Mil am Mile ISSUED TWICE A WEEK ir,RGg gj. g,1 " CUUTIONOF ANY PAPER IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY Tillamook, Orkkon, Auctw 22, 1913. NO. OL It is tlio (i!in of this haul: to pvc tin !csi banking' service postl)le itul we do !t. It is also our niitt to have the u hest oquipiiuMil such as M "!ern Fire Proof (tanking K mm. Kite Proof Vault, Hur ;,.! Prot)f Sale. Modern ijafe l'v istt Hoxes and we have . via. FIRST NATIONAL BANK TILLAMOOK. OREGON Best the Drug World Produces 1 w- VIivm- Our knowledge . vltc result of w th lrttjs. . Kiiiiuuui! patent medicine nor ncctct for- t tlo not know what thev contain. ft DO RECOMMEND DIKE'S HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES ' -'i. m to Ik, what tlu-y cl'ttai to be. They i.Mui rratch mid we, knowing what they eon- u, t" t'i'vk tlirm to the limit the iWt the t ;''.! Ll itM Dllr Home SM-MP,)!t Vtn. i m'.l tlrvrr f(frt 4 Oik ItqtulnUlitt. r .' xtf.ut at ijlhiaction itartJi bad of very Dike RrnwJy. ;i i a rv i f I i cd i i m -;TODir li. 11.11 ... I Men t- i- -- lJ ,V Ull I li i i"iZ . HARRY THAW MAKES DASH FOR LIRERTY Mutt paw mi, N. y Harry K. Thaw, the slayer of Hlnnford White, escaped friiin tttn hospital for tlm erlinltml In. .ttm nt 7 (5 Huudny uioriitiict. A dart for liberty throimh mi on icalo, dash Into tin opmi door of n puwnr fill nntiimnblltt tlmi stood ijiiUf rliiK uutshle, mill i fllKlit like n rocket for fur th Connecticut ln(e lino, 30 mllvn away. ncHimplUhed hi encnpe. mid ttm hospital iiiilluirlllra ur certain tit U outside thti miitf. Tint hade wnre drawn In tlm ,jor mlturle nml tlm Inmate nnn nettlim UnHr seruml ultttiji wtmn Thaw loft his room, Ttm milkman' carl wn rum IiIIiik on tlii road ouuld" nt !io walked throuijh the tnreroom mid Into the eut-r court or rartl of tlm nnvlmii Bruuiut, , Hlwylliulttr tourlnK cr, iihtaV. nml i56 toltownt Uy n iiUJOimlno, nno tilnrk. Itmfl lanlly hm tlit rontl n Uio itiilKnmii itror flr llif mt. Tlinw mmntliiK n fw tfnl totfuy. iimrlltl)f Ullinlimtniml. fiUHl until Ilnrtium. attftnilnni m tti jwtw. tinliwkctl i tin unto mul hwiiiic tt !.tU tu lit Hip ttillknmti .tiitnr. An Itnrnuiii dtujipntl ttHiiiit for tlm mllkiimti ilrixt Itmlitit TUrw f1attit littn ralsht for oil" of tlm wnltliiK orn, ;4hrtirixkn. Quit Hurry K. Thaw. nil lir( In bin flight triiiti Urn otnto l.i .(.Hal for tlm ertinliml Itixnim at Mttnat, ,V. V. by urr-int nt tlm tilUiKf uf St HwutmmiitUI" tin Our 'orl. Jtil oirr tlm Intwrnrttkiiml lti frwni Ntt llitnililr , tn-i m.i in hu mil tu tht county Jnil here lit t'c'U ascliMt iMlng tinuk to Oi I'llUwl fitittM OREGON NEWS NOTES GF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Tlirourjhoui tiiu Statu During llio Past V.cck. Uirtpqiia flurvty AiHeil OTilltmr. 'lm Uiiii'ini Tort t'otn oiUmUoi I l mi W I rut iirmiiKi'iimntH tr lima Htmtjlul mrvity of tlm UmiiQun Ur mul httrhor tmro tnml hy ihf UnUsil Btninii wur Jlfnrtiimiit with vrtr y fj(t'nulvii lmirovt.iiiMit. Itutt rri,rtMlv lln"liv mitt thn ()niiii. mtii mr rp ox(t!Hti to cui n fJ pnil iirtifir:iiloii wt tlm eomliiK stun Of ro ten'H Tlm Umimmi l tlm hlr.1 lt!rt:t rtvnr In Oregon, tlm vol unm of wttr trtun It bolns nlu to tlm flow of tlm V,umtt. ui Dtt Man Sentenced Pnlltm. MnliiUlnlliK tlm uttnm rf -nlltflml tr tlmt inmrkttl hl nrUt. iltroUKtiotit hi fur liU llfo on tt -hnrjt of nitirtlrr In tint (rt ilttKrf.', UjuI PiivU. convlnti'il of munUir In llm uttfoinl pRrr.t hy n Jury In llm olr ult eourt of I'olk roiimy Ittut wtik. tiMHt ItlllllOtrtl trlllttt Jllilim llnlttm ,iitoiic It l tt t to liiiprlnouitmnt In tint otittn itnlliintl.try for hl iititurnl lit" NEW LAND PLAN PRESENTED ;i) PER.SH WHEN ALASKA SHIP SINKS Juimnii, Alimkft .Thirty thrnp txiati. iiK"r ml irtn nmnilmiit of tlm row of llm I'milflo Count Hli'niimhlti (tomtntiiy' Iron ntrniui)hli Htatn of t'lillfornln t'Tlfthnl Hunilny inornliiB In Omiihlttr I lit y, ill) inllrx noiith of Jim 'nil, lmn tlm vititti iriick nu mi Jinrtitil rook mul mink In llmm uilii uio, Kith ninny mitr.iKTi liniirloii 'i I In ttmlr Htntfroouii! Tlm tttwuimlili) ltfl Hmittltt onrly lnt vfldk for HkiiKwny mul wny iiotnu. At it ttittit of tlm illttitntttr ill" hlp cur--tt n totnl of 70 iniinmiiKitrn, forty 'Mro tiiiiii:ttr wt'ro n:imil mul iMku to Jiitiitm hy tlm ttmtiltli Infftirwjn, ltavux 33 who hnvt .'rlnti (hI, Htivnn of tlm nrw nrn ili-nil, iimk ln ttm tuuil ilonit forty, Tlm J"ffurou win only n Kliort.tlU imrn RWM)' tt'tmll nil" tilrkctl lli ltlt '?, O, H," t'll mul w'lmu itlm nrrlvpi at llm neoim tlm eurvlvoru wrn In tlm tlf'tlHtiiU ami on ll(tt rnf(. It run lnonil ilnyllKht. Thum In no 1'oxnlliltl ty tlmt nuy of tlm iiiIupIhk ntimlmtl hort. Method Off nri Thk f.nnnnn Tndav v ll will brine V' lulomutlrn n to Ixiw YOU ind 7tir n tire litiilly cm vliit lh San I'nncl co I:rtJltlou In I'HS on i!ir dolUi i-ttti fUo. Not only llul, but rvrryfhlng will tv of Ihr bot. fvrrylhlng tuttvtd nd ll will cot I yim Im tiun ll yini pay wlvn yoti jo. K J. CLAUSSKN. TllUmook, OrBon 1 mo free HtunUurc iilwttl Ihu Hun FnincUco Kxonl- RECALL COUNTY OFFICIALS County Juijgs na Cofrnnllonrr n- plACftl by Now Men. OroKun City, or I'Ui-l.nm-n coun ty to rwnll llm oh! rounty roiiri 1 rlmum, lutnruitil fnrumnt wouhl llul St'Bl il IlltW jllllpo mill COUItlllMtUU' or. Hiitiirmt nho- thnl II. H. Auuroit it'fitattil It. II It":!-, liicuinliniii. fur Irtuiniy JihIko hy ! votu. mul J. W. ,' .Smith httat N lllnlr. Iuciitiittiit. hy o I vntit for (,'omity coimiilititlontr. I Tint rtll wn tint r-ult of itlnt Infnrtlun nvnr llm wny In which tlm ! county court lot foutriicti. It wn l ctmrK"l In tlm pt'tltloim tlmt JiiiIk ll.mll.t mul CoiiiiuldNloimr lllnlr ilhl not ,-iilvtTtiMit for til t n on county work mul that tlmlr proc'tlur utiilur the ohl H)Hti'iii wn t wimtit of tlm tiixprtyurit' iiiontty. J 1 ATEMHNT OF CONDITION 01' TMK llamoolc Countv Bank Tillamook, Ore., Aug. 9, 1913 Kissoukcf.s: . - I i I 1 . II' - I " " mis, eie. "t i 'ii iniiire ,'iito j'lxuiiun from H.trilcs ... a'l C.'ish Items Liahilitihs: t.ii-i DuiniiiM - ;..:.i vl I I Ull Lh -.i.-i .-'lojiri to vjtecK Ilfl I . .. I . I" W . ..Z A- Certificates of Deposit - nrf o ii . $ HI 4,802.00 :t2,S'l-'U)7 .(J,207.r(I 4.S00.00 00,075. 1 7 2.,i,0(i.r2 $482,154.1)2 $, 80,000.00 2,504.03 205,022.35 3,502.04 38,870.48 00,725.52 .15482,154.92 Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Time Deposits. 'S.M mm. mmm m m mmm wmsm Host Widely Read Paper in the County! Olynn Hefutci to Oeil With Sulxer. Alh.iny, N. V.Miirtln II. Olynn clit'okmiiti'd n movement of Wlllliun HiiIkt to Invoke tlm nrhltrmuuiit of tlm rutirtH on III iiiitntloii which of he two In the In wf nl priiititnt chler "xecullvi) of tlm unite of New uirlt. HeplyliiK n ' foriunl propowil hy the Impeiiclmil eXm-utlvn to ituhmlt tin- lnHim to iiiljiullriitlon on mi nsrceil utiiteinent of fueU Mr. Cilyun ilechtreil It wan httjotul lil imwor to "hnrttr uwny miy of the fuiictlotiH nlUchliiK to tlm office In which I urn plfiuf hy your liiiiKiiichineiit." Brief News ot the Week of Dovcloulno Longed Ara Talked. Corvnlllii.A tumlim llkn umthixt Of tirliiKtim- OiTKnu'it liu-.k'tMl off tmulr morn ruplilly Into cultivation tu Ih'Iiik rtilviHCTicit by Pr. Jnumit Wlth)coiulin. tlictor of the O. A. 0. ISxp'trlnmnl HUifgn, tthti believe , I lint it pnu Mcnl ulut Ion af tim tiruhleiii Ilea In oi otmrtftlve -iftirk" "between- fiirmjr nml liriteinlve tiiefclmiitu: Ac ortltm; to Pr Wlthycotiitm the otttHirtunlty of lniyinit on loon tlm nt reiiiM)iiiMtt rnt' of Inter t (tufflcloiit ,iiimntiii of power to blnit nil nttimpit itmtillttf on tlm Imul to he clenretl. The fur merit coulil then oomblna th-lr nvnllRhl" enult rttKOiirotii for tlm purvhntm of donkey etiKliieii to Urn u.m1 In tuillttiK nml piling Urn ulutiif nfler they hnd Iiuhii nplll mid ImineliiNl up hy llm mm of ttm powder AccorUliiK to emlumt rwephml at tlm office of the O. A. ('. ICupurtment Hlullou there nre itltuont l.Oun.uiu ncrt'H of loRRedotf Imul In Columbia county. It ih inoittly encWImit mtrlcul lurtil html wlmit clemeit, 8. P. Ovirpy Taxei Klmiuith Fit I In --KlmiiHth county In Imtehtitil to the doutheiu Fuclflc Com tmuy In ttm hiiiu of (IT.noo, tint mnouiil In which the riillwny roinpmty over paid ltn 10)2 tiueit The mlMttike wnn tnnde In tlm mumiutor'n office mid wm overlooked hy the rnllwuy rcprennntft live who Inspected the nvHeiniiuent mul Ritre hlit npprovitl to tlm vuluntton ne It nppoiired on tlm nMHenHOr'n hook. Umatilla Dltchci Will Do Extandrr I'emlletou. Or. Si-rretury of tl Interior Uttm inMrt-fnliiK n rnprem-t tntlre milherlm: of emitprn Orej;' meil III the I'ltnitleloil comnirrc' club, imule punitive itftntirnnco tl ii;e ottler for the putting thrfiiitih tlm Wont ttitnniilon itlmll ttiind wnn further-Indicated by Mr. Ijtr tlmt he will do nil In bin power t ptmll throilKll tlm entire wrnt rxl. ttou of 60,000 iicrt-n jtiBt n noon o the Initial unit of 10,000 ucn-i It ciuipleicd. HIGHWAYMEN HOLD UP PORTLAND TRAIN Money and Jewels of Observa tion Car Occupants Taken at Point of Guns. A conference of tlm liankerH of th country to iIIhciihh the proponed cur reney hill wntt called nt the Hotel l-n Halle, Chicago, Auyiml L':'. The (ionium Kovoriimcut divided to refiiHo to partlclpato In llm I'muiuia I'uclflc KxiioHlllon In Hum FrmiclHCO In iuir. A ineetln conducted hy tlm Indus trial worlterH of the World At Mluol, N. 1).. wn followed hy rlotii In which Hiivernl piirtiotiH wurn woiiudeil. Flvu IhoiiHiiud iornonn nro reported to linvo been Itlllml lu the fluhtlni: tlmt hi kuIuk on In Clinton mid Hh unvlron inontH bctwuun Kuvornumnl forcnit nd robelu, A trndo IiivoIvIiik more than $1,000, 000 linn livmi oIokciI lit North Dnkotn nml nHtnto hy which two Mr bonanxit farmii will ho cut up Into nmnll tractn. Tho fitritiM iiit'troKiitu 16.300 ucrt(i, nnd will hu occupied by about 100 fntnlllcH. It U lutnoiiticcd from Toklo tlmt the United HttitoM linn Intimated Kit rendl nmtH to favor In pritiolplo the payment of mi Indemnity to, JapmieHO ubjectn afNctod by tho California antl-allen land citlnlutlou, Tho provincial Roveniment of Drlt Uh Columbia Iium taken ovor, with en tire ucooHU, tliti ntulutetmnco of order In tlm coal dlatrlct of Vf-ntouviT I. 0 J . .... .t... k.r ku nn PrOTlUO, tiriU lines May 1. Rabbit and Bage Itatii Worry Farmer I'rluevHle. Tlm worm pentM the fnrinerii of (IiIh ulnte Imve had lo con tend with durltiK tlm pitMt year or two Imve been the rubblta mul hukc rat. lliiudreilH of ncrcii of cniln mid pnta teen were ruined UiIh year by the rav iikch of IhcHo a ti 1 1 mi 1 h In Crook county alone. In Homo loculltleH whole fluid have hucu dCMtroyed, NEW LAW PROTECTS BIRDS Late Statute Supersede All 8tat Code Which May Conflict I'ortlnntl.On and after October 1 a federal law for tlm protection ( ml itrutory blrdH, Much nn wild duckn, KUttHo, plKeoiiH, brnnt mid Hitlp, Ror Into effect, mid BtipnrHudun all atato ronnlittloiiH KovemliiK open and aloid hiiutliiK roiiKoim whnravnr utiitu cnlin cunfllul with tho Kovernmont'a atataU. Tho federal code IlkowlHo iixtonda pro tcotlou lo a number of uhoro bird, au4 In uomi) cubuh duchirua a flr year cloned HtuiHun, The now law will terminate all aprltiR ahootliiK of moratory lrd throiiKhoiit tho United Htatca, and In OrcRou will make tho hunting season extend from October 1 to January 1. provided the rocomtnmidatlons ef Slnte aanio Warden Flnley art fol lowed, Otherwise tho hunting tMMn for thin Htate will ha from fleptvtnber 16 to Pocemhor 16, ai teaUtlfe reffu- latlona juat Icauoat by tkt iraauutl People in tho News Mr. Kinmcllne i'mikhuntt, tlm mill tmit ftUffrtiKelte leader, lin left Knff !and for Franet. lleury Utin WlUon, the titular am bamuidor to MeXleu, rellllilll lu W'nHlt iUKtoil, "till UUlleClduit a to hi future moi'eiimnt It. O. ItlclutriU of Huron, H. I),, lin nllrounced lit cnudldncy for the Hi t ubllcmi nomlimtloti for Kuvernor Fatllnr, In an effort to perwuade tin ilrlllMlt ituverument to rttleane Chin, from her obllKlitlon to receive tin liter" opium. Lieutenant (,,iiir (l :.(; hn left Uuiilou to return in China mid report to It provlBlonr.! pr . Ideut. Mr. J nil." U-irlllard llutlerfleld of New York, wldov, of General Pnnlt I Uullerfleld, ha ht'ijuenthed J3.O0O.O0O of her entnte to the liiteriiatlonul com mittee of Yoiiiik Men' ChrlHilan Aho- clatlou. i:tii;ene N. Fohh, three tlinen elected nnvernor of MuHHachiivettn ati a demo- critt mid a candidate for the democrat ic nomination for tlm preHldcncy hint year, turn declared hluiHelf tln a re publican. Mayor (litynor Iiiih Imued a ntato- ment at New York In crltlclttm of the aiitloii of DlKtrlct Attorney Whitman In ondoavorltiK to thwart the police mirfew crtiMado on nil ulKht ri-Htaur-nutH. John McAlplimihe wealthy lumber man of Diiluth. watt found hot to death lu ttm hiimmmtit of IiIh home and the police nrn tryliiK to duturmlun wlmther murder wuh committed. I'ortlnnd Four mimked men Imld l tlm Kiio-Hpokmm fant tinnii(er trnln on the o W It. a ,s line under tho Kant Twelfth trei)t brldxn over Hulllvan'a kuIcIi nt 0:15 Tuendny filKht, rellnveil the paaaeiiKera In tho obervatIou car of tRU0 In cnh and hbout ft00 worth of Jewelry, iihot and mortally wounded Jo-j Itarron, who I It.-lleved by tlm police to hnvo Imuti .inn of their number, flrod )V eral il.alN to fr!"liteu the women lu their 'tertli. then made tooit ibvlr f oann. Tlm mbbera evidently boarded tho train nt l.'in-t I'ortlaud tatlou, Imme diately ,.mt of the llarrlinan brldK" lendliiK from the Union depot. Thev clliuh'tl onto tlm tender ami crnwle.1 cnr-fully over It to the cab of Mm MiKltie, where they covered tieorK" I'lmlpi, the eiiKln"er, and Fireman .Monro. with their kuiih A the train came to a Ktmidntlll l-lreUMI Monroe leaped throuci tin n il tlow mid fled up tlm Hli-op hntnc on the north itldn of the kuIcIi Into trilei.'Mi. Mitiiioe Ktnppt-d n imrltin mitomo bite mul told the ch.nuffiur to ttihii li'in lo the neattrHt telephone, frou. whence lie iimtuoud tho police. While the two limn were buy rob bing the paeiu;ern in the olmcrvtt tlon car cum of the men who hud entered the eiiKlne mil aloiiKHlde of the train kIiouiIiik and hootltiK In an apparent nlmleK nml mlndlrected muuner. Thl man, llm police t lluve, li llarroit, who now. Iljyj dylnn at St. Vlncent'n hopltal. where ho wit tnken by a anrrlco nmbulntico. Ttm authorlticH think that one of ttm men In the rear coarh mUtnotc llnrrou for mi officer and Kltot him. Southern Pacific Strike I Averted. Snn FrnnclHCo, The Southern Paci fic company reached an aKreeumnt with the Hrotherhooil of Ilnllroad n'raliimen and tho Order of Itallroad Couductora, thti provontlnts the threatened Htrlko nn the Southeru Pa cific IIuoh. The or unlimited Interchange betweon Hteiim ami electrlu aervlce, at tlm option 'of the men, I not Kranted, Kill under certain condition n limited nterchatiK between ntraro aad elec tric aervlco Ih ullowcd. Wive to Aid Husbands. San FrnnclHCo, In an attempt to save their husbands from prise a, Mrs, Maury 1. DIbs and Mm, F. Drew Cam inettl will take the wltnsss-sUuid la the white slave trial, sloth women were la cvart faMt Mk They compared tavariMr In hsaatr and refinement at M Jaase wilk Ue girls for wl afranasaed them WOULD BUILD ALASKA ROADS Development of Coal Land and Cheap Tranaportatlon Needed. Seattle, Wimlt - lu hi nddreaa nt the commercial club here Secretary l.nim declareil It wan one of the flraL duties of the Kuveriimeul to duvulup Alaska. "If the Koveriunent were JttHllfled tn spemllnK ft00.000.000 to join tho At lantic and Pacific coasts with a canal, why was ll not an much obllKitted to link lo Itself ulth an outlyliiK portion of the United States by an expendi ture of HO.000,0007 The United .States built a dirt road across Peunsylvnuln a century ago, mid iIuk a canal from l.uko ICrle to lint llitdtton river." The secretary declared himself not only In favor of Kovernnioni construc tion of nu Alaskan railroad system, but Its operation, so tlmt products tulsht he iranKiHirted at reasonable cost. He wished to nee tlm coal lands developed ro that tlmy would benefit all t people mul not fall Into the hmultt of a monopoly. Farmers Want 70 Cent Pendleton. Many Umntllla farmers '.tt holdlm; tlmlr wheat, wultluK for n rahie 111 price. A little la bttlni; hoVI nt ceutH, and 00 ceuta for uholce Ints, When 70 cents la rcachud kan dt'otls of thoiiHnnds of bmdicla will hu thrown on the market, but local grow ers declare they will uot tako 1m. 2487 Voters Ineligible ItoHcbun;. As a result of failure to (Uncover certain auctions of the rerctn trutinn Im.'H puHKcd at tlm last session of tlm leRlidnture, only 1.1 out of a total of itiOO uuera of ItoHchurr: urn eligible lo vote at the primary election lo be held bore on September 0. It paya to advertise in tho Herald. V-MI -yfHj,Y-,sv,i' SHM LAMAR'S VARIETY STORE i Ttllamook. Ore. ' flowers Relieve Kai Xanisa City. Fleavy ihnrwers 'aw Imoi of tin '(-. Nf of Kansas t I with tVe n v t' i 'r belleVfrt UiC j drauRht U now effectually broken. ; "DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND" f4reett-tea) JV-..t