Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 02, 1913, Image 3

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    First National Bank
Willi G. Tait, President
J. C. Holden, Vice President
W. J. Riechers, Cashier
Make This Bank Your Head
quarters During The Fair
If You Can Manafacttir e Anything
Come to
To Do The Manufacturing
IVco Hliv& a Bid tfgwiclal
liicliiceiiiii to tho.se
who will In-iiitf: pay
rolls io - -
jfh e ma " " a c 1 11 r 1 11
city odi Wtdialem Way
frfrw m HsLtbot Co.
wmtmmmmmm -" Portland Officei 327 Falling old
Whlef OtegOn Tillamook Office, Care P. R. BtaW
plyliiit U1I1 territory with hitkoJ ifixcU.
0 rut-cry tnl)limonU aro plentiful
nidi pKMixroui, all ju y kuepInK thu
ptfoplo 111 it wn 1 1 fcil cowl itlori. Ornnt
MIIU li u oiio of t'i ol'lmt iiinl larger
llnoof ('"''I'lo In TlllaM-xik County.
riiMTltlnruol'. I'otfl rftno Co. Carrie 11 !
Itltf tw! f KriKtirlLU, Itny mid Co ,
ItimunWi: Uro nil hulji to rrict the
K'0llo' need.
Sartorial AdornauBt--
Etienlial and Otkerwiie.
The covering with which man has
ilniHil hi )iy itlrico hi oxpuUion
from tlio delightful mirroundirign of
Kden, it tt result of hi Meetlhlllty
to ffrniiiliii! wile -h been the mark
of many whim and VAiprlu. 'mlm
from the vyrlcat meagre trifle worn
mom ii n lindgi) of decency thnn for
nny need clothing Hccnlcd tho cnl
of iicc imuUtfng iUantlty through Oiu
iigu and reached It limit of uperflu
ity during tho Elizahethinn rld
when men and wornun heducku I thern
nulvtj no uxlravngcntly thr true linen
of thu human form were entirely lout
to ighL Since thu early 19th century
when the rnnlo contingency hit ujmki
the coat, waiil coat and trouncr corn
blniitioti, little chnnge or Improvement
hn been made, excepting in minor
matter.! of cut nnd iitylu. Women how
ever huvurumpagcJ from on extreme
to the other, Until today the tendency
eem lo trend toward the original
tyle in force nt the beginning of
time. 'Hie Inclination would aecm to
take the trend of how much may be
discarded and still be accepted na
(lrcncd. He that a It may Tillamook
merchant In the clothing line are
prepared to meet the demand,
whether it be for quantity, quality or
dishabille for usefullneiis or decora
tive purpose only. That which i
avod in yardage mny be added to qual
ity rind the simplified dress take on an
elog.inc heretofore prohibitive
without iticreanod cost. liallom'a
Store in thu principal Mart for wear
ing appaiul and the accessories -bcin(.
of thu department variety with
ayvtemallMMl cljimlfk-atlons in nil line",
the neod are quickly cared for with
out Ion of time in selection. Compar
ing favorably with lante city establish
ments, llaltom'a may be depended up
on to meet every demand of the terri
tory. The best lines nro always car
ried for men, women and children, both
made up and tho material with which
ieclal made garments arc constructed;
A. A. l'ennlngton i also providing
gixxJ material and clothes to his patrons.
Iong ("tlablishcd in Tillamook Mr.
Pennington auccessfully endeavor to
carry in stock the kind of goods hi
trade demand.
The SUillwell Mercantile Co. will
noon Ik; ut home In thu new I. O. 0. F.
building, with 11 modern store nnd
large utock of dry goodi. This move
will add another department store to
the business district and help supply a
large territory's needs.
To enre for men's dress needs especi
ally bovcral establishments exist here.
Kdwall tho Tailor, The Stylecraft
shop and Sarchet. Tho firms make
men's clothing to order and because of
experience in the work ure able to
make clothon that fit with ease and
stylo. Also cleaning and pressing de
partments arc maintained in the.o de
partment where apparel in everyday
use, Is kept neat and clean -the life of
clothing extended and much expense
saved to people desiring a well dressed
appearance without extravagance.
MoirU Sclmall specializes in mens
ready to wear clothing, and carries a
largo nnd varied assortment of neces
sary articles, mo nits ueen very oui-
cewful in pleasing his trade because
he has studied fieir wants and always
aims to sell the kinds of goods that
will give boat service ut reasonable
l)d'K shoo shop is equipt with mod
ern shoe repairing machinery enabling
him to remake old shoes while the
imtron waits. Timo saving methods
nro very popular in Tillamook iuj the
people are all busy. So dud has n large
The Tradei
The trades nro well represented In
Tillamook A. .1. Carpenter has pur
chased tho shop formerly owneu uy
Hrnndhund. Cabinet work anU interior
f intfihliiL' comnriso the principle output.
Tho unuauul amount of building opera
tions in force hero has created u Dig
demand for this cluss of material. It
Is fortunuto to thu town to be possess
ed of (."(impotent service in this lino.
Tho Miner Machine Shops are running
.. full cruw and working overtime.
Inllzo in iriisnlinj enginu re
pair work nnd the unusual number of
....Tnm.il ! eonstanllV comitlir in irom
tho outsidu has provided much work in
this line, Also tho iisninpf industry
kiiiivkh iminorollH L'HSoline driven boats.
whoso engines are constantly in need
of expert attention. Saw mill machin
...... to ....... I i.t t),. wnoda and thu Itinera
viy i e no.., ...
1 arc widely known for sutisfactory re
sults in keeping: it in koou oruer.
I 'Pi.n i'mhi. Curaira is also n largo well
equipped inaclilno shop running to cap
acity ut all Lines.
, iii-.U-amltlirt aro nlontlful. but alwuvs
'busy. Tho thickly Bottled rural dis
trict dununds competent sorvico in
tliiK wrtl- f luuiiness. A great deal
of city teaming also a source of
revenuo in UiU line. C. H. Wolfe Is
the plonoer hUcVf.mlth In the re
gion, having been In liilm-i In Till
amook for 17 eonnoeullvn Vfnrx. Thn
(irant Thayer Shop I more recent, '
coming from Portland about fourycaaa
ago. B. A. Hull healde being n good
blnrkamlth ain't hold a liconne n a
veterinary Surgeon which prictlce he
combine with hi blackamithlng with
good result.
Cnttoa Paint Co.
Until recently the iucs of paint held
a very vogue plnce In the mind of
Tillamook people. Now It Ii one of the
leading component in the rehabilitated
town. Cruon and Co. havo done much
to ;)p!ilarlxj It uie, with gixl reult
both a to tho life of the bu!ldlr:';i and
their general apfwararcc. The firm
ha lccn very buiy thl tcaaon drc j
ifig up the town, until it now preienta
a clean finiahed appearance.
Platker Brotberi
With the Installation of good water
and sewer aystom n year back, the
plumbers hve been overworked by
th-e wishing modern anltnry plumb
ing convenience In the business and
resident section. I'laskcr Krothcrs
Plumbing and Sheet Metal Company
have outgrown their present quarters
arid will soon remove to a new building
on First Avenue which they are erect
ing. Several hundred homes were built
this summer, three large buaincss
blockn, two churches and a new high
school. The plumbing work on these
Improvements alone, hai given every
local plumber an abundance of worlt
)esides which the usual up keep
repair job have increased in ratio with
the grooving poulati j.i.
i'laskcr brothers are prepared to in
ahall private compress water system
which ure a great boon to those outside
the water limits or living in the coun
try. The Tillamook Sheet Metal Works is
a new firm '.hat has been rushed with
work ever since establishing here a
year ago. They have given satisfaction
and report an increasing demand for
their services.
First National Bank
The First National Bank of Tilla
mook may be termed as one of the
principal reasons for the city's rapid
growth and advancement. Why? For
the simple reason it is a solid pillar of
financial support, so necessary to a
growing community where unusual de
mands for money must come up and be
met. Uudcr the present ownership of
Mr. Tait the institution has outgrown
its present quartets and will move into
the ground floor of the new 1. 0. O. F.
building when completed. The new
home will do credit to the bank and the
town. The furnuhings will be the
latest bank fixtures obtainable and no
money spared to afford an appearance
of usefulness. A bank preienting .u
prosperous apjicarance goes farther to
favorably impress strangers in a com
munity than any other feature and in
the new quarters the Fiwt National
will be enabled to maintain its dignity
and station with credit.
Tillamook Hotel
Few towns in the west the size of
Tillamook are provided with as good
hotel accomodations. Being something
,,f n.inrl l.iu-n thw it nnturul. vet it
surprises most visitors when they are
taken to the new Tillamook. Just com
pleted this summer at an aggregate f
cost of over $50,000.00 furnished with
simple clegunce. The establishment
under the able management of its
owner Mr. P. J. Worrall is all that
could be asked in the way of conven
ience and comfort with congenial
It is three stories high with a mez
zanine floor overlooking the lobby, and
is tho first fire proof hotel erected in
thu City, all previous buildings being
frame. Mr. Worrall states the dinning
room will soon be finished and thrown
open to the public and will afford the
people a strictly first class restaurant
and grill.
The Restaurants
Two years ago one restaurant suppli-
ed Itto local uemunus mm ii.-u imu toou
all who sought public entertainment.
At this dnte five eating houses flourish
and uro often troubled to uccomodate
the hungry multitude. This fact is one
of themoststriking illustrations proving
a rapid increase in population. People
iiru urrivimr in such numbers, and
houses ut such a premium, the restaur
ants must provide their needs until
thuv enn become settled, fortunately
the men who occupy this field uro cap
able and experienced in thu business.
Thu Palm, Com and Royal tares aro
lurgu commodios places, where crowds
cun be handled with dispatch and good
meals uro served for a reusonablo price.
Tho ubundanco of sou foods served in
tho Tillamook Restuurunts delights
strangers as a new viund satisfactory
to jaded uppetttes, although it is true
no uppetite long remains impared In
this brucing climutu. Tho Todd and
Ramsey Hotels both operate first class
Cufes in connection with thejr hostler
ics where guests aro entertained with
out the inconvenience of leaving tho
School Book.
All now school books havo arrived,
and we aro now ready to make the
changes according to the demands or
tho text commission. We also havo a
1n.,a nnrl niiln nlotii llllO Of School SUP-
piles ut exceedingly low prices, better
1 vuluca thnn ever before.
C. 1. C lough.
R. E. Cresswell
Lunch and
Short Order
House . . . .
The Place Where You
Can Get The Best
Meal In Town , . .
Corner Second Av & Second M.
Tillamook Sheet
Metal Works....
Roofing, Skylights. Vent
ilators and Stove Work
Heuting, Blowpiping
Auto and Bicycle
Phone Il9w Tillamook, Or.
nuts and
Soft Drinks
Plumbing, Heating, Sheet
Metal Work, Acetylene Gas
Lighting Systems. Kemolite
Preservative Paint.
TillanuMk City
H. N. HENKLE. Mgr.
w Four Doora West of Bakory.
Funeral Director asd Licttl EwUlmw
Ladv Assistant When Requested.