Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 29, 1913, Image 5

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    run-" mmm
mm m-r "V V j M.W
At the New Store with the
. cir u,.; i ....
w . v
From 2 until 4 P. M.
f ...I..I unrl I' in tn i in imi I I . ....... .. i
fVi I nn nnnk iwi mj
...mil' iron, inrcc v.cni tor i n i- nn
morn I itl iliauri Ind
.i t Itfimriiil ir
wm m i - l a b .
Near WrickS H.ikory
cal Rappcnitifls.
till a oitrer.
. . Il'.ll L. ... .
.il. iir l 11 III -rcii m nii,
.1 Ir $ llflll.
j,lw'tr.i ltiK(tlrn nt Cry-
fy t f liny ( Ity w id
i foil f Vlialeltt wa (1 We
t t.llll ii-tA lv' W M It
" - - . .
mr- r
- . I .4-
I.- tawny, Ofrtfon.
,j.f 4 j ry itruiMirty to trd
M ' lf in. .f'lf y tif th
U'' -i.minilnicr, U In
4 KpllirlHtl Oil WimIup.
ft t.usirifk trip to I'urt-
A . 1 JL . .
i ..no half jirti Afxl on
oner m TtlUnKKil. ( otttily.
4 i'.' ( . a. .a. uuia iiihiii
!(r I WaiW lltltj lali) lit mint
n urnr . in urn unnni aim jiiii
il !. V.'riiclny bihI Frl-
"ii. t . nimi.
-II. .M..l ... l.M. m tf.trl'
Ar . !'i r(lain. Or.
...n.f . i..t. . i i. ..j.f..i
m lie r i ii (i i 7 a r. in i iiii
21 rniir . iiw.A.1111 lri M itifirn.
' ii. uivor Ul IXhn up ii-c
t .1 iriri irir. hiitrii I ir mi. riiniiiiir
9 ic null n.r n hi r .1 i iiniiiiaiin
Se L'tvrct ill rnmrnrrflfit wnrt tttllt
Lk.t.. t. ll.v .... fl.M
:i rii.i.iImI m f i. ,...hi r iiiiitii
t iiiiiir. ivi ill. I fill u iiiMnnuirn ill
Attufocy Cif....,, I. ftfllK trtiol -ltc.
VlMtiif thli virfk
Wm. lUViiih of ri1f City iii a
TlllolltiMiV Vlittnf Uy,
liy MrUlir- lu fcurf huuir work in
luwit, Kmnilru m HrrnW idlici'.
Mr. mx Mm. J. ;. Zlmwormmi left
it) Un!ii,.ay (ur ft ,Mlfl y,, lf)
Ml Hllftl 1'rlrr.oii f Hrnttlo wlm
hft bm vuUlitif nt thn hmnn of Iht
uwln, Mr, It4hjt, lt for liomo Ihu
J. It. Hnlny m lint Ih-uij vullirn.
hi oii nt Mubli-r wji In thv rity for a
horl lldin tfnUy whiUt on hit way to
V1( ilauirhtrr at Weaver.
Thrri ilalMM H )fttnijay. a vit
to tho tii(p will ronvim-fi voti. lt.
nieinlK'r you are ilnallni; with Kllrr'a
Mulr Muo the nation' lnn.Tt pianu
Mr. trl Colia ami Hitler Mi. II.
Kwaloruf .Seattle vUitraJ at the home
of their brother. J lotif, thin WreV.
They ilrwrtl rim(lo). Mr, d'olia
tielit;n hrr viay tu San Prnnrlxii,
Mr. Carl Moe of t'ortlanl ha lrtlfhl
the f!n(o Thoatrr of Mr. Starretl ami
Jrtirre the uiiriof the olj iiatroni
of the theatre an well a the new. Mr.
Mx U cifleavtirltijj t glvn the whiIc a
lint ela how.
Mm Iive Hurt; nrftM?iMnie-l by
her eiMuiiit (Jiefin i'cnlaiwl ami Ijiw.
rrhfe llarn all of Shnrnlan. viUn at
tho Iwine of her itr, Mr. (i. C.
I'nce, thl wihi.. They reUirnwl lo
ShuirKlan ThtinwJay.
L M. Kruncr brought to toun In
auto ihl fMrni'i th father, mother
a il hrothvr of Ur. Ciu.iro w. have
Hn vliltint: him at ('lovenlnle. Tlicy
will take thl aftormnin'a train forj
their (mine in Portland. '
Mrs. A. HU'ltxiir. lamllaily nl thtt
Allen lltHir, left TJiurnlay for hVn
Krane), wherv ahe will Uiwlertu nn
ojirratUMi. Silwn Taylur will ln on
ic-V to take care of think' at tho hot
el ilurlnc her almriico.
Itev, (iiulil jiaitor of the Forcm
(Jrove M. K, Church, who with Mr.
Ciuulil ha ben viaitini; at the home of
Mr. (louk)' brother Mr. (linn, re
turned to hi work ttxlav. Mr. Otwlil
will remain hare for n time.
(.w. N. Tavlur. flcM incretary of tliu
anlt-valiMilt Inulio of the utaio Willi
Diienk at a umiiii meetlit); nt tho ('. II.
Church Huiwlay evening. Sul'jert : '
"the Woman anil tho I'.iillot, or I .m I
She Kill tho Hoy nnl Cut the raxea?" I
The liiuo irriiiirtl by A,
at the Whitney ra ch wa detroyiH
by Urn Wednesday f tornwui at f o'
clock. A dpfecllvo I'ue win thn CMUnu
of the fire. Tho houo burniil to the
khhiihI. Mr. Wilk t.tvisi only p.'irt of
hi IhhuoIiuIiI tjinwW.
No matter hiiii (in n pinno you have
not your hvnrl on it t huru, in fact
Uio renini! uhy thu lillnmooli Miii-lc
t'o. failed waa bocutue tht'y selectod
loo o(enivii jHiintw. Kiiora Mimic
IImuhu arc cIiwiiik out nil of tint 10
piaiMM in the old I'attlalf utoro opio
aitw the Hotel Unmnoy.
Mr. Kiimnotx of MiimuuiKill im.t
Imim oncuk'iil by Mr. Iliiltom to tnku
.-I .-w.t'tii , llll'lli nilli.' II" lllll Vlllllllll, ...-v.. i. ...tv.
-. ll'lllll I. Villi III.." v... I 1IIHVH 1 "III '. ... ..........
- ii'illll. Ull'llff ...r....
- - . ... ,. (1I.III.IWIII ...... - - . . . . ill. I.,
i' . i.nv ... l. l ' . ,. .. . .
-I i ... . m mn IMHOO III III" pip.i .' -
.(.mil Tl. II. I. L I 11. W ii ,1 I t In
iiiii.ur nun ivi-i'n. i aMBaw l' l ....... ... -
NOTICE TO PARENTS. I-Ha-V lttI.tiv ioc.te.1
ii intitiiR mil mhiih mkaBW in i I ii riii if iii. iuiii
piihlir arlmol if thin city only . .. ...i. r.
rr ih t.. ti.u ..r u....i..iti.nt itiui .. u.iiirii iiru tin
P I'lMUl'in III tlUI'lV'lMM.. VJn " -- . . ..II I... .. VIIMllMlMl
Lfr rarrnt. nro rieted to K,.n of. your i.o.iv i '' .
Ihtl .......mill' I.,, i, ii iVU p IIII Willi tl 1 11 linn. n.
---.,,,. i ij ii i-uillMllllt 1' iimiii'..j ' "J " l"" .. .i II... m.i.il nl
'to hlien uiv f in... nr o Hir nirii il Hi'HHua miiui ; ,
i. M,"' ?,w,f k ".,Ml 'Kfitjr Kalher ut PRIZES FOR Fl flATS
lortl-ind, who lmv been vfnltlnif nt rnu,t;j run rLUAia
tiic rntr Helatil hmnn fort m pant two IN PAIR PARADF
, loft for homo thla mori!li.. , Zl? rAAUfc'
(' A. I'arkor wlmliMi beim vlaltlriK Thn following prize will bo Kvn
at the It rt la way pnrunlal home nt Hum for lhi In-at iloata In tho Mr ptrmlir :
Kick, with hl family, roturnH to, 126.00 for b...lilerorm.d noat!
Halem on Wcilmaday. Mr. I'arkcr $I6.(KJ for m.-corid beat (brcoratcd (Uml.
mid thu baby will return on 8undy. I 16.00 for boil itucorHtud baby Iiukkv
(J. W. O'llrlnii a ii I wlfn and Mr. ' vul'ld'--Lilly
ami 'ilHiiblor of (inlin Crcok At ownurmcrl buiy. Wu hnvu but
vUlled nt tU Joi. l.Hly hum ihl w ''"' to prvpnre,
week returnl k to tholr bomei today.' m
riio Lilly family expert, lo move onto Drun. r-Tu mumi.
tbir place at (tale Cn k thla wcok. . PENDLETON ROUND UP MOTION
They will lewvd hont .SiUiirdny.; . ; PlfTIIPFc, nv.imr
W. kuhlman. M(c(i(nnniileil bv Itavi Tho Mir Tin. ..(.,. I,,.. ,.,.,(.. .....i..i
n.i.ii, im'iii v ruii'ii iiriiviT, arnv
w btru on Thurnday, Imvlnu lilkw! to
thnir plaeeovor th WIIon Itlvur road
I hey were two day making tho jour
ney. Arthur A. Atterbury, nuvA tl ycara,
died Auk. SI, lOltl, at Hniem tubwrcul.
-i hoapital. Areonlliii' to tho opin
ion of thi doctor hit had been linpNiv.
fnt but rniiht cold ami died of
I'onifwtlloii. lh!renJ luavfi a frtlier,
mother, two llem mimI thrco brothiir.
Mr. Atterbury nnd rod Itil who I
ao allllrlnl with luberculoal and ha
been nl tint SmImii hopltal, hift
Wo Jnt.day for Aihlarn). IxiuU I lin-proving
arrfltiRenifnUi lo h iw tho t Kn fuat
uri mo'i.m nlrure f thu 1912 IVnd
lt'n Hound Up during the fmr In or
der Ut kivo out of town pcoplu nn op
lirlU(;tly t e thl. a repriHlurtion of
the moil remarkable eventa of Cow
ljy Hifirt ever hold in thu world You
e them In iiction next to belnz n the
Tuesday nlKhl 8epL 2 nd will be
InmiHik ninbt nnd overy one dinjuld
lo ee them Tued(iy nnd avoid
try tht:
Thn McthulUl Sunday School vnjoyeil
a fine cJnv at Hnr View lat Wislneway.
Almul 160 me(nher of the achool were
prenent and everyone had a line time.
MAI'l-12 I.I'M3.
Mr. Krlck C WlUnn, ncjompanlt?
by hi (ii'ither left Thurday for h few
day vlalt In HlllxlKiro.
A numUir of youni; people cathercu
at thn home of Mi little I'ricc last
he ViillML' folki r-lil..l'i-.! (he lihlhlnir t the l-fllD
. ... ........ . , . - T
and the little one had lota of fun wad-1 nurwiay. a rr.ou enjoyaoie urne wm
nv. A I the noon hour n table wa lnt ly all. Games were the order of
prepared uim which wa hcaiHil all I evening'. A dainty nupjier w
kind of ki-.hI thirty to eat, Kvery- rv ai miuniKiu.
our nii-tlle had etilarKcil to woixler-1 MIm I.lzrlc Krlckwin I working for
fill proportion, iiul reKardleii of thl . Waller linker.
-Jr.; -
The Housewife Who Uses
Drifted Snow Fiour is
Often Asked:--
"Whv I it the bread you hake U alwaya to
llRht and deHclou!.?"
The wim housewife know the ecret Iii, In
the aujierior flour he utc. She will aciv.xr t.'iat
her baklnif ha invariably been succefu! mr.ee he
utartod uln.r "DrifUrd SrviW." Try it ourelf
nnd prove ita Koodnes. It'n Kuarantceil lo aatlafy
or the flour will cot you nothing. Just try It for
the next batch of bread or biscuiu.
Aik Your Grocer For Drifted Snow Flonr
fact there Wli enough food left to feed
another croud of the name pruortio!i,
Thl wa the mot aurccMful alTalr of
the kin.) tliu M. I-:. Hunday School ha
ever participated In.
A. (J. Ileal returned on Wcdncmlay
from I'orlland where he had been at
tending a me 1 1 in of the Slate Hoard
of Wither Curricula, of which ho I nl
member. The iKiaru Knt o(ne four
day In cnniili'rtnt; the matter of elim
ination the cdKliieerlnc course from
the Unlveritv and plarW them In the
At-jricultural Clloi;e. Thi I the only
hoard of it V ttMi in the L'mtid State
I he other member of the boiinl are:
Dr. WlUon of the I'ortUnd Academy,
Mr. ami Mr. S. V. Andernon re
turned home Monday after n few day
vinlt In I'ortlnnd nndvlcinlny.
Miki l.ul Juhimon I vinltiiiK nt the
T. K. I'ricc home.
Mr, and Mr. Frank Fieeman have
returned home nfter taking in tho cir
cu nt Portland,
Connie Dye it on tho tick Hit.
A. I.lnehnck a piano dealer from
I'ortlnnd. OrcRcw. I now n resident of
the eitv in TlllamOrik. it iietllnL' n fine
. . Si nntnr Jo. V.. HeilKea of Ore-. 0f Inch uriide piano of the old re-
Hon i ity. iii- v. , lr. mun in i on-, Unlilc firm, Kohler & Chne i'lano Co.
Iail ami Senator Cnau of Portland. 1 0f Portland. Oregon, a firm with hitch
I.. Hardman. an employee of the city ' reiommendation throughout nil the
Aulitor' ollice tit Portland who ha State of Oregon for their honeit and
been camping with wife ami chil l nt ; square dcalini; with the people,
liar View wa trickeu and died while I am aelllntf hijth urade new pinnoii
balhim: on Wwlnwduy evenim;. De- of old reliable make, which is regular
ccaneii wa 06 year of ae mvl wa a j ly prlcfd nt $376.(10. which now can be
line wimmer. The coroner' venliel iH.uchl for $300.00 A $Vi0.P0. now for
latil tiut hi death waiidue to drown-iKoS.OO; $326.00 piano for $275.00; b
Ink'. However, 't i known that he had $300.00 piano, now 205.00; nUo .n new
heart tn.uhle and he eave a IlmibI thnt ' $300.00 nlano. with the exceptions of a
him wa tin trouble with him. little snop worn, lor tivi.w, e sen
f . . .... 1 11... 1. . .... ... .....I ....II ..!. ..,.. ,.,.
Cement : Coal : Lime : Brick
Shingles : Piaster
Root Paint : Drain Tile
Docks and Warehouse Front- St, between 2d and 3d Ave. West
.1. Clmien. Clerk.
For Flies
On iliKk In And jroiuul b.irm
Clough's Carbolic
mo( rKccllvd nnd chrfl fly
HI'r nude. I codtt, r4dy to ipuy
'rem 7c lo 10c 4 rjIIoii.
Ii lo be mixed with waler .ud
hrforr ii eu ixwiulve Ituii ullwr
, klllrn.
Clough'i Carbolic Compound
nuny mri iirouger llun any
other-one pint U luldclcut (or 16
I'Hoiu ol ipwy.
I'he RelUble Prtitsltt
. i i iii n m va: i!(i(Mi
..re rouHonuble
Miivvi'liorn. ,
I tid for olulit oonlrt t'f wimhI, four of
' ,.d r v un 1 1. .r rrbiiiilo nml four
'7rZ . X '!7ullV,r,,,, "l
achn'il houo, iliatrlct NV , , ,
ItniirtI leKerVi' the rl;l.t tu reject
miV and nil ul'
d. to bo opened Se,d. 1.
' A beiititlful kk'V licrmi 1B00 Ih. ur
' u w wlH " l l " roll.; wluK ( ;"
j St iVuwHOii HroH. Livery burn nt lilln-
, mtiok. L s urifco,,.
but Iwfore help could roach him he
went down. Life Saver O. C. Haw
thorne. wa the llrl one to reach the
drowning man. With the help of oth
er he wa brought to hore find every
thing done for hi relief, but he never
retained coneioune. A number of
bather wen; In the water at the time
of the druwnimr. Undertaker Hcnkle
went to Hnr View Thumdny meinour
and look cl.ariie of the lody and pre
pared it for hipmcnt to Porlhind.
f)n Sept, Ut. tooth, inclusive will he
(iven a course of lecture at Uie Meth
odic Church. The nubjecu. lire n
previously nnnounceil :
1. Yellowatone Park.
'JL. The Pnniimn Cnonl.
3. How We tiol I'he ttible,
4. Hen llur.
fi. I'he i.lorie of Sweedtsn.
Tliou will be olleled for L03 for a
ticket to the live lecture or twenty
live centu tor each Mmle lecture.
Iloautifully colored allde dent from
ChlciiKO will be lined llluntnitjiif: each
lecture. All Sunday School children
will be admitted free. The public ih
conlmllv invited lo thee lectures.
The dilTerence uoiweeii The Tllltt
iniKiU Mulc House nnd the Hilcrtt
Mtt!ic IIiiiiho hut. been xettlcn uui of
court. Idler Mume llouoc in dim):.
Kil of nil of the 10 piano nnd nllow
mi? purchasers tho benelltof the money
paid by the Tillamook Music Co.
Throe f the pinno were Hold yester
day nnd the very llncst pinnus nro be
ink: olfered Jut nearly one-hwlf their
run I value. The very finest Klmbiills,
Smith nnd Humes, ChlckeriiiK's Hnl
let& Davis In fact every piano even
to the Auto jmii.o till nro olTered nl
stitrtliiiK' prices nnd easy terms. A
virlt to the store In the old Pi.tzlnf
building will convince you. Stole
open evenings. Come today.
1 nil . . II. ...1-
r.liern .nun it oioru.
The schedule for the! TilliunooV Nt
tnrlM auto utiiK" is s follows:
Loaves Tillnmuow nt a n. m. and K30
p, m. Hound trip $1.25. Fnro one way
Clintterton nnd Alexander.
The Most Important
Business of Yours
Is where you1 Invest your money.
Thu Western Loun & Savings Co. of
Salt Luke City.Utnh.u tried nnd proved
company, is now ready for luislness in
Tillamook and Tillamook Co. To loan
you money or build yon a homo on stnal I
monthly payments, ut u low raio ox
nterost. Wrlto or see
A. C. EVERSON,Loan Agt.
A. M'NAIK, President.
I). L. SHUODK, Vice Prcaidont.
Hoard of Appraisura.
B. M. Hules, F. H. Mlnlek,
H. F. .Hchtnan, B. J. ClauBsen.
Hoard of Trustees.
John Loland Hon-
derson, 0. L. Roali,
L. C. Smith W. G. McGoo.
on eny term and will take your orttan
a part payment. We invite the kuxI
IK-oplc of Tillamook and county to
come and see nnd Kct the low prices of
those pianos, which are now on sale.
And before nurchnsiiii; n piano else
where, don't fail to come and see me
and my pianos, and I will save you
.My piano are located on Sth Street
and '2nd Ave. B., in my private home,
no extru rent to pay for store room.
We kivo our customer the benefit of
the hih rent which others have to pay, j
I have leen in the piam- btisinei's for
'M war. I know the business from A
to Z, and won't be undersold. All I nsk
I come and see me before purchasing n i
pinno. I will treat you right. j
Our place of Jtusiness is open even-!
ink' until 9
I make my money here mid spend it
here. . !
Milliliter. .
Hoth phones: Mutual phone; Hell
No. 1 1 J. I
Cement Sidewalks and
Concrete Construction Work'
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
Brief Kews ol the Week
The Mex'T.a coverr.incnt eontradltt
.! the rut.-.i'r to t'ie elfect th"- in ultl
mntum bad been sent to i i'nltcd
According to a report uinde ly the
board of public welfare nl Kansas
City. Mo., "i.OOO women workers In
that city recelvo Irss thnn 6 n week
Suffrage workers In Missouri are
elrctilmliiK petitions for the 23,000
names neeifsary to recure the sub
mission of ihe'.r proposed constitution
al nmeiiduu'iit.
The French novernment sent a dele
Ration to San Frnnclhci. to take pos
session of ii site on the grounds of tho
Paiiama-l'aelflc Kxposltlou for the
French pavilion.
Canada is now n larger purchaser of
United States products than any other
country except the United Kingdom,
Accordlut; to flcures mnde public at
Washington by tho bureau of foreign
and domestic commerce.
The openliiR date of the Los Angeles
schools has been postponed from Sep
tember 8 to September IB, In order to
allow the pupils an opportunity to at
tend a circus billed for three days lu
that city.
Hellovlng; that tho 40 lives lost In
tho wreck of the steamer State of
California would not have been sacri
ficed if the ship had been a modern
craft with n double bottom, tho rel
atives and friends of the victims are
petitioning their respective represen
tatives In congress to pass laws which
will make it less possible for dlsas.
tors of this kind to occur again.
Abstracts on Short Notice!
Pacific Abstract Company
L. V. EBIiRIIA RDT, Mnnngei
Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of
Tillamook County, Oregon
(With Km.uk Watson)
Main 533 Also Mutual
P. O. BOX 147
Your cream separator
will operate at full
efficiency if it is
lubricated with
Standard Hand
Separator Oil
Specially prepared for cream
separators. Sold by dealers
everywhere and the
1 il I
r. iT-1
School Superintendent Indicted.
Portland.. Or. Indictments, chars
Jhg crimes of which one carries n
nulmum penalty of IB years in the
penitentiary, were returned by the
grand Jury against A. P. Armstrong,
county superintendent of schools. The
basis of the charges Is the nllegod
acceptance of 20 from C. E. Kltng
enKmlth, as a bribe to render a favor
able rating In his examination for
appointment to the police force', Mr.
Armstrong being at the time a city
civil uorvlco commissioner.
A delicious, refreshing-, cooling- drink
mado from CIourH's concentrated ex
tract of orange cider.
A 50c bottle will make 5 gallons of
oratiRo cider.
Mixed with wutor and sugar It Is
ready for use.
CIoukIi the Reliable Druggist.
Sixty acres on Wilson River, a part
of what is known as the Peter Brant
place, with or without stock. I want
(6000 or' more down and will give
plenty of time for the balance at 6 per
cent interest. See N. P. Hansen,
Hebo, Ore.
Last issue October 5.