tmmmk 4 ISSUED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAY AND FRIDAY izR3ES .L-A'ON OF ANY PAPER IN Tl LLAMOOK'COU NTV )I,.XX. Tillamook, Okkcon, Sbitkmiikk 12, 1913. NO. G7 jbftlft. 1 1 In the film of this hnnk to j-tvu the lcst ImuluiiK service pot-nlblc and wc lo it. It if aljo our nim tci have the very leM equipment such an Modern Fire Proof Hanking Kooiu, Fire Proof Vault, Bur Klar Proof Safe. Modern Safe Deposit Hoxes and we have lliem, FIRST NATIONAL BANK TILLAMOOK, "OREGON hool Books School Books Get them at Our Store A Ft I LINE OF BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Wc AUo Exchange Book ILLAMOOK DRUG STORE t.uvuru(. KOCH HILt M"i. m"u i tUlAUTtOM aUAHAHTCIU. mOHtrHACK tr MOT MATIMf AOtORY In I I flit Servrru JOHN MILAN 1) HKNDKKSON .Src'-i-Iff its. Allufitty il nJ Notify Public TILI.VHOOK TlTLsE A 1 AINT1IAT .coinrAXi: UNI IHdUHATI LW : AMSTKACTS : KFA l IvSTATI-SI'UVI-VINO : I.NSl'KANCIv Tillamook, Oregon DELSMAN & DOLAN 1I2NI2KAI. CH.MIINT CONTRACTORS Sidewalks, Floors, Foundations, Chimneys, Building Blocks, Septic Tanks, Etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED ru m in i i rTii f & a mji.- tf 11 a mk iti in. iru i u i v - OR AT CKMKNT 1ILOCK I'ACTORY I F Y M'NAIR &ICO. KITCHEN RANGES mntl HEATING STOVES See Ui for Price Before Ordering EUewhere REPUBLICANS WIN IN MAINE ELECTION Portland, Mo. Hpmknr John A I'tv tri. rpubllciin. of Kllnworlh, was cIiumiii tu (III tlm vacancy In lh- Third c(inKrrlotm dUtrlct by plurality of 613 over Mayor William A. Pattnn. Oil. ili'tnocrnt. of Wntervllle, with Kd nl M Inference, of Lubfc, n poor thlnl In tlm rnce. The returns Iti thin special elation friini nil but a mul Ulnnil plantation IMers, republican, 16,IK; I'nttan Kll, demtwrnt. H.6S3; l,arncu. Pro grehn. 6487. Tlm tot for prsldnnt In November : WlUon. democrat. U.W.ltoose vlt. l'roKr-nlv,.. 13.236. Taft. rrpub Moan. 7169 Til" I'rop.rmahn rot" showed n full- lug off of about 50 pr cm from that ! Klx-ll Colonel lloovelt last Novem ber. On the other hand the Peter vte wan 0S per c-nt greater than lh" Tsfl vote while the I'attatiKnll and Wllmn role showed llitle variation. NEWS FROM OUR JAPANESE INSIST ON I OREGON NEWS NOTES NATIONAL CAPITAL WAR WITH CHINESE OF GENERAL INTEREST LaFollette and Polndcxter Vote tomo. The assassination of mop ; Events Occurring Throughout unno au, uirecior or We political "Aye" and Tarilf Bill Passed by Senate. S t bureau of the Japanese Foreign Of ; flco, linn Inflamed the masses, and a j dramatic chapter In the history of the new Japan wan written Sunday. ANashlnglon. Th democratic tariff j nftecn thouaand pcraona Kntherfd rpUlon bill pnarcd lh m:ate. 10 to i )n mlitn ,,nnK n Hlblya I'ark. call 37, Tl, bum of applaun.j that nwopt tnK t0T mUry ncton Kalniit China, down from crawdc-d r.nll"rli; found lu j A m,,j0rlty of thcue marched to the ju!0 on the crowded floor of the en- . f0r.;lKn offlc and clamored for adml ati. Ita pui,K4K0 wiu attei.dfd with j on. Tnt.y demanded the dlapatch of urprls.' In thu final momunta of the tTOapn to chna to tuk ,,uch lnca(,ure, voting wln-n Kenalor l.:i Kollette. n- I a. WBr,. .,ecH,rv to nhtaln .ail.f.,.. tion for the kllllnK of Japanene at publt'-jin. cnl U'.a vote with the demo- cna. and n Joined a few momenta NnnkhiK. or fnlllns thl, the reslRna- Mr, lean Offlerr Killed On Urldoe. Kl I'aMi llnforn l,letltliant A con In. an officer In Ueiiernl SolHtar' Knler. al -i mm run! at Juar. crwwied the Wanton trrrt Interuatlonal bridge he rrmarkwl that lm wa 'koIiik to kill a ttrlnKo" He wn, klllfd by United Htate Cunlnm lMpitor T I' Jonah and Immigration liupnrtvr Thoma N. Ilelfflu. after he had opried fire on them llli a rifle on the American Ide df thu International boundary. JI2.000.000 Fire In Hot Springs. Ark. Hot Spring. Ark Mere than 2f.O0 peraona are hotnelesa. tl2.O00.nuo dam aj; l don- and 0 blocko of thU city. uinrrlUK a iiecllon half a mile wide mid mile and a 'half lotiii'aro hi ruin n dU.-introiu fire uhlch did r.ut burn Krelf out until It reach rit the foot of Went Mountain, the ou!lim limit of the city. later by Hunator I'oludcxter, "lroere- die.- ''Until the imnieit of Sniitom li Kol lette mid I'oi.'idexter actually were called, however, no one knew definite ly the bin ml they would take, and their vote were greeted with enthunt rullc applaime. I'reiild-nt WlUon fi preed Kreat Krntlflcatlon over the end of the lone atruKKle In the autuite Hon of the mlnlater of foreign affairs, Ilaron Nobuakl Maklno. ' The apeakera denounced the emptl- the State During the Past Week. nen of Japanene diplomacy In connec-' of power and other features ead it in The Herald Mort Widely Read Paper in the County People In the News Aero nil tin to an announcement from miffrnKette headquarter nt Ixmdoti. Mrn Kmmllne I'linkliiimi. will upend October In America. ! runner lreldent William H. Taft, ' now a profeimor of law at Yale, wan elected preiitdent of the American liar anMclatIou at It nemtlon In Montreal. ' W A (Sarrett. vice prenldellt of the ' ChlcaKO Ureal Wentern railroad com I pany. hfi lMle.l a ittaMnent at Chi- caKo predlctluK a HhortaK'e of freight car thin fall In many parts of the United State. ' Director Morltaro. of the political bureau of the forelRti ministry, wa. Ktabbed to death by two ounK nn'n. at Toklo. The victim wh considered luke warm by the Japmiee, lu flKht liiK thu nntl-nlleti law lu California. The Panama Kovernment ha beo:i notified Hint KIiik Alfoimo of Spnli Iiiih made a peroual doiiutlou of MO. (too towaril the monument of Halbo.t to be erected near the I'aolflc en trance of the canal. tlovei nor Sulrer has mudo public at Albany. N. Y., the content of n letter from Colonel Theodore KooHovelt. In which the latter ndvlne him to make a "full and trulRhtforwanl explann Hon anil answer lu reference, to the charne" that reunited lu the i?over nor' Impeachment. Twenty belt from 10 rattleanake Hkln In a month t the record of In dustry ftitiibllshed by Orllo Mc.Mnnl Kill, star witness In the famous case of the McNamnrii brothers, who occu pies a "ulle" of cells lu the l.os An Keles county Jail ponilltiK hia final disposition by the ruithorltlm. Engineer Had But Little Sleep New Haven, Conn. Testifying t the public InvestlKiitlon Into the New Haven railroad disaster KiiKlneer Mil ler of the wrecked train said that, for n week before the accident ho had been coverlns his own run nnd that of another engineer, who waa III. "I did my work without the aid of tlmulantM, No, I drank no whiskey. I slept when I could," W. F. Havcmeyer Is Dead. New York. William P. Hevomoyor, one of the orKnlrera of the American Susar HeflnlnB Company, that abeerb oil the business or the Havemeyer brothers' reflnerlee, founded by hla father, who once waa mayor of New York, died suddenly at the hoase ( hie eon lu law, WUUaaa IL Wo-fc Tho Herald comes to you twice u week for 11.60 year. Subscribe now. Senate Made Many Change As II panned thu senate, the tariff bill represent nn average reduction of more than 4 per cent of the rates of tliu original bill that pasted the house nnd nearly 2S per cent from the rates of existing lawn. In many tm IKjrtJiut particulars the senate hue changed the bill thul passed the haute and a conference committee of the two houses will b;gln work to adjust .thtwe differences at once. Leaders of both house predict that the confer ence will consume less than two weeks. Attempt to restore a duty on raw wool and to raise the duty on woolen frauitifttetiired goods made In -nuccit-slvo amendments by Senators Ial'ol- lette, Catron and l'cnrose were de feated without the loss of a party vote. Among the amendments defeated was that of Senator Norrla for a heavy tax on inheritances. This was tn-iiteii 5S to 12. the following republi cans Joining the democrats In voting against it: Senators llrandcgee, Ca tron. Clark, of Wyoming; Colt. Fall, Onlllngcr, Jackson, Llppttt, 1-odge, Oliver. Penrose, I'erklr.s, Hoot, Sher man and Sutherland. Two attempt by Senator La Kol lette to secure the adoption of substi tute for the democratic wool tariff failed by strict patty votes. Secretary Reports Adversely on Dill, Assistant Secretary of the Interior Jotit'b sent to congress nn adverse re port on the Borah bill recently passed by the senate, amending the three year homestead hill by providing Hint In lieu of cultivation settlers may make Improvements on their land to the aggregate value of J 1 .SO nn acre a year. The secretary objects to the language of the bill and further main tain that many homesteaders nre not nblu to expend this amount lu lm proveiueuts. , He also maintain that tho Uornh bill repeals the provision In the pres out law which gives the secretary of thu Interior discretion to reduce the area of cultivation. The effect of such legislation, he said would bo to penalize the pool hnmeseeker and mnke it Impossible for tho Interior department to extend him any relief. New Homestead Regulations Easier. With u view to making It "as easy as possible for honest entrymeu to gain homestead and as difficult aa possible for speculators," Actlag Sec retary of the Interior Jones published a new Hat of homestead regulations. Tho principal concession to home steader la a reduction In the number of acre each Is required to cultivate under such circumstances a the homesteader's Illness or of exception al difficulties In the way of cultiva tion, No reduction In cultivation are Is permitted, however, on account of the removal of standing timber a blew nt timber speculators. tion with California and China and In sisted that thu Insult to the Japanese flag at Nanking should be wiped out Csmlnettl Is Found Guilty. San Kranclsco. The Jury In the cuso of K. Drew Camlnuttl. charged with n violation of the Mann white slave act. In the federal court here, found the defendant guilty on one count of the four brought against him. The Jury was out three hours, and eight ballots were taken. Jessie Wilson To De Married Nov. 25. Windsor, Vt. Miss Jefsle Wood row Wilson, daughter of the president, and Krancls H. Snycr. will be married In Washington, according to announce ment given out by Miss Wilson at Harlakendcn House. KLAMATH HOPES REVIVED J Visit of Newell Expected to Result in New Work Being Undertaken'. Klamath Kalis The coming visit i of Director Newell of the reclamation service is expected to result In much good to the Klamath country. Originally $1,000,000 were appropri ated for this project, but a consider able portion of this was given to other projects, on the representations of thu senate committee on irrigation. Sen ator Carter, of Montana, was chair man of that committee, and at a hear ing held here so many coraplnlnts wore made of the work bel.ig done that the committee recommended that no new work be undertaken on the project. Action on Power Project Desired. Salem Declaring that delay may Jeopardize the Investigation, Suite Engineer Lewis wrote to the mem bers, so far appointed, of the commit tee to Investigate "The Five-Mile Ra pids," or "The Dalles Power Project, to meet In the parlors of the Portland commercial club. At the Inst session of the legislature a bill w,u5 passed appropriating $15, 000 for an Investigation of the pro posed work, the cost of transmission The committee Is Instructed to make Its report to the next legislature. The plan embraces co-operation of the state of Washington, which Is to snare the power to be obtained. West Commutes Morgan's Penalty. Salem. Governor West commuted the sentence of Robert Morgan. 18 years of age, sentenced to be hanged for killing Vlrgle Hart, his sweetheart. In Condon In October, 1912. to life Imprisonment. "The youth of the boy and the many petitions and pleas that his life be spared were my rcaeons for commut ing his sentence," said the governor Girls Sell Kisses at 11 Per. Sales. Twenty thousand asascullne Hps dressed those of six fair members of well-to-do and locally prominent families In a unique scheme whereby $10,000 was raised toward u fund to endow Salom hosplul through the dis pensing of women's kisses nt $1 each Mtii, young und old, stood In line to enjoy the osculutory performance. Com Acreage Extensive. Ashlnnd. A survey of the corn fields of the valley, Incident to the work of preparing exhibits for the eastern land shows, reveals tl.e fact that there are at lenst 5000 acres this year dovotcd to the cultivation zi this crop. Orchard to Ask For Pardon. Uoise. Hnrry Orchard, self-can-fesseil assassin of former Governor Prank Steunenberg nnd nt one time sentenced to be hanged, has publish ed tho required notice In n Caldwell paper that ho will apply to the board of pardons at the October meeting for a full nnd nbsolute pardon. RULING ISRENDERED Senator May Be Elected Under New Act, Says Crawford. Salem. Attorney-General Crawford, who has made an Investigation of the state "election laws at the Instance of United States Senator Chamberlain, candidate for re-election, announces that he believes they were adequate for the election of a senator under the provisions of the federal constitution al amendment, providing for the direct election of United States senators. "I shall make a further Investiga tion, however," said the attorney-general, "before writing to Senator Cham berlain. I believe now that primaries for the nominations of the various elucidates may he held the same as those In gubernatorial and congres sional contests, and that the general elections for United States senator shall be conducted the same as those for other offices." Rancher to Raise Ponies For Polo. Vale. The establishment of a polo horse ranch In Malheur county by W. U. Sanderson and Harry Chapman has added an entirely new phase to the livestock Industry of eastern Ore gon. Thoroughbred horses of a varie ty adapted to use In the game of polo will be raised nnd trained on this ranch, and put on the market after being thoroughly trained for the game. Tuberculin Tests to Be Free. Brief News of the Week Thirteen persons were prostrated by tho heat In Minneapolis last Satur day. The thermometer registered 95 degrees. Dispatches received from Nanking report that the northern armies com pletely sacked that city. The looting and other excesses lasted three days. Reports from Stuttgart, Germany, say that 13 persons were killed und 11 others Injured, five perhaps fatally, when a demented school teacher nam ed Wngner ran nmuck lu two German villages. Tho championship of the world with the free rifle which goes to the win ner of tho International unions 300 meter five man match, was won by Switzerland nt Camp Perry, Ohio. Violent popular anger Is expressed against China In Toklo because of the killing of four Japanese by rlotlug troops of the Chinese government at Nankin. The Toklo press discusses tho affair with much bitterness, and the Japanese foreign office has pro tested vigorously to the Pokln government J. P. Morgan k Co. has served not ice on the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad that it la the inten tion of the company to cease uctlug as fiscal agents of the line. Mr. Mor gan says it is the purpose to leave the road a free hand in Management of it financial affairs. Eugene. For the purpose of aiding the Lane county fair and also to help build up the dairy Industry of tho Willamette valley, veterinarians of Kugcne have agreed to make free of charge the tuberculin test required of all cattle exhibited at a county fair. Girl Eloper Stands By Youth. Albany. Gamely admitting that she was equally as guilty In planning and carrying out tho thefts necessary to their elopement, 15-year-old Stella Morgan expressed her willingness to share In the punishment when 16-year-old Melvln Peebler, her companion, was committed to the state training school by County Judge McKnlght J. S. Hanley, proprietor of the Sweet Shop, is now able to bo out after a two weeks illness with pneu monia. j LAMAR'S I VARIETY STORE Tillamook, Ore. "DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND"