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About Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1913)
teal ii.ipptn.imf . .vl o(ll' ' prl "f rilltlii nlrf "r w""1 w,,,, Mlir.ln. Mil lunik nl a-hoo rtlH'p I HrtMiW limit HUhv. j-,,t rr wnt a 1'ortlMfitl v. ., t tiriitnK TliuriwUy. , (tttt r kn nlil for rhlek- ty t ..I, -iVMeai mi. anop, ,,j M W 'r,'t I"''1 I,. Llliul.ll'd Veliki M I KhU Uw.ta Wnlneailny fnl r rl- ... ..I jjjn Sitni'a ,ater Mr. ..i .. i ... i ..... Itf t0 l.l P lll-il ( rfn ( left Oil lVm)naiUy . i . ..i.i. .ui vrlirld .lltf will Tiail ftV t '! ht a Itehekaih ilti f, ft . -I lal Week, plrnlcr t i Kh lof I for I'otl- t,v! s where will vlU , )i ( - ,t. Vlll eet 20 C(IW. , ... HUi. t riMl Imtweclt the fair i.iHro, Hmler pinnae llnfakl tlltUo. , .i L.v otwl ehol ( ,i iv i Hru: Htorc . l.r i f I'wriNwl, VlalleO ; )l-nU Iwillic thl week. .-' T'lriUml tiUr ! Hvnltti, ,r1 jBo(-r in Tillamook CVunty. . . .... 1.... . 111! f , If in wi1 imaiiwM, . v. iU-Ip! MottUyat ffHl lla- ( v ii wan Mt rvmio , ,i will If wlrw ittunlh" -.'.I i likwha fur olo rnl all ' . . vrurV tllKir Irwttxli! i f fuutlliii rJ ! i I: l.rc. i . . ... ft 4 i . ( . .- ..itl tuii) ill lUiy ,H4inc i t-i 4 u.t'rxful uiHrrnUun fur t t " r ta.. of Dr. UiW ul !tJ i luriuw fur a lorin ( (,r rr, intrrcul (tsUI nimu- m t, rtmch. uim mil" frm .i f . .. ... ,(fUlfl ".M f H1.noMlmv,l,cl. running Ihl N l ,n S? A.jprlc, howevor. which tl.o ll.l 0 ,! N. uliin. Hhn rutttrnii In hnr l.i.m.i ..if i . till iminilhK. thin I'hii irmoti urn illInriMl la lint oWiuL fur .ntiiH i vnr. Jtmiii iif (li il.i........... t.u ........... ii.i.viiiiuii nnriiin Inour lnt U.uo wt xUIikI that C. 'llw,,Cl11" lK"" ur-l thin n.nm.n, (-hrlstmiii roriilveil Hut ,ric ,, hut th nmrVnl linn Kiw down an I thtt 1'hrf.ii mi thii fair. It wm Amlriiw ',t Hicy r now PfallxIfiK l 1 Jr. crln w. ,H1,llta. Umi Mr. Ilwhi (:, Kofh will ,rit u ' '"H'li iimltir tint iloclor'. euro fir mmo iaiM utii'lln iiikiii hr return from lf,,n wlt'' " rlilx foot. "lhr"i I'iirllainl. Mn, Korh U an iiiiirlnin.l wijokn hko whllo lit Itiickawnv ami I'J Mt)fii)tt N ..I . I i . t'-ai-hitr ainl ha ifornM i..... iu.i i . . . . . .,iii...i M'liniH'r tn iiil. W 8 Dnanlorf ami wlfn of Hwlr,, Mlri(irl, who havo ;Itm vUltlna at lilt) (ilaijwlll hunin, Inft nM V'.w nowiny fur Callfi rnln whr thy will pimI tin,- Mlninr ln-fiirc mtuntlni: honm. W, l. (Jlailwlll Im. iiiKht lliu Jnhti llalhaway Viwii tiruirty. Mr. Hath--way aihI fnmllv Inft m Thurwlay fur Aliilm, (Jro., whrn thy ow(, u raiwh. Tlmlr n' ffUnil. hsrti will inlii ibem very niurh. Mi.. IU.IIy WillUnuftf l.f'i, fn if MllliirWtlllain if (tm HanV. IIitu, iiiuii llnhlliK law nnii wcru taken liuforo l vl.itlriK l llm M. It. l'ar.nK'. jumicc Stanley n Wi-ilm-mlity. Mr, Willlaitu iilmlr thr trip hrrr llaiunn wn taken Up on two charge, with F II. N'ortmi h'm) wifn ami ilniiL'ht. tinr wa fur alrctrhlni! Ill net mure than arr Ilia atrram anl thu oilier clinre wna for nirtiia: a act net wUImhii (rum ily ln; with thu law in ru Karil tn mnnuinunU nml llcunav nurii lnjr. TiM wb taken up on the aarnu '-I " "JF ui vniinr, ...... ..i- .....i- .. i i ... inrk. XL" "'.henr.trharK- "ii, , n7 win hihit iivnr me trail aixl takp the train analn at Sea. elite. ImtlilhH In odd of llm Ink u lliere, lie Jumped from a raft Into almllow water thinking he wa In deep water. Ilia left foot atrilrk liolUim In audi a way a to cliiulilo It under, toarlmj aome of the IlKamenti and hreakliiK two of the liillra of lliu fool, lie went out to Portland attain thia inomliu; V have the fool trrnted. F1SIIKRMAN ARRESTED. Chrla. Ilainon and II. M. 'I'wIJ were arnnliil by (lame Wnrdon l:ach the lliat of the week for violating the aal TILLAMOOK SANITARIUM ( INl OMI'OKATI II A well equipped Mr.itrluin for the , caru of all kinda of dlaciiaca. ( omK.' UjiiI fiurae in rhiirift'. Ur. S. M. Wcndl, MkJIcjI Soptrlnlrndrnl. MUU. Jaineii HukIh'V apent nil three dny at the rountv fair and report it a r'pinimu any county fair lie ha ever , aeen, imperially conalilerini; the many I dilllrultlea under which II wim (,'otteu I up and clven. The telephone line ha beef! down ! aincu thu alorin, aa n number of tree have fallen over tha rond. i So far thl aeaaou very few drer 'have been killed In thia locality nnJ , Humeri, report u very few In the hlllx. Melhodiit Cburch Notes. r iv CufERLATIYE erof Hanka, in Mr. Norton' autn. Mr. ami Mr. U. (i. Jaek.on tAlllr by Mr. Jark.on'a aliter, Mia Mable Jteolx? of nufnnr, left on I'hur. day for IVirtUnd by wy uf Wm. ItulilUrli wlw ro.ldia near Hay City, uilrr.-il an naridnnl on Thurdy, While he wa rviliUlni-r aome apartn tnire on hi hrre. the bore klekwl the and cola on aiI f'M and cont on the aerond. Twld wna fltwl V) and roata on the llrat dm rue and flO and ciwta on the erond. Thl beiiit; Todd' rlr'l olferMe, he wa itven the mini MitiMi line. Ilanaen wm K'lveti heavy line becaiine of the fart thai hu ha Iweii bufoie the court many time and The Fall Conference, in which aiiiiual report are heard, all xhow en couraL'inK Hdvunce. un niiiiiiny nepu zini wc nau nave n bublimal aervlco and ubio the recep tlon of new member. Our variou l;nevolent collections ahould all lie in the hand of our treaa-. urer by Sept. 22nd a wc ko to Confer-! euro nt tliut time. Nexl Sunday : Sunday School. Tlic Commandment. We teacliuri and clmii'i The Floor That Satisfies yn.,Irhcnr'urcof!'''Ur " f'"'K " V'W lhftt Drifted Snow Flour Hn Kivcn univfMi.l Htigffictlnn for year -it ha been the aucccwful houncwifc'a 'ataml-by" If you'll try Drifted Snow in liakfnj,' your next tiatcb of bread or biiicuiU, you vill appreeiaU; the rcnaon for iU sucees and jKipulanty. It hiike lnr litrht. white loave of hrcaj r.U bread that is wholoornely delirious. Ak your urorer Ui end you a ark. It doesn't cost you a cenl if it doean'l satisfy. SPERRY FLOUR C ). band srhlrh hehl the boltle, eauliH; th? ifnirin to be a chronic violator of the intmliclno In Py lulu hi. ey. Ha Mlf-lfUh law. fefrd ninalderatde Mtl! he rejclnil : - . town ainl rrcelvont oki fruw Dr. Wcndt that fvrtilut'. K. H. Amlcriiiii uf Hemlock ha Ikmi i;hl of I. J. Crook thu atnre prowrty at llnmlurk. All nrcounta due t". J. CrtrtV alwuM Iro paid to ('. J. CniV or Tlllaliualk (.Vniuty Hank. All billa rnn trrtl prior to Jiept, 1, C. J. Cnwk pa) fur, ami alt bl after that date K. C WIISON RIVIIR SllWb. I mntrartiai fur Am'.wrio y. W i, 's who h nn irwWlni: . . . . i , . k.i . .. . . t , ily. Mo I nuieli itn- - -.1 v J. H llotlyrtekl awl r VI I ... a n mill Mini III ttM . ... - IluK Ml ..r U r . W e lid t la the only Kye Speeiallal (icrnianenlly locutrtl In Tlllauwwk. Votir eyea which arc the inoal aeitaltive or tan of your lnly ahould Im examined by a pli)lrin who la capable to rcOK nln dlaraaea other than Ihe nel of .;naea. I KUamntee my ifjaaae and mil a I way her? to lltako irtl that KUara.itre. I'rice are re.aonablo aa anywhere. i Vi i. Kutherford and little aon VM . I I I'l'lll' HV I, iat a nll.-r mi mleniletl Villi Hi ail ha len (lleil In the Circuit . ... Sftt' a I'hetpa ami I.ucrclia J. Kr ann v Jilllu lirlckaon Ed--it a llrtrkaon. la it aull lllod In I rr ' 'Mirt to recover ; iK M inlereat on a prominry ifit.l .. ........ h .. .. .I., I'l.tternl . m i , ... r 11 " . .... tJiA-ow ,rL mill f.iriiiunrk oil r.HICIl I raue fr n town. Apply t Frank ..., . , iiitiiiiiHin. IIA. ... KI..1...I..I.1 mctl, . lli ntlriw.n.l III IIHIV k' .ld i-o.)a to thl city, where lll mrutu permanently with nl r Ha., i ki . ir .ti ..r mi a -mi I'll, f tlUVl'l fnr limiw. 1 1 iMiif til ii if iiftur n L( . a t I . . ... . a, ......I . nctMI in irilVDllllK Hr h ihuu- r ririiiHat LAND FOR SALE. Sixt arrea on Wilaon Hlver. a pnrt of what I known a the I'elor Hranl plnro, with or wtthoul attwk. I want !) or innro ilnwn ami will ijive plnty of lime fur the balance at ti per cent Intereat. See N. I'. Hanwn, HttUi, Ore. I.aat iaaue October f. M)IIIIK t ill l MWIH SUN) HMI'S li. 2i 4iiJ Q Will. 3Sc iV Vilt - Mi JOO Walt - - - 0c 150 VCjII ... 5U0 2iO Watt . Z.OQ Guaranteed Fountain Pens While. Kolnir to i'hool tlmro I" iinthitiK holler nml morn autlMryliiix ItiHii to wn KkkI fountiiln pun ; one that I lwuyn rundy to wrilo and doe not flood or null "ti' IliiKurs.k J Wo handle nfl In REXALL PEN, Hold on trinl, iitUfni" Hon Kiiurontcud, Pilcci ranging iroin $1.00 lo .50 C. !.lough Co. (IIAC L f irluu tit r li.ttfif iU m J Idrni tli k 1 iikin iMtup Tilluaosk Electrie ',:. ) W. li. Sutton who haa an interest in . a meat maikrl in Manalleld. S. I), haa ' returned from that place after pend in a numler of month looklni; after hi butinea. He rvorl Hie heat un I bearable ami crop a total failnre. He j wn Klad lo Ret back to Tillimook Ictatinly uixl iirmiMi never again tn ! wander away from it Uinlcr. W. li. UurliiiK&tnc who ia campimr up the river wa nwakeiied the oilier night by n Iwnr cub ailling on it hnunclim with it forepaw cleaning the table just In fronl of the tent or all ratable. H only had a twentytwo calibre rille and did not dnre to tackle Mr. Cub with thai and o let him mean arnund awhile until hi departed of hit own accord. Hear are very plentiful judging from the many ign. Mr. ami Mr. J. F. Adam. Mr. ami Mr. Ilert McConncl and II. '1. Adam aon of For' land have returned to their home In Portland aftei a very enjoy- , able ouiing rusticating at the Hush ' Hunch. They l1 fortnight and raiighl many rth n well a having mn eerionce they will mil oo: lorget. t Labor day ami tho county fair com ing in the Mime week gave the (scholars iilmont n w-ek vacation. Miss Winnie Kppletl the teacher spent the vacation nl her home In Tillamook having as her gueat Mis Vada Hush. m i Hi.. Ii.mvv riilns of last week 'the firewarden have been relieved of llll'lr UUIIO. AllOlll e ell wwnn ni- , vice was required this year. I Mr. C. A.I.ons has returned after a I abort vimI with her daughter Mrs. i Oacar ilelt nt Portland. j.Mnn Wull.iee bus returned to' lVrthiiid nfltr an extended visit with: her sisler Mrs. llurlingninc in uieir atiuimor camp. Mis Wallace has be come an expert liy liaherwomnn and very iiuk-Ii enjoys Wilson Hiver cainp life, even It the bears gel overly friendly. , , . John Kirsoh has gone outside for n nlmrt iil to Portland in l the hop At 10.00 A. M subject ia The have competent lor an. At 11 A. M "Light and Hid". At 7 I'. M, U b P. M Public Worship. Subject. Truth That Cannot He Voting People Meeting. Public Worship, Subject. I'nie learning". This aubieel is chosen at thl time hecaute of the in terest nt the la-ginning of the year' school work. Teachers, parent avl suholais will lc interested in thl service. The public is cordially i? vlted. II. W. Kuhlrnan, Pastor. Preibylerian Church Notes. The Sunday School of this church tmctsatlOA. M. I .el teiicl.ers ami tcrn.liirs be in their places nt the oien. ini: hour. You are inviud to enroll in this school if you do not belong else where. We want you. We new! you. Morning worship at 11 A. M. '1 heme of the pastor' sermon: "fhe Helntion of the Early Chanters of Genesis to Modern Thought.'' Evening service at 7:45 P.M. Sub jct of the address; Vandals of the Home. The choir will render specinl music at both services. Strangers and so journers in our city are invited t our services. Come and abide with us if you are without a church home. The addresses by the visiting breth ren from Portland last Sunday will long be remembered by those who luNird them. We were delighted to greet so large an audience last Sunday morning. 1'ntnc again mid bring your friends ami neighbor. I). A. MacKehzio, pastor. Send This Coupon Today Il will brief; you Ir.forroition as to hew YCU Jr.cjcv:r en tire family can visit the San Franclco Exposition in 1915 on the dollar-a-wtek plan. Not only I hit. but everything will be ol the belt, everything reserved and it will cost you Itzs than If you pay when vou go. E. J. CLAUSSEN, Tillamook. Oregon You may send me free literature about the San Francisco Exposi tion Tours. Name. .... Address F. C. FELDSCHAU Cement Sidewalks and Concrete Construction Work Enquire at Ramsey Hotel The Most Important Business of Yours Is where you invest your money. The Western Loan Savings Co. of Salt Lake City.Utuh.n tried and proved eomimny. n. now ready for business i: 'Pi ii..,...u.V- nn, I Tillnnmnk Co. To loan you money or build you a home on small monthly pnsments. nt a low rate of ntere-t. Write or sec A. C. EVERSON,Loan Agt. A. M'NASH, President. I). SIIHODE, Vice President. CAN.ADA EVEHSON'. Sery. & Troas Hoard of Appraisnrs. E. M. Hales. F. II. Minick, H. F. Zachman, E. J. Claussen. Hoard of Trustees. John I.elnnd Hen derson. H. I. Heals. I,. C. Smith Cement : Coal : Lime : Brick Shingles : Plaster Root Paint : Drain Tile LA MB - SCHR ADER COMPANY Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West lffillllH!IIIIIIIUIIIfl!l!:il!l"l!lM W.' C. McGee. CHRISTIAN CHURCH KAIXY DAY A Slleiullil Sl'i'Clnl Ocvnalon Wll.l. VOU llltl.r US MA Kit IT AS 'l!cry Mciulier I'rceut liny" itri ni iTIie lirat our clioii OUR HIM lm rvcr Unowti. . Next Sunday at 10 A.M. SPECIAL PROGRAM COME! ALL DAY II A. M. Conlhu.l K.illy srrvlce. UAtkct dlntif r In dinlnK lH noon. 2 P. M. Communion And prhlng service. 6t45 P. M. ChrlMbMi Endeavor. Ollford Jope, leader. ItALl.YI All tovrtlu-r! Lvt HMTylmily eiiiiH'' Lnrm- iiikI m ii will . ulil mill iuiiik. Yen tmiat nut ty wy. Dim'! full I" lirlrns frji-nil. All nrc imit corilliilly Inyiteil. you nml your IVIeiwU - WliI.COM u SERVICES 7(45 p, M. PrcachhiR wrvlcc. SUth strnton In series on Unity. Subject: "I Federation the Unity for which Jeu pruycdJ" Come nd ipend the day with u. These trtvkcj will Intcreil you. R. E. Jope, Pastor. 'WHY didn't I r'i aw a m . . ir.i'Mi :i i. ' - . rzT "J nmlf have this bathroom put in lone aco. It is so clean and beau tiful that I feel provoked thinking of all that time-that I worried alone with the old bathroom." Don't wait until you can say that when a "$omlfit'd" bathroom put in by us will mean so much to you Jiotis R. F. ZACHMAN "Standard" Latdl Liratory li;i;iiii;i!iiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiii:ii:iiiM!!i:m To Our Friends- WE again invite you to attend our opening, which will begin formally Friclny, Sep tember twelfth. oi We will as usual have tis complete and beautiful a line as the combina tion of good judgment, good organization, effi ciency, and an expert knowledge of the millinery business can crente.You are thrice welcome and we will see to it that your comfort and wants are . carefully looked after. vNo effort will be spared to make your visit pleasant as well as profitable. Come. j HILMA JOHNSON'S wm I a