A Seasonable Announcement. We Have Increased Our Stock By Adding a Complete Line BOOTS : SHOES RUBBERS ...SHOES FOR MEN... iit -w.x sli v Otiiiip iin I'm! ltr.:;cst.i ' nc. IK i W.'tU hm'S DRESS SHOES FOR MEN J i SMITH. Clncuir . A S-mth S!hh Slu Tas.c In anuta wk WOMEN John HlrootiiKui, li,, N V. PiiumiuI ' (JiK.llty Tlutt , .fn Shoes For Childret and Boys THE GRAND LEADER TILLAMOOK, OR12GON WnlUm Shot tmmr The Usual Excellent Standard Stock of Dry Goods, Ladies' Furnishings, Children's Ready-to-Wear Has Been Increased and Brought to Date. Boston Made Rubbers and Boots for all "WKAK UK I? Ittuy. Chatterton &, Alexander AUTO STAG Netarts or Special Trips, Any Time, Any Place ALEX. M'NAIR & CO. KITCHEN RANGES ar.d HEATING STOVES See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere 1 TtfJS ' . TTu "" 2 T . AKRUW and NITRO CLUB Sleel Lined SHOT SHELLS WUI Boost Your Shooting Average TA Rtmingtor Cait forse A fe Untng TRY the Speed Shells this season; they get the - load to your bird quicker than any other shells you ever used. You take a shorter lead angles bother you less you gel more birds. The speed of these shells is due to the sled lining to the way it compresses the smokeless powder and keeps all the punch of the explosion right behind the shot, where it belongs. Get Remuiston.L'MC Steel Lined Speed Shells of the livejt dea er in your action. See that the Red Ball mark is on every box of hell and metallic you buy. Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 299 Broadway 7 Netv YBrk r For Flies On slo;fc in and around barns Clough's Carbolic Compound is the most effective and cheapest fly killer made. It costs, ready to spray, from 7c to 10c a gallon. It is to be mixed with water and therefore is less expensive than other fly killers. dough's Carbolic Compound Xbe Sweet Shop, is many times other one pint gallons of spray. stronger than any is sufficient for J6 CLOUGH Rome made Candies and Ice Cream near the Gem Cbeatrc ANOTHER CUr IN MAOA (TUNG STEN) LAMPS 15, 25 and 40 Watt, 35c 60 Watt 15c J00 Watt - - - - gCc J50 Watt .... 5. .20 250 Watt ... 2.00 fronted l,iimi .'e i:tra. Vt ilrlitcr 1 n in j a to uny i,nrl of tlic city. Telejil one m. Ve do wiring at tin- li wcit irctHcmi klMtent with uud workmanship. Tillaaook Electric c wm A. J. Carpenter Successor to S. A. Brodbead General Cabinet Work Mission Furniture and Furniture Repairing . Screens Opposite Masonic Temple celled. Tho wople are contented ami healthy till rtr.il with an oxouboritnt optimism for tho future greiituo.n of their t.nvn. j Ami It in trtio the pro peel are-git.!, j Situated as it is on the tnv front it 1 otTcr natural doekngo Uc for tin ooenn KoltiK, shipping tleot Hint will j iiiio iln,v Ihj cnrryttiK TiIImihkiv iun- , ty lumlior to tho world market. ThoJ bimI the Port l. IioikIinI for ti lU.t iniiri to iroprovo tho bur ntMl ctumnol en ; trsmco to the Hiiy. Work on jetty will I K'Kin immedisitolv nx tho Uimlst tirr ! unproved, the tnoiiey iluLitti timl tho j .111 tract let. Hock for thi jatty wink j will 1im;1 bv tukmi from iiuarrlc t I Kn l'it m .iivthI hiivo ben oKini 1.11 ti iK-hcveu will meet nil U10 rr tjuirementji. AfaM nwfc from thww q isrries w ill Iw mot) in cuntitltfti b t'-.e r;ulrod for it rondboil. .-iH)n a n chnnnet to the mr I pm tni. thr lumber imiuatrteti wilt twitii ofH-ratinHt thin poiqt. Two large mill sites have ftlrm)y Irten purclmtil for , tur(Hie. Tne Whitney l.umbrr Co. thm ownd mnoy thotMaru! of ucr utamllng timiw. tributury to Hits outlet, nro re- j ported to be cantempltttiiti; 11 nw mill neiir tiinvlltr one milr uuU of Hrv l ily, that will employ a th.iuanml or more worker It Ute pay mil tntite. die town arid with thi pnmi in view it is little woruler the doodIh fedl mi l Another prfKt that strongly Indi cates future activity in thi vicinity, i the purehnnf by the Hill Knllrouil int erest in the name of the United Hail ai an ele-tntil line, of watr fri pn crty valued at nearly $IW.0CO. it th- t'nltvd ha atro.idy bililU it lines ut of 1'ortlami twnnl the eouat ai fa' a- Hanks, nonrly half way, it in believed it -.1 ill continue on through when U-i-haniiet impruvemenU nro nutfleiently ndaared to warrenl the outlay. A recent un -fftcinl reiort tAlea work nr. the In-Re turmul near Hanka will begin at once, nhuuld thi tie the cnie it 1 tatiafitctory proof reRiinlinK their intention. 1 The ti.ihinK inlutry phiy on imjior tant part in Ry City ntTnir s the InrKcat mtlmoii cannery in the county is located here. Thia fuel hrinfr mnry fnhermen into the town durmc the ea- con unit circulates coniihleralile money. Also the Tilhimrxik Hny Kinhermens' Urion ha it co-operative whipping station there. The town comprises 11 jjood variety of mercantile establidhmunts, a bank, two excellent hotel, a hirire annntor ium, n weekly newnpaper, Koi nchoii facilities, churchts. etc. It is Tncor-j-onited and the indicationt Kint to much street improvement next season. The main county road between Tilla mook and the benches runs directly thruuKh the town and many automo- l lie i pass that way during the summer. It aUo peiert a jfool water system and is lighted by ekctricit supplied from a plant opeialiiiK in the city. Power or various industries eorne from this source. Timber covers the InlU that Hurround the town and many dairy ranches exist in tho vicinity. It. has the resources that promote growth and the people are confident of ihe future. are beinj: catrleil on n t Hnyocemt at tho prwcol time, Streeti re belitu paved, n.xnc tine retdence are belnc ervH-tetl ulid many other Improvement are bein-j ctniiinmatel. lUyoeenn hiii fine hostel uceoin iKHlntlon, it ml n KhhI lll)tllli: 1U11I walT yten. lletweeh llriKlitfit anil Harviw are 11 nu 111 her of reaort of Krowinii impor ttinre. They nre ai f olloi : lioialur, Mnnhultun, UiSe t.ytle, Seaview. , lloeknway, r.ltttore I'lirfc. Sultnir, MW wny Ifenrh. Iwtn ltock, Itoae City I'ark rim! Oceanlnke. Nearly nil uf thet! rtnuirta are etttliMHl iillli a wa-1 ter ityntein timl have butnl arcantliKHlu- tlorut. They nil have beautiful henrhe ami furnish delightful recreation. The 1 other rueorta of Imparlance tn the . county nre .NeanKnhnle to the north wttich 1 tiioken of olaewhere in UIU watte, nra I Velaria on NeUrU Bay, c WliiK- M.ituik' tin- I 'ltt irt iMttru ror Vtiiir I- ,u ,,u u... Suitx Ur tic .iKMttit Danfotth Tallnrtnt Co. I lie llnl Clolhci at The Hot (Men the Slylccraff Shop ClCiiuina Fresslnd and Itye Uiorks j.""k I tb L1 1 '"!llL 'liiiiii Hnvc Vi'itr Illir- t'U-.nul mti I'tcinr-i v t : I it..L. I'- 1' . j..twririiiT i a mini i 11111 1 11 uiec nil Ltai 1. r , . iv If f I $ I I I I I k. m f La f f 1 . . . sDix. r jci 1 which U one of the moal beautiful re orU in )h county. Hea-irU to the ' SMUlh are I'aeiBc City, on U beaullfult (Neaiueea Kiver, an i .NesHowtn at Um rmriherti br-4er of the eounly, fhich i iralegd it beautiful pat. Tillamook Iron Works MACHINE AND BLACKSMITHING t9U OVERLAND CARS County Roads. One of Tillamook county's most v. uable assets is her splendid county roads. Our row! roads nru enablliiK thu farmer to market his product and are enhancing the value of beach property by making our beautiful sea shore more accessable, The county court set aside SUtf.OOO for roads for the year 1013. Tills amount has been used for tho construc tion of the Tillamook-Netarts road! Garibaldi-Wheeler roid : Nehalem. Neahkahnie road: Miaml-Garibnldl road; road nt Wheeler, one mile at Dolpb; from Union school Iiouhu nrrnsir thu tide Hats to Oretown; I ..!,,. Cloverdaleroad: all bud fentun H Ilf the Three Rivers roud eliminated, im- jirovements along tho main ami branch roads, and over a half mile of hunt aurface pavement leading nut of Tllla nook. Jtoad work has been carried on en a largo scale this Benson and much good work has been done. l'rofc!on. In Ute profeaaionat Arid every branch it ably repreaented. I'hyaical dbtreaa i alleviated by the e.pert dminiaLra tiona pr.atribetl bv tKturi Kerron. Hoato. W.ruitand McOe. i)r. Hoab. loneat rraident unyaieun In Tillamook, i alao euunly health oifleer. Dr. tVeixH maintain a aniiuriu-a for tho 4iin. Dr. Kerron ha a large pnatc itee that e-tr by hire. tr. UcCee an xponent of the bomeooalbtc he newer tehoofai eotnpriaina oaleo l'thy. and chiropractor? nre alaa rep rvaetiiwl. Ur. Danielo ia aueecMfally .reatluir aevort.1 patienu with ehitv prnetor tnethwdd. Tne law u Interpreted to the laymen in Tillamook by a fine collection of brilliant legal lighu. Sid Johneon. II. T. HotU, (. I. Winalow, l". II. Goyne. h. J. ClaoMen, Tom Hnnley. IJeorKel llletu, J. Inland flemieraon. ml S. M. Gersom are alleomjwtent men. Duclont Allen. Olaon nn.1 1'eri.ina nre nil eapnble dentist who will uproot a rracttous tnolr while you wait, and make yon luo it. j J. K. Keedy earca for '.he ill tliul j often beiel '.ur faithful friend the dotneatie nnim.it. A a veterinary he lia.i no euperiur. ADDITIONAL NoTE ABOUT TILLAMOOK BUSINESS MEN. EiL-n. Ihe Kiler I'limo lluu-, whose plain are so well known all over tho state a an Oregon manufactured in strument, are operating a branch store in l lllnmouk and report a great many sale. Only the beat terrib-ry can maintain a duplay room agency a much of the field is coverixl 'rim Port land, The iBulated nature of this town givea 11 uretiurninence over many larg er cltle fiom a business slHiidHiint. The primperouH condition f the larm ers in this section maka piano kj Ible to them, in greater ratio to tim ber, than any community in Oregon. Refreshments. Ihe BolllllL (if fniltu ... refreshing, healthlul thirst (juenrhir has developed into a specialized busil tiuss, whereas it died to be a part of iiiuK'oeern buick. I ne ft went Shop manufacturers the best line .of home made contectiotiarii.- obtainable any where, also keeps all seasonable fruit dispenses ice cream and light lunches! rhe hlite maintains a big stock in iiiiiii imnriers, mil as the location is an open one, selU morn fruit than any Other store in town and always has the best- candles, cigars, tobaccos, nuts ute., to make up the general stock. By SciuIm!) out Mail Older t HOWARD WAHLEN 102 Grand Ave. PORTLAND, OREGON 1l ttMfrtir II r 1 I. -il lit iltline ,-iit t.. ri.l too ntitncrotiti to itH-iitiott liiKcrtoll Ji.imi Wntclio 75c 5,S.ihi Ulllciic Snfet y Knrur.i 5.t.7S I Sis.tx liniiilllnii ntclic S7 7. j io5lc til ic In Wntvlio itltln iiuhIcI i 5 50 $ $o.im llisnril Wl.ttoi J.o.i . Hlz Reduction on All tltmnnl WhIlIic i-I Off nil Wntcrmnn Idcrtl. PrtrKcr, CuiilJln mtd 'leort I iilllltdlll i'erXfi I U'ntclic Clcniieil .rtliisprliiK .S"C linlnncc Stnl'l $1 3$ iltil$fttllt ! IfltlflSf It r l 1 1 r t iii mr- 111 1 iii - 1 r mm bf r 1 Shingles : Plaster Root Paint : Drain Tile I j V iH 1 , - M j 1 1 1 A I ) K U l i ) M IJAi Docks .ind Warehouse Pron! St. between 2d and 3d Ave. Tillamook County Beachei. The most fmixjrtutit Tillamook county Is liaocean. There hundreds of thousands of dollars have been Invested and a mountain of sand Cheapest : for : the : Money beauty, having, of course, thJ 2m. m U fMT 0.. . K 01 a una beach on both thu oeeun Mm Urn UamtL, rrrngtm and the buy. Extent! v opcratlona Garagei. Rlwaril Snodgrass finds his garage Kuh'Sm'i? ru"tlv the increase since tho llllnmook beaches have became so popular. Hundreds of aulomobih s from Portland and Valley unnts nr rive hero constantly during the sum mer season and u great manv need r. pairs arter the laid trip tnroiigh the1 Coast Itnnge. Till.nnook people have I a so become enthusiastic motoristH oinuu inu Direeis were navixi n... county roads Ininroved. A great rrifinu nnni ........ ..,.1.1 i . " I"""' ""v -"- ""! iien- mis year of nil makes. I he farmers too, many of them possess ears which makes travel "li' 'i cttT . " 'I'K' . L'"1"y moiiii. p Ishejl. Most of the diiirymen are well hmihu ii nun eonveniencu as jibiduui in me uairy reporis in this nuu win pruve, A. C. Evenon Realty Co, A. Cj. Kveninn ilmln.. l ... 1... . exUtencu in 1 1 urm o ic i i -t "v" me menus or brJriKinif muny new people here who have bought property. Mr. livers statea ho has made several recent sules and Is neirot at llm f, V .u,ta ,n, .-- -"r 'fvvilll oilier. The real estate market Is livcdv llk mo town. lint nut I'sc Famous Crystal Ice and Mokatil Ice Cream Cold Storage Pure Manutactired Ice Tillamook Ice and Cold Storage Co. Is- Feency, Bremmcr & Co. FoandrymW ' Machinists Pattern Mrtttt Al lporlant Hs Induitry SPECIAL! MACIIINKRV MAUK TO ORDER Ask forQuoUtkwu PHONE MAIN U TILLAMOOK