Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 26, 1913, Image 4

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    Mi quia r iim Inn KllCtinjacc
Pianos, Horses, Wagon, Sheet Music
r th. I II I V MOOK iMIMp
liiivi c1 iit uciv. i ivucv r 1 iiiiiiu nit v ii iv, 1 1 t vi ill- r n - i i n i - - - - - - - v .j
and arc desirous of selling them all in a day or two. The Tillamook Music Co. have partly paid
K.v .....1 ...... i. i ii. . i i: ..i ........ ,i,vll. .'! Mioim W. . ..t.
Ill- JJltlllWC UUVl liULl ilLUIVy IIUU Mill il Vl ,J 1111 I 1 1 C UW I I W I 1 I III W L I J UUllllI fitlt rj 1 - 1 1 T?C vMIOU
nnt 1im' ti ncr tiiii1i tuM'Cll'icirtu mi- hi fjwiwl oivuul miiiOi tiiiii' in wl ViM'l Swilld til Ukl I ft 1 1 Ilk imh-i.L..
a $o(K) 00 piano tor $195.00, and especially when we give you terms of $(.)( per month.
A Critical Examination
i IPM l " i nwiWWWj W WF t""
iVtr . " -"v ' is
'vj '
When wo sjiy a $.'500.00 piano, wi nn.iu $!100.00 in
piano value a piano I'ke von would have to pay
SoOO.OO for olso where or under oidinary conditions -and
yon liny now for $195.00.
Mr. Sterntt of the Tillamook Music Co. snvs that the
reason why they did not sell more pianos was because
all of the pianos they had were too expensive styles,
that if they had purchased cheaper instruments the
would have had "bettor success. Thi-.stoek is composed
ol finest styles Chickcrings. Kimbnlls, Smith K: Haines.
1'ders, Hotlmaus, 1 lallet it I 'a vis and not lorgettmg
the liilers Puo Tona!. the most wonderful piano in the
world and the fust one shipped to Tillamook.
See the Autopiano it is worth a visit
to the store---the piano you can play
and enjoy.
on vnn con mirrkaco o
vb rw umWMWW a w A A UlllU Ml A W W WfcTftVkJ 1 1A I U. KIT Il IV.l.Ll (II illll I tl.llll- IT Mi ll Villi I I I II II
such an instrument tor $370.00, it is time to buy. We have also cheaper Kimballs and other pianos. We will sell you anpiano now
S?c;n on rW novar noon cnlrl liaf-nra In flilc rrtiinfwv ( ry o c Innr n c CIA OA "Win . nw.m Ul TL T - f CTCfl A A ' .
finp insfrnmpnf In fnrh fnprA ic nnf nn nnnr nr infprinr niann in flio Inf all rif fkam ka!nrr fK I
nnnnc fn fha Till M ucir In f
. v v s'baaAW.f w -w ww VIW VI UI1U 1 1 L If UIIU L11U 1 1 1 1 L. il L IJK1IIII.1 lTWf" 1.11 I V . r! I I W Illll' .V f 1 f I I h
1 1 IT .1 . 11 .1 i .1 .1
almost one-halt cost received on these pianos
Every advantage is yours You get an actual $300 worth
of piano value for $195, and onjerms of $6 per month.
Vou hae tlie advantage of dealing with liilers Muic
House, claimed today to be the nation's largest piano deal
ers. It is a wonderful tiling to have grown to be the largest
in any line of modern industry. It means that certain fun
damental principles have been right. It means that there
has been merit in the product represented; honesty and
honor in business dealings. Great firms, like men who
create the world's standards in every vocation, must
possess distinctive character and ability to produce results
superior to those of their competitors, it is this representa
tion of only pianos of highest quality, and the giving of
liberal values, that has placed Kilers Music House in so
enviable a position today.
Should you be unfortunate enough to not In .
advantage of the Ut thug piano viilues ofh u I i
sale, bear in mind when y.ai do buy that I i.
House have not and will not h.ive a tliatisli- I .
l'hey are ver jj.u tieidar about having thtn
pleased and when you buy from them Jtm .it,
tflect a saving. At this time for the next h
Tdlamook you save enough mi that vou ciifuTi- -two
pianos. II V lire not a''W to s7 :i sinu
nu n v.
in mi
H Mi
. - t'liitr
. tircc
- rimfftq
Besides the new pianos, thtrrc ar? three! pianos that hi J
been used a little -one of them only four months and tbt
other two for less than a y ar. These will go quick ..s tty
arc priced for this purpose. There arc also two orjpfli
Everything- must go no half-way business
We can arrange easy terms
You Have Our UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE of Satisfaction
Tl-ir Ytrili Cr m-v . ?.
...w Wt a rcw ways, aim a Liite uppurtunily to Secure a Fine Piano tor Such
a low figure from a Reliable Firm May Never Occur Again
The Sale Will Commence W EDN ESDA Y MO RN I NQ ,p Sto
-6i3Sm,Eilers Music House