Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, September 02, 1913, Image 1

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issued twice a week-tuesday and friday
Largest Circulation of any Paper in "Tillamook County
Tillamook, Qmkcon, Skiticmhkk 2, 11)1. '5.
NO. G-t
llamook County's First Annual Fair Opens Favorably
In bpite of Wet Weather
Wonderful Dairy Products and Returns
Land's are Better ihaa (lold Mlnti. Und Valuo High but
Kigwirs lve Incomr Producing Ability,
,rw of U riff wraith that t produced iu thU county
of the rounly, Ui from the iUh , l-.Ui try ulnae.
. afcing lwluty , ltWlkwi'e rwwd lVn from th
entitled tu firl I flic of the TtltntmM County Cow T?iL
'. unc thl ulijct, Intf AoUtkn (or tho yimr UU2, give
. fine cMiniflvif tuj u Mutnn to ll Tillamook
a 'i I' afl I h I H f P 1 1 0 Jjf i tjoiinly PolS nr.. lWxlftl. III tH llfl
. ..... . ,1 ! II, ,.... il.ll. ki .
l )' H lflf iihwiiwmiwi" c " " ' jUtllfJ
kj r iwwKh( ami eowU N.wv lt.wIV lb. fi gre nroMd j ,r,
....... ww wi -ww n6i. i w
) " . wTi.iK lua.te l rmi
- -t..-n faitiitrfaa (if . .MrM nil Jtt MAUI I
Much Good Work Donejby Fair Officials Tillamook City Enjoying Unusual Prosperity
i arr o
if Wid
It Range ml Include foiwjf'i Btsl Products. Considerable Many Expensive Business Blocks and Residences In Course of Construction.
Preparation Made fur Livestock Exhibit. 1 Facts and Figures (hat Tell the Story.
. i 1
ptncjjn the lint of farm product. The
trahto tJt fpWIrf
Ik17 nl tfw
c lniitt PtUl t
.Ju-it nf npjmu ,
. valo! at I
ftA4 tllW llllM'IK- ,
, i h. in UIt
I l fW.tr,Q. !
i." U
ToUl l7
sts 61
37 77
St -4
SWT tfi
lie 5?
13d 01
f Jul ii"' f r
I 'wf lHt imltvUtuI Mtymm r
I. , j J al j J"rtR. Wr ImUtKi' T. II Wllar
i m( ul tHMtrta t eot ftBd 1 hum on 8 acres
tm lis w taiki mrw o wwn nr ,
bottom Uml Tito Kn twomo from(
U 7 ( far Jtoy M !" ple
fur Juao 11 w Um miw. rinJ utm
wllliw (IM "ch fT '"' .SwtoUry; iK lru C. Smith.
t iti ii!tr4 ciH-n for (rwl amount to tau; T j;rictgr ur0: J. 1!
.iiudUrsr fuf ern cow. which
t,su at
t - W
. 10,M.O7!
Tlw Hml AnriUftl Tillniiiuok County
Kttlr l Im'Ihk uliurcil Into ll.o imn:tl
uf Tlllnmook County litry. It innrk
llin culiiiliinilmi of much labor and
worry un tint part of thonu wlio con
ci(vi!l It, yt thrf r none conrrrinJ
In It crcHllon who do mil feel nntlnlinl
that the ttcx reeulU obtaliird from it,
jutltfy thulr nlfort.
cwiei'jln Uivu of hol'liiu: nn mi
ruunlv fair In ItllaiiiDoW lire-
from vji,'u' tUiCKvotlun ut forth from
time to Hunt ny vatiuun pvoplo that It
would 1j n kihkI (hint: for llio country
and town tu i:ii;ut on miuuI fixitim: at
tho cluai- of t-nrli nutrniior r.i'nmii itn'J
dlnplay tin frutu of lh yuar'a labor,
Tho Wo un' Imnlly, two eummitUc
wore furiiKil, oi.u r(?)irotmtlrK tho
h'riii;o, nnothur the Tillamook (Vtii
mcrrlal Club. Tho men on thwo coin
mittcw it m Win. Muxwoll, Marion
CiiMMo ird Murrlaon MilU lor l hi.
Gn.nR bd C I. CUiukIi. Will Spald
lK hnd Ira Smith for tfc t'ommofctal
Cltib. 1hint omrolttr rbv birth
tothupnwfnt fir anil perieciwl tho
ground n-virk for It occurrence. L.Uer
tlw prwni moii hoMioc olrteo wdro
idvetod and ihu netual worK of nmnn-
tiltne tho matorial boifiin. 'Ilnmo oni
claU arts to oo Ktvon larj;o creilll for
tho Micro crowniiiR thlr otrort.
Um w. mo Kr,,M TbVy oomttat of tho followlni; nun:
(neamTtw fttffira'i-Fiti)nj.( Vire PmWtlll7 ii, v. miS?C
tch for thl ar. Il K-,,i-rv r im1 Ira C. Smith. Trt aj-
piaca ,in tno oi farm prMUCta. Jim nicyonr iuij, reKaruiesa oi inc un- uuntian, oin crane; .v. us i;i.mcne
hlKht prU.-anrooircrwlforoxcollcnce JucVy "18" nttachwl to tho fiRurcs 19, Lucas, Gth Krade; M las Mary White.
. .: ,, , ha boon one of considerable import- 7th xrult; Misa GoorRia Sours, gth
in thttc t-rticea. nce U) th(j c,ly (f X)llrnook. The grade.
Cormdcrnble jwuitry hus made iU ap- lon miticipatl boon, occasioutyJ by Will C. Will has been employer as
noa'rffnce nt.d veKtabli,a of ull klnU the iiurancc of harb.)r improvementa, teacher in the manual training depart-
it , i ,i . .i MNjmK Ui have struck uj this year. The rnent an ' Miss Ernma Uelarwl will have
arc It) evulti ce. in the eastern po.tjon K,pynljon f (nlr cjly , increasei chartje of tho domestic science depart-
of too county fruit is succowfully ninaiilnrulite this vunr end it is t-ati- rnent for the ensuintr vcar.
r)wi ao thvrv will Ikj a ood line up matod that we now have 1800 residents.
In tCt! iKirticultural deiKirtmeiiU A scarcity of houses for ror.tlnK pur-
ifc' loses has stimulated a building boom
I'TJwcm have not bfen noRlcctrd ami of considerable pru(ortions.
fad n?M. t.ru In i...ftt.ttn Imru tli.iir Tim vnnr 10IH Kn nMn thn rfimnle
n h ' j tit"" in jo ... un...... . ' . v j . . - - - j
beauty and fraiirance should I.e a a- tion of n line EM.OOO Christian Church,
" .. . l-.' i t. i. l...;l.ll
turo attraction. Dahlias do especially M ,5(0oo, ovcr thr.-e miles of
wH in this climate ami it is doubtful nHrj surfaced streets, a fine sewer sys
lf ihn illmilnv rmuio u'llli thesi? llowers tern and miinv miles of cement walks.
All of the important religious denom
inations have organizations at work
here and much good work is being done
for the moral uplift of the town.
There arc two new iudustries which
promise much for Tillamook City and
the County. These arc the brick yards
being established by the Krebs Bros.,
north of town, and tho milk sugar
factory which has been built near the
Maple Loaf cheese factory. Examin
ations have proven the fact that we
have the very best of clay for the
manufacture of brick, tile and other
building materinl.
Tillamook City will no doubt he one
of the lest convention citie in the
state. We have entertained thU year.
The United iJrethren ixinterence ot
. , U.24.tl i boUix-v f I3 x?r e w por
(Jjj(jder thl arraoKoiiipnl h" k
,"n nfro
t VIXm triw A. M. I Uro I'ipl
' j-'osj to on 3 SMW tm of bottom land-
it m IS Ptn r"i,w' ixmn
' ' .u.- i..l .if hav ami i tons of
. f h 1 1 1 Ifl.n. w - -
. .lfMTa.10 in.,!. iikomw fnii the four eow
, ffitti llio aU.v fact- wa aa folWw. : o7t.l3 for milk sum
mMA Kl; ami ih 1 to ebfftf factory, value of milk for
in, saiiid faetorlo. .homo u ICO. vatun of calf robml M,
, ; value of why W. making total ot
Kuros vlll give the IW.t'i V was wnl for f.-inl and hay
.. a uf the miiwinl f loavmg a balanro .if Wt9.l.
l slnti. l airviow; b. A. l.llloii, ua
yoar. j City ; L M. Krai.cr, Clovcidalo; Will
winning a , Wn.. Tillamook mid II. F. Kircn-
bcrgpr. WliioUir. .ho ollicora ami ui
rectors wr o iliatributvd n to rci-ro-tot
all par u of the county.
Terhaiw tho gr.mtosl work haa fal
len on tho shoulders of Mr. (Unlock the
M'crwtary. whu has been in active
charge on the grounds, yet everyone
) ooii.- their share. Dr. Ileeily lias
supo rltlieltde! the live stock exhibit
miti this department is one or llio prin
cipal features. As Dairying comprises
The important improvements now
tit i tt i . under construction are, an Odd Fel-
Tht useful arts and crafts have not ,0WJJ tw0 fct,j(.y bricV hxiMwf, whch
been overlooked, nrd the women will will coat over J20.W0, a two story
have a chance to present specimen of brirkfbifilding is being constructed by
thofr nocile and crochet hook. AIm. thy Masonic order and will . eoat near y
, f ., , ., ... . fZu.OOO, nn.l the Catholics of this city
thr5ts11.Mll boys mouth will often water afM, locnli.v arc building a 410,000
fib IIJ Pl it IWWI'4H 111 fW si.w. Uril K ClJUrtll WIllWll Mill lV W fcWM v. tik. w wa.
scfettcu seetlirfi where cakes, cookies, ment to the city . There are many . the state, the Oregon National Guards,
iM kimI i.m will Ik. tumii'inL'lv other minor improvements, wnicn, vhk- i a larce ueieirauun ui jiwjb .rum u.er
jellus ami jam will ho temp.inKl collectively mean much for the 1 the state and our next work alon that
P'tjv u I City 1 iiutr ut miu tiainnni; vi uic gkitw
T iiiritnru-.u fitt v.tin nik- hfn )iif . I Uairvmuns tvonvention which will be
nntwl the hub of the county an nearly i held sometime this fall. The big event
all important ronds of the county lor-! ol next year win ive tne state reunion
minute at thin point. The road lead j of OW Soldiers and Sailora of the Civil
in u splendid feeder for Tillamook City
.1 . tr!i 1 n t. r:....l
as are aiso me i iison anu 1 ra"iv anci
roads. The lately completed Netarts
nmil is also of much benefit to our city.
We are waiting with anticipation the
building and completion of the Tilla
mook Iln ocean road, the construction
of which will no doubt begin next year.
This road will be of much benefit to
Amirtiiir tin, fhlnr. fnr Tllli.mnok IS
th. fuel that she is situated in the countv. One hundred business men
midst of one ef the greatest cheese 1 and farmers are enrolled on its mem
producing districts in the world. This 1 bership lists. The Club quarters are
immediate district alone producing 1 saiu 10 dc amouug me ueai m wc oiaic
It will bo noted by looking at the
program, tfial U10 O. A. C. is suiliciont
ly.TnteroattHl In this tlrst effort, to send
Miiio of thoir taculty to address the
gathering and It is believed this feature
wfll I ono that tho farmers will find
protluble to tnum.
hie Fair Association is a stock or
CiIiution and to make it possible, the
busTne men aral mttny individuals
huv.. lihrrallv subscribed. With a
goKl slitwing this year the future j
should bring foith tnnr.y additions and j
Improvements that will make the fair J
an occasiun looked forward to impa
tiently by the people throughout the
county. ,
With this first o ort undoubtedly.
tnanv mistakes will be made and num-
Tiliamook City has "made splcnded
advancement during the past year, and
the prospects for the future are
indeed bright.
The Tilhiaooli Commercial Club.
Tne TiUamovk Commercial Clubt or-
j has taken an active, part in the indust-
rial and civic welfare of the city and
' . ys 1 1 t : . .
over $350,000 worth of cheese out of a
total production of 5000,000 lor me
whole countv. in 1912. and when we
come to consider the fact that only
- - a . Tf
17' I ' T Umnnl I nnntv Kavs
iiiiiiii i'iviiiiiw 1 iiiaiuuun .
11. ... u 1 1 f 11 1. ..I TK.wi.infl Dallsri Annually.
11 inaii.irv 1 nil iirmi uu. i iuh". - -
ManT Canneries Kept Busy Uurine FUhing Srason.
the main occupation for tho farmers ; tirst day will lie 11 gloomy one or per
il, this section, the caltlo exlilhtl is ; haps a postponenieni win oe neccssinu
...1.. . . ......I ..-.i.ui .!.. having been
a onir ai n siairu "'ii.. i
. ... .. 1.... 1 i..l.l.mL .inf. hundred IxiUihU
1 xsirr ircam nmpirinK " ,. , .... ..
u. ., ,H.,omo highways forlkeyof tho W . W
J.. .11 . jt i. ..tit. ftt'iil Ilk MIM 1 IlllHMn HIM t I-
.Uitni.surlou. depths of the maintain IU suor...ruy k -
kol Iigiiroa iiMiir.nn- -
the Oregon product.
if th.i vast ixiuim
Tl . .
'"Cf;r. nuy viiluml I man
tu Ui t. h Ihn r 1 1 nil rnlu tlltiK
Mbu . ...... 1. 1., a.. Si...
niijf instinct which drive
1 Inti ""resh vntr for prom
Ktl neiii eaiiv vIctllllH for
"'11 'lUfta llllll Villi it --
Vain Industry in tho sen
W blin g tho ontlro stretch of
J A. . .
wh.. v llliu IIUIII i"n
Pveultnr fact connected with thU
v'lt to fnwh wat4sr by tne huI-
thfil fi.tvlultt ..(fltis-u iltrttlll
'oy latitude, lias Its distinct
font return ymir after year, al
'th miiiu ttreiiniM with few or
Wen. Tlnw tho Alaskan ills-
1 Hi" Cnllfornlu suutloiiH, ouch
td whip u dlirurent klml or
11 .. . . . ..... I....
" u uxcuiieni iiuitiuy. v
HI Sire, enliirliiir and ililV tr.
thin ill-ll. II...... l.i 11 I 1
liVIIUV..llf VIIV.V ,'. tl
' three Ultroront vurlotlea, l .1
another In uui'h suction.
claims precouenco over ull
Drodiml no aun tlmo with ItS
oyal Chinook, ciinniiiK ""
1 v. wtiiii:ii 1 1 uRniuti .ii.i.w
lUtll In ..II tl... l..lll,ul mmu
(lie Wn.LI
Wnn aUoundintrEIn Alaskan
ri... will., mouth of Hi" vast
lila, has long nllrmueo me k"""-"'
run to It water, and llio town 01 As
toria has long stood supremo as l ie
greatest lish mart on the racllie. 1 no
i.i.i..,ulw eonius to those waters In early
August, while odd to note, only a feu
miles south iu the TillainooK nay reg
ion thoy H)slH)iio their visit until 11
mouth later, coming In, irom .cpiu...-1...-i-i
1,. .1,.. ir.th when thoy are re
placed by tho smaller Silvcrsidos and
SteolhcndH. This fact enables many
...1 1.1.. iMv.ir llshermeii to inovo
i.ui.iiiiii... ... .
. 1 . . ..I 1 1... I, msi at the closo of the A
. , ..,1 imrt e natu III the
lorill nua.oii . 1 1 -
'rinntiiA.ik catch.
...... 1. 11.... u iilmillv formed to
'lllllllliotm imj ' v -
fttcllUntumilimiiilWilnB In U wntow
1 .i... i,iiwirv Hire irt raniuiy nvui
1IIHI HI" H,"""W ----- - .
Itur Astoria. Two largo cminlnh' l"''nl
1.... ih.i bav- the y
..... .1... iiurlluilili Canning Co
1,0, aim 1.1,
while nt Tillamook an iclmt plant la
m,lut,.ined by the TIII.1..1. k Ico and
, ... e.... f... for shipping fresh
V 'lil fll"."H" ' 1 ,.
and one Independent "
uoimI.u-I.iuw, vl The Chase Heh (. .
I'm -year owing to certain unK.-'
. .:. ii... .i.nnorloa and the
'!' . ,w having organlxed
ETC, i.y KiHher,,ien a Unton
IS .. vo opened u eo-operatlvu ship.
;SK .n.l.0lllnKttlono,.th bay at
many misiaKes win ue maue uuu uum- wnt ,
enn, things forgotten or overlooked. ; JtX
hut it is no 0V1HI v ft ion win uu cuu
Hiderate and that they will
t the future has
remember in store for us as a cheese producing
that Koine was not IHIIIl in a ecmer
night. As this article goes to press on
the eve before tho fnir a great storm
is nieine without and it is feared the
I.,.,, ...I ... 1... I. i'imxI one. Most of the
Ifvi...... " r" "
ranchers own blooded stock and some
have prire winning herds A good
showing Is also expected by tho horses
brought in ami tho swlno also.
A complete premium list and prim's
oirertil has been puniisneo
thoroughly distributed iimuiiu
r..rm..r nnil citizens. Milk test
ed. At any rate it is one of the unfor
seen circumstances that so often arise
to place at naught the best laid plans
of mice and men.
Tho Herald wishes the Fair Asia-
iim i.v.tv stieeess in its efforts both
and I this year and in time to come, and joins
tho j with tho cituonsiind people in uneariy
Biid , vote of thanks for the good work a!-
Tillamnnk f!itv expects to be a man-
! ufaeturing center. Some of the finest
1 factory sites in the county can be
found along the uoquarion aiougn anu
tho Tillamook river and other smaller
streams which lie at the outskirts of
jmic nil It Tknoil atttt2 It tTnrsl n!ntA nf
(.lilt -IVJ tllVfW C1.U ,. I '
room and water and are protected from
mo Wilms linu siurins oi inu uiuiu u'vn
One of the splendid sisrns of tho
times and conditions here is the fact
that building and loan associations
have loaned and anticipate the loan of
cheese exhibits naturally hold flrst ready done.
l,.l.r. Tho canneries seeking to hold
down the price paid for bulk lish, the
fishermen striving tooMiitn greaier re
turn for their labor. As is usually true
in all such controversy, both sides are
able to advance good reasons for their
stand, both ask only for justice, yet
.,..iih..r will concede HUincientiy to
the other to purmit an amicable settle
niaanilsfiintion has been growing
among tho fishermen for several years
paut and 1912 culminuted m a atriKe
which forced tho canneries to pay tho
highest price ever obtained ai tins
point four cents a pounu ior aaimou
.i..ik..,r..il at the plants. The can
nery men this season claimed tho mar
ket for l'.'l- eatch liau neon very ioor
and they still had on hand tho greater
part which thoy were holding at a risk
and therefore would bo utterly unable
to pay more than three or three and a
half cents per Kund.
The fishermen put forth tho claim
that Tillamook Hiilmon ahould bo us
valuable as Columbia Klver lish where
tho canneries pay from llvo to soyen
cents and Btill seem to be paying divi
dends. The cannery men win ma mi
mil tho quality of Tillamook aalmon
being as good straight through ua the
Astoria pack. Tho fishermen here -exemplifying
the Astoria fleet, formed
11 union ami aro endeavorintt to mar
ket thoir own catch, consigning it to
.i... urila Fare Express Co. for u
Huv City. ......,t market wherever thoy can
succeeding to the full all they antici
patod. They believe it will be possible
to allow the union fishermen, delivering
to them practically, live cents per
pound during tho season.
Tho Astoria FWiermon's Union has
been very successful In its operations
for thu past twenty years anil it is this
fact that lends cotirngo to the men hure.
At the present time about 30 fishermen
are delivering to tho union and as the
season advances the number will likely
double. Two tons aro handled daily.
About 200 men engage in tho occu
pation while tho season is nt its height
at various points in Tillamook County.
Fivo canneries are maintained and tho
total valuation of fish for the 1912
catch reached tho astounding sum of
J400,000.00 which tolls its own story as
to the worth of the industry to this
community. Two cunneries uro oper
ated at Nehalem for accommodating
fieh taken from Nehalem Bay and Hiv
or, two on Tillamook and one at Nes
tucca. (t is to be regretted that tho fisher
men und cunneries cannot meet each'
other on some basis that would Bettlo
their diirerenco b such friction always
..Ma ilntrlmentallv to the beat interests
of both. In fact it was at first report
ed thb cannorlea at Buy City und Gari
baldi would not open this season,
Since, however, tho Rldehalgh cannery
hasBturtod up with a fleet of Columbia
ltivor bouts brought down for the pur-
nntsMi. of Portland. Matrazines and
daily and weekly papers are supplied
in the reading room, billiard ana pool
tables are maintained for the use of
members and visitors to the city, and
a large assembly and dance hall is in-
During the past year, the .Uub has
kun Inatmmpnfnl in prnrinff liter
ature descriptive of the County and n
sending out accurate iniorraauon in
answer to inquiries. It has assisted
in bringing several large excursions to
the city, among them the National
Guard "Encampment a.:d the Loyal
Order of Moose excursion in July, the
State Dairymen's Association and ita
kindred organizations, the Butter and
Cheesemakers' Convention, which will
meet here in the fall and the annual
reunion of the State G. A. R. which
will be held iu 1914.
The C ub has felt the need ot. ana
nave loaneu anu anticipate me iuuii 01 1 mc vj.uu .ma id. ......v. ...
some $100,000 for Tillamook Improve-1 has fostered a spirit of greater cooper
ments. Thoughtful bisiness menarejation between tho farming communi-
.. . :.. il.nwl ! ttaa .mil th.. fiti..Q und tnu'n.i. It has.
town. I at the request of the County Grange,
One of the most important assets lent its influence and support to the
which Tillamook City enjoys is her County Fair movement which has cui
splendid schools. Last year saw the minated in the establishment of the
completion of u tine f3U,wu nign scnooi county rair nssutiniiun. i. u
building which is being equipped with cated and strongly urged the establish
all the modern conveniences necessary ment of a demonstration fnrm under
for modern methods. Manual training the provisions of the new act of tho
and domestic science courses will be legislature.
taught beginning this year. 1 The Club is affiliated with the Ore-
'I'ln. fnllnwin.- lenrhnr have been con Developcment League und is thus
employed for the ensuing year: A. W. associated with the develouemer.t.work
u.'i...-! . i 11 .., ihm.iirl.ni. t fVi. atnt... Its aim IS not
merely local, its activities are directed
for the most part in advancing the int
erests of the entiro County. In this,
V. Plnr, lo m...ianrile Hlriillfr the CltV
because nothing that is not beneficial
llm.h.miin nriniMiml R. IT. Moore, as
aistant principal; tho Misses Parker
nnil n..llnrnnil Mrs. Hansen arc the
other high school teachers. The teach
ers for the crammer school are: airs.
. . , t i n-.i
tturge, 1st graue: airs, ueacu, ;nu ucwure iwuiwi, ..
grade: Miss Gladys Beals, 3rd grade; to the County can be of great value to
Miss Eva Wheeler, 4th grade; Mrs. tho city.
Swiss People to Stage Old Country Custom
Annual Festival Marking Spring Move From Valleys to Alpiie Mountain Sides
Acted Out la Detail. Most Novel Feature of Fair.
The Swiss people, who figure largely
in Tillamook county and its cheese
mntinp industry, will feature an old
country folk custom in tho stock pa
rade, held by the First Annual iiua
amook County Fair Wednesday.
TIiIb will bo tho fit st event of its
kind ovcr reproduced in tho United
States, und will portruy tho old country
Swiss, migrators from tho winter val
ley residents to the cattle pastures on
the Alpine mountain aide in the sum
mer season. ,
The cull "from mountain aido to
mountain side will ba given by u Swiss
expert on un Alpine calling- horn, then
will follow the dairy maids in their
Bimplo dairy costumes. After thp maids
comes tholherds thoroughbred ctws
with milk filled udders, driven by a
band of Swiss herd boys. The boys
are laden with stools and pails, later
given over to tho milk maids use.
The Swiss people uie noted for two
things, their Republican government
aud cheese. Cheese is the national
food, just as roast beef is the chosen
British food.
When the Switzer moves from valley
to mountain side in the spring, tho most
conspicuous utensil in the caravan is
the cheese kettle. None but the old
country Swiss Know tho secrets of mak
ing cheese by tho simple method of the
open kettle. ...
So to complete the allegorical picture
presented by the Swiss section of. the
stock parade immediately following
the herd boys will be u truck bearing a
l Swiss cheeso kettle in full operation.
in irninUr numuora aim
or in tlx to tho other we-