I is, ISSUED TWICE A JLJrAJ'ONOJ-ANPAPEH ,N TILLAMOOK COUNTY hoi, xx. Tillamook, Okhoon, SmmtMiiKK 9, NO. 6G SOLE AGENTS HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS ALL THE LATEST AND BEST STYLES ARE HERE 10 AND 15c KQMC JOURNAL AUTUMN AND WINTER STYLE BOOK, ON SALE AT Sc-OOOD Dn7 sm BOoT FREE i . l - ' Extra Special :H, m All Silk TiiiTctn Hair Kibbou in All Color 15c yd. Tillamook's Better Store Extra Special 3 Great Hig Jumbo School Tablets for 10c Unsurpassed Showing of the Most Desirable New Fall Merchandise CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HOSE lit ttll wizen from fit? to Uy. These lion .tie fnt black, medium rib. hoi. n ebtHtic. nml t nhose (hut will tnnd I I pr. the went ami tear REGULAR 12 l-2c OUTING FLANNEL The uuc olt outing that you liau'nn used to paying more for u stripe, theekN. and all the ilAtitt vohuK thai come ill ti i het tor quahtv. on wile .1' Me w hile t Inula 'yd. Come Now! and Enjoy the Benefits of Our Months of Labor in Your Behalf FKO.M the Meat Markets of the World complete stocks of the most worthy new lull merchandise have been gleaned, and now it is for you to come and gather the fruits of our months of labor in your behalf. As our labors cease, your activity begins nn activity which will be stimulated to quickness by offerings beyond compare-the result of our diligent search, alert buying, and conscientious endeavor to "sift the chaff from the wheat." so that everything concerned in this great showing would be worthy of this store's reputation for honesty in values, quality, workmanship and price unite to make this event a carnival of economy for thrift v buvers. jt ml U m J1 i .rt. rr .ai NEW FALL SUITS C;r K.tl Hk.tn, it Uui YL' can sec from thin illus- t rat ion how some of the new fall models look on men who know how to wear clothes; these men are wearing the late styles in Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; the young man wears a three-button, two-to-button coat with soft roll front and linglish model trousers. And father can look just as smart as the son; a two. button sack, with liixli-otic vest; very dressy. That's the kind of clothes we're offering you. Look at the $2:") values;" and then at lower or higher priced suits School Suiting Double fold suiting in the latest shades. Just t h e thing for girls' school dresses, in win ter weights. On sale for a short time at 29c yd. School Dresses Snappy school dresses lor girls from G to IS years in gingham-cotton mixtures in a big variety of styles and colors. Prices range from 75c to $3.50 Women Will Admire the Stylish New MILLINERY A VISIT to our Millinery Department will interest you greatly. We've just re ceived a full line of the newest dress and street hats, and there is a splendid assortment of all the popular styles and colors. FALL WAISTS $1.39 The popular gray flannel shirt styles. The black and white shepherd checks that are so popular this season, in all sizes from Hi to -14, on sale this week at $1.39. Complete New Lines of Winter Underwear A glance tit our stock of seas onable weight Underwear, now display, is an object lesson k to quality and styles now i greatest demand. We are positive the garments will fit perfectly and be sure to give satisfaction. For ladies, men "ml children. Fall Sweaters An unusually extensive van ity of styles and colors in the Kufl'Neck styles which arc so popular tit present. The Best Possible Values in The New Suits and Coats Newness pervades every corner of our popular ready-to-wear section. For many weeks past we have been inconstant touch with the leading New York producers and have assembled what we consider an unparal leled showing of new wearing apparel for women and misses. The most fashionable new Suits priced from $15 to $35. The newest in Coats priced from - - $8.75 to $25. The New Wool Dress Goods An unprecedented showing of the new season s ool,M-mrc nt nnces ou'll be ghul to pay. The smartest fall and winter fabrics are in this great display. No mutter whether a plain weave or staple color, or an attractive weave of the latest novelty, you'll find iust what will please you most in eluded in this broad showing. We invite you to make selections now while assortments ure complete. ' Those New Fall Shoes Are here that you have been waiting for. Never before was the assortment just so varied. For ladies the heels are some what lower. Tans arc again very popular, with the favor ites, medium weight gun metal, patent colt and vici leathers, with hand turned and welt soles. Our misses' and, boys' lines were never so complete. We invite your inspection. A GREAT BIG BARGAIN A large size woolnnp blanket in white, tan, or gray. The soft, warm, wooly kind just the thing for these eool nights on sale nt $1.83 pr. Tillamook Boy Writes From the Orient. Joseph Atkinson One of Uncle Sara's Sailor Boys, Sends Interesting Letter From Cbina to His Mother Here. U. S. S. Cincinnati, Nanking, China. Aug. 8, '13, Dear Mother: win try and write- a few lines to night. We have been here nearly a week now and don't know when we will leave we went up to Kinktang. about 300 miles from here- with sup plies for the Helena but got there too late to see any fighting. They are expecting an attack on Nan king in a few days but it will be our luck to lenve la-fore It happens. Wc have been Retting liberty here from 1 p. rn. to 7 p. m. 1 was out to Ming Tombs and took several pictures there, also a few of thejtown. It is a great placefor old walls There is one around the entire city and several inside the largo wall. The city wall is about CO feet thick and about 30 feet high and is built of large sun dried brick. It tnust have taken a long time and a lot of labor to build it as it is over 20 milesjlong, There has been some hard righting in Shanghai since we left there and it is now in the hands of the Rebels. It was thought at first the Japs were supplying the Rebels with ammunition but they have found out differently The relx-ls have lost nearly every place except Shanghai and Woosung. There was some fighting at Chink Kiang about 50 miles below here, and the reporls are thnt the Rebels fired on one of our gun boats but don't think there is anything to it. This trip has been the downfall of the Cincinnati. The day we left we run into the Collier when trying to go along side to coal, and bent two five inch guns and a six pounder. The second day up the river one of the pumps sprang a leak and used up all the fresh water before they found the trouble, so we had to anchor all that day until they could make more water and fix the pump. Next day the pumps wouldn't work and they couldn't get water in the boilers and burned one of them so it can't be used any more. Yesterday they lighted fires under three trailers to shift anchorage and two of them leaked so they had to pull the fires. There was a board of survey on here Auto Party Enjoys Our Good Roads. Interestinf Article by Marguerite L Elbert of Portland, wfeo Enjoys A Trip Witb Friends Throiffc The County. From Sunday's Orogooian ; Why should we Portlamiers crave the adventures of transcontinental mo toring, when wc have within easy reach a trip which holds excitement een to the extent of being held up while a stump is blasted from the road side? The trip to which I refer is that beautiful little mountainous route from Portland to the thriving little city of Tillamook. Wc left Portland bright and early in our Overland, which we think, as every motorist thinks of his car, is tflo enly car manufactured. The day was per fect for such a trip, for it was cool and the sky was overcast ith light clouds. We were well prepared for whatever obstacle might confront us. We had complete outfit for cooking, so we did not need to worry about making time. Those in the party were Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Egbert, myself and Clifford Pegg. Out over the Fulton Hill and the smooth roads of Multnomah County we sped along at a good rate until we came to the county line. We needed no signboards to tell us that we had entered Washington County. The dif ference in the road was quUe enough evidence. The only thing which saved us from a disagreeable trip through Washington County was the rain which had fallen the day before and partially laid the dust. Scenery is Beautiful From Newberg to McMinnville was passed through one of the rich farming districts of the fertile Willamette Val-. ley. Shortly after leaving Willamina. we came to the mountains, and what mountains and what scenery ! First we would climb up a steep grade and then, suddenly, go down again. We would ride along a wooded canyon just above a clear, rushing, stony mountain stream, then we would go up, up, up until we were many feet above it. We traveled along a road winding up and down through the Grand Ronde reser vation. The roads were good until we reached the mountainous region and there we found several miles of old plank and corduroy road. During this portion of our journey, we were kept busy hang- Monday looking over things but we injr onto our seats, which we were un don't know vet what their verdict will able to occupy all of the time. After be but expect to go to Olongapo navy yard for repairs. I sent you a bunch of pictures a few days ago and am sending another one now. I am putting most of my small ones in an album and will send it when I get it filled. I suppose everybody is busy with their hay there by now, if they have not finished. This fine weather makes me feel like getting out in the woods or somewhere. passing over such road ve all felt ready to eat our lunch. We stopped at a beautiful open spot in the trees and built a fire and prepared our noonday meal. The highest point in the mountain is just this side of Dolph. The view from this point is unsurpassable. The summits of the mountains, with which we were on a level, are covered with giant trees and heavy undergrowth. Toll Charged on Good Road. iiiwiv la ovum mtv lain, luuu aiuMK I 3 a . 1..L. . ! 1 . 11 t 1 th., river hero. The YnnPtse Vnllev is ! J At Dolph We paid toll for passing claimed to be the most fertile valley over the only three miles of really good roau we experienceu alter we bad entered the mountains. We could as readily recognize Tillamook County by its good roads as we could Washington by its bad roads. Just beyond Dolph there has been a great improvement in the road in the last two years. Many of the steep grades have been taken down, among these the famous Dolph hill, which was formerly a 33 per cent grade. Then, too, the road has been widened so that two vehicles can easily pass at any point. The people of Tilla mook County surely deserve much credit for their fine roads, for their county is not an easy one in which to in the world but the river overflows every summer and floods the whole country. The Chinks have dikes built in some places and raise fine crops. Corn is their main crop hero, besides rice. I hey raise quite a lew water melons but they are not good like thev are in the states. None of the fruit or vegetables are very good out here. Well 1 can't think of any more to night. Write soon. Joe. School Books All new school books hrve arrived, and we are now ready to make the changes according to the demands of the text commission. We also have a large and complete line of school sup plies nt exceeding low prices, better values than ever before. C. I. Clough. (Continued on Page -1.) FAIR STOCKHOLDERS TAKE! NOTICE! The stockholders of the Tillamook County Fair Association are requested to meet at the court house on Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock, Sept. 13th, lor the purpose of electing officers and transacting other necessary business. R, Y. Blalock, Secy.