Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 02, 1913, Image 5

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    jll a mOO k CaUSe Change in Fair Program!
Grocer i, Flup ntl
pfd, Wire Fencing
Crockery and GUs-
A. Edmunds
tlX no aua an
our photos.
rrJrl Risk and Havc
ds nuke your photo
01' 5- IT LAMAR'S
UH ' S5 0KK
Thursthiy, September 4th
k 1 1 '
In School Houne, ,v l'rof. Avm H. Mifniti.
I n-I.I Worher.n li.d.ist.ml I'nirs; Children Invited.
I P m Cropping System for Tillmnoolc I),,i,v Farms
In Louriliomic, Uy l'rof. II. I). Semlder.'
Il. rdlmiu-ovaucui M. S. Shrndc
ncu'cuon "I the Herd Midi mid (Viding of Herd."
v-ouiuMMisir, oy k. k, t.nivt'8.
"HicnoyoHthcFinn" Hv X. C. Maris.
RThf above is the revised program for Thursday which
uie unexpected rum Htorm has neeessitated. -illowi"
h llic original program aH prepared. k is Htill hoped
that the main events and parade can be held, and to
make this pontile the dates have been extended to include
Saturday, mi the Fair dating should now read, September
Ith, oth and (Uli.
ttl t .t f tf 1-1 f I 1 Iff
Tfl F If IV If fTI 11 Ifi
t Ihf (KMlftl ul All
Ki.lrtUliiltlf nil
r Thca t re
III AM ' m a B al M.
ending the Fair
WETY store
15 ir W
- "T 1USIU tt
Tillamook lilock
Itoiiin 202
t Ore&on
I'rtt'rtiin. W'cihioilm , September Mil.
!l .'U a in Address
!'t t' U I lyklop. Urvn Agricultural College.
Hat .1 Concert
I .10 p at ....Automobile Parade
Throujih Mniu Streets of City Hand,
Wont. lUe . Kent u red.
J'J i( (noon) Dinner
At t'ne Todd Grill. 0cm iioinuraut. Palm Cafe
Special Service.
1' uo p. m Address
Prolessor Scudder.
Oregon Agrieulturnl College.
Hand Concert . , ,
S.,0 a. m. and l:k" p m
Side Trips on Beautiful TilJumnok Hay, to
Hay Ocean ParK. Hay City, 1 lobsouville and
Ctaribaldi. on Launch Olive.
7:.'U) p. m .. Address
Prof. Scuddtr, Oregon Agricultural College.
S;()t) p. m lixeelleut lintertainuienL
At the Gem and Star Theatres Including
Special Vaudeville h'entures for l-'air Visitois.
I'raamm, 7 litimdny, September -I th.
S:-!fiii. in Launch Olive
Morning Trip Around the Hay.
::) a. in .'. Address
Professor Scudder.
Hand Concert
l().;()n , Grand Stock Parade
Special Swiss Folk Scones l?ea tared.
1 .()() Noon
Ivverybodv lints at the Todd Grill Palm
Cafe," Merchants Lunch, Gem Kestauiv.nt.
j .,- ,u Launch Olive
Afternoon Trip Around the Hay.
.()0 p m Address
Prof, llvslop, Oregon Agricultural College.
7::!0i. ui...' Address
1 Prof. Scudder.
,s ,)o , Theatres
Hi4 Special Program, at Gem and Star.
Program, Fri(ln September th.
.jj Hand Concert
.jr,'" Launch Olive
' 'Vir8't' Trip to' Points on Tillanmok Hay.
::U p.m Hig General Parade
iM-atcrual Orders.
l:..5 p. ...-.unch Olive
Pleasure Trip on the Hay.
()f) Tillamook
" Ilave'a G(T:n'caiHl Get Actpiainted
With Tillamook.
,w, , Hand Concert
;( 0 p. 0, , c,
, 1 Stock Show
,,:0 P' ' ATtiurPnir Grounds.
Hig Show
8:00 p. n,'---;;;i;i,'Gtn Theatres.
0:00 1,1 1,1 join 7iii;'cR0m '
Hid- will l.o rccuivf.1 until l. M.
Mon,lliy, 8..t. 8. 10W. for ion eonl.
fwoo.lli.fourfout lonKthu to Do .lc
IJvcrcU In tliu bubc.ncut ot Urn now
bcIuhiI liulUIInK utTillitmook Qity.
K, J. CluiiDscn,
Clerk, Dist. No. S).
Financial Agent
Dealer In Real Estate, Farms, City
Property and Beach Property
Long Residence In Tillamook County Has Brought Valu
able Inside Knowledge of Conditions Throughout County
Dawson Bros.
Dnwuon lirothcrn operate u Inrcv
livi'ry l'Uinrii In town w.il hy kcc;iiti i
i;imk! l'3ii)K for ItuliliC nervirn nr.' M .
inueli n-cliit-d fenturt. 1 hey 11U0
opi ratr tt liUKit lipo uml ito a tinfor
l)UlriMn. Tlit'lr rtKwiy burn in a wc.
oitn.. p..lr..r.t titr fflrrl furm hfirl finttlrlr
IIvitv luirft-H tlmt tci'V Hht'lU-r aiwl food .
Nt the I'twl of i hiird drive. IaicI in
tli. Iituilncm ccriti-r of town the Joy do
Itnvp h xny tr.tdv ti in I ty thuir iipp
riTintl.m ty treallnff their patron
Tillamook Ice & Cold Storage
Tin' urowinj; filnry trxitititry notnc
yi'nr Imcli, openel the' field for an
Icinc nwl c.)ld fitornire plnnL Tlie i'eed
wim mvt hy Small .V Co. who built
and iuip"d ii good hihI e.stnbllsh
ment : thin nature. I hey liavn never
found cnue to re;ret the inventment
hero, ftrxl hnve since added hevernl
fenturen that the lawn findi need
for. Ire crenm and ice are manufactur
ed in vvholcvnlu and retail ittantitie5.
Tint Ice in pure and the ice cream ex
cellent no that both product under
the trade name of Mokntil have
become famous.
Alex McNsir & Co.
The hardware branch Tillamook bus
lne in rrprenenled bv a iare retail
tore, owned bv Alex McNair. He
carrlea a complete stock, that rover .
every need in the community. KnnRes .
ami Ht vex form an iihKrlanl part of
the business i
E 1 lVM i vi w w&
f J. WORRALL. M.iir
Pacific Salvage Co
Across the Street From First National Bank
Nsyyand Second Hand Goods Bought
Sold and Exchanged
Lamar's VAriely Store
Kvcry thine within tho raun? of
I See the Perfect Steel Range. We Sell a Home Product, Made in
Portland, Guaranteed for lf Years. Your old stove in exchange
I human utiderstandinn seems crowded , IJ t Qoil Prr fach It Rime Vrti i Mnro
i onto the counters nt Laman. liazuar ; v ' MM J M "iwiw
' (iimI the prices raiiRe from 6c. to '2ic.
iter article. It seems impossible to
' manufacture and market some of the
, things he handles at the prices asked.
Yet Mr. Lamar seems to be satisfied
and content with the proiits from his
E. E. PAGE. Proprietor
Phone Main 58
Hiiln apolln tho fair prouram-butlt
mukoa tho unus grow.
The Lamb--Schrader Co.
Tho I.amb-Schrader Co., dealers it.
cement, coal. lime, brick, plaster, roof
j paint ami drain tile, keep one of the
most complete siocxs in meir line, oi
anv house west of Portland. This enter
prising business firm is in a position to
handle their foods in such quantities,
as to kIvo to their customers the very
best nrices. Mr. H. C. Lamb, mana
ger of the company, has ollices at dock i
anil warehouse of trie company, on
Front Street between 2nd and 3id Ave.
Pioneer Dray.
Dravini; inlillnmook has developel
the use of tho motor truck. The Pion
eer Oray I'o. finds the truck n kthiU
saving in time and caro over tho old
liirtt...ilrnu.'i vehicle, ulthntluh several
...........u nr., uftlt imt.rnt.wl. Piiveil !
1 reels maku tho auto truck practicable!
Automobile stages were also put in
general use during the past year.
Alexarder & Chatlerton opernto a
big four-seated omnibus truck that
makes regular trips to the bench nt
K'etarts, as well as special trips to tho
many points' of interest in the vicinity.
Jonrs & Knudsan.
House, furnishinir means n lot to a
fast growinp; town, as many people
prefer buying now furniture, rather
than tho expense of shipping tho old
Jones & Kmidson Furniture store is
successfully meeting the demands.
They carry an enormous stock and oc
cupy a largo building of their own.
One of their notable achievement w as
the complete furnishing of the new ho
tel. In this line also the Pacific Sal
vage Uo. In of great importance to tho
town. Few people realizo tho proper
care of furniture.; bo much that lb still
good for many yeara service, gets dis
carded from lack of knowledge re
carding repair. The Pacific Salvage
Co. makes a business! of securing theso
articles, remodeling them and selling
nt a reasonable profit good furniture at
a great Having to tho public. This is
often a boon to nowcomers who have
boon at great, expense and desire to
save wherever possible,
Denier in
I Staple and Fancy Groceries
I Flour and Feed tillamook, or.
W.A. Williams
Harness and Saddlery
lillamook City
Dr. L. E. Hewitt
Obstetrical Specialist
Both Phones
Res, and Olflco : Whltehouso Residence.
Plumbing, Tin Smiths, Moulded Gutters, Drain
Tiling, Guns and Ammunition, Bicycles, Sundries
The Samson Wind Mill. Red Jacket Pumps, Steam
Valves, Water Piping and Pipe Fittings. Creamery
and Dairy Supplies. Pressure Water Systems
Read it in The Eleraicjj