Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 15, 1913, Image 1

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jzeiT.Q''-ATlON or AnyPaper in tilJamook county
Tillamook, Okkcox, Atv.rsT 15, 101,'.
NO. 5t)
Charier No, W7I.
CONDllNSHO KMtoKT 01' Till!
a I m - m mm
irst national Dank
Di Qj,nflmlUt tl tin Cunrrxy it u CWe of lluiitmt Ai.?lb. l!MJ.
mil l)i 'Mlllt.H ...
jlllflM Tl I III II 11:71. IT I IT. A a
... r wl 1?!. r
11.... 1 1 ... ik. ..1...
I I. ..1.1 ai
$ in,n.?io.o7
$ '.'n.000.00
Vancouver. It. P Directed by Vtfl-di-nt
Hutu to cann-l hl arrange
wiH to ftflll for Japan nml Instead
i proceed t Toklo by going around
the world by way of Montreal, Imlon
nnd lloiir.t.0111;. (I'-mml iviii t)hu
Events Occurring Throughout
tho State During tho Past
Mexico City John Llnd, President
Wilson's personal representative, who
, arrived lif rt safely late Sunday night
I ami nftT spending the night at tho
j Motel I,ascuraln moved to the Ameri
can embassy. iMck of intercut in
consequent r ti
ne, wan du largely
. jifiKHi-! ml.loii to Japan, un- riionll of the county indite and rommi.. 10 thv 'act t,,at n r,!3l demonstration
callml off lh prtmml pl.n. of III. tour Hood River Officers Will Fight Recall , ,:,n,1' coming, and
And will avc for l!aierii Canada. Hood Hiver The petition for th ':n:" ot llturba.nce.
Accounts Carried With Stock
' Brokers Not Gambling,
Says Sulzer.
Albany. After a long conference
with some of bis close political advis
er. fjOVffmnr 5lll7.r tft.tiiwl r, aVinrt
deritjn lo thank the emp-ror for hi ioer of Hood lllver county, who 'nvor of Hu,;rtI I" progress J statement, denying absolutely that hj
participation In a Mexican exposition lum been charged with extravagant w,",,, UnA chtd the city. ev.;r used campaign funds for specu-
ril year, ago. U altogether nt nn handling of thu county fund., now O'ShaughneBsy. the Amcrl-j latlve ptirpoaoa. He says be never
I'or pollllcnl rwnori. Diaz' prev , contain several hundred m.n In ..t. ! can chnrRit d'affaires, acting under In- 1 heard of the stock brokeracf flrm of
tio In ilnjlco u not wanted Ju.t at ' crtin of tbj n-oulred number. It ban tn,cH K-c-n-tary of State Hryan, 1 Fuller & Gray and Uoyer & GrUwold.
t""'. party. iiiimiij of nollltiK ! beon Innrnwl that lln preont county : u;llv,,r;,, a "oid 10 tne foreign office
- lit" Hmpri-M of ltuna, will Jaunt
Tokki. Ttm Jimti''o Kovfrnmrnt
Inllwetwl Ut thn liiukmn fiovernuiptit
that It wouhi not recelnt (Jmiral rVHx
MdinlnUtrollon will ri.'lt th recall "Po'iK appreciation of th.
and mkn a fight. United State for the courtenlea thus
I far ahown to Mr. Und. Thene cour-
Private. Get Ttrm. In Jail and Fines, j t'"tW C0"11"1 ot a call on President
Kort Ktoona. Throe of the four W"Efm personal representative by
soldlem confined In the guardhous.i at co,nma"u'' ot the garrison at : certain camyalgn contributions to his
alleged transactions with which figur
ed largely In the testimony before tho
Frawley legislative committee until
these names were brought out before
the committee.
The governor admits he did apply
m its upeciMl -Hvay to Japan to j Port st,ou imtm-dlutely following 1 Vcrn Crur and " larKP "P,ay of P- personal use, but adds that he made
tpree th tttantss of MMleo for Jnp
wis parUeitwliau l Ui" Mfiicnn
oemenoUI. It Ueriarwl that It would
rvortvff Gonmrnl only a private
r !i IjUi u tlnit w1k palv or weak who always
f t w'.- tn life .rem. hanlly worth tthlle, SHOULD TA K K
i "i ... inm imiir Mtiifii rid nam nuiicnnu p.
u r.-i 1 1. m I lie nalloriir tlio rlwok it mm 11 ronlnenl tiv tin;
t '-!ilit. No tnfilr t i-r popular wltJi ttut whxi licit!
luvllnr l.v.Innl lli.a f (I ld t-itll.. .it tUL'.l'd In. 11
I'- I'- KCXTll, I'luG.
I'uoiio., 1WI1 nd Muiiuli Miiu i
tl.' f t.uniticril .Afiir luu l.it Sot Snt is.-tct iirv
Girl tn Brief Attire I'lned.
JUvannali. 0 Rcrdcr John K.
Krbsn ftal llmt farter $50 for
tirtiK on HnvaunBh'B mailt shop
t ii ihofouKlifnri' In n short skirt and
i tow m w aist Henry Kmoak. her c
' nort. ttald i.4
Cement Sidewalks and
. . 1
Crete Construction Work
Enquire at Ramsey Hotel
' I'Un to Land IDO.OJO Moves Govern
s mrnt to Act.
j Vanciuer. II. (. Tliat a wrlldi
j vi'loi ml (.olif mc tmn nmiurod to bring
u ward of 100.000 Hindu mn an'l
womn to rnndn by th dlntt llu
of Mounter, which It has bent rumor
j ill U lo be started between ItldU nml
j !ttltlh folumbln. Is the report tlml.
lm trt-wu received from confidential
; agent of tho Canadian government
immigration deimrtment.
The queMlon was offlflnlly taken
up In Ottawa, where the government
has decided Mint, though they ar
.'irlllnti subjerta. they niniiot be ttt-
,jowml to html, li Is alleged Mint o
carefully hate the ,ltnn been msd'
iihnt eery .lewcomer will be provided
with th- Imposed by the govern
ment on 1 very prospective Immlgrnnt.
Mle.nrreat of Private Waldo Coffmsnn I ,lco nboul ,h 8,atlon hen hc arrived
liavo brnsn tried by n speelal court
martini and sentenced to six months
wr-ch. l'rlvaieo Johnson and Kerts
were flninl f 120 In addition to the sen
teiieu Imposed.
'In wl W
j In the capital.
Oregon Printing Secretary Named.
Salem. Or. V. M. I'llmpton, for
Private Cameron was u,r"" ""Pcriniencieni 01 me state
j printing plant under the late W. S
; Dunlwny, was made secretary of the
department by Uie state printlnr.
Hd, , 1
ii r
Stc''-'l mis.
Allornry 41 Iw and NoUry Public
lliWI.IA.xT V
Tillamook, Oregon
Webb L.quor Ulll Held Void.
(UlgiMWii. Iowa - Jude V. M. Hunt
r : the stntti district court ruled
hut the U'i-hb Kcn.von law prohibiting
he l-ip!i!etit of r.ijuor from wet to
rv states is iiuror.siHutloniil "in Mint
it Ik 11 delexntlon by congress to tli
ni.'ite i-f (Hiwer ol rauhitlng Inter-
tile riiinmeree of Intoxlcntlng llijuors.
which power Is vested In congress ox-iluslvel)."
Ciunty Votes $500 COO for Bridge.
i...cdtier. Wash.---Clark o county
voted to bond llsolf fur I&00.000 to
help build the proposed Columbia river
brii'ue from Portland to Vancouver.
)esptte some opposition to the meas
ure, there never has been any douht
that the Issue would carry.
This Coupon Today
II will bring you Infofiiullon lo how YOU and your n
tire family can vlalt he San Francl-co ExpojHI" I" 0,
Hie ilollar-a-wfk plan. Not only that, but cvrrylhliig will
b of the brsl, cvtrylhlng reserved and II will coil you tesa
than If you pay when vou go.
E. J. CLAUSSEN, Tillamook, Oregon
' M 1 1 i t , 1 f 1,1 1 a I 1
' V A it. t 1 f
Brief Nows of the Week
Ore movements from the mines and
locks are completely tied up hecnuso
of tho strike of ore handlurs at Diiluth,
.Ml 1111.
Customs Inspectors at Sail PrauclB
co, while searching the steamer Korea
for smuggled opium, discovered 400u
worth of tho drug In 100 flvv tael cans.
Nliietj 'iilmi Japanese, companies,
with n totnl capitalization of ll'.KC.OOO
hnve been Incorporated in California
In thu lust two mouths, or slucu the
autlalluii luw was enacted.
The oluveulh triennial convention of
tho Woodmen of thu World, Paclfle
jurisdiction, was brought to a clode
at Colorado Springs, Colo., with Mitre-election
of Head Consul I. I. Honk
ami other Incumbent officers.
During the session of tho Catholic
Total Abstinence union ut Philadel
phia, speeches wore made showlna
that tlm sentiment of thu delegates Is
against the ruutorutlon of thu army
Tho president'! cup for the beat dis
play at the apple show conducted at
Cleveland, Ohio, by the International
Apple Shippers' association, was won
by tho Ontario, Canada, daftrtmtat of
C. J. Crook of Hem lock, recently
did his haying with the aid of his uuto
truck. This Is probably tlio' first time
the auto Truck haa been used in the
haylekk of TUImmo Cunty.
Revolutionary Orderi litued Affecting
Cattle, DOQk, Hcc.3 and Horses.
Portland. To protect public health
by eradicating diseases of livestock
the stat sanitary livestock commis
sion Issuul order of rovolutiouery
harnoter at n mellug held In the
dairy and food commissioner ofllcts
A dog quarantine effective m
moo tlm begtuulnu August 9 to be nn
forcwl by sheriff nr.d peace offlcerr.
wan dotdored In Multnotntih, Clacis
Max, Wiuihliifitou, Marion, Yamhill,
iMk .mul (?olumb!a counties. Doqb
taust idlhcr bef mtfssliHl or held In-
lentJi. Anfmnls allowed to run loonu-
a'III he killed nnd owners protecuted.
The board ruled that all cows found
by test to be ttlbeixular. must be
branded with the loiter "T" on the
right Jaw, 11 hrend 2 by 2 Hi Inches
which cannot be oblttenited. Cars
used to transport hogs into or through
the state must be cleaned nnd disin
fected. All itnlmals brought Into the
stale must be certified to as from a
territory free from hog cholera during
the past six mouths, or Mint the hogs
have been immunized from Injection
of hog cholera vaccine. All swill or
refuse from restaurants or hotels or
offal from packing plants must bu
thoroughly cooked before fed to hogs.
The commission ordered that all
horses brought Into the state must
have received the Mullein test for oc
cult glanders, with tho exception of
raee nnd exhibition horses, those from
nearby states, or horses brought from
Kuropo for breeding purposes.
Stevens' Firm is Pressed.
K"w York. The John K. Stevei!F
Cor.Ntrucllon company, whose presi
ileal. John F. Stevens, was appointed
l Thsodore Itoosevelu chief euginee;
of the Panama Canal and resigned
under tho Tnft administration, filed a
voluntary' petition in bankruptcy.
Shoot When Deputy Waves Flag
Salt Ijtke City. Four bystanders
wore shot sertuusly nnd three othetf
less toiisly wounded In a riot o;
Kat Second Sc".: Street when a spe
cial policeman waved nn' American
flaK in the face of aa IndUitrlal V.'crl:
er of the World orator
Peof e :n the News
Agricultural College Instructors to
Give Dally Talks En Route.
Corvallls. Kqulpped with portable
laboratories ami educative exhibits
gotten up for the special purpose of
conducting demonstrations and class
work In tho various agricultural and
general welfare subjects, 111 college
professors, assisted hy members of
the statu dairy and food commission,
representatives of tho state grange
and of the Oregon Social Hygiene so
ciety, left Corvnllls on a six weeks'
tour of tho state.
In carrying out this programme the
Oregon agricultural college extension
staff will travel In two pnrtlos, one ef
which will conduct general w el faro
schools In tho cities nnd larger towns,
while tho other will devote the entire
six weeks to farmers' Institutes for
the discussion of various topics.
The dally programme outlined for
the general welfare school will consist
of lectures, demonstrations and Infor
mal classroom discussions, covering
such domestlo subjects as cookery,
house decoration, nutritive value of
foods, food adulterants and preserva
tives and child welfare.
Orvall Overall or the Chicago Cubs,
was released to the San Francisco
Pacific Coast league team.
Taking of testimony has begun at
San Francisco In the first of the Dlggs-
Cnminottl trials, that of Maury 1.
Olggs. former state architect.
Thomas J. Cogan of Cincinnati, O.
was elected president of tho Fraternal
Order of Eagles, during the conven
tion at Baltimore.
When In Chicago on his way to Mil
waukee to preside at tho meeting of
tho Fedornted Catholic societies. Car
dinal Gibbons said that ho was oppos
ed to women's voting.
Or. Sun Ynt Son, fleeing from the
wrath of President Yuan Shi Kal of
China after the fnllure of the secession
movement of the south, arrived in
I "Gunboat" Smith of California de
feated Jim Flynn, the Pueblo fireman.
In the fifth round of their scheduled
10-round bout at Madison Square Gar
don, New York.
U, S. Commissioner G. Wallace W.
Hanger nrrlved in San Francisco and
will attempt to ndjust the present
grievance's between the railroad em
ployes and tho Southern Pacific company.
Business men of St. Paul are urging
Louis W. Hill, chairman of the board
of directors of thu Great Northern
railway, as a candidate for mayor of
St. Paul under the new commission
the amount good. He also admits
having transacted with the stock firm
of Harris & Fuller, but Insists that his
accounts with this firm was not specu
lative and consisted of a loan on stock:
and collateral. He denies that he ever
speculated In Wall street.
The report of the Frawley legisla
tive committee, charging Governor
Sulzer with having diverted campaign
contributions to his own private use.
was adopted by the legislature and a
resolution to impeach him for "wilful
and corrupt conduct In office and for
high crimes and misdemeanors" was
offered In the assembly by Majority
Leader Levy.
On the eve of the governor's proba
ble impeachment the story was spread
broadcast throughout the capital that
Mrs. Sulzer had assumed all blame for
the revelations brought out by thu
Frawley Investigating committee con
cerning the governor's transactions !u
Wall street. According to friends ,'n
whom Mrs. SuUerliaS' CMfTdeil. sKo'-"
had declared she used some of tha
governor's campaign coatributions be
cause she felt that the household "was
in need of money."
The governor, it is said, knew noth
ing of his wife's dealings on the stock
Big Preserve It, Projeet.
Grant, faw. Thert U moyeaaent
on foot U,.Ubllah fift. aid flak
protective timtory l - afitkar Ore
gon, The taVrttiry as s-uMlied will
embrace JoaeMM, Jackaoa, Kumath,
Lane, Douglaa. Coot and. Curry coiia
ties, In Oregon; Del NHf, Slaklyou,
haata. Tahama. Trinity, Hunbellt
and Mendocino counties In California.
Herald TiTtlgtaMistf'bring mutts.
Will Unionize State Print Shop.
Salem, Ore. Announcing ho would
put Into effect In the state printing
office tho Portland Job scale of wages,
also that ho would enter Into a written
contract with the Salem Typographic
al Union, unionizing tho state prlatlng
office, State Printer Harris caused a
sensation at the statehouso. The Port
land scale is 25;60 a woek, while the
Salem scale, and the present scale In
the state printing office, are 9x1 a
Orientals Cross Pacific and Are Cap
tured on California Coast.
Point Arena, Cal. Following the re
port sent by wireless by the steamer
Henry T. Scott that a Japanese Junk
had been sighted off the coast near
here, Constable Ketchem arrested 15
Japanese as they were making their
way through the woods. This Is the
second capture of the sort that ha3
been made on the coast line north of
San Francisco within the past two
weks and It leads Immigration offi
cials to believe that venturesome Jap
anese have hit on a new method of
evading Immigration restrictions, a
method that consists of crossing the
Pacific ocean In flimsy fishing boats.
One of these vessels Is being held at
Hureka now, a craft 50 feet long by
10 feet beam, mid held together by
ancient wooden clamps.
Election Date Is Named.
Medford. At a meeting of the coun
ty court September 9 was fixed as
tho date of a special election to Tote
on the Issuance of $500,000 bonds for
tho construction ot a permanent high
way extending from Ashland and the
southern line of tho county through
Medford to the county line on tho
north, a distance of 52 miles.
Rid Bplder Strikes Hops.
Independence, Many reports have
come In from the hop yards to the
affect that the red spider Is appearing
In large quantities. While this will
net affect tho quality of the hops, it
looks as If it will decrease the uan-
Mrs. Howard to torvo Sontenae.
Olysapla, Wash. Linda Burftela
Hassard, tho Seattle "fast cure" prac
titioner convicted of manslaughter,
oharged with gradually starring to
death' Claire WIUUbbob, two years
ago, wust gpt to Walla Walla peniten
tiary to serve tho sentence of from
two to 20 years, Imposed by the Kitsap
court,, tho supreme, court decided.
Tho Palm Caft wants to buy your
cMckoM. '
Tillamook, Ore. 1
LOOK ' akG UND "