Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 26, 1913, Image 2

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tfte Cillamook Berald
c. e.
Issued Civicc a illcck
Cromblcy, editor
CucilJV and Friday
Enter! m ac-omi-olaw mutter Mnv 17, 13 10. at the t oHlce at TiUatmwk,
OrpRon. umlor die act of March 3, 1S7V. '
srnscKirTio.N $1.50 a y:uk in advvnch
Jldvcrttsinu Kate
' pctI AdwrtiwswnU
first Insertion, por f .10
Each uibwwnt lr-riion, lino .06
liorootl NVtuv - - h.VO
Timber Claim - 10.00
Notices, per li'H ... .0
Crl i' tha rr li 'c .06
Locals, ner line, ftrst imrcrtion - ."
Knch .luliMHiurnt insertion, lino
Kd.iolutions of I omlolencc and
titvi.co notice. jor lino
Husino fc l'rofe.loiml onnKiw.
Oisumy Advertisement, 'or Inch
ALL Display Als tmial lo in till of
fice on Momlav and Thursday Morn-
I). K. TniwhridKo. IMalntlir.
Lawrence E, Sander, (icrtrnlo A.
Sanders. Tuc Kirst National Hank, a
corHiratton, and C U Dye, Defend
ants. To Law rence E Sandem, tierlnule
A. Sanders, The First National Hank,
a cororatloii. and C. L. Dye, the
alHve naiueil defendant.:
OK OREGON; You ami each of you
(IIV III 'H'l'J IHJUH,, i tl Mill, 1.11
.... tli.. i..iKili.lM( fW.ul minimi .,!, Ill
the above entitled court ard suit, on or
lHfirx the last dav jireserthetl by the
order for the publication of this sum
inns to insure publication in follow-1 nM heretofore made and tiled herein.
. .. . . I . 1 t- '.I t... . . .. .
Inir Tuesday and hrulny
Ketisons are imperative.
If Yoti Can Manufacture Anything
Come to
ITl-SHAY. AfCl'ST 120, 101 II.
On Thursiny evening of last week
Mrs. Kdyth Tcier Wethcrrei. repre
sontin the Orvcon Munufuctureri' As
sociation, met a few of the business
men of the citv at the Commercial
Club room and UlkeJ on the uhjeet
of patromiin Orevn inula products.
Her cominc was unannounced nnd for
that reason there wa not larce a
crowd a there h ulJ have ien She
advocated p itr nitiiK ho-ne Industrie
from a local county, and state stand
point. Her talk was entertaining ami
instructive. She works chiefly a
rooni: the women who buy 90 per cent
of the poods consumed in the house
holds. It is verv easy to see where Mrs.
Toetier is earring on u work that will i
inn amphitheatre. The proudot royal
houses are bu' of yesterday when com
pared with the lino of the supreme
and if vou fait no to answer, the idain
tin" win, for want thereof, apply to the j
Court for the relief prayed for in ht
complaint herein, tn-wtt : For ludtf ,
meut against said defenduuta, Law
rence h. ianjer ami tioriruuo A. Min
ders, for the mini of itlMX) and ac
crued and accruing interest, at 7
per cent per annum from the '-itli day
uf April, UW, for JiVYfci taxes. $11X1.00
attorney a tees, aim the costs anil ill
Foii'itTs. Tnat line we trace back in 1 bursemcnls of thlii suit : for tho fore-
an unbroken series from tho I 'ope who i closure of that certain mortae ee
crowned N.ipoloon in the r.Uh century
to the IVpe who cnwned Ivpin in the
Sth; ami far beyond the time of IVpm
the auk:ut .lynasty e.vtends till it H
lost in the twilicht of fable. The re
public of Venice came next in antiqui
ty. Hut the Republic of Venice was
m.viern when compared to no' Papacy
and the Republic of Venice is :uno ami
the Papacy remain, not in decay, not
n mere antique, but full of life and
younhful vtor. The Catholic Church
is still sending forth to the farthest
ends of the world misionarie a teal-
ous Ha those who lanucu in Nenl witn
Aucastin and still confronting; hostile i est of the defendants in
Kinirs with tho same spirit with winch premises be barred
euted by said defendants, Iwreuce F
SaiHlers ami Ucrtrude A. hamlers, in
favor of plaiutilf Kiven for atld sum of
$-ltKVI ami interest, and conveying to
nlaintitr the lands situated in Tillamook
County, Oregon, described as follows
tivwlt : Tl e northeat ipiarter of sec
tion 4, in towttthlp I south of ranee 0
west of the Willamette Meridian ; fur
the sale of said prmisc according to
law in such caes mmio ami provided,
that the proceed of such sale be ap
plied toward tlm satisfaction of the
amount. due the pi liititf on said Judg
ment ; that nil rights, title and filter-
anil to sulU
and ford-
,hn i.iinrninii.1 .iiri i tfr mum! r inn i....ui . n. ,.!ufii ....... .. .... i
be of vnst importance to Use state, bhe ( jn h(. s.eu. World have mire than com- tion issue to enforce the said judgment
expects to viit u ncin in the neur ' pnsated for what she lost in the Old i ami decree . that plaintiff, or any other '
future, when, we are sur- she mil
eeive a larger audience.
Another rlre car; took place last
Saturday when tire caoeht in the roof 'habits Kurope
re- Her spiritual ascendency extends over
! the vast countries which lie between
j tho plains of the Missouri ami Cpo
J Horn, countries which, a century hence
; may not improbably contain a popula
tion uire a mai ni n now in-
Nor do we see any i;n
of the Dahlpren pbototrraph nHory.
TI.e fire was discovered in time and put
out before any d m i?e to spea't of was
done. This is the third time that tire
has started in that locality this sum
mer, anJ it is thnuirnt tney were start
ed from spar f5 Cj.umr from the smoke
stack of the Coates Lumber Co. saw
mill, the smokestack not beini; proper
ly hooded. An endeavor has b.i made
to have the company attend to the mat
ter and see that a spark catcher i
placed on the smoke stac but to no
avail. The company shoul.l lo k after
this matter at once a i i n-jt 1st another
day piss without ijivm; fie public the
protection due it. A'e all re.ilu: what
a calamity it would be shoal i w be i
stricken with a bad fire, and it seems i
that the Coates Lumber Company is
taking undue liberties in not having
their smoke stacks properly hooded.
which indicates tht the term of her
Ionic dominion is approaching.
She saw the commencement of all
the governments anl of all the eccles
iastical establishments that now exst
in the world; and we feel no assurance
that she is not destined to see the end
I c.f ihetn all.
She was cr-iat ana ruspecteo be in re the
Saxon had set fo)t on Hritain, before
the Frank had passed the Rhine, when
Grecian eloquence still flourished at
Antioch, when idols were till worship
ped in the temple of Mecca And
she may still exist in undiminished,
vigor when some taaveller from New
Zealand shall in the midst of a vast
sohtuJe fake his stand on a broken
arch of London bridge to sketch the
ruins of St. Paul's. When we retlect
on the tremenduous assaults she has
survived we rind it ditlicufl to conceive
it what way she 18 lo perish.
Nothing could, in fact, be more hon-
Editor Herald:
Looking over the last issue of your
paper I noticed in the announcements
of the services to be held in the Pres
byterian Church that Mr. MacKenzie
was and is contributing his best efforts
towards wiping "Popery" olT the face
of the earth. No doubt the Rev. gent
leman and those "who shouted for
more" are tired to saving the country
from the "beast" by some of the in
famous productions of our present day
press and consider it their imperative
duty to warn .the people against the
great danger that threatens the liber
ties, aye the very existence of the
great republic. Well miy the people of
Tillamook be thankful to have such
wise and long-headed preach if as r.
Mackenzie in their midst. It is u i"or.
unate for him thi hi3 cilieu'Ui lr
Kuhlman, who sometime o ann i-i ii--ed
in the columns of the Herald t.vit
in his opinion "there might yet be hope
for the Pope of ft m 3ince he .vas re
ported to have given up smoking" is in
Portland investigating social condi
tionf and seeing for himself how co ldi
tions in Portland compare with tmne
in Tillamook, other .vise he would have
a valuable assistant in ht3 great cam
paign of unmercifully unmasking Pop
ery. There is just now going over thu
country one of those periolical waves
of bigotry, and a campaign of calum.iy
and misrepresentation is carried o-i by
a number of vile and immoral sheets
such as "the menace" to deceive thu
American people and to crush, if possi
ble, out of existence the Catholic
If history offers any warning or tea
ches any lesson, it is this great truth,
j orable to the Catholic Church than the
, warfare wnich has bee i lately adopted
to etfect her ruin'in tnis country. In
) appealing to passion ami the. nec
essity under which they find them
selves to resort to misrepresentation
ami slander ner enemies virtually ac
knowledge that calm examination and
sober reasoning are powerless for her
destruction; they generlly damage
their own cautie in trie judgment of ail
ealin and i partal men, while the par
ty assailed by such weapons is always
sure to win sympathy and to gum on
public opinion. Who are those who
are carrying tins campaign of slan
der against the Catholic Church? They
are for the most part men who, while
professing to be the champions of free
dom have for their secret and even
avowed object to rob of free
dom a large portion of
tnoir fellow citizens; for their war
against "Popery" means nothing less
than this. Professing to love the Bi
ble they trample recklessly upon the
most cherished princ pies of the iitble.
The Hible says "Thou shall love thy
neighbor as thyself ; they say, we
must hate our neighbor and declare
war to the nilt against him, if he nap
pen to belong to the oldest and the
most numerous body of Christians in
the face of the earth. The Uible teach
es that we must love our enemies; they
hate even their friends or those at
least who never wronged tiiem in
thought or in deed. The Kible incul
cates the equitaule principle, that we
most do unto others as we would wish
others to do unto us ; they teach that
Catholics are lo be excluded from the
operation of this Gospel rule. "May
the Lord fill you with hatred against
the Pope", this was the legacy of
Luther which his followers have inher
ited. This legacy is still cherished by
some who preeminently should be
teachers of truth and veracity. Hut
i there is one consolation which is ours,
that the Catholic Church will vh to
bury her present day unmerciful un
maskem of "Popery" even her Mac-
Kenzies just as she has turied her
jassailers of the past. Luther said
"during my lifetime I have been a
pest w you Pope and after my death I
party to this suit mav become . pur
chaser at such sale ; and that Uxii j
making sale thereof the sheriff put the
purchaser of said premises into the
possession thereof.
This summons i served ujon you by
publication thereol by order of the
lion. Webster Holme. Judge of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Tillamook, which
order is dated the 21ni day of July,
A. I)., 11)13. ami is to be published once
each week for sit consecutive weeks,
or M-ven consecutive issues, the date of
the first publication thereof being the '
Ind day of July. 1913, and the tin to of '
the last publication thereof being the1
2nd day of September. 1913. j
Dated July 22ml. 1913. ,
Attornevs for Plaintiff, i
Department of The Interior. i
V. S. LAND OFFICKat Portland. Ore. I
August 9, 1913.
Notice is hereby given that John N.
Klrsch, of Tillamook, Oregon, who, on J
.May 9, 1912. made Homestead F.ntry, '
No. 03192, for SKJNWi SWJNKl ,
N'iSKJ Section IS. To vnship t South ,
Range H West, Willamette Meridian,
has tiled notice of intention to make
Final Commutation Homestead Proof,
to establish claim to the Ian I above
described, belore The County Cleric of
Tillamook County, Oregon, at Tilla
mook. Oregon, on the 20ih day of Se
tember, 19,.i.
Claimant names as witnesses:
George T. Klehm,
Charles G. Lyon,
James Hughey,
Wesley Rush, all of Tillamook,
H. F. Hlgby,
I M-ii!iii'riU'i mnm iwinirii m
o Do The Mantt-f a cturing
Fi'iM ttiiM'.s and &Mk3nl
I laflJiic'C'iiiiils in IlKi.se
win wi91 br2n: pay
t II
nun i 13 Ijh'i! n v i sa JLT
on X hail' ins W:ay
Nehalem H&tbot Co.
miri1, ni
Wheeler, Oregon
PoMUnd Olden 327 r'jilin, o:d
TuLinoiK 0(fti .tit I'. U. (Will
Has Located in the Commercial Bld(.,
Succeeding Dr. P. J. Sharp.
All Work Gojrjiilrcd. IJoin Phono.
OIII Hours: 1 ! I2-
I to ttJO r . m.
Opn Evrulngi from 7 until S o'clock
on .Monday, September Sth. 1913, the
County Hoard of Equalization will
meet at tho Court Mouse, in Tillamook
County, Oregon, and publicly examine
the assessment roll fur Haul year, and
correct all errors in valuations, ilea
criptions of lands, lot or other prop
eriy. aam iwaru win con'inue in
sion from day to day, until the cxamin
atlon, correction and equalization of
the assessment roll shall bu completid.
All persons interested in the asuess
ment of their projierty are requeited
to appear at satil tune and place, as no
change can be made after the adjourn
ment of the board.
Dated at TillarKook, Oregon, August
11th, 1913.
C. A. Johnson,
County Assessor,
NOTICE is hereby given that th
undersigned administrator rf the es
tate of George W. Eicninger, deceased,
has filed with the County Court of thu
State of Oregon, for the Countv of
Tillamook, his final account, and that
J-R. A. I). I'HRKlNb,
Onicu in Sturgeon llldg.
All Work On ni united.
J. E. REEDY, D. V. M.
(lloth Phones)
Dr. L. E. Hewitt
Obstetrical Swcialint
Hoth Phones
Res. and Ollire: Whitehousu Resident,
shall be thy- death" and Luther is r.uay. .September 2nd, 1913, at ten
gone anil the church continues glorious-
I have always remained true. "The cn-
emies of the Church look at her and
'cry out, she is dying. While utter-
that persecution and misrepresentation "K"s. Y? llUiy ,L n. aru
ua .i.,i. !,.....,. i . wrought to the grave and the Church
.p.h ..kfi.- jrHubWHH "jcontmues to exist and preaches the
goou cause nor materially ucrveu a nao
one. Truth may bo obscured or smoth
red for a time; it cannot be destroyed.
For more than eighteen centuries the
power of God to the centurien." The
whole present day situation in most
correctly illustrated by a picture which
I have seen in my travels. On the can
vas was represented St. Peter'a church
Catholic Church has stood a tower of , with iUt magnificent dome. Attached
o clock a.m. has been llxed ai the
time, and the court house of Tillarnook
County, Oregon, as the place for the
hearing of tno said final account, and
all persons having any objection to tho
said final account aro hereby notified
and required to present the same to
the said court on or beforu the hearing
Dated this 25th day of July. 1913.
Robert Klchinger,
Administrator of tho tMate of
George W. Eichinger. deceased.
Last issue August 26th. 1913.
strength, amidst the ruins of all earth
ly things, strewn in her pathway.
Thrones have fallen and sceptres have
been broken around her, yet has she
stood and she still stands, stronger
than ever. "There la not" writes Lord
McCaulay in his essay on Ranke's
"History of the Popes" "and there
never was on this earth a work so well
deserving of examination as the
Roman Catholic Church. "The history
of that Church joins together the two
gt eat ages of human civilization".
No other institution is left standing
which carries the mind buck to the
times when the smoke of sacrifice rose
from the Pantheon and when eameleo
parda and tigers bounded in the Flav-
to the cross which surmounU the urumJ
dome of Michel Angelo was a rope und
pulling at the rope in an effort to tear
down the great basilica were Julian
the Apostate, Luther, Voltair. Uis
mark etc. and in my imagination I see
at the end of the rope Mr, MacKenzie
of the Presbyterian Church in Tilla
mook. They have all tumbled in the
dust and in the attempt of tearing
down the noble edifice had auffered
broken legs and arms. Behind them
all stood the devil, all In smiles saying
"Well boys you had better quit that: 1
have been doing what you do for the
lust 1800 years and 1 have not succeeded
Yours truly, i
Francis Van Clarenbeck,
15, 25 ani 40 Watt, 35c
60 Watt - . . . 45c
100 Watt - ... 80c
J50 Watt .... 51.20
250 Watt .... 2.00
I'roitcil I.nmj,. rv HiIth.
Wt rtfllirer Umi. to i,y uan of
the city Telephone Vr ilo
wlflnir nt tlie lnWf.l prior, run.
Intent with tfiMMi workimiimhlji,
TlUuuok Bitctrle "l1,1
mv vv Mgr.
Dr. Jack Olson
Office Hours from U a. m. to C p. m.
Over F R. Bead' Real Estate Office
Hoth Phones.
Tillamook Building Room 216
Attorney at Law
Office In Commercial Building
z. j. clau88en
Tillamook lilock
Painter nnd Paper Hanger
Contracts Token
listimntes 'Furnished.
All Work Giuirnntml,
Tillnmonk, Or.
"Do you know why I always ha
such good success with my bakin
"It is because I always use
Drifted Snow Floi
"I didn't believe that llmir could make such a lilTcniii
Hiking until I tried 'Drifted Snow.' The fust trial wnsai
Hiiccess, and I have never had had lnek nlnrr. then, for vnucoa
induce uie to iikc anv ciilioi- Hmir
"My bread in liiditer, whiter and tuMtes inure wliolcaotnet
it ever did when I used other Mourn.
II you'll try Drifted Snow Flour next time you Imke.
never use any oilier. "
(The HouHewifr'H Story.)
Ask your grocer for "Drifted Snot
AUornejr.at'Uw ai
U S, CeaaiuioBM
Oppeiile togrtlioiue
Oli.ee 203-204., Tillamook
Geo. P. WioslM
Tillamook lllofk
Pioneer Transfer'
O. L. DICK & SON, PVflr
rillamook. - . Qrt,
Iht Sama Price toBvM