illamaok issued twice a week tuesday and friday Largest Circulation of Any Paper in "Tillamook County Tillamook, Onkoon, ACoi'st 2'J, 1013. NO. (53 It ih the aim of thin Imnlt to pvc the bent ha akin,' service pQhttililc --ami we lo it. It m also our aiat to have the tfv lKst equipment such an Modern lfire Proof Itnnlcing K.Him, lfir IVool Vault. Hur i'lu Proof Safe. Modern Safe prootii llnxcs and wv have i In. in. FIRST NATIONAL BANK , TILLAMOOK. ORKGON SULZEl RECEIVES UP-STATE SUPPORT Allwti), N Y Oovemor HuUrr ffhovttt IMmttM In llm report tmm lhi hbtftrtnfif V iitnlrtft at llirtttiftirtitt f Iim I otMtf. imllriiiliiK (tm( mntiy of tti up- I .I.Im ul... ftlH.I ........ ...I ltl 4lrn-t primary Mil or hud voted tor lliipeadhliietil wnfii refused dMrigttatloti hy their parly committee. "J'lio governor declined to comment on r of () cIhuikc. bring rout;bi In the lutrwiniH'l of the itftvmnblv. hut J nemj) ui ttik It tor granted Hint pub. I II-. ...... ll. u.. .K,.i,l. I.. 1. 1. .,. r-WH.IH'M,. "(IP ,,',,, III III in' or. 'Dip mot ntKMiaiitt change In t la ttilKlwUoil for til" niimmbly run afdrtl Urn turn-down of Asaetably tUjSB 'I'. K. Small (or another term by PraiMla A. itmiilrlctot. tho Onondaga county It(Hil4lcti Inadm. i. . xi tlulcr'n Cnemlci Now Under Flrt, N.w York. Tli Indictment of J nrt r, Murph). leader of Tnm- iaa Man; aiiw j. i-evj. n-nimr oi tha Pwnacrjar Majority In tlitt i embty, nid Jui I'ntwlej. rhulr ita of it omuiltt' hleb inienl- -VMtt Oovwrnar 8u!tr' ramtrvUta I NEWS FROM OUR " NATIONAL CAPITAL S President Outlines Mexican f ollcy lo the House and Senate. Wanhlngton - Tho policy of tho Unjjid Hum win outlined to the mttfxSW of two congressional cow inirvx of foreign relations at n con ference at tin white house by Presi dent WlUon nntl Hecretary lirynn. WVwlnomlay President Wilson wa tcftftiuled to read hi meitiuiKO to bolt liotiii'xi of conKrvKK, defining tho Hutu iiuuhts oi vnamrvfn, imiidiiir, wnj policy which ho think. the United M oMU Mn Hist should pur"UD townnl lu BOUUiorn nHKhbor. A ti hoar poatiioi DEMOCRATS NAME M'CALLJOR MAYOR ?ow York. -Kilward B. Mcrl. chnlrrnnn of th public nfrvleo cow mlKnlon, won (Icnlnnnted uh mayoralty cnnII)utc hy thf f)cmocratlc city com tnlttfi. Mr. ilcCair oi-lectlon hy tho SSO rte!r;at:i n4 lfflJur of tho Tammany fcrcua wm unnnlmouo. an hex been forfeaiii alncc It appeared from an nounrmfita that th Tammany Iid nra had decided not to n-nomlnatn Mayor (iaynor and that hu would be nomlnotHl by tho "(Jaynor longuo" with a eotnplutn Independent city t!5k; HfiiiHmntit of tin! tiro rt;niiit.on of lixv meaaaKi wlilob was tuDju Lota rirad TutMlny W to aftor a Joint ritual from ; ,lokt', ln th" al'l-'mocratlc. H. Knraf rlco Ciamhoa, Muxtean forolun Mayor CJaynor!! dutcrmlnntlon to run for ro-lctlan u an Independent AuarmnteeH ou of the HviillVKt rnunlc ltl cnmralgnt Nw York baa aeen In Mvral year. Thru will be three tnlRlKier, and John Llnd, I'rtwldunt Wiaon'a purnonal rnprmiintatlvj In Mvjlco. It followifd rpatl uffortfc oti tho iwrt of Hucrta offtelnl to Iihv',' reading of the documnnt di ferral luduflnltvly. Too nicMMifi prepartrd by the jiresl- he Rest the Drug World Produces T 'l it C 'nlirvr Hut kit-vlc!i:v Uif rcwilt of t:i Krirtn t with !runti. Vu ii 't rrv'iiuitrni iMirrn mmimt tmr witi hh- for- 'ui. 'ui vf ih tmt ka-nv whnt thrv cnaUiai. VI 1)0 RF.C0M.MENl) DIKE'S HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES (Vj.u .r thrni to Ik juat what tlwy ehiin to They . . S . I. ...... iiiIimI Ian.- !n Ion. MM iPIJtCTIV, mm wr, minmnx . ar, ... ,i,M tu Imfk thi-m t the Haul n the lt tn I ft. t I fifi.iKYJt. U ik tU lJi(tiiliylitiJ .Y Y.hiII itwi inrui Drt f wlaUin. ILLAMOOK DRUG STORE oni n. u KOCH tSi HI L. L. m-.i. i iniAciioM nuMiAKTtin. arr'KACti ir nor sAtntAOionr lOlitflbul'UDi, ha Hea rocucnt.d of ' n,- Maiteari nhuallon n-iv i ! itlatrtrt aMoretrya of iNhw i orK I -A Altvy rount! ty l.ynn J. Ar .id. i f Albany, an araat Bnlmr gp ' rtrr alon and Indepundont The Ktietoalstii, who Include Kopub-1Ir.-iiih. Prognmalva, ladspendence Ioskuo and nomn Indopendont Dcmo crata. have Mictcd John I'urroy Mlt-chnlt. ; ANXICTY FELTIN MEXICO Swltt OrtaW PrlUted If Cajreei Oc aate P'esltltr.t'i 9tat-.m-nt. i VImkiph rliv The LminfKl al ttrty wa ttanifetd In ih rsil:al a to Wcit In Row Vlth Land Board Kalnm. Or. The moftt KeHoUS Ullllk UH HIV ..I.3AIKJ1II nilVA.IUli IWCIl' . ...I'i.,..., .i. -ii. i..-.-,.i i-i.. ; broaoh In the hlatorr of tho detrt nut ) m. vi-4atii un 1 1 'i m j ' - - ObUrae of thl BovornitiBiii will be onu ' lat xl oaw t a mcotlnK when ofirtoa latorrervnco. In thu hopo that Governor Went deflwl th other mem the fwl of U pnwent effort and (hr to ask for an extension of the th prwiiiur of fondcu Kovrnmunt6 contract between tho fwlira! ovcrn w2l eontUut a moral suasion thai 'anal and thu etatf for tho Deachutes ulfloMUly will hrinB atwtu peace In U"1 company prolcct. Muilco. i When tho Ixmrtl declined to accede i rt fimt ' to Mr. Wml's domantlH to rescind thu will 10 no HfUtis of tho em-' the .'xtension of tlmo granted lant CREGOH HEWS I'ZTd OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Cccurring Throughout tiie State During the Past Weelu Clrl Saved From Dre-vnlng Father Eugoae. Hunhlnj; Into the awlft current of tho Willamette river to her armpi'-a. Mra. B. C. Welch fouiiht for several minuter to rewsue her ID-year-old dnuRhU r from the clutchea ot her drownlnn huband. Slttlnt; on the bar . " e saw her huer.ind suddenly begin to draK the daughter, Kva Welch whom he was teaching to swim, out Into the deep current Three tinea ahe Kttw her sink. She pushed out a board, but the girl was unable to graap It. Then she herself plunged In, and was succoMful. Just as she reached the laat ftep she could have taken and still retained her feet. J llll, "Til. V "W " " " ifete4 In tn ce; a to w nrmt; (lmt no (notion or week, during his absence, the govcr III Uo th dt-vclHiont of the . K?j.(,K3l , v,Si;0 fi w- allowcHl nor ald he would do everything ln Ji.nn Of thf UnitiHl 8tata fo- , riltMtv muo.iifon ,,f war from tho 'his powur to have the federal sov- what 0ilrtak.UJ Of ihv UnitlHl 8tta KO- . , , .,, ,r. ui, nnr l Vinie Iho federal eov Mxio ntUlUdii to of uuin fifilnt propoao to Increase the Amerl-1 contract. while th ppl.. tMhlent her. both ; cri dr , ,0 ,IlforC4. thu . netivn and forin. are iliapwying atp p j(t,. a)prhenion. T, United Stnte had tiroposc! thnt ft conailtutlonal ulactlou be held and that HixTtn bhotild not be it can MAYOR CENSORS GOWNS Humor are that ll'iertu la MU cou- '.tderlna renUnlnu In favor of 0nrsl T n.vli.o. but then. l no souud t. T(J th(iB(( 'ion. through for thin awertlon. The public opinion d bt)JU,VOT end This Coupon Today U will hint Vim i. I-H..A...,. . hw N OU m luf n. tl, Uinlly 4 v.... lb, 54,, FMb KrIU of th U,t, cvnrltane r.vfJ and It will a. yu Im lluu ll yon iy whrn V" 1 J. CtwMiSSHN. TllUinA. Orro You .,,,,1 ,., frc lUnraturo alxml tl, Sn 1'ra.ideeo l'..xHi- - la Tuurn i it i.t!ire.Hl here tlmt there will be a ' nwift culmination of nil pwietnbl n Udoiiii If conpr U Blven an oppor tunity fur fr debate on 1'reiildout WO.on'n niatetnent of the facta In the cum?. peace could bo restored, Huerta r plied In the negative. KorelKn kov- Albee Says "Late Models Find Favc ln the Underworld." Portland. Ileplylnt; to a letter from a youug woman who requested that he help her choose her fall gowns, to 1........ nitnln.l I HI rr-ll 1 1.1. fit UliV lll&l ernments generally since that roJc- wojjM xMalu hls X-rny" proseriptioi,. tlon have (won active In support of M A,boe lpsuoU .(n opt.n re,,y de. the American policy to persumle fen,nK ,)ls order to thli pollce to ar. I Huortn to yield. J piat u wcarer8 0f immodest gowns. Work on Tariff Dill Progressing "You will surely excuso this appeal . i . wrote the mayor's fair questioner, Kepiltil can beuaiora nru Kith - - .... dence of tirlnB over continued fruit- 'whose name the mayor wJthtoH Llnd Lcavet Mexican Capital. j Vera I'ruv Atl'iidw hy St secret . ... ... .ii.... tMi. s. rvlre men air. wwi, i-nw' 1 uence oi urinB ur 'nforma- on", eioy. arrived here from, the 1(88 0I,08,0n to the tariff schedule tho notice dl I no t pi o ex jet -nforma .. . i si.... ii.. . ...... tJ i...i,. ...n,i. in uon In resanl to the length ana wtum. .Mexican eapun. i, . BIU. nun., i-.u!.. " , ... , , . ,.. ... fhol,inB I jV I illil WVM V' .-. LARGE CROP OF SUCKERS Government Agent Finds 20.000 Have Been Fooled by Crooked Locators Portland. Investigation of fraudu lent locators who located vlcUma on tractii In the railroad land grant which was recently declared forfeited to tho government will continue for several weeks. The fraud has been so exten sive and there are so many victims j and locators that the government au- thorltles have a veritable mine of cvl ! dence. During the time the government was preparing the bring suit for forfeiture of the many millions of acres in tho land grant, the country was flooded vith the advertisements of men who offered to locato people on choice sec- an acre, either from the railroad or tho government, depending which won the suit. Thousands of people became Interested and accepted the offers. There then sprang up a crop of loca tors, who would locate a victim on a likely-looking tract of timber and charge n substantial fee for the trou ble. There are Instances where a dor en or oven 20 people have been located on the same Identical tract of timber, and the locators charged anything they could get. As near as the officials have been ahle to learn, there have been 20,000 locations made. wan aerompnulod by Mrs. I.lnd. It Is consideration of the bill. t trui i mi Mil munrwu i II Jl DELS MAN & DOLAN flliNfitfAl. !I!,M1;NT eONTUACTOU Sidewalks, Floors, Foundations, Chimneys, Building Blocks, Septic tanks, tie. ALL WORK GUARANTEED . ..i I. ,iM,iii,v HOTliruuixuo ffiUi OI O TILLAMOOK V. imiw ,..Y OR AT CRMKNT HLOCK I'AC 1 ORY msiuerawon i .. . ..... , Ul.,.v,,l here .hat Mr. UndV mla.ln.. Th w, schedule has been dlspos- , nU nfraW to ran ended and that (Sonenil TriiOito ei c)f so far as It will b? cons derea . -i - . - , Htlddeli cull to Mexico Uity menus i,y ti,0 senate in commuieu oi mr , - --- - ,.inl be will noon assume the prest-; w ll0,e. " "T.k u , known to tho deary. (Jonernl lluoita taking com-! Ttl011Kh no vote .vas taken on free , "It probnblj I. not know n to the Lnd h, the field against th, rebels. , niw wool. tll0 decisive showing on that , K ood n,n o f h0 ,t- 1 having been deferred until the bill , have adopted various of he late mod comes from the committee of the ; U of areas lor roe wm. Z " el .1 " inunee committee rates on most of these Mate affairs find fa or wo nuuiufncturos were agreed to j In the undreworld. where the unfor 1 L " " "VJ, nnd there was ev- tunatc. who live there have seized IVllIIUU Mit .....w... Imliei tlon tint raw vool would People in the News fNEY Ii. 1UINDHH.SON I'rt mil i'n t Survryot JOHN LBLANO IIKNDKRSON tSVi' AllornryiI.-wiiNoly:Publlc 'raini r I I lVfifl.Cftli. TIT I As AX BBltl (iNCOItl'OKATItlD LAW : ABSTRACTS : Jf SURVUY1N0 : lNSl'KANClv Tllfamook, Oregon La Vin The Herald V Mort Widely Read Paper in the County The first woman Judge In Norwny hn- hewn appointed at llnmmerfesL She Is Huth Soreiiron, 30 yenrs old and unmnrrleil. Kninels lhiMou llarrlsoil. a leading New York lawyer and a member of congress, has been appointed hy I'resl dent Wilson to ho governor general Of the Philippines. Dr. It. Clurlie Hyde must race u jury for the fourth limn u larK of munleilng Colonel Thoiims II. Swopc. millionaire philanthropist of 'Kansas t'liy Judge Alton l. Parker, former dem oeratle nominee for president, ha been engaged to prosecute the lin peachmenl eharges ngulUHt Ooveruoi William Sulieer, of- New York. Alexander Sullivan, a prominent Chi ciigo lawyer. 1 dead at the ago of years. Sullivan was at the head oi the Claii nadael nt tno um" murder of lr. Cronln. a ease which at wide attention. After nn exhaustive exiimluutlon of Harry K. Tlw 1,1 ,H ,u n" ' hrooke, Quoboo. Hr. Joxeph Noel, the Jail phywlulan. pronounced him ua per i ,.., Ills verdict Is expected to have an Important hearing upon ...I...-.'., rivht for freedom. Upon recommondntlon of tho elate . i ....nintiH. (iovernor Dunne, of DOIIIU I ' . ,., llllnolH, has refused to commute he - i.Hi.ivn Artnur ooiii ?? r,:.r;0 '.Absolute ufo-cuu Maury I. Dlgg-. one of the Dlggs- i .ur.ndiinta. convicted at 8a Francisco on four o .U oounU. .... i... ii-. eliarcllIK whlto UV. rurnUho by hla father and uuole, and wlU ho aentencoa soptewuer r' remain free. With only n liart o st- n pftrtlon of the paper b tll Biuidrlos sehedule reinaii.- .i. - 5 Ctw--idornd in committee, democratic lead ers evprotsod ctmfldence that the In omo U wouIm ' he disposed of be fore tho end of Ihe coming week. a mm' the in doles on tho free list -..tifhwi were nurlcultural Implements. beet and susur cane, machinery, lilco hoi, horses and mules and animals roi breeding, bibles, breads, biscuits nnd many others. Amendment Made to Currency Bill. -rim neileultural currency amend ment to tho administration currency bill was adopted by tho house nemo- eratlo caucus. After seveml prelim inary slclnnlHhes. In which outer amendments were beaten, iho caucus, ...niw.ut ii iilssentlnc voto. adopted an amendment agreed to both uy u e iiiirueiit" contingent nnd tho nanK- Ing nnd currency committee, to put paper based on agricultural pronucis on the Hitmo basis as commercial pa per for bunking purposes. Jt also would extend the maturity oi noi and bills admlttod to discount, under (he amendment, to 00 days, liiBtend of tho originally proposed 60 days. ThlB action disposed of the last ot Iho big controversial issues ln the ad ministration currency bill. National Capital Brevities Figures gathered by the federal quarantine hoard of Uih department af agrloultura show that durlnf! the past yeara 3.779.041 growing tra upon them as a means for furthering their illegal business," says the mayor 9,000,000 Pounds of Salmon Canned Astotla. Tho spring salmon fishing season on the Columbia river, which Just closed, wilt be the poorest In many years. This Is especially true ot tiie lower river district. Plants on the upper river did much better. a conservative estimate of the amount 'm-' i,r nlnceo tie canned pscV at 230.000 cases, "as they run," or aj prox.maiel i4s.5ou .ua cuoe. l'u. pack represents 9,000,000 pounds ot raw fish. The cold-storage pack totals about 3-150 tierces of S00 pounds of cured fish, or n total of 4,S9a,00O pounds. Philippine Governor Quits Suddenly. Manila. Y'. Cameron Forbos, governor-general of the Philippines since November. 1009. sent his resignation to Washington. It Is effective Septem ber 1, Just a week from when Mr. For bes will leave for the United states. R.nk of Voters May be Doubled Salem. That the enfranchisement u.n.nnn inn v be double the total reg lstmtion In Oregon Is the belief of the .o hnvo made a study of regis tration figures ln Secretary of State Olcotfa offlee. The conclusions are i ,i ,,- rennrts of registrations from the various counties from June 3 to August lfi. and 15,040 poundB of tree seeds were Imported Into the United binios. Thnt tho work of Installing demo , i,. fniinrnl offices In place of re l.lMia .ii - " " " .ii,unn is urocoed ng at a rapiu r,.i Ih shown by the nominations which have been sent to the senate since President Wilson too ouice irv,na nominations number approxl mutely 3000 and of these about 2000 Mnt one solitary amendmeut to the currency bill proposed at the Chicago bankers' conference will be accepted by the administration. Thla wa most emphatically declared by Chairman Olcsa, of the house DanmnB eomi.n. tea, coauthor of tno "adialnliUaUou" ueaaura. Thaw Likely to Stay Long In Jail. Shcrbrooke. Que. Harry K. I naw 8 Canadian attorneys withdrew the writ of habeas corpus obtained last week In his behalf and the fugttivo from Mntteawan wub not arraigned in the superior court as had been expected. The withdrawal of the writ may pro long the proceedings Indefinitely. 17 Cities Dispute Rates for Power. Portland. Disputed light nnd power rates In 17 cities ot Oregon, Including Portland, Oregon City, Salem. Mount Angel and Woodbum, will come bofore the Oregon railroad commission for adjustment at a hearing ln Portland on Tuesday, September 2. It pays to advertise in tho Herald. LAMAR'S VARIETY .STORE Tillamook, Ore. ' I "DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND" 11 21 J