Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 29, 1913, Image 4

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    Tillnmoolc Herald, August HO. IOI3.
Sw s. section 32. towmOiIp
3 S, nmuc 10 wc-d
II. J Kiiiitliuiui, Iota - tin. I
3. Sc '4 of Nv i uml S
of Nc i. ."COtiOM l. town
lilf 4 S. intuit" 7 west
G. A. 11 ml l- l- Witliro. H t
ot No 4. tu-ction tt town
iliip t . mniie 1 west . .
A P. Ganisoti. litis tl anil 7.
faction rt. ImviiMhlp I !
r.mce S vot ....
Win Ksxcit Nc vi of Nv '
mill N l of Nw W of Nw
i. !ei-tmti 111. township I
S. mu 1:0 wrt
ll.ubani M?oker. w l ol
Nw V, and S Vt of Nw i of
Xw v,, o-tion ItV township
4 range ? wcit
A i" Gnrnson. H J of e
section 1. towtir-hip t
musre 0 v est - .
Lewis ."loins, Sw ' of NV V4
and Nw i of i . srvlion
17, townsdup I S. muge 0
Lewis Morn?. Se 1 iof Xe l
Hail Xe 1 4 ol Se 1 1. jeetioti
IS. towns tup I S, rung V
wett ...
John Lowraiice, lot 3, le:
tract sold, xivtuui 15'. town
ship t S rmiire VI wtt
A. t. and li. P. Johnson, B
"t 01 Sw l4 iiml Sw 4 of Se
4. sevtioii K, township t
S. ranee l west ...
A I. nint K. P. Johnson. Nw
Ij of Xe li. section S.town
ship 4 S, ranee 0 west
V bnmiitigton. Tnict No.
7".fc i"jr further descrip
tion .ee tratt book iti a-.-or!"
ottioe pace 377, section
14 township 4 S. ranee 10
K. 1. eattierl , Tract Xo.
tCU For further descrip
tion see tmct book in us-e-essors
office pugc Jbl,
section 10. township 4 S.
ratine 10 west ...
J. K. Weatherly. Tnict Xo.
615. For further descrip
tion see tract book m 11--sessor's
office pasre 3S5.
section ID. town-dup 4 S,
runjre 10 w est
John and Leonard Krels,
Tr;ict Xo. tV! For further
description see tract l ook
in nsses-sor's oltice. paire
347. section 11'. towuslup 4
S. ranee 10 west
John Krebss Tract Xo 055.
For further description see
tract book in iis-essor's
office page 3?7, section 19.
township 4 S, ranee 10
John Kieb". Tract Xo. (Ot.
For further dsseription -ee
tract book in assessor's
office pace 3s0, -ection
It', township 4 S, rasce 10
T. H. Govne trustee. Tract
Xo 610." For further des.
enption ?ce tract liook in
assessor s office page 414.
section 30 and IV, township
4 S ranee 10 west . ...
Y. X. Hays. Tract Xo. 101U.
For farther de.-cription see
tract book in as-ee-cor's
otfice piiee 3il A, section
IP. to-vti?htp 4 S, ranee 10
E U. Ha i ley. Nw 'iof Xw '.,
Xw of IJie Nestucta river,
section H, township 4 S,
ranee 10 west
W. G. and G. G. Willett.
Tract Xo. W1. For further
description eee tract book
aasesfor1 s office page 401,
section 'M township 4 S,
ranee 10 weat ; W 3 of Se
Sw K of Xe and Xe
of Siv ', section 2i town
bhip 4 S. ranee 10 west. .
Nettie Soinuier, lot 14, sec
tion 2U, townsliip 4 S, ranee
10 weal
N.l K. R. Co.. lot 1. section
3), towndhip 4 3, ranee 10
M A. Gaee, Se h of Xe 'Jf
aection 'SI, township S,
r inee 10 went
A. C. Sheler, Xe 140! Xe V,
section 31, township 4 S,
ranee 10 went ; YV J of, Xw
U and Se of Xw tt, sec
tion 3.", township 4 S,
ranee 10 west
F.HHtern Investment Co. Lim
ited, V Mi of Sw oection
Ks, township "1 S, racee 0,
F. W. ilunsaker, Xe ' of
Se X, sectica lifj, township
5 S, ranee 9 west
V. W. Uunsaker, V J of Sw
!- and Se Vt of Sw 'A, sec
tion 21, townahipS S, ranee
B west
KrweHt WcrneH, Sw W, uec
tion 20, townwhij) 5 S,
ranee 0 west
Kmes-t C. Wernes, Se i', eec
tion 'JO, towiiHliip 5 S,
ranee 0 west
P. Gwinn. Se l. Hectiou M,
towtiBhipSS, rineu Ii wefct
Auenst C Kantz, Lots 3, 4,
Hection 31, townwhip S S,
ranee V west
W. G. Dvviebt, Ii i ot Ii J,
Hection 'Si, townsthip S S,
ranee 0 werit
Iv. J. KanoiiH, Sw ' of Xe 'i
and Se M of Nw leflu
tract HOlil, Hection 4, towii
Hliip H S, ranee 10 went....
Clarence Atterbury, Tract
No 703. For further de.
Bcription wee tract book in
aBHtHHor' h office pae U0.
Hection 7, townHhip 5 S,
ranee 10 west
L. J, Franklin, Lot 18, bee
tioti 7, township C t, ranee
10 west
V. M. Franklin, Lot 17, Hec
tion 7, township.') S, ranee
10 west ; Lot 21, Hection 8,
township 5 S, ranee 10
Miller HroH,, iniprovciiient-i
on Sw i, (l Nti'4, Hection IT,
towimhip 5S, ranee 10 wes
C. IVtjilon Tract No. 700.
For-fyrther deHcription Hee
tract book in HHHeHHor'H
office paei: 451, Hection 15,
towiiHhipfi S, ranee lOweHt
K. J. Mendeiihall, S J of Se '
nnd Se i( of Sw X, section.
15, township 5 S, rane 10
R. G, SliieldH, Tract No. 710
For further description see
tract boolc in aHSKBHor'H
office paee 450, section 10.
township f S.range 1C wettj
Sw of No nnd Xw V o(
'M 70 So 4l section ltl lounshlp
5 S, ranee 10 west .. .....
M K Thoiiins, Xw section
'A township 3 S, nmee 10
4 00 ot
II. K. nnd Iv J. Moiidonlinll.
W J of Xw section A
3 45 towushlpS S.mneolOwost;
Xe ol Xe '. section 'JiV
township 3 S. miiee 10 west
' S Getx li. Ivohinson. Sw ' of
Sw S, sin-tlon township
3 S. ninee 10 wot .
Goo. K. K'obiuou. So ot
I til So K section township
R S. r.tneo 10 west . . .
1? 1) Stsillord, lot timb;r
ou. section At. township 3
1 61 S. rune 10 west
Geo- F, Kobiiison, Xo of
Xe , section 3'. towimhip
3 10 3 S. rtutee lowest
Geo. li. Kobinson. Xw . of
Xw v4. j.f( ltoii 33. township
3 S. ninco 10 w est
5 73 1, K Wilson, li J of li . sec
tion . township 5S. 111 n co
10 west
TtllmiiooX Lund ,uul Invest-
4 W nient Co., lot -. swtion 13.
icwnship 3 S, innee 11
west . lot X township 3 S,
1 13 ranee II west , lot 1'i sec
tion Jl. township 3 S.nititre
U west
K'iiy S. Ward. Trot IMl lfor
3'2 IX futthcr descnption sre
tract Uok in assessor'
office p-ie 471, -ection 'St.
6 10 town-hip 3 S. iauee 11 west
F. I). Station!. Se of Sw ,
and S J of Se '. section 35,
township 3 S, timber 011
nmee 11 wc-t
Marion 1. Lindsay, li j of W
7 US I, section 3, township OS.
riuee 10 west
S.irrnh li Putt an. W tt li .
section 3. township tf S.
rau;t 10 west
Delia Ilea 11. lots 1. i :i mid 4.
II W section 3. towuslup 0 S.
range 10 wet
Jo Altenbereer, Sw i(. -ec-
lion 10, to.vnshipOS. nince
10 west ...
0 -esron Coact Tmiber Co , Ii
I 10 j of Sw and W J of Se '.,
section 17. ton:ihip 0 S,
riet- b r ...
Nehalem I'.iekmc Co. kta S
ami t block 5 Xehuleni. . .
P G Whitaker lots 1 ami 2 btoefc
1 ft 13 Xebalem
F G SVhitakcr, lots 5 and 6
block 3 Xebalem City
F G Whitaker. lob 7. 3 ami 9
block 6 Xehuleni
Anna Klein, lota 11 and 12
1 10 block ami lots 1 ami 2 . . .
block t' Xebalem
Wui H Ktfenbereer. lots 7. S .
uml a block 9 Xthalem City .
F G Whitaker, lota 1 ami 2. .
block 11 Xehalem City
4 20 Ane. Junemtsch loU 5. C and .
7 block 11 Xehalem Citv
FG Whitaker loU 11 and 12
Block 11 Xehalem City . .
W L Mnver. lot 7 block II .. .
Xehalem City ..
- 10 Hans Larsen. lot t; block 2 . .
Xebalem Citv
P. J. Vedder. Tots 11 ami 12 .
block 2 Xehalem City
Archie A Cook, lot 0 block t
Tohl's Add Xehalem City
1 W W L Mayer loU 1 and 2 block .
F G Whitaker loU 1, 2, 3 ....
and 1 block 12 1'ohl'a Add . .
13 03 Xehalem City. . ... .
F G Whitaker lots , 10. 11 and
12 block 12 Tohl's Add .
Xehalem City
Helmer Kietitrom luU 7, 8, and
9 bloci 15 Tohl's Add .
Xehidem City
-Mary AnRello, lot 1 block I'J
Tohl's Add Xehalem City . .
57 00 F G Whitaker, lot 1 block 21 .
Tohl's Add Xehalem City
The Garibaldi Beach Co, r ract
10 55 ional loU 1, 2, 3, block 1 anil
Tide Lands F ami A on lots 1,
2 and 3 block 1 Garibaldi
1 40 The Garibaldi Beam Co, lots 6,
7 ami 8 block 1 Garibaldi
10 35 Cluic Hill. Fractional Iota 1 and
2 block 3 Garibaldi
Unknown owner lot 3 block 3. .
Claude Thjyer, lot I block 3. ..
2o 30 M K Smith. Fractional
lot 3 block I Garibaldi Tract
1 Calbroth lot is block C
0 20 'I Handloy lot 1 block 7
Nels Nelon lot 3 block 7
2 30 Garibaldi
W G Uwieht. lot 5 block 7
Geo. A Brinn lots 6, 0, 7 and 8
10 35 Block A Fast Garibaldi
I I iiandley Fractional lots 1..
and 2 block f) Fast Garibaldi
10 10 II Handley lots 7 and 8 block
D Bast Garibaldi
I I Handley lots 1, 2, 3, I, 5, 0.
10 10 ? a"'I 8 block G Bast
17 25 I K Cottle, lots 4 aid 5 block 1
Bay City Add
J S Brideford lot 1 block 5 Hay
5 75 , City
J b Urideford lots f, 9 and 10. .
block 5 Bay City
20 70 Wfn Woods, lota 1 and 2 block 9
Bay City
JIary J Cone lots 3, 4, 5 and G
block 9 Bay City
0 D M Smith, lot 1 block 14
Bav City
Wrn Woods lots 1 and 2 block 1
Bay City
Bay City Land Co lot 5 block
1(5 Bay City
2 30 !f,y ity ''"'' Co lot 1 block
17 Bay City
M R Wadsworth lot 2 block 21 .
4 Co Bav City
J F Goine lots 3 and 4 block 21
Bay City
Geo 11 Williams lots 10, 17, 18
and 19 block 1 Bay View Add
5q Bay City
Geo II Williams lots 14, 15, 10
I and 17 block 2 Bay View Add
2 :) IJly City
Bay City Land Co lot 12 block 4
Bay Viuw Add Bay City
Btnily I) Hopkins lotH i9. 20, ..
I 21 and 22 block 4 Bay View..
3 n Add Bay City
Bay City Land Co lots 9. 10. . ..
11, 12, 13, 14. 15, IC, 17. 18...
19, 20, 21 and 22 block 6 Bay
0 20 view auu uay uiy
Bay City Land Co lots 12, 13, . ,
14 and 15 block 7 Bay View..
I Add Buy City ,
Emily I) Hopkins, lots 9, 10, 11
an J 12 block 12 Bay View...
A.ld lUv Citv
F.milv D.lliipkliii tot. 15 nnd .
It? filivk 12 Hay View Add . .
lUy Citv
liny Citv Land Co W 2 of lots ,
5, li. 7 amIS block 13 Hay
View Add Hay City
Ilav City Land Co lot 11
lilook IS Hay View Add Hay
J. W. Jonnlne' lot , 7 and S .
block 2 Bar View Add Citv. .
W S Cone lot S block 3. lot I,
2, 3 nnd 4 block I Bar View
Add Hay Citv
V S Grout lot.i'13 and II block
C, lUr View Add. Hay City ....
13 0
14 10
10 33
Olo Orimnos lot 2 block 7 Bar
View Add Hav Citv
3 00
W S Cone lots 14. 15 11ml 111
block 7 H.u view Add Hay..
1 23
W L Riefenburt; lot I block S .
Harviow Add Hay Citv
W I) Wood lots 2 and 3 block S
1 SI
Bar View Add HaylCity . -
0. H Goodicod. lots I, f and ti
block S. Bar View Add Hiy
0 W
W. H. Wood, lots 7, S. 9. 10. 11
12. 13. It. 16 and If., blk S.
Bar View add Hay City
W S Cone lots If. and 10. blk
0. Mar View Add to liny
It. Ostralnler estate, lots l.
7. ami S. blk 9. Bar View add
Hay City
13 CO
W. S. Cone, lots 12. 13. 1 1, ami
15. blk 10, Bar View add Bay
W. S. Cone, lots 12. 13. and 1 1
blk 13. Bar View add Bay
15 CO
C. It. Ostrandcr est. iota 12, 13.
14, blk II. Bur View add
Bav Citv
10 33
W. S. Cone, lots I. 2. 3. t. 6. ti.
ami 7 blk 16 liar View add
Hay City
13 50
W. S. Cone, lot 8. 9. 10. 11. Vi
1 3. 1 4. 15 ami It., blk 15. Brtr
View add Bay City
10 10
Kmily I). Hopkins, lot 3. blk It".
Bar Ntew add Bar I ItV
W. S. Cone, lot 4, blk Hi. Bar
li 40
View add Bav ity
V. S. Cone, lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 6, ti.
7. ami .1 blk 17, ami Iota 1, X.
3, t. 6. ti. 7 ami S blk IS, Bar
View add Bay City . .
W. S. Cone, lots 9. 10. 11. 12.
13. 14. 15 ami lt, blk IS. Bar
View add Hay City
W. S Cone, lots 13 ami II, blk
19. Bar View add Hay Citv
W. S. Cone, fract. lots 4, 13,
and 11. block 22. Bar View
add to Bay City
SV. S. Cone, lots 1.2.3. 1.6.6. 7.S.
9. 10. 11, 12. 13 and II. blk I
Base Line add Hav City . ..
W S Cone, lot 16 and 17 blk I
base line atld Bay City
S W Mcllvaine. lots 2 ami 3 blk
5. Bewleys add Bay City
CJW Mcllvaine. lots 1 ami 2 blk
S. Hewley'a add Bay City. .
C W Mcllvaine. lot I blk 8.
Bewby's add Bay City
H M Todd, lot 2. less tract sold
blk 11, Bow leys add Bay City
W J l)oui;hty. lot 2 and 3 blk
14. Bewley'a add Bay City ..
I) W Rhodes, lots k. L 5. G, 7.
S. 9 and 10. blk 70. Central
add Bay City
J S Brideford, lot 3 blk I, Cone
& Co. add Bay City
J S Brideford, lot 5 and 0 blk 1
Cone & Co add Bay City -
Bay City Land Company, lot I
blk 2. Cone & Co add Bay
Wilton Cave, lot 5 blk 2, Cone
& Co. add Bay City
J S Brideford. lot 1 blk G, j in
terest lot 2 blk G, Cone ami
Co add Bay Citv
W S Coie, Iota 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, G.
7, S, 9. 10. 11. 12, 13, II, 15
and 16, blk 13, Cones Sub
di virion to Bay City
W S Conet, lota 25. 26, 27. 'JX,
29. 30, 31. 32, 33, 3t, 36. 30,
37. 3-i, 39 blk 1 1. Conea sub
division Bay City
B M Khodon, lots 1, 2. and 3,
south half lots t ami 6, lots
II in
2. It
I. S3
2.4 1
3. S3
6, 7 and 8 blk 1, Fullers add
Bay City
W S Co
...... I.. 1 r. 1. lb 1
ler add Bav Citv
.Geo Vauelin lots 2 and 3 blk 2
Fuller add Bay City
1.71 Geo Vauehn, loU G and 7. blk 2
Fuller add Bay City
2.00 L Lomax, lots 3 and 4, blk 3,
I Fuller add Bay City
2 57 Lee Ackley, lots 7 and 8 blk 3
I Fullers add Bay City
2.57 , W S and M J Ccne. lots 3 and I
I blk 4, Fuller add Bay Citv .
2.67 , C I) and A R Grout, lota 5 ami
j 6, blk I, Fullers add Bay
'2.57 , City
IJ R Barter, lot 5. blk G. Cone
and McCoys add Bay City.
Geo II Williams, lots 3 and I
blk 11. B of I' R and N R R
lot 5 blk 11, Cone and McCoy
adit B-iy City
W S Cone, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12
13, 11, 15, 16. blk 2
and lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
blk 2
and lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 0, 7, 8.
9, 10, 11, 12. 13 and II blk 8
Cones sub-division Bay City
W S Cones, 15, 16, 17, 18,19,20,
5 70
HI, SB. -a, JM, Tat, 26, 27, 28,
30, 31, 32, 33,31, 35, 30 37,38,
8.00 '
39, 40, 41, 42, 43, and II, blk
8. Cones sub-division B a y
City :.
' W. S. Cones. lotB 45, 46, 47, 48
blk 8, Conca nub-division Bav
1 city :.
3.50 W S Cones, 49, 50, 61, and 52,
I blk 8, Conca tub - division
2.28 Bay City
W S Cones, lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, H,
2.85 9, 10. 11. 12, 13, 14, 15, 10, 17,
I 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24,
J.28 blk 12, Cones sub-division
Bay City
4.56 W. ti. Cones, lots 25" 20, 27, 28
I ZJ, M, ai, 32, 33, 34, 35, 30,
blk 12, Cones nub-division
Bay City
W H Cone, loU 17, 18, 19, 20. 21
22 23 21 25 20 27 28 2930 31 32
33 31 35 36 37 38 3940 41 42 43
41 45 40 blk 13 Cones Sulwli
vision Bav (!(tv
W H Cones, lots 47 48 49 50 51
v 62 blk 13 and lots I 2 3 4 6 0 7
1.C0 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 16 10 17 18
, 19 20 21 22 23 21 blk 14, Cones
Sub-Division Bay City
Jogunhliifi I) I'arknr. Inlu A r.
and 0 of blk 7 Fuller add Bay
W 8 Cone, lots I and 2, blk 9
Fullers add Bay City
W b Cone, lots 6, fi and 7 of
blk 9, Fullers add jy City
1 10 W S tV.no, Iota I. 2, 3. t. 3. 0. 7
I blk 10 Fullomadil Hav City
I W S t 'olio, lots I ami , blk II.
I. SO Fullors add Hay City
W S tVno Iota I. a. 3. ami
I.Ik IS. Iota I ami U, W.
Kill!... mill Ituv Citv . .
W S Cone, tola o. ti. 7. and H
block I t. Fuller add iuy
1 11! City ... .
W. I.. Itetfoiibor,:. fwtunini
f. si Iota I ami f. blk SO. lot m,
17. IS. 19. SO. SI. SS, 3. i.
Sfi. SO. and ii blk SO Fullers
I (K) I anion loil add Hay l Hy
Bav CUv l.ml lViiiiaiiy, low
I. Mi 9 ami 10 I.Ik 2 First Water
Front Hav City
Hay City Land Couipanv luU
lot S blk 13. Flrt Water
Front. Hay Ctty
2 10
s as
Frank Collin., lot 9 blk 13.
Hnl Water Front. Bay City
Hay City liml Ctiiimiy. lot 1
S. 3, I. 5vti. T ami S. blk tt,
Firt Water Front Hay City
Bay City !.uml Company. bU I
2. 3. I. 5. 0. 7. K. f.lk JW Firnt
Water Front. Bay City
Hay City I. ami iVmiMiny, frao
llonal loU 0. 10. II. 12. 13.
1 1, 15. ami 10. blk 20. First
Wstor Front Bay Ctty . .
W. s Cie. one-third InUtwt
In loU I. S. 3. I. ft. 0. 7 .O.10
blV 0. ThouJacobvi add Hay
Kiiin.a Finlayson, Iota 1, 2, 3, I,
5. 0. 7. S, blk s. 'Hwo Jneo
by add Hay City ..
Mllen Warron, lots II. 16 ami
.4 50
ti SI
I 30
0 SI
3 20
10. blk 32. I'acltle nttd Hay
City .
Hay t, lly t.iml C-oitlmiy, lot 1
blk 13. Baelfle add Hay City .
Geo II Williams, lot IS. 18. 1 1
blk IS. Pflelneadd Hay City..
Anna B ny. Iota I. 2. 3, ami
I. blk 15. Partite add Hay
H. K. Mi Arthur, kta tl ami IS
blk 10. Paetne add Hay City..
V I. Lloyd, lot I nnd 2 bU &3
Psrirtv aild Bar ily
Hay City Inml Company. I.-U
11 and 12, blk 5tt. Paeifle add
Hay City
C C Alm.le.1, lot 11. blk L
Parittc nd.1 Bay City
Bmma L William, kit 10 II,
12. 13. 1 1. 15 ami I A, blk 71
IWin add Bay City
S I- St John, lota 1 1. 15 and
16. blk Ti. Panne add Uay
Bay City Land Company, tut 3
blk 71. Paeioc add Bay Citv
R J Hondrick. kU 3, t, b. S,
11. 12. 13 ami II. blk 75. IV
cine add Bay City
J R Barter, lot 3 ami I. J J
MtCoy ld Bay City
Buiniii K Day. lot a J J McCoy
add Bay City
Ceo II Hniti. lot II, 16 ami
w J of 10, McCoy add Bay
City ....
R M Wood. i lot lit. J J Mr
C-jy add Bay City
Wm Wood, wj lot 17. J J Me-
Coy add Buy City
Buuiia K Day. lot 21 ami 22, J
J McCoy adil Bay City
W S tVne ami Mary J ('one,
lots 30 t.ml 31. eait of P It &
3 (W
1 tin
G. 10
X It R, J J Mtt'oy add Bay
W D Wood, lot 36. 37. 33 ami
39. J J McCoy add Bay Citv
W D Wood lot 12 ami 13, J J
Coys add Bay City
Goo II William, lot II. J J Mr
Coy add Bay City
W S Cone, lot 1. 2. 3. 1, 5.
0. 7, S. 9. 10, II. 12. 13. II. 15.
16. blk 1 ami lu'k 1, 2. 1. I,
6. 6, 7. S. 9. 10. II, 12. 13. II.
15, 10. blk 2, Stinnlde add
Bay City
W S Cone, lota 1. 2, 3. I, 6. 0,
7, S. 9, 10. 11. 12. blk Sand I,
2, 3, I, 5. 0, 7, 9, 10, blk I,
ami 1. 2. 3, I, 6. 0. 7. S, blk 6,
Surinysidu add Buy City
W S Cone, lota 1, 2. 3. I, 5. 0.
7. 3. 9. 10. 12, blk 7 ami 1. 'L
fi 55
1.50 3, I. 6. 0, 7, A. 9, 10. 11. 12.
i blk H, bunny -lido add Bay
W S Cone, lot 12. 3, I, 6, 0,
30 00 7, H, 9, 10, II, 12. 13, II ami
16 blk 9 ami lot 1. 2. 3, I, 5,
1,00 0, 7, 8. 9. 10. II. 12, 13, II,
ami 15 blk 10 Siinnyule add
6.50 Bay City
W S Cone, luU 1. 2, 3. I. 6. 0.
2 00 7, 8, 9, ami 10 blk 11 ami I, 2.
3 and t blk 12, Hunnytule
I 60 add Bav City
I) B Goodspticd, I ids 6 and 0 blk
6.70 12, Sunnyide add Bay City
W S Conn, lots 8, 9, 10. 1 L and
2.00 12 blk 12, .Sunnyside add Bay
City -
I W S Cone. Iota I, 2. 3, 4, 6 ami
6.60 6, blk 13, Suuuyside add Bay
ii ui W i L.i., I o 'i i r. i
7 and 8 blk II, Suiiuysldu
add Bay City
W S Cone, lota I. 2. 3. 4. 6. 0.
3.00 7 anil 8. blk 16, SunnyHido
mid Bay City
LOO . W S Cone, Iota I, 2, 3, 1, 5 and
6 blk 10: lot 1 blk 17. Htinnv.
1.11 aide add Bay City
W S Cone, lots 6, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10
and 11 blk 17. SuuuvHsde add
6 00! Bay City
VV S Cone, lots Iota 1 1. 16, anil
10 blk 17, Kuiinysidu add B iy
City -.- . .
W S Cone, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
and 12 blk 19: Iota 1. 2. 3. I.
12.00 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, II. 12. 13. I I.
15 and 16 blk 20; lots I, 2, 3,
I. 5. 0. 7 nnd 8 blk 21. .Sim.
1,60 nysldo add Bay ('ity
W S Cone lots 9 Mild 10 blk 21
I Sunnysidu add Bay City
4.60. WS Cone, lots 11, 12, Bland II
blk 21, Sunnysiile add Bay
City -Jos
II Warren, lots 1. 2, 3, I, 5
and 0. blk 6 Woodlawn ml,l
2.20' Bay City
II. B. Wurren, lots 7, 8, 9, 10,
11 nnd 12 blk 6, Woodlawn
add Bay Citv
1-20 J K Lamb, si lots 1 and 2, blk
1 Tlllatnook City
A K Case, lots I mid 2; IhikIii.
iiIiik nw corner lot 2 thui
S 100 feel. W 5 feet. N Km
3.00 feot, B 5 feet tu beipniilnjr,
i Tillamook City
J Junius Vernon, buiiiuinj; ll.Vft.
S of NW cor of blk 2, thunci
I S 35 fuel, B 100 feet, N 35
3.00. feet, W 100 feut to buuin.
niniG bi'Kinninif 35 feot S of
NB cor lot.'!, thence H.'I5 feet,
B5 feut.N 35 feet, W 5 feet lo
bei'ltinliiL', lots 3 and 4 blk 2,
Tillumook Citv -
3 30 1
Thus P Johnson, loin 1 and 2
blk 0 Tillamook City . .
m fot In ll 'li
l '.All I. k V TI amiHlR
ok t ity
A L Periy. 1 wt n um ,
SLW niook ( y . .'
ICIIen A llMlenin. wu o. m
uml 5. Idk 9 Tillam mk City
J II lUtter. I'd I f 1 ''..'i
(Vnlrtil ndl Tllltoiuwk I lly
Hum Welr, lotn . , 7,wl
blk , lUy add nllaitvwolt
w'j'nlht. I'd 9 ami 10 tn
ft )
Uk 1, lUtter add MII
imok t ity ..'..- '
L K llarrU. k.t 1 Ulk 7, I1y
or' add Tillamook .
lnkn. wwr. Utrntlnir
P78 fret S f SW itmr WK
I, thane sooll. 16 ft. lnn
at 1 13 fHt. thaiwH n..rtli II
tt. lhnc vnl 1 13 ft l
We. lot 3 ami I. blk U.
Thaynr 'W Tillamooli City,..
Marlon Clw. i fct 6 Ida .
'ITiayi-r W Tillamils l lly... '
M It tfrwei. lot i blk Zt. Tty
rr (HM TilUim-k t llr -
O. A. Caw. M 3 blk 81, Thay
r aiM Tiltam wli Cly ;
W ti DwblM. outh 16 fl of
lot I. 3. 3 't ''
Thayer add ItUamook CltJ
Mary A liana, lot lk tl
Thayfi mM rillmk City
J II ami II II llMUr. lot I,
blk 17. Thayar acM TtllamosA
fit .....
I tl ami II it Koanbn;. ht
blk 17. Thayar add Tilla
mook -
Dwl(hi and Curtis. M 3 blk I
Mntita (irova add Ttlbimook
DwiChl and ftirti. lot 3 blk, t
Mania Grove add TtlUmooa
DwtKht and Cartta, lot I, blk S
Mapla (irova add rtliamowk
I I llandlny. lot I and 3. Mb t
Mllkr add Ttllawwoit
Chatter Mrtih. M blk t
Millar add Tillamooli
Cha P Nalaon and J 1. U
ramr. lot 7 blk S, Mtlhtra
add Tillamook
I I Iiandley. mxth faat of
lota 7 and a. blk i, MUlan
add Tillamw.k
A K t'aaa. wt to faat Ma IS
and 13 blk 5. Millar add Til
lamook ....
A L Wiley. 1U I and 19. bid
7. Miller add Mlamooa
(rtx. B Until, bta 7 ami a, blk 0
Miller add Tillamook
W U liMiKht, ktt. 5. 6. 7. .
9. 10 and II blk 13, Miller
add Tillamook
r J tfarn Sr. M 3. blk I,
Millar add Tillamooli
F B Norton. Waa U fall otf aaal
i.la lot 1 ami t blk 3 Kor-
add Tillamook
A G Beat, lot 2 blk I, Norton
add Tillamook
A t! Boat. M I and 2. blk 7
Norton add Tillamook
A. C Heal. Iota 6. 6. 7 ami K
blk 7. NortoAa add Til la moo
J B Kirk. Hi 1 ml i. blk 0
Park add Tillamook
II A Klnnawaa, hi 7 and blk
tt. Park add Tillamook
AIU .Sour. Ma 7 and a, blk 0
Park add Tillamook
F N Wilton, let I and 2, blk
II. Park Mid Ttllamuok -KranrU
li Bailey, lot k blk I
ShIIhcII ndd TtlUoiook
Frank llanmtnkratt, Iota 7 ami
H block 2, Sttllwalt add Till.
muk . .
Chaa -S Walla, lot I and 5, blk I,
8onnmai.ila add TllUmook
A J Burdtrk. I t 8, blk 3, Hun-
nymrad ; add Tillamook
W N Haya, lot 2 blk a. Ueavar
U W Worthingloii, kit i blk I
Cloverdale ...
Wort on Bveteli, lot Sand 7 blk
3 Cloverdatn
Kreb Brother, lot I, 2. and
3 blk 1, Wooda
Leonard Krebba, loU I, i, ami
3. block i Wood
UonardKreb. liUll, 12 and
13 block t, Wooda
Tillamook Land and lnraai-
inant Comaiiy,lmrta I, 2 and
3 lot I, M ii nod n "da
L A Cafirne. tract t and 6, lot I
Ma rah lamia
Anna Fnendlich, tract 3 blk 2
U It)
d II
I 20
1 M
II 97
3 il
7. 13
0. 10
Tilla-nook Und nnd In veal-
inant Cimpanv ir.u'ta I atal 6
lot 2, Marablaod
J J rkliaiitaml, tret 1,2, and 3
lot t, Muranlamia
Tillamook Uu.l ami Invaal
nient C,iniany tracU I ami 6
lot I, trarta I, 2, 3, I, 6 lot 6
U M lirilwl, tret I lot Ii) Mr-
Tillamm.k Land ami Inveatttient
nient Coinjiaiiy, tract 2. ,3. I
ami 6 lot 10 ami tract I lot II
Tillamook Land ami Invest
ment Comimny, tract 3 lot II
Tillamook Land ami Invest.
munt Company, tract 2, lot 12
Iillauiook Land and
munt Company, trad
I lot 12
B M Cadwell, tract 3 lot 12
Tillamook Land and Invoal-
nient Coinimny trael 1, 2, !l, I
and 5, lot 13 -Tillamook
Lund and Inviml-
mont Company, tract I and 6
lot 1 1, Marshlands
Ada M Stiihr, tract 2 lot 15
Tillamook Land and Inv.mt.
12. 10
inonl Company, tract 3 and 4
lot 16. Marali amU
(J O Ruir, tract 6 lot 16 Marsh.
IIUKIS - - - . .
Tillamook Land and luvost.
inunt Company tract 1, 2, 3, I
6 and II lot 10 Murshlanil.i .
rillniiiook Land mid Invest.
munt Company tract 3, lot" 17
trill I, 2 and 3 lot 18, Mar.
B C Rtilf, tract I and 6, lot 1H
tract I, 2, and.') lot 19, Miirnli
laiidrt . . . .
Tillamook Lund uml luve.it.
nient Ciinpany. tract I and 6
lot P.I, Miirshhuidh
lillainoiik Lund and VU1I.
jniu.l Co.njmny tract I, 2 mid
i .V ' ''"oipton lot 20 block
. '.' ;! ""'"H I'ark
G A Ihunipsoii Lit 21
llavoemin :,,b
U lilock 1
sTbis t!''.!!?' '"ti:''
1)1 luck 26 Biiyocuiin 'r...
lonbol Cook, lot 7 block
A I. IViry. W
. mot oa
1.1, If.
00.0.) M V lelitfrled, l U hi..
HaViH'eaii P-rk X
T.". ,.sr.iHy 'u t,,
block 50 llavimHk,.
Julia Klnibiy, lot 33 bt .
T II Potter Realty t l. ,
I block no llayoce,, p".Lbt
l M Bby, lot 3.1 l,i , (ji ,
' ocean Park ''
T II Poller Realty ' 0 Li w
13 .11
13 UO
111' 70
! T It Potter Really I , u tl
block 111 Bajoce.., p,, u
i ' l.ly t Jkiti.iJ
1 1 i.H-a iiayuce.i, pk
4ltl J (tardlier, lot 7 tl
t llayofeau pnlh
t Wt
I a i
I' II Potter Realty t
lull tt
ami iu Mi; k.
T II Putter Realty (.
Park ,,,"V ra ,U,''
(I II llawkl. . i it ii
I& blm k 01 l.y,Kr4a l'.,r
r II Potter Realty t . & ,
liliK-k (A Havikran tl
It M llal.nr, ut tl llucl. u
IlaviH'cinti 'af,
T II Putter Realty I , Jf y
IdiK-k ll IU)H-ca-i
r II Potter Realty I .j kd ti
btiH-k tW llay.Hci' t
T II Putter Realtr t M
block M lUy,- 04 I af k
T II Potter Keolt, I . Ui
ami itT block Co Ie,.
I 06
II aft
I 1
1 32
1 96
T II Pottrr Really I Ll U
blwrk I'A Hato-ra- rl
T II Potter Uealty I -l TO Tl
lkw M U)u.f ar.
1 II Poller Realty . ( ;
ItUx-k 07 Hayw-trA ii
Helen S. Gray, It.! . 3 T
21 II
l T
t, ' t, n ami ii ii
luU 1. . X I. f. I.
ii. it. it. n
bkank Us 1K
J P W Amlcf .... !
Naab-Kab N.r M
P A ArnoW lul ; t .
Kab Nte Ml
Ale N.blcy. U..
blork 10
II l liibrl. I t i
II and II (, , .
Itidife lleacli
s 4.14.
6't i
' l S'iV
d U
i i;
10 M
II l lAmbard. I -t . 4-v! I
bloek 3A t'Uai. p.. iv lUui
V J Ikrtai. M I a I K Un
tie ItWlt'e Itea'-h
WIU Hcaly .t. I sd IJ
block 6 NcfAflic. i If
Nehalem Hay J j: J . U ))
l)Wi 7 ami )! I a j 2 IWl
g Nacaroey I it
lvn L Kb imer, I '
bkxk 9 ,S'ccf. ..j ij
Ry Parmer, kit t r4 il
blwk 9 Nearr i lr
tirace 11 Yun?er ' ! J IAi
10 bhx-k It Nee ar y Ctty
J ti Meybrum l u i td I)
blNk II Nceafni-y I itf .
J R Necr, lot lii: ;xi li
NWarney Cily
A A Uiban. loU '). : It " 5
12 block 19 rcaf. cy t it)
Nehalom Bay Laml t . lot! II
ami 19 block ZZ Nrcitw
Nebaletll Bay Laii-I I It
13 and tt block .'I btiUUI
Nohalcm Bay liml ' . toil II
16. 10 ami 17 M-i ,SV
rarney t'lty .
II A IUII, lota ;. a 1 3 bbtt
13 Noearney (' ly
II A Bell, lo I. , t' (d B
block 13 Necar'-ey t T
J II llempeilry. I U and I
t..-k Hcabdttbl
K II rld, lot ! al I'kvi
.'.'ellalem Bay La I w
0. 7. , 9 ami 1" . I $'
Tha rfunaet Lai. I a I I '
inant Ciitijuti) l'l ft. 7 I'd
a block I .Sutuel Bra h
J H. Povoy lota 1 1 a'.l l"itlx
6 Snnot llcaih -
li t: lleldll.rtnk. I d . lift 5'
Muiuivl Beach
J,P W Amlerno... l-t w
block 23 Siii. l I-. . . ;
J. P. W. Amlera.n. ' H ,sJ
11 block 23
Julia M. Rgyal, ut nJ J
block D ami l U ami U
bliM-k U Nchalcm day,
V II Ji.hn-.on, k nil i Hkxl
K Nuhnloni ilay P . a
Nrlialom Bay Land . M
blk N Nehalcm lUy
II A Bell W i lot ll tdKk 0
Neliolcin Bay Pat -
Mary Norlhriii. lot 2" U1 H
N.dialuui Bay Park 'j
(ieo. W Tamlelo, lr l No. 7W
Fur further ilccriitiiin
tract bmik in aeor
tiak'u tXW, lol 43 bt k v
lialniii Bay Park ?
Daniel Crnnaii Bitatc, loU
3. I, 6, 0, 7, 8. II. K 11
12 block I Pacific Harbor
Daniel Cronau -itaU-, W
2, 3, 4, 5. IJ, 7. H, 9. 0.
13. II. 16 and 10 hi k t. T'
ItV iliirbor ,- ;';
Daniel Cronau BHate, Uhi
3 I, 6, 0.7,8 9, I'J, 1 and
12 block 7 unii lots 1. '.'j
5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, II n'l
block H Pacillc liar r .
Daniel Croimii Hitatc, loU I. A
3. I, 6, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, I ; !.
13, 14. If. mid 10 I.Lh-K 'J
lots I, 2, 2, I, U, 0, . , ft
10, II, 12. 13, II, If; ',J "
liloeli 10 Pacillc lliirhor......--
Diuiiel Crnnaii Bstalc, I, A
1, 6. II. 7. 8. 9, 10, ll, If. !
14, 15 and 16 block lo rci"c
lliirhnr ..;'
9 Oo
1 1 J
14 in
3. 30
241 .0
I t.M
t 56
2 ;
5 HO
12 IB
2, Hi)
3 Vi
I 50
3 Ou
tx on
I. 50
II. 00
I 60
Dnnlel Cnnian Bitate, I. -i ft
4, 6, (I, 7. 8, 9. 10. I '.u -block
18 Pacillc Harbor ..
Daniel (Jroiiiiii Bstatu, lot 'j
2, 3, I, 5. (1, 7. H. 0, 10, H
mid 12 block 19 iiml ''3 -
:i. . r., II. 7, H .'"(. ;
13, 11, 16 nnd 10 block -0J
cllle Harbor ,""',"
Daulul Crnnaii Bstatc. WJ
2. 3, 4. r.,ll, 7, H, 9. I ), !.')
III, I I, 15 aiid 10 Mot H
Piiellli: Harbor ,
Nulllu Buswlck, blocks I,
I, 5. II, 7, 8, 9 and W
pool i ,"'"
Nulliu Heswlok, lutn r. 0. AS'
9, block 11 and blocks 1A I'
ll, 15, 10, 17 nml 18
pool , ''m'K
Nulliu Buswlck, Nocks A
22, SSI, 21, 26, 20, 27,