Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 02, 1913, Image 4

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    Chas. I. Cloiigh Co.
Wc deliver free, by Pa'CcI Post cr in person almost
everything you boy .t our store. Try our service
and sec how quick and satisfactory it Is.
1. Courteous Treatment
2. Good Goods
3. Low Prices
4. Quick Service
5. Honest and Reliable Merchandise
Two Registered Pharmacists Always
In Attendance
Let Us Fill Your Prescriptions
Tillamook B ak e r y
Everything In Baked Goods
Eat at the PALM C A FE
Tillamook's First Class
: Local Happenings, i
It. S Clark, auctioneer, j
roh Myers of Helm was In town
it ....i. . .i.i r tVi.i I .....I ...... tit I
, town Monthly.
j Walter KhMmlRh of Pay City v.
' in town Monday,
' l M. Uennlaof Maine w a Tilht-
j mook vis-ltur Monday.
Oiri help wanted.. Kttqulro ut Cry
tal t-aundrv.
I e V. Wilson of Sandtttkn kh in
town on bus lues Mrwtfciy.
Mr. JelT Fleck of OnrlboMI, was a
Tillamook shopjwr Monday.
! rnn.-h for rent. Will sem Uu row
Address L Jenson. Htbo.
, I. ail v wind to secure ItotMowork m
j town. Kmjuir t llernhl oil.co.
; Mr. K. K. Bears loft on Friday for
'Portland, returnim: Monday,
j Goo. Vaughn of Hny City wm a Til
l.tmook visitor Inst Saturday.
, Huy your school boaks and school
' tipplio!t ut tho TilUmook Dtuv Store
1 Wanted to rent, or n dairv
'.irm from I U & vear. Aulron 1191
lOlcnn Avo.. Portland. Ore.
Tho Steamer iilnvore kelTi for Pott
1 land Friday with ISO) case of ho.se
j Chn. ?. Maekie. a Portlnnd abatr-
tor, was in tlweity for a few dnyn Uu
Hort Do nal toon and fimlly rocontly
! returned from a throe wtjk.s carnitine
j vacation at N'olarla.
j John Plakor who ha btten laid up
, for a weok with a sprained ankle I
row able tu bo out aain.
' Buy your school book and m:.SMil sp
1 pliee nt tho Tillamook Drtin Store.
Get your FUfisohmenn's Yeast at i'a
ft Co. Monday. Wodnoaday ami Frf
day evening' inalL
See Geo. L. Hamlin, only llrat claa
ho ie mover in Tillamook Count-jr.
Thirty-five vnr in th business. P. 0.
. Hox No. P3L
C W. Miller weontlv hipp.al from
Ahordn. W'ah . thr Shetland Mf-
ten which he haa for Ml
j Dr. Hoaki rporU th birth of ly
to Mr. and Mi. Henry Iamilwlt of
Look Praira on Friday laat.
You can now oro on of tho flnol
pim for about ono half pric ami on
t-aav term.
turrsiahorf Immm or tliw tomiahixt
pxm wanted. Apply at llarahl ..lli. c
U. A. Shaw cut two flnKM uf i i
!cft hn.id o.uit badly while !:
wooJ for R. K. lltinkle last Satur-liiv.
Mr;. H. 1). Iamar and children if..t
Mrs. S. A. UroaOhtad have rolurnu;
from their aurnnier' o'ltin at the
Kxprinced man wnft t n-nt tck
cl and fully Mini'jtx! dim farm. Ilef-
orencea. r. B. j"f;r. . tl!muk. Ortf.
Portland ir Valir pr-s-rty to trwW
for Tillamook loo'l. l.in-1. Writi; C. I
P. Ntdion, 310 Oak ol IVrltand. Uru.
On Sopt Ut. theWi'lla Pargo Rxptevt
(' , bfxai a daily ilolivery iorv co of
N01 ICE TO I'AUr.Nl S.
Klrttt nrlf pupil will lo adniHIM
to tin- public f Iliad of thl Vjty oi.IV
ilnrtoa" tl.f moiithn of stoplombor and
l.t.turt. l'ar.M.l arc ripiod "
vf thai cnik'rt' cuimmMic proniplly.
All chiMin t warn of w r oWar
ohouM atleial. tx-rawl atarta Scptambar
8ih 15. J, ClnHaoii. ('lark.
SI ATi: OF OltWiHN, mil ni.i.if
I). F. Trowbildca. Plaliiillt.
UwroncoK. iiialcr., A
... . i.'iMi M.ili..nH llaiiK. a
com.ration. ami!1 I. Hafomi. M, ,tdni .tory. i.u
iihIi ithliln IlkfiirHihlliii U, 7
.. i H...I.H, j -" if 1.,.
T- I HuntiMi K MWIr, Mnnimi" fur tint hi I I . .V'f
t .. , llu.,L r-p .... 'll I Ml Wl
I, in mvm, .. a C. lm,)(1 .(if
iruiii win nu n ii i, m,,, (,."
. .. ..n.i a i'irt itntrviis
Jm ft) Mason ami wim wr ii ' .. i mv
daatli of Mr. Kelao tit on lima n roal- ,N .,K N'AM OF TIIK Sj'ATi:
iloot of thia plae. , OF tKtKtioN You and racr. of ywi
ft.,11 H.arh.Ul who h., d..r,o of JKf ,,C;SSKit?l.,"
tho Cirl tlal orlaoh raneh at Wmala lJw h((yt, e,;uw r,iut aial ul, w or
Rfrivwlln UiHnSumhiy with Ida faml f,rta lha lail da) pnacrlbwl by UJ
ty. Thov will romaln how until fr onlor fr lb iHiblicali.." ofiM. tn
I. , mt herti'f'rr matloaial rthl har .
th fr. . pm) f , . t itratvtar. Iha plalw-
Attoiiwv 0o- I'. Wlnatow Qlml a u(f w)ft, jor a tlMrf. iplr to ih
ult In th Circuit Court. Jolm rMMm Court fur th. r.M-f pruml f.;r "
it baianco uuo for timor on irasa (j, mdr aivUI''Kfai
U'ver olalm. 'tiara, for th aom 01
... m ii i'- ... ..ihu cruotl ami a-'ruina
Hank, titiidtt. iii.tii i Ihiih. I " ' h
" flvo .oparalo i,ln, '"'
II. Goyntt haa
ImtalM In ht low oUlea twenty live
ewltone of a actional b xikeaaa. for
Lh purpoav ,.f holding hU ovf lncra
inR library of law bot.
Shaw ami Uien have twht of Jtt.
Lilly bin wotnl aw nnd svill b plaaaed
to Uiko car o( Mr. I.tlly'n old cutom
ora arat any now oaaa that may want
work dono In tholr II. o.
A vn.
4ffHt AIH) .
u.t'-r (. at 1
2 da.t I-..
tier cnt ir amfo rri "
IT April. m. t. r W V IIO' OO
tlorne, faa, .! tM r -at and dta
,.irmviU of lhl unit . fr th tt
ckur of that cerui" mrtaa
ruled by aattt defcmlanta. t.awrne- K.
jiandor ami lUrtnal A Hmar. In
favor of plauilii! tat aald wm f
f ISA l) ami l"'rr.l. md cvaylaf
ii.'MntUt n l'-l Itu.twl in rinHk
iKinty. Oregon, Wriial fwlk.
lo-wlt Tl f mirthet ijuartor of ct-
nhlo l Mtoin ai ranwf v
... ... L.I lUfl I IH 1.1
Want.Hi -A uoro. wwii-mi i ' m-uiiib .ir
clove,, l.undrotl: broke to work, not r,"'" "T!"" ' ireordlne to
afralU of nuto. not over eiXni yeare - ;"'-JL''u ,n,, WWltl
color. Ikiv nr black. Adilroae.
Hartiea. Ilnrnoilali!. Ore.
Jo. Mlly and family left on Sutur
day for (lulea Creek, whew thev will
nk'aln roani on trwlr farm. 'Ihy nro
utaklnt; tlw chantj on Mjownl of Mrt.
Mil)' haailh. They havo many
frionda here who rtrrel t.Xr foing
away and wish for lhm heallh ami
prueoenty on tSeir farm lvii
hor l?ay waa obarved by the
court house rlerita, the fore nl tho
poat oiUee. the Hsrbvrt ari the union
men at -ork on the buafnee blockt
and other linpruvemenw The reel of
us ordinary mortals wer comptiM to
keep up the uaaal srind.
The Tillamook bll team defoalod the
nine of thr llarriinan club of Portland,
two ifames out of thrv this week. The
Arat tw i game uero pltiyxd on Sun
liny, the mornini; uaiiit reetiltlnc In
c re of 9 and 3 in fa or of tho Harri
null i 'l ib. while the aftefioon tfBioe
rn - tid in a d.-.irp of V nul 6 In fvor
..f Mlirnnk fe ffnine on Mo-uley
rc.':'' ' i 're of 7 and 0 in favor
f Ti a ".
I'r . U'endt Is the
. ".ly Kye Spectaliat
I'ertttanently located
in Illlamook. Your
oves whi. h ar- the m'jt sensitive or
Kiin of s.mrjluxly "laMlki be oxatmnod
by a ibynirian ho i cniwble l tttug
nit; dmrane othei- than tho neod of
. kIbmih. 1 Kuaranteo my la.,-a and
. am ii wnvt Hero Hi inHfcw irm'i iiini
. iUnra-'toe.
Price are reaaxinablo an
ux,re to urai from the inerchanU on
the two miin streeu.
Foundation blocka for sate rs! all
kinds of cement work done liwludini;
Sign "Eat
Portland, niHoci
Kilura Mu.dc huutu Is iin
- T. F. CASEY -
Fine Line Cigars, Cigarettes, Candy & Nuts
Basement of Tillamook Building Across From Todd Hotel
the laying of foundations and ide
wiilka. Set A. K. Ouertto.
Tho highest cash price paid for cidek-en-i
at the Tillamook Meat Cj. shop.
Curd F.il. rs, Jr. of
ate 1 with the
the city.
Second hand wagon for sale at a bar-
Rain. See Shrode.
' Ii. W. Watson went to Hunks Mon
1 day with about I!0 (aioplu from thii
point who have been unpaired .ih hop-
pickers for the valley hop yards.
' J. F. Jackiion of Heaver returned
!mt week from Urotfan, Ore., whero
i he had been visitinf; a fUtcr. He was
trnnuactinn husiriesd in town Monday.
! Buy your school books and school sup.
plies at the Tillamook Druu Stori;.
i M. Peterson and wife of Forest
Sixty acres on '.Vilnoti Kiver, a part
' of what ia known as the Peter (Irani
place, with or without stock. I want
J30Q0 or more down ami will rivu
plenty of lime for the bnlance at 8 por
cent interest. See N. P. Hanson.
Hobo, Ore.
Last issue October 5.
mi and rMel.
thai (h nrueeetls of Odi W b ap
plied i..rd lh otufoctlon of the
nitut loe the pl.lr.tllf on td jul
meni , thst all risrhu. title ml later
at uf the .U-fei- IsnU I" 'd to Sd
pfemUH be barted stai fre
elosied : Utt plstHt nV have ect
tion itte to enforee the I Juditment
arxJ tiecre . that plaintiff , ' other
party to this suit may !-- puf
ehmt al surh Ml : ntl that U(an
j rnaktnK sale thereof the sheriif oot the
purcnaaer i aam pitHinw
putseaaioo ;hrrf
Tnl stimmit is seresai upon yoo by
aibbation thwyeo by cnr of the
lion. Weoater Holm, Jodrf f the
Circuit Court of the Hut of Ore.,
for the County of Ttllamook. wbi-ti
ureter i laietl the 32nd day f July.
A. IX. 1913. at! I u, be; pobbshed -mce
I each weeS for ' fDiwmi"" wek.
! or vn cimsecotlve tMiaa, the dale of
the first publf st m thereof blne the
i 32nd day of July. IU. anil (he date of
' the last publication lhr' btiog the
ZnA day of September. 1913.
listed JttW Unrf. 1913
Attorneys for Plamliil.
(I L ItLlSllcR
Dcpnrtiuciit ol I ho Interior.
V. H. LAKtMiFKli IvetPoMtBod. f)e.
AuKuat 0. 1911
Notti-e I hereby fiven thsl Jhn it.
Klrsrh. of Tillamook. Oresron. who, on
3My . 1!2. n-de Homestead Unlry.
No. 04198. fur MKiMWi VNEl
.N'JSKl Heetion la. ;onen; Mth
Hantte S' West. Willamette klertdlan,
, haa fibnt nolle of intontl-m U make
Final Commutation Homestead Proof,
to etabllb claim to the I to I abuva
doacrtbeil, boloro The County Clera of
Ttllam-.s I ouoly. Oroifw .. at hlla
i itMKik. OroB' r, on U-e ".I'lh o of Spj'
lembrr, I'Ji.t.
. Clamni titimu as witnesses :
t.Voree T. Klel.r...
Chariot CI. Lyon,
J a mitt llurhey.
Wesley Ituab. all uf TUIamoo..
II. r . Ilby.
A delicious, refreshing', coollnu drink
made from Clouch's coneuntrutod es
tract of oriiiiiji! cider.
A r0c bottle will make f j;n lions of
orange cider.
Mixed with water
roudy for us-.
Cloiigh thu Kvliablu OniKK'Ut.
The Most Important
Business of Yours
Thr attvnti.'f. .f the ttoeW h'kier of
the Tillamook ('..only Mutual Tele
phone i umpiti y is hereby rslleti to trie
annual im-i7tni; and el.-i llmi i.f otlicar
for the coimiit; year for the first Hat.
lirdhV In Setitember. iMnr next Hatitr.
iday the Alb. Said merit il will be
hold In the County Curt ro n, Ttltn-
aral uar It Is m"ok "'ty. at the hour of one o'ektek.
r. m It is DoptaJ that every stock
holder who can will attend this moot-
I OK'- W. 8. Hue I. So.-,
Or Saturday Uri(o iiuiii!t .f pco
I plo of Km iiorlli oii-l of tlx. county uil
a li.r.;o ik h-ution from l illumook at
, tended the ht-rond AiiojhI Floral and
, Inihistrial Fair for tho Nehalem Vnl
! lev.
lu.ltiM I rH Ii r..i...il , .
en -.oitior urn ration r
tlmt.s aiul lint rl..... .. .
i , nl a
f'WO IOOlt' llllli ly
birth, Tim Ct) stitl I Vi
in unto iimriiiirii i . ,, ,
to Tillamook house in V
uf the Itwi.l tnr.-rtsan
well ordoretl i-oiMii'.,. ,i ,
KtMtl ihid U aiiri- n' i rjl
will continue to l j i.,.
I . . . il- .. . .11. ..... 1 1
wipi" w mnn at I'.. , -i
HHII Olll? l qinrD T l If
service to the pe...u-
Tillamook DtutSis,
An entirely n-w , tn
the retail ecll-.-- I i
Hilaim-iv Uruu i
In tho New o(r i
. h el,.ntt lllrfirfii .i
Iff, iiw mot. ion f- mk.
liiimnHif ill t?inwi i f f t fe
it is una uf iia Ih ' ,
.ii. ......i h. . . .
tt ut IIH.IPIH linn I I . ii ,
I... --l.l.l .t. !""
Iin cui-in, tf.viii - S i
tiwt win ih) naru i- i tf,., h.
tho T1llmook tsmi ti , i-
tn tiret;itt ,ir. ih-'i tn
lm Ull a IHarl l.tnl-r i- ii. .,
it-1 t itiw r.iiutir' . ltl
mtpiocet a m if a ic hu u
i ri. ov ,ii . .
Clouth Dfuj Co.
t t,
,.1. 1..
K 'A
' SI
1 . . .
' lUn
Money to Loan and Insurance In the
Best Companies
Is when vou Invest your money
' . . .i . .... n-i... tir..-, ...... i . t....:. .. . .
urove are visuinK at tno noine oi tnt-'r imn w ouvhiks .n. hi : 'i i, ,i . ,, ,.
neice Mrs. Shin Moulton. They have Salt Lake City, Utah.a trie.1 and proved I ml an fmprovitint'iil over last """ J. F. .Slranalun,
fii:n I I if. II i. ft ... . vliilil f ,.f I1..1.1..... I , . . i.-'-- -
irnontn. iui.iihook iuiu iiiinnnwK w. loiuan -j """"i oowi.vur, .urs, ,n i. intdinicnt .(lt iiiways ie uic cw
Rosr-nlmrLi Itroa. who w.-ro In It,.. VOU inODOV or lltlild VOII a hilfni! oil sniiill ! '.PM "'".'..f"0 ''rKiatt number uf viir- their services on hiill'rst I"
i . . i 1.1.. . . . 1,10 "Xlillnt of iLililiaa was well ..).r,... Tl ...-n Im.u ict hie
, grocery uusiness nere two venra UL'O. . iiioiiuny inynmiui. in n m rate Ul , wnrtli !lm !m, ii, M..1...I . ,.v i,.... - ... j.
. . ... .. -. tii.i... ... lliev iMissess leromes l'ie piPf
' I ""'"is ""a 1IIIITI I'HL aiisjii l liiiin itlltf is mi m
, store ami nave mi. en possession. iA r W tT TJ (XK T A i "'K- ' 'i ami secoml nr Ir.irr. wnm .!. nr iimlur n mu ovurseu trie rw-.
..u uiHibvi niii; II I'llllio you Jltfvi; I . Ml., , ... , , ' n i . ... ..'. n 11.11 nil h iii wiii p. in ii.ijij ii..-.-.
nl?L VOIIr IlffHrL On -IL IH ll.l In lrwl . . ...v.. . ,....-r.... v-'ii.iphii , lllTrilll I Lllrfl 1 liril. liriSHIL' HOW fllllCIl WIIHlv 'HI v '
me reason wny tno i niamouK ,r.is c u. o, jiiiiwu.-,, rice rresiuunt. h, lunninu, ciinninir and anu now muni more niii-n"'--!
The t'h-ugh l'f.
tlte Itvst pltotii- c
le" l-H this c ".i -lint
the rewMtrte. Mr
ed no IwtllM luir rt,
local prwlucta ocr a" .
lite Ittanuf&i-lufc ,
bidt fair to btre.Mlie
for rillniint"ik I'o'ini, a
fully p4l the rt ti t- r
display in the larve
the. (tisMKh IOjj St. -T t
etlllt Wc rojBfll-i!
tu ,
Ksefylhlfip htirt-u-lltMt
I cerrlrd tl ff
man ami beast
Abilfaft Compiatn
'Huee Abvlraet ', -t it
r,t in Tilmii r.. i
with lite dema.tii f r ( ' H
.... ...... i u i t... 11 . i . . .
Tfttsl t . Tom i'-a! j
..Ua.1 . . . t.l. . I I t V
AMliar; inn o - at ti $
llt It . I ...
iwn i,,v .v.i tr r -;TU
Ml H... .i.mi ... i, u i if.
W l . u.. w I i I,
. .1 I . I I ... . . . I
t ... .... .... . . . ...
no orei are rofti)n.' g r rfi
set of bottks. All c' fc l(
inees ami ore onrii r r i a ti
overtime Vrepintf i . e I
F. K. Bcah. the Real K.iilf X
.-uttcn of i iiiainxox ttm
twtrity I dun to ihe f-.fr- j't.f
tDftgrtett.iri men vt -i rat t in
what wa In store f . r I - ""Iff
It, I lea It A it l.'i.llrrf frt -tltt
has uesJutibtetlly Iff a c'tf tut
lhi respncl. T r'Ultf' i'
... J... M . . . . ... . t ...
iiii.'I inrKH ill.1 ii" .
i-.motl, that tv.it ot-lr ttrc f frH
bMt la-kn the ability t " tl
JeeU to success thnr.f
A live tenl estate ir ttt
key re.le to prowrly !
too hik'h a tribute can' t l (diii
ini. ii. iiii. . I .1.1 irt r
est man In the real ete b t
-Till .. I f . . . V I 1
tllforts fur the KOml of toes.
Rrrmmrr & Co.
TillaiiMKjk ('..iinly w v
i.iinirui I u int.. i.i ii i1 1 " "
llhil iimiiln ri,-,il fur II t- f-r.iTI
intjitorv ami itiariine ir i--
atiil llri iiinw.r liitve Irs'si nl M
outfit burn niul nrc tt '
biislness As a er ir I'M1"")
ranks hlith In Imports '""I
..i. '.I.I.. .. . . iiiltlMII
Kl.l-O lilllll iliBi I I' i
llifi.i wlni fii.u.i in-,-. I ft r U
Att U lor n 1 inilostrt- i: wri 9
llliicn needed nlio and a-' !s taUfaW
l,,.t... Ii ..,.11 ,..,1 ir ililf
for a eonsldcraFjIc fr ' ir
suptmrt It deserves.
Fee nry,
Co. failed wus hecnuso
J too expensive pinnoH. Kilers Music I
: Hoiihl-are cloHiun out all of the l(i
I pianos in the old I';it.l;itr store onpo.
I aite the Hotel Kurnsey.
Jim. Hunter, chief clerk nnil oflico I
man in Ihe detectivo department of the
city of Portland has been in thia vi'-in-'
ityon a rtshlnj; trip this week.
they selected CANZADA KVKKSOM, Secy. A r reus
Hoard of Appnilsors,
K. M. Hales, F. II. Minlek,
R. F. Zachinan, K. ,J. Claussen.
Hoard of Trustees.
John Lei and Hen-
derron, II, L. Heals,
L. C. Smith V. (i. McGeo.
icomphtted ImlldlnK ran be niaJe.
wood work.
Oiilln ii mi.., I.... ...in . t v Ui. ...... I..... I. im r line 10
-- .iin.vi vunt i nun iilliimooK i ."" -
Oil the triilna uMI.. ......... . ruiuilr to nluu IiiiuIih' I Hi rcll aSOl
i.i "vnv in , ,,,rnil
I .II' . . . ' 1 1.. ..11 II
. . oiiii'o. mo la n man oi wnmvi- ,
M.I..L ii" .. ... : lie ii oroat asslstanro to
"iiiiBi'll i I r z IIUIII ii 1 o ii. ..ill . v.. n.i II.. i a iiri'llfr
ilimnLi hull ,.r -i .. L . . I ' .ouii'iera. no i--. ; ..1
WI.......I, I1IIIW JIIHIIU llllll IIVITII""" '. , ,
al ilinliiK
I hurriduy,
Glad News for the People of Tillamook County
THE NEW FALL GOODS HAVE ARRIVED Dress Goods, Trimmings, Suits, Coats, Millinery H trt Scliaff
ner & Marx Clothing, Florsheim Shoes, Krippcndorf Shoes for Women, Men's and Boys' Clothing ifr
Make this Store Your Headquarters LaM Nt Jttooiii7,I,8tvaoB.les, Fr IM.o,.. Blfe