Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 16, 1913, Image 2

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    Cbe Cillamook fterald
Usual Civlcc .1 lUcck
Cromblcy, Editor
c c CtiC5d.iV and Friday
Knterrd a vomld! matter May IT. tlO, nt t iMt olieo a
Oirmn, under tin act of March 3. IS71.
t Tillamook,
Jldvertt$itm Kates
erl Advertisement
First Insertion, per line 5
F-aeh suV- "t irsertton, Im
ItAflUMloMt NT t "C"
Timber Cains -
liaeh ubeouent insertion, line
Resolutions of t ondelenco ami
t,odjre notices, per line - .0
W Buin& IVofewional card, two. 1.00
Displav Advert'semenl, per inch .8
6-1 Alt M. ..,).. t.l mual ha in this of-
rice on Mon'av ami munwiay Jiorn
Notice, per I me
C rd of thanks, rr line
l.vrat, "er line, first insertion
Inn to insure publication in follow
in Tuesday and Friday lsU0.
Reasons are "imperative.
The Headlight My: "riw Warren
Construe'.' ' I'.', will r-ot re.nove their
plant from the cp t crounis." Thi
undoubtedly means that Bnv Baker
will slay with us at 'east white Jong-
Scurf. Mr. C. 'Nelson
Centerpiece. Mr. R. C. Ijmuu M
Mrs. B. Vantw - -
Mr. 0 race I .each M
Tawh, Mr. Q. fifiwut - .W
jQnilt. Mr. L. U Calloway 50
I " Mr. 1). D. West
Mw. K. T. Wtloy
Mrs. t). D. West . .
Mr. I- L. Galloway
There seemed to be considerable sen i
ti..,i t the stockholder meeting of!
the Fair Association, lat Saturday. in ltf. Mr-,- U hw" - - -60
f ivor of Msrsisn a mrral agricultural I " " " -
exhibit to the state fair along with our Pillow Sham. Mr. 11. K. Was ton .80
cheese exhibit. After some discission , Spread. Mrs. D. Hillings SO
it was decided to do thi. While the Quilt, '
i, Kthnn in which to Dreoar an i Table Cloth, Mr. J. K. llrtrRor..
exhibit, we are sure Mlamoo Oantv i Corset Cover. .Mr,
... nlk Aim show-in at the fair I -onierpue,
e.en witft un namucap w wnw
with. ErervhtxJr will have to la a
l.-tt interest ani taerebr a food e
h bit can be secured.
K. HrtrRor 10
Wilkt .80
Kriekaon .......... .80
" .60
Point Lace. Mr. Willet 80
t. Wimki Curtain. Mr. SbeeU 60 j
IVilies, -Mr. J. r.. larger
C. C. Chapman, manager of the Ore Scarf. Mrs.
en Development League, li callni(
for Tillamook County exhibits to be
ljt on display at the eastern land
.hows this winter. We believe it
uouU be a good idea to have sotnr of
ojr stste fair exhibit aveJ for this
purpose arid sent to Mr. Chapnia
Theexpecse is almost nothing, all it
ncels i a little attention.
U. C. Umb
Mr. Annti llnrtiion ..
Bed Spread. Mrs. He I.illles
" Mr. Normnn Uyc ....
Crochet Wai.it. Mrs. Smxicra ....
" Dre. "
Apron. Mrs. D. IX West
Pillow Top, Mr. Andrew Christ-
Painting. Mr. Ixua Mtitiwvvs ... .
The Democratic Tariff revision bill
passed the Senate on the 9th by a vote
of 46 to 37. The bit I pasaed by a larg
er majority of vote than was antici
pated, all of which goes to show the
firm crasp which President Wibon has
upon the situation. President Wilson
is an orijanieer; he is proving himself
a strong man ami is thereby securing
the confidence of the people wno are
beRinnins: to believe that he is able to
find a safe way out of any difficulty.
The ditlerences between the house and
the senate :n rspard to the bill will
undoubtedly be settled this wesk and
the bill will at once becocea law after
the president's signature.
One of the intretim; incidents in
connection with the passage of the bill
by the senate was the stani taken by
Senator l.a Follette, foremost progres
sive republican, and Seuator Poindex
ter, the only member of the projrres-si-e
party in the senate, both of whom
voted for the bill. Senator La ro
IeUe's Ss;ht in his own party was caus
ed by the fact that the old machine
bound republican party failed to do by
the people what i had agreed to do in
regard to tarilf revision. The progres
sive part.' of which Senator Poindexter
is a member, was formed as a protest
against the action of the republican
party in not keeping its late promises.
Tne action of the above mentioned
senators can mean but one thing and
that is; that they consider that the
democrats are doing for the people in
a large measure what the republican
party pioiriUyJ, but failed to do. If
they did not consider the bill a pro
gressive measure and for the benefit
of the people they most cortainly
would never have vote! for it. In
fact it was nerciurv for them to vote
for the bill if they were to remain true
to their principles, all of which tends
to s'.iow that the democratic party of ;
t.xlay is indeed the progressive party. ,
- 1.00
Miss Crystal Dunsuin. . . 2.00
lira. Smith 1.00
Mrs. W. C. King .. l.W
" 2.00
M 1.00
Mrs. Sm;h - 'iW
' tumfler Mis. Nannie Craven 1.00
Burnt Plates
Dipluy of Fancy Work Mrs.
f?re..d Mrs S. W. Elliot
Bread cakes, Mr. Tom Coat
Cake.s fried, Mrs. H K. Wetton
Cake, Mm. J. H. Buua. ...... ..-...
I Senator Cliniuborlntii Intnnil" mtio
ductus a bill nlM'roiirlHllUK $".'" w
ihuxo lhi C(Hi! Itay lUo snlifi stnuoti
and ri'bulld It lu a Imttur Itwntloli
j The fnrtnprs of Pouchi count t''"
1 formed au aatujelnttim to row l""
coll ami wluter eaullflor for hip-
ment to .Minneapolis In ntrtoml lotn
The Houtb Kelly l.umNir coniiy
ha Jut reelvwl mtut to over
TO.OW aero of Umber laud In the
Orgeon . t'attfprnta rallroail itnun
tVunty clerk from at Iohi : f
the count tr of Oregon mo .', .. .I
to meot In lortland September li m
Joseph Stotnliardt, of Xw
ha sevureii tbrouah tbo Hood K i r
Apple Uroer' association loe wr
load of the rtnost fruit In le rimu
In the valley.
At Salem Judge Oalloway tm t4
ulcsni the itlt brought In the rln t.it
.tourt by Km est l'ingv to nnjotn sh
reury of State Olcwtt (rout retiming
the workmen comixmsailott vt to a
vole of the people.
Two hundred ear of pear, prttict .
;m!ly Bart let U, have been blppl ,
from Med ford already, and aouo of the f
late panra have $ono forward. The I
bulk .of the crop was otl at ku.M
l-rtcr before shipment
The Medford W. C T. V. has adopt
ed resolution connemnlng the , r.tr i
skirt and urging all members of the .
organisation to uphold pubU; authorl
tie In preventing Its appearance on j
public thoroughfare. '
The llaker commercial club Is mak
ing every effort to turn the architects 1
of the new federal building In Port-1
land consider the ut; of llaker county
building stone In at lnl part of the
structure. !
The banner sectlou of timber land
In Clatsop county, accordtnc to the
m new county cruise, u section I of
i township t north, ran fie S west, which
gq contain iS.s50.ooo feet of merchant.
u'gQjahtv timber, the great bulk of which
.7 qo j I yellow fir.
ou . ; . ' ; ; it
. purchase the printing plant of thn late
Mate printer, W S. Dnntway. for lift.
' t?0 It was also dectdod to adopt the
1 Salim scale of wape for th printer
in the elate printing office.
i nai mere may an no cuannm oi t
uuch dlaaators as befoll the iMsoiiKr j
mlbe New Haven road the other day
oti the new Portland. tCugxne & hnst j
era. all the car to tto usinI on this I
line are to tw of steel, oven the bag
gage cars.
' Prom various neetlotte of I'olk conn
i ty come report of unusual shortatte
' in the potato crop. The ucroapo is
small this eaou and so Is the yield i
: in many cases. Early potataea made i
' a fair showing, but late varieties do,
tint nrwnt nl anuanuM in thu Xaxarcnc rili-etilK re
If Yok Can Manufacture Anythi
Come to
To Do The Manufacturing
ttiivs and lprclal
llll,llI04kailiikaitM t tlKOtt
Eio viH lirlii' pay
rolls l4 - -
f h anaii ii 1214 I iirin
vity osi 2na3KSi Qlay
Nehalem Haiboi Co.
r e g o n
PotlUnd tilfiK, 327 l'.tiin r?
TtlUmoA Udiu! Urr I' KV HoU
Doughnut, " "
Bread, Mrs. J. Oleson
" Mrs. B. Heals
Cake, Mrs. S. W. Klllott 60
Tarta, Mrs. Wm. Maxwell 80
Cake, Mrs. B. Beals ftO
Jelly Koll, Mr. Wm. Maxwell .
Cookies, " " ..
Jelly, " " '..
Cake Mr. S. W. filliott ,
" Mrs. Small
Gem, " ,
Jlly, Mr. Billings
Fruit canned, "
Veg., "
Jam, "
Doughnut, Mrs. Honrv llogur.
Cake, Mr. W. It. Powell
TarU, " "
Ca'e, Mrs. L. M. Kraner
Fruit canned, Mr. D. D. Wtst
Proaerves, " " ...
' field.
held in the
old Chusllun Church on Tuesday and
i'riilav HVimuiL-n nti l on SuihIhv at 3 tt.
Benjamin H. Perklu. who was lato- i nrl b p. m. .Suralay School nl 2
ly appointed a district upvrtntend ; p. m.
nt for the Prohibition iarty. has an- i m - -
nounced 30-day campaign at Kugene LAND K)K SALE.
to enlist the women voters of that city j
in the party's cauo. Il said that Sixty acre on iVilaon Kiver. a part
similar campaign, are to ho mado all ,f what is known Ow P.-ter Ilraht
iiltis n iii mi wil'muk t Hill
Dr. L. i:. Hewitt H T FOTT
, Veg. canned,
j Cake,
! Cookies,
Mrs. Mc Ghee.,
(Continued from laist week )
I Cake,
Centerpiece, Mrs. Grace Leach S .CO, urs j
Doily, Mrs. W. A. Williams 25
French Krnb.. Mrs. K. Snodgras... .50
Dr.iwn Work, Mrs. J. E. Barger... JiO
" Mrs. " " 2o
" Mrs. FA. Weston &n
.-virs. unance w cinnamon roll, Mrs
Quilt, Mrs. H. E. Weston "WiHuns,
Tatting, .Mr. Ed. Weston c0 Bread "
" Mrb Mulhoun - .60 1 frHnni F-nii m,.
H. Butts
Veg. canned, Lillian Severance
Cake, Mrs. D. Billings
Bread, Mrs. Speaker
" Mrs Mulhoun
ClarnB canned, Mrs. W. S. Buel
I). Hillings
Mrs. J. Oleson 60
Skirt, Mrs. De Lillies
Centerpiece, " " rJ
Lunch Cloth, Mrs. C. Nelson 60
Centerpiece,;.Mrs, Moe
Corset Cover, Mrs. A. Jensen ...
Slip, Mrs. J. E. Barger
Biby Coat, Mrs. H. C. Lamb ..
Centerpiece, Mrs. Kate Franklin
Mrs. C. Nelson
Pillow, Mrs. A.
! Bread,
M. Terry ...
C King ...
M. F. Dunstari
.60 i
'..00 I
.60 j
.50 I
over tho state.
It has become
that a Uulverslty of Oregon man won
the prize for highest standing offered
by Oxford, EuglautI, university, aud
that ho I tho first Amort ran to win
this honor. He Is Cue!! Lyons, of Kti-
i gene, wtio was Krauuatml from the
j L?nlverlty of Oregon lu 1010:
An experiment BJtrduti and farm for
Instructing Coos county ranchers In
Intensive farming Is proposed by the
i Marsh field chamber of commerce.
( Tho plan la to establish an experiment
station of 10 acre on which vvtrlous
vegetables and flowers will bo grown.
This will demonatrato the best varle-
or more down atvl will give
known at Hugene i plenty of time for tbo Imlam-u at per
rent intoruat. Seo N. P. HaniHtn,
llelio, Ore.
Last issue October 6.
Dcpnrtinciit of Cite Interior.
U. S. LAND OFFK Kat Portland. Ore.
August It, mx
Notice is hereby given that John N.
Ktrscb, of Tillamook, Oregon, who, on
May U, 1012, made I liiinustoiiil I'.ntry,
No. a'Ui, for SEiNWi SWINKJ
NJSI-'i Sertion H. rnwriship 1 South
Itangi) K West, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of Intention to make
Final Commutation Homestead l'riof,
to eatalilixn rlaim to the Ian I hImivc
OUl.trlral Hiwrlallat
Both Phonos
lies, anal Olllre: vVhllhou Keeideneo
JR. A. I). PKkKiN.S.
Olbco hi .StMik'ron llldtf.
All Work OuAMUtcnt,
I'll.!. Mudi;
day of Hep-
ties and furnish considerable of the ! described, beloru The County (Merk of
seed for the ranches around there illiamook i.ounly, Oregon, at lilla
Attorney General Crawford has fll,l on UltJ " 1
nult In the circuit court at Salem j Claimant name aa witnesses :
agalnt the governor, fecretary of i Gi-orgu T. Kiuhm.
Charles (!, Lyon,
James 1 Itiylmy,
Wiailuy UuMh, all
Drawn Work, Mrs. J. C. Barker
,, " Mrs. L. Jucijuui, ...
Uaby Dress, Mrs. Willet
Mrs. H, C. Lamb
Pillow Case, Mrs. Ira Smith , .,
Mrs, F. II. Beals
Curriage Kobe, Mrs. B, C. Lumb...
Centerpiece, Mrs Grace Leach
" Wrs. Andrew CliristenEen..
r.o Gems.
rJ Biscuit. '
'"'; Canned Fruit, A. L, Donaldson
60 1 3 Photos, E. G. Lantz
.25110 " " '
E. William 60'?. " . . " "
r j nurnt riaque, t;rysUil Dunstan
'tzi Hand made Fans, Mrs. Fowler ,..
60 Matting ' '
nr. r...t ... .L. i
.io wwmg io me Hiorm anu mo neces
.WJ j sary delay caused thereby the judging
or. Hi this department was bo rushed that
rn I .tno J'1),,'J8 report fa Incomplete and the
Ml board IH Wtllinir In iillnu linn nr..ml.,...
- - ...... - ........ '.v.,ui4iiia
not mentioned in this list, providing
the tags and proper numbera can be
It. V. Hlalock,
Sec. !
2. 0
atate and treasurer of Oregon to re
cover to the mate the aum of tltf,
518.83. The action Is anld to bo baaed
upon a purely technical Interpretation
of tho law governing tho penitentiary
"revolving fund."
The local land offlco at Valo has
been doing a nulling buhlness In
homestead and desert filings, IL'0,000
acres of government reserve Innd In
Malheur county having been thrown
open to entry In August. It Is ex
pected that 1000 famlllea will bo nud
ed to the population of Malheur conn
With 10 blocks of hard-surface pave
ment constructed and the iicicosslty of
InBtalllng a Htroet-cleaulng depart
ment at once and of noon chancing
tho entire Howerngo outlet ayHtem of
the city, and with the clty'n flnancea
at n low ebb on account of the numer
ous Improvements of tho year, tho
Dallaa city council faces a critical sit
uation Superintendent of Public InMruc
tlon Churchill la confident that I ho
displays of the school children nt tho
Htnte fair thin year will Hurpaiis those
of previous years, There will bo coun
ty and district exhibits and many In
dividual dhsplaya, Any child exhibit
ing In either the county or dlitrlot
filasHea la eligible, frr Ind. auini f.dr
Hai Located in the Commercial Bid.,
Succeeding Dr. I'. J. Slurp.
All WorV Gu-tuiitiol, Boih pKMi.
Oilier MKir!
to 1J
I to iiiO p. in.
Orn Kvriilnei from 7 null! 6 o'cUxk
1 Jl ,kS Sk.. t1l
' Tillntuooh
AUonifytLw J
U. S. CoramiiJioatf
Oppoiilr CoutlhooM
of Tillamook,
F. Hihy,
NOTICE is hereby given that Healed
Dins win bo received by the County
Court of 1 illatnook County, Oregon,
until Wednesday, the Hth, day of Oc
tober, I'Jl.'l, at 1 o'clock P. M for the
umilBhlnK of all malurlal and labor
necessury for the construction of the
Hayocoan Bond from Station 1 plus 2(1
to Htatlori 1.0 plus 0 aa surveyed No
vemher 11)11 by U. G. Jackson. County
surveyor, l lie work to be atrlctly In
uccordunco with the plana and specifi
cations on IIlo In the olllco of tho
County Clerk of Tillamook County,
Bidders aru to statu tho unit price
and total amount for each 2100 feet of
tho proposed road,
A certified Check equal to 5 per cent
of tho amount of the bid must accom
pany each bid.
Tho County Court reserves thu right
to roject any and all bids.
Hy order of the County Court.
Dated thin 12th. day of September,
J. C. Holdun
County Clurk.
Dr.. Jack Olson
Ollii-e Hours Irom 'J a. m. to 5 p. ,n.
Over F H. Ileal,' R F.ltnlc ()fficc
Hoth Phonea
J- E. REEDY, D. V. M.
.'(Hoth Phones)
Tillamook , , Oregon
Atlorney at Law
Office in Commercial Building
Lrco. P. Winslow
Tlllnrr. h I
U.S.-.. .
ii' ! 1 1 t ii
M Hill, f I IIU I II 'V c
Contracts TiiKcit
Ivstinmifs Put iiisltcd.
All Work (Iimniiiurd.
lUllbbl I t M I I -
G. L. DICK h SON, I'
Bolh Plmiirt
I he Same Price to Hver)
lillamook County Hank Bldq.
Diti'Tiiciipif dvokat
Tillamook Ulock
H. N. IIHNKI.I' Mi''.
Four l)....rM West of lirtkcry.
I ,v . it I LIB
. unarm uirscinr ami ut""" -
Lailv AsslHtaiit When It")0?1