Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 12, 1913, Image 1

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    BJVW Sty yifydi
Tillamook, Onkgon, Air.t'.sr 12. 10KI.
NO. 38
V w Bulgarian trimmings and dress novelties, Oriental ribbons in
it It combinations; cnt-li day's express brings new Fall merchnn.
ciiMf winch, as usual, is hrst shown it t the H!( STOKli.
I rec nil ilny Friday throughout tin- storedouble Cold Bond L?i
5d trading stumpH with your cauli purchases.
If have not purchased one of these hiunrt Tub I) cesses IK) 80 TODAY.
final ClCciraway Pslc Pr'ce Cutting for Quick Dismissal
We have condensed many lots and quote prices
in many instances at less than hall, as ovs
!1. I ihddren'M pretty wash drtsMcs
X- h i;ii(tli! years formerly sell.
:$ti l i $ -r'.
1 45 l or young ladies' and children's
lilL..' itit wash dreas formerly sell
5 Up l' V- oH.
$1.89 ' M women's ,lm' r,in)s ladies'
- smart wash dresses formerly sell- ,
mg from SJJ 00 to $1 .00.
$2.48 '?or w-omcn's misses' at-
tractive wash dresses formerly
selling from Sfl.OO to $8.01).
$3.50 to 4.00 Tailored Wash Skirts $2.25
I.: ..iiii.il ti-iwli lin.ii iim.I f fli.li v li i 1 1- I ir 1 f ifi I c. ir 1 I'iitl!l' trtilimi-d Ml 1
f.-i i a I buttons, luwhlouublv tailored.
53 Pairs of Women's Fashionable $4.00 OxfordsWhile They j
Last, $2.65 Pr.
I r- I . .. . . ... ...I ...1..... t I. .....1 ....! .l !.- I.....
. . t j i it Hit dim (tin iitriw viiii inn mi xtiiif- i mi k n mi iia iii u. i 11
'V ". . . r . : i. I., i i-. ii ....
t I . ...
S 27 In. BI;
. - . ii . A ni wt SIM C I rfllH
111 I CM l OOII. II . 11 III VV. VI klHMI MM"! I a Ml
. .i':...: meruit siik; uk
w I. ud in lloNvcr and conven- ! ir kowiimiiiu w
Black Imported McssaHnc Silk j
83c Yd. j
uetion on ihisrich shimv4
most seasonable weight
.a. Hih.
36 in. Worsted Danish Cloth 29c Yd.
riTtintl I I .1 II" .III 1- L l .11 k V. I 4 1 1 1 t I Mil 'II't II II IIM I IIIIH' Mill il I II
' !i J" , ! : r .i...
broidery 29c Yd.
iiibiiiiilenil ediies with top i
: ...1.1 . .... ........ t ..ft.).. ttr
i . I. ... .......i. I w.i lit l ( 1 1 1 Ml.
i i mi will 1 11 ill umu nv.i . v.. .
otiuufj dresses; a good range of the
popular shades. '
60c Summer Tabic Damnsk 33c Yd. i
Noihinu better (or the bungalow and ;
i' ' . i . i
.'(is if ... .t i riri mmwv wane. neav
i r- -
1 i-.. it r i . T ..... ,
a. tn. rine, onecr I'virsun
J7c Yd.
"l ! Hummer clearance bargain,
.mi t . I. tin I ir I i.t'f.ll M'f ftVl.
$1,00 Bulgarian and mounted hand ;
bag 50c '
$1.7." Velvet and crochet mounted hand
bags 98c
J ys Uandercd Shirts 25c
U.'k ind negligee styles in laiuy
old nereales. many patterns to
i ...
ii 1 1 . i .....
. 'Ml.
Few of the Many Special Bargains for Dad and the Boys in Our
Men's StoreAt the Summer Clearance
$t.00 to $1.50 Men's Shirts 75c
Pleated and tailored bosoms, nifty
and negligee patterns, culls attached,
many classy designs.
1-2 PRICE- All Men's Straw Hats -1-2 PRICk.
Clearance of Men's Business and Smnrner Coats
. . ii i I .mil Yrel belter at little cost. These arc
i. . -i"" , .I,,...! .no Lwo lots tusieaii oi uve, io eiose
mil lUU UHlllv-'i " v ' -
nil fin I ft it ti'ir I i"
1 h r-r
To $10.00 serge, sillc ami alpaca coats, eho.ee
To $1,00 mohair, alpaca and Sicilian coats '
V V lUnhUir MnM XffflU
dm - ..a ...... .
l8iy made natural linens,
f....i. : a.
"Hill j i jy f,( ULe., IMlliiiii'T'
triinnied: nartieularly
)0liforjvaeation days.
...in iii miy (ll.lllftCll nun V'""""
- "v uiuuu -nii v iii
S opportunities in our
. . 1 1 .
lilt ' 1 ,.,.H Ml
"l" WIIKIOW, lUlUMi,
wool and jtll wool
,lI'lets at prices you cati
"y t'xpeet in mid-seat'on.
Special Sale High Gadc Mcn Fancy IlNccfc
Official Pennants 85c
wear J5c
... II ..... ... t.vioit M(11-
mints.'ciovenlalc, Heaver, Plain and changeable ef-
Ncualem, Till a m o o K" feets, also fancy biadiere
"lligh," I'uiv. of Wash., . imaginable
etc., with ollicial color 5,1,1 ' - h
eonlbi.mtions. -olor for your selection.
To any point in Tillamook
Co, bv parcel post, pur-
rjC chases amounting to $1.00
11 or over. Try shopping with
us bv mail or phone. Sam-
, , .... pies sent upon request.
ll.o fomor Comcnloni io i.vun
Guard Against
Accidental Shooting.
State Game Warden Ailu Huuteri To
Adopt Code Of Signali.
I ThuStnlc Ilonrd of FUh anil Game
CmmrilMlunerK hvo rucoinmctukil trie
followini: iiKftliitii to l(j uil by
ioorUtncn in ih Held in order to nrc-
rit ncridanlitl khootlni! nivl to relieve
Knun who uru Injurwl or Ifwt In the
forci or rnountnin.
J To prevent ccidntal uho'jtinK, ovcry
iunter should wear n red cap, ahirt or
Sweater, or tome other article of t-luth-
riK that can eaily be identified from
nme, blnl noti aiiunals, etx.'cfally
Wlitin ImiillnL' iIcit in the fnrpubi.
Since there U a contrnat between rel
uml the color of any bird or animal
lhat U belnK hunted, this color will
ttrvi! tile bekt nuriKjKe.
J: llunten nhould never nhoot lit mov
ing bruh, leave ornnus with the ex
ectation of killing icntne. It fit dan
gerous, for the moving object is likely
o be a man. Never ahoot at any ob.
xt until you arc absolutuly sure of
! To prefinre for an emergency, every
uuntcr and angler bhould carry in his
pocket a piece of eanule and matches
a water-tiBht match info. In case
of tHtominK lott or injure!, one can
readily frtnrt a camp fire.
Iist or diutres aiunal: When ft man
it lkt or injured a. ti mtxU help, a
fljrnal by nhootinK iihould bo Kivcn.
Thir niural will be the firing of a gin
oiiee, with an intormi8ion of ten sec
tfii'i before the second shot, then an
InlermHclon of sixty necoi ds, then n
Otird fbot. If no answer is received,
ttilo lKnal should bo related after an
intrniit.ioi of five minutes. The
to thU'ulifnnl would lc a sincle
shot from the rescuing party followed
by one recognition shut from the lost
Cure should bo taken to got the time
between the shot hh accurately as ios
aible. Hunters should keep in mind
this signal and avoid, if jossible, Kiv
(mk it when alirKitimrnt Kome. In the
absenco of a wntcli, the time enn Ih:
judged with sufficient K-euracy by
countinK ten between the first ami
.second nhotH and sixty between ,the
second and third shots. Whenever a
Hhot le heanl in the mountains, a hunt
er should count tun to determine
whether it is n aiuniiloi distress or not.
Tho person who is lost Should, after
hearing an answer to his signal, re-
. . .... . i. .. I
main .1 mo pilico ncre ill! Rinu hib
niunal until tho roaeuini: party arrivas,
otherwise he may take tho opposite
direction and not be found at all.
William I.. I'inley,
State Game Warden.
The following is n condensed table
of signals to be used by all sportsmen:
Bogm with 1 shot, wait 10 seconds
ropeat 1 shot, wait GO seconds repent
1 shot.
Answer to signal by icscuing party,
1 shot. Recognition of answer by man
lust, 1 shot. Wait 5 minutes hotoroi
giving the second signal.
On Monday several Tlllninoo" Hay
fishermen mot at tho court house and
rgnnized n co-operative company, in
corporatinn with ShiOO eapital. Sixty
shares were tsien at per share. The
committee which was appointed, to car
ry on the business in connection Willi
incorporating is as follows : It. V.
Hayes, Chas. Pike, II. T. Hilton, Fred
Schotlnld and Harry Mitchell.
Tim association will bo called tho
Tillamook Hay Salmon Co., and wil
be composed only of Tillamook Hay
fishermen. Tho now company will
endeavor to htmdlo nnd sell only first
gradu fish in first class condition and
endeavor to make Tillamook Hay Sal
mon stund for "l'ho Host Salmon."
Major Morrow of Portland paid this
district visit last week and looked
over tho different opportunities that
have presented themselves for tho se
curing of rock for tho jetty. Wo un
derstand that tho S. P. Co. htwo hud
a gang of surveyors on tho ground for
n fnw dava runntntr lines into a rock
cjunrry belonging to W. S. Cono anti
cipating n spur being built to that
point for tho purpose of socurfng rock.
It is the aim of this bank to give
the best hanking service possible
and we do it.
It is also our aim to have the
very best equipment such as
Modern Fire Proof Hanking
Room. Fire Proof Vault, Bur
glar Proof Safe, Modern Safe
Deposit Boxes and we have,
Many Improvements
At Bayocean.
Fine Reiidences are are Betug Erected
and Street Have Been Improved.
John Paulsen, the Portland mil
lionaire lumber (mill) man, when
on a visit to Bayocean recog
nized Us Tidaptsbillty-for ti summer
home. He had been to many bench re
sorts and none ever appealed to him.
He had about made up his mind that)
the ocean had no charm for him, until '
he happened to stroll over the sand
knoll north of the Hayocean hotel and
beheld the quiet calm of the entire
Tillamook bay on one side and the
surging Pacific on the other. There is
no finer spot on any coast and he se
cured it, has had it graded and sodded
nnd there is now in course of construc
tion therejn three bu.ulo.vj
that will cost several thousand dollars
each. Thev will not be very large but
arc modern in every way and exquisite
ly finished. These are to be the sum
mer homes for himself and married
daughters. State Supreme Judge Tur
ner of Salem is having the ground
graded and recently let a contract for a
$5000 summer home. Others equally
as prominent have purchased locutions.
Thesu men who have made life n suc
cess nre the men who will m:ke Bay
ocean not tho petty knocker and back
biter one meets and who tells you that
its nothing but n sandspit
The promoters of Hayocean have hud
experience in developing some of tho
irreatest resorts on the Atlantic and
Pacific coast and Know what they are
about when spending thousands of dol
lars on their project.
A Herald representative visited Bay-
ocean a few days ago and if we had
no', gotten farther than the pier and
the pesimist, our impressions might
have been the same as the aforesaid
knocker. We visited the place one day
when all the boosters were out of town
and will try and give our readers an
luea oi wnat we saw. mere are sev
eral mile3 of paved streets. A rock
crusher has been in operation the past
two years and after a number of layers
of rock are placed ia the roadway it is
given a final coating of cement as a
binder and it makes a smooth and hard
roadway. Cement sidewalks line the
streets on both sides also electric street
The electric lightning system Ts per
fect and Bayocean from a distance
shines like a city of ten thousand souls.
Fine clear spring .water is piped allhir
the grounds and up and down the beach
and a sewer and drain system has been
installed. The Bayocean hotel as it
now stands is only the beginning of
what is planned. The first story con
tains the heating and refrigerator
plant and storage rooms, the third
floor bed rooms, and second floor office,
dining room and kitchen. The latter
is as large as the 'dining room and
office combi ned. The land
lord noticing ou- surprise at the
odd proportionment explained that the
ho tel proper as contemplated had not
yet been built and the part we had
been inspecting would be the kitchen
and in the near future be used as an
annex and the servant's quarters.
Bayocean has a tent city, a dancing
pavilion, general store and postoffice,
Bayview hotel, restaurant, bowling
alley, curio store, tinshop, and con
fectionary store. If the boosters had
been at home we might have lots more
to write about, but then maybe it
would be hot air, and it is better for
the Herald readers to get the facts
without their assist ance.
The great ha ndicap against Hayocean
at present is its link of facilities of
getting there as the only mode at
present is by water but n road to Til
lamook has been surveyed and it will
, be only a matter of a short time before
it will be a fact.
Six room house with pantry and bath
room, and two good lots, very cheap,
Inquire of K. P. I'hillips, Corner
2nd. nnd Stillwell Ave.
Advoitlso in tho Herald, because
tho Horuld haa tho largest circulation
of any paper in tho county.
On Your Own Account
have you any money in tho bank? A part of your arnings ought
to bejpluced there, anyway. Everybody can afford to save some
thing, however little. Hnvo n bank account of your own and you
will feel happier, better, more independent. Make your little
monny earn more, and so grow bigger. Better than hoarding it
where flro or thieves can reach it. Your bank-book is a roceipt
and an ovidenco of your wise economy.
Tillamook County Bank