Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 29, 1913, Image 2

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    Che Cillamook Rcrald
tf. 6. Crotnblcy, editor
Uucd Cu-lcc ! Week Cuodjy nd Friday
Kntaml ns second-class matter Mnv 1. 1910. at tho post otlleo nt Tillamook,
Oregon, under tlio act of Mnrch 3, 1S79."
Jiiiccr!ts.li!tf Kates
' ocl Advertisements
Hrst Insertion, per lir J .10
Buch subseownt irerf"n, lino .06
HonMtOful Notices - - 5.09
Timber Claims - - M-W
Notice, per lim ... .05
Cnrdsi uf thit'iV. per line - .06
Locals, w lin, rtrst insertion .7j
Knelt subsequent insertion, lino .05
Resolutions of Condolence and
Uxlgc notice!", per line .05
Business X- Professional cards, mo. 1.00
Display Advertisement, per inch .25
ALL Display Ail must be in this of
fice on Monday ami Thursday Morn
ings to insure publication in follow
itig Tuesday ami Friday issues.
Reasons are imperative.
I'D, in:t.
Editor linker of the Headlight still
continues his apparent polcv tf dis
coumcinc the ciitiens in their ficht
against th Warren Cons' ruction Co.,
by harping through the columns f his
paper, a bout Attorneys fets.etc. Editor
Baker appreitl has got hold of
somethinc ne en nt let go of very
well aid he is nuking the best of it.
In other wtirds he acts like a fellow
who has sot djwn on the flv paper.
We really wonder if he loves tho War
ren Construction Co., a much as his
paper woukl lead one to believe.
TillamooV City nvd- nn industry
that will produce tirished lumber for
building pur pos.es. It is to bo deplored
that so much raonev is -ent outside for
finishing lumber thtitoucht to be produc
ed at home. As an instance in regard to
this matter, we might state that Mr.
Melchior. who has the contract for the
building of the new Catholic Church
tells us that the cost of the rough lum
ber in the ne church will h mount u
SI 000, while the cost of the rimshinic
material will amount to $1200. The
finis-him; material n shipped heio from
.Mc.Minnville. When take into cn-
sideration the amount of building that I
is going on here we cn cume to but
one ei Miclusion and that is 'he fact that
a large amount of monev is going out
of this city for n atenai that ought to
be produced at hon.e listens to us
that the commercial club bus a tine op
portunity to do some real work for the
city by looking rfter this matter.
to form the minds of the young. So
its deplorable blunders are perpetu
ated The trend of science away from the
. approval of alcohol for anv common use
is well iltu'tratiti by the resolution
I which the international congress of
1 neurology has adopted. This bodv of
j more than a hundred eminent phsi-
cians representing some twenty
nations invite the governments of the
worhl "to take prompt ami rigorous
measures to put an oml to the evils of
alcoholism, in view of his disastrous
conveniences." What measure ought
to he taken the congress does not spe
cify. It only insists that thev shall be
strong and vigorous. The obstacle in
the way of their recommendation is
In almost everv civilized country the
manufacture and sale of alcoholic
drinks has become a great industry
employing thousands of men and mil
lions of money. Although it has no
standing in the court of morals, the
law mut protect it as it does other
forms of business, at least until it
hall have been outlawed. Perhaps
the mot effective assaults ujn.n the
drink evil will not come from the gov.
trnments of the worki. Education,
ood food and sh'irt hours of work ma
succeed where the law can only expect
Fair time is nearly lire u'tl we
wifh to say a fev.- vnrtlr to the ex
litbiteri ; trie fair not fir prize-,
but to .-Iniw the w rl.1 v hat Tillti
tum.k coi nty can pnxlnce.
The pri.e- arr In itwa'd people
for their work in demor-tniting-
The fair if for the county a a
whole, not 'or . few, ancl we want
every fnrmrr to help if you hove
yomethintr nice britiir it in", whether
n pr.ie is ottered for it rr not, airi
in that way help it- make a irooil
exhibit, there will be many people
here at that time and we mttft
make a jrotHi idiowinir.
We have 'isKe-.t the weather man
to invent jrourl weather and I think
he will, mi net ready for a irood
time ths 3-'- nd 5th of September
There will be speeches and dem
onatration- by the teacher of the
O. A. C. Sept. 3rd and Ith. and a
two o'clock ThurBday Sept. Ith. Dr
Kerr, the pre.ident of the college
will speak. Farmer d n t miff
thin addre.
There will be mu.-ic, apeaking
etc. tro-t of the time from 10:()a. m.
till 10-0'J p.m. eacn day, only hour
tor mealri and pvirade-
The ground and b'lildin. will
be well lighted by the Electric Liglit
We heard oi one man telling' that
we had no place for tock. Don't
be fooled by each reportc We have
a ter.t 107 by 30 for, cow and an
other one rOby-KMorhor.-e-'. Thee
are fitted with proper .tdt1, and if
thee won't acrommod -tethe stock,
other will be furiiiHhtc'.
We want everything in place
Wednesday, Sept. 3rd,.'Hl 10:00 a.m.,
when the preident will touch a
button that will net Tillamook
county' first annual fair in opera
tion It will all be worth .seeintf, Come
and ramp with u until the fair i
over, and have a .'ool time and no
Hway hajipy chotUint; praiue for
Tillamook Coi'nty.
Let us be boocters, the Lord love
booster for His country and even
the Devil liken a booster for hi. No
one lo -e a drone
AH we lack to havintr a Paradise
in Tillamook iH'.for u all to turn in to
Anirel, bootintf the fair may help
sprout the winu.
I hope we will all take advantage
of our cpportunitieH in thin jjood
country and be a happy people.
Genenil proramw will be on the
bromide each day Come to Tilla
mook City September 3-1 and f and
enjoj' yourselvc.
S'our. to boost our county.
li. V. Hi, A LOCK,
From Oregonian :
The verdict of disinterested science
continues to go more and more strong
ly tiicainst alcohol In all its forms and
di'puihes. Keputable physicians have
almost ceased to employ it in their pre
scriptions. The persistent supersti
tion that it was a food Has perished.
It has been proved that alcohol only
appears to stimulate the bed 1) strength.
In'reality, it depresses the energies
and weakens the person wtwm it de
ceives into the foolish confidence that
it helps him. That it stupefies the
mental energies has been known for a
long time.
There is a peculiar species of wit
that is imbibed with "booze," but it
appeals only to those who have them
selves sipped a drop or two too much.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, in u famous
passage of the "Breakfast Tab'e Auto
crat," sounded the praises of alcohol
as a mental vivifier. Perhaps no other
paragraph in our literature lias done so
much harm. There is scarcely a gen
uine medical scholar of our day who
would agree with his conclusions, but
the passage is read in schools and helps
Furnished by Pacific Abstract Co.
F. i. Gattrell to J,ick A. Rain lot
23 blk. 3 Manhattan. S150
Henry F. Smith and wf to Oscar
Myers lot 4 being SWi of Stt'i see. 30
and lot 1 being NW uf NWJ sec. 31
T 3 S R 9 W & SKi.of SEi see.j 25 T.3
R R 10 W.
A M. Hare toWm. Makinster i wife
tract in sec. 13 T 1 S R 10 W, J530.
C. W. Wilks und. i int SK of NEi.
NJ of SK5 ami SWi of SE1 sec. 13 X 2
N R 10 W, $1.
D. A. Browne to Marguerite llrowne
und. 5 of Its S. 9, 10 and 11 Blk. I A.
A. Miller's Addn.. 10.
B. C. Hampton & wf to Stephen
Zhobert lot lo blk. -S Necarney City,
Emilv F. Foster to F. Gattrell lot 6
blk 11 Manhattan B -ach, $70
The Elmore Packing Co. to Mrs.
Elizabeth Bowerman, lota 36 and .t
blk. 3 Elmore Par..
Certificate of ownership in regard to
Tillamook lee and Cold Storage Co. of
Tilla nook, Oregon. (F. I). Small.
B. S. iluntingtuti & wf. to Sundlake
Co. et-al. jint. in Sj of .V.VJ Sec. 17 T
3 S R 10 W bO acrci, $10.
E. E. Allen &. wf to Sandlake Co.
All E t & Int in Ej of .VJ and lota 2
ami 3 Sec 20 and SJ of SWJ sec i" T 3
S R 10 W. 2u0.C3 acre.
Fred W. Wilson & wife to Sandhue
Co. all R. T & Int in(same last above
described property.) il
Matt Maroney to MargueriU
lot 5 bU S Moroney Town, f 100.
Matt M-jroiK-y to Emmeiine F. Bunus
lot 4 blk K Woroney I own, $100.
Mutt Moroney to Agnes Loflin
I blk 8 Moroney Town. $100.
Wm Wright Olds & wf Ui John W.
Kelso, lot 6 blk. 03 Brighton Beach.
J. A. Curnmings &. wf to Dan A Al
ley, lot 40 Streae acres, $500.
F. J Gattrell to Wm. Adolph Brcit
maver, lot 0 blk 5 Manhattan, $190.
rranK L. MaGuire lo Itichard B.
Uorney, lots I to S inc blk I Tillamook
Beach $10.
First Bank & Trust Co to Emma B.
Pentieid, lot 30 blk 52 Kockaway Beach
Chas. Ray to J. L. George lot 19 Blk
I Par Addn to Cloverkale, $100.
Brighton Development Co to Ru
dolph W. Hennemem lots 31 and 32 Ink
70 Brighton Beach 5100.
J. D. Jones i wf to Joe Bixby, SJ
of Nrt'i Sec 3T4SKS W fcO acred $10.
Josepn Bixby and wf to J D Jones
i acre tract in sec 30 I' 3 S R 9 W, $1.
First Bank. & Trust Co. to Matilda
Skow, lots 8 & 9 blk 44 Roikaway
Bea:h, $-10.
First Ban' & Trust Co to Henry
Skow lots 47 & 4b bile 13 Runaway
blk 43 Rockaway Beach, $-10.
Fust BanL v J rust Co to Anna Sow
lots 5 and Ct blk 45 Rockaway Beach,
The Elmore Park Co. to Anna Krebs
lot 38 Blk 0 Elmore Fnr. $10.
A. H. Bringolf and wf to Clara R
West lots II and 12 hi 1 Tillurnooi
Beach, $1.00
Eva Swank & hus to C. H. Horninir
lot 12 blk 5 Sand Lake by tho the Sea
T. B. Potter Reality Co to Corbett,
lot 17 bl 49 Bayocean Park, 10.
J. It. .Minich and wf to J, A. Bald
win lot 54 blk 97 Brighton Beach, $10.
Brighton Development Co to .Minta
Old lot 9 blk 08 Brighton Beach, $200.
C R. Curtisa to Wm Wright Old lots
7 and 8 blk 01 lots 5, 0, 7 and 8 blk 63
lota 6 and 0 bin 39; lots 7 and 8 blk 08
Brighton Beach, $-1000,
L. E. Morton to Harry A. McCuen,
lot i blk 10 -rheo. Jacoby's Addn to Bay
Johanna Jassman to Jennie and Eliza
beth Jassman, lots 4 ami 5 blk 22 ' ilia
mook Beach $1.00
Frank P. Miller and wf to J. G. Jass
man and A H Schloth, lot 32 blk 57
Rockaway Beach, $10.
Lloyd C. Smith to I. II. Smith lot 7
blk I first Addn to Bar View, $10
U. S. to Louis VVilka SW of NW1,
NW of SWi of sec 29 and NJ of SEi
sec so i a it o w, loo acres.
J. It. Mlnlch to J. A Baldwin bill or
sale to i int in stooV of gonernl mdso
in store on lot M hi 17 Brighton 1
Beach, $10.
Nehalem Bay Land Co, to Sunu U.
DIu'Hr, lot ft bl" I Nelialem Beach. $ti.
Lahowltch Bros (of Portland) to
Louis Lahowltch all Int In stock In
ton known as the Grand Leader In
i-illnmool, Oregon, $10 1
It. PeMnrritt and wf to Welch
Grocery Co. lots 17 and IS blk -I Man
hat tan Beach, $j 75.
lillamook Bay Fish Co. (R. Blaine
llajs, et al. incorporators.
1-1 1). Iltulloy X- wf to Ida Had ley
, SJ of Its 3 and I blk 25 Thayer's Addn.
to nilamook, $1.
1 til) Hodley and wf to Ida lladlov,
Si of lots 3 ami 4 bV S t'haver's Addn
to 'illamoov also lot I Bit ,S Park Addn
to fillamook,
Ttuvs. Rocknor & wf. to Frel Kook-
ner lot II block 4 Sand Lake by the
Sea, $1,000.
United States of America to RoImtI
1 Johnson. S. W. of N. K. 1 of sec.
tlon IS 3N 10W. 10 acres.
Manhattan Reallv Co, to Marjoric
M. Dm stop, lots 17 and IS, blk. 10. ;
Manhattan Beach. $S0,
W. A. Uivett A wf. to Bradley A.
Ewer, lot 2 blk 1 Bright Waters.
United Brethren Church Note. '
Sun-'ay School 10 A. M.
Morning Ser-.-iee U A. M. Dr. J
P. O. Bonebrake, Presiding Elder
of tlregon Conference, will preach I
ami conduct the Quarterly Com-.
munion Ser ice.
Christian Eiuleavor 7 P. M. Top
ic : "Missionary Essentials, Home
and Abro.id." 2 t'rayer. This Is the sec
ond topic in a series of missionary
essentials. j
Leader Miss Lul.i Tluima .
Evening Service 8 P. M. This ser
vice will be a Union letuperanre Meet
ing and will be held in the United lire- '
thren Church. The speaker will be
Miss Lois -mith. State Supt. uf the
Oregon loyal TemK'riinco Legion, and '
Mr. George N. Taylor, Fieltl See'y of '
the Oregon Antl Saloon league. i
The Qunrtvrlv business meeting will ,
be held in the church Sat Kve. S P. M. '
Dr. Boneb tike will be present to
conduc'. this meeting and receive re
ports. The church 'hYint, presidents
ami treasurers of the dilferent Chureh
organizatuni arc rtipiestttl to bring
Methodist Church Notei.
If You Can Manufacture Anything
Come to
To Do The Manufacturing
The Sunday School picnic was a '
ruccess ui every respect, about ISO '
too advantage of the outing. !
Conference time is approaching rap-.
idly. It is held in Eugene. Ore in the j
week of Sept. 2i st. Much remains to !
be done between now and that time. j
The pjpul.ir course of li-ctures otTer-,
etl at our chuteh nel week will fur-
nish us a rare treat. Every member I
of the church ettend. Our friends are
invited. J
Next Sunday '
At 10 M. Sunday School. Wo I
have classes and teacher for all.
At 11 A. M. Public woiship. Sub- 1
ject, "Conserving Our Means." I
At i P. M. loung Pooplus Meeting.
At 8 P. M Union Meeting at the
U. B Church.
II, W. Kuhlman
I 'as lor.
Presbyterian Church Notes
No preaching services next Sunday.
A union temperance service will be
held in the United Hrethren church at
8 P. M. Miss Lois Smith suerintend
ent of the Loyal Temperance Ieginn
of Oregon, and Mr. George N. Taylor,
.. .. r . I. . ....... l-..
!5iYd4 HUvs ami NM4?liil
nSso will brlnjir ay
rolls to - -
t li e ma ii u f sivi ai ri jijut
vMy oib .ilijalrn3 May
Nchalcm Hatbot Co.
Wheeler, Oregon
I'oithnd OKlui
TllUnwok Olfli
327 railing iisdj
loon League, will give addresses.
In the Circuit Court of the Stntc
uf Oregon, for the County of
Mildred E. Small and
F. D. Small, Plaintiff,
Anna Hcrrall, Charles
Her rail and Robert Her
rail, Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, J. 0. Holden, as referee ap
pointed by the Court to make the salt.
will pursuant to the order anil decree
of the said Circuit court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Tillamook
made anil entered on tho 20th day of
August, 1913, in the case of Mildred E
Small. F. D. Small, plaintiffs,
vs. Anna tlerrall, Lnnrles Her
rail and Robert Hcrrall, de
fendants, on the 27th day of Septtm-
oer, iui.j. at u.w o ciock In llie fore
noon of said day, at the Court House
door in Tillamook County, in Tillamook
City, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, in tho
manner required for the sale of real
property on execution, all the follow
ing described real property, to-wit:
Tide lots one (1). two (2). three (3),
four (4), five (5), six ((i), seven (7)
and eight (8). in Stillwcll's Addition
to tho town of Lincoln (now Tillamook
Such sale shall be subject to confir
(nation by the Court and the property
win oe koiu in one parcel.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Tillamook County Bank
a corfioralion, PlninlllT,
I Notice o Sale of Tide i.ninl.
I Notice i. hrreby gun that the iUl
I .a ml Board of the) .Stall of Orrgpn wilt
i sell to the hlghot blcStWr mI li olli. c
I III tho Capitol llulkllng t Ha loin, ir
I gon. on tJcw.l.cr 7. 101.1. at 10 CO o'c.V
in. in. uf ail lat ill ' hn .i,,'
Kilo Patt.-ron awl Fred !'r,w' ,,,n. "m orrti.w a.l.
VU..lir I I. f. twit, nl a
To Friil Wheeler, one of thr above
named defendants
In the name of the Stale of Oregon
You are hereby reiiuirnl to apiK-nr and
answer the complaint filed against you
hereinafter deacrltml giving, tiovarvnr
to the owner or owners ( any Ui. l
abutting or fronting on aurh ticlr ami
overflow laud, the prnfwrnheti right to
purchase said tide and nvurllow lamia
nt the highest pfirn olfff.- I, provide!
such offer l made n gixl fmih, nml
In 1 1,., nluitfn ..nlitl.M .;,,! , WIS" Providing Willi thtf HrX Ul tint
on or before the expiration of six week ! 1,0 r'T' m'f un ,r''r "mrefor ic-
from the date of the first publication I 'P"i w i s man .wi i-r, the
id if you fail so in, "'ni rrsemiig me right to
of this summons, and
Notice Is hereby given, that I, F. It.
Beals, as Trustee of F. D. Stalford.
from and after this date until and in.
eluding Saturday, the 30th day of Aug
ust, 1913, will receive bids for the Halo
to such bidders of thereat property sit
uated in Tillamook County, Oregon,
described aa follows:
Block 71 of Beals' Addition to tho
town of Lake Lytic, according to tho
plat thereof of record in th officii of
County Clerk of Tillamook County,
Oregon :
Also lot 4. block 8. Mohler according
to the plat thereof of record In theoftlco
of the County Clerk of Tillamook, Co,
That nald lands will be Hold to satisfy
the aums of money duo from said
Stalford to said Beals. and that I re
servo the right to reject any and all
bids received.
Dated this 29th day of August, 1913.
P. It. Heals, Trustee.
appear anil answer for want thereof
the plaintlir will apply to the court for
the relief demanded In the complaint.
The relief demanded in the complaint
is, that it be decreed that you have no
right, title or interest In or to two cer
tain notei for l.'WO.OQ each executed
by Kile Patterson to C. E. Keynolds,
secured by a mortgage covering the
SEi of HWL and Sj of SEl Sec. 23.
and SWJ of SWI See. 2-1, In Twp. I S.
It. 9 W. Vi. M., which mortgiige was
recorded at page 102 of HuA "U" of
'the Records of mortgages of Tillamook
County, Oregon, which notes and
mortgage were thereafter unsigned by
said C. E, Keynolds to you and by you
transferred to Tillamook County Bank,
the plnintiir in this cainc, and that you
be forever baried imd fnrerloied of all
right, title, interest or estate In or lo
the said mortgaged property, and for
such other and further relie- aa to tho
court may seem equitable, including a
foreclosure of thu aforesaid mortgage
and a judgment against tho defendant
1'altersori ror the amount of thu said
notes, together with Interest and at
torneys fees.
'I tils summona Is published and serv
ed Ukjii you by publication In the
Tillamook Herald by an order of thu
HonorableJIomer Mason, County Judge
of Tillamook County, Oregon, dated
August 21st, 1913, -requiring you to ap
pear and answer tho complaint on or
before the expiration of six weeks
from the date of the first nuhlientinn
of this bummons, and tho first publica
tion of this summons is Hindu on thu
22nd day of August, 1913.
ti. 'i'. Botls, Attornoy for
rrfert nhv
and all bids. Saul lands are situate in
Tillamook County, (rK.,jn, mxl des
cribed as f dlows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point W.U feel N.
21" -it E, from the quarter roctlnn cor
ner between Section ft and H T. 5 S K
10W. of W. M., at the high water line
on the right bank of the little Nestucca
Klver; thence
N. I2-WW 27.1.1 feet along 'high
water line
S. 43 B7' W. GO.O feet to low
S. 00
er line
N. 13 6r E. 71.0 feet to the place of
beginning, containing ,3M acirs of
tide land being tide land I
tract owned by Chas. Bay In sections 0
and 0, I . f. S P.. tu W. of W. M.
Applications und bids should bo ad
dressed to 0. G. Brown. Clerk Statu
Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and
iiiurnvii Application anil bid to pur
chase tide lands "
(J. (J. Brown.
Dated July 22, 1913.
rr idx
l line il f
w I -mi H''ni-
Im Iff Oall
7iV f .on l(.lirM nnta
Mu IWJUO n IT,'S ""
IXf -mil luC )vu IjU
W rHie 6rtcrxj6dl
i 44 A nilinLrrof eifiBilfl
m .' t.m rn Lvf W1'!
(4.tuiv uy lo imiuui iu
ruu hxix T
10' I). 273.1 feet along low wat-
Alex McN.ir k
Notice ol Assessment.
by an order duly made and entered by
m ivouiuy ivoun oi mo ntato or Uru
icon for Tillamook County, thu under
signed, A. N. Marolf, has been duly
unpointed administrator of the estate
of John Claud Marolf, dereascd,
and all persons having claims against
tho said estate are hereby notified and
required to present the same, with
vouchers, duly verified to the under
siKncd, or to his attorney, S, 8, John
son, at rillamook, Oregon, within six
months from this date,
A. N. Marolf,
n . i a orAji!!.,,"",lrttl"r "foresaid.
Dated Aug, 25, 1913,
Miami Lumber Company, a cormra
Hon, having Its olllco and principal
place of business at No, Ran East
First Street, In tho City f ., A.
geies, Hlate California.
Lfrimtlll an a.....
auiiuiv in HEREBY GIVEN, that
at a meeting of tho Board of Director
I of said Miami Lumber Company, hold
on ii.u2.ird day of August, pjtn, an as
sessment of $ bo per share was levied
UMn (he Issued capital stock of said
corporation, payable Immediately to
L VV. Isham, secretary of said cor
.oration at No. 830 East First Street,
forte c,tv ''" Angeles, Statu 0f Call-
,nAfiyi,HtM:k u,,'wn wh,cl' ''
merit shall remain unpaid on the 30th day
Ifr1, i018' V"' 1,u lllnquont
and advertised for sale at public auc
f ir? "''I' "nlulyent is made be
fore, wll he sold on thu lHth day of
Octobor, 1013 at 10 o'clock a m. o.
inioif1 V ,my .lh. ,lu'''iue, t assess,
nent, together with coita of advertis
I'Hf and expenses of sale. U4U",B
H. W. Isham,
, .. . .Secretary.
Miration ut ,m.... u-m ii . .
Street, Los Angoles, California, i
15, 25 nd Wittf
100 W4tt '.S
150 Vstl
. r.t Hil"-
TOiiro i,ioe- - - ,rt
W deliver Isini" Vr(i
Ihr clly. Trrpon
wiring n inr AkH'1
burnt with koo'I H0" wk
vuiMtMk Bleotrlo t.
v i v. fc. Ha. VP'
1 .v
Wanted -A horiie. ,
pros ,M
over j
eleven hundred:
. m ..
airaw m auios, iw tf i
old. must be soundln .Vl
color, bay or black.
Harnett, Oarnesdale, re.