., I Thn .Virvlow hlrth.hv Huh win I iUlr (Imt nil tumnhira I. n butlnc of linimrtmirn I, ( bo I Irnfmttctci, 1 a' 1 . .,. ut Monday .... w.h.i win, Hhiwio. .i 1 " w,,p wi ttrs" ... , . ., , " 'r "iHi iarmwork on much H,ik' finrthldl I In Um , on.' n.llfl ftnm Itiwu. Apply to Prank . ....I.... .I-...!- I.. I II I (,,( -1 ....ii.jr M.ri, I . N Willi, lli.frtM ,th. " ! b"'. Jo. Mlihfaworlli, Uyd William , n.l nlha HIM CIHXII "Ml IFitlilM art mnotio thoi n'lKHih UfUK Btote. rrM'n nilnoimA who ar .itijuyliii' thn KJf tl' I 4 At. " tit ' jtkS ft Uai-l frtmnU, ri thl moriiiou for t Ult frlutHlo. , t wif Infl till mum , , id(.ni Hound-Up. . fr fi iht morn. , (rloiwlt nl Mailt. ,!, etitf paid for cltlek . 1. Moat tJo. hup. VOIrlDII III irHtiM.u I Wltltitr. ll I. I. ....... I I.. .l . i. . i,.1M, .... , , r.'n.vmi ....rvii ii) un:ir ninny , lMutiiir4 r iiimi and wlfoiii.li, K. ' M.tn.1 hmo i,t U.oy will h hack j milling OH Birllg, In hIvIhk tho lint of tlio(. who ro eolvtd prlio for emtio In our Intl lu: Wt) KtHtOll lilllt ,Il. r I ....pr,, , , colvod 2n prim, for ;i ynr old Hoi- , tln hull. ThU wim nut uorruct. Mr. , IIminonntfgur rueviwi) Hi prUe for 'i yoarnld llolntoln hull, which t n flnu animal wolghlng IWtl Ihit, 1 Minn Hnluna Dick, ticcompmilod by ! liar frlind tho Ml Dorothy WuiimI mid Norma AiMwhultx of Portland, Mfit the wk iiml t im t0lm , Mit , l)iSt'ltor. Mr. K. H Kxh. Mr.. Koch' fnUmr mil inothr who hv Ut vUttiriif har for tho nt flvi K. H. Whllr.hou.it nrvl f.imlly lBtUni-J . Lona Drnwn Out HUetlon.. 'l from Kofkitwity whi.f0 (hoy Imvc :' .ompwliu with tnn to i.n.l.m l';i.-ii riiioiiIIiik th., nui,i,i,r, on Motiiltty Hinllntloit of polling Hum viuh k.kII1i' ttml will Ihmvij Wodiit'iluy for Houthitrn I '" ""' P'irllrtiiiciiiiiry ilny. Tint Mtllforiiln whttru thy will him-imI tint 'ftt )llliuf iuht u, pro ll'.U'l.l. llll Ml ll.ll .. . .. . l tunrllOK iiunic , " ,rf '"ni"ii uin wwtiK. ! Vt-i... it . .. j ,4 vtrM. -i ' " '"" nnti wuit or l.u Urnmlw, if I , , .r lft thU muriilnit ! ,,,,tw, 'l'" M'rfy hfl.rmnoii llmlr Cull I.. Lt ... II... . n, in i)dlIHHtt wtuir lhv will VI. II I fur n llrttw m tlmhouwuf Mr. Hokhii'ii ptrnl Mr. aim) Mr. rt Dlmoml. I Mr. F, C. I'flMtrhng, who vlnt1 , fnrtiml In IVlltml u.i witU, rturowt j iinmtliiftlMjr. Mr. IMm.iu hn Ikoo tifiij;cl ( ifoing rllNt Wffrk I for Uib teunty i t:tTMnlU kid vlet. Hy. ! 8lnw awl Ijwaa hn,, Ihhi.IiI of Jo.. t.;j " f" ultcmlltiK I Mlly bit wood mut will m pt,i,) p l i KixJItium un woon. in ukp rr ot Mr. Ullv oM cu.u,,,,. ,i,i,oy who lm lcn FX Umt tuny wni . rtl to Ixt ott" lt- ' "h ,,l,0 ' H"r It, o. ; . v Moltwri f thn ' 1 u. l-tli ('ratio whii r. t 11 - ---- - . lotiKwl ror 11 forlu slit ,ir 11 iniiiiili. Iinwllf iniliui 10 litlnu' tho kiII to 11 ltw on-p tiroroki- n riot In tint vVni. iiilntor illvtnioo i,f iomioii. Al tin IfHIIKfUl tam-tii,,, tlutl ,, , April it'i. 1711. 1 In tun Wilinlintrr mini 'urltl nmttilnti- wiri on tin, flflh ) of trilling Mtfll nlimnl. hut nil opt-nl-tlnll p'trn- of olf tom ntun ui Itiwtinira In itiN.nl foiw, ttm IiIkIi Imlllrf Itt'lw ritvi-rml tln iiiltilNti.rlnllrliii ilr cbtrml tint In- fi-nrml m rh.l mul Ho) tilt' poll. Tho Iwfflwl rotor rl'itid ond Hit mlliury wito .Hi out Tin- hlch Imlllff liml tifiiTwanl to iiKil(iKlr.4 oti Id uvm lo tin- M'nl'r mul piiy u hutv) flint. School Books School Books An Early Pn-UI Crperlment. , I nun n llii MM't.ili.inli ri-ti Ittrv the ntloillDl wan tumli. to iin.tmr wj rotiirne l with tho yMinn lndl IHIium lijr uln iiui. In ivi I'nrlx iriiwi n urmi.tn liwi fvnn provlili pll lur lin fr tho iHlor. whhdt wcri' to Portland Monlny loorrtliti;. li. 0. Andrunof thutilock ha Ixhi hl of C. J. Cr,k tint tnn pmtwrty l llnoilofk. All neeotinu duo C. J. Crook rIkiuM Iki paid to C. J. Crook or TlllmmKjk County Hank. All bill con. Imrtnd prior lo SrpL I, (J. J. Crook pay for, ntiil all hill conlrnrt.nl for nftr thiil dalo U. (1. Attdorntm pay. On Momhiy. on roinplulnt IHtd by Deputy IVtnry ItmpeU)r C. II. Ornm. wu CUukmiic Vai f'laukmtla, Orw.. tut been & Mii!"i nll t fUlamook In Ihl vleiwity duMn tho imt w-ok. lid li... Ihoo Mwol it ciiimv rim. itl. Ill . , I tj iiiiiivi. MM V II, iwiimI In tft SuwUy yu,p WWI u ,nM'rHl with ourjIUrtir.)' Kimblwk of I'flclllc City, ht.f frcl atfl rtBrl ","" pimjmw. jelled lwforJu.tlc Sumloy mid llnnl I M I S? II. w .i .1 i.. t ' 'r. . i... i .i... i ..... vlur I -.- i'..' Hini uHM.;iiMir i7im, iwi ihw viLiiniMJiM in runnrcuou - .m.r.1.' Yr.t at lt ' tHHg It) i a - a y. !. rinoitty ami rn- . ..i ...A -.1... .1 .i.... v l. ..... iWHflr-tfcDlw. CaU II iiovnp l iiantacilni; j . i an.1 otltcr ouutdq lo Itnvo tt hllli't. prln.. 1 k, ttiiiihi-d in Iho li-tiiir or panol. Tin. cximtIumuiI in.-l tin- iininl xperlciirc of Ihi1 plo oi-i-r-rtilli uli. Mli. wito dropiiil Intn lln Iclli.r Ioti.. ntnl wln-n tin, 1,'tti-r iitt' to m illi ti,j It wn found thiil tho iihIiiihU Inn) inmii. n Inxtrty ttu'itl of thi'tti. A iiiImh,v could In. Ktiri; of tin fnti' nf tin- tmri't'l. tin fxixrluu'iit entile o ii "iiitilcn ml. i.T- l. If- I kti Hl.t . -i I ... I. ,. f t V exit t U At ' Maeterlinck on the Futur. ilnnlnrllli .k In UU lMok inllii! "s Morf of Ihi- iiiyaicry of tin.' nfli-r Callfornl.. wllhhU tn'll.t l'uf.nc(My. Tho line ,'" ''"'" " " n-iwion- tb.y arriv.. Moiy w I oo c.Ulon U,.t n, , r , Iroot,. Toty Wallml Bl u.n wtll( .ary ehnnut n I repmri hc tnadu by!,,tHl. wlnlV(;, ,,f ,ir w,lsr,lltl.ll, Ilf of Mr, Dr.?. dnuubt-gr, .Mm. W. W. ;it. 90ln. .todiu. aunUnl uttlmut nv Mrt of A tKirM Minl.Oilnt. ,!ll,.r. i '" IoMhimwf.. Mirvlvnl with iinlrcmnl w found on ih fair ttroand lnt . i, U( a llntnAah pin Will rtp lit) cow. JrU,. w l?ft trill al iri lirlay. 'jvun wj ha Ix-cjl vt ; jtr psfontat IriMt r c at l;oonp it-lay. . .. lk awl iu.l U' . . v. Drui; Slofc VI . h of llutlln.-rw.il li. T. ItftfUH. a tntMb rtmcll clti m of WbawWr ittoci at Pcrtlmvl on Thvriikjr nt unti. lis had lon til far MNncOtM. Mr ltrUr wa a pro 8rtv ctt.rn mI will be greatly M0d by lim ftnnrtt of U oetdnr, OrmtUp TiW aid Orat Oramliw Hay. ar tUi wrarinK bruMt (nlloa lay, 11h' nrraalon la tho btfUi on Sunday ! of A mki u Mr. and Mm. MUino llayo hi llir, at fa) tlty on lh Ut, iifnliw Twld r lo mki iho Uauy lt Sunday. wi'itK awl iniintMlinlnlr Ml with Mnr. that Myvr win found Uto owiwr noon ( aw) rflgrnml ll to hr. Anotiir Indy Ufl tier wac on a bench. Sh iilim"! ! ll two nntir afierwnnt ami ramo buck ( In and foun J it where h had htft Iu I Thrac m.-ldonu wnk well for tho booMtv of TlllntniHiit County ikhipIu, I'OU IoOMIM-" or Wltll It fOlllk lOUlNtll". dlffol'oni from tlmt which we ikmm-k In Ihl workl. Tho Joke on Father. Shf Imil tiriii him. mid ho wn "nil If ONE OF THE PRIZE WINNERS. i iw mdibi ui lhh iinniir i.nurriu . . . . . ... ... .... t. Iv I'tinahlMin one ol our procrun wW, lo bonk l.who holfx,! to I ,fafm.ritw(lir, trlM Run. r. u i t- i -flrl hiuitoi ra.. flt V "rS( inHrtia" III MfV J 4 f Imni (bat wa uto I In Uo i:iittltig con to I and Jod l'lakr ww the llvwr Mturdav until Mon tllnnpr! by gunaslnu the noarwt lo llio r H. Mtnicrt of tht numtwr. Ill cmui wa 1030. Mm Jorr, lirld No. SO whicJidrow the lbk ck.th. Ilolrn Durrnr hold .No. II which drvw l r -fa ruahlon and Alleo itn c k )! S.. J2 which drrw ihe llk f Kilur H have ri., tbo al Wpok. nlrfk tUiihl ona of ifilit uankiiiit uMl Ml v" I ..a.. .lift lr ur ill flirt IrtlalllCBt. I' ll. V. J . . II .a. . ... . t (....! I.. ... jr 1 1 1 )t I'PCKJI llir -"IHI Hit .r - . ... .1 J.1-t...li1... W '( lllfliii 111 iiti'K Jofm-' wan mlttM to . tor k r- dun layby thn (.(triiHU loSiBateJa Dr. Won til I thn only Uyc HHnruillt iwrtnatti'fttly (ocatod in nitawHiob. ; Your in I wait n flnu ttxblblt and dt'tnonntrtiUJ wcdl the dliriri'nt kind of i;ramaos Umt can bo Krnwn liMrtr. Tho dliroront trao wor: HmI clover, tntllol, ryo f5rni, Mannlobo ro, fiurman tnllloll, cholt, Cnruobi itiotjiitiiln Km, llunariiin tttiltntt, whnal, club whont, Mnnutolm tnillntl. alfnlfn clovor, crlttuoti clover, tnntntnolh rcl clover, blue Knot. 'IVn-tli'nm-1! nil lii'nd, billion dollar K'rns, O'-. otita, tlat head, rat tall itiillclt, hop mlllot, orchtinl uriiaa, velvet Jirnsis, Jnwiui.(t tnillol. tttnothv, Max. tie rxhibitctl a llk of field corn 10 feet "Itwonaldiir. Aiinh." he Ix'CKpiI. ou rton't I'll blmv toy brnltm out." "Hob." wbl Atinl... "Hint woulit Ik n uootl jnki. on ta!br. for In- tlilnU-. you hitvi'trt hiij." -Ijidb-. Uouio J on rim) Pallenl. I.lnli---Tontd you lend me f until Sntur.lnv? .Ilnk- I'm butiil. Won't Iwvk it t-oiit tnyiM'lf until Saturday. Itlnk" W.ntbl ,vHi lend It to tup then? New York tSlohf. .Vnluri" n'tton tho mills iilil bniliix. Kiiii'nwin. dimrttltlf) I . I..L.. . I . I..I.I.. . 1 I. It.... rr which arc lh tot onlltvo or-.- nicnwi hihk, uikuuik !". Kan of our body a)Mtkl bo oxainmiHi had not amrUtl to our. I.) a ph.icin bo I capablo U. rtw-1 Mr. Donaklwm al.o ttmk llrl prltc ,,il,.r than llw nooil ol 'r ll K"ll"" nifc dmcaiMr ulannrii. am aUity hro 1" Utako Ul Kunrmtco. I'rlco nro raunablo u anvwbero. . t ... k. . . I Kuarantito my itla mm j Ibal LAN!) FOR SALE. tf h father. 1 A il.r III father l nut Sixty rtorn on WiUon Klvor. n pnrl of what I known t lint I'otor Hrnnt I 1.1. ..illhmll .fill.L' 1 wnnL .... ..... ... . I limp... nun ill . ... - .. . -. . - ...nanatm tmniiy o, jmn (.()W() w, . .? .:. .. . . i nlrtntv of t mc for Uio iwinnco m I"'-7 i v i irni' ii vv iifiiiiiiinii " . . . '" V i miuriMl. Sou .N. I limn. D'irMj ll - ..- ..Li . " " I,. I .... u -I... 11 . , . , ia..l. K i. Jl . t I J-" Itlll Vk .,,..--. wf i-i.! I a ... aomir K1 . T... I I I I Wt REGULAR AUTO STAGE TO NETARTS. The schedule for the Tilbimoo1 Ne ttirttt nuto since is n follows: I.fiives Tlllmnoov nl 9 n. tn. and 1 :30 Ii. in. Hound trip $1.25. Fare one way '5c. Chntterton mid Alexander. notice"for bids. Get them at Our Store A FULL LINE OF BOOKS AND SUPPLIES We Alo Exchange Books Tillamook Drug Store; r- c. koch. ci.. c. KOCH &c HILL. mZ'J. "m"! SATIS AOTIOft UUAnAHTCF.tl. MOMCY-UAOH tr tiOT SATItrACTOnr SIDNEY K. 11ENDEJISON J'rriiifritt Surveyor JOHN LELAND HETfDERON Her' J rras. Al!orr,cy at Lav and Notary Public A. AT H IINCOKI'UKATI:!', LAW : AHSTKACTS : REAL ESTATE STHVEYING : IXSl'KAXCE lioth Phone Tillamoofc, Oregon Send This Coupon Today It will brinp -ou Informalion a to tew YCUar.dJycur en lire family can visit the San Franccco Expedition in 1915 on the dollar-A-wetk plan. Not only Ibad but everything will be of the best, everything reserved and it will cot you les than ii you pay when vou go. E. J. CLAUSSEN. Tillamook. Oregon You may nornl rnc free literature about the San Francisco Exposi tion Tours. Name Address. M Mr. J' H, KIlXK" rnlil who kn "itcnillnir thn KUtmuur nt -.-.v ... i ft'n. nil I. JT I ft .. i.'. i ncrc hint Suttlri nv. "ker tho Knl lluuvvr cheeno - ... iv VJ !( fliaM" '" ktv i . 1 . J II . I. in (own ovr Htimluy, nrrt ..ii.ii .... .i.i.... .iniii thc whitewash nmii r Ofilrrc nt tli. aIIhii HrtiKt. rTfwil. a . aa. iiiir iiiiiivi i or Mies 0 lock In and around banu PI i iniiivh' M . u A I . viuuijii x ttiruuiii. Compound mwl ellrcllve and cheap! lly Ti'dr. It coli, ready lo ipray, to 10c a jjallou. In be mixed with water and ' VAMlltlYE I linn tilk-n. Qk'i CarWlic CqmiiihI "Uny tlmea lfmiirr than anv I'.lll M .LMIIbff.llt IV. ' AS0IIIIK fill IN MVllt (IIISC Ml S) UMI'S 15. 25 and 40 Vail, iSc t0 Wall - - 15c 100 Wall - EOc IM) Wall - 51-20 250 Wall .... 2.00 l'rn.lr-1 l.iniii .V Itxlrn. Vr .1. Inn imi. t. n pa" ;'r lb. ft it v lrl.'to'"r ii. W '" .Mfinu lit ir lrl irUc W'M .Lt.nl wlttl M"'"l ..iki:i.iilH'. Tlllanook Blo:trlo , ',., Litrbt S: Fuel Oo. mk' x'ji i n i if V HAKMBSS I ON'T SPOIL A GOOD HOUSE by keepliu: him In shiibby old llnrnens. We nro scIIIuk linrnesH miido of tho bent slock nt price that ouht to totnpt you. A WELL MADE I1AKNESS will not only improvo the tippenrnnco of your horse, but contribute) to your safety n.i well. Muny it runnwny could be nvoided if the old Harness hud been disenrded iu time. W. A. WILLIAMS, lillftMiook - - Ornon CLOUGH On Your Own Account hvo yim any money In tho bank? A part of your arnlnKs ought bo', I cl there, .nyway. Everybody can alTord to save aome. I I Z mweve lit lo. Have n bank account of your own urn you 2mMPl'l"r. hotter, more Independent. Make your l.tt lo will leoi nap . b.,,,or, Jluttcr than hoardinB It ss r'ors":'.".; KZSJt r ami an ovidenco of your wIbo economy. THE OLD RELIABLE Tillamook County Bank We wish to secure bids for tho con truction of a school house. Plans enn be seen nt Floyd Culberson's, Clover-1 dnle, Ore. Hoard hn the rifilit to re-1 ject nnv and all bid. Hids must be in I j by the Sixteenth of September, 1913. Win. It. Lawrence. j Clerk Hist, No. -12. ORANGE CIDER j A delicious, refreshinc, cooling drink made from Clouuh's concentrated ex tract of orange cider. A 50c bottle will tnake 5 Riillons of oranijo cider. Mixed with water and sunnr it is ready for use. Clout,'!, the Reliable Druggist. KI-RO-PRAK-TICK la a comparatively now science that has found the cause of disease nnd the , science of removing it by hand adjust- , ments. If your nerves fail to perform their duty there is something wrong. ' You have some ailment. The way to get well is to remove the cause. Chi ropractors do this by special adjust incuts. Wo- successfully treat rheumatism, stomach, bowel and kidney trouble, throat nnd lung trouble, and all diseases of women and children. If you nro sick try spinal adjustments and get well. Others have, so can you. Con sultation free. DR. E. E. DANIELS, Chiropractor, Room 14, Commercial Uldg. Tillamook. Ore. The Most Important Business of Yours Is where .vou Invest your money. Tho Western Loan & Savings Co. of Salt Lake City. Utah,., tried and proved company, Is now reaiiy lor nusmess in Tillamook und Tillamook Co. To loan you money or build you n homu on small monthly payments, at u low rato oi nteroat. Writo or see A. C. EVERSON,Lpn Agt. A. M'NAIR, President. D. L. SHRODE, Vice President. CANZADA EVERSON, Socy. & Treas Hoard of AppraisorB. E. M. Bait, P. H. Minick, K. P. Zuchman, E. J. Clausaon. Board of Trustees. 1 John Loland Hen- , demon, B. L. Beali, L. C. Stnith W. G. McGeo. DELS MAN & DOLAN QGNGRAL CEMENT CONTRACTORS Sidewalks, Floors, Foundations, Chimneys, Building Blocks, Septic Tanks, Etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED OFFICE CLD TILLAMOOK CO. BANK BLDG. BOTH PHONES OR AT CEMENT BLOCK FACTORY wm i m a i h f h I IVal Hl I I 1 I V I LLLVViinU Cement Sidewalks and Concrete Construction Work Enquire at Ramsey Hotel Cement : Coal : Lime : Brick Shingles : Plaster Root Paint : Drain Tile LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY Docks and Warehouse Front St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West ALEX. M'NAIR & CO. OKMKIfAJL II A Itl) WABfi KITCHEN RANGES mnd HEATING STOVES See Ut for Price Before Ordering Elsewhere Read it in The Herald I The Reliable Droggbl