Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 05, 1913, Image 2

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    Issued Civicc j lUcctt
Ctiodav a
V.nW-rtd a mnu'i
flu. n.itter Mnv 1. t'MV t the ' 'He
t 'rrc. n. under the i.et of March a, 1ST1. "
JMterlMnA UJtcs
' t'c-l Adv.'rtieJtkW
ri-t Insertion, per line - f
K:.--Vi subsequent lrertion. line
" iivstead Noticee
TimVr Claim
Notice, per line
-f th"s, per li -.
l.x-als, w line, ftrtt insertion
t Kach uhsijMint insertion. Hue
i ReaotaUona of Comiolenco txi
Ledge notice, per Kit
M Business A lYoftwsionnlenrds.tiro.
Display Advertisement, por Inch
1.(10 i rtU.!u A.-ta mult tl.. in tkt
f;.- on Mndav and Thursday Morn
in to Insure publication in follow
iug Tuesday d Friday liwue.
Kesaoivs are imperative.
A. Line-back piaiw dealer ftwrn
Portland, Oregon, 1st now it rileil ot
tin- fiiv In Tillamook. Is sutllng n fis
ltd VritlAV 1 of Inch grid plnmn of the "hi re
liable f.rit!. Rohler Chase Piano
i of IVrtland, Oronw, u firm with lilijli ,
Tillamook, ' retointm'tHtntlotis throughout nil lb
State of Orison for their honest and i
! square dealings with the people.
I I ni film high grmlo now plnnes
iof oki tellable make, which i ic-trular-
.06 lv nricd ut $874. W which now can be i
ibWht for J5V0 00 A $850.00. now f.r
05 1 sS 00 ; $ IM piano for $7o.00; '
. ' $300.00 pl.nto, now JJM&.0O; also n new
iL JJWOLOQ piano, with tho ovcopltoivs of ti
w little ah..t w.ir:i, for JlStVOO. W soil 1
of' imi .aav terms d'.wl will tnko vour orn '
nt t art I'.i.Miu nt. W invito tiio pxMi
' pvopld of TillamtHik nivl county t ,
Iahmu k bu nfttl tfMf (hit t.tl lirlAri Ik
lmvw piano. whicSi tirw now on .ial.
Ant bvforv wirchaamg plsno elr-wh.-re,
don't fail to conio nml ran
and mv dImimhi. ami 1 will .iiivo yon ,
. . I My piam arc lwti oil Sth Slruot '
. " " ami 2-xi Ave. K, m mv jirivnt hoaio,
of th II. raid ronUin ntporntiv spirit of the Konmn priott- j no extra ront to pay for a tor' room.
If You Can Mantifactate Anything
Come to
c.m-n niotin fr!ii pe of w o'-
McKo sic m rvr!v to a conmani-ti.n; What i tfttr in his roiuaittnicatioM
of Rev. Father Van CUrtnbck. W-.thflt answuriog? In tho An-
will jrtv the rerrmt irnthmten ach ! he mistakenly tU that 1 urn
nnothcr oprtuiitv to p (Went Uwir j attemptinif to wipo popery off tho fact
views. afUsr which the column of the of th oarth. For hi special mfoma
Horaki will be closed to any further , lion let in calmly answer. I am not.
controversy along thi line. Wo taku No human hoio can wipe popery frm
this -ti n berauw we fear that a pro- the enrth so lorn: in the "Prince of the
Power of the Air live nml o bu
tne at the oki fttimi. The "scarlet
woman" is tho subject of prophecy iHi
revelation. When Christ conn's again
He alone will deal iitnniarlly with
"the mother of harlots ami of the abo
mination of the earth". I am latiafictl
to follow my M-istor's commission, to
preach His Gospel, ami tench the people
1 .ncti controverer of this kind may
cause trouble uncalled for anJunnec-
We have receieed mmy words of,
commendation in reard to the special j
effort which we matte on our Tuesday's ,
i?s; e. However, there are totm draw- j
back and ditaereeable feature- in ci-'
nectiur. wtth an effort of thi ai-J. t to observe "all thinjp whatsoever He
r.afr.e) . the ommiioaa and error that t ha commanded". I nbouhi bo unfaiU.-
re bu'anJ to crep in in spite of everi- ful to my trust did I not reiterate Hia
Notice is hereby iven that the Stale i
Land Hoartl of tho State ot Oroon will
oil to the hitthrrt ItKhler ot its ulllov '
in lb Capitol ISaiklintr at Salem, Ore
i&n. on October 7. 1913, af 10:00 o'clock
a. in. ol said Day, all me Maui a inl
creat in tun lulo anl overtlow laiula.
hcr-inafter dncribe-1 jrivinir. however'
1 to the owner r 'tier of any laiuli (
nbultitiLr or frunliiiK on such tide and i
i overflow lauchi, the preference riRtit to'
! mtrchate said tide ami overflow lands ,
tnal j at the hlchrst price oITeml, providetl
me ii (iowi wnicn u. .osu uucriur 10 me iiv.nK ""., also providinK that the l-mi will
trscte.'. for were omnvtted. and the t The crreai atrc of the ;wpacy, which I I be sold fur. nor any offer therefor
thin- t.'.at one can do. The profession- woe aKnnw. moeo wno ;urnue inem
al cards of atto'neye Henderson ami selves in sheep's clothing but inwardly
W;-k .. a d Or. Hewitt die not ap-, are raveninjf wolves.
war in their proper place amoni? the! llounue3 does not necessarily en
proIe-.-s onai auenisers. ine aave- Lance me utility or sacreunoss oz a
tiierser.ts of Mr. Ed wall the tailor ard in. Common scikc concedes
the hitch rent which others have to pay.
1 have been in the piam buino fur
30 vears. 1 knw the butinesA from A
to Z, and won't he undersuM. All I atk
is ci me and see in before purchnsiut; a
piano. I will treat yo i right.
Our place of tinmen t open e'.'cn
ini.'! until 0
1 make my n.onoy here and s:nd it
Hoth phones: Mutual phone; Hull
No. U J,
Notice ot Sale o( Thic Land..
Do The Manufacturing
not !
Tillamook Mercantile Co.. was not M-. admit, lends it no intrinsic value. I amfceptudof lci than $7. Super acre, tbof
eluded in the v, up as it should h-ve pesuaded thet the devil had been in j oani reservir. the riijnt to reject any
' r t till Vilild VJH .4 l4.LaIu . ailttt.'., Ih '
i t w i i , . . , , tunt uii iiiM.-i. mi iiiintr oi vum iu in
ucvh. "' ! "'r aJ anu Tillamook County, OreRon,
oversipnis w.'iicn oiyc not come u uu. f means ions noiore ine papacy uecame j cribei as follow, lu-wit :
nml dei
know ledge as yet. While we are much , of age.
pleased over the Renenil results !-
ready ach;tei frt.m the issue we ftel '
much coiiccrr.o or' the ommissiORS,
and we wirh to assure everyone that
any oversight or sbght has been unin-j
tentioaal on our part.
Farm Stock and Home has a little
paratp-aph which contains a large
amour.t of coir.tuon sense. A reai
many people of today "never take time
to get ready to live" simply shuffle
through life, of little use to them
selves and a detriment to society. The
artioi is as f .; as :
"ihe C' -t cf not knowing is the
heaviest 'ur e have to carry . he
boy has no time to get an education
and to the eml of nis days is a laborer,
Ketlii. onl.y a living wage. ihe girl
is eager to ieave school and become a
woman and she marries into a life of
to;l and discouragement. We who are
Older, we whose ruts of life are deeply
v.om, I'jok at the present moment
merely and stumble oer what a little
forctt.oLxht fchouid have told us might
have become a help instead of the
drawback it proves to be. We are too
busy to read, and the thintf our farm
paper tried to warn us against comes
alonj; and wipes out ine season's profit.
We are too busy to plan, and the years
find us trampling the same old tread
mill. Then bitterness eats into our
hearts, arwl wo forget to sinsr ar.d to
love anu lo hope ai,u pli.n and bcrnevu.
The booK closes anu our frteno sec
one or another excuse for us. And the
truth is that we did not take time to
get ready to live."
fti'fnntni' nt 11 nnint AKf) i ftf V ! X
21" 4T K. from the quarter section cor
ner between Sections 5 and S T. S S. U.
10W. of W. M.. a' the ht;;h water line
on the tight bank of the little Ncetucca
Kiver; thencf
v rt-r KH' kv rte i ..1...... li ..
cble in P.omantsm, thero uppears i,vaterline
.'4r. Van Clarenbeck's communicatiori j S. 43" 67' W. GO. 0 feet to low water
a labored attempt to fjlorify tne "wnit- j line
a. w iir fa. i leet nions; low wat-
Following his aonunciatton of certain I
persons, whj, from the view point of
periportal experience inside the Church j
of Home, are unmsskini: the undesir-
ed sepulchre". O ye gous, ye gods.
how does it ever happen that the
fruit of such a blessed leadership as
. his imagination pictures has not yet
appeared on the earth? This i the
particular portion of bis eifusiun that 1
imagine tho intelligent people of
1 ilia mock glanced over hurriedly.
Why? Again, it is the lwic-told
They have absolutely no fuith in such
stud. It is the apologetic of the dead
past, it was the d.ipe hunded out to
indigence of the burk Aires. Wake up
Mr. Van Clarenbeck, this is the morn
i g of the twoi.tielh century. Men are
thinking for themselves now. They
stand on their own feet, and do bubi
ness with their own brains, The stand
ard of consecrated intclliget.ee today is,
evaluate indirect proportion to utility,
The men of America have their heads
adjusted, not with their faces looking
backward like Dante's characters In
hades, but looking straight forward
and upward. Moreover his citations
are reeking with unblushing falsehood.-
iney are as aosaiutciy false in fact as
they are
er line
N. 43 57' K. 71.0 fnet to the pUce of
beginninc, containing 3t"i aero of
tide land being tide Inr.d r front of
tract owned by Chas. Hay in sections 6
and 0. T. 6 S U. 10 W. of W. M.
Applications anil bids should be ml-
dressed to G. G. Hrown, Clerk State
! Lnnd Board, Solent, Oregon, ami
tale. ' ,"U'RU" npMiciion ami oiu to pur-
cnase line lanus.
G. (5. Hrown,
Clerk State Land Hoard.
Dated July Z, 1013.
In the Circuit Court uf the .State
of Oregon, for the County of
Mildred K. Small and
F. D. Small. Plaintiffs,
Anna Herrall. Charles
Herrall ai.il It iberl Her
rall, D-'feudants.
Notice is hereby given Hint the un
dersigned, J. C. Holden, as refurue ap
pointed by the Court to make the sale,
will pursuant to the order hihI decree
of the said Circuit court of the Stale I
Nehalem H&tbot Co.
Wheclef ,
t e
PoMlsnd Olhtti
TitUmook Ofdtr.
327 I'slllntf nl.lx
Urt V. K. lUsti
SI ATI: ()!' )l;(iON 10k
Tillamook County Hank
a corKiralion, Plaintiff,
Kilo Patturson ural Fmd .
Wlutelur. Ifofuttdnnts
To Frcil Wheeler, one of the above '
namutl defendants:
In the namu of the Slut- of Orogou '
Vuii are hereby ri miinxl to iipj-iir and '
answer the romplatnt filed agiilim: you j
In the above entitled court him I cause I
on or before the expiration of six week
from the date ..f the. first
Dr. L. M. liewitl H T ROTI
.STi:PATH. MIY.I.IA.N ' ' ' UKJ ' '
AND Si lt KtN
OlMlrtrlral .'-.prriallat
tlh PtHini
Itixs. athl OlDre. Vhiiuhotie Residence
crude and clumsy in expres- "regon tor the County of t illanrmk
(.ins vniwu it niv m'ilii ltly
Permit me to say to "his rivirincu"
ti.at I have on my book shelves volu-
August, 11118. in the cane of Mildrtil H.
Small, F. I). Small, plaintiffs,
vs. Anna Herrall, Charles Her
1 1 i ti ..i , i it ,
mcs from popish pens, which I wi.l KntTon the'O, day of
gladly loan to him, containing pages of tier, 1013. at 9.00 o'clock in the fori-
.. L. 1 -L! I .1 ..I .1 r It
v. iiucH imrung vasiiy moie elegant i nuuu u w nay, ai me uouri iioue
To the hditor of the Tillamook Herald :
I am not a controvertalist, and
everything savoring of warring sectar
ianism is to me very distasteful It
was not my intention to answer Mr.
Van Clarenbeck's gratuitous "com
munication" to the Herald last week,
but in view of certain local conditions
I feel challenged to reply. I arn in the
midst of a short series of addresses to
my congregation on the History of the
Early Church, and in the first address
in style than his selections.
As touching the papacy, what are
the historical facts in the case? The
Old Homan Rmpiro was the creation of
tiie n.arulous governmental genius of
tne I'.jiiiuii people one of the most
ur.lfinlirt tnilnrnr U.. L.
jii.Muiu ninvciiia kilt; nuilu I1U8 UVtT
seen. When Christianity through the
Apostle Paul and his successors came
in contact with (toman genius for or
ganizing, it began to take the uhape
o. an outward institution. Kcclesias
ticism was the result. The breaking
up of the Koman Empire afforded an
opportunity to the astute political
leaders of that day. Out of that dark
of shap-
iiloor in Tillamook County, in Tillamook
Citv. sell at public auction, to the
higheit bidder for cash in hand, in the
manner required for the sale of ri al
property on execution, nil the follow
ing described real property, to-wil
Tide Iota one (1). two (2). thue
lour i-ii, fie (Ol, six (o), seven
of thin summons, and if you fail so to .
appear and answer for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court for j
the relief demanded in the complaint.
Tim relief demanded In the complaint
f j is, thai it he decreed thai you have no
right, tine or iniurcsi in or to two cer
tain nntei for 1300.00 eiirh executed
by Kile Patterson to C. K. Kiiynnlds, i
secured by a mortgage covering the
Sf-U of SW, and SJ of SKi Her. 1J, ,
and SWJ of SW1 Sec. 1M, in rwp. I S
It. 11 W. W. M.. which mor'.gi.gi' wi !
recordeil at page 102 of H (A "U" n(
tho Kecords of mortgiues of Tillamook
Uoiuity, Oregon, which notes and j
morigage were tiioreaiter imngM'iI hy
said C. F,. Reynolds to you and iiy yoii
i transferred to I uiamook I'o'iiily Hank,
, the nlalntiff In this cause, and that you
(71 no inruver narieu iiihi joreri'i led or all
k. a
Oilier in Sluigr.ni IIM,
ll WnfW Cimmiilird,
took occasion to unmask the fallacious
claims of the Church of Home as to the!ae. ad" following the trend
introduction of Christianity into Great ;im? the intellectual and moral views of
Britain. At the eloso of my address 1 the age into institutional forms like
found many of my congregation ready
to express with warmth of enthusiasm
their appreciation of the facts of Hist
ory cited, in preference to the twice
told beautiful fictions about Homan
missionaries to Britain, their heroisms
and successes in converting the pagans,
which are only the creations of u later
age. Seeing in the church notices of
Herald the following week, something
that suggested to his mind that the
facts of History were being uncovered
from the heaps of Romish rubbish, Mr,
Van Clarenbeck, who I believe is the
parish priest of the Romish mission
in Tillamook, aaw an opportunity to
ling a few handfuls of mud at "The
ami eight (rtj. In Stillwoll's Addition I rignt, uuc. merest or estaio in or
to the town of Lincoln (now Tillamook 1,10 H,tl" mortgaged
Such sale shall be .subject to confir-
mation by the Court and
will be sold in one parcel.
J C.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
the property
Notice of Assessment.
Miami Lumber Company, a corpora
tion, having its office and principal
place of business at No. 830 Ksst
FirHt Street, in the City of Los An
geles, State California.
at a meeting of the Hoard of Dl
of said Miami Lumber Company, hold
enius of the Homan on he 2Jrd day of August, J013, an as
emus oi the Hom-n . sessment of SLM1 per share was levied
t be confessed that 1 upon f he issued capital slock of said
the Roman government, grew the
Roman Catholic Church. The Roman
Catholic Church is nothing in the
world but Christianity at its minimum
. - i t . . i . ,
convericu into a concrete thing through
the organizing gen
mind, and it mus
as a mere machine, it is as perfect as corporation, payable immediately to
tne oiu ftoman empire, nut us a spir- nam, secretary or said cor-
itual and transforming moral force, it is ' H? .h'TS830 P""1'"1 Straet.
a fMnrn i iitkir ....... ; L" tn,e city Um Angeles, Stute of Call.
-...w. i 1. isbnb pffi it i jornia
of the Reformation, centuries ago,
uncovered the fallacy that the religion
of Jesus is institutional, and in part
released the world from that destruc
tive interpretation of Christianity,
Romanism today ia still clinging to the
mechanical view of the Mediaeval age.
Any stock upon which this assess
ment shall remain unpaid on the 30th day
of September, 1913, will bu delinquent
and advertised for sale at public nuc
tion, and unless payment is made be
fore, will be sold on the 18th day of
October, 1013 at 10 o'clock a. m. on
said date, to pay the delinquent iikkchs.
inent, together with co ts uf ad-ertls-
'aged nroiM'ltV. and for
such other and further relic ' as to the
cuuri may neem eiunanie, including a
foreclosure of the aforesaid mortgage
and a judgment against the defendant
Patterson for the amount of the said
notes, together with interest and at
torneys fees.
this summons is published and serv
ed upon you by publication in thu
Tillumook Herald by an order of the
Honorable Homer Mason, County Judge
of Tillamook County, Oregon, dated
,.,...., Olt llll') ... ...Il.. .. ... '
near and answer the complaint on ori MliamooK
Defore the expiration of six weeks :
from thu date of the flrrt publication'
or this summons, and the nrst publica
tion of this summons is made on thu
zznd day or AUgul, I'Jl.i.
IL T. Hotls, Attorney for
Hai Located in lite Commercial Hid.,
Succeeding Dr. P. J. Sharp.
All Toil. Guifjiilrrtl, aih Phonn.
I lo -liiO p. in,
Orn Kvrnlngt from 7 until 8 o'clock
Dr. Jack Olson
Office Hours Irom t) n, m. to C p. in.
Over F 8. Bcali' Real Estate Offic.
Moth Phones
f til'
IVH rt
Attomcy-at-Law 13d
U. S. Comruiinoofr
Opposite Courlhouis
J. E. REEDY, D. V. M.
(Hoth 1'honcs)
1 Oregon
Menace" and unnamed publications"
. , , . .. I I h'k.. t,t I. ..... .. l-HV, S"ltl Willi
anu inciucniauy nana u tew jeii-tiunu-1 " iiuihhhuii i. ikji, a aiiigiu event ing and expenses of sale.
ed co,.., iltneiiin lo tl.e pustor ot thoi ln msuiry, out is u procem, :.iiu is still II. YV. Ishnii ,
Presbyteriun Cliurch, couched In the It... Secretary.
dl.!.... :.. r U, the tn.,L.r 0n,l P. ...( If.ill,n V ."uc."l,on " 01 .'.
(Cuitlnucd from 4th Page,)
location of nfhVo, 830 Knxt First
suii ivos Aiigcics, uaiifornla,
by an order duly made and entered by
the County Court of the State of Or.
gon for Tillamook County, the under
signed. A. N. Marolf. Iihs been dulv
appointed administrator of the estate
or John oiaua Marnir, deceased,
and all persons having claims against
the said estate ara hereby notified and
required to present the same, with
vouchers, duly verified to the under
signed, or .to his attorney, H, S. John
son, ut Tillamook, Oregon, within six
mouths from this (Inter.
A. N. Marolf,
Administrator aforesa'd.
Duled Aug. 26, 1013.
Attorney at Law
Office in Commercial Building
Tillamook County Bank Blckj.
Geo. P. Winslow
TillnmiMik Plork
Room Wl
'iiiii,..i ii.. ,.. i in fir
MHIVVT 41 III I 1 41 I H. C
Contracts Taken
Estimates ImiiiiisIiciI.
All Work Oiifinuitiiil,
iim 1 rm rfr I.
G. L, DICK Ac SON, I'rcf
Both Phono
- AS)
The Sam Price to livery""
Til 1 Al.tsil.' I iKIItllll'I'A k iNd
I l.L.nj IUUIV unilirv m"
K. N, IIRNK1.H. Mt"
four Doora West of llxkcrjr.
run.ral DiMaiar iid Ucant.a fc
I.iilv Asslstunt When RcqueiM
Dkdtsciikk AnVOKAT
Tillaiiioolf Ulock
. - ..nArrlK
I is Li unvvK'-n