Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 22, 1913, Image 2

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    Cbe Cillamook Gerald
e. G. Cromblty, Editor
Issued Civicc d Week Cuesdav and Friday
Entered n tvond-clnj matter Mav 17, 1910. at tho post otllce nt Tillamook
Oregon, under the net of March 3, 1SW."
Hclvcrtlslufl Kales
' real Advertisement
Flrt Insertion, per lino - $ .10
Each subseonent insertion, line .05
Homestead Notices 5.00
Timber Claims - - 10.00
Notices, per line - - .05
Cards of than'ts. per line .05
Local, -er line, first insertion ,7J
Each subsequent insertion, line
Resolutions of Condolence ami
Ul;e notice, per line
Business & Professional cards, mo.
Oisplay Advertisement, per inch
ALL Display Ail must be in thi
fice on Monday and Thursday Morn
in to insure publication in follow
ns Tuesday ami t-rulay (ssues
Reasons are imperative.
FRIDAY. AlT-l'ST '12, 11) Kl.
The earlier school fairs are already
being heal ami at he eml of another
month moot of them will be a matter
of history Kvcry one connected with
the work is anxious that the history
read satisfactorily. This is about the
last opportunity we shall have to call
your attention to your exhibits for
most of your work has already been
Just a few words about exhibiting.
As we have often said, the intrinsic
value of the priie you are competing
for is of little importance compared
with the habits of industry you are
for-uni:, and tho experience you are
gaining in learning bow to do some
practical thin? well. If you borrow
something to show, or taa something
to the fair yo.i have not raised or male,
you will fail to get the value out of it
that you should. Now, do not under
stand me U say that you should not
tae anything to the fair that i i not
entirely the product of your own effort.
Some of the fairs, especially those
that were arranged for late in the
season ,do not require you to do all the
work. Where this is the case I would
urge you to tnW evrythi.ig you can,
under tee rule?, Uiat will make a good
showing. Ta'e pride in -usuting to
make your fair a sucess. But where the
rules require that you do all the work i
yourself, as they do at the State fair,
do not try to evade them. We mighi j
deceive everyone but ourselves, but a
clean conscience is worth everything, j
If we never do the first little dis
honest trick, we will avoid a lot of
trouble in this life. This is on the
same principle as never taking the tirst
drink to avoid being a drunkard. It is
a safe rule.
Do not overlook the county and dis
trict prizes at the State fair. It is a
Presbyterian Church Nolei
On Sunday, September 7th. Rev
Alfred M. Williams the Educational
Superintendent for Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho, and Rev, C W. Hay
D. I). Sunday School missionary for
Portland Presbytery, will conduct an
educational institute in the Presbyter
tan church, holding three meetings: At
11 A. M., 1 P. M and 7.45 P. M . to
which all Sunday school teachers and
ollicers and adult scholars in the city
are cordially invited.
Sunday School at 10 A. .M. After i
short vacation the teachers and sehol
ars are urged to bo tn their pluces
promptly at the opening hour.
.Morning worship ami sermon by the
pastor. Sermon theme: "Why Attend
Church?" Nut an apology, but an
essential feature in tho development
of a normal churacter.
Evening service at S P. M. Song
ervice ami preaching. Subject: "Hitt
ing the Hull's Eye". Those who heard
the sermon last Sunday night are shout
ing "more". The pastor ha. at least
a dozen of that kind up hi sleeve.
Drop in ami heur Popery unmercifully
unmasked. Stranger in the city ar
cordially welcome to the best available
s cats in the church.
D. A. Mackenzie,
Pan tor.
Chrutian Church Notei.
10 A. M. Bible school,
school. A place ami a
young and old.
11 A. M. Preaching, subject.
7 P. M. Young People'. meeting.
S P. M. An interesting service on a
live subject. Fourth sermon on the
A gjol live
welcome for
No. K674.
Report of the Condition of the
First National Bank
of Tillamook
No I Ice ol Snleof Tide l.wml..
at Tillamook In the State of Oregon, at
the close of business August !), IIM3.
Uians and Discount.
Overdraft., secured and un
secured U. S. Hand to secure circu
lation Other Honds to secure Postal
Iloud., Securities, etc
Ranking House, Furniture,
and Fixtures
Other Real Estate owned...
Due from State and Private
Hanks ami Hankers. Trust
CompanU. and Savings
Duo from approved Reserve
Agents . ,
Checks and other Cash Item
Exchanges for clearing hotie
Notes of other National
Fractional Paper Currency,
Nickels, an-! Cent.
Lawful Money Reserve in
Hank, viz :
Specie 15.051.76
Legal-temler Nntoet 70.00
Redemption fund with U, S.
Treasurer (r per cent of
'apit.nl stock paid in
Surplus fund
Undivided Profits, less Ex-
pensus ami Taxes paid....
National Hank Notes Out
Due to Stato and Private
Hank .i;id Hankers
Individual deposit subject
to ehecK ...
Demand certificates of do-
Time certificates of dootl..
rtitied checks
Postal Savingi DopoiiU ....
Reserved for Tuxcit
Notli-o I" hereby given that th State
Land Hoaid of the Stale of Oregon will
i noil to the hlghi'fl bidder t its olllre
jilt the Capitol llillldlinj at Salmi, Ore
jgon, on October 7, IIMH. at 10:00 o'clock
a. m. of said day, all the Mate's lot
jerestln the tide mid overflow land
j hereinafter dcscrlbe-l giving, however
to the owner or owneis of any lands
j abutting or fronting on such tide ami
ovetllow lamis, the preference rigm io
iurehK said lido ami overflow land
at tho highest price olTensl. provided
such oiler I made In good faith, and
also providing that the lml will not'
be sold for, nor any olfer therefor ae-
' copied of Us than $7.M per acre, lite
Hoard roseivlng the right to rvjeet any
and Mil bids. Said lands sre situate lit
jTlllanMKik County, Oregon, ami de
'erlbcd as follows, to-wlt:
7.S01.I0, Jtc-lnnlng at a K)iut tVv.M? feet N.
21' -17' ri fnnn the quarter M-ellon cor
nrr between Section f ami K T. ft S It.
10 W, of W. M., at the high water linn
on the right bank of tho llttiu Xcituvrn
1.300.00 River; thence
i N. ! US' W. feet along high
201.33 ,. ,
I S. tV 67- W. tJO.O feet to low water
! line
10.W1.75 1 S. OT IO K. im.l feet along low wat-1
er liise
N. 18 ST1 li. 71.0 feel to tho place of
beginning, containing ..tlV, acre of
tide laud being tide land In (tout of
tract owned by Chn Ray in cclloi 6
ami 6. T. 8 S R. 10 W. of W. M.
10, 707. HI
2.7.11? IB
71.1 10.21
II 1. 03
of Bread
l. UP) 00
t hilars
25.000 lJ
Ksciy limine wile witntn Iter ImMnjf (tl w
be micei-jmltil wmttx tolmltc Iiikc, white, ilcltciriui
Injurs of IiivjuI ami IiImmiII tlutt lutrlv tti.-l .
VOtlf lliniltll.
You ciui be miccr.!ful itlwity If you will 0nl
iiiHit mi lining
Drifted Snow Flotif
then 1 1' yutir l)nkiiiw' if not n nitvei. the (Vlf
vits von iiulhint.', Ir it in nui timhi ,
Uttmniine to Mttmlv. The hill HTmle, icvtrj
lienl Hint ih tiM-ii tit iiiiiKiiiK I'lllleil SI1X J
together with nil the uill uf ev..
pert miller Mini itio.lern nineltiii
er. nmhe tin llmii' stitml mil
Ii'kiii nil otheiH n hein fur mijk
nor in (iinlity tuul kiviii liutie
ie f'ir mure fur their money .
IH. 00
Application ami bltl should bo ad
J.OOUOO dressed tod. (5. Hrown. Clerk State, I MOROUdMURhl) 1 RR
Land Hoard. Salem. Oregon, and I I'Ull'lllJ CTilllnU I'lL'i'
..... ,. ... . v.n.mn UII1I.I.IUH rxnuj
marked "Application and bid to pur-1
chase tide laivd."
(J. C. Hrown,
Clerk Statu Land Hoard.
Dated July 2tf. UM3.
6.;ut5.03 ;
A full two story nix room homo and
barn, tjnod plumbing, all Iintinive-
T0(a 232??! 1 ,,wnt "an' Urfacet! street, ee-
State of Oregon ! ... . W,K weatlon.
County 6f TilWok, i oruami, uregon.
I. J. Itiochers, Cashior of the Seven acres clono t.i city limits of
bove-na nctl b.ink. do solemnly swear .' Vancouver, Wnhlngton. fine fruit
that the above statement Is true to the i InruJ. high and sightly.
best of my knowledge and bolief Eighty acres on Nctarts Itav. on now
W . J. R1ECHERS. county road 5 miles from city of Till.
subject of unity. Subject 'The nrdin-
fine thing to cultivate local pride and I ances and their relation to unity' You
patriotism. Team wor- aids in develop
ing the spirit, so join with your fel
lows ar.d do vour part to help your dis
trict and your county to havt the ban
ner exhibits. Co operation is becoming
more essential every day and you can
not begin too early in life to practice
Wishing you all success and hoping
to meet a great many of you at the
Fair, I remain.
Yours for better boys and girls.
N. C. Maris,
Field Worker Industrial Fairs.
are invited to any or all of these ser
vices. R. E. Jope, Pastor.
United Brethren Cht.rch Notei.
Subscribed ami swum to before me
this 19th day of Augu.t, 1013.
Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
H. C. LA Mil,
Tillamook county
muok, for sale In imall tracts or all.
First mortgage nolo of IN0U. first
class security, drawing 7 per cent
interest, for sale.
SooJ. M. LiUbvrg, Tillamook. Ore.
I Hell Phone.
A beautiful gtay lre !M) lb, or,
over, will ma' the fallowing oatiin
at Daw'n Hr. Uvof) Imrn at TilU
mwk. i
C. S. Ilrtx. I
Slxt orri on Wibun Itlvcr) part
it f what i ktuiwh a tbn I'eter Hfnt
plare. with or without stoeb. I want
MWO or more tkwn ami will givo
plenty of time fur the balsnen at il rr
rnit interest. Se ,'. P. nn,
HrUi. Ore.
Latl liue Orfoter IV. I
The achnlnle for the Tlllamu. SV
tarts auto stage i follow
lave TilluiiMku at ' a in atuf I 3(1
in. Iliiuml trip Jl 2a Fafr one way
IhattrrtKii nh.i A!-)ivlr(
DON'T M'Oll , t.wf) E
l Kit .1 , .j li
a.a t JkffwV V L. - It. .1 ..
a t t I IM I I ll.i. bib
.ti .t i .i
.-ti Mi iiifup ir :
' J ' - - ' r" ' ' J m !(
1, .Lr.I.tM It l.. I I II. .
ilitrAfUrtl tH tlnr
BeK'nnirig Aug. 25th and continuing
until A uk. 29th a pot-ular lecture
course is ofTeied. The BubjtcUs are as
follows, - "Yellowstone Par," "Isth
mus of Panama and Canal", "How We
Got The Bible". "Ben Hur" nd "The
Glories of Sweden." !
All these leeturs will be illustrated
with beautiful and rare views and are
:ertan to be both .r. Iructive and most
interesting. The charge for the entire
number will be only $1.00. All children
Jit the Sunday School will be admitted
Sunday School. 10 a. m. j Tillamook County Hank
Morning wurshin and som.- bv nastor. " conranou. fla.ntilf, (
11 m ...'".. '
v Mle J'atterson ami Fred
Young Peoples Meeting. 7 p. m. ! Wheeler. Dufendants
Topic "How I Have Proved Christian-1 ., , SUMMONS
.ty And Seen It Proved." Leader. I IklT '
Clyde Kinnnman. In the nnrni. ()f ,hu St,Uu () 0non
Evening Service and Sermon. 8 p. 1 Vou are hereby reijuired to nprxMir and
rn. "Not forsaking the assembling of un8Wcr the complaint tiled agams! y.ni
ourselves together as the manner of l"c l'v" en titled curt and cause
Brr ,. ... , , . ,,,,tr ol on or before the expiration of s xweex
some is. ! was glad when they from the date of t .. flri i,ii
said unto me let us (o unti) the house 'of this aummom, and if you fail (j tn
of the Lord,
II. F.
J 'as tor.
appear and nnswer for want thereof
i me planum win apply to the court for
' the relief demanded in the cfirnnlnirii
The relief demanded in the complaint!
is, that it be decreed that you have no
ir,ht, title or interest In or to two cer-'
'tain no:" r 00.00 each executed:
.by Kile I'lUtei10'1 t0 C. E. Reynolds,,1
. iBteurcu bv n ii;6rft."i0 covering the,
iSEJof 5WL mid SJ Of HEt Sec. 23.
and SWJ of sWi Se, 2, In Twp. 1 S.
ill IHV W Kt ,.,U.,U mr.rlri.r. ....
I hn t t.r ll!.... r , i ... ... . ..... . H ...... "
Melhodiit Church Notei.
"The Battle Hymn of The Retmbli
shown in moving pictun.-s last week
was in itself a good sermon.
On Sunday 3t 3 P. M. there will Im a
mass meeting of the Loyal Temperance
League at the Christian Church. Miss
Lois Smith, state Secretary of the Loy
al Temperance League, will be present
ano give a veiy interesting talk. This
meeting will be worth your whilr.
eO.ther announcements will be written
on the blackboard at the postoffice.
Jame3 Golds worth v rot llrnnrl
been teaching the past year.
Rev. Bertha Peoples of Hazel Green,
Ore. held services at the church Sun.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bacon left Mon
day for their home in Portland, after
spending a week rusticating In Pleas
ant Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Turner returned
Saturday from Banks where thev hv !
been visitin? relatives iu .l ;
TWn.... " r cuY.;. " I. mnnKe nis present enterprise,
...ii.:..... . ' :-"' k
Kuhlman will exchange pulpit next ' 'I10 KccorfJi' of mortgages vt Tillnmoiu '
Sabbath. .County, Oregon, which Mln and'
. Next Sunday,- . mrtK vero thereafter asnl by
a. m a it c iSriiu c, h. Reynolds to you and hV uu
At 10 A M. SunOay School. We have' transferred to Tillamook County LfX
uirt0hes anu teachers for all. : ' Piaininr in thin cause, and that vou '
.1.11 A If r. . i. I hi! forol'l.r I,.,--.., I . '
v ii ruonc worship. I " ' """ '"recioieu of all
Preaching by Rev. Hiram Gould ffif. l if' l,nt,:rt'H1u,r ''""'t" In or to
At 7 P. M. 'Yma;Z? teting ATfSSM
At 8 P. M. Public Worship. may seem equitable, Includim' a
IL W. Kuhlman. iJ.?TXn of ,,B 'W mortgage
. Patter-son ffth.VmoutH of ah
1 his summons is published and 1
ISlJ. 'f0" yu "y imbllcatiori In the I
The new Waldorf Billiard Parlor T.,,lam) "'raid by an order of the'
opened for business to the lov,u r ".""!,1b" ,'.mi' Mason, County JudLfo !
those amusements Wednesday erenln. AuuZTiL'I .''-ted
K this week. The place is owned an3 V nd "niw'the 'Saint m
.managed by Messrs. Cunningham and t)C'Jr':Ltt":' expiration of six w.
11 i rv ...... j a
ri i iiiiuiri iiiiii ir
Field for Investment
on or)
weeks !
Kuhtn uti frm w. I. ...L . . ... " vyuiiiuuinain ana . i . . . ."" "i
..win if isizuiiniii wni.r.. n.. frtna I if ....... r ... i nun int it.,., r.w it . ... .
.. lira lormerv iii I'nrtiurwi n... , w vi uir nni rmii iicr.ii.r. i
Cunningham st'ates that toV, publlca-
.-j"!.!.. "la'ie on tbo
the neoriln nf Ti llum.i, ...:n , .
, ....... wm ajjpreciate
a properly equipped and operated,
establishment of this kind. Every1
thing Is absolutely new and all equip-'
ment the best obtainable. Mr r?,..
ningham was formerly road manager
for the Smith Cigar Stores In Seattle
and Portland and his years of exper
Jenca with this firm fit him ki..
SSJnd day of August. 1312.
H. T, Botis, Attorney for
.n cuneci on wilt, their shingle mill, the available towna In ,C
ft... .. "iMnm,
iou rap
Tkn.n ...III 1 i . .
....-mi. ue a uaHKet anu ce cream Thr. rDi,i it. L ... ;
ocial at tho Pleasant Valley schoo ulZ' . ST.: L TV. ny ?'Pe!8
froune next Saturday night Aug. KlctyvJT
Every body invited to come. dded them in favor thi" Th de
future of this
dded them in favor of Tillamook.
lA 40 W4tt, 35c
60 Witt - ... 45.
J00 Walt - ... 0c
150 Watt . . . .si
250 Wall.
1'ro.Ufl l.H.n,.. nc iltrH,
Tiilamools Slootrlc win
LiSfh? & P-ucLflo.. '"''."ijjr."''
For Details m to Investing i WheIV
Wiite to
Nchalem Habo O
Jy Wheele, Oregon
Portland Ofrlcti
Tillamook Offlwi
27 Fill