1 . otntomplntlni,' orunnlilni: 111 ! pliinonud otlior liutmmontrt if oumll tiona nro fiivonililc. Ho comun wolf ruiMimmDiidml. I Mm. ICdwIii'K. Kfh will op.-n nj pluno Mtiidlo upon hur roturn from j I'nrtlnml. Mm. Knoll in nn oxporii'iii'i'd toitcliur nml Inn ihiuliloil to ii-opl u j linillL-il niimlr of pupilri. Dr. Wo n ill ia tlio, only Hy" Swlnllt lit-rmnnontly looiitod in Til nmook. r The Most Important Btisincss of Yoars Ii where iti invest your money. Th"- V-tiTit ljan A: Savings CV. of Salt I .ike City, Utah, ii tried and proved commnv. it now miuly for hutim-mi in Tillotntjok ami Tillum-wk Co. To lonn you money or build yon n homo on b.nall monthly iinyini-iits. nl a low rate of iitereL Write or ee A. C. EVERSON, Loan Agt. A. M'N'Alli. F'ro.nidervU I). I,. SHI'ODE, Vice FresidenL CAN.ADA KVKItSOV. Secy. & Trens lionrd of Apprnisors. K. M. HhIoh. F. H. Minick. it. F. .nchmnn, K. J. CluunHun. Hoitnl of Trustee. John LeHnd Men- derson, II. L. Henla. I.. C. Smith W. G. McGcv. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Every Housewife Knows Tluit it takey ufjooil Hour tom.-ike loaves of bread like these white, liht anil so clelit ious Arc you lining Drifted Snow Flour uti'Itttui.' ;rr. eet baking rextilt'' Try : u-xt time and M-t- wirit a iluTcr. nci- h m ikes iti y...ir baking. A Gvatanieed Flour And remciubfr Driftfrl Snnw 1'lo.iris absolutely 'ti 'iraiiti-cd to aiv yood results. Your niomv will tie eheerltillv re funded by the jjrocer if vou are not entirely satisfied. "All grocer sell "DRirrED SNOW" Sperry Flour Co. 7 j Mm p. cirTt5 Jcw.;d r 4W' I i Waft Send This Coupon Today It will bring you Information it to how YOU and your en tire family can visit the San Franciico Expciitlon In 1915 on the doHar-a-wetk plan. Not only that, but everything will be oi the best, everything reserved and it will cost ycu !css than if you piy when you go. E. J. CLAUSSEN, Tillamook, Oregon You may send me free literature about the San Francisco Exposi tion Toum. Address. A. l-lnehnck n piano dealer from Portland, OreKon. in now a resident of the city in Tillamook, ie selling a line lino of hlh Kritdo pianos of the old re-, liable firm. Kohler A Chase Piano Co. i of Portland, Oregon, a firm with hiirh ri'ioillirifndiitloriM throUKhout all the State of Oregon for their honest and Dipiaru dentine with the people. I am Belling higti grade new pianos of old reliable make which is regular It .irir. .I nt v7.r lltl whiih nmv ritn lw If you were sure of obtaining junt iHu;),t for SIOO.00. A ?.I.W.00. now for the piano you hould buy und gutting it 1 Fivi.00; RCi.uO piano tor 7&.uu- a now for $1(X).00 leK than you ever eaiikl again, would you buy? You can do lhi now and have to oloct frt'in iiome of the most e.xponnive piano tho tlnoat ever hi)HHl liure. At tho Btnrlling reduction ami en.sv lormH, Inlying a piano in not at present a very Burlou mailer. Ituinomoer you are dealing with KiUrs Miiiic lloime. the nation' lrgent piuuo denlem, ami you have their famous guarantee im well lis the, inimu fncturem'. YOU HAVE UNTIL SAT URDAY, SEPT. :0lh TO TAK1 AU VAN'FAGE OF THIS SALE. In our SSOO.OO niiino. now S2tkri.(K): also u new SjiKI.Ol) piano, with the exceptions of a little shop worn, for SlS.1.00. We sell on easy terms ami will take your organ as part payment. We invite the good people of Tillamook and county to come and see nnd get the low prices of tliose pianos, which are now on s..le. Anil before purchasing u piano else where, don't fail to come und see me ami my planus, and I will save you money. My' pianos are located on Sth Street and 'Jml Ave. K in my private home, no extra rent to pay for store room. We give our customer the benefit of the high rent which others hnve to pay. I have been in the piano business for 'JO venrs. 1 know the business from A to do general I provlnua advertising we have explained ' to and won t be undersold. All I ask i .1.. ....i, u.,...timml reductions i , m come and see me before purchasing a wife to do gen- why such sensational rulu ions in , will ireat ou right. .1 ' ..1 .... I ......I. iiii.ii t.i.MW lit tlllH lltltf.. ' .. . . ...... brooch. ("ivitii? proporly nml ,1 S-VTlUUiAY IS T1IK LAST DAY Eilers Music House In Old PatJtlair Store Opposite Ramsey Hotel. Our pl.icu of business is open even I ings u:;lll U I 1 make my money here and spend it here. A. Ll.NBHAGK. M iinnger. Mutual Phone. 77i. ff'tnimlpn Cut$ cf thtm . . 1 I I 1 W m ountain While Miltn; to ui'hool thero ' nothing bettor nnd morn MiMyiii Hum (o own a Rood f.niiitulti pen ; otiu tluit h nt w.iyn ready to wrlto "nil ilniiii not Hood or noil "' Diiuorii.ftM J w Inindle nil In a RF.XALL fEN, fol, I op trlnl, Hiitlafnc ""n gunriintocd. f l'licci r.iiiKlnK Irom MM lo $5,50 nt.i.. oyi-p which ro tlin niosi si-..um.- . ...... ..f eour body Bhoiild tio examined iby a phyHlciaii who i ci.pi.blo rivoK tedl"eiiHes oilier than llio nw "( , Iwiiy hem io nuiko gmM I. t gunruntoe. aiivwncri'i Prlceti are reuHonalilo an 15. 25 and -10 Watt, 35c 60 Wall - . $1.20 100 Walt 150 Walt 250 Watt 2.00 irntrd l.imii 1' lt"' il.r, lV)... Jr.L 'irt mice ti n- XIWX with ,100,1 W...M...M.. mi-. TillRmook Blectvlo rtl,1(g, MKi- jmtwnsm.mm . iri 571, m' U n ' v . T Mm 1 1 mrm aw .Bt-iitlBBaaKr V . .i.YfaleYT - & W 'BBmaaaa KiBliBlHiBim.iB' m r-sW'i SPEED SPEED and again, bPhtU YOUR object in hootine i to cet your bird with tho center of your lo.td. Of counwl Then hoot theie Steel Lined Spent 2helh. tu ... Ii..tr hell in tho market. Their peed is demomlrated beyond question by tho one iurc le.t in oil balli.tic malleri-tho Llectria aironograph. Uen. too, Iheio i tho experience of tlou.nd. of .easoncd gunner who havo been tlioolin tho Renungtn.UMC Steel Uned Shell ever inco they enmo out. The trcl linlm I. th. lltlnir.. It prli ll r-ydtr-ho'.Ji it In .wwrwilM -pul all ih dtiv ol U (Bplouon lehmJ lh hol. Your lo.,l t.av.l. aulcler-you tkorlen up your h.A Yoa u dovin lh iuih votk on UJ and ii.-.Ui-pj t "' You.'dfV',.cri'"t,:lp.?L,il,J.Sl., fete Remiiiiitoti Anns-Union Metallic Gm. id.o Co. j F. C. FELDSCHAU Cement Sidewalks and Concrete Construction Work Enquire at Ramsey Hotel Cement : Coal : Lime : Brick Shingles : Plaster Root Paint : Drain Tile LAM.B-SCHRADER COMPANY Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West SIDNEY E. HENDERSON President Surveyor JOHN LRLAND HENDERSON Sfr' ''Trens. Attorney t Law :v.d Notary Public TlTJLIi) AJS OMs AS J lINCOlU'UKATKn) LAW : ABSTRACTS : REAL ESTATE SURVEYING : INSURANCE Both Phones Tillamook, Oregon ie National Capital Brevities. Tho house currency committee has completed Its work on tho adminis tration bill, nnd has authorised Chair man Glass to report the measure. Do bate will probably . boRln early next Viwl At the currency bill hearing-before tho nenate flnnnco committee, Festua Wmto of St. Louis mid that tho Amer ican banltera' iifiochttlon rennrded the lHsuiinco of currency by tho United State treasury nt "weakening tho republtc." Tho Interior department Is working on u recommendation, tu ho suhmlttcd to consress Inter, ndvocatliiK leslsla lion nuthorbiiiB tho purclmso of gov--.r., 1 tinibtir 1 limber rlp.hts j'.n 11., v .vtwi. uciea. which I ta eh ' , tite..t ' mil. Masonic Brethren, Attention! REGULAR COMMUNICATION EVERY THIRD SATURDAY A full attendance is request! d and all visiting brothers are cor dially invited. j R. T. B(U'. W. M. I C. IJ. Tkom iilhy, Secretary, c. s.aongii Co. ruin. 1 ...... a "- :KkbaBBMBBMaaBflBBS