Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 12, 1913, Image 3

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(let tho ',. C, rorriflmn'ii nt Honey A
llathnwny, ,'t for e,
W. (J. l)wlKht In ii Portland vlnllor
tltln Wt'OV.
Allflti l milling and rollcciliiK
nl for tho l(iior owliiK miii-Mno,
Machine oh on iuy payment. He
mli fiirnUliHl,
Vo itro In n po.ltlou to nimn muni)
l'iif Unit) farm lowu.
Flrnt National llnnk.
On of thu btut thin for tho Tlll.i
mook Ktili tu do tu t Iry Mlimlt'if
lira ml of fee at tho HKJ 4 only.
MuMri Vnyn nnd Olmtd of thn
Km and I'nyiwi C. of Hftorldun worn
if the rlly I a l w)jk.
Mr. IIiiMrll liotU, ah employee of
th" I' H. I. A I'. Co. Portland una
tpn apirhdfng u few dy l the homo
Mr. Kuhlman.
PurnUhl loim keeping rooma for
rmit. Hath, 'tone, olwlrir haiil.
Si l.ltck ouh of poaUilrv-i . Mra,
I", S. M or fin.
'! I'-iday, Fran Alvoid nnd Rtn
ItiMul wmn unilxd In tnarrluisi, nt tin.
I Ikxiw f M, It. Uanenkratl. K v. Kuhl-
n.Ait vlllclniing.
Moaatil te rri-m I" (Mirtiitra. from
r t on tu ton ffullon. dli.-rrl u any
i . . .i. . ... i i'trt tat Uw ritjr, l.2fi per Kitllon.
Wo ftinmnlro faliafaeUOfl hIu Uii' , ... ,
, . ,. ,. Hweei Hhoti, eeluir RKri.t. Hull
j.rir 1 Honey A' IUuhwj. 'phone
Purl land ir Valtciv uroMtty to trade,
, for I1lul CmiiiL land. Wrfle C. 5 IIMT of BaatAfnOrei. ia vialt-
Far Ahead
Of the ordinary face cream, It
fit'it') out from the other a notice-
t.l lu ai Itiii at. in iirrtfinriwl with tlw.
moon. Iii our -iimi'vi no other fare erctrn compare with
Dike's Peroxogen Cream
Wo recommend lt ue for Hallow, routth, pimply and other akin aircc
tloim. Daintily perfumed It I the td"ul crn for the particular woman.
Men find it indlniMinalldo after nhnvinc
Homcmbor It in - Dike' Perciojen Cream 2fc n iut
A lilif Jr of wnlihfwrtton.
Tillamook Drug
Ii. Ii. KCCI I. Ph. G.
I'honrr, lt xni Mulu.il) Main 1
Snt infliction Gttnitinlvci'.. X'oncy J'ncU if Sot nliufnctory
ItiC i.
th day ftl th
.!'. Hln. 310 link 8t IVU.mJ. Or. " hr ,1uhlr Mr- J- Kin.
i . .1 t k.( .. . . .. ... ... 1 1 i
' u i
...... v .t r a ..f u -!-..
' hr roatln Mr. K. I InrHn. twt : HM- f tli aln with namo 7i
It In UwB' A M"f lTfi to Mr. nml Mr. ! "nf np.rv on it. Fin ler pl,.c J
. . . , Uoilhi ftlt lilK t'liyM.
iriH Ml l for rliicV-
Dr. vmit ' 'er mhw m rffijmn jiiry i".
ou rciT rwii, j
ii nil wing 1'I7W". , a
M.n .nU t Wr 4nlry rwU. St fhw. Tftayui of Iortlml who vWtwl "i,
; la -tg aero. m Wiy lrl. KrnUir ll n onn-i "irmnwrt m n
,ln af IN.rllatvt l l rHlkHMV Tll! Mm! Ahtret Co. MMt wr" rftafnl f hid hotni on
it vititli
u .,i ! ly S-trt.
li I 'ihfwj mmi rt.ll !fpn who
lUr (it nrt 1 j io i rtv" ; f" mortif.
Ft n'r .1 n-fim f lamJ "t 1!UI
tu r.i, i Num ho'Hx. bm and a fw
! ati ii irwu. IVtcw Ct.Sfln. tr wookl
Own Your Home-Stop Paying Rent
nml flcsirx the aid of !i irrowed tnoney, wc nsk
your iiiref'ul cotisidcr 'io .if the udvnutnycs
iifTorded lv "tir mo-.' ily insUiilment ptnn of
loan, in whteh the !-m)lmeiif ,fr nny iven
lertn are each of t -tl. the srmie amount
throughout the entire tei :i the loan. With
hut little "renter outlay than would be required
for rent, everv payment Ueeus the interest paid
each month and steadily reduces the principal.
We will tr'.ndly explain our plan of a loan to yoa
if intereste!.
,. rii!r..l aiuniay. i,fjJi fof ()P0.riy l r .Iwut
w ihm ihuuaaiMi dollar f TiUm lrwuiro it tlrrald ofttee.
i 'Jib J, j, h.
'v a i
. lfl SaiMwal.
:t Wo. I,
Mnia a TUl-
THUm Imiiifro it Herald ofttee.
! Fl Cryderaan ami wife of Spokane,
!vlil4 t.iutr ki frionda I4r. ii.nl Mr.
Wbwler irp.inrnnid by !U'. C. Kin rwr laat ok returnin;
.... ... . .....
ii H f nuwnt l.i R.j'i.aaray. . Hir hom on Monday. irwy wtwo
.!,. Mr. Hotu ha ti,jr-h (mprcJ with id" prJgrvM and
f..ni"-! H'H wnr. pt..,o;.ty f Una w-Jy.
t . rt-wit, nf ' rtlfifirl. m-ai?r f Th i r..?ram l natai" and aong at
t-.. tir-.-i Life Inauraare 'V. w t Mln .tit '"hjrJj Ut Sunday vn-1
ir., ..rhnL bua.i lit t&o Ml on in ' en rvcttvv i. mawrnaa w
U'l S.in.Ujr,
fork, :'!,
N. Han-
llw f1,uy an t Saturday of we. , twrW ; i'w .-sumtMr wr dl r.ioftar-
' i : and aii rr bnflUd It Wi8 u
r if rant "r iui w
SV.ati ttdneh. luquiro
, Hi!
, Vip
.f i;rt'Hl.
1 i
n ' -i unil'irf I'm f lr
-. K ui-.-. ' rur.i:l'4r
I tfialu am c ;ifc
f .'. W Vral.t -il lh"'
, and family fUtlasl at
, ..! In U 'ny
'.! i Ui i ei (To l
. r afi rhil.lran and
.'.'.villi a- lli'i'li t
. ., f. - il ..iwa In
ni , ,j Ub '.. ." vUpiwi by
1 1 . I'Mintf n lit-' fJUmi-
. in una i punt"
. 'i-iin in Yiniat at Hy
. W'o.iiwaiay Mli.1 l'Vl
.. ..I.
1 mid rannir.-d. Work
.. . i..L. i nva vour ! 1. ilitivr
Ji.nirt. Kimdnii
z rare in i mv.in
Of J'mni ...M..Kt(M -i..M-il. 'ltio
i..m.. .Nlart, Ur. tunilane flt Sunday Schwl w K.
Wi lo nt, or dairy w,rn j. it!eniirf Inlwnni for
fun., fmm 1 t f AHrt lttfJ , tiOTk. (ja4V v.,cil . i daya.
M.:ti Av.. Portland. ')r. j PrHay voimg th iloekoway
r ttw!py wl family avomttil ,iiirir-iaj luo tcavo t lib- narly
1) viikra t-i( i" Harvtrw tortav u the I'rneh. in .)'; an I vial-.
!tnpnr IU rtfJalivca frasa UV Ci . (lur, wr,. invito I ami rvq'i. :J to
Anort of fHy fli d ratwiipr n wea -. Viiiie ' ri :i k! a tin
tts njwjrt. iean. A rtn:r n if H i n i n wa
ntot; Twu v rHd thv. atT,.r1i mn .m-
fw my tw- Thuraday nab:.jiwt. I'ns .-rr Ktv... f.w .- het
fi i.i.-i notify , t hrl N l-:thr, trr.
, .n. C M. Jo.-- i-1 ' "hi I-,' U vork .
H.-i: report tt birth of tu. a i.aiibt.. .. h. nK ai iirimcnt
! -..r t . '.U nt Mr. Walt BtOi'ihou whu-h r -witc
. . .. . .. .t.i .. "nar an.) tl h". "' :, ..mv I'linci1.. i ' e
Mr. n l "ir H1 T Matt i "f
II' Jill lift! Kinidiiiil tor.;cdl
ilrv, . It .i
ri i ii v, i,i.k ,ui..i -in iiiR'rntt'il
ti!,.,n i mi, K. (ropruvliitf faal
I..- iilioul lut 'tn.
Mtsia on Stindny -v. aint-
0;r. Wn--n Hlwv m'ti-i on M.m
,r ,, tl--i f"f '"X'"W
, i'l " I " ' u' ' ' ' "f
n,r V,w i i : S'lUltt Olid l.i-.ne
(,.-..f (ir -rm i'fi vUi!al 11 "ne
of M-i ') (' i-'- ' WJffk
Cv ;. t f-r "' Saturday nd
M -n .tu 'I- . Monday.
p , I ! . Hi- SaTe.1 "
,-t. .-, .il'u'iVf "'4k!i K'ial Km
. nt i. i-i Hitu halt, for
'lu. a f IV- ' v 'hnw- A r,r"
i ,.,rk I. .limer tun I hi inU-rst in
ith.- imi.'t huaiiv-.il' hia tmrmer C.
,.; , r, VVm mi : .' mf thnt Mr.
.. ulu.nl In -iU.mil a .Ui-uui
i 1 1 it u;t d. ilutrv .'i
1 1 . i
,,.ile, iiift.r of tho ('"r-,
, I ml wir a ill
:i.ni.ile "l!it iuittsl
.- li. CH.-h 1lit
t -lit I'.r lite -oro
iv ".)! fc,iinia-
For Fli
ii and niuiu bxtiu
Liirii s Lav'Doiic
kllie noil . I.ctivr nd chrapat Ily
Ullrr nude II coiU, trady to priy(
'win 7c lo UK f Jllon.
l in lie nilxd with water ui
Isidore u ku oxc:lv' than olhrr
"y killer.
ClougVa Cin-Imlic Compound
k many itroncfr than iV
"ihrr our p!t itilllrlrnt for 16
C L.O U 3 H
The Kcllnble DruKsIa
ui riw ir.
1 1. J furnilj I C '.'
f..it of thoio '.
Tn t-v ami .i Ir.i '.r..l i hibv it'irJ
. ' r. Th,i$. Edwarda
aiitrrrwd iviil -.'-nx i eid.nt Fri
1 1 tfVfn.-Kf. ill.' litllw ono vn run
i,i,il5 at-rit tho houw ami ai'i'i lentally
I ii i :U nt d wn i it an of
i,.t -v ater o.t.iinrf ittt-lf quit serioimly.
Uue of tl.- ..Uit-r rl.lldr.-n ran for th
.,.... v.V. --rif at neirf-ihor".
wi , .. i. .i i' . u-of the children t m .
I,,., r, ; h ..if I 'it. chil.1. nr. B sU
vti !. u n:- 'i. ! l "" '"! evnrythinjr
whk don t iilcviaid tho one oi
its KutTori.iir-t. U in reported to bo
gettini; al.m nl.-ciy.
Jnild nnd Hud KoMibtric formerly
inerehiint ot thi city, aivoraniuiiud by
0. 0. l'Hrker, i ono time tinner nt Uw
A lax Mi-N'air har lwura tor, nrrivon
U ,. , H 'nuMHofthUeitv. loft heroin nuto ovor tho Sheiid.u rowl
m'Z ' ' ! Sirll to tt-ud n! from their homo. t Junction City on
nM". .,fl, .f L i'Mnd .wnln Thov will .amain
T-'1: f t , (! m. Roformolhurofuriifewdnj.. Thoy ar. wlon-
ng In hi. fHtbar1. bnrn ao.ne t..n ago. l.oeturo Hu torn.. r fv o '
l)r ItaaUhn. found It nucwamry tu c0mny with Mr. J. M. 8tt. wire
1 T ,, , Huvond plnwMi for of lh, Uon.r-l pnawnKor ia of tho
JLvh,,: .u. that Imd ,S. v. linoa in On.n. will rr vo hor.
. , , united about tl.u Ihiiioh, 1 this uvunlntr. 'H'W f"1 '
,U! L Hha.l.wMliUnp-pN. of .m-urlnu d.t. on tho ..Iry.
I ' i ...iv.irad tho Inaa aheMo and othor lnuuino oi u.u
WhSStf b 1180,1 in ,8?luro! ,n ,bot
! of Id , ...out tlio '...i i.i.v.. hum nuar or at
ffSVK v.. I J.";;!"' ZlM T TOto I il" "!
rillarnook County, Oregon
T" Ii
Most attrcictivc heavh fr cmnp'm.s in
Oregon. l:irst class hotel ntvotnmoiUi
uoits. store -uul iostoflicc on grounds;
ntljoiiiinir l-ederai anil State roervation
eoutainiiij; lieautilul s.vaerv . Tnree Arch
Koehs, oaves, sea lions, .sculs. parrots,
etc. Happy Cnmp w si ven v ineties
of" cl.uns, oyster beds. cr.ib ni.. craw
lisll on the "beach: hears na.l lerric in
the woods; ood i'cvj) ea tihin.. fine
boating and bruhing in Ivy nr hviii;
excellent spring waUr. New seven-mile
nuton;obi!e toad from Tillamook just
Camping Space $ 1 .00 per Week
Famished Teats $5.00 ?cr cek
I'.oo.l pasture for horses. All pnder new management.
Hre nt Pendleton dr:royed half
that city's Chlnaton. and for a tlmu
ondant;ere.d the huainca section. Tho
lom wiia J 7500.
C'ertlflcntoa bvtaoeh for life vcrn
Inaui'd by Superintendent of Publics
JiutrtK.'tlori fbnrclilll to 5t persons,
the Inroat nnmber er granted after
an extfllritlori of appttctta,
Ooenior Went haa aolhoriziil the
announo'ime-.t Mm' heraaftfir tha main
xotild o It Lhat tb licma of nil
Mloor keeper Mjnvtctwl ot vtotatlm;
l bo la wr forfeited.
The (jtnraerclBl fhthlnv anon on
th ofwr Rotrue hirer. er:mprlln tho
territory betwoen Orant pn fho
rn-Mith ot Jump off Jos creek. c!o?d
at mldniahl July 21.
It la expected It it f jtTi'-ral lnpc
tlon of all He irrisa-ifn prnj'cta In
Ortr-.-s tc whieh 'tie govfr-ment ta
Intrusted will b m.-,'l by rrnklln
K. Lane, i)cretr) of fh.- n.tr'or. dur
tn lila iit lo thl ia- r.exr month.
Sf tialor ClmtnberlBin han b"'-i au
thorized by the poblie land mraaiilw
to report favorably a bill Hciai? thn
ae. limit nnder ifhleh . jir,- . 'm J or
other outrien may te madf by male or
female pvrao, to IS yearn.
Major Jamea P. itclndoc, of the
corp ot United State enor. nn
nonneiv that it Is 'he tntwitlon 10 W
Bln work oa the north Jetty nt the
mouth of tie Columbia ritor In Octo
ber. The old territorial al of Or;on.
ubicb wna dltcarded when Oregon was
admitted to th- Union In ISfcl. now Is
Ujc oflctel sel of Multnomah county
aad Incidentally the flrt neal wbicb
tbla county has eer bad.
A ftanll eloudtmnt bit Shanlko ac
cotapaa'ad by a high wind nd light
ning. Ar. inri. of xe-r tood l.i tho
btreets of Shsnlko and outbuildings
and fncp were turned ovar and dnm-
'A nso-:: -int r-ir' - Iirolo Na
tional Highway" hi-- U"en paced on
the row .-idln frctn Kinm i'b f'aHs
to Lakcv1"s , whert? l-e ru..ty lino
betv-'fer; KL.m.ith and Iike -ountles
croaae tbe road.
Anoouaceat-nt ars. marie by Gover
nor Wei i of bla ret nrj'-ndatlons to
tbe tat-rior J -p? r ran - tor the dis
trlbution t.f tbe If' ?jr rent road fund
provided hy tte d .pertinent through
the of timber lamia 5n forest re
' series
Morrow county citizens have r'.tsed
over J2500 to ho:d a county fair on
September 5fS. i'fi and 27. A good prem
ium lift v !l be of ered for all classe3
Of Hvest-'k .md farm prcdnee a.ud h
baby rtc will be among the attrac-
J b Crii. a Cblcaeo en'reer an.l
rac Slurt is at Cherr vi!le. looklnt:
b:- lo.!.'- - for fee Whi.t Cross
. : - and the A-A-eric: -i Homes
sr . 1: o.'c is to iro .ide
trr'?-- for nom.e-'i-i'rs t.t .ini-
Abstracts on Short Notice!
acific Abstract Company
l. V. hUHRJIMtOr, Manage!
Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of
Tillamook County, Oregon
(With Kiii.mk Wat"2)
Main 533 Also Mutual
P. O. BOX J-17
.MMH4tMaiMtWIM ''
i.tt ' jr
Mr. Wo.ldt lH
only Hy Spt-ciallHt
purn.nnuntly loiniteil
... niii,.i.wwik. Your . ...it..!,...., ...,fi-wiilin' unallnir (IrliiK a
,,y(.whioh..ruhii ,n-t ..l
.run llf VOIII UO'iy oil"1"1' tniel U. OUIOH" f."'. i
b ? i 'hVHii'h... who Ih nipnhlu to wok. A m lu)tt0 svll innhe 5 kHpi of j
.i...'....o..u niiior limn thu iifotl m
.tiler. !
llli"a. Iifunrnutuu my kIhmoii nnd Mixi,( with watar and BUKr it isj
Kianai". , , .....i.., irood that ... ..
SJJnrSSr runahlu
Sidewalks, Floors, Foasidations, Chimneys,
Building Blocks, Septic Tanks, Etc.
i-vuntrrr ot Ti TIT .l.AMOOK CO. EANK BLDG.
Cloiih'li tho Hollublu DrtiKKlat.
ite -:
ueer Wt'!-
'- iatl'ht o
4. ged ir i
! i i r, m-'-.(
o W It
he id-
- .; h .- ''!;--!".e crashyi! iato a s.rins
cf fn'.'.-M tvrs. He b'jfi-rej broken
-. i ;t.r L .' Uen rihs mul i. -raerous
iin.ibt .r tt- collision nl.'. 'i rrisi.ed.
( e of e groate-ot eollei-llons of
a-. . , Jviu'n curio ut'U s-a mosses
ever dii a'.va U prornUM ".i (be i.-ird
anr.u-.l a-r;ite carnival, whuh w.'.l Ue
lu-id r.i I . "t-rerd. Ai:si-.t K and 1C.
The ded aa of tV- IV O-iord
agr.te pa rf also tu if t feature
of the cai'
A Ure: .1:18 nicchint
pleee by -i mhui pm'--byak'a
bt,- r.- .'
north of IV.cUeton. K
ho sopar tor teuder.
burned, 25 ae-v- or nrre . i..-iin
was destroy "d in 'be f!re which followed.
core .---'I to .1 tney
a .. . . "C i ! t cn
'v .! hlonn to
j -.' r.i En
jp..Til L-:ies
.,aii V.'jJiham.
wis it-nsualy
v. ItVn SO
U -'I'
8 ard -.I:. .''.-'
i feet rcuiK m
.. s. Ono
: i '.to
is -. 34
.0 fast
The ccr
will liulF
the Sout! '
gene to Ci
crd of tbt
tbe moun:
feat, with
Rcprvpe-'t'-.ti o Slr.a'nt h;-s urged
:ha puh'.ic 1 ndi cosim'ttie to take
at once t' . E:riib bo'.i I -a.
which r --.e hoaimuaJ i; v "--tuonts
of v. i n. cr b v: i r acio.
Ho uretl tist t'-te t:t;l. a.' - '" -l-rwvdy
pax'd the jjtu:'to, be :
omtrgeuo matter and b.-cotue r law
t.; t'..s ti3slpa
' A .esd, whiclt tins btvn j j ur on for
the yo:i ttre year be-.wnn J v
Bc8.-c!leu, noiro fr.mer of CUcUamua
oour;-. and Lawrence Alyera, a vl.ito
far.-ii .t.yi-b'e precluct, culrnin-
au ! " -i Myt- ambushed a!d
- u "j to kill his colored neighbor.
Myers vrx nrr&,tid by Sheriff VaBs
and brought to Oregoti City. Hla ball
was -'-x-Jd at $1000, which he wis not
r.blo to raise, and ho was lodged In Jail.
Tho supremo court of Oregon hnnd
od down 19 opinion, tho largest num
ber over given out in one duy. Tho
court retidored GO opinions during
July, also establUhlnc a now record
for any one month. In ouo of its Im
portant rullnBa, the court hold that
Inltiatlvo measures should not bo plac
ed ou tho ballot for the special refer
endum election called for next November.