Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 02, 1913, Image 2

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    Busy Tillamook and
Its Busy Merchants'
Activity Noticed Everywhere. Much
Building in Progress to Krrp Pace
With the Gamine I'opulali m.
We Love to tnlk about tem. It's part ol our
liuiiu'ss to know thnt they arc absolutely re
liable. We know that expert pharmacists niul eheinists
arcemploynl in prvratrinj: them.
The atx scientific preparations ami have been
on the market for years and aswl with excellent
No bin advertisements andTake testimonials j:o
with these remedies.
We know vhiu' in them and like to recommend
them in cases where we know they will do .sjood
For sale only at
Zht Cillamook ReraSd
C. G. Cremblcy, editor
Issued Civic c a Ulcck
Entered as se.-ond-class matter May 17. UU . at the put o lice at Tillamook.
Oregon, under the act of March 3. IS"'.'."
scrst-KirnoN $1.50 a
Advertising Rates
' eeal Advertisements
Tirst Insertion, per line
Each subsequent insertion, line
Homestead Notices
Timber Claims
Notices, per line
Cards of thanks, per line
Locals, ier line, first insertion
We understand that pressure is being
brought to bear to have our city coun
cil pass an anti-x ray skirt ordinance.
We have no doubt, should a crisis arise,
but what Marshal Myers will be equal
to the occasion.
The Warren Construction Co. is re
ported to be getting ready to move its
plant from this city. Some of our
people are wondering if the Headlight
will follow suit. The consensus of
opinion is to the effect that it might as
As evidence that Tillamook County '
beaches are becoming popular, we .
might mention the fact that 500 people
left Portland for Tillamook Cou ity last
Saturday afternoo i. The crowd filkd
eight coaches and it took five engines
to pull the train out of Portland.
Many thousands of people are enjoying
our seashore resorts this hummer, and
there is no question but what the num
bers will be greatly increased next
year. There are but few place which
afford such a diversified list of outdoor
enjoyments as do the 1 iilamook County ,
resorts. Besides the sea shore and
bathing privileges, there is the health
ful exercise, mountain climbing and
fish and game in abundance.
With this issue of the Herald we are ,
endeavoring to lay special stress upon
the importance of Tillamook County's j
First Annual Fair and at the same j
time review the general development
and progress of the county from every '
standpoint. No figures or space has .
been given the lumber industry, to
speak of, because of the fact that the !
manufacture of lumber has hardly be-'
gun as yet. However, Wc might state
that the stand of timber in Tillamook
County is estimated at from twenty to ,
thirty-two billion board feel and that j
it will cost in wages and equipment ap
proximately $275,000,000 to place the i
same on the market. Our otner assets 1
are: the dairy industry, the raising of
berries and vegetables. Our beautiful:
sea shores in conjunction with our
splendid system of roads now being
constructed and contemplated are ulso I
one oi our most valuable assets, We
are sure it would be hard for one to
find a spot which contains more unde
veloped wealth nnd opportunities than
does Tillamook County. Our county
which contains over 1100 square miles
is indeed a kingdom within itself,
Geo, N. Taylor, field secretary of the
Anti-saloon League of the state, gave
an interesting addiess at a union meet
ing at the United Brethren Church
Cucsday and Friday
:kak in ahvamju
Each fubsetiuent insertion, line
Resolutions of 1 ondolence and
Lodge notices, per line - .05
Husinessi Profession! cards, mo. 1.00
Display Advertisement, )er inch .2"
ALL Display AJs mui.t W in this of
fice or. Monday ami Thurnlay Morn
ings to insure publication in follow
ing Tuesday and Friday issues.
Reasons are imperative.
Sunday evening. Mr. Taylor gave us
some interesting information in regard
to the present day co.ub.it against the
saloon. He stated that 71 per cent of
the geographical extent of the United
States was dry territory; and that
16,000,000, or half the population of
the country wa living under a dry
regime. It is true that the consump
tion of liquors is on the increase, but
this is because of the great increase of
consumption of liquors in wet terri
tory As proof that prohibition prohibits
he gave the following figures from the
brewers year bcok whi'-h i considered
authentic; amount of liquor drank in
Pennsylvania, per capita, ,'Ci callous;
ii. New York, per capita 29 gallons ; in
Nev.- Jersey, pT capita, 15 gallons; in
Wisconsin, per capita, CI gallons. The
amount "f liquor dran.c in the eight
prohibition states is lj gallons per cap
ita. Mr. Taylor gave many instances of
the influence which tne Wcdb-Ker.yon
liquor bill was yeilding against the
liquor traffic by stopping the shipment
of liquor from wet to dry "tales. The
Webb-Kenyon bill is doing the business
and there is no no reason for voting
wet because liquor can be shipped from
wet territory.
Barlin, Aug.
is reported to have joined the ranks
the teetotalers. It is known that dur
ing his recent northern cruice the Em
peror abandoned use of all alcoholic
beverages, and It is understood that he
permanently has forsworn even the
fatherland's famous beer and its choic-'
est wines. Ah a substitute he has tak
en to lemonude with a dash of orange
In imperial circles it has long been
known that Emperor William was
greatly impressed with htatistical study
of the effects of alcohol, ranging from
crime t-- impairment of man's working
efficiency. He often expressed the
opinion to members of his court that
immoderate drinking was one of the
greatest factors in retarding the devel
opment of nationa, and while he was
swearing in naval recruits ut Wilhelrn
shaven recently he took occasion to de
liver a let-lure on temperance. He also !
recently told army officers that he
would be well pleased if toasts to his'
health were drunk in water. The Em
peror has not forced his opinion on his
friends, however, and hla own stand
has received little publicity, perhaps
for the same reason that the Minister
of Education of a south German state
once oppo-ied the establishment of a
Good Templar lodge on the ground that
it threatened one of the most impor
tant inuusiries or me empire. Tne lm-.
pcrial example usually carries great
Since the advent of tins rutlrrrtd
pvd trstt! ami Brick bnitwt M
in UUhkaiIs Urn tuutneaa inn h.v,
NWNttiiMhl to n settle of their own tn
liortuncv, urol how MmmMc l t
rapidly intmmrplu Into Ui truly
mutropotituNi merchant, which Imtr
surroundings warrant, ovoti Ui'hivmI.
N- Unor I the itinrHl e,nton- i -milted
or compollod to smtnter ui
the grocery or dry goods tur. pickb.g
. v r th stoek nt will, sxdoetliig what
!pol to tho newlsur fancy and '.t
line with th prpriUr at ihe c-t of
nn interrupt! cheeper tfurrte lwhl.nl
I ho mtovv.
New Ufo thrill th- community
now bkKx! iiuwt.i tho otitortfeiiry. Lite
young men ami wtm, strictly up to
date, politely Mlu't the cUntotiniM
need and hntun to fulfill them. Tui
ly suggestion arv oirorod the Umloeld
cd, while casb nystoniH husun the
returning change. Nrttno pr-dniiii-ate,
botfi within ami without. paint
and plutu glass tm- lrcnfurmi-d
the sitrovt front from hoKlirumt to
trimnuH whihi the same comlUo:v
prevail within tho in irti of trade.
1013 bus been it your of :v4kenmg
more particularly than unv of the soar
precettiig it. caum.1 principlv by the
influx from tht ouUido and th. rw U4
tion on the port of uriginul tnhalAUnU
regiirding tho rwniiirkublrf re.nourcA
tho territory KMkio4u.
Perpvotlvei, lung set at an improp
er o- narrvw angle have Inert rtul
ium! tho existing M.-ibilities, of the
town and county, situatftl in ii-i
atrategic position as the only s'
outlet, for many mllv nUng tho eimjt,
Uinlc much of tho proaoit growth
and activity of Tillamook tiwn t du
to the advuttl of live (htople frjin thu
outido, too much crabi cannot bo nc
corUed to thtMe earlier business pion
eers, who after weutiieruig the unit
railroad terll, have bvfttirred tliom-t-lvcr
trunuourl, Ui meet the
chitnguig ro lull '.to n.t atxl ure showing
themselves e.mpelent and r.ip.ttilu i-f
comp-ling with the feverish ei.ory
dihplayod by the constantly increaning
It u Hido-d true that the town m
fu.-il evulving ftum Milage lo UHUMp.
It.4 and tho proeea li a fascinating
one to observe, as it ahvayi m.
The initintiuii of t:ie Kirl Aiiuu.il
Tillamook Cuuniy Fair ! only o,ie of
the many liMiicatioun in.it the K-ople
arc alive to thin fact uit.1 quick lo proi
their advantages. Volumes cjuld be
written on tne inexhaustible roiourjet
present here within a it. lull area, Uil
of far more interest is the hum.i.i iie
of the sitoaliou. Tru doi igs of inun
are always a fasciniiing study to man.
Therefore a description of tho in livid
ual developemeiil In tlu- cummunitv ii
a more intimate ami pleasing story to
recount tnan the strides !ieing made
oy the country as a wnole.
All who are familiar witn thu place
realize that a consideranlu growt.'i has
occurreii in the past twelve months,
and many ctiangrs taken place, yet
ft: A- have taken actual cognizance of
the true facts - the number or extent
to which ti.is growth bus reached. We
will strive lo present a more or less
accurate revie' of thu most important
The Necessities
Tillamook as the metropolis of the
regit ii in which it is Minuted, supplio
a large territory with food produ:ts.
This fact hiis resulted in the establish
ment of numerous large food supply
houses that are growing with Lie
country, although sometimes experi
encing difficulty in meeting the rapi.j
ly increabing demands.
The opening of the beaches and their
immediate astonishing popularity
caused an Influx of jieople unprecedent
ed and more or Icsh unexiected. To
supply their needs and keep pace with
local conditions irnosed a large, yet
welcome burden Uwn the merchants.
They have, however, met the emer
gency with characteristic efficiency
nnd now have things running smoothly.
The Tillamook Meat Co probably is
supplying more meat to a larger terri
tory than any retail market In the
state of Oregon. Mr. Leach is iu
owner and manager, has lived hero for
many years and built up his business
with painstaking care, It is tho only
butchering concern In Tillamook and
maintains Its supremacy through busi
ness acumen of Mr. Leach.
Tho Tillamook Hakery Is also alone
in iU field, yet meets all demands and
is giving satisfaction and fair treat
merit to all. Mr. Vlerlckwas former'
ly a 1'ortland business miin, but Is
willing to admit the city never Imposed
more responsibility nor greater de
mands upon him than the worK of sup.
(Continued on l'agu U) 1
Come and See the Tilla
mook County Bank's New
Building. Make Your Head
quarters With Us While At
tending the Fair. Wc have
No Time To Write 'Ads.'
Difficulty Settled Without Retorting to Courts and
All of th: Stock Ordered Sold
Iot r of the Miuccii pianut were Mold vch.
tortlity nml nil of them hi.mi Jtml buyer nt
once. There lut.i never before been o mnny
fine pinn.H on display in Tillain .J ititil
nev.cr before could you purvh n; u fine
Kimball, Chiekcrinj,', Smith ami Hurnc,
Mullet and Davis, or an Atitopiano ami
piirchaxe so near to cost m rijjht now.
Ucmember the Tillamook Music Com.
puny had paid um nearly one half the cost
of the pianos and we are willing to ivc
you the atlvauuiie ol every dollar paid by
them. We sold a piano yesterday ut
$15).i,0() that would be cheap at $:!()(). 00
under ordinary conditions.
Do not be skeptical. A vinit to the store
will convince you and you surely save a
vnt amount of money.
Kemember you have all the advantage,
that accrue from dealing with Uiler.s Mimic
Mouse, their famous easy, monthly pay
meat plan and unconditional ximruntee of
satisfaction. It is surely your limit if you
don't buy now and 'tis hardly possible
that a like opportunity will ever occur
In the Old I'atzlair HuiltliiiK
Open KvcuiiiKH