Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 12, 1913, Image 2

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tin Cillamook herald
C. . CroMiblcy, Editor
l$.ucrt Ctvlcc a tUcilt
Entered fo.-ow l-cl.-t' -utter Mar 17. 19 1;-, at the . o'llco t
Ore pon. under the net of March 3, 1ST.'.
subscription 5! v: ak in aovvnck
Cucsd.iv and Frlilav
J1lv:r!siiirt Kates
' o-rsl Advertisements
I'-rnt Insertion, por 5
t inartion. lire
Hume-stead Notices
Timber 01 urns ' ' po
Notices, per line - - J
Cur '" 'h-fi-.. Wf li'" "
!,.--':. -r li.w, first insertion - .?i
Uaeh subm-qucnt insertion, line
Resolutions of ondoloneo ami
t Aim f-ulH-.A-.. TI..1- Hill.
I UWA - ..--.- - f I ' '
0' Bosine-ss Profe-ssional cnrds.mo.
OS! Diaolav Advertisement, per Inch
At !. Marine Us must bo 1" thin
. intiikciucuti couutok thk1
i statu of oiskgon, for tilla
mook county.
1 0. F. Trowbridge, IMrtlntlir.
l.vreiiee K. Sanders, Oertrule A.
Sin- let. The First Nntinnal HaiiK.
, niriHirtitlon, ntul C. U Dye, Defend
i 'V.. t n miiM t! NhihI-.m. (..-rtrililo
I A. Sanders, The First National tlimV, 1
.! I t II.. II... !
a oorportiuoii, iw .'
above named defendants:
OFOIUTiON : You and citeli of you
art. horobv re-uuire.1 to appear mm an
wrr the complsint Med neninst you
A full two story room house ami
burn. l.o.l phtmblm:. llrvo
ttientit hi, hunt surfaced streets, ce
ment utile wall.. oIimo in, lino locution.
PortUnd. Oregon,
Seven nitres close U elty limits of j
Van Cuuver, vVashlmtlun Hue. frul1
land. Mult itml mtelr.
KlKhty acres im Netnrts
county rond fii mi." lrM city of 1 ,
tniMiK, lor tl in snno int-w ""j
list Localrd lit ttt ComwrrcUl Bltl.,
iucccrdlnf Ur. I'. J. hrp.
Alt Wolk OlUlillt.nl. Hlh I'ImMI.
.. ii . ,2
Otllf I Iwiiti , , .,, o i,
sent i
. . . I M. I I
l -o on M. '. tiy Hi'.iJ nurjy
inirs inr Vut'liention In flh
ng ThmIv Friday isww.
ReMan.0 r' mprtivo.
Ti i:s;)v. Arc.rsr rj, ni:i.
T' HeraM wio.u- to bivme morv
ii tirwKi-iy mnte I iln ur uer
M.ik u- Um n-rih. TVv are
onl inf"t t the prewwt tinw but; -
pretty hiwky onea. We wh to have a ; j?riKt)n u locnted on N'ehnlera bay
eort-nporhlent in every one of the j.Jtt .(yu ( th mum pueition
towns ant beah rMorto. We wish to Garjbkii is on TllUmook bay and has
ci-'irat with them, for oir mutual ns mJnv cra clams ami sea food m
1vaitae. We want your support and. Garibaldi. 0. Hewitt Is the Rnt
coixl will and rou waot our publicity. for development company ami has
a score of teams and men on the ground
We are at jre9nt at that season
of the year when every precaution
shouM be tsen to avoid forest fire.
Through the splendid onfaniaatioo
which the tinbermei have worMuir in
conjunction with the state and national
owvruti fort-st Sree are kppt un
der e mtrini pretty well. hvwevr. the
camper, toe hunter, the (ogcer nnd tue
roan who is clean;!' hw lana. eai-h have cwciiv of 50.000 fet and employs
n resp. -.sibilitv rejpird to this milter , Wt.a TWK lumber, although
and carelessness should not be tolerat
ed :n the least.
grading the streets, one of thn a mile
tone will be the continuation of the
! county road to Wheeler. The Portland
(end of the company John Uockhart,
President, and F. K. Coddington Seere
! Uiry hnve mhl over two-Kurds of th
, kt3 and (treat thinjrs nre anticiptited
, wban the overnment jetty is corn
I plotcd. The Brighton saw mill ba n
planer is contemplated in the near
future The mill Is ahut ilown for a
J coupte of weeks for the annual repairs.
A strong endeavor is being made bv Georze Vvatt is pri .ent and Thomas
it. watt Secretary and resident maru
srer They ship by rail aid also akows
Kt ywean interests u curr aid fro n
Bayocean and fillamoo people and
the eu i".ty court f.r the construction of
a wa in and aatou-.obile rowi fr.m
Tillam. toBayocesrt. A part of ths
road is a'readv mpleted, leavi-ig
5 T-iO rr. ks to jo completed. At the
county o v.irt has already made all the has a fine store and is optomislic
appropriation for roads it can for this Brighton's future. John A. Bett
First utoriJiaiie note Of lUl1,
elnsa steirity, dnvtnc T r
i Interest, fer sale.
See J. M. LUstm'tr. nHWR.
i wn- ...ii. . uii ......
I iImivc entitle-l iurt msl suit, on or , "'" '
' rr th 'not 'iv invnenl'.! by the -
ordir for the publication iu this kuiii
mons heretofore made nnd filed herein.
ami if vuu fail m to aitawer, th plnin-1 -
I tiff will, for want thereof, suplv to the j. M ,( ,motrt(attans for the
; Ci -irt for the relief nraed for In his , i.uil 'ing uf i W'-odsiwI. fenev. plat
coi.inU.nt herein, to-wit: l or judi urll, Hnj ide'al also t!ie palnUng of
ment acainst said defombtnt. ltw-1 taijv (of Scfct Ptst U'nrf Prttlrie,
rence K. Snirs nmi t!irtrKie A. -Sun- t Mtv mm on Sle tn ol!er of ihi County
tiers, for th sum of 1485.00 and .j, Soberwitwottenl.
cruel ami sccrulnjf Int.-rest, at " ilk may be srnt in to fcM Westor,
' per cent per .ii'niim fm the 34H dav t.fi u ,,,tru u Vhe aehwol
of Ap-'l. t. for HK.M taxes, ! f.irJ reserve fie nirht t rejeet any
attorney's fees, awl the coats ami dis- mj jj, vnttfn must be In the
bursemonu of this suit ; for the fore- td dtslrlet elerv on r b
closure of thst certain tnorltfajre tie- tMMt uf AuRit Mt. (91?.
cuteii by said lefendanta, Lawrence i. t
Sar.ders and firrtrwte A. Sanders, In:
favor of plaintiff given for said -oiw of f
J.ttt.() and tuterest, anti eonvrvini; to1
plaintltf the Itimts situated in Ttllamouk
t'ounty. Oreynn, ! ribl ns foltow. i
tivwit: TJ e northeitst quarter of sec
tion 4. in towiwhio I south of ramre )
w-i ui me vtiimiueue oiermun ; '"r I yB,BifB
the sateof sahi prmise accor !ini t.
law in such ea msde ami provided, i
that the proceeds of such b. ap
plied towards the sattsfacttn of the
amounts due the pi .intiir on said Judg- j
ment ; that all rights, title ami inter-;
c l of the defendants In and to said!
prrmi be ' brrel ami fore
c lost. I ; that plaintill muv have esectl- .
tkn issue to onforre the snhl judgment '
and I'ectvo ; that plnintitl, or any other I
party to this auit may become a pur- !
chaser tit such sute ; nml that npon
miik ink' sale theroof the shwritf imiI the
purchaser of saul prumtses into the. or'f lt i T l l
.session thereof. j 1 hz ivlost Important
Tnis mniii'i'iii i "vw-l uvn you by 1
ublicattou ther-ui by ordr of thf i V? 4t 1 rtCC ni V-c
ttl'.sHt-..NT PKHTIsr
iiffloo ni .Siuiumii lllilu,
.M ..W tllltlslltrrtt.
t'lU.AMoOK ouwws
!j. E. RECDY, D. V. M.
(lu.lh I'hirtteel
KtllaJ I I I 4 silk ii. ...
AUoinr, rt
-,c"vri- . . .i. . -
vii-vivju nn.Lt
AHtirney at Uw
Ollil't In Cttmillrrrl.i II
I I y
C . I . V LAI iQn,.
I t
IllSl 'S' . 1 S S S 1. h .
1 ..'r "v,KAt
I iimiiiiiiiK I (,CL
rtaaMf Swelfol is now sttetaer to
' it. II. Roberts, in TtllamiMk County.
Alt accounts owlnt the J. It. "at
;kin He-heal 0 , see (Miiruhlo t. fC asper
K. K. Huberts
Kssur Zsreifel,
Tillamook. Oro.. Julv to. VMS.
The Water I'ummtsaiou h bIv.i
Mr. Hoai; iKxitiv. invlr n-ttuiM to ahut
olf water frtim all c-mwi ni wIm have
not psitl 1'ii.ir water rmt by the 10th
of m -h fio-ilh.
t Onl.-r Water Commission.
Dr. h. 15. Ilcwin
Both Phonwi
Rm. and (Mice : Whtrh.,.MW Raablenee.
Attetncy-sl I uw tti
U. S. LainmtHMQff
0i otitr Ut tUut
Dr. Jack Olson
OlRce Hours ir -n V m. W & p.
Orcr F R. Bcali Real ElUtc Office
lu.lh I'horic
11. T. BOTl'S,
-t k.i m i:ti: i iit- , . ...
lui r . .11:1 ii AiiMs
t)!hcc J'KJ'JUI.
A'ntJiisi ' 1
that are towed to Portland.
J. A. Baldwin is the merchant at
Brighton and has recently Men ap
pointed postmaster to succeed J. R
Minnich. Mr. Baldwin is u hustler.
year, whatever wor is doo" on the ', cently from Varylaml. hs purcnased
road in ;.? will no doubt be done at the : the Don Silts saloon building and is
expense of in iividaal -ontributors. The I improving it but fears he will be un
county coa. t vr ;i most lively be in a able to gel a license undar tbe new
position to .n.ie a sutautial aopro-t liquor law with hotel restriction in un
prtation f ir this roai -next year and . orsjanied villages,
should d m, as Bsy.coitn is certainly Some tnterprisinx fethx onrHOised
entitled to .-o ne cjnsi Juration. ' company, bouUt the ahod spit oopo-
Six year-- at the uxes from the laid .site Brighton where the Miiai wa
now occupied by the Bayocean prooerty stranded anl had it plotted uml have
arnountfj t i 'fi. a .d this year it sold every lot to ambitious speculative,
amounts! t )n. Sjme $20,000 has j suckers.
been pa, i ly Bayocean interests in, lirighton's ambitions do not lean to
taxes f r t.-.c p-t-it five years. New j wards becoming the most popular isl
and excer i ,.Jy substantial improve-J mer r--srt alth ja.-ti its promoters con
menu h.-.s . jen ma Je at Bayocean this ( tend l at it has many fine bniUing
year a .: iJayo?ea:i i b?yon;J doubt be- ; site with a Aire view of the bay,
yond tivt e.vri-nntal stasr-j a asum- joeesn aod Saah-h-!ie mountain,
mor n rt. It rmds a z?yi road bad-, Has over threa mllet of graied atresia
ly. ho a- ;ver, xi s'r.uld have one, anJ !and aeanniru; fuel m promised,
it is or Ir fair ar.d jat that something j The fierslJ i-rib; made a nin visit
sh jj! : !e dona as .jj.i as possible lor U Brighton an i here with notes a few
thu relief of Buyosean io this regard. J thhur observe I th ,'re. We have also
I sucured a c rr iu ) i is it wionn we be
s pi
. lion. VveNtvr Hot nrs. Judge f the
Circuit t urt of the M.ttr i-f Oreiron,
for lite t'o'j-ty of Tiihm-k. which
ordvr is listed the 22nd day of July.
A. D.. IC13. and is to br m-Wiht o u-
each weeU for i wutiv vrks,
orMven eonaee'itiv lUa, th iUlv of
th first ;Hiblicnli in thref brina the
22nd day of July. 101 a. aid thr date of
the lat pubira:ion thero' Ik-hik the
2nd day n S-ptmber, 1918.
Paled Julv 22nd. t.l.l
Attornv f'ir PlainHtT.
"increasing optimism is the domi
nant t . -io in every present day utter
ance of lli-ll wur cvuamt it bflrtiwHS
of the -.stion."
Th-j foreoiTj? sentsncs was tacn
from -n article contai sed in the Sun
day Or-fonian, wherein the financial
cunrtit; t of the country was in s gener
al wa reviuwei. VYe note, and coo
si'ier .'ernar'ble. trie aaae with
whie'i -.is c-juntiy is at present under- fty and Will
tromg ;
i-, b"i-;
panic, i
the fd'.-t
nearlv ail !
oriers f ('t j. t . .'j t . . m ill thsm.
Our rdni II. i .rea-iin - rw;jati jn alonj;
witn the .' -jr i-tcrsann!; veslth of 1'ie
natun Cdjei by im'iroed methols
ani burr per crop'. sti'nj'ati ft de-nan I
in the future wilt keep us vell posleij
on ail the d ;ds and misdeeds of the
enterprising little- fvn.
Department of Tfct Interior.
U. S. LAND OFFICE at Porthn I. Ore.
June 2s. 1V13.
NOTICE is hereby sftvn that Henry j
Hlnek. of Hamlet. Or -gon. who on Feb
ruarv2l. 111 1, ma le H.m-t-.l Kntrv. I
No. 08021. for Wi SWJ It-.WJ j
NWi Sw. 2-KiN'R. F.-. 22, Township
4 Korth, Ksn '.. 9 Wl, Willamette
Meridian, has il'-i not ire of Intention
to make Fin.'-Cmtruti, !-.. I'rojf. ko
establish claim to the Iftn ! alwive de
smbrd, b-f.re Register and Receiver,
U. S. Und OUtce. at P-jrt:rKl. Oregoii.
on the 2it day of August, 191.1
Claimant names as witneMoa.
Frank Cole,
Franlt Porter,
Otto Gestricn,
Samuel trumbel, ail of Uamtet, Ore.
H. F. titan BY.
' Is whc'r Milt itIVixt nilt Ulot'fV.
1 tic SSVt.Tii Iu.11 Jfe Si.i:ii (', if
' Salt lkc Clty.t'tah.s trid ami proved
corni-anv. ts now rofttiy lor i,ulie in
j Tillamook and Till nook '-. To toa
' voo money or build yoo a hum on m
i montMy payments, at a toe rate
nt.-rvU Write or see
A. C. EVERSON.Loan Agt. I
A. M'.S'AIK. FmNlent.
I). l SHUODK. Vic Preaident,
CANZADA BV'BKSON. S-cy. & Treas. '
Uoanl of Api'faii- rs.
K. M. IUUa. F. H. Mml.-k.
It. F. .arhmaii. K. J. Clausscn. .
Bosrl of TruU-r.
John Lelarsi lin:,
derson, H, I.. iltnl.
I.. C. Smith. W. C MtJ-..,
K4 rioneer iransfer
C. I- WICK It " Ik
"if. Wm. EdwaU
of i '
Cnilor '
tor IHcn
and UloiiKti
Paintft niiti r
Con t rat-ts i
!ituilalt h i
All Wurk UtKtr i
Clcjnlng and Pressing
! On 2nd Ave, Onpoutr Eu'i Grsr
s' t a m d 1 1 t t a ill fit llln
I ll.l i llflirv I ui h I nM .11
K. N. Ill S Wfi
t . . . a4 I 1
t s . . .11 H . ...
CL07339ALE H i3.
Prxn Cairier.
The chei factory Ureeeivina a coal
of paint. LiV Ltwranee, Arthur Cof-
Keller are weikfing the
cc -..jrnic ebange. The tarilt j orasnes.
revised and It is being' Mr. and Mrs. L. M. KrnT.
:i iward in a sulistantul de
' -rill there are no threats of a
.- r- i being on account '
tri. 'ii -ifactrar? along
i'i- " i- anj receiving
for all o.n-nolities.
iilon e.-rtun lines lu
reat th it ar-Jucti m
as to ad'nit foieiga
"he demand-,
e become o
f th tariif so
npetitio.i in
fiosilively necejfury, which fact is nj
ucc-pttxi oy nearly all except the hanl
heaJoJ standitter.
An element that has no doubt had a
strong influence on the present flutter
ing con Jition in t ie f tct tnat the gov
ernment has pr) nisei I to distribute
$5'J,0"0,y00,or more if necessary, among
the bun-ors of the south itml west dur
ing the harviit ti n i so that tnere inya
be no strinei-y or pitsh when t'u
crops are being move 1, This U ctrtiiin
lyafine thing an l tin u'-lniiiatrution
should receive a great dual of credit for
tl.is move.
piniel by Mr. stI Mm. Prank ?ortb
ingtonautoed to Neiialsm Sunday.
Artn'ir Coffey has someof the mater
ial o.t t ie r u i i f f Mi tie house and
J. C. Post.T it pitti ig the roof on his
new residence.
A'U'm (Vrrthirrton hn purchased the
tea n ri I Aur ,,, ej.i VYortUin'tt-in and
vili ni- r i i fr. ig'nting bet can
Clover Isle and Tii! rno'.c in the future,
Mr. an I Mrs. ('. B. Vanceil of Port
land, accompanied by Jlr. ami Mrs.
Geo. F. Lincoln, of jVksonvill, Flu.,
aro visiting Mr VanceU's sister,
Miss Uertru-le McKimmens.
The autoist who hasn't sense onouiih
logo slo-v around the grade comer on
our viirioua road should be chainu I be
tween two handles of a wheelbarrow
insteid of being allowoii buhind
steering wheel of an antomobilu.
' NOTICE it herefcy given that the
anneroiamoa admintlrator r tne ;s
tale of George W. F.icninger. di-esso-l,
has flM with the Ui.inty Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Tillamook, his final account, and tlmt
Tueikhv, Scptemlier 2nd, W at tn
o'cloc . m. has U-en tisei as the
ti r.e, and the couit house of CillurnooSl
f' unty, Or-?on, as the place for the
h'aring of too said Inn I account, and
ail persons having any objection to the
said final account are hereby notified
and required to present the snme to
the said court on or before the hearing
I.. c i this 2Sth ilay of July, 1913.
Ko'Hft Kichlnger,
A'ltnir.iUrsi.'ir of the estnto
Oeorge W. Eichinger. deceased.
I,st i.ue August 28th. 1018.
rX W ITT ?
Portland. Oregon, .June 24, W3.
N'o'icu u t'vrf'V tivti that W n.
Fipliiy, hy rid ward P. Day, his attor-ncy-in-faet,
whose riostolllce address
the , I S3t. Jofe-is, Oregon, did on the 2l8t
duy of June, l'Jl.'!. file in this o!fi. his
h - unnlisf.rlin m I nt t ill't nn I i If . I rn sa n f
Ur. Oeorge s new ollico building on to select under the provisions of the
Ma n Street will b-s M x .. with a rec- j Act of July 1, 1898, us oxtonded by the
wiviuu miin iii i ron i, iioo iwo oince Act o: Msv 17 liJuu
i. .i i . ... " : . -.
departments in the rear. Dr. Howard,
thu dentist, will or-upy tho building
with Dr. (Jeo'ge, If materfal eun bu
Ii kJ work .vlll h coimnenced on this
building tho coming week.
tho Mi HWi Sue-
J5, 25 and 40 Watt, 35c
Watt .... 45c
J00 yatt - - - 0e
150 Watt JJ.20
250 Watt .... 2.00
rricl I.uin "c lixtra.
Vc iltlivi-r I it in i m to ut.v I' ir
1 tlic nil Tclrj.liniii- u-. Wt- i!u t
C wiroK i lit Uiwent itrnx' von- J
hOitCtlt V itll t-Jl 1JI klM Jlltolll'f. J
Tillaaosls Bloetrlc . w'.1.1
s i
of X
v ,!., I &
i con- J 'k
lklll. i -J,
ill V
Tillamook, Ore.t'
tion 19. and KU HWI, fiectlon 0,
Township ',i South, Mango 10 West,
,W. M.
i Any and all porno tin claiming ail.
I vorsely the Irnds doseriliial, or desr
: ing to object U-chdio of tho mineral
clmructerof the land, or for nnv other
ruuson, to the (lisnonl to applicant,
should their aflldavitH of protest in
this olllco, on or lioforo tho iiOth day
of August, 1313.
11, F. IIIOMY,
Notice to be published In tho "Tilla
rnooV Herald" located at Tillamook,
I.iiht Ihhuo Aug. 12, T,
Field for Investment
Details as to Investing in Wheeler,
Write to
The scheduld for tho TlHurpno-- No-1
titrts ii u to stage is iih follows:
l.l!UVl'H llliamnnv nt ') ;-. m, anil '1:.!0
und trip Fare one way
I.euvi'H I
m. u am e m las m r p m mm a -b a-I
"" " '' ' "" ' 1 i a ii , , . IMMtM
F. A. JACKSON, Secretary Whcele, OtZgCSl
Portlant! Offlrci 327
ewni i. tti . f f P.
I MIS t(M)K UIMCf I l- '
Clmtterton und AlcxunUer,