Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 05, 1913, Image 4

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Serae Completes First Read
ing of Tariff Bill and It
May Pass Within Week.
W : 'htnffcn. The senate ha com
pleted the flwt readme of the now
tariff bill, Although many of the most
Important aer futures of the wws
ur remain to be settled. Senate lend
on agrefd that the dUpoal of the
ftmt rwidlnjc or the bill hint brousht 1
the passage of the measure within
view, and that another week may It
neea lt completion and pa
The rate of the new Income tax.
the proposed ta on eottoa futures.
Cars Are Cleft in Twain and
Mangled Bodies Strew
the Track
Now Haven. Conn. Twenty one
foron! wero killed ami nearly 50
oro Injured In a rKr oml collision
on the Now York. Now llnxou ,i Hurt
font lUI'swtd. six miles north of hero.
The first swtlon of the White Moun
tain Kxpresa. bound for New York,
speeding alonj; tit probablx 10 mile.-
nn hour In a thick foe rushed by i
danger signal ami crushed Into the
rear of the second section of the liar
Harbor Kvpreat. standing 100 feet he-
, Events Occurring Throughout
Uio State During tho Pust
iaay proristjn of the adrnmlstrrtlve yond the block sljtnnl.
feature of the law. the susweted ttu , The White Mountain engine domed
rebate otf per cent for Imports throned the two I'ullmnn can., both of
brought in American ships, and many . woo-i. splitting then In two und ton
other section of tho measure that , inn their urvokago and three score of
will occasion debate were put over i mangled human beings, some nl.e.
hoist action, and will be taken up Mwe daud, on tMtb sides of the truck.
Cress Makes New Qraln
Oregon City.--A new and unnamed
train bun been grown by l O. Chimb
trvn. a fanner at Mullno, after a er
es of experiments with the corn
j shoot and the Kgypllan species of the
rnln. Fur the past two or thrve
years the fanner has been (iid)ltit
jthe possibility of crossing tho two
I Winds of wheal Rumple now In the
rooms of the Oregon City commorvt.tl
:lub show that ho ha been highly
' tuccoasfut. The gmln produces a
' italk atout eight feet long and head
I that are much larger and holer than
either of the old Wind. No name has
been selected for tin new grain
Front Courier :
Sum Unuor, of NesKowlit, .. In
town Friday ami led on the ti;i
Saturday for outside lie will visit
Southern Oregon before rt)lumliig
(Continue! from 'Jlld Page )
roittlimliitf. It l the til as It onllliiK of
evjry trim inttiiiiter of CImIpI In do hl
-i in imint.i lo the world tho
The stork made hU appearance at the mH,, uf Christianity, ami there-
home Mr. ami Mrs. Alva l.e.trne! Wed- mMt, ,he xtriit ami mechanical
nesdav last ilollverlng to the young .
cuuitn a little glil to brighten thulr ' Th(,t .UloB UomaiiUm In America
home i- . ,,,.,,,,.., in nit iiimwialiliie creation
The old bridge over the creek at IhU
place l-t shortly to be removed and a
cement culvert put in to convey the
water to the river. After the culvert
is completed a 1111 will be nude the full
of the tmaglimlion. l,afaolte, Imjiii a
Humanist, ami knowing well tho o'
tuie of Humanism ami Ita aillipAlliy to
American llbsrty. ail . "If the liber
tied if the American triple are ever
The third car. nlfo of wood, and oc
cupied by 10 boy on their way from
n summer camp nt Monmouth. Me.,
was tided luto the tt.tr and almost
again this weefc. Senator Norri an
ncmnced that before the hill . con
ptotiil he would propose an amend
meat directed at tho Urailllan coffee '
monopoly, itirinc the president au- completely off the track. The cor fell
ttaortty to levy a IS per cent duty on f on Its sddo crumpled up. crusheil two
product controlled through monopoly of the boy to deMth and Injured ov
or conspiracy in another country. J era) others. Some of the victim of
Several Important Chang:$ Made j ' rear Ihitlmans were hurled
from tneir oertn oer a louce twr
allelinp the track. SO feet dlatar.t.
MattresKes, bedding and clothing tiro
j found In the telegraph wlroa.
The senate ;nade several important
chances in the bill The propoaal of i
the deaocntt to give circuit court
of appeal Hual jurisdiction with the
United State customs court was with
draw a by Senator Wtf.lam In behalf
of the democratic committee mem
burs. He said the committee tud de
cided It would be better to leave tSrn
final judnnent in custom ca.se: en
tirely to the cut-torn court.
A provision prohibiting the Importa
tion of good made by convict labor,
or "principally by children under H
years of aae" w adopted.
The provisions givlnc, the President
power to etabiteh retaliatory dutien
much hicher than the usual tariff
rates against certain Imports from
countries that init;ht discriminate
acatn&l the United State were adopt
ed after $verai frnitleu attempts Vy
the republicans to amend them by In-crt-asinc
the list of articlet on whic!'
the extra duties could be levied.
President Hopeful of Peace in Mexico
'resident Wilson is still hopeful of
favorable culmination of the negotia
tions undertaken by tbl country to
bnaj; about peace In Mexico.
H.s urgent appt-al to Americans in
Mexico to leave the country was de
clared to have been determined on af
ter wise counsel, uot alone because of
the present situation in Mexico, but
because of conditions which mieht de
relop in spite of the efforts of tho pro
visional government to prevent any
barm coining to foreiimen
That the administration Is content
to give the situation plenty of time to
work itself out is demonstrated by the
present attitude of the president and
his advisers, and Is regarded as one of
the .'xplanaui-ns for Snecial Knvoy
Llnd's remaining in Vent Cruz.
Huerta Short of Funds.
The provisional Mexican govern
ment, it has been pointed out. is en
countering financial difficulties, and
there have been intimation that there
might be a change In the government
personnel which would open the way
to negotiations on a definite basis
that would lead to an election for th
Mexican presidency under constitu
tional regulation. Until some such de
velopment, the administration han
ground for the belief that there is
danger to Americans remaining In
Mexico because of the straits In which
the provisional government finds it
self. A discontented army. It has been
suggested, m.ght become uncontroll-ablo.
Taft Sees Menace In Direct Method
Montreal. William 11 Tuft. In an
ad-ireas before the annual meeting of
the American Bar Association, return
ed to one of the issues of the cam
paign In which he was defeated tar J
re-election and advocated greater In
dependence of the Judiciary. Ills sub- I
jeet was "The Selection and Tenur
of Judge." Me argued that Judges
should be appointed Instead of electi".
and that tt yy should bold office for
Panama Etpoiltlon Work to Oa Com
pleted Early.
Kugono. "Oregon flntt." in the let
ting of contract and erecting of a
building on the grounds of the Kami
ma-l'actftc oMiltlon. Is the rwaion
i for a meeting In l'ortland of the Ore
gon commission, the state officer
who picked the commtfidou. and two
scoro representation of the vnrtou
uduatrtal. educational and other In
'tertst of the state Sit architect
rt to present their plan for the
proposed building, nnd It Is lupoctod.
out of the multitude of counsel, to be
able at that meeting to selmct the d
i!gn for the Oregon building.
width of the rod, thus roimivlug an truymt tluy vill full by the liaml
uiwightly trurtiiro ami leaving Ml' , nhe l(emih clergy-"
street much improved, . i , i (rrt,Kn0M mat fairiieo, f
The ba et neclal given by the! who krw wiry more accurately
Christian KmleaxHirJittclely at the Olu- 1 than the mall bu lt ei It liiido
venlale hall Utt Friday evening Wat a j ami out. w ho ha IIvihI III It. fltrlel
success. The program was extra gool t n it, wallowetl in It, ami finally vol
ami alMit 0 wa netted from tho sate untarllr left it? For uh lnfurmalli.it
of the banket. ! reatl the page of c prlet Charle
The Courier building ami drug .t.re. t'hlnliuy of Montreal, Cansda, In hi.
the eh. factiry. holel. CltivenUle ' "Forty Year. In the Church of Home,
hall, ami the Itay renl.lence base alt ml "Fifty Year, in U. Church uf
ChrUt." Ued Father Crowley "Ho-
to the village. V cement ildnwaU Is
being laid hi front of the Mercantile
Co.'s st ire and Kvarost ami l,carm-l'
which will aUo add to the look f the
vitlagu ami miufurts of the cuplc.
it. t. Martin, of Ka.tern Oregon,
who wan making a trip from McMlnn
vllle to Tillamook on a ineloreyclr nisi
with an accident last Ttiesilay while
near the Kellow place thU aldo of
Dolph. As ho .tpproat-hel a itharp turn
in tho road the front wheel of hi ma
chine .truck a stone and threw him oil
the motorcycle about tO foot. In land-.
ing he fracture! hi ankle o severo
ly that it wn ditlkult for htm to get
back oh the rutui. With the akl
mauUm. a Menace to the Notlmt,
Crowley was fur SI )eors priest In
the Church of Home, but iNgutl ami
hujeleM of rofurmiug th vtcin, vol
untarily left It. Ho chaltcogB Itwilf,
ami oltcru l0,l.i) to any rm lw
can ptove that the utmnU ami
charge agalnnl prtotlt, prelate ami
tope, In ht IhiW ar untrue. Will
itwnc xept thl ehallcnge If out.
why not?
Mr. Van Clartel velur on eoo
or two (KaHrv tu ipmlo the lllblo in
uptwrt of nigRb'irl!tMw nd fratctrnal
I igvc. na an wiihvuimio omiun
Extracting Gold From Sand.
Marshfleid. A machine for the rx
traction of gold and plntluum from
black sands, which has been operated
on the beach near Coon Hay. hn been
largely perfected by the Inventor
They declare that It la the only ma
chine which will succinuifnlly save ta
j ho ha made in dfone of ltomn tlath
ollc fcv. If the "htto'ijF fathr" owns
a'., n.i. .. . ii H...i . i.i. ..
, , , . . .... "ll HT HVIU fM . VH- Mr. .
slick he hobbU.1 to the Kellow home, . ,fum w fto
The (wrublo w ealM furth ffunt
Jiwiu in anwr lo a eerutn lawyer
I)r. iltwrgu was sutnmonmi ami aftr'
j dressing the wound brought Mr. Mar
j tin to Clover dale where he ,U iitiprov.
; ing rapidly.
A Wint n-Si,x automobile went over
I the grade Wednesday nlirhl blwenj m)m,uy n tpty Jt
I the nuge plae. on the Mln rod. dolliied a nBhoor. by III
! inccsirwn driven uy a man nauml
Delicious riot
Biscuits for
li s a pleasure U
Drifted S
"ill" :'"m .h
" tM n Ulr
oaico i oik j u c,r
Your bak.K ll U,
iJW HI 111 I I f
KrineiuUif I
It pett time ) ,
Sperry Fl
Waters Pour In and for Flrtt Time
Lap Masonry of Mlraflores Locki
Panama. Tho last remaining bar
rier at the Pacific end of the i'anama
canal was blown up by dynamite Sun
day morning
A workman HeUil a shovel nnd
made a small trench through which
a rill of water trickled Gradually it
widened until an hour later a rasing
torrent, with a S5-foot tall, poured
through an opening 100 feet wide into
that part of the canal between Oain
boa dike and the Minilores locks.
precious metals from the winds. The ' '- wt pawniters, the
Misses .Mabel ami tWIlha lurwe. whu
machine uett centrifugal force In
stead of gravity a n inettna of sep
arating tho gold und other melnU
from the and. ?
Dairy Epert to Work
Corvallln. Th' dairy division of the
United Suite department of ngrlrul'
Board Says Vest Unjust to Morson
Salem, Or. Declaring that they
would not be parties to a "persecu
tion" of the Deschutes Land company,
and would do everything in their pow
er to gut the federal government to
extend the contract with the slate
for two years. Treasurer Kay, Attorney-General
Crawford and State Kn
gineer Lewis have Issued a signed
statement explalnl ig their position
members of the Desert Land Hoard In
the controversy with Governor West.
Governor West. In answer to the
statement defending The Deschutes
Land Company, calls J. K. Morson,
president of the company, a "shoe
Btmg promoter "
AKriciiluir.il cotlego In providing ex
tension service along dairy linen In
this statu. An agreement to this ef
fect waa reached at a conference bo
twten II. II. Itawl. chief of tho dairy
division, and J. K. Dorman. In charge
of wertern operations on behalf of
the federal authorities. -s
w no in the etMirte of hU ceftVeM'ttot
with Je.u ahwl ihurUon ' W'Imi i
my riciehiwr whtxn i am lu luvu a
o dlttiirfll,
lliaumg hm t-
one .p-cirte typ of man. vis, u t(.M
Samaritan. You wilt uIhwivc that In:
t'K 1 I and hi Cu-bartiMtr tn ettorujil
r.d in Tillatnouk but who had boon lu1Cton. the ttlle. olltr tho rebone
I vis i tint- at II A Piir!r' 't'k .) .
r - " --. " . V . . I .,r mtHfluHlflAIlM I . m. .........
bur unto him whu fell among th
thiovc, Kiwti'h l said How huiii
Chmstiarm in uliaOKHik are btng lit
uruily sollocatml tbw! day wilA Uio
angelic cmpaHM ami oorphi Wv ,
of Catholic bruthera and lr.
the inuuite uf CluutUn charity ever
J 1 I-.l Jt
I turn.nl .intirely over and the occupants
t it is sold, had to crawl out from under
the car, hgw,.er, nom' wre Itijuri"!.
U in alleged Ox drivr had been drink-
k an.1 a tHjtlle c-itlning about lv
lure will co-openite with th., Oregon ! f,f ll,l",,r w:l
cur tho following morning. Th pas
scngers and driver wnlkrnl la Clover-
. dale ami were taken to Tillamook by
Jamea iturku in his uuto.
WHIilli.i-k NIJWS.
Coos Plans Highway.
Salem. C'oo and Douglas cotintlei
are planning the construction of s
modem hard-surface highway on a
grade not to exceed 6 per cent, which
will connect Coos Hay with th South
ern Pacific Highway nt Hoseburg. Th
road will be of great benefit to the
country. It will traverse a rich agri
cultural section and enable the mar
keting of vegetable and fruit grown
In the district.
National Capital Brevities
A house bill for the appropriation
of $7,000,0fl0 to pstabllsh a government
armor plate plant has ben introduced
by Hepreaentatlve Urltton of Illinois.
Investigtitlon of the charges against
Judge Krnory Speer of the federal
court of Georgia has been authorized
by the passage of a house resolution
Representative Woods of Iowa has
beeu elected chairman of the republl
can congressional committee.
1'resldent Wilson nominated Henry
Morsenthau, of New York, to be am
bassador to Turkey.
President Wilson Indicated to visit
ors his policy toward the Philippines.
It Is said that he plans ultimate but
not Immediate independence for the
The GIat'8 currency bill was rein
troduced In the house by Representa
tive Glass, and wan referred to tho
lanklng and currency commltee. It
has bee" approved by the caucus of
house democrats, with but nine dla
eontojt. Secretary Danlelu has addressed a
letter to Governor GoldHborouijh of
Maryland, denouncing tl" action of
the Htate officers In allowing a young
man convicted of theft to ecci po pun
hhtnent by eulltstlnE In the Uulttiii
BiateB ::avy.
Nashville, Tenn. Death claimed a
heavy toll In the Labor day automo
bile speed races at the state fair
grounds here, when four of the high
powered cars entered In the 25-mlle
free-for-all race wore wrecked on tho
far side of the mile track In view of
5000 people.
Four of the racing men were killed
and three received minor Injuries.
Two of tho cars with their drivers and
mechanicians flashed through the tan
gled wreckage of broken cars and
maimed bodies at a speed of 00 miles
an hour, escaping Itrury.
The nix cars were speeding around
the circular track at a terrific rate
on tho fifth lap with tho Studebaker
"WhlRkhroom" carrying the Ill-fated
number 13, about 20 yards In the lead
of Mfrcer No. 2. Clyde Donovan, driv
ing "The Whlflkbroorn," feeling his
right front wheel give way, after
aw rvlng to avoid striking a negro
l.oy, turned Into tho outKldo fence to
avoid blocking the track In tho path
of the following curH. Mercer No, 2
Hashed by In au InBtant. Tho Stutz,
I inning third, drove Into the wreck
age and turned a somersault, killing
its crow. The Huick followed and
struck, with a terrible crash, turning
over several times, Tho two occu
pants were dead vhen picked up.
Many Homesteaders Are Defrauded,
Snys Official.
Kugene. Fraudulent homestend lo
cators are at work In the Sluslaw
forest, according to Assistant Hupr-lrsoI-
Klttom. These professional lo
cators, one of whom according to Mr.
Flt'om. has an ngenl In Portland to
send prospective settlers this way,
take the unwary homeseeker to .i
piece of agricultural laud that In sub
ject to entry, and tho victim, after
paying it fee of from J5 to $50, returns
to the forestry officii in Kugono only
to find that a dozen or more other
persons have already filed on this
particular truct of land.
The fraud Is possible because tha
official surveyors are behind In the
work of running lines on lands that
are being homcsteaded. Tho "locat
ors" are careful to show their cus
tomers tracts of land that are Indeed
subject to entry, but they neglect to
say to how mnny othfr persons .they
have already shown the same innd.
Tho fact thnt those "locators" show
real vacant land makes It difficult for
the officials to makn a charge that
would stand In court.
From iluportcr:
A force of men is now Wing umploycd
bv thoWhoelor Lumber Co. milting in
pole.1 for carrying electric wlrejt to the
i west line of Seaman' pruMjrty lo fur-
ritm light in that part of town.
No provision has been made as yet,
however, liv the city council to penult
the extension of tho kIuji within the
city limits, but a special meeting will
un louhtodly be called to consider the
proTosltion of granting the company a
street frnnchiro at once.
Whon this is done the city of Whvcler
will bo i'.clllded iimfliiir tin
, . . " ' l"'!1" are caicmng Win germ
jfriMSivu in trie slate. ..... i,,.. i- i.. i .
While going hcpmh tho bay lu n small ! " alarmed ovur the largo number of
... " .i ,
row noat, hclow tin- Wheeler mill, Inat ' v-mriojic young men joining the Y. M.
l'iN'T M'nti a t.006
by kpepl-ig hlir. Kl!f
Vi P are rllidi? Mai tit
tempi )oi
wi( ttul !
tf tur hr)
,.lt .1... 41. t. .
.hh vvi nig i)iHiiiii iiM(mon, uio tntaj u w
Sit Hartlwlomew AUisatre. ami lb ' Iw uldo.l if l
mowing du.u of mo Ut HrilUl, dtardei In lure
UirUtlaft. at Uanxur, Watn. "Judiec ,
not tlial )n In not )ad,inl." ,
Tim Jroralion uf the Father's miitt '
i an expitwston uf ubllniQ faith in to
cternily of l'oKjry. In rebuttal I av,
What mean those groant ami tears of
the dying pope in the Vaticsn, home- ',
sick fur France? He knows hi eldest
daughter ha loft the maternal l.uino '
imvur lo rolurn. What of Chrlsliai
F.nglarsl and iluriny .VotlandT Why Is j
Old Mexico in revolt? What are thai
rumblings that wo hear in Ainciica.
- r at
1 1 4 It'll I II
ih'irsday evening shortly before dark,
three Italians were drownod within W)
teot of shore nnd in full view of their 1 " "'''i Uirwiian Citirnhlii Con
comrades. ; ferunco nl l'ortland this mimmor,
The frail craft filled with water rap. ' MK, S,K,,or ''"vlilo IhMio, "Is Called-1
idly as il ran In over the sides and a.on , , , . "'"'" ,,r l,,N'K grumi in
sank with its humiiri cargo. In their y "r hll"l"' ml elgnlllcani i
frantic struggles for life, thoy capslr.ed rt',,,V: "Wo "ru tt ly sure of
the boat and wore thus iinnhlo to get "nu lhlri. Italy han no u. fr ln
hold in a nv wnv until rutlfi fnn til I.....
,npo' inuniilru of course that Alner- i
reached thorn from shorn which wa ' c" "r ,,nJ' olhur cutnt'v can have hue
thoironly hope. j If thoy want him.
I fear Mr. Ivlltor I liuvn trospiuscd
I answer, a rcvulsluu from old Fum. ' oicuito t a"'t,t
t wfi'ivMiuu, i iiq very
O...... Vl. . .11. . ' MIDCI I'mAHW
v iiij ui ii caicuinL' inn unrm "I .
----- r - a r . wiimv ainusi a 1 1 i - w
. - . ..... nuullCI
HHI 4 ' w -
irtifl.fi.' Allien ' v
- . . i . ... I . - tip
i ri.ftipi-1 ii' a'lit
a nrt - ti i r T
Tun Hnmii tiM'-' '
11 . a CTl'"";
on Hi.iilif oiu i
Addir.. 51. at I
nl.iiusi Lvro'.
C. A's. In a personal inlarvlow with
the rciiresenlalivo from Hale ni n,.. !
Thoy disappeared from sight entirely
in a fow minutes, however, mid nf tor J on fJ,,r Jl'"cu. My sarins uf addresses
HeirchiiiK vainly for tho struggling 0,1 t,,u ,:"r,' Church will coullnuu,
ouminy cvuiilllga al n P. M. J xtuml
n cordial invitation to ono and all
Father Clnronbcck Iticludud,
Donald Arthur MacKcnzlc.
Legislators Called to Sulzer Trial
Albany, A forrnul call for tho state
legislature to assemble hero at noon
Hoptember 18 for tho . Impeachment
.proceedings against Governor William
Sulzer,' charged with mulfoasance In
office, has bouu !itnuL
Prisoner Is Well Paid.
Roseburg. Charles Howard, an al
leged bootleggor, who Is Horvlng al
Indefinite term in tho county Jail for
contempt of court following his re
fusal to reveal to the grand Jury the
numea of 13 places where he Is alleg
ed to have secured liquor Illegally,
informed the officers that ho waa be
ing paid $20 a day by those whom he
waa protecting.
Big Prune Crop Freewater District
Frfcewnter, Tho prune crop this
year In thia district is valued at $(J0,
000. Tho erealer part of tho crop has
been harvested and' qver 100 carjoadi
now .oa their way to eastern inur
rn ui i eiuiHinv. ni'neffiiir wti. ui'i .
con-1 County Hoard of Kqunlliatlon' ' will nro uhlo to descend only 14
vl 'Urns thuy weru given up as lost by
the life savers who hud appeared upon
tho scene from shore as ipilckly as ms.
Hlblo with another boat, A further
search wasjmnde the following morn
ing when two bodies wre taken out
i f tho rlvur, but tho third has not
been found as yet.
The drowned men wcru rnernbe
u loot I section crew and all hat
fldorablo monoy In their possession at ' I'v.?,1,"1 n" Courl ll',m ' Tillamook
tho time or tho accident Coroner
Hawk was called Friday morning to
hold an inquest aftur which tho bodies
wcro embalmed and sunt to I'm timid
for burial. Ono of tho strangest fen
tures of tliu'iiccldont Ih tho fact that
other members of tho section erw
who wero HtandiiiK on shore at thu timo
roruscd to help their comruduH In any
Way, and it is tint opinion of those who
witnessed tho tragic scono, that tho
unfortunate victims could Imvo been
rescued If thoy hud muilo nny eirort to
roach them.
nr ht nntuc ni inn ri
The iiroposluod ' Und !
olsco In the sum of H&W
loin was pnsa . by the ,'rt
t'lg mnjo-liy.
,m.i,iiiiiiiik lo enuiiiH"- -.l
London. Ilm ll.ilkall U
I; it billion lUillars
Threo iiiilinmrlne direr
piiiiiii in inn wirvi " -
Hlato of California lu Ala
. ...
. . 4 ... . .. u.l.l.ll IQff
iiaein or inn mine mi iii -
striiok. No further etiori
f(. r,4i-,,ir Mi,i "M IKHlll'l luir
Ho III tho riiblii of thu loal M
lriiitin.i.l,il HllllllllS. It"
Tho stockholder., of the Tillamook
County 1 air Assoc Intlm, ...
ouoHted to int-ot at tho court liouso on
Siiturday afternoon at l o'clock, Soul
Kith for the purimuo of eliwiini, m
and trunauctiiifj otiiur nuctiisary bu. I I'f
County, Oreiron. and i,nl!lt,.i..
tho assessment roll for said year
correct all emira valuations,' Z'
criptlorm of lands, lots or other iiroo.
crty S..I.I board will co,Plm;ut,itt,;?,(;:
"Hon, correction uml u , ' wr,l,KIU "
thu assessment r.M ui,,.u " . "..V". to suvo limn In tho ttollvrry
.,. i imri n iiii.riii.ii.il in ... ...... I ,., n . it ..
i " l,,v assess- ' .nl
mtni or their property nru renin.Hi.,,1 nf i i...,i.,..mu m tlm KovrrnB'
. " ' "" "l I'lncu. as no ...... I... I,. ..-,i The nW
- " maou iiiiur llin in Hi i r,.. . mil
merit of tho board. ror oiiuceiliitiou oi "'
11th ,lL"1 T,,l"wfc, OrcKon, August U" m
Jlth.lilU. ,,y ,
C. A. Jhiinsoii.
County Assessor,
..I they i
bv Die Id; storea una i,M
noiiHoH who Niuni mi i" -
of mult oitoh iluy.
V r w h oh Hwonl urn .
nerntfir. (hi. urnH H'm" -
tho dentil of Hocoml .
in Inrr
trruM (,obr".ht' u' m,r!m'HJ,:ff
i 1 nn iijihjwb , mini nil nipr, umi .-
Knaves i ii iiiriii.H. ..i a .. ... i . ni
P.m. llou.Vd trln ii or """'" w iimoiiK tlm 1131 "l";r";..i.
I. in. nouud trip ,jfi. run. ono way who Wl)rn nlM)Ur(. Official
H. Y. illttlock, Hecy,
ClmttorU)!) und Alexander.
. a
1 in. iiulliiiiiliiil f II LilW
Vpif HlltfcUII s.
tho vesaol Itself woum