Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 05, 1913, Image 1

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Largest Circulation of any Paper? in Tillamook County
Tillamook, Okkc.ox, .Shptk.mhkk- f. 101. '5.
NO. G5
It Ih the aim of this hank 10 tvc
the lost Imiikiu' nervlcc possible
nnl we do it.
It is also out- aim to have the
very Weft equipment .such ti.s
Modern !?irr I'roof Banking
Ivtiom, l?irc I'roof Vault, Mur
jlnr Proof Safe, Modern Safe
Deposit Muxes and we have
The Fair a Decided Success Despite
The Stormy Opening
Large Crowds Visit the Exhibition Building The Parades Are Special Features of the Fair.
Which is Beautifully Decorated. j Stock Exhibit Very Good.
Home Merchants and Outside Firm Occiipy Space Alongside Splendid Fan There Were Two Parades on Friday and One on Saturday Which Were
And Other Exhibits. Band U Special Feature of the Fair.
Participated in By Auto Owners, Stock, Children, Grange and Swiss.
The Hllllwcll Avr' and Third St. S. fur practice Tin; bar.d numbers only
i ., , . ,j. , I t . i . .. .1... t r f
ininrx'Ciioii weiuuing 1110 ia rge fitiun-j ju.enn pieces in prtmui nui 11 u (
rr Implement warehouse arid vacant! frpi up under Mr K
bershlp ciin bo greatly
L 1. , , v if vvlo y 1 SI ill il
Get them at Our Store
Wc AUo Exchange Book
Tillamook drug 5iLKt.
cmkm r-t, r., KOCM CW. r-i 1 1 I mi.i. i
.. . i r fdllfl,ntllfir
Tltt AO t HIM mUAKAmTtlU. omri "
luU adjoining have nil been fenced
oif by wire fenrlmt, with entrance
on Third St., for the first TilUrmxik
i-minty i-air uut in now going on
The Parades i one grain shredder in operation on the
, . , , , , . ! grounds although we have no doubt the
Thri.i. fiitrHrli,. Wfl h.fl. hV . LI- Ji I .' . .1. ..
. L',.,.,,.l 1 1,.. ,, " ' " iiim:iiiiicrjr ucuicrs nuw realize iney
r Kwrnpcl the mem- Ffnnk Severance and N. G. Myers on j missed a golden opportunity to adver
.ally Increased. It in 1 1 .i in tin...
iiorseuacn, iicuiig iiinrsnaun nnu inc
hoped some arrangement vrill be made hMii Th(j Btoek ,n wh(ch a , Speaking Program.
Jo retain the dire-tor. He leaven next thc w,n()uri, wcre cntcrcd wag Te (oUowin(! ddre.-e were
wee lor n vnii wiwi rciawve ai . , . ,, .. ,i ,,., ..t.....t... 1 ti...
' " " 't. .,. , i linCBv anu inosi iniercsiiiiK .irrii
an v go to press. Three larco tnta: North V nknmn. Wash., but hote to , 0 three blocks lonit. The blue be-1 day
... . . ...... . ...... .1 ' ........ i , J
hvi' )-!ti crwtctl to hold thc eattla. return
hon nwl Riullry exhibiU, sheds were I
built fur tlic swine and all other ex-
Fair Notes.
Secretary I Unlock ' exhibit of k'rnlru:.
county, showing what can be produced
on a ranch, 'lhere is no doubt many
i ., i i.. .i ..
were iimpinyou in me mrK .,. , u. ,i.
1.1.1. ..-.I I.. ....... -
Him.nK . hrm mw e!iver) thht u ahown ,n lhc
u-swuru .-r w.e ,...... o, .. . f fln(. udv(;rlil(umcnt for th(.
concrdionaircn nave nwurci locuiious
within thc Kruuttds, whore thote uho
wish ri
for a chance
j "liHip the v:
iTumday ninl WodtiMMlny did not, as
ccr or top the exhibitor from mak
the cloudu broke, bihJ whip thinira
Into hx for crowd o that every
IbliiK has proceeded accordlnu to
program erne day Ute. The nxhlbitnr
and visitor would naturally have liecn
more numerous if the storm had not
come but to dale there Is no complaint
jiwl tho- show U all uny-ootxprc
and a reat encouremenl lor a ttelter
one next Vi'ar.
Exhibition Hall.
The bm warehouse transformed into
an exhibition hall and filled to rapacity
with the various exhibit is the most
the G. A. It. cars. The civic par
ade took place Saturday afternoon in
which fair ofliclals, Fairvicw Grange,
G. A. K. and W. It. C, Koyal Dau
ghters, school children, King &. Smith
associations ! in Juveniles, and other organizations
Cattle Tent.
Sidewalks, Floors, Foundations, Chimneys,
Building Blocks, Septic Tanks, Etc.
"blow heir change M , (f nol
re to hit the nigger bable f u wou)(, huye mWf.h
girdle' or -ding the gong . !,, .,,,
severe rain ami wind storm ofj ,r, . . .,,
K. T. Kpplett on exhibition was found
, down on the prairie and is quite a curio.
I Ii tiii.ii.-i.il. thm nnv ihiiu' relntlne to
Ing a gramt rally on ThurMluy, asswmi, wou,,i mniu nn inl,.r.
estlng feature of thc fair and that thc
iiiinniouK Louuiy imncvr uiu.vciiii.uihi
should hold their reunions on fair days. I participated
At the Thursday evening meeting it'
wan decided to adiourn tho annual.
stockholder meeting for thu election . Superintendent Dr. Jtecdy of the live
Hpf oillcer to Saturday afternoon Sept. ' stock department has made fine
1 liith ' ' provisions for taking care of the
Friday and Saturday weather condi-, stock. Stalls had been built in the
tlons were ideal and tne farmers took large tents and were pretty well filled,
advantage of it to fiock to the fair and 'The Jersey breed predominating al
those days good attendance was had. though there were also a good repre
The ground being crowded all day. sentation of Holstein, Durham and
Slvt.....i volmil' ladies of the Koval Guernsey. The stock was all judged
, l)iH.ht..r cb. of thc Christian by exports from abroad the first day
Interesting feature of the fair. eK!C- , Church gave a very fine patriotic flag and were tagged with the blue and re i
(ally the Women department Mrs. j jr Saturday morning in front of the ribbons during the fair and our local
O. A. .Schultx Supt., ha a most om-, exhibition hall, keeping time to the experts had it chance to verity or con-
plete display in the art section snow- lnu,. furnished by the full band. A ciemn me uecisions 01 me juuges. ine
Ing fancy needle and crochet work, J lnr(,l. crowj witnessed the drill and list of the prize winners will be given
painting, etc. Tho Oomestic science : . i ov .... f,.ture of it. I in our next Tuesday's issue.
. " . . , i
section hid a line showing of caKcs. . M 1 Hnnneukratt and K. T. Epp-
bread, preserve, jellies and canned I ctt nrc vcry etllcient gate keepers
vegetable. The women ennbe ilepenil-1 ,) 5RW that no "deadheads" got by
ribboned ocdiifreed animats seem to Mien H. Mihiin. Ari-tant Prof, of
realize they were on exhibit and made notiu ntic Science, talk on " Do
n fine showing. Tillamook County's , meti Science in the Home "
leading industry was represented by Vrnf R R Graven, I'rof. of Dairy
Swis cheese maker in a large convey-; ilIg(,.infjry .. A Iore irofitatjle
ance driven by Cha. Kunzc followed i)ajry Herii."
by the Swiss dairymaids in their' j a Zicmrr, Knctory Inspector
quaint old country costumes. The auto- of r)airy iin,i Fooj c5oinini!!rtion,
mobile parade took place on Friday pactrry inunction."
ufternoon and aljout 25 cars were! ' Soil Fertility Problem in Tilla
entered, somo very handsomely decor- mook rjounty," by I'rof. IL D.
aieu es)eciaiij me i. v. r. ' Scutlder. I'rof. of Agronomy,
e.l on at any time to make their fea-, Clarence Atterbury is acting as special
ture of ai y public enterprise a success. K)liceman during the fair days.
The display of thu public school is
not very large and undoubtedly owing
to the wenthur making it imxs.itUlu
for those from the north and south end
of the county to bring in their exhibits.
Cheese is largely in evidence and has
a consplclous place, as It should have,
among tho exhibits, othur dairy pro
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
Haltom's Exhibit.
The exhibit of the Haltom depart
ment storo shows the great interest
nnil enterprise of the owner in helping
make the fair nrtlstic and successful.
Mr. Hnltoni. the leading merchant in
his line in the city, carries the largest
On Your Own Account
k. you any money In thu bunkT A rl of V J n 'K oujW
to bo plueed there, ... .yw.y. Kvorylmdv n jirn U
thing, however little. IIhvu n bnuk account of y jr ow n m
will foul happier, bettor, more Indeponden . M"U your
jynny ..rn InL, nd o Kn ; b W . ' Mn hojJ
wt'iru lire or thluven can reach it. tout
nil Mil uvldonco of your wlsu economy.
..r- ntn DPI I A It LK
Tillamook County Bank
J ducts are not much In evidence except-, Bt)ck of K0(HS wt.st of iortlnd. Con-
jing the Gladwell dairy which naa a
! very creditable display of iu products.
J'l'he Dahlia display l especially fine
and largo, every known kind is exhibl-
j A number of tho enterprising local
business men have put In fine tasty
'booths showing ami demonstrating
! their wares. Tho llaltom store has
' an especially line one, also King and
! Smith, hardware, Jcnes-Knudson,
furniture, and the liliamonK aim
dough drug stores. Tho Falrview
Grange a usunl Is to tho front occupy
ing largo section of the hull with a
line and varied display of fruits, grains
grasses iind domestic science articles.
The demonstrator Is also there with
sovornl kinds of milk separators and
testers, electric duvises, automobiles
Secretary Hlalock has his ollleo In
one corner of this building i"l i" kept
on the jump all tho time but has tho
ablu assistance of the president and
directors, and the superintendents of
thu various departments.
The Band's Music
Tho porformuneo of tho Tillamook
band during tho f'r was Rood. The
excellent quality and generous quanti
ty of music furnished by them was one
of the features and was greatly appre
ciated by Iho natives, and visitors.
Marcollus Koomple.the now leader.first
visited Tillamook as a member of the
Third Koglmont band during the recent
encampment uiul waa then cugaRed to
conduct the. band, taking- charge July
22nd. Regular rehearsals were held but
owimr to haylnir and rush of work tho
members could.iwt attend regularly un
til the last few weeks; however, their
work Ib line considering the phort timo
Iil..rble labor and exnense was re
quired to fix up his exhibit and it has
been admired and praised by all the
lady visitors.
Clough's Exhibit.
Clough's exhibit of Uexall goods and
other commodities in his line was tasty
and well arranged. A largo quantity
of Clough's Orange Cider was given
away as well as other articles.
Jonei-Knudson Furniture Co.
A cosy corner of the exhibition build
Ing Is one furnished by Jones-Knudson
Furniture Co. Kasy chairs and other
upholstered furniture are on exhibition
and are used by weary fair visitors.
Their exhibit is useful as well as orna
mental. King & Smith Co.
King & Smith Co., huvc a fine ex
hlblt. which is drawing tho attention
of many fair visitors. They are up-to-date
in their line of business and are
always anxious to please.
The Tillamook Drug Store.
The Tillamook Drug Store, Koch &
Hill proprietors, has a fine exhibit.
Drinking cups and other articles are
given to visitors and they have done
their share towards beautifying the
exhibition building.
Horse Tent.
Tillamook, Ore.?'
The display of horses ws not large
nor representative of that class in this
county although there were a number
of fine entries. A two year old mare
exhibited by Joe Donaldson and her
half brother owned by Jonas Olson
were a sample of what is produced
end were the admiration of all spec
tators, both weighing over 1500 pounds.
Poultry Tent.
A fino large poultry exhibition
would have been had if the weather
had not interfered as Supt. Booth of
this department had been assured by
many of tho poultry fanciers that they
would bo represented. Tillamook
County has many fine (locks of chick
ens and ducks and the showing made is
not a fair exhibition of what we have.
Poultry is an interesting thing to al
most everyone and the chickens, ducks
turkeys and pigeons shown had many
admirers among the visitors.
Agricultural Lectures.
The lectures given by Professors
Scudder und Hyslop of the state agri
cultural school were not attended as
well as the merit of the instructions
given deserved. These gentlemen are
farmer raised agricultural educated
men and have experimented at the O.
A. C. along the lines beneficial to the
Oregon rancher, who is living in the
most favored climate for cattle ranch
ing in the world. In the Willammette
Vulley where the 0. A. C. farm is lo
cated, they have demonstrated that an
acre will support three cows by stall
feeding, and Tillamook county ought to
do equally as well if the right kind of
mothods are used. In their talks they
showed how this could be brought
about and convinced their hearers to
that effect. Many of our best ranchers
heard the lectures and were so impres
sed, that they hope to have the services
of the agricultural school experts for
institutes to be hold in the near future.
Usually manufacturers take advan
tage of county fairs to demonstrate
the many different kinds of machinery
UBed on a ranch, thereby directly show-
1 ing the farmers the uses of many de
vises that he U ignorant of. There was
" Mote nnd IJctter Dairying," by
M. S. Shrock, Deputy Dairy and
Food Com.
" A Dtmonctnition in Cooking,"
by Prof A vii H. Milam.
' School Fair1 and Industrial
Kducation," byN. C. Mann, Field
Worker in Industrial Faird.
" Cropping1 Systems for Tilla- i
mook Dairy .Farnia," by Prof. H.
D. Scudder
" Herd Improvement," by M. S.
" Selection of the Herd Hull and
Gradinzof the Herd," by Prof. R.
R Graves.
"The Hoy on the Farm." b; N.
C. Marie.
Cheese Scoring Contest
Tillamook Creamery C. Chria.
tenson tW.1
Xeskowin, Max Mattnon OT.O
Clover Leaf. Hurry Thomas .. 9513
Mohler, IIukIi Harber 03.3
Kant Beaver, Howard Dunn.. W.9
Miama Valley, Harry Haug-.in. 93.9
Maple Leaf, Guy Ford 93.9
Cold Springs, X. V. Kirby .... 93.5
Three Rivers, Oscar Wursch-
knl 93,4
Central Co-op , Guy Bonn .... 93.4
Fuirview. A. Tinner 93.3
Prizes for Cattle and Horses.
Holstein Bull, 3 year, 1st Chaa.
Kutue; '2nd. Jos, Eiiuiierngcer.
Holstein Cow, 1st, Chas. Kunze,
Holstein Heifer, 1st aud 2nd, Clius.
Red Poll Bull, 3 year, 1st nnd 2nd,
R. E. Mai:rel!. Red Poll Cow,
1st, R. C. Maparell. Red Poll
Heifer Calf 1st and 2nd, R. C. Mag
arell. Jersey Heifer, 1st, Morrison Mills;
2nd, W. S ,Hare. Prize made up
by subscription from spectators.
Jersey Cow, 3 years, 1st, T. H.
McCormick ; 2nd, Morrison Mills.
Grade Jersey Cow, 1st und 2nd, C.
V. Tilden ; 3rd, John Sheets.
Guernsey Bull, 3 year, 1st, Carl
Hunt. Guernsey Bull, 1 year, John
Jersey Bull, 3 year, 1st. Hare
Bros. ; 2nd, Win. Maxwell. Jersey
Bull, 2 years. 1st, Morrison Mills ;
2nd, Clarence Tilden ; 3rd, T U.
McCormick; 4th, Frank Freeman.
Jersey Bull, under 2 years, 1st,
Win, Maxwell ; 2nd, F. R. Beals ;
3rd, J. H. DutiBtan.
Draft Stallion, 1 year 1st, V. S.
Draft Stallion, 2 years, 1st, Joe
Donaldson ; 2nd, Jonas Olson.
Draft Horse, aged, 1st nnd 2nd,
Clius Kunze.
Roadster Stallion, let, F, R.
BeulB ; 2nd, R. C. Margarell.
Roadster Stallion,- uged, 1st, Win.
Roadster, 2 year, Adolph hrick
sou. Rocdsters, team, 1st, F. R. Beuls ;
2nd, R. C. Niirgarell.
School BmIu
All new school books hrve arrived,
and we are now ready to make the
changes according to the demands of
the text commission. We also have a
large and complete line of Bchool sup
lilies at exceeding low prices, better
values than ever before.
iC. I. dough.