Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, August 08, 1913, Image 6

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    ::: iv.uunt tax list.
I .mttitmnl (ram Hit pnye.
11 btock 3S ami blocks 39, 10.
U. 4.2. 13 and lot. 1 ami 2
lk A ami lot 1 nml 2 block
15 Liverpool -
T K B aU tou 4. 5. 0. 7. a ami
n l! H'k 1 Mohler
Wt. r I arnica lot 7 and S block
7 M htor
K R Ileal tot 9. 10. 11 ami 12
bkvk 7 Mohler ...
F K k.U S and 4 btock
S Mohler
Victor l.unden, lots 9 nml btock
10 Mohler
li J Gilbert, lot t ami 2 bkxk
12 Mohler
T 11 Govne. lot 14. 18 and 16
block "12 Mohler
The Nehalem Co. lot I block 6
The Nebnlcm Co., tot 9, 10, U
ami 12 block 7 Wrwolur . ...
Th NYhalem Lal Co.. tot 3
block 11 Wheetor
The Nehalem Co., tot 7 awl S
bto.-k 12 Wheeler
f no Nchittem Co.. tot 9 btock 20
Wt.ee tor
T H McClaren. lot 9 block 21
11 E MeKmmsy. tot 2 block 22
Henry Wacner ami Paul W o-
M ger, lot S btock 22 Wheel-
Toe Nch iKm Co., lot 5 block
24 WfXfeVsr
The Nehalero Co.. lot 11 block
82 Whcrtor
Fran Bluof.et. lots 17 and 13
W-v-k 6 ttrthtjn
AstH-s 1 hmt'n. tou 1 and 2
block. S Rrthtou
C M Sharpstcin, lot 31 and 82
block 9 Rrnthlon
Manh:tan Realty Co., lot S
and 9 block 3 Manhattan
Manhattan Realtv Co. lots 7
and bl'Kk 5 Manhattan
M A Grr. 1. 1 2 block 7 Man
hattan Man.-.attan Realty Co.. lot 8
oh -o 7 Manhattan ...
Manhattan Realty Co.. lot. 17
ami is block 1 Manhattan...
Manhattan Realty Co.. lot 31
block 10 Manhattan
Maihattun Realty lot 7
block 11 Manhattan
Manhattan Realty Co.. lot 6
bloeK 12 Manhattan
Maria Strykcr, lots 1? and 19
1 Jock 3 "Manhattan
Lizzie Matmire. lots 14 and 15
block 4 Manhattan Bench.. .
C. Kmc. lot. 22 and 23
block 4 Manhattan Beach...
Lizzie Finn, lots 3 and 4 block
." Manhattan Beach
Manhattan Realty Co.. lots 19
and 20 block 7 Manhattan
E. R. Ancell. lots 21 and 22
block 7 .Manhattan Beach
V V Wiswell, lota 23 and 24
block 7 Mannattan Beach....
Manhattan Realty Co.. lots 4,
5 ar... C block Manhattan
G E Htzzerald. lot 27 and 25
ul 9 Manhattan Beach . .
Ma .r.a'.tan Realty Co.. tou 45
a.-Mi 46 btock 10 and lots 1 and
2 bl ."k 11 Manhattan Beaah
Alma Jliori. lots 3 and -I block
12 Manhattan Beach
Eva I Heltca lots 9 and 10
bto.-k 12 Manhattan Beach...
Harri.-t Ma-ininsr, lot 10 and
17 bioc 13 Mannattan Bench
Maria Stryker, lots 13 and 19
..lock!3 Manhattan Beuch..
M E Edwards lota 27 a-.d 2a
block 13 Manhattan Beach
M.y Enricht. lot 10 block 4
Lake l.ytle
Wirij; Lee lots 5 and 6 block 11
Lake Lvtle
May Enrmht, lots 10. 11 ami 12
block 14 Laie Lytle
ikv Er.rieht. lots- 10 and 11
V.' -V. 1.1 Lake Lytle
Mav Ennght, lot? 1 and 2 bloc
2i Lzc Lytic
Ma Enright, lots fi and 7
block 32 Lake Lytle
May Enriht, lots 3. 4. 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10. 11. 12. 13, 11, 15 and
16 block 39 Lake Lytle
Tho-nas B. Watt, lots 45 and
46 block 65 Brighton Beach
Arch Bishop of Oregon, lots 21.
22. 23, 24. 25, 2-5, 27, and 23
ulor-k 92 Brighton Beach
Beals Land Co , tot 8 block 49
Beals Add. to Lake Lvtle..
H L Staver lot 9 block 49 Boala
Add. to Lake Lvtlo
E I' Frost, lot 10 nlock 49 Heals
Add. to Lake Lvtle -
Beals Land Co , lots 1, 2, and 3
block 50 Beals Add. to Lake
Beals Land Co., lot 9 block 51
Beals Add. to Lake Lytle
Heals Land Co., lot 10 block 52
Bt-aU add. to Lake Lytle
Beals Land Co., lot 10 block
53 Beals add. to Lake Lytle
Beals Land Co., lot 1 block 51
Beals add. to Lake Lytle
Beals Land Co., lots 19 and 20.
block CO Beals add. to Lake
Lvtle - - - , ,l
Beals Land Co., lots 29 and 30
bluck 06 Beals add, to Lake
' Lytle
F L SajipinKton, Trustee, lots
fi, 7 ard 8 block 9 Rose City
Beach - - .
F L SappinKton, lots 5 and 6
block 10. Rose City Beach
F L SaupinKton, Trustee, lots
8 and 9 block 10 and lots 1, 2
3 and 4 block 11 Rose City
Beach ....
F L Sappinijton Trustee, lot 6
and 7 block 11 Rose City
Beach ....
F L Sappington, Trustee, lot 5
block 12 Rose City Beuch
F L Sappintfton, Trustee, lots
1, 2, 3, 1, 5, , 7 and 8 block
1G; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7,
and 8, block 17 and lots 1, 2,
3. 4, 5, 0, 7 and 7 block 18
Rose City Beach
The Tillamook Bay Co., lots 11
12 block 2 Oceunlake J'ark
The Tillamook Bay Co., Impro
vements on lot 2 block 3
Oceunlake Park ' -
The Tillamook Bay Co., lots 7
and 8 block 5, Oceunlako Park
Katheryn JlolfiiiL'. lots 13, 14,
15, 10, 17, 18, 19 and 20 block
7 Oceanlalto Park
J 0 Bozorth, lot3 1, 2, 3, I tind
5 block 32, Oceanluke I'atk
li S Cook, lota 23 and 24 block
33 Ocennlake Park
The TilluiHxuK Bay Co,, lots 21
and 25 block 53 Oceunlake
Park .....
I, C Smith, lot I, 2 and 3 block
I 12. Unrvlow
I. C Smith, lot 9 block 12 Bar-
view .....
i I. C Smith, lot 3 block It Har
I view
L C Smith, lot ('.block 11 Uar
i view - - -
1. C Smith, lot 13 block I -I liar-
view ... .
I. C Smith, lot 1 block 1 Bar
view .....
I. C Smith, lot t block If. Pur
view C A John.on. lot 1, 2. 3, I. P.
- c a i n i to it II
U, I, ... IV, 4 .... ...
15 and If. block
11 GarlbrtMl
Park -
1.17 C A John.on, lots 7 and S block
l3Gnrilwkli Park
1.7G W E Imrall lot 9. 10. 11. 112,
, 13. U. 15. 1G. 17 ami IS
1.40 block 2 Ocpanvtow
W K Imrall. lot. 3. I. 5. f.. 7,
2.24! 5, 9, 10. 11, 13, 13. 14, 15, 1G.
, and 17 block 3 Oconnviow
1.40 W E Intralh.. lot. 19. SO. 21. 2U.
I 23. ami 2 J block 3 Occanviuw
3,:?G,G 11 Hiptin?. lots 25 and 2f
, block t and tots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5.
1.10 G. 7, ami ? block 5 Occanviow
!G. it. HiWKin. lot 33, 31 and
l.GS in block 5 Oecanview
'(; H Hicstns. tots 12. 13. 14
l.GS ami 15 block 6 Oecanview
G H Hisnins. lot I, 5, ami G
J block 7 Uceanview
l.GS Ci H IlitfUtiw. tots'. 9, and 10
1 block 7 Ocennviow
l.GS Real Land Co.. tot 17. IS ami
19 block 67 Heal. Add to
1.0s Lskc Lvtle
Beals Und Co.. tot I block GS
1.12 Ileal Add to Lake Lytle
HeaL Laud Co.. lott 27 and 2S
t.GS biock 70 Ileal Add to Luke
1.0S I. M Bcrjtor. tou 2G. 27. 25, 29.
i . 31. 32. 33. 34 . 35 ami 36
1.33 blck 30. Bonis add Lake
i Lvtle -2.33
Kat W Cot.nor lot. 25 ami 26
block 1 Rocknway Beach
1.41 Firat Bank & Trust Co. tow 29
and 30 block 1
1.41 Peter Murry, tots 36 ami 37
block 1
2.24 J C McCannon. tots 3S ami 39
blcck I Uockawtiy Bench
1.15 First Bank & Trmt Co, loto It
and 42 block 1 Rociaay
1.39 Beach ....
First Bank t Trust Co, tots 47
1. C0 and 43 block 1 Rockaway
Beach ....
1.12 C A Sadler, lot. 23. 21. 25. ami
2G btock 4
1.12 Rocknway Beach - -
F A Harder, to'i 13 ami 19
1.12 block 14 Rocknway Beach
Fcnnie Wood. Iota 21 and 25
1.12 btock 14 Rock away Beach
First Bank & .rrut Co, Iota 7
an! S block 13 Rockaway
1.12 Bach ....
L W Beklen. tots 25 and 27
1.12 btock 15 Rockaway Bench
L W Beklen tot 42 ami 43
1.12 btock 10 Roe away Beach
Addie N Browning, tots 1, 2. 3,
I, 5. 6 ami 7 block 17 Rocka
1.63 way Beach ...
Ellen B Gaynor. lot 1 1 ami 15
1.12 block 17 Rockaway Beach
I Addie N' Brawninn loin 10. 17,
I 13 19, 20. 21 ami 22 block 17
2.21 Rockaway Beach
Fiust Bank & Trust (., loU II
1.12. and 43 block 17 Rockaway
Beach ....
1.12 A L Snider 3 J of lot I. und lot.
i 5 and block IS Rockaway
1.12, Eeach ....
' Peier Moore, lots S and 9 block
1.12 i 13 Rrwkaway Bench
'MattGcrde. lots 12 and II
1.12. block IS Rockawav Beach
vC M Hurlbert lots 42 and 13
1.97 block IS Rockaway Beach
j C H Hammond, lots 1 1 and 15
2.S0 ' block 19 Rockaway Beuch
j Marie Gordan, lots 1 and 2
5.39 block 20 Rockaway Beach
i Mav Nichols, lots 19 and 20
5.60 : block 20 Rockaway Beach
jJohn O Rose, lots 12 and 13
2. S2 block 21 Rockaway Beach
' E L Peters, lots 31 und 32
3.92 block 21 Rockaway Beach
A W Giesy, lots 33 and 31
block 21 Rockaway Bench
19.G0 Phelps Grossmayer lots 35 and
I 36 block 21 Rockaway Beach
1.63 . W A Spence, lots 10 and 41
block 21 Rockaway Beach
1 Fred Metzer and Pete Barker
1.12 lots 11, 15 and 10 block 22
j Rockaway Beach
2.21 A Ai?nes Lane, lots 33. 31 ami
35 block 22 RockaWay
2 24 Beach ....
J B Chrcrie lots 11. 12 and 13
2.21 1 block 23 Rockaway Beach
j Rose M'jri;an lots 1 1 and 15
block 23 Rockaway Beach
3.31 Adaline G Miller loU 31, 35,
, 36 and 37 block 23 Rockaway
1.63 Peach ....
W M F Barker, lots 12 and 13
1.6-i block 21 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trnst Co., lots
1.68 27 and 23 block 21 Rockaway
Beach ....
1.41 , 1! B Powell, lots lots 5 and 6
block 23 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lots
1.12 18 and 19 block 25 Rockaway
Beach ....
Anders Lee. lots 21 and 25
1.12 Block 25 Rockaway Beach
, II B Ferris lots 26 and 27 block
25 Rockaway Beach
8.10 Frances Ricks, lots 28 and 29
block 25 Rocknway Beach
5,'GO First Bank, and Trust Co., lots
, 42 and 43 block 25 Rockaway
Beach ....
First Bank and Trust Co,, lots
16.80 8 and 9 block 26 Rockaway
Beach ....
D 1' Davis, lots 11 and 12
5.G0 block 26 Rockaway Beach
J II Sne.iuard, lots 32 and 33
2.80 block 26' Rockavay Beach
J K Conner, Iota 1 und 2 block
j 27 Rockaway Beach
I James Emminnliam lots I I, 15,
10, 17, 18, 19. 20 and 21 block
27 Rockaway Beach
17.92 George Balheim, lots 20 and 27
block 27 Rockaway Beach
2.80 Harry Gibbs, lota 31 and 32
block 27 Rockawav Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., Iota
1.60 33, 31 and 35 block 27 Rocka.
way Beach ...
2.80 First Bank and Trust Co., lots
31, 32, 33, 34 and 35 block 30
Rockaway Beach
11.20 First Bank und Trust Co., lots
2-1, 25. 20, 27, 28 und 29 block
11.20 37 Rockaway Beach
First Bunk und Trust Co,, lots
2.21 1 1, 2, 3 ai.d 4 bloc 40
Rockaway Bench
W II Ferriu lots 20 and 27 block
1.12' HI RiH-knway Beach
i Jnme M Rico, tots 2S and 29
G.SI 1 block 40 Rockaway lleweh
; Nora McGlnnl.. lota 32 and 33
2.2S i block 10 Uookawny Beach
First Bank and Trnt Co., lots
2.2$ 31. 35, 3f. nno 3 block 10
Kockawav Beach
2.8S Kra M Taylor, Iota 3 nml 1
block 41 Rockawav Bunch
V F Martin lot U. 15. IG. 17.
IS. 19. 20 and 21 block 41
2.S5 Rockawav Beach
II B Fcrrla. Iota 2G and 27 block
2.35 II Rocka way Beach
C R Elliott, loti 2S. 29 ami 30
block 11 Rocknway Bench
First Bank and Truat Co., lota
9.12 37 and 2S blocK 41 Kocknwny
Bench ....
1.71 Fir t Bank and Trout Co., lota
7, S and 9 block 42 Rockaway
Beach ....
30 W F Schiel. lota IS ami 19
block 12 Rocknway Beach
0 B Ulmated. lota 20. 21. 22 and
3.15 23 block 12 Rockawav Beach
Firt Bank and Trust Co.. Iota
1.35 i ?7, 33 and 39 block li
Rockiiway Beach
First Bunk and lrut Co.. lota
4.11 49 ami 50 block 42 Rocknway
Beach ....
1. 33 A F ilanon. lota 1 and 2
block t3 Rockaway Bench
LSI Esther E Well. Iota 2G and 27
block 13 Re-ckaway Beach
2.071 Fitt Bank ami Trut Co.. lot
SO und 37 block 13 Rocknway
2.07 Bench ....
E B SaNnury. loU 11 and 12
block 12 Rockawav Beach
l.CS Unvton Wisdom lota 1. 2. 3 and
4 btock -It Rocknway Bench
1.101 First Barfk and Trust Co.. lot
IS. 19. 20 ami 21 block 4t
Roekattitv Beach
1.12 Orn Mnrra. lots 32 ami 33 block
It Rockaway Bench
Uira B Bnmlley. lota 15 ami 16
iitock It Kocknwn- Bench
l.Wf J. W Uiwro"i. tot 19 and 60
btock IS RtH'kaway Bench
1.121 II M llaworth lot a 1 am! 2
btock 45 ttockuuay Bench
1.12 1 Henry Jordan lota 3 ami I
btock 15 Rooknwry Bench
1.12 Fjrat Itonk ami rost Co.. k)U
0 ami 7 btock 15 Rockuwuv
51.12 Beach ....
Iwi iruOi. lot 11 ami tx
bl.ck I.. R ckawuv Bench
1.12 Enea M. lnt.h. lou 13 ami 14
blcl.55 Rockawav Beach
B F Slorv. tobt 13 and It block
LIS 45 Rockaway Beach
F M Bell, lots 12 and 13 btock
44 Rockaway Beuch
1.121 5'nod lankowiu, tou It ami
16 block 16 Rockaway Beach
1.12 Mral Bank ami t'rul Co . tote
23. 21 ami 25 block IG
1.12 Roekawuy Bach
First Bunk U Truat Co.. tottf
1 2. 3. I. 5. i an i 7 btock li
1.12 Rocknway Beuch
Firat Bunk ami Trut Co.. tots
1.12 42. IS ami It block ! Rock-
away Beuch
1.12 Kinmu L William loH 1 am) 2
Bloc 19 Rockaway Bench
Firl Bank ami Trust Co., lota
3.92 3 nml t block 49 Rockawsiy
Bunch ....
1.12' First Bank ami Trust Co., tot
3 block 51 Korkuway Beueti
B J King, lo II btock 61
3.92 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lot 23
fit H.u-tf flipn v Hniieh
1.12 1 First Bank ami Taunt Co., lota
42 ami 13 block 51 Rockaway
Bench ....
1.12 Flral Bank ami Trust Co., lot 3
block 52 Rockaway Beach
1.12 L B M Crouiie. tot 22 bluck 62
Rocknway Bench
1.12 First Bank ami Trust Co., lots
31 and 35 block 51 Rocknway
1.12 Beach
F C Hamilton lots 1 und 2
1.12 block 50 Rockaway Bench
First Bank ami Trust Co.. lot
1.63 II block 53 Rocka wy Beach
Thos. R Oavi.i, lots 10, 11 and
1.63 12 block 51 Rockaway Beach
Georce Wall, tt 1 nlock 55
1.G3 Rockaway Be.ieh
S S Purdy, lota 6 ai d 7 block
1.63 55 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lots
1.63 11 and 15 block 55 Koesawny
1.63 P.obt. Watt, lots 19 and 20
block 55 Rockawav Bench
1.63 J G Primjlo loU 21 and 22
block 55 Rockaway Beach
First Bank ami fruit Co., lot
1.63 23 block 55 Rockaway Beach
Frank Mennefee, lot 22, and NJ
of li t 21 nlock 56 Kockawny
1.68 Bof.ch
First Bank and Trut Co., lot
1.63 3 block A Rocka. v.ty Bea'ch
George Watt, lots 4 and 5 block
1.12 A Rocknway Beach
First Bank and Trudt Co., lot 8
block 57 Rocksxuy Beach
2.21 Win Weober, l-st 22 block 57
Rocknwiy Beach
1.12 First Bank ami 1 rust Co., lot
31 block 57 Rockaway Beach
Firft Bank anil Trust '-'n,, lots
1.12 2 mid 22 block M Rockaway
1.12 F M McGloin, lot 12 block 59
Rockaway Reach I
Sarah O'Mallcy, lot 14 block 59
1.12 Rockaway Beach
Adam Gordau. lot 27 block 59
1.12 Rockaway Beach
First Bank and Trust Co., lots
1.12 29 and 30 block 59 Rockaway
Beach ....
1.12 First Bank and Trust Co., lot
1 block 60 Rocuway Beach
B b' Uoddri-ltjo loU 17 arid 18
1.12 block 61 Rocknway Bench
W A Green lots 1 and 2 block
62 Rocnway Beach
1.12 Elizabeth Woods lots 8 and 9
block 03 Rockuway Beach
1.12 Oliver Jo u.f lots ID und 11
block 63 Rockaway Beach
1.12 First Bank und Trust Co.. Iota
23, 21, 25 and 26 block 63
1,12 Rockavay Beach
Win Lentz, lots 31 and 32 block
63 Rockuway Beach
4. 18 F, and M Falvey, lots 8 und 9
block 61 RocKiiway Beach
1.12 N J Collin, lots 10 uhd 11 block
61 Rockavay Beach
1.12 W 11 Daley, lota 12 and 13
block 01 Kockawny Bench
A N Coy, Iota 31 und 35 block
1.68 61 Rockuwny Buiicli
H A und L (1 Nowby lots 41 und
42 block 65 Rockuway Buuci
1.41 j W T Crucknell lots 25 and 26
block 60 Koeknwuy Beach
I First Bunk und Trust Co., Iota
1.68 j 45 und 40 block 06 Rockuway
Beuch ....
1 Tillamook Beuch Realty Co.,
. lolu 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
j 24, 25,26, 27,28,29, 30, 31
i i .....l )' lil.u.L I Tillamook
,. ... ...... . -
1.12 The Tillamook Bench Really
Co . Iota U. is, 19. SO. 21. J2.
1.12 23. SI. 25. Sft. 27. US, 29. 30.
31 ami 32 block 2 Tillamook
Bench .... Ul
2.111 R M Shnfer. lot I, U. 3 nml 1
bloc 3 I'llluiitook Bench I -
1.12 Ernest Bru. lotitfi, 10. II and
IS btock 3 Tillamook Itonrh I 12
l W Mann, lota 13. II. 15 nml
4, IS If. block 3 TlllniniKiW Bench 112
R M Shnfer, lota 29. 30 31 nml
1.12 32 block 4 Tillamook llonch 1. 12
J I Moslem, tots I. i. 3. I. 5.
l.GS fi, 7. S. 9. 10. 11. IS 13. II, 15
and IG block I Tillamook 1. IS
Bench ....
1.12 J J MoterU. loir 19. 20. 21. 22.
, S3, SI. 2f.. So. 27. 2S. 29. 30.
i 31 nml 32 block I I lllnmook
l.tW Beach .... 3.92
The rtllamiKik Bench Realty
1.12 (V. lot III, II, IS. 13, II nml
15 block 6 ftthimook Bench 3,30
2.21 C W Michall, lota 29. 30. 31 nml
32, blk 5, Tillamook llonch 2.21
Tillamook Bench Realty Com
CiVS puny, lota I, 2. 3, I, 8. G. 7, S
9. 10. II. nml IS, blk G. Tilla
mook Bench - 0. 72
1.12 R Kroner, lota Ham) 15, blk 0
'tillnnuMk Itoach - .!'
1.12 P It Wichham. tot 19, SO. 21
nml 22. blk G, llllnmw.k ll ch 2.21
1.12 Guiln llmwnKer. toU US. S1,
i 27. SS. 20. SO. SI nml ."W. blk G
Ttllamuwk Beach - t.is
1.12 R Kroner. I : 17 ami IS, blk 7
Ttllnmook Beach 1.12
1.12 EM It m.. tot 31 nml ffl! blk
U. TilU.twok !Wh LIS
2.21 Ttllnmook Bwch Roulty Coin
puny tot t7. blk 13. TilU
miKik Bnnch - 1 . 1
2.21 Ttlliiinook Beach Realty Com
pany, tot 0, blk 10. tilla
1.12 mook Bench - 1.12
Rettn Holt, tot 7 blk IG. Tilla
1.12 monk Beach - - 1.12
The Tillamook Bench Itcnltv
1.12 t'ompnnv. tot 10. blk 17. I'tl-
Irkk Beach I :t'
1.12 Tillamook Hvach Itenlty Com
itany, I t li ami IH bU Im
1.12 Titlattfk Heard 2.S1
KUniKk, tot 2 blk 19, TilU
UtiK.a Beach I. 1 1
1.12 TilioiKHk Beeh Realty Com
pany. lot 7 blk 21, t ilfaroook
1.12 Braeh - l.ll
rillanhMia Bench Realte 0m- .
1.12 p- .y. tot iA and 27 in blk
22, lilUimalk ttea.-h - - 2.30
1.12 W K Mutcbimuin. tola 2ft. St tl
ami 2 ami w of 29 ami SO
l.iS blk 10. Tin Kocks - . l.lf
W E llutcbinauo, tola 26 nml
1.G3 2fi blk 11. Twin Rocks . . 1.08
Tm Ruck liml Coniiwny
tou 1 1 ami 15, blk 13. Twin
2.51 R.K-ks ... . .t
Twin Riek liml Couiuony.
tot So. blk 21. fwtn itoclw 1.8V
5.37 W E lluu-htnaun, tot t blk 21
'Urn Uo.-ka t.tl
K P (iilchr !. tot 30 blk 2t
2.41 Twin Ku,-n - l.ll
R G McMullen. lot 0 blk 'J
2.2-1 twin IWiu . . . J.H
G II llitcjt.n.. tou i, 18 and It
block 7 Ocennvlnw . . 2.07
2.21 G fl IHt;t;i, I, 6. 0. 7. a. 0. 10
II, 12, 13, II ami 16 btock 9
1. 12 Ocanviw ... 7.60
G II thv!ina, tou 19 nml 20
1.12 Iitock 9 Uceanrtow . . 1.88
G U H.R....S. 12. 11. II and 1ft
1.12 btock 11 Oraanview .
G II HiKtna. tola 7, 3. 9. 10.
. 11. 12, li ami II block 12
2.21 Ocennvto - -
G II IliK'k'int, loU 23 ami 21
1.39 block U Uceanview .
G II KiKKii s, Us 15. 10 nml
l.ll 17 block -3 (Jeeanvic
G II ilKK. toUS. 3, I, nml ft
btork 13 Oceeneiow .
1.19 G li lhtft:.ns, tou 22. 23, 21
and 25 hlm-h 13 Oceunview 5.52
2.80 G II Ihifif.n., tou 1, 2. 3. 4. 5,
ami 6 bl'-k 1 1 Ocoanvlow 6.62
l.ll G 11 llik'i;'"", tut II bloc II
Uceanview . . ,SI
1.21 G II lliRk'iim. tola 18, 19, 20, 21
22, 21, 2t. 25 nml 26 btock 1 1
1.41 (ireanview . - . s,23
G H HiiTKina, Iota 5, 6, 7 and
2.80 8 block 15 Onianvlew . j.fio
G 11 liiuuina, hit 13 and II
: block 15 Ocunnviow 2.30
2,30 G II HlKKins, 19, 20 and 21
block 15 (ire-inview . . 3.15
2.0 G H HiKins, lota 21 and 25
bloe l.' Ui o.mviow . 2 30
2 80 Gil HiK'Kii.a, lot 1 block IS
Oecanview 1,38
1.41 G H Hik'K'na, lot 16 block IS
. Oecanview . . i,;yj
Oil HiHrfios, lot la btock 13
2.21 OeuanvK-w - . L.'w
0 II lliia'in, lot 19 and 20
1.41 block Iri Uceanview - 2,76
0 II llinuiun, loU 25 uinl 26
2.8J block Ih tJeeunview . i 2.76
(5 II IlivKina, lota fi und 7
1.41 block 111 Oruiinviuw - 3,22
C J Jones, lot 8 block 19 Ocean
1.41 view ....
(i II llii!Ui, lots 9, 10 and U
1.39 block 19 Uc-aiiviow S'.l
G II lliiuiiiirt, lot lei block 19
Ocennviow m
2.78 G II IliKKins, lot 20 block 19
Ocennviow 1,61
1.12 G II lluu.., lots 13, II und 15
block It) Ocennviow 4,83
1.12 G li IIinKint., Iota I, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, und 10 hlor. 20 Ocuanviuw 11.27
1.12 G II IIikkiim, 15, 16, d 17
block 20 O -onnvicw ,,H3
G II HiKjrltik, lota 19, 20 und 21
2.21 blk 20, Ocouiiviow - 4 83
G II Hiiutiox, lot 6 block 21
1.68 Ocennviow, ... ... 1 &
(J II lilKKiiiM, lot 21 blk 21, Oe.
1.68 ciinvn-w - . . . j hi
G II. llik'i;l, lot 8 blk 23, Oc
1,12 enuviow . . ) 81
G II Iliwriiw, lotH 14, 15, 16,
1.12 17, 18, 19, 20 nml 21 block 23
Oecanview 11.72
1.12 Chus A Suramin, lot 5 block 6
Neturts 1 if,
Chas A Surarian, lot 7 block 5
2.21 Neturts - . . 1 15
G B Lamb, lot I block 9 Neturts Lif;
1.12 EL Conner, l.t 2 block 9 No-
tarts Bay Park 1 f,
1.12 Geo E R .IniiKoo, lot 3 block 9
Nutans B e, Park . . 1 in
1.12 C L Burton, Ida 5-und fi block
9 Neturts Bay Park 2.30
1.12 II LBillimpi lot3und l block
17 Neturts Bay Park ... . 1,8-1
1.12 A E Nnlun, 19, 20 unb 21 block
Nutarta Bay Park 1 ta
1.12 W G DwIkIiI, lots 22, 23 und 21
Nutnrtii Buy I'nrk 1.38
1.12 C and FO Muck lot 2 block
9 Mulmiuys Add, to Ocean
I'nrk , 1.40
1.12 A li Mulnney, Iota 4, 5, G and
7 block 3 I'uqKIc City . 2 24
A II Mulitnoy 18, 19, 20 and 21
block 3 ,,, 2.24
Points on Plumbing
Omul plomMnu i ncury tu uhm! hrahh.
Citatcdil futiiif rc nccoury to luthriKiui iH-auty
Good pliintlilni: tluoiiiihuul the hutiic iticani comfott and
Military tcctirtty
(lotkl pluiiiliiiic lixtutc ate catlly cleaned, thui llchitn!n
A nice white ilnlt am! convenient laundry try nuke
kitchen and Uundiy wtuk much plcaunter
II your pluinhini! lui nut
- r
Jvf llHB
It'' ' ' mm.
For Scaling
V R Boat tola 13, 1 1, It.. 1ft. 17
urn I IS block I Pacinc City
Tiltomook Cronbcjry Co.. iU
1. 2. 3. I, ft, tl. 7. a am) 9
btock 1 Klwnnda It-nrli . ,,
Tilumok Cranlietrv Co , tola
12, IS, II. 1ft, 16. 17 ami IH
btock I Kiwrttula llroh
I. W Mr Adauu lot Ti ami 23
btock I Klwumlit Beneh
Tillamook CrunlHirry Co., tou
21. 2ft, i6, 27 ami 2.H black I
Klwandn Bench
I, W McAdamn. lota 21. 30 ami
31 block 1 K'WmihIu Bonrh .
Tlllsimxik Crunberry Co., Iota
10 nml II blk I Kinwnmln
Tilltuiiook CruulHrry ti , lnl
41, 15. 46, 17, IH, 19, 50, 61, '
52. blk 1 ami loti I ami 2 blk
2 Klawunilii IIi.bi.Ii
Tllbiiumik Cranberry Co., lot 6
nnu i iiiK iMiiwmuia llonch
Tillamook Cranlmrry Co., lou
II, 12, 13, II blk 2 Kinwund t
Beach .....
Tillamook Crunliorry Co., luta
21. 22, 2.1, 21. 25, 10, 27, 28.
29, SO, 31, 32 blk 2 Kluwniidu
Buucli .....
Tlllnmook Crnnbnrry Co., lota
36, 37, 38 and 39 block 2, KL
wiiiuiu iiciieh
TillntiKHik Ci'aiiliirrv ('... I,,t
40, II and 42 block 2 Klwuii.
da Beach
Tillamook Crunberry Co., lot 111
mid 47 block 2 Klwandn
Tillamook Cranberry Co., loin
51 and 52 block 2 und lota I, 2.
I, 5,0, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12,
13, II, lb, 16, 17 mid IBl.lock
3 Kiuwamlu Bunch
Tillamook Crunberry Co., Iota
19, 20, 21, 22. 21, 21, 25, 2(1,
27,29,29,30.31, 32, 33, 31
35, 30, 37. 38. 39, 40. II, 42
13. II, -15. 16, 17 and 18
,,,, 'lock 3 Ivluwiindn Bnach ..
11 ''"'"ok Crunberry Co., lota
49, 50, 51 and 52 block 3 miiiI
1. 2. 3, I, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11.
12. 13, II, If, 'n, 17 j u ,
20, 21, 22 2.1. 21. 25 nml 26
IllOCk 4 K IllUli.wlr. II.... l.
Tillamook Cranherry Co., jou
jji, , nil, .li. 32, t , 3,
!ir. 36, 37, 38. 39, 40 .1 .w
43. II ,15 40 47, ll 4j,r!o
fd mid 52 block 4 mid lot I
f. .land block 5 Kiiiwundu
Tlllnmook Criinbi-ny Co.' Iota
, I. 17, 18, 19. 20 21, 22 23
i, ft w :io 31
, M mid 31 block 5 Klawu'
tin Bench
d block 0, lou I, 2 mid 3
h oek jumi Iota , 2 und
block 8 K uwanilii ll,.i.
thc tpilitic it will .c (u VlMtr
intereit to ctuiiult 111, we tan
reiniMiet it and, II neceU(y
replilc the fixture with lho
o tnilifnnr crantccil
nuntifacttire. The i!UiuniM
iniore depcndahlc ruttire ml
protect ti it r reputation whh
you you are certain to re
ceive latitfactory service from
thcic fittutei, and thei eforc
we can rccaminriid thtnv,
K.tinutci (urnUhcd wuHow
('f tit fin J ,Mf.i,i
Jellies and Preserves
Jdtt tnrll atwl Mur t'-.c ce-' '
-rvr, ir tlip Utjia of jat hi thr tt I
I'AKOWAX. It'a tllB raic5t meth I.
I'AHOWAX neftb nbwluuV air t' '..
Cunrantccil under the uic V
Dtus Act.
Stand.irJ 0:1 Coupr7
. P R Boat, tot 16 I.I-k-k 17 $i
6.72 1 Vipw park
NO TICK KUi:n (lVK.3l
. I U mmh fruiu nr. J firf : .a
"-ra:of Atifll. 1913 uh. I "
Ulrt lirrmiin i Di.i ,i . - - i l w
irril'd real ii,ih- i fit 01
lector ul tllamooki ""
aulno'itl. uimt l.ntij
iiiMkiii application (
payment of the ta
nml cnt of advert -them
a cerliflca.u -
4 ir.
; . Jll
, t 'it i
'M'tMrejt at lh rle ( 'i'
HII. .14111 from tll) ilalr
Dalil at Tlllamc. A, ifrftn,tkJ
dav tit Ain'ii.l I'll I
IIKSlfV I lA S-illA.
Tax ()llcctor of T. n -A Cfm
DON'T .SPOIL A (.001) II"'-
by kecplmr him In idnn nM,"'
no nre NoinuK iiurnc """,v o
bi'Hl l i,. If ..I tirl.-i.H lllllt 0ffi
i toinpt ymi. . iiahNKSS
t will not onlv liniiruvc the nrCf"!!
of your home, but contriotib! wi
nmuiy nn wun, ninny n in.'-"-'.
be iivnlilc.l If thu old llnrn i
.If . . a i ...
W. A. miUAMH
1H 7fl lillmnook
I TlnpniiHiuui.-n ppr.
il, Wll IIIIIIIU Kill l jii
ut Duwh'jii llroH. Livery b"l
C. S Itfl''
Sixty iicrcH tin WiIhoi. River, M
oi wmii ih Known na ui i
iiluco, with or without ulorK. .
fomji) or iiioro onwu li
I'.UIII. Hi VIIHU 11.1 KIM ...... U
cent InturoHt. Sou N. ,
v,uw "rk
Hobo, Ore,
r ... I V.ii.. r.
t S i tmM 1